ti ff&rga Otmraal. p.P .r r:. ;.:"; :f NT. Wil'i 1 ? ;i ft .r ;ru .-is hi. J Wltlt l!n VVh I'l t!if 111. i rv ph-nsure Ni'l'T, Vil.il - t!i I.imv M-d.ite, many i ti.'"ti.;i 1" iM. areilljoti; :g Ill" i .;lif 'it of lli.'ir suum -.vr cottage ther.. I: :.. t:. y..ii- i i" i !.' -OMIt' I I.UIS :.o-v r.i.: p 'j -WYkes I'.itiiot: li'iit I'.. iiad iv w id, ;.t it: vi- ti. pr. giamni", etc. ,.1 ..-: i.n '.T .H;!l-!. 'I'll.' ' vn!iit' J iy i .r r. M" .i : .te :i- thti'i'-; rv:: III till' I1IOIII1 ' n'.'lr el ) -11 , ..!. -v .. ( m . n nwiji !.i ,; in f. ! v. i.mv u -vuy r ... li ! i. I. I!. I 'n.i!j.:f(V ' ! ... lit. '1 l:-V ti. iiy l..nvtwT, that if i .v;j:,r.,:i .W.- il fghtli.ff ratv" iu'i?is !iiiiirit!e, h . ;. ! ! , : it: I.m 1. I mc:!i. il'.f i'l !!- f r .ii.il l l.'.r I l !;.IMI;M ! ...Jll I ' rh ttt At Jl Hlrt'l I iii.f. In nr in liiiml Imt ymi iire.'i' l.i complaint-, h.i-. K.iuui I. i ll gi-nei.d a ;i . -;d. 'I'll'' i -. H t of the mii i "f I !i. in. Ih r'.n'i " O'lic, (.'lli'l''! H, ll.d I li.il I ll.H-.t Iti-lil. Iv is i ti.it iii-uii-s. S..I.I l. .1. M. l;HtliS n,.r.,f tl... ..nl. W ilkeshon. srrn ' 'v,,' to ;,,,(,",- )nf'limvth. 1,,-!Jrt!-h.HllM:ir.lSatunl.ivnidit,.v,,,,!l ,,;,hkl 1 ,,f il"'!'"""- !Miss n:i ....Ion. to.-.i-lu-r in tl-en-l.v m.l hi t ! l.nul.il.l,' .,. l. ,.i.,.rfihiPni1,t)irtlis!hl th, ,M.ala-lii:inTrliini..-S.!in.. ,''' M'111-' r''Vi'l-l'r (1... la -;. , I. I. ... . ...I... ..I ... II ! 1 1 ii'iii iMi s iiiiui' I'xnun ii- nti . plian As linn. Icarli'i iliis liii'Siiiiila.v..Iuui In-. W. ll.W'ak. li.!.!. i.i' liar-,-. r."'''. Mr. " i Unrirll.! lot to. will U- in r.ouiic; at HUuk-, 7S years. Mrs. Ilanvll nfu- lti ti Hotel, M lay, July J J'd-to W atati-a uMinty, N. t'.. ValleCruois until :i. p. in.. Tiles-. tim (Iiest. i li.-M, S. ('...luring .lav, July Hauner lllk, at tlto civil war. After th.i death t kloiitesk.-i Inn, Wcilnesilay.Jul.v jlit'i- liii-lm Mii' man:V(l to 1 I, for out day only. Mis uae-l raie a f.iinily ( f nix cluKlicu, 'J lrV8 ami I uii Is. s.-ri in .i i!.u.eiH-e tint it vo:i :.ir i imI s ii!i,-. -if'.i-i iiin lvu-t!link , "( .i I'.iUU' .i .-..'iliii;; In lii ill n.ns Mult ni.i'irv will In- it -fiiiiilvil. l i i. 1 .Mi I i li . SM l' J. M. ilt.'ln.s. LOCAL NKWS. V lar;:e rmp oi rai.ia-e in .set in Watauga thH M'ii- ; tit I'.ooae, wan eli-eti''! to a pnfi- ' ' iiiii. Miss Wiviloii lias tlirivpu i tut ion f lx'iii;; a v ery ellii ieut ! land Hinvt Hful ti.-n-li'-r. Norii'i ci-s. K.ikis ;ui Itev. J- I . t.lVr and Mr. iiry- , of Heaver Pains, were ploas- CrtlU'i-f at our oflit.v I ui'silay rmler the most ctiicieiit tea- ,- . , n )(t f th(1 "rng of Miss I'orter, of (neeiis- I .... ...A ,.!.! liit Hi.. il 111, " v ill. ...... ..... .... ... ss is advancing nicily. I'. (loffv is having liis I li.iW .1 few M I'lllvll'IS 'H III 'I :ui I illll ll M i lill'MI. I f 1 "li m I 'l an llii'-.j; in ll' line, I i.iu fiuiiish vim m.'ie i-ln';iji!y tl::m ymii in Imy (lie s.tmc null 'iiii ry on tin- !:iil Kil. w. i-:. sii;ru:Y. ";iile ( 'i ui is, X. ( '. ' U AM I l ' I il in li e l li liiiod h.-i::is Twenty tea ins for ml to Moiiteuiua. . woikeis. l'av 'i.i v win I.-1. i- drii lauded. ! od ; .. teams u ill make Iroiu four to six dollai s per day. Apply at Mon tezuma or l'.atmer I ilk. Mii.VI I Zl MA I.l'MIIKU Ci. June I'.f in a i a if tit Lai lottf. . t, tln'ii t-very imir di-r i jus'.iM.il'ii' ex;e t wl.en it , is i -orMiiit ted fortlie purpt-M cf .lol.U'v and lust. No man kills lor ! reyene or vindiratioii until he becomes lijrlit in mad. If you arc not s ili'-llnl .iftor usiii inoi.iii,..- tn iliifi-tiniis two lliii'l-i'f u lmlt It- ot I 'I iniU-i Iain's S'om.it li I .mil l.iver r.i'ilt ts, on can li.iii- I vi ui' nioiii-y luck. Tin" t.ililcls I cleanse and in vinr.ili' I lie loin;uli, I improve tiie iii'41-lioii, rcul.ilo 1 1 10 lio.vcU.tiicell.ciiiatti.il ami gel 1 " will. . .t hv .1. M. MiMlgvs. Mr. W idence neatly ninted, his step ii- . 1 11 1. .. : ui. vi r. nonii ruuii., uo iji II uj) oil his job, doin t li e vk. -Mr.Jes.se (Jryder, of Heaver 11ns, has been in Virginia for e past week looking at farni x lands with a view to purlins - -Miss Mary Leslie, daughter Itev. J. (". l'ulliani, of Uig one Caji, Va., is visiting ntthe 6me of her uncle, Mr. L. N. IVr- liciljs, east of 1'oone. Mrs. Nelia lilneklmrn, tnoth- fcr-indaw of lr. . It. (iinliam, Todd, died at her home there In Sunday night last, and was uried Tuesday afternoon. Miss liownuni, daughter of rof Dow tin 111, of the A. T. S. ultv, is the guest of Miss Kliz- 11 th renn at her home in the Huge. I Mrs. A. V. Dennett, of flini- tte, Is visiting her daughter, 'is. James V inkier east of the !ay.e. The good lady will, as Vuil, Kiend several weeks in the I Jbuutnins during the hot suiu- 1 uier inoiuns The first kiln ol brick for an ther lame school building is ow beii g burned nnd work on le structure will begin in the rar future. Ihe site is between Be main building and the origi- 1 wooden one formerly known Watauga Academy. -Itev. I. W. Thomas, of Le loir, was in town Tuesday, hav- hix been summoned here as a wit jess in the Cook-Winkler dam ge case, lie preached a very iteresting sermon to the stu .ti t body in the school building f uesday night. There will be a band concert lv Walnut Grove band on July '.id, beginning at 750, p. in., at Valnut Grove Institute, direct- 1 by Karl Whitener, consisting f music by full band,quartetts, solos, etc Also a lecture by Prof 1. 0. Gr. er. Subject 'Music' Also Lome recitations by young la- lies. Everybody come out and laveagood time. Admission 10 Cents. Adv. A i f MKADOW MAClllNKItY, I-'ye, Kar, Nose and Throat. I Mrs ll.inell was a Methodist, -Mr. W. II. Ilardin, of r.low-Jfl'j u,,i ,,(,,' fli,I)ls ,lut ing Kock, whose health, we are i lU' al(" lll'r future for she was sorry to know, remains rather ' 'u,.v u' P- Hinngthe past poor, was in town Tuesdav. M,-. i ve years she made her home llnrdin has been for years, oneilh '1r danghter, Mrs. I. (I of our best and most successful . 1. ,,f llifC as f.-.riners. says that he does not : licte.l dnnng the who'e remenibertohuveeverseenbetler;f h iw "1C lt crop i.npects at this season in pvar she was almost helpless, Watauga than we now have. uilh ll,;r fint1' st 't,n" I in Christ her Saviorand at peace -T. S. Coff -y and mot'.er, of ! wjlh wM Lenoir, arrived in town Sunday T)H tmt.nil wrvil.es Were con afternoon. Mr. ColTey ret . lined ' ftt the ,ioHS(. hy ,,eV tl.eiouowing evening uuu .mi s. , T(jftS) ()f 1Sninu.,. Klk; t h c, tottey wm remain uere uui . ng . 1)lH.iu, i( Uie wmeU,roi ,ie i5t. the summer at the Cntcher ll-;(()nnp( t.mnT)l lpr v,Umh tel. Her many friends here a r e j ov. Tbnv wm,imiont llt hor delighted to see her again, j (Ionti, hor (auo-ilter, Mrs. It ch, to know that her health is much ;aml Misg MaUie th latler ,lllV. improved is a pleasure to them . .ni.ivej r,.om Arizona one illlk't,(1- I week before her mother died. W. L. Davis, Secretary of j The community have the gn a Dald Mountain Dodge, No. 17(5, ' test sympathy for the bereaved r usti Yvl -u troiiblcl with roustip-ition von w-'it a rcin.-ily ti ..1. ...C..1.I i.. I .1-.. r. 1- Ov.t mill! anil ..iitlp ill ils ,i. I' rl .1...:. r 1...... i. ; 1 ..n....i a ...luKi 1I-11 I. .....H... 1 1. .( lll.H.I..(Vl,.t!ll,V.l.lll-.IIV..Vfc. V.UV.. ...-.V ..... . ...w .... 11.. in a n.iv.ii il him hcillliv c nl:tioii. it cisy ntvt A n 1111 l- Chamberlain's Siomach and Liver Tablets mctt all cf these roii'iin tuenls. (live tin-m n trial mul .u will ncvri i li to Uil.c a:i. ilUcr ttose of pilLs. I'se ttiiin as dtrtctetl ami they will cure chronic conslii) ;t:o:i. l'lice 25 Cculs. Ec-ry lxx is warrantc-il. All tlruji.sts. LOOK, READ! AUH Read anrJ Save. I have just received one of the most up to date lines of of men's dress shirts, tres, collars, hosiery, gauze under wear for both ladies and incuts in town. Toy's suits, j overalls, Hankerchiefs, side j combs, suspenders, childrens I hosiery and boy's waist. I J will sell you six spools of lark's O. N. T. thread for 2")cts. Plenty of other bar gains just as cheap. Hope , to greet your smiling face in sliort time and have the pleas ure i-1 h ving you my bargains 1 1 have decided to not handle I any p.' .dtice this summer I. ().(). F., asls us to say that the celebration planned for Sat urday, July 3, at Todd, has been post poned until Sat. July 17, on accounf of a serious arci dent which befell l'.rother I 1". family. Bi'tterStny nt II 0 me. Wilkesboro Chronicle. Mr. Wm. J. Morton of Klkville was in town a few days last week. For the next GO days, beginning Saturday May the 8th l!aml sc11 'ou. ,K)ds cheaPer will sell mv entire stock of mens, vouths and children 101 casn- ,sninS yu au a SUITS AT COST. I will also put in this cost sale a lot of shoes. Men's La dies and children's Slippers, Ladies hats, mens and boys straw hats. A lot of dry foods and Notions will iro in this sale. Dont fall to investigate this preposition for I have over 100 suits besides odd pants for you to select from. First come first served. This is no catch scheme but strictly a BUSINESS PROPOSITION. Mctiuire on last Sunday. The;lle recently leturne.l trom a program, as given out for Julv j prospecting trip through Okla-iiilltmenrt-ieil out in full on ! "inu and other States m that ti it,. section, lie says the principle industries are continual strong -W. L. I?ry.n. Ksq , who '', wi,l8 la,1(M1 witll S.1U(, tll(atstifl. first inducted into tin: offlco o eH vou Mickly llieau wnt(1I.f aI1,i Cited States Commissioner i,.V('i,inert ail',i tl,e princijile oceu thegovernnientiu lSu niidhas;iatii)iiofllie milkinsr ueu a ii-buuimj ""r"""" , "d mjcou ts" a ii 1 running into each four years ever since, as ; Uipm t() (,pc;HU, tho (,y(.loIles n,erecii.e.n o.acoi , , wJ d ,)k)WN mn it , I .... 1 anoiner term on . stant v so liU.d thilt VulJ hlive SeilC OUL l)V 'IUU"f 1UU, "li., I,,,,,. ,,llf .;.,, I, r, f I i i w im mu 1'iu nut; ii an t j vs U i (.reensboro. Sucl, ,a long tenure f(jr i t QWe tg away trom you, you can't catch it , a- ln onice is cerramiv a compli ment to the worthy official, and shows that lie has been painsta king and efficient in his duties through all these years. Thomas Xorris. formerly of Watauga, now of ltogtie Itiver Valley. Oregon, has been spend ing a few days with friends and kmocople in utauga. Alter an absence ol 20 years, Mr. Xorris says he finds many changes in the way of improvements in his native county, but thinks he is gain unless you have a grey hound or jack rabbit trained for the business, lie savs Ii e has come to the conclusion t hatstati dingroom in Western North Car olina, is more desirable than a thousand square feet in the sec tion ol Oklahoma he saw. lie will probably locate at Wilkes boro for awhile. prosperous year. i ma s Yci v Truly, Tin: "hack i:t. It. M. tin en, Prop. This Sale will be strictly for cash in hand. No goods charged. Remember the date, Saturday May the 8th, and continuing for GO days Yours for Business, W. F. SHERWOOD, Amantha, N. C. May 6th 1909. w. v. nrxiiAN, vice-President I.K. NVAIiSll. Ast. Cllfillier. Dr. Edward Minis who for 15 years has been teacher of English 1 .ilpriitm-e in Ti-initv Cnlleo-o lias now living almost in the garden uft t,i() (.oU wj to J. W. witiiiilT, 1'iei-ident i. s. hamho, cusliicr. MERCHANTS U TRADERS BANK. tlloimhiin Oilif cXv.'.'.vs-yt'i', Transacts a General Banking Business. o () o () () STOCKHOLDlXti I)li;i:CTOi:S.-J. W. Wriglit, I. S. Hambo, I!. F. Wiioht K. K. Hu tier, J S. Donnelly, II. T. I). Wills, It. E. Don nelly, J. N. Wills, W. T. Sinytlie. J. C. liuth r, li. K P-rowii, D. M. Wagner, Wm II. Wilson, J. T. Puller. NOX-HTOCKlIOLDI.Nd DIKECTOltS.-J. (i. Hutler, T. II. Suth erland, L. II. Hawkins, W. S. Cole, J. 15. D- Kobinson, W. F. Shull, M. E. Wilson. John II. I'.iimhani. IS Tl:iE PANIC OYEIv? I hn ve on hand a. lot of Deer- ii. g Mowing Machines, I leering Hay hakes, and u good assort- ii. nt of ltepairs. I have the la- fi'st improvement on the Mower; iglit draft and high speed. If in ned of anything in this line 1 fun sure I can save you money Jon Ihe Scime. W. W. BEACKIUTItN. Moretz. X. C. 7-1 4t, SHKOPSIIUtE HAMS. I have for sa!e some fine lamb rams sind by registered Shrop shire bucks, imported, last sum- mer, from England, and from good native ewes. This is a fine chance to get a R"od buck for your flocks These Iambs are now grazing on the Bald Mountain larm on beiig Hope. I'rice ten dollars ($10.) each. IIARRlSOXISAKElt, Todd, Ashe County; X. C. June 24, 4t. snot of the Tinted States, lie will leave on his return trip this week and we hope his short so journ here was most pleasant. NOTI C K. North Carolina, Watauga County, Kim-line Shull vs. Julin Shull, Under and by virtue of an execu tion issued to me by Thos. Hin. ham Clerk "f the (Jour: l Watau ga in the si hove entiled nttion on April 22, 1909, 1 will offer for sale at public outcry at the couit house door in Boore, North Carolina, on the first Monday in August 19119, the Same being the 2nd das of s-id month, between the hours of 10 a. in. , and 4, p. m., the following de scribed re;il estate, namely : Lying 1 and being on the waters of Wataiul ga river, in W atiuiga county, .. (.1. 1'iCginiiing on. a Spanish oak, on top of the lide, then south a condition al line between W'JIiam Shull and John Shull. then northwest with the conditional line to the outside line of the original tract, then north to0 east poles to a gum corner of said tract, then to the beginning, being the tract conveyed by W ill iam Holsclavv to the said John Shull. Said sale will be made to sat. isfy said judgment, and interest and cost ou the same. This June 29th, 1909. D. C. II AG AN, Sheriff. It makes no difference whether the panic is over or not, you evidently want to save every dollar you can. We have just unloaded A Solid Car Load of Grass Seed, This seed was bought on the December market and this fact alone postively puts us in position to save you money. We firmly believe that you can buy your seeds now from 10 per cent, to 20 per cent, less than you can buy them late in the season as the market invariably advances as the season comes on. - A Hint to the Wise is Sufficient. Our place will still be headquarters for Fertilizers, Far ming Implements of every description and all kinds of Builders Hardware. London Stoffsl Hardware Company (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.) Mountain City, Tennessee. N. B. Our Motto is "to keep ivhat the People Want." En 1 ope for a year, after which he will be at Chapel Hill. Ir. Minis sent up his resignation some time ago. A Caril of Tliaks. Mrs. Rich takes this occasion to express her thanks to the peo ple of Mowing Rock for their kindness in her trouble and af fliction, during the illness and at the time of the death ol her mo ther, Mrs. Vina llarrell. . The Landmark is publishing' to-day the summary of an act passed by the last Legislature which requires the registration of deaths-occuring in towns or cit ies having 11 population ol 100 or oyer by the last census. The purpose, which isa properand ad mirable one, is to provide pro vide for a State bureau of vital statistics. The act is now in force and as its enforcement is made compulsory on the towns to which it applies, it behooves oil r towns which do not now require the registration of deaths and S. 8 ,1 . 3 Z , ' "count too large or too small for us to handle. chini'ry'for itsenforceuienr. The Call in and see us when convenient, or write us. We Landmark. are always glad to meet you. c. j. r.vm.iKU, president. 0. m. srnmoiiTii. cashier, BANK OF Blow; HOI K. BLOWING ROCK, N.C. This Institution ."is offering its patrons every facility consistent with safe Banking. We buy and sell exchange, discount commercial pa pers and give our customers every convenience of Banking K-isiness. We pay four per cent, interest on time deposits. No AUwtioi, Bayers! If you arc in need of cloth ing you will find it to your interest to call on me and ex amine my stock of pawn-brokers goods, I have them in all styles and sizes, almost as good as new for better than a good deal of the new cloth ing, and the price is a great deal lower, so low that even the poorest people can wear good clothes. I also have new clothing for children boys and men at about 25'per cent less than you can buy else where. If it is shoes von need just give me a call. I handle the farmers Ueo. DeWitt shoes, no better made at the price, my shoes are new and up to da'e my store is fust filliiig up with bargains iu depai taunt, I have no leaders to bait you, but all business doue on business principles. I sell for pa'. I doirt like to wait. Time and tide wait lor no one, why should I; w hen in Boone be sure to give me a call, Its .a pleasure 1 o show you my goods. Yours for trade, ,D Jones Cottrell Coming to Town? If so you are most cordial ly invited to visit my store, get my prices, and then de cide for youtself whether or not I am prepared to give you as good or better bar gains than you can get else where. Remember the al mighty dollar has a great purchasing power when ex pended at my store. A good line of groceries, su gar, coffees, rice, lard, flour, etc., always on hand. Dry goods, notions, toilet artic les, candies and; nuts. A big lot of school supplias, pens, pencils, tablets,: inks, in fact anything you want in this line. Comeand see m. Chickens, eggs, butter and other good produce always taken at the highest market prices. Come. Verv Respectfully, L. L. CRITCHER, 1 (Near SchoolCampus.) t ii if tf ! 5

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