i it' '& "ft 4 M' Li 1J 1'- VOL XXI liOOXK. WATAUGA COUNTY, THUISSDAY, AlMilL 7. l'.WO. NO. M Wa III 11 PROFESSIONAL DR. OSCAR L. MOORE. DENTIST. 1 will Ih at I'.lowiiij! Uwk from I lie first to tlio fifteenth of inch month prepared to do till kinds of iHMitiil work. Office Near Watauga Hotel. Oct. 21, 1 y. NAT T. DULANEY, M. -SPECIALIST,-FourthSt. Bris'ol Tenn.-Va. Eye and Tliroa4. Diseases. Refraction for Classes. L.D.I.OiYi; TTOKNEY AT LAW, HAN N Ell ELK, V (.' l5SVi!l practice in the courts . Watauga, Mitchll anil adjoining Counties. 7 6.'(ly EDMLNI) JONE." LAWYER LKXOIU. Will P motive I.ognhirh ' the Courts of 'utmisa 61- 'o9 ' F. A. LINNEY, -A1TOHXKY AT LA W .- ltUdXK. N. Will practice in the courts o the l.'Hh Judicial Dist rict in all matters of a civil nati.re. 6-1 1 1500. J. C. FLETCHER. Attorney At Law, UO0NE, N. ( , .0aroful attention irt v ollertions. W. LOVILi - ATTORNEY AT LAW HOOSK A. ( . friTSpecial attention uivei. co all business entrusted to care.?SJ 7-0-'09 E. S. GiJFFEY, -ATl01LEl Al LAW .- EOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to ill matters of a legal nature. B Abstracting titles and collection ot claims a spetiap tv. l-L'09. R. Ross Donelly. UNDERTAKER & EM BALM ER S1101LVS, Tennessee, Has Varnished and (llass Whi'e Cotlins; Bluck Kroad loth ami White Plush Caskets; Bhck and White Metalic Caskets Robes, Shoes and Finishings, " Extra large Coffins and Cns kets always on hand. 'Phone or ders given special attention, R. ROSS DONNELLY. IT IS WELL WITH YOU. If you have a watch t hat needs repairing or any little job you wish done bring or send it to uie at my office at Silverstone and I will give you a first class job. I also keep a nice line of grocer ies and other sroods that I will sell you real cheap for cash or good produce. Thanking you for the nice pat ronage you have given me and hope for a continuance of the same. I am, Yours Very Trulv, , S. M. GREENE, Jeweler. Tbe S.fnt ut the Times. urn in u pothi s'ares n .t w i oik ami uiko tin? ontia- geou ti irli cost of liviiisr a- f m- Herald ti nt the cnnn ry's imnt pared with wage... ami the infa- suppl v might lw considerably in motisly high tariff whii li the ni.iss creased it the wild elk now troiib es ol the people Lave tiidi-d ling the authorities and mm h more closi ly and which they un-1 men of Wyoming were doin.sti- derstand more dearly thun evericatel and bred lor the cattle iMore, are tones that will place . congress m the hands of thedem I ociatie party next fall. That ; this prediction is In no means H i during the summer nm nths. and yung. I ndouhU'dly they serve Emperor Maximia was ul vast partisan prophecy in which the. from there the winter windsdrive a ,)Ur,,os0 n Inillj training ! hulk, according 10 some measur wish is father to t!ie thought ;j th- m soutiiuard teto J.u-kswn'a l.ni tl,..t U iiwf, n,ti.,n !...!n vr.rMi n ... attested by the signs l the t lines is iiroven h the utterances (.f re-, publican leaders. What 8t 1 oilier indica t ion con ;d ihere lethatthecountry iawea-',wiie f-m-es ol lanns. and thou- uow Ilianv m 11 have gone to 1111 ry ol repulilienn rule than the at sands starve to death everv timeiv .n-iii-es l.e.:ine th,.irvvivi.s tion of the 14th Massachusei ts coiiresional district which I isi week turneil a renublican plui a'i- tv of over 14 000 votes into a dciimeiatie pluralily ol o v e r ' o.OOO? The successful democratic candidate made his fight 011 pure ly national issues, in a lepresen tativeNe England m 11 11 1 du ring community winch had 11. vr sent a demon at to congress; and he won. The day before. Pivsi-d- nt Taft made a speech in which he piaise l (he AbJri. Ii-P.i vn- tar iff as the best tariff ever made, and he eulogized its author, Sen ator Aldrich. he day loll iwing that, a republican district next door to Senator A'drich's state of Rhoole Island, n pudiated the president's sentiments and regis tered emph itic diappio al. On hisieturnto Washngt n, the presi ient was queel y Th Star, the admiui-tration organ, as saving that he believed the democrats W'-uld win the nex house. Coneii Hsinan Foelker republi can of New York, where daiiy thev art- uneoveriiiu' ustoundiuo ra ft and bribery am ntu -legislators, said tint this Mass chu setts elect i n l,p oV" lusi ve ly to my min i that the dea.o crats will carry the next house. There is no use trying to argue that it is not an indication ol the next congressional election. My ow n state has utone to t he deuce.' Representative Champ Chirk, democratic lender in the house, said of the election: "The news from the fourteenth Massachusetts district, is the hest political information that has come over the wires since the night of election in 1892. Taken in connection with the result in the sixth Missouri district, two thousand miles away from the Massachusetts district, it dem onstrated to my mind that the same causes are working all over the United States. One of these elections was held 111 midwinter, the other in the balmy days of spring, and the only difference in the result is that in the latter election in Massachusetts the I'Ut'lic mind .-t-enis to have gone further in the direction of oer throwing the republicans than it had at the earlier election The cause seems to mu to be wide spread dissatisfaction with the republican national administra tion and the republican conyxces, The strongest reason of all, no doubt, is a feeling of dissatisfac tion and resentment as to t h t-Pa.Mie-Ahlnch tariff bill Thecouutr is goim.' democrat ic in November. It is tired of arti ficial prosperity that takes mor than it besros upon the work man It is tired of governmental policies that levy a tribute on ninety millions, ol people in be half of a handful olmen who wax fat by reason ol special privilege. Prompt relief in all cases of throat and lung trouhle if you use Cha"m. ' berlain'fc Cough Uemedv. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing in ef I fect. Sold by J. M. llodges. I t ..m-pou-lent m ,. i uriis siejgetH in 1 he t'liiiiio I , ml market. Droves of more than til- ty thonsaml, he mates, now in h il.it Yellowstone National l'ark Hole and other seel ions of Wyo- iti i rijr. where thev hav" u razed for centuries. But their feeding grounds are now en -loseij ny tne year. As a solution of Ibis pt-.b 1. 111 he suggest that they be tlis- tributed in small bunches among 'farmers Venison ot thei lk is not quite so good as t h" .leer"s, but New Sonrcrt of Meat. Charlotte Otit-rver. it has an excellent flavor a u d provided you have enjoved a well comp.res lavorably with most cooked meal, but who can enjoy cattle meat, and can undoubted-; ..cume pliU.k , ML. Douglass" if L be improve I by bfeedim- ami his c.d'f.w had dres and his bis leedimr. An ordinary elk weighs ,.uit were . 8hi,y?" Star-gazing about as much as the average witll your .j is iei,venly, but if, steer; he requires the same f I, ' j,fter you marry her, she' cannot and h- is naturally tame an ido- hake Lood biscuits, what to you cile Elk lav -d lapiilly, t h e youngreachingtnatu' it v iu thr-e years. There are now in the I'ni teil States three game farms where deer vnison is raised for venison, and aach has proved a profitable undertaking. Deer do n..t need more than one-fifth as! mal,-8 heart is through his stom much fodder as cattle, and e!k (lch'' has long b.-en a homely an.1 give coirespomhngly large re- maU.rj,u adage that has 'more suits in proportion to fed jtrutl) ,liU1 j .,.,., m it (Vrtain- Tuissuggesti-.il ,ather strikes ')v ttie man v,iH) has been given us as a p aetical one. It is a. dyspepsia from bad cooking is means wberebv the conservation ot natural resources may be nr.- heart and it will cease to beat t.d along lines which demand fondly for the wde w hose bad more immediate attention than col,Un,o has caused love to grow any other increase of the meat!C,id. Give us good cooks to go supply in proportion to popula-1 vvilll .uoj looks ami tax-payers tion. It would save tin elk herds' wj not object to the tax for'pub from the gradual extermination S(.1(),,s. Health is the chiel as tacing tin in un.ier present condi- Blt nf ,nan nd without good tions md would help postpone ' coukijr he cannot enjoy goo d or altogether do away with the n,,(Utll autj Camiot WOik tffect resort to horse-flesh which over-1 ;..,,.. T is ns true t-tidav ns when crowded Europe has practiced for some time. Deer if not Elk, might be bred advantageously in the North Carolina mountains. Iloweyer seemingly i it tie the re suit, these various new m e a t growers would make good prof its and relieve a situation which, from all indications, will soon need relief very greatly. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er tablets assist nature in driving all impurities out of the system, in suring a free and regular condition and restoring the organs of the body to health and strength. Sold by , fails and is pleasant and safe to take. M. Hodges. Sold by J. M. Hodges. If 9,896 Farmers and planters told you that their yields per acre of cotton, corn, tobacco, wheat, fruits, peanuts, rice, sugar cane and truck crops were greatly increased and even doubled By Using Virginia-Carolina Fertilisers and which they thought the best and biggest crop pro ducers on earth wouldn't you feel that you should, in justice to yourself, try these fertilizers and get the same increased yields on your own farm? We have many thousands of un-asked-for letters from farmers blessing the day they bought Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. Many of these letters are in our 1 910 Farmers' Year Book, which can be had free of your dealcr,or by mailing us the coupon SALES OFFICES 1 Richmond, Va. N ;t?o;1;, Va. Mail ut thi Conpnn Virginia Carolina Chemical Company. Please send me cpv of yor njia Fanners' Yer Book lice u( 11. N ATQC , Town Columbia, S. C. Durham, N C. Wirs:orvSa'cn, N.C, CUari-sf'n. '- C. t i!;in;or Mil. I'c'utnhus, C. M Ti;j;j;ner;'. A!a Memphis, Tenn. JhrcTfpcrt, ta. Teach ibe Oh Is Euw to Cook. SK ikiri of the visit to lial- j j, last VV(M.k f Mrltt.--ii lovelv j girls from Holly Sprimr, w i t h "r their height commences at ;in their teacher, for an iuection of catly period of the iccordel his the cooking department of the ; tory of tlx world, for in Use (lid Haleigh High School, the News ', Testament Oir, king of lhtsdian. and ( lUserver uptly says: lis nieutioned as using a bed- "All knowledge is to he desired ' and to l.e imtmrti .1 W h.n v ' quarrel with the olojrii s and the X s au.J the like that teachers trv ! to hamm. r iuto the heads of the , reaches the heart (and stomach t,,,, u-w ni;..l,t mt.Mi !,r,.ein- as the practical instruction iu ti10 ,.(.,.ssnrv ,., ro..kinr ,lot know how to cook, and h,,w mauv have had "misery" irom poorly cooked food! It is ill very well to draw and paint md play and scan the heavens are all the constellations and the eory of the star-dtmined vaults of heaven? 'The Holly Springs school trus tees and teachers are setting the pace foi all schools leaching t he "iris how to cook. "The way to a apt. to locate the pain in his it was written that "We may live, without poetry, music and art , We may live without conscience, ami live without heart; We may live without friends; we may live without books; Rut civilized man cannot live without cooks." New-IIerald. Diarrhoea should be cured with out loss of time anil by a medicine which like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy, not only cures promptly but products no unpleasant after iffect. It never Atlanta, Ot Savannah, Ga. , Virginia Carolhia Famous GulU. Th- record of in. n remuikabl. stead nine cubits long, which is about sixteen nml m hnlf f....r Later we read ol UohalhofCath. slain hv David, whose heieht was "six cubiis and a span." The writes: "The talliHt man that bus been ewn in our hjth wan on. iiatni-d (labara, who in the days of Claudius, tho late mppror, was brought out of Arabia. Ho wa8 iiiii!- feet nine inchi'H." Of more modern giants there was John Middeton, called the child of Hale, who was born in' Lancashire. Kimlaud, in l."7s. He was nini' feet three inches tall. 1 1 is h a n d measured seventeen inches from the wrist to the tip ol t he middle finger, and the palm I was eight and a half inches in i breadth. Put rick Cotter, the "Iris h (tiaiit," was born in 1"(!1 and measured eight feet seven inches in height. His hand to the tip of the middle linger was twelve inches, and his shoes were seven teen inches long. Charles Ibyne, called O'l'rieii, was eight feet four inches- He died in ITS.'l, and his skeleton is in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. Hig Sam, p.irter of the Prince of wales, afterward George IV., at Carlton palace, was nearly eight feet tall. M. l'rire, a native of thcYosges, seven feet six inches, exhibited himself in London in 18(12-3. Kobert Hales, the ".Norfolk (iiant," was sevi n and a hall feet tall and weighed 4.j2 pounds, Chang Woo Gow, a Chinese giant, was seven feet eight inches when nineteen years old, when he was exhibited in London in lSd.. Grown to eight feet, he exhibited at the Westminster aquarium with I'.rustav.a Norwegian giant, seven feet nine inches, in dune, 1880. Captain Martin Van n u r e n Mates of Kentucky and Miss Ann Hanen Swann ot Nova Scotia, each about seven feet tall, exhib ited in London and were married at St. Martins-in-tlie-Fields, June 17,1871. Marian, the "Amazon Queen." born in 18GG, was eight feet two inches tall when exhibited in Lon don in 1882. Joseph Winklemaier, a native of Austria, t ight feet nine inches tall, exhibited in London in 1 887, Elizabeth Lysku, a Russian, was six feet eight inches when ex hibited in London in IS'.b'lat the age of twelve. Boston Globe. A politician isn't necessaiily straight because he refuses to unbend. Lend a tnati money and he will return for more- You can't please yours -If and your neighbors simultaneously. The Demon Of ThTAir. is the germ of la grippe that, biea thed in, briars suffering to thou sands. Its after effects are w eakness nervousness, lack of appetite, ener gy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys. The greatest need then is LTectric Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood purifier a n d regulator of stomaah, Liyer and Kidneys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfuly strengthen the nerves, build up the system and le store health and good spirits pfter an attack of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50c. Perfect satissac tion guaranteed by all druggists. LI 1 sXS YOU S SXS LOSE ! W10NEY v!.cn jt-u nl'.o.v any of your f roultiy a !.i They f!v? you lcs- rc-.titt in beef, pork, work,orty:r wlicntliey are not in perfect lie-lib. Tike a i;;t!e merest in your own pocket book auJ doctor tlicm up w.ih Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine It will pay yon to do this. It lias paid thousands of other successful f.irmcrs and stock and poultry raisers. This famous remedy is not a food, but a Rcmiine, scientiiic med iciiu ;M';iarcd from medicinal herbs and roots, acting on tlie liver, kid neys, bowels and digestive organs. Sold by all drmists, price 23 cents, 50 cents and $1. per can. -Vrite for valn.it'to bonk : "Sucrrss Kith i'lut Qtiii I'niiit i y. ' Si-ut Irtt fur a r;til. Ai'drcss HUck-r'ni-lit Slock Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tumi. The after effect is the worst thing about gvttingdrunk like wise, also above get ting inai ried. The Washington Correspon dent of the Charlotte Observer says a visiting Republican pre dicts that Gen. Julian S. Catr will be put up by the Republi cans in Morcbead's place. Ho says Gen. Carr favors sound mo ney, protection for home indus tries, the I'uiiama Canal and a, ship subsidy. Since when d i d Gen. Carr cease to be a Demo crat? Since when did he cease to be a tarifl for reveuue man? This chat is but a "feeler" a straw thrown up to see which way the wind blows. It's a cyclone to ward Democracy, too. Worse Than Hullets. iulleU hnye often caused lesss sufferino to soldiers than the exem.i L. V. Harriman, Burlington, Me., got in the army, and suffered with 40 years. "But Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me when all else failed, he writes. Greatest healer of sores, ulecis, boils, burns, cuts, wounds, bruises and piles. 25c, at all drug, gists. A round hole in the center of a compound mixture of dyspepsia is but onother name foradough n ut. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in tl-.is country most dangerous because fo deri'p- "lEv 0 'fWlJm deaths Are cause,) ?fMTi3' y U-heart d.s- taFC, rncemcnia. p npej icxyare eitcn t:ie result of kid ney ili'tape. Ii kidnev troiMc is nlbnvcdtoadvance . K. UAMl.l- MIIMU' 1 rt. . ,..., : i : t'J blood vill at tack the vital organs, c;.nsinjj catarrh ol the bladder, brick-dust or E-diment in the nrnc, head alie, back ache, lan-.e back, dizziness, sleeplcrMieEs, ncrvoi-.s-tiers, or the kidneys themselves brcat down ntid waste away cell by cell. 1'ladds.T troubles almost always rerult from a iWnniji-nient of the kiduevs Bi:d better health iu that oir.ib is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kid neys. Swamp-Root corrects inability to hold urine and scahU:ir pain in pa?si:ig it, and overceir.es that unrieata: t j-iretsity of being compelled to go often through the dav, and to get up irany tin es during the ni;;ht. The mild and immediate tfTect of Swamp-Root, the f;rcat V.idnev rcti tdy is soon realized. It stands the highest be cause of its remarkable health restoring properties. A trial will convince anyone. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle and a t ook that tells all about it, both sent free bv mail. Address, Pr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this gen erous offer iu this paper. I.Vn't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, and don't let a dealer rrlJ j-ou something in place of Swamp-Root if you do you will be disappointed. S s'u vk or mm ., .it. I

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