Tlrc Watauga Democrat iiMWwi ax lite i or uiihv iwx iirove mt mjiuMv. . . . i at lu)ou .. r U.v. Ktr Gntgg' of Saga-; Some .,f that i,. w and iipto-J The p ;j( h t-t:-i ry. jnr, Un.' imw, Mitch. II cou..ty, who lill.-.l tinTc uprinir and summer tloth -1 mi:n f t t.i !? l.eie ,hi wu!ur npp. iniimiit nt Pi- y.y mfit ione in l.NnlVm bloom; tli. -rass is Urow ' whs in heretofore is still in Mok o:i.s mnil mnttvr. us si'voim-. tin' vilhitre this itk. i I'.I.h Ll.mi,-..n.i ,11 i . ..'.i Notions ol all kinds from a rilit pin s SlHSTim'TION UATKS: One- rcvir 1.00. Six Months iC. l'Iirvf months l'. Hfinsr needle up kept in stock at la law hmip we ate publish-1 ;i iiir a ir('iiiiiiatinii lv tli- tiov.j aCing itit -Iy. Tiuly the .leather is at ' i like tin ini.l.ll, t.f May than ,m) t ui ly in . ril. f iOi l l:WAKl). $1 m. .4 vert hi n r;i 1 e.s tu ni is In d , on application. LOCA NEWS. r.iacttittirii s, immense line ol no- u m- mix., Lonson hand at that is one of "",r, oiicn 'g rewar I of ?1M! Ti e i.-a.h-rs cf this paper "d! he ' prioe right IU8 Specialties. I"" "in-si in I lie pa I ly w Ho, 1 '' e in. i i nei c I- at least some tunc mine stoleJ.iOm gold c .u it.u.i urease int si-eno- n.i m ii a-i.i inruif in nil its -la-. a al t! i' l I'.it.iMli H..r t ".I'..! ill Lure t I t-on! p. ..Hue cure now kno.Mi i ti.e l'..t li- i.' v. CHAN'S SEED! RASS SEED! Now is the time to buy your GRASS SKKD while th price is reasonable. Later in the reason you iaay have to pay more mure money and if you do it it is not our fuuli. ;:is we now have a solid car load in stock and can makelh" 1mm the Inline f ex Sherdl' V. 15. lbiird. Tli'1 Iosk is a very seri ous otic, ninl sp. .kt in no unii-i-tain tenns of the foilv of mdiim of our people in tllNWiiriti"; ii:i'',s,' r' M"111' :l l"""l,',' nal "u ie . 1 1 .t.i I ..T.ii i it I m e is Mr. Ilolili-n Davis, ol Mast, whose u ife h is been Confined to : her bed fur eiht tnonths, as helpless us u child Irotn iheumu j iisin, tells us that sin is now im-1 In 1 1 v i n.r ii in ii it. nt- I i..n t iitiii f ' ' " I -. ! i i i their ii.oiii-v at lntin', l-aviii"; it I he has ret int I v procured. I, ,. ' -T.S. (.ff"v, of Inoirwasi . , , . ! to the m.'M-y ol nr. . ro-a. s. ei,-.. in toulast wK-k. I gemletnau who is a gn-at when, in W e have two : iHMeVei in lhooiiol.yy,Kiiiaikel :;.,i,U m t,e if.-r in the State -WV must aun thank our i this olH.e l ,t .ek: -WVwiil j whirl, v) , , .h no-ir v..ur .1.. r.n..iitiii.i...i f . i. mji . v. i . ...... 1 u..-,,u .... IVM....IU.U ...w.r m.iiu nave an uiiuiitl.iiire ol Iiuit tins cash, nn.l k!i,.u11 the l.m.U OUT last issue. km it, lil.ii.meil ni. Cii.ii i ii Un' I. t ll f l.nrwr! .!-.. ! ..I fk. 1 tl. . 1 .... i - , onipMii !, i in win inn uir ii.i Mrs. V. C. Coffey lias jnir- ;lark of the nioou. We hojie he;eent ol your savings (iinie.1 off v ise.l a nice rlrivin? nnd s.-uldle ripht, hut have little laith in iyou would not he the loser tothe horse. . his jii-ophecy. unioiint of one cut. I'.itroiii.e T. W Wood & Suns trade; If there can lie no law enact- nr l.auks if you want your mark rrass seed on hand at ed that will ureveiit the destrut ! i'v out of daiip-r. Iilackburn's. Mrs. James tion ofi-heep hy dojjs, it would j Duriapr the e!e trie stonn late Whit-liei 1 f.r 1 l,p a wise piei-e ol legislation that : Saturd iy afternoon the pretty A. sample of our ce(is have been analyzed and pass the now slate seed laws of Tenn & N. C. and this insures them to Le clars in every respect. Our itock of Spring t,'ood i.i now complete and v.v a o in p'Obition to furri.di tlie fanr.ers practically every tUritf they in the Hardware lire. uoh a.: Vie nu ir e ('hvt-i' chilled plows and repairs, Wm. J. Olivers improved plows and repairs, Farmers iiiend Plows and repairs. Grain DrilK Corn Drills, Disc Harrows. Cultivators. V.'ar?- !:::::VLV.::;;'!::'; :;::i,"!!,!:nM1lt"!;eS i ; V'1. "Harncs Woven Wire Fence, Barbed Wire, .i-in.: iw w...k. Tt-f ".i.Trieto,s;iel"llllzer-"5and many other staple articles, too numerous i.s'iti!tini.:il id-. treat, taken i i itt I Hiliy, acli;.- .iiintlv upon t!.. It.o'.vl .1 1 . 1 1 e.nii ,u, sin .us ol ti e i stem, tlni el- ilv siluv in.; tl.i- f nn -t f ; iu- vi :e.:si , ami o-j jn. t he have m ninth faith in its cura:i U- to lilOHt 10n. Lower-. ti...t tl..y i.ffer Oie 1 1 u n - 1 flre.l 1) u s fir ::"v r:we that it J f.-i'l- ' cm e Semi for list f tcsti. ! nivrii.ils. Ad.lress j l' .1. UKN'KV & C -. Toledo, O. I I ytr.-T t-c ' T Sol, I by all Dm-gi.-ts. ?.-. ! . tYWlOI l au- Mai.v i-.u-.i!y i'i:isfv.i con-J Mountain City, Tennessee. M'-.ition. . n . Call on us ov write for prices. lONDON-STOFFEL HARDWARE CO. AND RETAIL.) , 1 1 1 I 1 .. 1 VI V ( banner Klk, has been a xuest at ,u,u ,,U,,J u,c uw,M?,a l" 1 " v , " "onnr. uamin the Hi van home this week. ilos responsible for all the dam-1 in hast Ihinne was i-tru. k by I ie they inuy do to the llm-ks ol ; lifrhtninj: and riht tntn-h injur. -The hastern Star Chapter in otnerSi L,, ;lll V kUu ttVlvtol.n f,:om reirular comiiaiiMeation at the . . . . ! .1, ,.,, ... ,i:,t , ,.1 ...... .. ,1,.. ; i" ' ' ! boxin; under it on th mst rip ped off; ylass in some of the in- Masonic Hull tomorrow evening. A ""' l,UIU Jer "l th" from the Lnyill Home, diaper. m 1 1 . ... .:. 1 ' .v ie.v inoi!" litiiies ami ihijm'3 1... thol ...... .1. ...... .,1 i... , v - ... .v ... 1 vitv nt in v.. Lilt FOE 1.010. in ')t' Is to keep what i he people wenit. 111- I wish to thank mv custo- liters for their kind pation-i aie duriii''- the vp.Tv1M00r.ivl I batsat Cottrell's going at the btitutio,.. Moinlav i.iniit- !,lows can, t in t he hoi)G that'()U vill find ih t.n! right price. ins; at Blowing Itork, mid itgoea l,"rlor there was your interest to trade with! -Your attention is caded to without saying that that the day I " """" 1,1 "ie e.iu.e .ai-oe me dnnng lUK). 1 shall en- ihiii'ii.ijj mi.u .i;.-siior snow nil- ciCiVor to eiVO YOU VP. IIP VP- .. v.t, inn in c;i ij i (i?A'rii r rtirdinv w w .,1. -va j tli HIVIIV.) the a 1. of II. I . .Mil erat l.lowuig was a ptUMint 01. e aiur the Hoi-k lie has bargains for you, cnulinenient ol the setiool room nnd wants you to Know it. , lor many months. Have you seen Cottrell's Ox- Our old friend, Jeremy (liven, fords lor women and men? Jf you of Cove Creek, was a welcome hawt't you ought to. They are and pleasant c.ilhr ut our of- lip to date. tice Monday. He told us that his The Board of hducation as brother, Mr. Jacob (Ireen. died in cession Monday, but nothing at lloIllt' nt Hale on March of special interest came belore 10 i" the 77th year of his uj;p, the body. leaving him the sole survivor of Only four more weeks of thin ,llu' term oft he v. T. S. The session J The spring term of VH t nun-ill close on May 4, with short Superior Court came ton but appropriate exercises. I close yesterday evening, but j many cases on Hie civil docket yet remain untried. .Indue Webb j left ut once for his home in Sin 1 -by. for a short stav with his f un ana Kev. T. h. Weaver asks us to my that he will preach at Blow ing Boek next Sunday at 11, a. in. and at 7, p. 111 , ami ut White Springs at 3, p. m. The little daughter of Mr. and Mis A. I). Blair, has been seriously '11 f.jr several days, but we are glad to know she is better now. ily bifore going to I'akersville to open court next Monday, On Friday iiiyht last a crow d of dogs attacked the fine herd of sheep of B. .1. Councill on his mountain farm near town ami Slit If K tlPiSt spimters were on ami 1 he pamt price to every one. Mv motto discolored on the west side, and 13 where the 'phone wire passed n ; iq n p around a sm ill annex, the pamt uaJL 11 riUJLl was burned black 1111 I at I ast ; I will tiy to innke your dollar buy a dollars worth. Children tre.-itid with the iest, respect. 1 OU Will till. I iiS j;on Dr. R, D.JENNINGS HESII)i:NT)KNTlST Banners Elk, N. C. I h.ivc arrarifred lor the con- lr . iii,,f (i...i 1. 1. , - , : iiinir venience 01 manv 01 my putienis Jt seems. ii,t the sh... k exiend to everv one kin, nn. . Jm-"-' - J 1 a ve been a double one, as courteous treatment Qne i to ne 111 Boone, (I'lackbura Hotel) on the "lirst ol every month'' liftei 11 feet of the w ire fn in the ground connertion was entirely burned up. Mrs. Hardin nnd her daughter, Miss M n-y, wpvq alone in tin! home and st ranee to say, neither were the least shocked, although Mrs. Hardin w,n lying down: the wall paper was torn off at the foot of thehed on which slie was resting and one of the castors thereon smashed. The good people, of course, were bad ly frightened, but they are so th,ie!:rul that their lives were spared I hat 1 hoy think little of the ii.juiy to their pretty home. slides iu mv ston il Pile ol von w ill lind in lie county. I handle theCeo. HeWitt y Brand Shoe Co's. lii.e ol shoes. They contain style, beauty and durability. I also carry dry goods, notions, hats, caps, and etc. 1 try .always to keen on hand something to eat such as (lour, meat, sugar cofVee rice nnd etc. A visit to niv store may save you a gtea dealol wor ry, a great deal of tod and liest of all a great deal of money. A- or '5 or 4 days, an J eery court week, prepared to do any kind of l --ut ill woik. Am. wouk (Jc i!.NTi:r.u! Nothing but the BEST fc I'd! ST materials used in 11113-ol m.v work. Prices reasonable, .Nn i harge for examination. Patients from n distance, will avoid dt lax , by informing me beforehand, at what time they propose coming, either to Boone, or Banners Elk. JollN W . HODUF.S, S MS W 1.. OIUTOUKR, Vice Pi MUM J. M. MAY, Sec. A; Treas. L1 A Grand Opening of Hew, Fresh Goods! HEADQUARTERS for Diy Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Groceries, Patent Med icines and etc.. and etc.. You will find the most up-to- !h.?''k!!.vorf!:,, 0"r,,,a1 date line of General Merchandise to be found in the coun- ,.o 1 1 . .1.0 ninl isoi 11-1 1 1 no mi ie;is i ; iiatnagi ii it, .Mr. 1 ounciil i-avs, The County singing will be, Ht. le.-iat The same night the held at the court house iu Boone Mocks of Dr. hiitl- and F A. Lin on Friday, April 22, 1910. Eve-j Ui.y oll Kid, mountain weie raid rybody, especially the classes, iu-led and considerablcdainniredone by the ravenous curs. The farm ers of this country are so thor- Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey For Coughs and Colds. n portion ol it in the future. Yours for trade, yited. E. J. Xorris, Chairman. The family of Dr. J. M. Hod ges is moving this week to the ' ouuhly at the mercy of the dogs, old home at Poplar Grove. Sor ry to see the p'easaut, joyial young people leave our town. Mr. G. L. Barnhardt, of Le noir, suffered a slight stroke of paralysis on Wednesday of last week but his physician and friends do not consider his condition al arming. Uucie Harrison Parker, one oi the veteran millers of thecoun ty, has taken charge of the Wink ler mill, and wants you to bring I your grinding to him. He certuin ! ly is "up on his job." Joseph Winkler and family, who have been living iu East Boone several months for the benefit of the school, have re turned to their farm and home on New riyer. Mr. A. J. Penley and family, haye left their pretty home near town and moved, temporally, to Wilkesboro, where Mr. Penle.y has permanent employment for the summer. Finally, Road Overseers. It is ordered by the Board of Supervisors of Boone township that all overseers of the public roads of said township who have not, nor did not, make their re ports to the supervisors at the April session, must make said re port within thirty days from this date to the chairman or a war rant will issue for any one of them who fails to make said re port. This in in accordance with Sc. 11, of the Acts ol 1899. This April 4, 1910. C- J. Cotthell, Chairman. I that Mr. Council!, in perfect (lis gust, sold the remainder of his thorough-bred flock, and says he willl not again enter the sheep business until there is some law to protect them from the worth less dogs. An old yeteran of the Civil war called at this office Monday and enquired for (.'apt. Edmund .Trmnc uiivimr 'T inuf u mil- t ' wu'v i(, trip, m. juou "uiit iw shake his hand and tell him that I am for him for the Judgeship iu this district now, and will be as long as there are any hopes of his nomination," and this pre vailing sentiment among the vet erans of the GO's is hound to add much strength to the candi dacy of Capt. Jones. The ranks of the remnant of that noble band who follow ed Lee and Jack son are rapidly thinning, and ere long they will cense to ask fur office. Capt. Jones entered the conflict as a beardless boy, and passed through many of the har dest fought buttles of the bloody conflict. If you wish to buy an oxford that has snap aud is up-to-date go to Blackburn's. He is put ting in the famous Brown line a lactoty made to order line noth ing better made. The ladies can find anything they desire in a low shoe ivfact he lias anything from a child's pump up to a man's Oxford. Tell Your Neighbors When in need of a cough medicine to use Dr. Be'd's Pine-Tar-IIoney. It is the best. Look for the bell n the Bottle. I . S. , MIS.. Nt v Vf . ; 1 f "i : t-V. 4 1 3 VVi:--.: :''::,ei'-r(-- ,';. .j-' '- y J I . J s. . JU, J, Have you boughtyoui Spring and Summersuit? Do you want something that looks well, wears well and made of the best and prettiest fabrics to be found anywhere? Jf so PtTy Store is The Place To find them, nnd they will be sold just as reas onably as possible. I h ivn al-o iu sto- k a fall line oi General Mer chandise, in which c.'mi be found a siil. 11. -id lot of. Dill m Of all descriptions, sui ted to 1 he taste and means of all. In fact I can suit you in almost anything you want My stock is good from top to bottom. Always re member I nm headquar ters lor bargains, ami am prepared to saveyou money on your purchns es. "A dollar saved is a dollar made" and il you will bring me your trade lean have you money. (Jive me a cull wh n in town, and I will do mv I ty. In our Hardware Department will he found x cut and Hand Saws, Saw Teeth, Hammers, Hatchets, Bolts, Mill Belting, Sheet Iron, Fencing wire, Iron and Brass Bed steads, Cook Stoves, Heaters, Horse, Mule and Ox Shoes and Nails. Come and call for what you need in the Hard ware line. We Are Not Going to S sll You Goods at Cost. For we can not run a business that way. But we will sell you Goods at the lowest prices. In our Dry Goods line vou will find Dress Goods from Sets. to$1.00 per yard. NOTIONS! N0TI0NS!-we have the large lineof Hats, Shoes, and Clothing, Overcoats Rain Coats etc. Here are 1 some prices. Granulated Sugar at C 14 cents per pound, Brown Sinrar at (1 Cents per pound, liiee at ti 1-4 to 8 1-11 cents per pound, l'epper Spice and (iingei at 13 cents per pound. John B. Stetson 4.u0 Hat for $0.00. All other jioods at the lowest prices. Cuine ami examine our line and yet our prices when in tow n. All kinds of country l'rodnce taken in exchange for Goods, Yours Anxious to, John W, Hodges & Co. WIS Y c ILL A MM MX Ignore the uncertainty of life and put olT buying life in surance? What are you working for? Isn't it to provide for those dependent upon you, or to accumulate an Inde pendence for your own old age? A policy h the JEFFERSO.N STANDARD LIFE INSURANC E COMPANY guaranti es that this shall be accomplished, and a guarantee from the JEFFERSON is as good as a Lr.ited States Government Bond. Our STANDARD GUARANTY POLICY offers Lll-E INSURANCE E N DOW M EN'T INVEST M EXT CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS DISABILITY IXSUHANCE ACCIDENT IXSUHAXCE ALL IX OXE Write us for rates giving age at nearest birthday, or, better still, see our nearest representative who will take pleasure in giving you full information about this policy. Men of integrity and ability wanted as agents. We of- best to please you. Than- f er very attractive contracts to the right men. king vou for past pat ronage, nnd asking lor a share of it in the future. I am. Very truly yours H. C KILLER, Blowing Rock N. C. JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE GO. Home Office, Raleigh, JN C. JOS. G. BROWN, P. D. GOLD, JR. CHAS. W. GOLD, Pres. 1st V. P. & G. M. Secy. & Supt. Agencies. HALL & HALL. D'.st. Mgrs. J, E. & K. L. BROWN Special Atfts., Wilkesboro N, C. Boone '. C.