Democrat VOL. XXI nooxi:. va r.vrc; a county, tiiuuspa y. junklm idio. NO. ."J. PKOFKSS10XA L DR. OSCAlt L. MOOIIK. DKNTIST. I will lie ,il l'niiii K'M-k from tin tirst to the fiftcnlli of inch tiHihtli prepared to ild iI! kinds of iK'iitnl work. Oijice Xcar Walauya Hotel )t t. 21,1 y. NAT T. DULANEY, M. D., -SPEC I ALIST, FourthSt. Hrintol Ttnn.-Va. Eye and Throat Diseases. Refraction for Glasses. r roii:Y at law, 15ANNI- K ELK, N. C. .j' piiictico in the wurls .U.uia, Mitchell ami adjoininj; C mi;Uk". 7 6.'t)j !:i)Ml;Xl) JONKS LA W WAX -u;mir. n. v - ill I'lnt lire Urul.i rl in if I ourts ol l ;tt;iuti;i F. A. LINNEY, v ITtMI.NKY AT LA linuNIC. X. ('. Will jiract ice in the courts o ,1m it Judicial District in all ;na Iters of a eivil naluiv. 1!M)!). J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, r.UONK, X. ('. ireful at i.'ntion uiven to i'wtiiMis. Y. li I.OV1I.L ATTUiL.N KX T L W, llOOXh, S. C. iTpT"Special attention fiiven : nil liGwiiicss entrusted to rs'iii,o.':'iJ3 7-0-'0). Li v uVi I fr. i f -ATlOKSKi A l ..II)',- H00NK, X. C Prompt attention ftiven to 11 (natters of a legal nature. R2rAbs1 meting titles iind iolhu-tiou of chums n special tv 1-1 '00. R. Ross Donelly, L'NUERTAKKK & KMHALMKH SIIOU.VS, Tennessee, Has Varnished and (lias White Collins; Black Troad -loth and White I'lush Caskets; Ubtck and White Metalie Caskets Robes, Shoes and Finishings, Extra large Collins and Cas kets always on hand. Thone cr lers given special attention, u ROSS DONNELLY. W:i Abuse Your Watch ( Yon do not run your lnij.'t,''. sewhiM; L, !).!. iVi;. uiit'-hine or other unichlnery till it fqu aUf anil Ri'iinls anil cuts it'll to pieces. You clean ami oil it often. You ! Bhoulil he u careful with your watch ' It ih small and cannot squeak loud , when it is ilr and necdn oiling. You, may not know it till the watch is completely ruined and stops, llring your watch to me I will show you and explain the exact condition, i Take proper care of your watch and it will lat you a life time. Consult me on watch Diseases. Yours V. rv Prul , S. M. (lilHKNi;, Jeweler. Ziouville, ' C. RID A k .ilea's Il-a I 'our lar:ns ;iri so sran'i'v "troni.i. i.i KaiiM tliat rouii-'j,.,, ,,)a.. to an oxt rii-t from Lcxamlon I ; t di, writes thus siu-h about it, ,.-,.-Ji-nl-y ra!i-.l to tiui-t in Cootie tries have been at n loss to mak" 1 ., lt r'jrt en the I nite I , ,,-'"t "1 Hi I v of the al coiiee from . It i! is refier -hing new atnl then "" l,ll.v 1 I t 'J o'clock I roper me of the property M't states Senate rommitt. e on air-1 l''C tr; lii-s-iitr d t hat .limine. uWh 1, road soan-i hing on the other , M- " 'l"rt deleentes to thr' f..r paupers who Wo not ex ricuture, which 1ms been in vest i- 'I alitor and former lion of 1 he ;,!. ,.f the , si!( li us the fob stta. ' 'ohre'-Mi.iial, .1 ii.loirtS i-t in the agricultural regions .,,,,,.,, tt,;s ITI t tt r, mav be:iy- ! Association. Mr. -J. I'. ("a'dwell, lowing Irons the Ashi-ville fit':-tl' Senatorial lonvcu without large cities and towns. i(,. 'of the Ch.-iiIoUe ubs rvcr: 1 z.-n, whieh is, I v the wav. divd tious. The -eenl township The Mate Agricultural College- Hti-the bad r .a Is in the I' j -Few men in any walk of life ' b an rii;;Miman: .primaries- will le held on June ;saw itsopputtuiiiiy. ninl by nn sta'es a team in the worst I have won m large a plan' in the was to l.e rx peeled, t h e; -'","- l-'l" t o'clock. . in. to ja.t ol the legislature was u-1 h)Urinej s. ason is ahh-to trans- In v. ts of the people as Mr .1. 1'. , i'.ih.-h press hasuot taken kind i K!ll'l d.b-gates to the comity con thorize I to lake over tlm unus-! ( ,.( ( ,U nn)y l,0t. jfahlw. II. ol tin-(harlot le l.v to pu,-u:i(ptirns a;i.l ungrate. J vent ion. At the -ame time the o.l poor firms fur enmity expen-ifs,,,) i)00 p0.1Mls Vl.ile in J v.-r, who isle .el. slv unucll with f'.l nt t.-ram es ol ;t he f pettacnlar' f,'ver::1 Vrw'mvt menlins will jment stations, where farmeisav-; , .-,.,,.,, pvfl.:- L.,().j ,r.lfl iUtIM, fJ n.ahnly i hat has roiihe,! h i j bumpkin who 1ms ploti-rhe.! , a i :lmirman nn.l precinct shown in a thoroughly praetienl , s (ls,,P(.lt,(i iK, .,1,,. to iliaw ! nnmniCceiit iniinl of the powers tht.m.lli the mltim-h lentm-s ol comiiuMt euun. Thi is .lore in Iwi.v tnoileni a-iicultu-;;5 ;!0l,I,oun(sl(!i,t.UM.( of 1 S', wiiii for him a leaill!:": posi-1 Hurope like a hull in a thina "' ""1anre with the HeinocrntiC !r;l1 ""'"'.ls. 1 miles anv -lav in the vear.- j tioii amoi.- the forenmst e.lito.s j Mn. Knowi,,- lloosevelt as lm o orpim;it ion a.loU.l by J l'rofissois from the A-ricultu-1 i SI,ite ()f t se facts the I'ni- of (he country. Ami no tun spa- m'l 'f ns .lo. we shonhl treat St:lt'; l-cutive eomnntte lit i-nl Coll.m-.. .leliver lectures and !to, tut,.9 ,,,... s,1(.n,s nl,,,ut 1 n. r innn in North Carolina is lov- him as one more to l.e nit ie.l , Mfiirli 10th l!Hl. e'ive tlenionstralions at each of the stations on.-e a .iiiunUi thro the frrowiiiM-ason. and ilom-s-! tic science n; triictors trive lee-; tun- for the v.. .men of the fiirm- ine- districts and nllonl 'Hi op-1 .. .. i .I.- r..ll t: . jioituiiiiv "or i no iiiiiei ulceus. siou ol all I he p:obl. ms of the farm hoine. U hat a happpy substitute for the lnisera-Ie poor larin the ex- peiiment station is, with itsj bro-td acres of corn, wheat anil foraue crops adapted to the cat - it .i . . i .-t-eibng sections. Halt ol "ieis) 1(,v ,,r.,,.,i(.nti1llv our only count rv ini ins of Kansas mav u.-ed tor the tlemotist ration ol model farming method-, and (iovernof Stubbs is hopeful that even a larger number mav be turned in s cial and educational ! centers next year. Many of the y. nng ui- ii and women in rural Kansas ha ve never seen a saloon. The Sun flower Stale has has never be lieved in tilling its poor farms and asylums with alcoholic lu natics, paupers, and other dere licts w hose downfall was tracea ble directly to liquor, It. abolish ed (he legalized saloon long ago, j with the result that many of the; in-w omities have never even; foun I it nece-sary to establish j a poor farm. I Kansas has re ently issued a; call t-r liU.OUO harvest hau ls to j Help care lor its w u ai crop There is work there for all who are able and willing to wot k, and the man who wants to piove the anti-saloon movement a fa lure had belter not take Kansas as his text. A Woiiicn'j Grta. Idea is how to nnike herself attractive. lut, without health, it is hard for her to be lovely face, form or j temper. A weak, sillily woman will be ntrvoc.s and irritable. Constipa tion ami kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Hut Electric IJiltcis always ptov a Oti send to women who want health, beauty and friends. They regulate stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood; ivc strong nerves, hi iht eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, IomIv complexion and 'ond health. Try them. 50c. at all ilruj,' gits. Judge (Jeorge P. Pell s sugges tion that the county commissio ners keep a North Carolina State flag Hying over the court house during I he sessions, of the Super ior Court, was a good one and we trust that the board will lose no time in following it. It used to be the custom to have a fetate Hag lira pen neinnu me junge s . bench and that custom also -hould be revived. The people of State should revere its einbl. 111 and. as Judge I Ml stated, the sight d the flag is well calcula ted to instill and foster the sense of patriotism. Too lew North Carolinians know their flag when they see if .Ex. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO Rl A Kow to Improve Ibiadr j The Vae nit i liair. n.iont!t "MMclacuW l!unikiu 1 I'emocrstii- Ouvrittieu ailed Tl e l'rogiessive 1'atmer says: ' !,i b return fiom I he 1'ivs-' S.ivsihe l.eviiieoii lipitih V r n vn t i n ..f tin- I i-im ici itt Toh'iuw what wean' iviviii- for A-'cmtin !'. litor antcr. of (lie Aint lorniiiar m mativ miles i rtv of Wntmiga mui.ty in .-S'.IO.OOO.OOO a year from alil'daiid venerate.! by his brethren Ssouiwa ( public road l.tiiblin-- ,,., I110,.p ti,.ni that on mir linvv. ima-eon our armvand 0ri. ftip IHM1Hi,,I1M for soldiers in , . (if w ii;1Ve' 1 1 reacheil tlm point for net ion, the! time for mere talk has passed. in this eonnertion we wish to . ..... . .i... itrr, ,...,...! a-aill SlilO- lil.n me ........r.iM.v. - ol the south to the value of t he splitdo- road dra- is beyond un- iloi-stMiidino-. It is no lonrer an 1 . t lt 5 ,.,.,..,. antl Con - i.v net1 incur, i is c e.i o. coin con- ln",-,il,l,!p moMiisof maintainimr irood roads, and yet we ignore it almost completely. We must for geneiatioiis depend on dirt roads throughout the greater part of the south. Hard surface ronds are belter, but loo expen sive, in most .-ections. for many years to conn It the split log drag we have a simple means of maintaining our dirt roads in good eondnion at a trilling ex pense, al'ur they have been -.Ira in ed and shaped, and yet we refuse to avail ourselves of this proved method. Sour' have explained that the reason is, that the drag is too i-imple. It is a fact that ' . no one can aj reemte its value who has not seen it properly us- 1 1,0 ;t , ,..m that we nt it iioe- seem rnar we should 1 th.. sl.lit- av'.i more quickly. If n-i drag were an exper- liment, there might by some rea son in the failure of our road au thorities to begin its use, but when any method has been proved the best known, by years of extensive trial, the failure to adopt it, by those having the care ol our roads, is simply inex cusable st upidify. Send a postal for Farmers' Bui letin No. M21, "The use of the .lif-Log Drag on Earth Roads' al(j hta,.t agitating the matter among your neighbors. Marvelous Discoveries mark the wonderful progress of the ;igc. Air liiihts on henvy machines, teleio-.nns without wins, terrible ;.,v t,. l;ii ini.ii and that wonder of wonder-,-Dr. King'slThe good uat tired conductor New Discovery to save hfe when thic.itencd by coughs, elds, la ,iip asthma, croup, bronchitis, hemor-! rha.'es. hav fever and whooping ' ,..-a1 i.mir t.oiiiii,. K..i-all bron-! chial affi clions it has no enual. It ; relieves instantly. It's the surest cure. James M. Bhick, of Asheville, N. C, li. tt. No. 4, writes it cured him of an obstinate cough after all d $1. j other remedies raileil. soe. ami cni.i A trial bottle free. Guaranteed bv j .,11 .li ii.nrwts rUi pur(.jia8euv Marshal Eield ('onlpKv (,f f1V(, 0f the big cot-i ton mills at Spray may have a , nerlam s Lobe, Liioiera and ltuu-far-reaching effect on the cotton rhoea Semedv. It has relieved more mill business in this section. For j pum and suffering, and saved more along time there Itaye been vvhisjhves than other medicine in use. In. pers of a certain mill merger and 1 valuable for children and adults, this may be the beginning of , Sold by all dealers, such a thing. With the electrical! - trust in charge ot the power and Electricity isn't a modern dis continuations getting control ol eovery. It is as old as the Hood?' an entire milling center there are "How do you make that out?" vast pos8ibilites that may de-i "Why, didn't Noah have to have t velop. Raleigh Evening times. - of the press as Mr. ( a 'dwell. In- 'dicative of tin- hold he has on the neoiile and the press was that beautiful and impres-ive tribute paid to him hvtheedi- ' . tors in their annual imcting at I nhtsvide l ist week: "A va emit clmir reversed to the festive i..... .a f.. l,.. ..;,rl,t i,..,..1 ,,r il.u , .'w.. .'..- - : toastninster pointed mutely to a gorgeous ga-lnml of (lowers, , f, stooned. with snot less w h i t e ! ribbon Hint marked Ins vacant i u i i oi i in li kui i ,s viciui: ! place at the table. An invitation non which was written t he oil" woiil 'He'i'ets lav beside the inkwell and the h'. pen hmdi l o K li .1 in i nit n. e pin. .a mi. n fell u)on I he assembly. ' liv in., force litis" -one from .itiuiM nun ,,11111 uo..i aiiion" us, an 1 while the Obs.i - " . , ' , ver is aniv euiii-ii, tinre is a un - lercnce that is lelt by nil. Most ,,:ea drop out of tlie World with out making a ripple; the work of jhw to run its own atla.irt! most in. n Is done as well and of- j ,f the ex-president is not men ten better by their successors; it ! t:,1!v m:balanced he is the cheap is rare that a man creates a ki;l of a man. a howling place for him-elf th it cannot be , specimen of that unworthy type acceptably filled by oile rs; ,t j whirli seeks notonety by exhib tliis vacant chair cannol be till- J "ting at all times the boorish im e.l. Joseph Pearson Caldwell is : I: tuosity, so potential in atlrac- ... . . , . :.. a,,. ,.i.,,,.i;i., ! ...i.. .1. i.iv.i I 1,111 ! )!"I fill. I . . sadness (ills i he hearts of those Ny'iose t !io:!"-!rs turn toward Irs i work aim Inmseit as on sncn oe ,,...,.1- .,,,.1 !,;,.. f w ,., mo,. 1 i. I eesioiis as Llmt last week. Soj eness of the muscles, whether ihdii.e l bv yiolcnt exercise or ieju ry, is quickly relieved by free ap plication of t'ha td'cd dn's Lini ment. Tiiis liniment is cq ally valu able for muscular rheumatism, and always affords quick relief. Sold by all dealer. A small boy, new totheSunday school, was greatly nlcased with his picture card and its text, "Have faith in Cod." On the homeu ai d way, however, 1 he pre cious possession slipped from his fingers and fluttered from the open streetcar and imniediatly a crv ol costless arose, -i mi, I've lost my faith ill iod!' Stop- the cat! IV.ise stop theca:. signaled, and the card was re- jgnined atnid the smiles of the I passengers. One ol t hem sa til s unet hi ng about the "blessed innocence of childhooi but. a lit ore thoughtful voice answered: "There would be many ti tier and happier, lives if only we older ones were wi-H enough to call a halt wlr n we find ourselves rush- ing ahead on some road Jwhere we are in danger of leaving our HI UOU Ut'llillU u. l.A The world's most successful med- icuie for bowel complaints is A rk light?' Srra ps, . than rciistm-il, but hisevhil.ition "fill bnrdinjr at t he laitilicap ! wh-iv he was received as an honon d e-inst and accor.h'd cs- traoldinarv hospitality, leadsus to repeat a statement wc made .some years ao, namely, that the ex president's mind is not as pvell balanced as it ouht to be. ! In.lriMl v.o i,:oi Kir, tf. tl i.. ; ev ;" j opinion t he is a paranoiac. ; Imn-ine any fully sane man, out- ', I'm-J'ino- all conventional rules of i international propriety, a n d' ' u u ;Mienly insulting his hots m the' 1 Presence of thousands. Insteadif'T '''V;r,v . to 'l1 'hr .'""ll" : U1 exprcssine, apppteeiauon lor honar confer red upon him in i the presentation of the freedom lAindoii, and limiting himself i i- ;to cimiplmienlaiy generalities, ! il.w ill iM.iiinimiii ,,, ,..Qtii,.n i"" " I"1'11 hu-eign ytate sought to tell ;!' nation he was a.Mressiug .... ... II1IL1 till. I'lillllllL. Ol 111 I. COIllHU'Il .1. ..I W . II i 'euio.-iacx , .nr. nuose- ! veit cans ir, nut it is nearer ttiat ; suuim.v noiicimnuism wmcu wax i ..1 1.. f, .1. : . .1 1. e.s brave on glass ot lieer, and sees the pot of gold at the end of a cigarette. Always it is the lime 1 !;.,!., r. ... p, .,,,.h . .j,,..,,-.. in.. I'.H IWl II.IU7I I Cll 1 tlll'll'C 11 V icd (ire and the beating of tom tom", and always it is the press, the American press, following his maudlin moutliings with en ergy and fidelity worthy of a bet ter ca use. A Dreadful Wound, from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, 01 o any other na ture, demands prompt treatment with Huckeln's Arnica Salve to pie. vent blood poison or gangrene. It's the quickest, surest healer for all such wounds as also for Burns, Doils Sores, Skin 1'iupi'ions, Eczema, Chapped Hands, ('01ns cr piles .1 cents at ad druggis's. Housewife Are vou willing to L.IOp some WlK)i for your din Il0,.-; plodding Pete Sorry mum' ,u I'm n I 'incdiot man. d'osfun Transcript. IV. ('. ('. Weaver, was recently elected vice-president of the Cen tenary College, of Cleveland, Tenn has been reluctantly released by the trustees of this institution in order that he might accept the presidency of Emory and Henry College, Emory, Ya. Dr. Weaver expects to leave with his family this wei k lor his new home. Em ory and Ilenrv College is a male school, established in 17M7, does o high grade of w ork and in IV. W eaver's selection as president his numerous friends will be grat ified. Lenoir Topic. No Danger In taking Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-IIon-y for coughs and colds, lt contains no habit producing drugs. Look for the Bell on the Bottle. J. ('., Chin. Dein. Kx Com. .s'UCL. Ni.rlh ('nrnlina. WntHuprt cnn it y, Si' lieriur (Vurt. I.efore tlie ( lt-'li. Ai V. Iten-li Hilimtilstr.-'tor i f Jolm Ha.o!. a..,.,) , ,,iii,tiT, vs. Mattic .). toveii, Wilinctta Orccn, Kili.'t Msiitli-rit .!d mill Frnnk MamlerfeKl i!('fl'!i.'.'.'it, Tin- il.f.-:.!aiits abic mined will ! t.,k,. ,!,.,. ,IU, ., ....ti,,,, t.. i,t.,l 8 1 above bus i,.. a .coimueni-cil in tbo "trlir,';:Jrr,li t"XuTt Ttlxl ; Val of a certain .in. In incut in I nor of .""' ,1r'',-;.n,l.,V?5ail k ,L , , ........ pal and interest of about l,e'k ami l.'ltl. I. I . I T l-l'I'lll' KIltlilM-t fll tl I Willd ,,wV Jower, for ns.ts to pa mini i,l,'(1m.,'llt a",!.,;,'!t "''-"' 1 . ! ill. Iciiila'.ils will lurtlicr take notice j that tlu-v aiv rcpiirci to pi.. ar b- (V.r". H"' ,,,l'rk l'f, nw" .-' ,,,r (.uf , Watiuifta ceniitv cm it. unlay, the j -r.x day ..f .hmc,' l'.ilti, at the eutirt house in lino! c In naiil comity then alul there to p'. ail, answer or lei'inf to the complaint i'l the plaiu'iiT or jiiiltaiiciit w ill be uiven for the relict tlemainlcil in Miiil coiuplaint. This May i7, l!UD. THUS. HINtillAM, C. !?. C. At a Bargain 710 and -t!0 acres (adjoining) in the l'iedniont Melt of Virginia, Fauqueer Co. 7 miles of Sta t ions on main line of Southern It. 1. tl miles of Wash ington 1). about half cleared. Lies well, clear running streams, clay sub j soil, gray and snutl-colored top-soil; ! dcsiraliie for grain and stork fai'iiis. Kacli has ordinary IleMdcnee with j barns and out buildings. Timber es tiiiialison larger tracts. Two million fcrt Virginia Vine. 10 acres good oak, inoslly white oak. The following low price if you deal direct with me: Timber right on larger tract KK0.I 0 cash. One or both farms no timber $1-.'.."i0 ir. acre J cash bal. easy terms. The larger farm lies well to divide. Reason for selling I live in Tenu,, too far away to give them personal at tention. Write for further particu lars. J. L HA UK ELL, Vristol, Tenn. Va No man can be faithful to di vine ideus who dodges daily du ties. Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Hakes You MiseraUe. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's S-.vaiup-Koot, tlic great kidney, liver and Diuiluer remedy, be. cause of iis remark, able liea'.lU restoring properties. Swamp. , Hoot fulfills almost everv wish in m-i-r- coining rheumatism, I'l paiu lu the back, kid l i nevs, liver, bladder tj and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it . or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times duriuc; the night. Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if j'ou have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor oughly test ed in private practice, aud has proved so successful that a special ar rangement has been made by which all readers of tins paper, who have not al ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to miaoui u you uave mo ney or bladder trouble. When writingmentii n ; reading this generous -offer in this paper and ! send your address to 3 Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hon.. lowmio-Koou Biiighamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad drsss; Biugli&wti,!, V.,ca SYOry bottle. it 4i V iuir l JWttH

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