J Thj Watl'Ta nCPftCrof lb IfflluUfcd WUUUIUI l.iitftvil at tin- I ft :Lr, at li'itui". .Y. ( .. ,.n sri .; -(.. vi.ii it tut it r. M IIM KI 11 MIX It AT lis; rv-r " I. no. ix l'iut!i. .',(, to- t'.mitt lis . I ' i ;'; r.i t,s In :. i on ;,"'V' t if m. LOCAL NLWS. -1'r.if 1'. I'.. F.m -.l.clt v 1 tiinic I S and i y nil. iiiti.Mi fi-.nu Ashi-vide. w here It.- a! t i. !! the T n Ill-I s' Asm llllilv. Fmi't fail to ti.tte l;c c-haicre in tli a Is. i if tli. l,.ii.!dM Stui'f. I 1 1 iinl v:ll' Co , 1 1 1 1 1 .Fdi'.l V. 1 1 o I iit'f A. Co. Mi.-s r.lizahcth I'cim is oil for a two ui t'ics visit to frit'iiils in the WiM-.csharos. Illkiii ami ollii-r towns ii; that s-ction ol the S ate The Hi -x t County Siniit-rwill Fe hel.l al I'.rnsliy Fork l'..i.tis Chnrcli on Friday, -1 u! v 1, I i H . Kveryho Iv inviled. I). .1. Nor- lis. Cliiiii'inui. I All person::, indclilcil u will ple ise nuike immediate set- tleiaeiil, ns my ac.-oiints wilt he .laenl in a coll. ctor's hands on .hilv 1 . 1 . -1. Cottiell. .l.C. l!a!. of tlic Jeffer-'on S'ltinl.ird I.ifelnsiii-iincef'o., was in to.Mi ye--terday, on his return to Will. (-shorn from a laiinesss t rip to Mitchell county. Ihirunr my cost sale my pri vate trade mark wiil be exhibit ed so that each customer tna.v know that In- is "et t j i.i- e;oo,s at w hol. s.ile prices. 1). .1 . Cot trcll. Mi-s Alva YVcedon of I'.low- inn- Hock, who attended the mar liaee of Miss llaidia to Mr. sM.,.ll ...I .. n....,i . . lo .-ii... I Shall, ijn.1 allerManls usi'c.l t-. ... 1 1 1 i i i .miss (ina-e i.i icKiairn. reiuiinu i s: i ! iiiMin- eiiiiini i iiii.-i iiiiuii, !) II Meli l ittle bus ,,,-- i ch isc 1 an interest in th" Ci itch - er llolt-liind will move his fa mi Iv to the viU.aee in the near In- tare. They will ociipy the res- On Monday asl SI e iff Fa-, id i nee immediately between the xn left f u- the Western llospi Flair and t lie Ci it. !,.-!' hoiiis. -I.;! at More- niion !,avin;r in l.;s Key. nud Mrs. 'ii!ter Sinn- care two badly demented citi l.iirv. iitier a t hree weeks visit to z a s t' t his romi'y - a Mr tlrecr. home folks in liooae, l -l' for of Watauga F., I's, and Mr. Fliil their home at Tnrboro yestei- bps, sou-iuda w of Mr. A. IF ilix, (hiy iiioriiin-. Mr. Sianluiry d.- (i' P.ooue 1!. F. 1 1. Mr. l'hillijH liverc'l ;i most iiecepiiii.h's.-i lami , has I een a triviit stiff rer font to ;t laree audience of rehUives, litiiaber ol years, ami since hi fiieiidsand former school mates . wii'e was st i icken with paralvsis, in the Methodist cliur.-h Sunday iwuuc time since, he has trradual-, nioruiii'r. !i'"rown worse, meal ;i!iv, and; Tlie Fev. W. IF Saviia", of , when the e-ood cit izen was t;ueii I Ulowiii" Kock, Ims n ceivi-d the! away he was almost a r vin. 1 sad intt Uieence that his biotin r,l ina -i;ie. i Dr Savage, of New York City, was stricken witli apoplexy last , ,., , . r W'-ek while niakiue a priilession-l al call m the city. e trust the , , . , ., tnuch-loved niinister has erethis, received the srlu-l tidin.es th;it ., ... , . the Dr. i-i oa the high road to. permanent recovery The Mountain Scout, of Tiiy lorsville, has thisparng-raphcon-ceniinr our iieiihew, which is plea-ing indei d to us: Mr. Dwinlit Rivers, of this place, was one of t he graduates of the I niversity ol Miiryland 1 hi-y-ar. His ma- 11 v Iri'-ids here iire "lad io h arn that he is now a fnlblledged doe tor, and wish him much success in his profession. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hen by announce tnysell an independent candi bitefor the of fice oi Sheriff of Watauga coun ty. 1 1 elected 1 will serve the peo ple to the best of my ability. My record is before the people, and I am willing to stand by it. This June 20, 1910. D. C. KAtiAX. DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL f-.AmTi'1'Tnv C0SLMI0. 'I'W 111,1,1.,,.1'iiiiii ('.iiiiTi-PHjiimnl .. , .. ,i, , vfi?' ., .-iu Coiiyeiltion fori .lie Ml V'IlfV " Hiolial district of North I nroliua is hereby called to meet ill States Ville, X.'C,. Oil Friday the F.th V ii i.. Kilo ,.f 11. -'On ... oay oi ii in , ioxv, l ii..'u. in. 15y order of the executive com mittee. TUFO. F. KFUTTZ, I'hairuiiiu I -ll'li. I! Sp.-:;:',! Fi., h.',,;-,i. ! :(X.',..C.,-..il,i1 !... li.U lri-t. w id d-.v;-a t I'.ii: in.. I ( .1!, !!, ni'ii. 'li; - h. in f. i l I l.r in: !,.y Ml'!. 'm i iu ii i.l I lie Appal I. !r;i a l i iii Sch.i i. I ll,' . , I i!e id i . il'u-'iatv.l -x-In r mvu.s It li" Sill ! llJC.lt ll li tic it. ii i evciy im i v i cm ii iliy in i ted to alien I. A.iiii--ii.ii I.mis I -Mm IT "'!'. sIh'M s'lii' at V" i"tiii:-ri.ii aa I i i-hi - iil I".. in h ci. nl i!i.- I'.M'.are t;f lie- i.i'j '.villi, f. u- a slant while, four a'.aa-a t !,. h--a- Far- thinir a n.l f ' -1 1 i 1 1 . all : w hmu in tlicc!ii1..y !' tin' Wil a. ii1:: ton strc! car Co. T!n-v all n. i iii in 1 1 la'l'J'.v a. tul coiit. lit. il, a i ill to tlicai wc arc iiaii'lit 1 lor lnaay. many Liinlac-cs lii.iinir our vis it to t h it i i! v. Me srs. M. I!, lil-irkl,,,,!,. P.. S. Hhii-kliiirii Mini Si-lii iu - I". A l.iiii.ev. i ft Tiii's l.ay for lln ko-! ry to iiMcial tli.- l!i pulilii ;i n .la-' diciiil Convention lor thi-- iiis tin t which nssciiil.lc l ia thai' city y.i-iciilay. i! cause it inies v Hlan.it sayia that Mr. I.ili'iey will he noiniii ilcil on the first , halhit, an 1 it is ejven out that, a i;i in I id.it c for .Ind-e aFli ,v lHaaiiintcd .. .... Mrs. 1 uhe , of tin1 l.i nun- Crad.-d S -lam!, has hcen eai- ployed to uive -x-M.. jal lessons in iir,aiarv wmk h.Fa-e the tuuli-, ors ol tin? A inalarhinn Trainiir school. M's. l'ul'er has visited , . "f thr most n; edate is iid- schools in the country nil. iiniiilily lilted fur the work she ha to do. This sessiun closes on duly :21 , a;i 1 theexnnuiiution for te.ielnas wil! lieein two weeks precnlii) this date. Teachers of Wiitaiiea, take notice. Just as we are c I o s i a our forms we Fnni thai thesplcn did li.ara of Mr. A .1. Moiet., of .Yuma, one of t lie lust in the i county, with itseiuiie contents, ' w.-is destrocd hv (ire eaily this. ii- i . ti ednesd,-'. v, iiiorniiiLr. Aside; . . ' . . troin t he nroven, er. suirev. iul - - - , .... . ... i . i i je'v, h iraes-s, dest royi d, , ! ivy n ii aes -s, t-ic, iii'sirm ui, four line males am il horse lost ; their lives in I he conll i ii i a t ion. - The loss is heavy and t!i" oriirin 'of th" lire is u .known. Mr. F-wis A. Haves and MiVsj J-sie Holst-iaw were married on i i , . , . . i tllt. luiiruine of the Fill) inst. at i : ;Q in Moiintaiii, I Vim. Mr. Few- i. ,, .. ., .... j 1S I!;iy. s is a son ol F.x-Mieril! J. F. Haves, mid the biide, liss: -. . . , , . .. Kssie llolscbiw, is a iiaii-ht(;i' oF the late F. M. Hoist law, both of Yilas, X. C. Hoilithebrideeroouil iimd brideare'well connected, and are reineseatiilivisof good Finn ; ilics. M iy we not indulge thehope that their pilrimag- tlironyli the devious pathway of l ie may )( oneloiigsuiiiiner (f Mii:s!:i:,e, with never a cloud to mar its bright nes.s. . D ) You tict The pest. If you have a coueh, cold, asthma, ' (,,:,ij-ud Sl .idinimsti ati i nf K. I'. croup or any throat or bronchial I olowav, deceased , all pci ;ons oh -trouh'e and u'.e Dr. Fell s rie-Tar. iu the 'said .Mate ;nc no'.iliei! lo ,. , Ti ,i,. i a make n.o meiit at once, iind all inr- lloney, yon do. Look tor the bell 1 - . ' -'- sons hayine ch-uns aaint said i-- on the Dottle. tiiTc-are nolilUd lo present the --.ni.e x ' f n7 i T T ... i. ii,, i dulv veriliid vv ithiu twelve montlis Beware of Ointments far Catarrh tlnil. Contrail Mereiiry, from the date hoi cut. or tins notice as merourv will surely destroy the will he pleaded in bar of their re- sense of smell and ("Uiipletely derange the wliolo nvsteui when entering it through t lie iiiiiouu Mirtnees. Sneh articles sliuiilil never he iimi-iI except im prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the iliunujte they will do is tel. tol.l to the finou J.-ti can r".i utiriH inn.. i'."i'- ia.hi" .......... ciu-i man u fact n red by F.J. ('honey : & Co . Toledo, (., eontains no uiei- fury, and is taken internally, lu-tiiifr (lireetly upon the 1,1oh1 and mucous !surf.ci:s of the system. In Iniyiiif,' Hull's catarrh cure be sure you cet j the genuine. It .'.- taken internally, and made in Toledo; Ohio h 1-. J. Cheney & I'o. J estiinonials free. Sold bv nil Druggists, T.'.e. Take iFill's Family Fills for con btientitu, --, i.t,,.;, 1.;,, I., I. I ... I! Fct.. -, i in. I. whi-h lo !' e Fn.-ni -.-i at,i !---i i :. n-i.a:.' 1 '1 , y , i ! !' -I 111 j' -! ! ;! ! im .a i. J; . O I)!' 1 1 ' I 1 1,-.' V ,'. i. ..i lie IN. a- .1 !..;.! ;i,:i M'll-'s I.Ul l.i a i r.i. !) to iiiMiiv 1 1..- I. it in a a 1. 1 1 In- .it i--.it i. tin-tax. TI-! re i. lay It.'-.i:ac i .ii-- I-r t t.r heavy .i-'ac-". A il ! an i iiil I: i a to 1. 1 ale. l-c- sc.! In tin- . : l iin-v i . i . : ? i ; i u ! i i ayr. H !i a i.ilji' i.ni.iiv : 1 1 -. ic i '. c. ca a ui .i i-. il Hi- ii i to us. , li. ii l y p i;. i.i; l! I I.' ailM'ill! i! ti'l !i! ..I iiil la"i;'.'l Mil. ,.i a i-ar 1 1 ; ! 1 1 at li.-ai is iiiarcl W'c Ii i.- i o ivi.-u i . ni t i.c as taw i a in-c he '-.l! Oil I ecu l-i 1 IIS I ij -J-. I-'. Ioj: nr.v ia. -a !!!.- im kii.r to a hitrlicr cihi' aiioa lor the masses ol i-nr P'opl... Fo!i!i!i 'f Ji;ly 1 c-! j ; I rti t at t'uoe. There w ill he a family reanii ai .-in-1 Fourth of .Inly ccleia-a! ;oa at Fosioe. N. i m. I iily I. I'.1!'1, 1 ui;i i . ii i ii ll at 1 : .".'.). a. in. Tli s eel- lir.ition is ia honor of K 1-Vi.ir-.l Moo Iv, ho se: veil in the Ie-volutionarv war. ami Moses Yarhor, a etcraii otllic McNi c;in war. The I'niteil Strtcs !ov ei n ii if 1 1 1 has larir !. 1 momi ineii ts to erect at the graves of tliru.t Iinl UiiMU tl.il t Iv liill'lil't , ,.',..., i 'i,., . a , i, , ,.i.,. II 11 ihlli.'V UHM. llll l in ivi'i laisiel uiai, tiyis and kindred of these old patriots he pre.-eat and with us pay a last tribute to their mem ory. The ee, !,,.;, pui, lie is also invited with baskets of dinner. Fx SheiilV Y. II. Calaway, Y. II. Foviil and A. Fiaiu-y will It.-' t he speakers ol the oeeasioa, aid nniMc will he furnished by the Walnut drove brass baud. J. F H avi s, I. F. il vii.e, Committee. 1. G. tiiTi i- Hci'hiiPS io Enter Mill-.-. i .. i - in 1 1 en. I. a on i ease unm ni" snaee in voiir iiniicr this week to : ' ' . stale to mv Hoiiublicaii Iriends - - who h;ive ben soliciting in.' to let in v name srn lief me the conn- ty convention subject loii, roin- inatioa, that: I ant not a rilhiil-j dale for any olliee, I am so sil I'.nted that if would be almost iiap.iK-lbl.- for me to make the race this year, and under t h e piv.-ca! conditions i must mod es! !y -lee'ii'.e h-i i in r my r;i :ue pi before the convention. 1 pro found! v app: e'in ti- I he si .iii at a- t ion oi my f.-ie:i Is. and am now. j as I ha ve always b-eii, u;idy lo! support a c-nod clean ticket, 'nit am not in po-ilion to be in t li e race myself. Ycry respect f.d'v. i. ;. (iiiMKii. Zion ville. N. C. " (Jot hc I'.c.-.i ,, ,. ,, . 1' or skm touil'lcs, Miros, ulocis, oc , ,, , , . , ' 1 . ' ' . :iiu! ;i.l i-nipteias. I --o Dr. Feb the " """ ' ,!c ' ' '''' .'" 's . ' host. Wo ou.tr an too it. 2 so ;i box ever v wlu re, i;l)OS(,V(-it landed in N'ca Yoik s?a t unlay accoiiii;uiiaed by his -f j ' pnlli,- , Hss l-ahel ;Ui ( mit jj.. WiiS j ,-,:,. f,,r Ui;i i ri.i Lie of his clih r son 'p;,(1),;,llVi j,., whi. h took pine-- j j v Not IFF. .ll p; i-siins ;iia- hi ichv noiitioi that the uiiilei'sinoil hits thK iho coyer v. Martha A. IFi.uw.v, Adin'r's. FINE STOKE FKOFEKTY Ft)!: SAFE. j Eight acres of land, good house, barn and outlaid linos. The best store house in the country. Fine Business in a farming communi ty. If interested, call on or write S. D. (1AKFETT, i Emmet t, Tcnn. at I i. tin i T!:. I. " 1..H- -. .1. COST SALK! I i I : I'l i a. I. i-i: i - I i ' . -' i I I ' ' ! - . I ! '. ( a a ll . ., .. :, ; !l ii-. I ,o - I ' , ; -.- !, l.i ! .! ' I -. o!i' i" -I- till -i- - :. l'!o a 1' :. . inc.! at 1 1. .ii" ; . p. i i v . ! i : . i : . . ' . I. t .-' i". ' i Ml r ' a i I: ' V 'o-r i , , i ! m ;.) '!i !.!!:. lo '. ; u il i-i do h'i'-'i.-c.-'-l 1 ., c. ! 'l ".'!!. a.:- !.: . I - I I M : I i . a . - i si oa i. n i '--i . I.O . .!.- I-IV I e. ..I .-' i I I II Mi .11 , a . ,1: ' , ;!: ), lie ..M ;i! v I 'i.ii i s i. i '. :,! , i )''" i i lie cll' iip vn'i c ia oay I licr... M iis unik sua t nil c il rc-s t-hi 1 1 s n ; n l"i'-ki 1 1 s laer s incrails ;tt a s.'i . ili: i il "J." r i ei.1 . Ii von i'av".:i the liioie-.v to hay wall is v ,1 " r m i i: iii - Nothiau' li'-'- i . Ill hi !i .1 , pel a V i i'l ! o In ' I' ll i i s sa'- . o'a. red tu 1 yon ia !;.-- V"i- in v - a .1 .an i i' e,-i:n I will a Is, i ha ve ! t:ii! i ii i's M.im-iii : i;ch as sie;ar. '. n . Hint V ii-i-ale at or milt to cil ! . : l ien ram. d i L ( K ih- a in! c i ' I ! 1 1 Mil : I - Ine--.il sell l!ie;a l.i i .io.I v ai- sie.ne traiiine' win in dunt Font lore-.. cruel I he t inn the , and place. 1 -st but not ast ule-a y;a; com-- duiii lois. o briii".' t in- cash. Your for trade. 'ft f i L '1 JJi Ji W'wU'OU, Fi.-.v N . . nf N. C. W'eliOi-a i . (CfiiA I'. :: i l l 1 1 i'l i s :a c i-.il 'i :i'i'l I on lli' ;k- i mi i el ; !;'t.e.v.i-i;;: , .e: ll. i.e.ie-.i livci- ! vj.,; ci.v t;. .. -. i-v.:.i .i i n .A- ei ' i .int. i.i ) ,v; 1 i M si .:i.u in I ii c hue nf l i.c ...nil' It. .1 .' i 1 K'l.- e .I'll ,,f the llli'i,- llii-iice wil h '. iu- line ...... - . i w ...i. i;,. ,i ' .., ', ,',,.,' nimii ca--t curncr wua oan iiin .IU)1 p, ,kl. v,-..!s u,,.-. to;iM:.kc w.' - J. i.-,vi-o-! ccr. ihi-nc Nn :i; ts; ! lii'': (v - i ..-j - ; V-.; , ,-:. VmF'A Ti-.'i -f..t-e. -.o,-?.'i : i c-.-v &V 1 ' '''-V;'' I : feoCv I , iXrx-3 I A.-. "!' -.. tviv. N i H I Fr1 ' PARTICULAR DRESSERS everywhere lire lyuJ ii tli. if SI "Shield Brand" Cloihinj because it emhodirs that quift, dignified slyle which i so much desired by men of refinement. The mo;t reliable fabrics and the highest character of 'work manship, make it superior to any clothing sold at the popular prices $10.00 THE LOWEST $20.00 THE HIGHEST We are always glad to show you. IL C. MILLER, liL ) Vi S' J :l ) V, X C This Mirk of Quality in on every coat ccilar. ; in ' 1 . 1'. luia-.M): s. ii;u li.i lev F.i-1 l-i , ! . : ..... -c ... e .... 1 ;i i ;.,viiii:l i ';; .. . ! ' : 1 1 e .1 1 1 1 .-,11. 1 I 1 1 ' I : ; l ' ill- ! 1 il ' io I 1 -, 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 S" i ;is I-' i'le'u !o :di I 'no :i::l l.c.'-il. j T"n. - I'r' iiv-ait No, .Vo 1 x ep ! in-,- flea, the :!'.. I on-..! ir ;n. ; - 5 i i! .- :. I'.i ic.t li.ih d in i-l.tnl " . I ! !;,'.1;i! .p.:., , ,. ,,... !A. j. " hv!- i.-iU U I-' .-"v..:-. "-.I ! fv.0f, I 1 I V I'S .l-.it.-. U . !l' !' I V. TliK!:AI)TO.lUNKY SAN" i:; i. . I . : ivo i-o wlh 1 . . o i ; 1 1 1 1 : i i i 1 i's c, i 'i.'M- - i fart w '. i ' a i '."'. ci i.K!" a'il. iii lii.O.s V 'L. , Ii.ueia iii..' i':i:oou,CiJAni)i)CK-Ti;K!:V CO. lino v.i;i' !! vio.iiot Lo i-.uvllcl in Mens, Women, in.! Cl.il-iivr.s. i :i Yk-i. V, C:!f. Patent I'uichor, dun . i M., 1. To,'; i lli.ie. . I'.,:.. yl- m;tnv uii,ors. in Moils IlAuDWAIMi? Yes. v:e the m.u-kei the Knox IJivml, ,c!ves. Nails, Fori s, i!-es. Iron and lints Bed stead A-i-eta! Si ,o of shell' Hard won-, Bridles, Cullers, vs. v.- cany a idee line of Dress Goods of ailp'ados : i. es. Xolioits, andCroecries (if all kinds. Verv truly Yours, ' .101 IN W.IIoiKJK.SiSrCO. o f. ami h It Hardware You rirst choiuo is a t'nin.u' that we iwe all proud of. cc-IuIIy is this true with us in our line of farm machinery, ; oipe-o-it-s, ae'oiis, iSioves, Kani-'e. AJixed Faints ana in i fact almost our entire line. We are not only the largest It 1 1 . 1 .1..- 1 l-il - sealers, out ;rre aiso ine 'ineer naraware )ec'ie or mis 'section. Our agencies were .-'oiocted when ve could have ta I. . il any or all lines on the market, but we took only vnat i.L ; we ki?ev to lie and what was recognized the world over as the Lest lines on the market, even if they did cost more than other g'-d.?. We believed and now know that the best tamers; are willing to pay for standard farm mach invi'y, soiucthinc; thai his iieiy'lilHU' has tried and has prove 1 by the test of time to be OK in every respect, and al -o something that he will have no trouble hereafter in eettintr renan1. weliaiK handle oi', faue. teuuer.-', reaper unions wae'ons, and Brown busies. We are car load dealers of the above lines. LCNDON-STOFFEL HARDWARE CO. (V. ilOi.FSALi: AV'h KI.TAlL.) tmtam Citv, Tonne, ee. igSsS- lo tie in nooue, ( iiiaei.bura Holel) o:: the' lir.-t o! every month"' or d or 1 days, and every court week, prepared to do any kind of D.'iitnl work. An. wowk (li .ii.vr::i:n! Nothing but the F.EST& i FFiHCST materials used iu any of my work. Frices reasonable, j No i-baigo. for i xaiiuiiation. Faiieats frotii a dis!a;tce, will avoid d. la. , by informing me beforehand, at what- time they propose n,iiu". ci her to F.oone, or Fanners Flk. WHY Vf'ILL Ignore the uncerttuniy of life and put oiT buying life in-s-.u-ance? Wh:d are you worl-ing- for? Isn't it to provide for tlio-e (loj'O-Hlent ni-onyou, or to accumulate an Inde- jK-ndonee lor your own oio a A olk-y i i the Ji'i'i i'. K.';t).N ' t'ilMI'.tNV -ii 0 iintics tl.;:t thi- fioinlhc 1 FFKF iv SON is lis Fund, Our STANDARD GUARANTY TOLICY offers Fit- F 1NSF RANCK FN'FOWMFNT lN'VFSTMFN'T t.TMFLATlVF DIVIDKNDS 1 ) 1 S A F. I F I T Y 1 N St: FA N C E AC01DFXT l.N'SU KANCE AFF IN ONi: Write us for rates giving" age at nearest birthday, or, better still, see our nearest representative who will take pleasure in giving you full information about this policy. Men of integrity and ability wanted as agents. We of- Ifer verv attractive contracts JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CO, Home Office, Raleigh, N. C, JOS. (i. FROWN, 1 1). GOI.O. JR. HAS. w. cot F, Fi-i's. 1st V. P. i. u. Al. Secy. 4 Supt. Agencies. I1AI.L & IIA1.1 D:st. Mvs. J, I-;. & U. L. FROWN Siiccial Agts., Wilki'slioro, , C. Hoone N. C . Have You Paid Your Futscripticn ? ? ? ? INK! I l. I i: 1 1 hi i: A I'r.a' ,- I'r. !'o i t :i lA iUiino i .;ir:i in. ;u.i! '-i-.v prices t nii iiicil ,(;;.;lily isiiivt ronMiK-i-alioii wy t'oivi!1.! i". For this ivu- c v.'oi'i'nl h-jvck;l atten- In Y,omrn we have iho Tat. , Coiioge uoivian.-; w alhinjc Shoe, canv the hestCook Stove on so Tots. Kettles, l'ans. Want? the McCormick line of Mow- binders and etc. The Col- Dr, R, D.JENNINGS ri;sii)EXTi)EXrnsT Banner Elk, N. C. 1 have arratigo-.l for the eon- ' venieiiee o! m any ol my patients A SAXK MAX 1' AN DAK I.) FIFi: INSURANt'F !i:ill he acocniplishcd, ami ;i ;u:a untcc '-oed lis a I r.itcd Slides CJiiycin'Ucnt to the right men.