iler ilL'l ebb c3 VOL XX 11 P R 0 F E S S I 0 N A L UOOXti. WAFAUCJA COUNTY, TllUUSDAY. .Il!LY I '.MO, NO. I DR. OSCAR L. MOORE. DENTIST. I will be hI Plowing Hot k from the first to the fifteenth of each month prepared to do all kinJ of I lent a! work. Oficc Near Watauya Hotel. (At. 21, 1 y. NAT T. DULANEY, M. D., SPECIALIST, FourthSt. Bristol Tcnn.-Va. Eye and Throat Diseases. Refraction for Glasses. L.D.L01VE. n'ORXEY AT LAW, HAN NEK ELK, N. C. t-aT Will practice in the courts. 'A atauga, Mitchell and adjoining i .unties. 7 6.'0y KDMLXD JONES LAW YElt -luxoik. n. :,- Mll Practice J'egnlarly in lie ( (turts ot Watauga, il- '09 F. A. LINNEY, -ATTOKNEV AT LAW, nooNic, . r. Will practice in the courts of the l-'lth Judicial District in all matters of a civil nature. 0-1 1-1 !). J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, HOON'K, N. C Careful attention given to ollections. AY. U I.OVILL -ATTORNEY AT LAW,- IlOOSh, A'. C. ftaTSppcial attention Riven to all business eutrustid to h!s care.&8 7-'.)-'0t). E. S. GiJFFEY, -AT'lORSEi A'l LAW, 00 NE, N. C. ; Prompt attention given to ill matters of n legal nature. Abstracting titles and collection ot claims :i special l-L'09. R, Ross Donelly. DNDEItTAKKK & EMKALMEU SIIOU.YS, Tennessee, lias Varnished and Glass White Collins; Pluck broad loth and White Plush Caskets; Illack tuid White Metalic C a s k e t s Robes, Shoes and Finishings, Extra large Collins and Cns kets always on hand. 'Phone or lers given special attention. R. ROSS DONNELLY. WiiAbuseYour Watch You do not run. your biifgy, sewing machine or other machinery till it tqu ak and grinds aud cuts itself to pieees. You clean and oil it often. You should be as careful with your wateh It is small and cannot squeak loud when it is dry and needs oiling. You may not know it till the watch is completely ruined and stops.- Uring your watch to uie I will show you and explain the enact condition. Take proper care of your watch and it will last you a life time. Consult me on watch Diseases. Yours Verv Truly, S. M. GREENE, Jeweler. Xionville, X C. U F.D UF.MOl K All'' ntaTE 11. MTOltM. j that these institutions may lc placed upon a jwi uiancnt basis Full Tut .r the D.K-iimrnt AdHte1 Bj 4,1 extension ami maintenance the C krlitt- CuiiTmiioD. consistent with tin' growth of I'ollowii .jr is the plat form a- jthe school Hystem of the Mate dopted I iv tin- Democratic State and Use increased population roventiou in Clmrlottp lal week: I ami demands of Iter citizenship. We. tin representatives of ihc!nnd we favor in the schoo's of Democratic parly in North far-1 the State a more liUral ins'ruc olina, in convention assembled, i Don in agricultural tiaining and rejoice in t!ie call occasioned by J the coming election and the op portunity thus offered to lift up again iti the midst of the people of North Carolina the banner of the Democratic party as a sure standard of their rights and the unfailing guide of I heir progress, and we reaffirm our allegiance to the cardinal j'rinciples of Dem ocratic government and congrat ulate the ieople of North Caroli na upon the wisp, progressive and economic. d administration of the affairs of the government since the return oil he Democrat ic party to power in this State. We commend to the people of North Carolina thecousideration of the success with which the af fans have been administered by the Democratic officials and the clean, efficient and economical conduct ol the Siutegoveinineiit from the day of the return to power of the Democratic party, and we realtirm the declarations of our party upon the questions of the extension and improve ment and upbuilding of the in lernal affairs of the State and the institutions provided by the State for the care of our citizen ship, both charitable and educa tional, and pledge ourselves to the continuation, upbuildmgand development thereof. We pledge ourselves to the con tinued development of the inter nal affairs of the State: to the continuation of the policy ol ed ucation hi h has been carried forward with such success under the Democrat it: ndministi ations; to the further development of lo cal improvements; to the main tenance of the institutions for the insane, deaf, dumb and blind und to tho extension of these in stil ut ions to meet the demands upon the State and the needs of the unfortunate who require the care .and maintenance ol thegov ernment. We pledge ourseives to the continued aid and assistance of the Confederate soldier and de mand that legis'ation shall make ample appropriations for his com furt and care. We commend and approve the administration of Governor W. W. Kitchen and the other State officials, and commend und ap prove our Senators and Repre sentatives in Congress for their activity in behalf of the people N irtli Ciii'olin.i. Internal development and im provement tend to the upbuild ing ol any citizenship and we take pride in the progress that has been made under Democrat ic government in the building of roads und theextension of means ol comniuniration and transpor tation nil oyer the State, and we particularly approve ol the work in this behalf by the Good Roads Association of North Carolina. We recognize the great growth and improvement of the State along material and intellectual lines under the policy of the Dem ocratic party in the support and maintenance of the common school system of North Carolina, and the pledge of the party here tofore made of a four months' free school in every district of the State has been fully met, and we promise the continued sup- Iport aud ltn Movement of the public school system of the State and the extension of the same to the institutions of the State for higher education, to the end the encouragement ami dev-'lop incut of the agricultural inter ests in such schools. The supervision and control of public, service corporations is a will recognized light ol theState and national government and wc pledge ourselves to the n- forcemant of this right in the in- terest of the people of the State, consistent with fair just treat ment of the public service corpo rations, and no public service corporation shall grant any spe cial privileges to any person or corporation. Private monopolies are incon sistent with the growth and de velopment of internal affairs of the State and the liberties ol the people and should not be allowed, We are opposed to illegal combi ntiods in restraint of trade, trusts and monopolies, and fav or the enactment of such laws as will make their exislencc imposs sible. We condemn Ihe unjust and unreasonable discriminations in freight rates against the towns and cities of North Carolina and in favor of the cities ol other States. , We pledge ourselves to the fos tering and encouragement of all legitimate enterprises and devel opments that may be located within the borders of this State, and in the administrations of the laws no legitimate enterprise shall be injured. We condemn and denounce the tariff policy ol the Republican party as enacted in the Aldi ich Payne bill, and we declare the same to be the most iniquitous tariff burden ever placed upon the l.'nited States, formulated in behalf of sectional interests and fostering the trusts and combi nations of the country tit the cn pense of the great mass of the people- and in spite of the prom ises of the Republican party that prosperity would follow itsadop tion, we cull attention to the present commercial condition of the country, its idie factories, in dustries and unemployed opera ti ves. We denounce the extravagant and unbusinesslike administra tion of the of the national gov ernment by the Republican par ty, whereby there has been a useless expenditure of over -o00-000,000 annually of the people's money. We call attention to the lail ure of the lb-publican party to revise Ihe tariff in accordance with the pledges of its platform und its promises. We demand an enactment of a tariff for revenue only to meet the expense (.1 a government eco nomically administered. Napoleon's Grit Was of the unconquorable, nev-er-say-die kind, the kind that you need most when you have a bad cold, cough or lung disease- Sup pose troches, coug'.i syrups, coil liv er oil or doctors have all failed, dont lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. Satisfaction is guaranteed when used for any tin oat or lung trouble. It has saved thousands of sufferers. It masters stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, lagrip.troup, asthma, hay fever and whooping cough and it is the most safe and certain remedy for all bronchial af fections. 50c and ti. Trial bottle free at all druggists. The H.ux-'s I'rajrr. OiiVnt-o I'r.i-r.-ivi- Thinker. To thee, mv master, 1 offer my pi aver: Fi-ed me, water and caiv j'or me, and when the day work is done, provide me with shelter, a eh aii. dry bed. and a stall w de enough for me to lie poor liquor thai doesn't unloos- the other day, and tells it like down in romiort. 'en a man's tongue." this: Always be kind to me Talk1 The tramp hastily swallowed. An old lady in Caldwell county tome. Your voice often means down the drink. As the bquor shortly after the last elect ion re us much to uieas the reins. Pet coursed thiough his blood. he!ceived a visit fiom her grandson, me sometimes, that I mav serve ; si raightmed himself and stood' '"Well, .lohimy," says she, you the inoiv gl idly ami learn to j before tliem with a grace ami ; 'here you are a nd I guess you, love you Do not jei k the reins, dignity that all of his rags and ! want your dinner, and it's readv ,and do not whip me when going up hill. Never slrik -. leit or kick me when I do not tinder-j stand what you want, but givi me u cuance to understand you. Watch me, und if I fail to di your bidding, sie if something is not wrong with my harness or feet. Do noi check me so that I can not have the free use ot my head. If you insist that J wear blinders so that I cannot see behind me as it was intended I should, I pray you be careful that the . i . , blinders stand well out from my eyes. Do not overload me, or hitch me where water w ill drip on me. Keep me welt shod. Examine my teeth when I do not cat; I may have an ulcerated tooth, and that, you know, is very pain ful. Do not tie my head in an unnatural position, or takeaway my best defense against Hies and mosquitoes by cutting off my tail. 1 cannot tell you when when 1 am thirsty, so give mecool, clean water often. Save me by all means in your power from that fatal disease the glanders. I cannot, tell you in words when 1 am sick: so watch me, that by signs you may know my condi tion. Give me all possible shel ter from the hot sun, and put a blanket on me, not when I am working, but when I am stand ing in the old. Never put a fros ty bit in my mouth; first warm it by holding it a moment in your hands, I t ry to enrry you and your burdens without a murmur, and wait patiently foryou long hours of the day or night. Without the power to choose my shoes or path, 1 sometimes fall on the hard pavements, which I have often prayed might not be of wood, but of such a natuie as to me a safe and sure footing. Re member that I must be ready at any moment to lose my life in your service. And finally, 0 master, when my useful strength is gone, do not turn me out to starve or freeze, or sell me to some cruel owner, to be slow ly tortured or starved to death; but do thou, my master, take my life in the kindest way and your God will reward here and hereafter. You will not consider me irrelevant 1 ask this in the name of Him who was born in a stable. Amen, Those Pies of Uoyhond, I low delicious were the pies of hovhood. No pics now ever taste so good. What's changed? The pies? No, Its you. You've lost the strong, healthy stomach, the vigorous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. Your digestion is poor ami you blame the food. What's needed? A complete toning up by Electiic Hitters of all organs of digestson Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, bowels try them. They'll rcstore your boy hood appetite and appreciation of food and fairly saturate your body with new health, strength and vig or. 50c at all druggists. SUTHERLAND'S EASLE EKE UU Good for Nothing but the Ey?? I A I ramp asked fur a drir.k in a : Kilooii. flie ivpiet was grant- i d. and when m the ect of drink- itig the prolf rred beverage one young man pivsent exclaimed: Si"p; Make us a i,eeeh. It is diit could not obscure. "Cent I men." he said, "1 look to'iighi :;l you ami myself, ami A IramiA l-MMurr. , it (veins in me 1 look upon the , diun t you tell rue you needed pietuic of my blighted manhood. . money and had to have ten dol thi. bloated face was once as , lars, fur 1 would a been glad to handsome as yours. This sham-; let you have it instead of you bling figure walked as proudly ' going and selling your vote to as yours, for I was a man m the; world of men. 1, too, had home aud friends and position. I had a wife as beautiful as tin nrtistVyou ain't welcome here, for the dream, but 1 dropped the price-j two sweetest words in this world less pearl of her honor and re-j to me air Jesus and Democra- spect into a cup of wine, and, like ClcopaMa, saw it dissolve, then quaffed it down in the brimming draught. Iliad chil dren as sweet and pure n.s the llowers of spring, and saw them fade and die un ier the lightning curse of a drunken father. I had a home where love lit the flame upon the altar and ministered before it, but 1 put out the holy lire, and darkness and desola tion reigned in its stead. 1 had aspirations and ambitions that soared as high as the morning star, but I broke and bruised j their beautiful forms, and strang led them, that I might hear their cries no more. To-day 1 am a husband without a w ife, a father without a child, a tramp with out a home, and a man in whom every good impulse is dead. All have been swallowed up 111 the maelstrom drink." The tramp ceased speaking. The glass fell from his nervous fingers and was shattered into a thousand fragments on the floor. The sw inging doors were pushed open and shin again, and when the little group looked up the trump was gone Idaho. Troy News, When the stomach f.iils to per form its functions, the bowels be come deranged, the liver and he kidneys congested causing- numer ous diseases. Tile stomach aud liv er must be restored to a healthy condition and Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets can be de pended upon to do it. Easy to take .-nd most effective. Sold by all druggists. Col. Tom Claw son, who docs the editorial stunt on the W il mington Star, owns a gold mine and carried in his coat pocket a few nuggets of gold as a sort of reminder ol his wealth. The oth- il'ler night a burglar, who was probably wise as to the gold nuggets, swiped the Colonel's coats and the contents of the pockets as well, which included more or less valuable papers. Ve'r sorry for the colonel but he bi ought it on himself. A newspaper man has no business owning a gold mine The Land mark. Work 24 Hours a Day. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor into energy, brain fag into mental power; curing Con stipation, Headache, ( 'hills, Dys pepsia, Malaria. 2 scat all drug gists. Happiness is an equivalent for ill troublesome thin"-6. Epic - ail liouuicsome uim0s. P- tus. ' Hie Two Snn-Ust Wool-. The Lexington Di.-pntrh id Iat we'k is responsible for the following: Mr. Ch.uh s K. Met t:n v picked up one from a fellow traveler in t lie western part of the State and you set right down to it, bi't I just want to tell vou, you ain't welcome at my house. Why Mose Ilarshaw. You kin cat dinner, but 1 want you to understand that evi DR. BELL'S ANTI-PAIN For Internal and External Pains. T'lE XORTIi CAK0MNA College of Agriculture And Mechanic Arts. The State's college tor training industrial workers. Courses in Agriculture, Horticulture, Ani mal Husbandry and Dairying; in Civil, Electrical and Mechani cal Engineering; in Cotton Mill ing and Dyeing; in Industrial Chemistry; and ia Agricultural teaehing. Entrunce examinations nt each county seat on (lie 14th of July, D. II. HILL, President, West Raleigh, N, C. Furniture & Coffins. At our store you will find the most up-to-date line of Farni. tare, Dressers, Sideboards, Red steads, Tables, etc., ever shown in the county. We also curry a full line of Collins and Caskets in mahogany, gloss-while, white and black plush and plushette, of all sizes. Call and see ourline. Rest attention given to phone orders. Yours to please. Boone Furniture Store, (At Moretz Old Stand Almost every day you will hear one girl say of another, "No, I do not think she is pretty, but she is awfully sweet." Mont gomery Advertiser. Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Makes Vcu KisersMe. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Rout, the great kidney, liver and Madder ri'iiiedy, ie !: c.uise of its remark- able health restoring I properties, bwuiup r Root lu'hlls uiuiobt pvitv wi.'li i;l rtvrr. lii . couun: rhriiuiali-.m, pain in the bark, kid M neys, liver, bladder nh and everv part et the urinary It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it villi be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor oughly tested in private practice, and has proved so successful that a special ar rangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you have kid- "- Iiey or utauuer iiuuuiir. When writing mention readiinr this irenerous offer iu this paper and J'3-S5alal send vour address to SSEE&SSSi tP Or. Kilmer & Co., Hois. olbVunp-Rool. Biiit'hamton. N. Y. The regular fiftv-cent and one-dollar size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make anv mistake I but remember tue name, Swamp-Root, 1 rr- Kilmer.s Swamp.Root ad the ad- dress,Bingnamton,N,Y.,onevery bottle.

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