I !' f . 1:1: til:! ''", '11' in : H !! i;t 'ii m i in Hi t, v- f Waiaup Democrat. I Published livery Thursday' Th" I inv- )i-An--l'.iilIiTni th" Ismii- S:ii,.,;ry i'.'-t. T!i u-timi of t!i" M I! i ii!ni'iiti":i vii. i-.l ty 1m ves tin loom fur 1. as towh.it t is.n- in lh. cnmpai;rn I lu? ' year is to Tin' il-rtio'i of MoiiliiMil Mini t!i" iin-iilnii;lliili i'i ;l m'.iI - l; ".t. rriiicciit " plank in I In- pl.it i' win cm in' cfr-lii fl t o ii' i t 'i' r t h in e'-S (!; 1 1 ir M.i -ion I'ut ! r fm- so 1 1 to ns hist mi-iJn 1'i.it I'T I !.ir. 'I t'n it he had iii'rii r iii! '.i ;:; tin' State fr Voiehe.nl h i hi i' .l.iii- 11 : f V. '1 III' t -I'l Ol 'I i l'!l lull I! lit sitne his iulvi'iit i 'In tiii" p'll-1 it icnl arrii.i .v ill ans-ier t In j n- . j 1 ii :i wlii'ti.ci ur nut lii v:i iic'ii-' nt"il by :in iiii""lli-li puip &: ; I'iist :i I 1 1 i h'im f, t hen : l'op'i-j list 1 ; 1 1 r n. In -'n n i-it .-Hi' t i : i - 1 1 .v ! n ll' iuiMuMM. h" has tilled hi-! sails wit Ii every promisinghrt'i z., ' :iii! when it sit'i' il his ji'irp' Iris - J -si if." ! fri -ii a :u I Ml it's t o ' further his own inl"i"s!s Wit-: It'SS his hase bet ' i ,ll of Ieino-j rracy. in spite of his fervent as- i suratue tn the lateSeiiator Vance' 1 1 i.- violation of faith alter he had In en elected to a lohji t t in in t lie Semite, with .liiilire I'litcli inl: ' his m stemms aliriii'li tinn tit oi'j Populism: Iin vile des'gn lo i'!V"; .North Carolina to pay millions' nf dollars for bonds Iraudiilrnt-J ly issued I iy ,1 coterie t Ii a ! rohiied tlie State lilit. and 1, I't I in its day of sore duties-. Audi Uiitler, twenty years ago an ol Kcine law er now a niillionaire, pomes back to North Carolina with the purpose of inllirtiuf: himself ngaiu upon u betrayed people and gratify in",- his o.ui inordinate era vin; for political prefe; inent- liutlerisui hasNlrnck North Carolina more than one deadly blow. It has produced chaos in t lie State: it has sown Needs ot class feoiin that will never cene to curse the common wealth and has fathered iniqui tous legislation upon which the Slate yet n llects with a shudder. Are the people of North Caroli na willing to restore I Sutler to power, uhere with nil his emit and running lie will slop at noth ing in order to p'Tpetnatc h i s reign? I lie Von-r ! H- itdilj. M.mr.M- I " in -i r r. Ill hi- p!i ii li I i h.n '" to the irr in 1 j irv l.i-t M ia !.i y m e ni'i-,', ..d'e . I!. W'.-.i -ai l am a;,' o' her ir" ! tliiier-, th ' man c in Know how far ri- 'i i.iairhere 1. i!y is. o:i.' i an I' ll to w li.it an et"ii th" p tivnt I iv. s :i;i im-pivs-ioii on the i It'l l ii it only in its nit t.i' li:i in.' as wi ll, 'laat is i 'fie, Mas-he !.'' bat .In !;.' Mien bni'i'.rlil nei-t ii.ti-re-tii.g f it ts to s ijipn t th it stat"iii nt . faes Ahit h made every m m in ni the i io- ie.I eo iri loom !op and fiinU. .Indv" 1 1 1 1 ft d the e of i l 1 ' ll.es, a ilni:i!.li d an I a roamion leim. i n ite-1 rh ir li-li r ior t i-i i i. 'tu -s - and inienip! r.-iiicP. This Max I'uIms was born m lT!'t f hiJ d" seeinl mis ,'': I ha ve b 'ell iileil Clied and and of tli . :tl were itiinales of poor hollow, I u ,vi re vii-io'lsly dise.isei, ."t Hi p:iis- titu'es, 7 were murderer-: an I t',0 Wei" thieves. I Vi tile oth- I'll.liitl tleie was Jonathan Klnanls t l.e dist ing a i .lied lirni-ter ol t he jvospel, w Ir i was burn in 1 To.'). f t he ile-ei lid. lilts .lol.nat hati IMwatds. I have been id'H tilied and ol these 2U"t weje eol pge grrnluates, were professors ill polleges, over 1 (10 were preach ers, ovt r 1 OO were lawyers, (lo doctors, 7." in the ariuv and navy. l'So were ant hois. Is were ( lit ors, .'S i 'nit e 1 St ate Si':i!i n s aii'i lowere railroad pteidetits. i . i .. . ' i . !':. .'. 'n i ;: d I i'.'! T..I-M -v, lot . i.-: s. . HI'.- it I.. I of "P-i u lo'-a.-i ,.i .t.v! i.e. r li.-t'.id t"-'!.. Tii Us wb.it a m.v get tor i.ot , I . k: ;-. . :. ! i t:.c 1. an itig to u-e a -pittoou. i Itt 1 n t: 1 f No ueui i- so important a-1 wi:e i.iiM Id.e to t'link he is. I '' I Tin: N i; I 1 1 I Al;I.IN A State Normal and In-v i dustiial College. . U I n w '. it i Maiti'ait t d bv tin' State tor the 1 I e i ' i . ' i :-c t.v i v . i- 'ii s . v : a-' a " e pi. o.iel. ol N'M'ili C I'.'iill I. loir I,, ,. i-.rnl..i- ' ! I-'a b.g to !.-; t.ri i: d O'll S". f..r 'I ra il" rt . i ! v i , i ' ; f i i r, -i id ir lie! .d .'. :i ;iff ir.U S-i! I bv dl ! I e!-, : l . ; -I''-'" i ll. is I' ill M-siiiji l.e;'i'is S. 'i- ""'" " l""'!: r I. l!lt. Th Jcsir-, ing t i nt-i sieiiild apj ly a ear- i,let. Iv as p. -ssiblo 'or rat a log and ol la r in en :" ii inn ad !:t-s ' ; It t O I. 101 sT I'r" Gns n.bi.ro XC Fiir.nilyre & Coffins. - r -r ill) iwn -v -, pSTOMpo Kind Yen Ha i AV.ij..:wi,ic,Mr..! t.iir.. s :i:J ' 0 1 I : si.,ii!.r.i;;t;i;'.cli:.ij.ip!i;inl,t I 3 f !j; t!n!Uicbi.!iaii.1Ls;uII3wvlsir j ''(j J;()Q,r3 tllO !:y doth it pr-.'it a n. i'i 'o; .ray f r tl i h.-atb' n if I in't on -h akingtt t ins with hisiit i.' bbor? 1 At our stoie you will lil;.l the V. t en tin- -I'Mii uv, f.iib t.i pc tno-t lip-to ibne line of I'arni l...vi U t ( " I I Mi ssei's. .nlel.oa fis. lietj- i ,i. s'imiIs, I allies, etc.. ever sliown rretiinvs !)i;-liv.if fwiful- J n.Li: -tf . 1 W ( . ilW.tlti; u.f ifvr I1! (iituiii.Me!'!ii:if nor Muii'iiiL ' f'.i n its iuh ti'.n, ti.e en e .Ii r.u.t' , tl.o livi-r e a.so en rv a in the county liiil hue oi uiiivsaMi i a K. is ia ons lii-r.iM'N. Tii" viii.u.'u ii ;ii.i! 'i - '; lio;:ai., , glo-s-a hi'e. w hili ci ,mi.t be le-aoi 1 1! t" .i i.iMlby and bl-.rk plush and plushtite ... i , . . i ... . .i m : ! . I ni iit.l sin tin r l:iii i .1 1 ' ! ' I ' I :l it1. 1 i I : ;i li". '"t'l I i el s -. i . i e i - ! .- ,1 I iv. . "1 .bb-tv i in Ir I vim. .! 1 1 j : '. to do i'. 1 i- v to t .l.e ;ii.l inn-l t-ffntivf. S"ltl bv :ll ill eg" Uts. i 111 t at teiiti "ii given to phone i i a ders. t mis to please. Boons Furniture Store, (At Moretz ld Stand A pilfer I Hemnly frrroar:.!ip.i li.ia. Sni r s:m; h.llini rtu-..'.! ! Vnniis.t niivui.-ions.Kv'vi'risli i ru-ssp.iid Loss or Sleep. APPALACHIAN Tlio Hoy Who Snys e.!" Don't laugh at the boy who jnagiiiti.'s his plae.?. Von may see him coining iroiu the postojlieo wit h a big bundle of his employ er's letters which ho displays with as much piide na though they weiohis own. lie feels impor tant, and looks it. bin lie is proud of his place. 1 le is attending to husiness. Unlike ro have the, world know that he is at work for a busy concern. The hoy says '-we' indentih'es hints: If with the concern, its interests nie his He sticks up for its credit and re futation, lie takes pleasure in! his work and hopes to say wenre m earnest. The boy will reap what ho sows if he keep his grit, and sticks to his job. Von may take off your h it to him as one of the future solid men of the town. Let his emphn er do the right thing by him; eh 'ck him1 kindly il he shows sins of grow ing too big for ins place, conns 1 him .is to his habits and associ ates, and occasionally show hiini a pleasant prospect of advance-1 inent. A litt it? prido does an lion! est boy a heap of good, (bod! luck to the boy who says ''we." Snake liiver Sentinel. takuu: HAY. (i't my old knaps. iek. Mary. tiet my uiiilorm of gray, (ict my haltered helmet Mary, I'or I will need them nil today, (let my canteen ami my leggings: lieach mo down my rusty gun, I'or I'm going out parading With the boys of (ii. Nevermind the blond st a ins. Mary Never mind that ragged hole, If was made there by a bullet. That was searching for my soul, r.rush off the cobwebs. Mary, (let my bonny Hag of blue, I'or I'm going out pa ratling With the boys of 'UJ. These clothes don't fit me Mary, bike I hoy did when Iwasyoung I ' -1 1 " t you remember how neatly To my manly form they dung? Never mind sleeves thatsempty, Let it dangle loose and free, I 'or I'm going out parading With the bovs of '(;:. Ib-a winy sword-holt tighter Mary Fix the st lap ! neat h the chin. I have grow u old and threadbare I .ike my ii mil n m and thin, Int. I reckon I'll pass muster, As I did in d i, s of yore, Lor I'm going out parading With the boys of 'CI. Now I'm ready, kiss mo, Mary, Kiss your sweetheart goodbye, Srnsli aside the wayward tear drops; Lord, 1 didn't think I'd cry I'm not going fort h to battl", Cheer up. Mary, sakes alive, I'm just going out parading With the bovs oi '(io. N't 'TICK. 1 T;i i i -r tiieililii'il a mini in it r.i ters ' ... . I It it M . I I .... 1 I TP TVIW CT'TTnrV.T i-nm- "I n- .uinn u. im u, I Iv.V ! A I i ' ( i Ov.l l I J 1 1 in a loivii, eno i. .1 up "ii the limit--. I i.l lilt' mi mi', no tier is lir'irbv ;-ivell The fill term ol the A p n'a- t hit t nil r-nns li..!,lii.e rlit'ins :i ci.i.iti Training Sehoo! w ill b, giti 1 1 "''V'1' . I'1' J"'"' ''"' ;mii- !ev piivnniit tlluu 1.' iont lis on nglist I'.'S, 1 !l 1 0. i Iri.m this .bite nr ilii-i if. tier will hr The faru'tv wi'l number ino-e' l'1"'1 '.,:'r ."' u,'iT -'';; AH ; I't-r-oiis tinli liti l to s:ili! csliitr by teachers anil the eiplipn.Olli is imt.' ..r at-ceiint are n iiir.t.'il In is i no i I'i i v i. I 1 1 i'l 1:1 PV I n'lW1 s ....... .i. ... ...... " I 1 t h:i' ;:e.l. ( 'all on or address, A rvia-uu.&&ti f:-fm .I'W -('I.W.IjviT'' Thiriy Year? ' XKW VORK. )t I UJT COPY QF WBAPPCR. Jp jj FacSr.ttilii Signature or XKW' VORK. mm a ii s1 k ot ;.nt I m In Use $y For Over I mil rm otv iormnv. tvt ton etrr. See. of th, l';t'll! t V. lSoone, N. C. Everv v.'-;rr:;ri r-. " '- hn- rr tT!, but vi-' v i. nrrrt fHowt tvf.ei wiJh ta." 7ix;! nc lure has yiv- i '...; . j v;c!:sr. need liav-s :ih w in, ?i iU zyv. hlctchy c cmidrxic-;, .i- j av prcvr.r r.!tnti'.i ir h?o.?u.. Whrt confip.it!.'.-. . iive'oor- .Ticnts, bf o! icipir.-.t-e m ot!:'-.-irreynlas it'e i oxi't, j;o.-.'J r jia-.Iex-!on, fcrisht ryrs en -i jivIi'Jy move mcrt cc :i rsot rxi.'L )r.icrr..! fir.r-.vt :u'-luw-.l !a.-;.ir-l"i's s-xi.i -or htl-:r rt th? sit:f:ir M u-tt'ie. cVvrl. r:tv irun. . M:vi'l l.f - j. f. 'Il"; - -. t! .. !? liv. r -'!.-: r.'":.'i.if nr.- t-e-r!l; I' -!:,i uti I. This An-. 1. l'.'l w. - . mii.i.ki:, II. A. I't lilHl.N AilminVoatm-. , . . . . ... ...... o . . ... i t in. rust s ol sale, the sal. I ni. nrin- itVi t.wt: 1,1-1, fcIV m"-L.pry:.cV. ,,,,, ,,, , , , i, .;;,,! ,.r M -.i-r ;,'i .i,"..a,,.n!,L..o,,.,. i,.i,..,, t.'..i ! "" n l i(s '"ci tyti I. I .vib .;rr iviiiUi'. i 1 1 i irg .ti:ililie.l as Atlm'r., (if: S.iMin.i ISyl.iinl, Di c'tl.. l.tti: t.f :uj taiifjii ( ti., N. (',. this is Id notify ; all persons h.n'mg chiiitis against, the estate i f s.n.i Pi t:'. I., I.) t xlr.hit ' tin-til to the uiiilel sigiii'il en or be ' fnio .1 niy l h it)ll or this notice will lie lead in bar of their rcov l i'V. AH pet sons imlt'htril to said estate w ill plea-o make imnndiatc pay nu'iit. Tliis.JuK lt)io. (.'. M. ISi.AiMii uN, Atbn'r NoTli i:. " : ruder ami '! virhirof the power I'oiit.iiii.Ml in ii rri tain Slii.rti.aei' tier. 1 fxeciitrtl to II. tV Criiierr by A. .1. K.l ini.-tt ti ami wife. l,i.i In Kilm isteii, m,, .lui'.et t, llini'i to si en i c the ..'iyineiit ol the s:mi i f $y.s.ll''a!i.l the ilileirst eti tht'snnir from .ttn:.' JUiMi. an.! I the rusts of sale, the saiil mum teii Wlty Suffer ? . A J . J 1 1 A Arc you one oi tnc inoiisanas or wojur-u ?no suffer from female nilinents? If so, dou't he i iseniu' aged, go to vour druggist and cot a lint do !' Wlv off 5S Cardui. On the wrapner are full directions for nso.ti Utirmo; the last halt centtir Cardui h.-ts hecn?J established in thousands of homes, as a safe remodrja tor pam wJiieh only -vromen enuure. It is reliable. contains no harmtul ingredients and can be deveud- cti on in almost any case. Lory Hcdy Satisfied The world's most successful med icine for bowel compl tints is Chain ht'i'lain's Colic, Cholci a and Diar rhoea Ib'ini'iK . It has relieved more p:iin and suffering, anil saveu more livts tlian any nihil' medicine in us'-, Jnvabiable for clnltli Oil and adults, Sold bv all'drug -;s!s. . n-.ra ; tor sale to the h iirlies; hi. I. irr for v r- iti-t ; tl... l,,,i, ,t.,r ! I!. ...I.. stoma si.ri.iivllh..rrr--n'Pi n nnd ntli? ('., l v r..t ll..-t c-..o 1 T.'ihlL.'.'co.v'br'r.-i'; .1 ti; ..n" to r-'l.cvo"L.ilr.In-, j N. Moll. 1:1V, S.-pt . 5, t'.-l l 111- indiRPJtion. .'tmulipntiui. mad d.bx.ocU. 51J .'v- tUt't'li the holli'sot In, a. Ill,, ,'ilitl I i. eowhere. I'me 23 C.-.U.. III., the same lieii.tt t h'1 t'rst .Men.t.iv iireAskYou It Will Help Yoa HfO. Clmrlos Bragg, of Sweetw, Irn3., tried Car(?m. PI; 5.! ill in sain lii'.i.th, the loilowin ilr-eri hril iriil estate lo wit: One eertain Sf.; jiii'ir oi parrel of 1,- ml j iny ami hr I ills' in Wutamra rotuiiv air) state ! aforesaid, in Plowimr lioek tow .shin , yJSSWSSSnPmJ S iiin.l il. M lihril i.s toiloWM- l.vili" illnl '' ""yi'lwiitiiWhiirifiiilTl'iti u lii ii... in tin- ii.w n ,.i l:l.,,. i i:,,.. i. to tako Cardui, for your femala K h(.-mi,iii.' .n the w. st side 7.f t u ' troubles, because we f.re SUie it H 'alttw, ll Wntau.-i turnpike road via hcV you. Romember that g ;i",st""' VV',"- K'binsin.v south- ts- ,,,- .,..a,t., P east corner ami runs west wit h a this great fSUiateiSUiedy- U nnsten's Ii,... ;lu tret to his r,.r,,er. (fiii--'f5S4 "l?l R'PJ IS 1h,'n K",ltl' 1 tVrt to the V. II. Vl?jrtr hi tin iiRi IP IMmisfe.. eorner. th.'tl ea-f '.M It et ''"- m ft H? M ii 11 t tlie turnpike r.'.l. I hen Elf SlM&iSifi'&i MJK S t 1'"t" wil1' the tnni.ik' roa.t lotiie Sj TB B .yiW f m lt'i,iiiliiiii;'.'imi eoiilainsom. toiuth of an uere more or ks. Kelt'irnee is IlSS brOfrf.t relief tO ShcUSands Of fai hereby ma le to book Ml' of inort-.i trJl ?3 v.,L..,uk ilu nun 1.1.1V ii .vivii.i lias i, oin.; iyn inc. fl Before I began taking Cardui I could not do a dav's work. IFI O wouhl work awhile and lie down. I shall always civo praise tO'voniS AT ALL DRUa CTOEEo i -.- ... ... r.vW i. C5 YEARS' EXPERIENCE lMVy OVR 'rAtViA s DES1NS, 'mV1 Copyrights Ac. Anr.-tr.o lp(r n nl,.fh r?,,1 ,ii.soi iplloi. nmv t5';! 'l.i itu.ii ..nr i'i.ii:i..ii true IiWImt .-in 3 C oher k'k vomcn sa Xv9 net to S P'. jwiircW:!, where the si!iii is re- j 'i...i'e..n u ir..hi.ir j.nom rt.ii. i-.nimtniv t?? Fo,SScS U V'!l" -"i,eeof,i,eKeeierof TMBWjX Vf y-Jr JI l.i,U4U.l.O. uhu ., I lords (if fit.'r.'.ifa e.unl v. S.liil saie ! I'e.-:.ai lakvi the.iiiih Hinn l'o. rarelv g lV.n!.0diCSl paitlS. femste Weak. & will br matle to satisly s:',i,l .irbt, in. m tl ..ess, many have said it Is tia & tei.-t nmi ivms. mul tired in in- sim. I! fcsst medicio (o take." Try it 1 W r.';'. 'V' to the pureha.srr. Si r , r... - -.-4 I? 1 his .- 4. l'.ltd. I t 'l . 'i. i f. Wf ( Winlni A inrti!simA!y illtMfr,i.-1 worklv. I nreomt rtr- n;'.:t ;.i.i i.f ;nf uT;t i.nirtm!. 'I i irm ( I a ! 'inr -mi ii,fi. Htiiil ty ;til htlt;i i't - ' in , , . . . . ! V ouc-o. 1 .' --.'iv ,:'.r;,i' ; ,. , r ! ij In crw.lii' V-C'EUO.i,". a':,'. '.."V.i'c ' ' j! wca'.-n..-::.03 ii"e -: 2 .-vr'eme ; ! J !ii i. J, as lS.-5'..saras hav rieJ. ! i rOH KtDft'SY,LiVClA?;?! ! g it is ilio Its n:-;;,,Ti ?.; ..jid J j g over a d:-a..', 4-innit I1, : feOCT,!!Wt;-.-.'-Msi.- - --. As th t.i JOV I'I'li llli'l; ' I'i:: I If ('ViT cansi.steiii'v is n jie.vol it is .'idonnne; mother's crown. 1'cw ol us, until vM'tMiter tin' i.ow lile of motherhood, realize the the siihlitue ijiliiciilty i.fhi iiiL'dike our (ireat Kxample, the same vt-stcrd.iv, today, and forever. I cherish my childish loves the memory of that v.urai lit tie nest, where my affections were fledged. (ieorie I-iliot. I! ! 5J i Good results are hm id to have fteen ohtaiued in France from the feeding of sugar to overworked! horses. Kxcensive strain and constant exliaustion as a result! of slippery roads wru lessened in I those aniiinUs which were f-'d su gar daily some horses rendered unfit lor service liy overwork were restored to normal streiie-th hva liberal mixtureof sugar with their feed. Our Dumb Animals. The nvernge w oman's s&i q cf before you boast of your an cestors hide the family photo graph album. The man who quits smoking litis more money to spend on his other habits. If you would make a lasting impression on a woman, try to suppress her. . i A girl doesn't really enjoy read j ing a poem to a man unlese he is ! holding her hand. Mexican THINK OF M vV ait Relief from pain tlint ltiihl olhervis;c cause you hours of ai;ony. Tired out muscles cased up and made ready for another day's work. Lameness in the back and shoulders promptly cured and stilT joints limbered up. Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Mashes ren dered painless and quickly healed. Rheumati?m, Lumbago and Sciatica robbed of their anguish and banished forever. Ulcers, Old Sores and Open Wounds healed promptly and permanently. U2s AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. lmmen mmm WXt'BTiy fit I'D A;- .v-?'-,tf'-rf'3 11 V IJ.-- S4 J The first application of Mexican Mus tang Liniment subdues the pain but it continues its work until every quivering nerve is soothed and quieted. The great penetrating power of this famous remedy enables it to do this quickly and positively. In all cases of Sprains, Bruises or Lame ness. Mexican Mustang Liniment should be rubbed in persistently. The antiseptic qualities of this old relia ble household remedy make it safe and sure. Prices 25c, 50c, $1.00 per bottle. fui,j LYON MFG. CO. 41 to 45 So. 5th St, BROOKLYN, N. Y. J i . t.r, ,.vf .nii' .i'.h loi t tt.t.us ue same churctt sue dot s. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey For Coughs and Colds i! . i 1' II f 9 J