TTTT-v crat. mo VOL. XXII It Saved IIi Leg. 'I thought li liscn,v CJJi Wlirf ? . E. Swenson, of Watt-Mown Wis. "Ten year of ec-tnia. that 15 i,K. 101 1 couj.l not cure, h.ul at l ist me up. Then Ifuckh-n's Arnica S ilve ci.icd it, ouml ami will." I. fallible for skin eruptions cetn:i salt 1 limm boibs, fcvci sores ,urs' bums, scald, and piles, ic. at all I Irug;tsts. THE ELECriOS BILL. w ilke-boro riinuiirU. 5"H:rlIU"'AY. S1TKMIIEK 22. .0.0. KLPI'ULICAM IXUKiTlTUUE. i 7v " NO. 12. BANK RKPOST. PROFESSIONAL TI.-IV is notion. ,1,,, 1, ' . . . re-copv mg U'lo w a por- Chariot te 1 Wrve r. r..:!.,w;" u:.". "r.V ANK STATEHENT. . r - 1 11(111 ill flu .... I k . . I f. .vir-n u4 l Oil I f 1 1 Mr.t has. H. Codes' unfitness t..' . . 1 :. "n"armg 1,1 Maine has for more than throe diti..,, of the hank of I:!,,-:,,., r, i ' "M""'-' "c rtp,,.t .f ,! iiir.... .... .. ."i.ifi iwiimh I lie I'loilPfr. t if Oliartei s of 11 .....n, -.. I...I.I :. . 1: at ... .1.- ...... ,,-"... u.111 01 I! "nsuifiri'I 1 iiiiippu it . .. ' . iKni us . - ---. ... mi- van- . more than the e,iiiori,.i .1,,.; ....J l,'C't.vKM', .nut .1 State Section in Sentem- 'Nol,h l'"r",. !' close of bui IamlithMV.lke8 lVttriutlait! , ,'Ur,'7 el,,I''a-nir , "'r n.,,1 the result has always wk i. defem-e ofthe,.:o(tioi,'I ,"'"7 " r ' of lx en considered as to wnnt ex l.iN intr.Hj.,c,.I l,v Mr Cw'es i., ! . Vm,")'cr ,lu ' ,,ave ft, j tent f .reslmdowing that of the the last Congiess. Tin hill i !1H'ru,.""v ' 'li'iisiM- retuu-; national elation in (Part of the old Force P.ill, which was passed by Congress inrecon- -SPECIALIST,-FourthSt. Bristol Tenn.-Va. Eye and Throat Diseases. Refraction for Glasses. Hunt . 1 . Pl1 union to govern a con quered people, who had no voire 111 the Congress that uissed it I'll t was forced upon Hie jieople lorwnose government it wan passed, and executed by armed guards. This law has never been enforced north of the Mason and of disiieiisin "e:,tu, I" the famous 'M bud cider" .am- 11 was cue purpose ol several j paigu lsio, when the eastern- Ih-piihlicans of Salisbury to apply or 1 ue li, I). I.0WK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, liAN'KCM ELK, N. C. Will practice in the courts Watauga, Mitchell and adjoinin; C unities. 7 j.'()y EDMUND JONES LAA YE 11 LKXOIK. N. Will I'rm'th o Regularly the Courts of H'nt.tugu, 61. '09. place. Mr. llobson ilainiiurr .it np" times that he was under ol.Ji nations to no one. but wonM let each one prepare his applica tion an.j endorsement and sub. niit the same to Mr. (Wles at . 1 . . . Dixon Line, and the peoule wl , I ,,emTr "",e a"1 Pithese ... ' ,,u,m I "PW wlui lection w tli him li,,,i. ti. .1:.. ....... iiia - iiirriiiM. most of the States rW n U'i,; assistant post masters' governor, it was seiirnlly recog" mzed that Harrison was roin" 111 F. A. L1NNEY, -ATTOUXKV ATLAW,- B'lONK, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the l.'lth Judicial District in all matters of a civil nature. 6-11 1!)09. J. C. FLETCHER, Attorn ;y At Law, BOONE, N. C. C:i reful attention given t ;ol lections. W. K. LOVILL -ATTOHNEY AT LAW,- IlOOMh, X. C. tfSpecinl attention jivfn to all business entrusted to h!s care."a 7-0--09. E. S. GUFFEY, ATlOIiXEx Al LAW, tfOONE, N. C. f Prompt attention given to all ranttei'H of a legal r.titure. S& Abstracting titles and coiiectiou 01. claims a special tv. l-l'OO. passed it woul J scorn the idea of such a law and would resent the passage tit it f,,r this government with force. So unpopular was this law that efter the people of the North had had time to cool from the heat, of buttle, and to consider, they no longer enforced it and soon gave the South their hearty sup- poit 111 rejieaiing it, and were the first to makean attempt touring duck, good feelings between the two sections, and therein- make amends for the insults they had heaped upon a helpless i'ipohIi. So far have they gone that the statues ol Lee, Vance and a nuin Ikt more of the great leaders of the South now stand face to face with the great leaders of the North in Statuary Hall in the capitol nt Washington; and the soldiers of both great armies meat together and rejoice in the patriotism of each other, .nrais. mg the grat cause of his section and the other agreeing that he is honest in his views and was al together justifiable in his fiuhr for its ddfence. Then, great must have been the astonishment of the people ol the North when a, son of the South appeared in the Congress of his eouutrv and in- trodueed a part of the old law pushed by tliem for the nurnose , , . . . . ' or uepm mg lug ancestors of a voice in the Erovernmenr. rf hio country at a time when thev wen: helpless. So great has been their astonishment that thpv have modestly let the bill be still ami through their rebpect to the South, have not discussed it ei ther way, as they have no ide of ever being governed v such a, law and do not want to admit they would pass a law to rrovern others that they would not want to He governed by themselves t ho has stud it was Lood and R. Ross Donelly. UNDERTAKER & KM BALM EH HHOUiVS, Ti'iiiiwwee, Has Varnished and (Jlass White Coffins; Rhick Broad :loth and White Plush Caskets; Black and White Metulic Caskets Robes, Shoes and Finishings, Extra lart-e Coffins and Cs Kets always on hand. 'Phone or ders given special attention. R. ROSS DONNELLY. Why AluceYcurWatch fair election law? Who, we do triet convention he enrried his choice with lum to Wilkesboro and had Mr. Cowlcs tag him. As the result Dortou, of Cabarrus county, was selecti d. Hvthis he lias insulted the intelligence of every Republican in Salisbury, in larticuhr, and those 111 the county m ueneial. Now if Mr Cowles relieved him in making una iippoiinment .tie lias shown little gratitude to those men who stood by him and made his elec tion 'sure. .Mr. Dorton was 11 n. known as a Republican until our last convention in Salisbury and very few knew who ho was. Re sults will show the aonreciation of such treatment to t he men who stand on the firing line." While not being able to offer aid to the old guard on the fir- ing hue, yet, from a Deniocraie standpoint, we can only extend sympathy to those who have never so much as had an oppor tunity of presenting their claims for the most coveted and profi table office within the dispensa tion of theappointingpower. We take it that the matter was en tirely in the hands of Represent ative Cowles, who ignored the to defeat Van Huren. nd in ev ery campaign which has occurr ed since, the Main returns have iMeu eagerly scanned. It is nrob. able in scrutinizing the result of Monday s vote in that Common wealth the Republican leaders will fi-id it difficult to extract much comfort. For the first time in about .'hi years a DemocratictJoyernorhas been chosen, the incumbent Bert M. Fcrnald, conceding the elec tion to his Democratic opponent former Mayor Frederick M. Plais ted of Augusta. Still more remar. kable, of the four congressional districts it appears that two nave sent Democrats to help to swell that now looks like an al most certain majority in the next House. Worst of all possi bly from a Republican stand point, there is no small likeli hood that the Legislature which will nume a successor to the F- mted States Senator Eugene Hale, will have a small but ouite BUtiicient majority against the (J. O. P. The size of the victory is a surprise of the same kind as was caused in the spring by elec tions m 1ew 1 oi k and Massa chusetts in which the Republican majorities of many thousands were reversed. Notwithstanding these facts, it would be well for the Democratic. leaders to remember that politi cal signs, no matter of how hoa- uev Sept. 31, ioi: losoi m i : 1. 1. ails .llld illv. oiinlu A.., Overdrafts secured veidiaf;s unsecured. Banking house Furniture and lixtures One from b'ks and b'krs Cash items Oold coin National hank notes and other L". S. note 3 74. :ie VVit i x 1 , , t,"uuiy ai -,oone. .. f., j the s,. ' NorC. Carolina, at the close of PtiMi.ess Sept. 1. 110. Ht.soi nn-.s. I .ins mid discounts Over drafts secured Banking hocse 1.000.00. 1 Furr.iture ami fixtures l.-t ').! S.yo 47 3t,fHI, 559-1 ' 1 fci 2.00. 95.00. 1.5674. Total. 3b" 00 UAmi.mi:s C.ipit:.! stock :l0 300.00 Undivided profits, less cnrient expenses and taxes paid 261 1 i.i.. ... 1. . 1 . .ut-iiuin u;iiiiis ana ban- r ,,kl's li.2'3.sS6. Ic".'' . i.9"7-5o. Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 95 S National hank notes and" other U. S. notes 1,077.00. Total. 9s.3cS.Gj. II AHII.ITIFs v .yuai mock il.OOOOO Snrpui fund, 2.400.00. t In.iiv , ...1 .....r:... 1... 1 lime ccrntu-ates of deposit d, ,92.6S J rt-nt expenses and tax paid .,666 Sr Deposits snl led to - he. U i- .iS r, ;T m,.r,.,.;i; .1 . ' . ' - 1 i. , , ', -i.-r-j" - - ''"i" ui 11c ins. k. 01.2: t ....1.: .- . Cashier's checks outst.111 tin"- 97-59- To!:'1 104.00 Mate of North Carolina, Watauga county, s s : I. (J. M. Sudderth, Cashier of the above named h-mL- do solcinnlv swear that the statement is true to the best of my knowledge 1 nd helief (i. M. SriniKitrn. Cashier. Correct Attest : C. J. I'ailier, W. L. Holsiiouser, W. C. Lent-., Di rectors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sth day of July ,9 10: W. C. Craig, J. P. . . ---- - ,-- Uej)osits subject to check 40.717.25. Cashier's ck's outstanding 400133.' You do not run your bupgy, sewinfr uacnine or other machinery till it squeaks and "uds and cuts itfelf to pieces. You clean and oil it often. You should be as careful with your watch It U small and cannot squeak loud when it is dry and needs oiling. You may not kuow it till the watch is completely ruiued and stops. Bring jour waten to mo I will show you and explain the exact condition. Take proper care of your wateh and it will la-t you a life time. Consult we ou watch Diseases. Yours Very Truly, . M. O RE EN E, Jeweler ZiouvilJe, ' C. K F 1) not know; if he has said, it has licen to a close friend in the still hours of the night. He has never said it publicly, and has carefully avoided the press and the newspapers, lest some o n e should hear that he had said such u thing. Shall we send a man to Congress in whose breast the ha tied of the country that nn.vo nun birth is so rankled that he wants to bring back the calami ties upon it that have long since been borne and forgot ten; or ii is not hatred that rankles in his breast, it is ignorance of the most unpardonable tvne. snnh that will discount the jieople of uie district. Let the voters sav old line partymen who have rV aml unbroken a record, are fought the bnt.tleu f..i. banded the plum to a Cubuirns Mtely. There were practically no county Republican. national issues involved in Mou lt reminds one of tho oK-.,. I dnvV contour. uirh.ri 1 1 the old faithful h orsenff pp n Iin. v I doilbt tllf imtinn.ivirlA tfo,,,l s..v-. 11011- - - - w.. iicjui yji 1 1 til t I . . i. i 1 . I i. n . 1 . ... niuu in uuiiaiam wonc to lie w'""ieui. anected the result, turned out in a barren pasture Mayor Plaisted's election should without fodder to do the best he " ,ak,n aa a great encoura"-e- can. This is only another in- ment, but not as an excuse to siance of Republican ingratitude. 8llil k during the eight weeks uy tne way, this office, as we ,. re which will elapse below Him d,.,.i. informed, pays $1,800 per year. 8lve battle on November 8. Mr. 1 owies seems to have nn 1 lie congressional scruples about . slapping the old thp spring lodcd no good to the guttiu in ine lace, for m inuinii Diirti-in n.iu'op Tim (-f county he cut the political head tlo ' A'ermont a few days ago from Collector Brown's shoal, spelled the Same IllPSsncrp In ders and recommended one Hen- neither, however, was the "Mene A few weeks ngo w hen the Re publicans of Stanley held their comity convention, the Hon. Ralph Cole, ol the eighth Ohio district, was brought here by Congressman Charley Cowles to make a speech. Mr. Cole glorified the ship subsidy and the present tariff act and told the people how to vote. A few days ago the eighth Ohio district, held vention and Cole was defeated for re-nomination. He told t h e Ohio people the same thin-' n. bout, the Payne-Aldrich tariff act, that he did the people of Stan ley, but his people would uot swallow it, and he is now not even a candidate of his party. Other speakers imported to this State dy Republicans are being repudiated in their own States and home districts. The lesson is plain Stanley EnierprUo. They Have a Definite Purpose. Foley's KidiK v Pills mv ,i,,;, L- relief in cases of Udnev and ha, liter ailments. Mrs. Rose Olaser Terra Haute, Ind.. tells the result in her case: "After suffering b 11' m si n I years from a serious case of kidney trouble and spending much money for so-called cures, 1 found Foley Kidney Pills the only medicine that gave me a perm.-nent cure. I am again able to be up and attend to my work. I shall never hesitare to recommend them." f. It I , - -'."VI 1 burn. ry Reynolds for his place. Such mene" so plain as it was m.nlo ingiatiriKie should be resented wl,e" "ie people who sent Blaine n 1,-1 - t 11.11 .... I 1 i. t . oy me old line Ke- "11U "e'd and Dingley to Con- pubheaneat the noils fr gress for more t h .'111 II ,i.iinnnt!.. -4 - ".CIIllL10ll SllOUal lie mn,l.i t-. ti..1.... 1 I viiifu,! fh,,ii. .i : .1 ,u uuuri siiillll -' iuL-11 ui U"U,1IISC ItlC f !,.- t- 1. I .... . . . . . " hi at mien outrageous treatment, pa ri y uiese men eil. ,r . . ... 01 men wno elected him two venrs A Man of lion Nerve. Indomitable will and tremendous energy js never found where stom ach, kidneys, and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr King's New Life Pills, the match less regulators for keen bruin and strong body. 25c. at all druggists. ago will not, b t,,,li.,i f.i . w . . 1 , . I. V. till V longer The Lash of a Fiend would have been about as Welcome to A. Cooper, of Oswego. X. Y as a merciless lung-iacked coup-Ii tln.t 1 f , .. " ueneu ai remedies for years "It was most troublesome atnin-ht " he writes, 'nothing helped me until 1 used Dr. King's New Discovery which cured me completely. I nev er cough at night now." Millions iltow its matchless merits for stub. born colds, obs'inate coughs, Sore lungs, lagripne, asthma, hemor. rhage, croup, whooping cough, or hay fever. It relieves quickly and never fails to satisfy A trial con vinces, 50c and 1. Trial bottle bee. It's positively guaranteed bv all druggists. Don't Break Down. Severe stndns on the vital organs like strains on machinery, c a u s c bieak-downs. You can't overtax stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves without serious danger to yourself. f you are weak and rim (town, or iimler ctr.jJn r.f 1.:.. 1 , ..h.,i awj IVIIH1, take Electric Bitters the matchless I tonic niedicme. Mrs. J. K. Van de Sande, of Kirklaiul, 111., writes- "I did not break down while enduring a most severe strain (nr - ........ ,v,i uiuimi.s, is due wholly to Electric Bitters." Use them and enjoy health a n d enjoy health and streno th. Satififac. tion positively guaranteed 50c. at all druggists. If District Attorney Hoi ton 1111 deitakes to deal in tommv-rot political argument some of us will have to conclude that he is not as big a man as we had been led to think. To,aI S9W6I. State of North Carolina. Wnt.-i 11 nri county, s: I, G. P. Hagaman, Cashier of the above named f;,nL- do solemnly swear the above statement is iruc to the best of my knowledge an I belief.. P Hagaman, Cashier CorrectAttest: T. P. Adams . II. Mast, W. 0. Coffey, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12th day of Sept , 1910. Thou. Bingham, C-S. C. THE XORTh CAKOUmT" College of Agriculture Alio Mechanic Arts The State's college for training industrial workers. Courses in Agriculture, Horticulture, Ani mal Husbandry and Dn irvimr- in Civil, Eltctrical and Meehnni- cal Engineering; in Cotton Mill. ing and Dyeing; in IndustriV ( hftmstry; and in Agricultural IL-ill-IIIIIJJ. Entrance examinations nt each e.Mi.ny sent, op the 14th cf Jv D. H. HILL, President, ' West Raleigh, N, c. THE NORTH CAPLINA State Normal and In dustrial College. Maintained by the State for the "omen ol North Carolina. Four regular Courses leadititr to IV . grees. Sneei.ol 1 V.i, rp.. . 1 v ..ui r- iui it1.; C11C18. l ull Session nr temb;rl4. into ti?0 ' aJ mg to enter should apply as ear ly ' as possible. For catalog ni c' other information nrM JmS I. FOLSTPrcs. Qre,nSbnro XC 1 be mail who marries iii ho.-t,. lias no difficulty in knowino wb . to do with his leisure. For ()uick Relief from Hay Feyer. Asthma and summer bioinlili k take Foley s llonev hih! Tar It quickly refieves the discomfort and suffering and the annov imr svmn. toms disappear. It sooths and heals the inflamed air passages of the head, throat and bronchial tubes It domains no opiate or harmful drug. Refuse substitutes. Af. IV Uhi.-lT-! burn. "She's u very nimble woman." "So. you've w?eu her in one of those newfangled hobble skirts. lia ye you?"-Detroit.Free I'ress. lle'ea nice chap, but why does he wear that long beard?" "His wife buys his neckties." Cleve land Leader. FOLEY'S OMOIAJCATIYE fOR Stomach Jkqubik an cLConti ration Carrier Make Boast, of Route 5, has brought a tnotercvcle. and when the state of the roads and the weather permits of his using same on his route, he will beable to serve all his patrons by uoon each day, and also will get back in time to get off mail on the southbound C. & N. W. The ma chine is a agner, 3 horsepower one cylinder, and it sells fo some thing above 200. Catawba County News. JFOLEYS KIlwiFVPin q Hiousanis Hare Kidnej Trouble and Never Suspect it How To Find Out. rill a holtle or common j;lass with y- ,i water and let it stand twenty-four I101.1 a seilimiMitoi set tlin indicates! r unhealthy coi! dition ol the : ! neys; if itst i, your linen it ,s cvideueu ot I.i.; ney trouble ; -frequent dcb.r, to pass it ort nil in 0... 1 '. also eonvineiiiB proof that the kidnt..- and hladtler are out of order. What To Do. There is rnmfurt in i-.,,..i...v... , 'i"imi;t c often expressed, that Dr. Kil.i: j j Swamp-Root, the fjreat kidnev rem.-iv fulfills every wish in curing rheur.i.Misei pant 111 the hack, kidneys, 'liver, blad.i-r and every part of the urinary pas- u -It corrects inability to hole! u-.i'ir and scal(lin; pain in passing it, or bad effects followtiiff ..f Mr,tinr .. tieer, ami overcomes that unpleasant ',e cessity of ling compelled to go of ten diirini? llii tin V find t,. i.rtf , ... limes dunnt; the niKht. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Hoot is soon realized, it Mm for its wonderful cures of the most di"v tressing eases. If you need a medicine VOU should hnvpllif tict S.,1,1 I,.,.: gists in fifty -cent ami one-dollar sizes. ' You may have a sample bottle and s book that tf11c .11 about it, Ixrthsent free iSSyAtSSt oy mail. Address Dr. LSrWEm'1' ') Kilmer & Cn n;-"iM'i8ie!:Vi haiuton, N. Y. When Boa.o( tr M-riting mention this paper atid don t make any mistake, but remember the name Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ant! tne address, Binghamton, N. Y.