n .1 t. 1 re. i pfuocza t. i Vhti li-JU-J J r::Vj osian D.!.r. ' t-i tx.iivi'-rs who Wit th, NV V-rk u:i. ;l!-dy I.i-i! is.nt.ul tlfiiiH.-h,; When lh. M iry Kddy.tl.e "" wi.h ;i vi.-it In lliat i, st:i-ti-.J l.v wii.ti I'M l:v'-. i.in in TuiV.i V. i...it hv,i ..i J. .i.l.ii.. Tie- . mi-in-lt ..s.fire 1 h. riUr topr.r 'lainoii r.:- I l...th :n ' t ' m ! ' " ' l'i'c by them In. in .!. iLial. in .-in- l.t lm.l to ln-aii .: t;.. i..n I.;, a '. iu I ii. 1 i:i ! h,ie that 00111.1111 w'it-i.1 th- tno-t 1 t m-uishcd It La.-us over I hem anJ I h 'doctors of the -..i::itrv -he following thanksgiving pro. lama go-at ti..id.e Umi.l are t-.iv-' trying to invade. She of Am.r- turn: . i- d in ni.vM. ry. This is t r 11 e ( "" I .'. ina-.- Lut was bu-ujit "This ji'iir of Iblois iIi.-jaiii pittl.v Ih aiiv t t !, f.ui r lnto-1 up :" r'- In a close. Tin- nvords of ileal i:iii !.iits (..limited w i t li I 'I In tiift iTistiim was.n rrt-n-! latum an 1 harvest, uhi.h are the -aste( u le-mu. hut mainh an.l tit tend in a contemptuous . C i'f !'( , V"' ' "Ill I lIH. lV. lkaiilsiriiit; I'rnclamat.uu. President 1'uH his issie.l tin' Villi 1- tii.' ia l x of progress, show v i on acci!!ii of t h- cr. at nbs of : ihm-: -V. ho arc you?" I'o the I a:u froiii urn! aiaoii r She was i xnuii'ied without in- 01011-iiati.-ial '-i-.ntli an I the the .hud 111 vail, v that lias nb a-toM-lm.i'iit I.er c;iiuiii. t- 1. ....... health ai:.l iTo-i'i'i-ous w.-l! wavsa.l.-l ;is,ii;ii!i.r. I'.u wli.iiciitMih-.Airi-.l in tin .li;i!w ian- 1 in of our tviiiii'iiiiuti . s tliio'ili- dcend 111I.1 tin- vallcv, l..'h( ( miage: mt this laud and iu our ims-i'-- fe-1 I-i-Ioa t!i s.m l.-wl uinl. r-1 vu. Hons In'Voii I tilt' MM-. T!ii";.' take t climb ti.i'l.lis lirvoni). 1. 1, -sings li.i w not 1. n.l.'.l n;.- which 1 i to a height of :t.ouu teimi-sioii for ki hour-, cay on us ia irstii. I nieasuies. hit. success. Tin-d with nv. iving cor but ovivtiowii ,g ami nhni.d.iiit. ; Tin' most t 1 ikinu' I liin' iiboiit nrl ausurrs on." of lli. itHiiiisi Ti i y mv tl.. lil.ius nti.llioiiu-' M.-ali h is always Utii its isola-'tois in tin' lioi ol inl itnilat i.r ty.'fC.il. jtioa. Ilo.x.vi r. iin.i h nun cctc 1 j l r. -il!.'.l out: " I'li:it answer is ' coirin;!.' to In' at ican' l.y rac anl viriniiy with tln'ir j wroi;tr." wit'i tin' ii'st of tin woil. I lii al' ' wi'si.'iii kin-mi'ti. I In- ilwllrrs in; a-krl for ri-rt-iin mimical (vsi'ntial Maiti'i's our illations fast.in l'lilcst mi' iiavo al a ays ! hooks an.l with strikii i-alm-witli otl.i i ;..'oii!i nr. h.uin.nii- n-. Jistinct. nml thi-ir l.unls , ni-ss kuI: "If all lhi's authors nis, w it!i an I'Vrr jzt'owin irali ; h'i v h: on omipit'il I y tin na- uoiiot siist:ii;i iny answer I will ty of frii'ti.llini'ss ami ilth of .lions on the e.t xrcjif throtiiih ; witlnlraw my niipliiMtiou to inatual '! 'ii'inli'iiciv It is cspc,'. arts of oppi vs.-iou an I conqiii'st. j pr.n'tico nii'thi-inc " Hit Ann i i i:i'ly to biMi .tr.l that iliinnu' tin' ! Mvi-n today th'.s isolation is ' ran iliii-k won her tin1 ilay ami ast yi'.ir t'l'it pionss has. still flt. In uiviny: an idea of j shewn friveu the loi-d'ited heen .u hieve 1 in the cause of ar : their knowledge of pres. nt day 1 pi ivilee. iiitration and the peaceful settle-j j;oorapliy one of them remark-1 Si p is now devotinir lier life to iiivit -of international disputes. ed: "There nro only four seas in the ciirinir "f Mindless, a disease 'Now, therefore. I, William . the world, two ol which are the to which the Mosh ids fall easy I loivnrd T aft, I'r si lent of the head Sea and the Sea ot'tialilee." , prey on suvoinit of the shiftii'j: I'll i ted Stat-s of Ainei iea. in ac-1 1'.oth of these are in siht of their ' sands lift d and blown easily a cordanee witli the wise custom of own hills. Chicuiio Inter! i ean. .bout by the winds. Her services Idurinir the Armenian massacre J..h Bill.n;. G:i-'e ts H-t l ."'-r r::!i i':'o !!! il yon c.t tin I -tii v 1 Iiin !-. .i run into. I;.- ho: 1! v 1 1 cm: f li" iioi.-t. 'lav 'orhelji. Marty x oimu'. o. l it yo noik-a lat, k.t piool aa I dont biai: a bout it. I'.athe thoroly on e a wi"k in so!i wat.T and ka'.ii I soap, and jnoid lit.' butis Kxt icise in op. 11 air, but saw w. od iihtil von ai' to l.artev mid la If l at h ih wa-!nn .lays, an u e tlankail. if you have to (dint your ryes to it. I'.e kind to your mother -in-law. ami if n-ressnrw . pay her board .1 t Hi lllll' ir, ,, I I li. ltl'1. " I 1 : II..; I 1 lie l.n!iv half the time. Cl and always start the fire in iiiornin;X and pat 011 teakettle. F... 1 .;c Or :iay b.'Wi-l trimbU- !:. h.-U's Aa ti-l'.iin ;:c:s like nii'ic. reaevi-! .il : iu.it iasiasitly. AI- -.hI f r all rtcin.d ).iins. I i, .. N.-r !i C .' .. .i't,:t a. xl I' 1:'.'. 1." wT.mii.l i. n.iiii -i m ' - 1 ii.'l ' r 1.' i. : ll. , ".! K a;..' V. .ill. .'l u fjllll k .-..riu- . nt. I 1 ! ! ! VMM NTHV. .. ... 1 S'nlr n! Xi irJii' ,-.., ": -n. , iu n.:. 1. b. i.-. ,. !.!,;,. Vf'" ' , l i..tWr 1 f I !k HV.-r I: i .iii... .1 ri. Iii lnj. . I. llu- i,-. ..lu.j." '",'IJ!'', . !. al !i r I r j ii en a . I t ;t tit 1 r, 'if'. J I .. - I I .1. ... Ill-' i '. 1.. v W.t: .:i lliv.-r t- Mhr in: ... it,.- u.,1 lii,..Lr. ' ' K '.'!:;. ; i i. 1 11 1 In-' 1.11 u ill. II. r 1 ,. j.llk. , V li:..i io :i Hrl-i- 't !'' I:i.il!i . t I'.'...; , , i.. Ml '. i-rl'.-.. . . t.i.li.f will U'.i 1 ill", ! K..I.V Mi.-i.K III.; Hli-l, i: 1 : . Ii..- cr. . K ..' -i-il. 1 1 a ; rm . n,, t,, v,J Mrl'w.i- i'' in -Tvnij. :n V I: ll-ii Hi.. . . ;i:.i- itli Mi-liuir.-' !n,r t. 1 i :iu i! --in- v . 0 I-I. t" tl.r li.-cili- II i n I..I.-K Id tUr I .'tii,,,,,,,. I don't ' jl.:tu.,ht Kninwiui i;,,;' ..bili H.-MMKl-'N. r.f laMf , . j IIaKIIN. K.;,vT.u ,ery tnne you M lU JjLjJV jfj on. e 'ii ;i while ennuni . I J j MdUTCAlii: sai.i:. P.y virtue of the power of sale roiit .inrd in areitain tnottime deed rxeiMted to the utidei sign ed bv Kli I-onj on the L'.'itii day l.VW . Wi 4.4U vUw 4CcSi ! T! o un(:erii:;rci! lul.ir.i.-tr.itors of the estate of H. (j :Mi!:. r, 'iccvfotl, desire to inform the public that we sJ t tl'O I IV.r.i trvk (U PO-i1j iploinT')iir , L. I v v. - - - , v... v t,".,s iu i;;p kl the'tato of their in'. ..'state, consist in of almost all lines pok si.ot O va.nh ol clothii; suits from $1 to $j At -v.;! sl.O'i.) worth of hoer, fr men, women and of thole.-t lr:r.ils mid quality. Hats, both ladies tie r""'; I'r;' H mvl n t 11? m proat variety sutim. i ice. etc, in fact a full line of irroc r. ies. T Ir.rco fti-ck of jr uiUST BE SOLD reprd. le.v t,f co-t All lvirdsi'i I'larr'hit-ibl. jo 1 ;u.i tk-n' e.ch:.::;ie iV clouds i.t higher . ii-vl ct paiees. to:vi wi'b. yr:v . .:c n :.;vl . ; inc; c ..: .vduca and cash ar.3 bu;, u.ir winter supniios. r.c:..crr.l Ci iLai Ci rrr-cs .ast Ee Sold to rill i..i JOT. Co: of varrii, inio. to senile tl e the debts, therefore we intend to Liaash the prices to p i ment of the sum of s. ven linn ; i i;tT,:i .n.u ilredand tm (??!) dollars, i lowest limit JH.lb.e lJ tin Civil M iLiisiifit'- since t't first settlenn nts in 1 his land mi 1 ; At I'nion ( 'itv, Tenn.. Hire A. i 'lllve 'v,'n r a l'';l1''' '" 1 'l -with the rule establslied Irom jrt !VIl.j fatally woun- i l"'il,,s f ti" fives second only the Inundation of this govern -1 ,(.ti j. Sanders, an inploye of a'tothat ol their prophet Muhnm mont, do appoint Thursday. : KU)W. S;,,h rs died the day after I tlu November '2 1, I'.HO. as a day of aud Kice was nne.-trd and re- n moiKinaauKs-ivin,' ana prav- h-as. d oa boml. lb- is a son of er, enjoining' the people upon j f, Iml. 'ou.Mess,n;iu iJiL.,. A. that cbiy to meet in tln-ir chnr-j .j(.,T,.( o ,,,e nill(h Tennc-ro dies for the praise of Almijrhty ijjstrii-t-(bid and to retui'ii heartfelt i tlmnks to Him for nil His xood- .. . , , - . r On the drd nnd Ithand ..th ji'-ss unci nivinu iviniiness. i inst. the whole country north of i Washington was in the pr.isp of I a severe storm nnd the w i n d 'l.. .. ;t.,.w .1. i i. .. n III "II lir... I IM 1 ' V ' ' , 1 1. 1 . I' ii . . . . , t i W ashinton was in the s;r.isp ol lu rrnnro si t mv limul nml pans-I 1 d the seal of thel'iiited States to be' affixed. "hone at t lie city of Washing ton this fifth day of November in the vear of our Lord one thous. j which accompanied the snow, i played the wilj with telephone innd telegraph wins. and railroad spry ice was crippled. and nil e hundred and ten. nnd of t he independence of i he I 'mtpd I'nable to find relief from can- St ites the one hundred ami thir- ,wr- ""11 whK'" '"' 1,m- sllt tv-fifrh." ifered, .loseph I'crini of New York, h'ity- l''"vv off ''is hea l with a stick of (Ivnamiti In. hell's Ai.ti'ptic Salve, Is ninirauti'i'd fur eczcin.i, teUer, salt rhtiim, r'njjnrm, running snros chopped hands and lips pimples on the face. Mack heads, b::rhers itch, sun burn, insect bites, fever sores and misal catarrh. .""50. The next niietiiifr of the I'res bvtirian Synod will le held iu Charlotte. hooping Cough It I .111 oli s.ll ;'' that WlitiO; lltrr com; h must run its rmnx', but the ust . f I):, hull's l'i.a-T.ii-II nicy has dc iniiie tl a'e-l bt-vriiil il.-ubt that u;:h is not the tase. ' I' can lie l nor man: . i. ,i. ... . will on Monday the hJth day of hernnber. IU10, between the hours of 1 0 o'rlork. a. m.. aud I ; i,t "clock, p. m. at the court house 1 door in hoone. N. C , sell to the highest hi ider forcash, the fol low ing described tract of Ian I in Watauga county nnd Slafp ol North Carolina nnd in hoone township, adjoining tii'-lands of .bmnie Lovill. 1 W. (iivss. W. T. h!ai:-. .lohn lIo-'gPs.'h 'I. l'.iown nnd others, nnd km.wn ns the Cnlvin Long '!ich Mountain Tract. Said sale is ma le to Ktit isfy said mortgage, interest cost. Said inottgage is registered in hook M Ivegist roiititv. 1 his .Nov. J. 1010 Tllos. hi (i 11 A M Mortgagee. V. S. MILLER, II. A. DOIiBIN, Administrators. owir.r Reck, cJ-cpt. 5. !!)I0 lido HMO VOl'K ArrThXrri()X! HAVlNtJ P SL". TII I : Y ' : AIl'S SKJV-hDAIvl), OK 1 000, I NOW L1KLVT Ytd' TO A NKW ShiN-l'.OAIih I'OU TIIK Yl'.AK l'.tlo. I wish to thank the neohle for the patronage r.ivcn re st.T,fwdl'foV 'wah and now invite you to renew your acquaintance wun my business ior me next year, i will spare no pains in trying to make it to your interest to patronize my place of business in the future, r.s I expat to keep in stock a neat and up-to-date line of general mer- KXKC rTOR S XOTICK. ll.iviiitr fin.ililU.a no I'v.iil... .! the w in ..I c a ( lum-i. .i.tiiisi ,1. ian-chandisc suitable to the wants of all, which will be sold at ..f n,., ,.r t i . ' ' i HI. l.i.lltll i'l m Hlil.ln.l c .111 il.Mfl t of North I'lo-oiiiiH, main, is ti.T.'V.v li very close margin. ! (riven tliat nil i I'Kons holding f jiid " r'aiins nrit i iiKt wiiil estate must pre-j Considering the markets you sint i!ie sjn:i' for pi ynii'iit within twelvemonths I rum thedatHof tins notiiv or it will "- plead In tnr of their reeovery. AH nersons i u 1.-1 t ! to villi! I's'iit.' ii re ri'rpi. -'i d to imi kr I'M l!M V. The plant of The Macon Teh graph has been destroyed by fire entniling n heavy property loss, and one printer, a Mr. Clay, lost his life in tin' conllngration. Tii-ii. i.nt,..wiiM.;.iti. rrn. ... inn .ii.iiii.unirihiii, lot II. I-,., . ill ! i. . , , . . , , ' lie snout. i nave uppiiiMi io some iers have been relating fish nnd; , ., v ,. .. ,. , t . , ., . !ol 'be North ( aroliua cancer Hiiake stories, bnt here is a cat i , . , , . cure doctois. Landmark. ptorv that, is very interesting. Mr. Henry Shaw, who moved to Troy from (llenola. Kandolph htiday last the I'iney Wood countv, several month- go, ! 1,,n' " ' S(lh's lar-est owned a yellow cat. Wlmn they ' tourinl hotels, located at South moved here the cat was left be- em I'n.es, was drstroyed by fire, hind and of course was no'; ex- Tliei'e weIl! " P-tts in the build pec ted to be seen ngain. It is fif-' "hii h was about to be opened, ty miles to Clenola, and Tom 1 Loss.:h,.000, insurance;?! .",000. cat surprised the family when itj 1 walked into the Injuse just ns i The silk mill which is being oji tunie ns ever, and apparently 'erated in High Point by Steldi & plad to get home again. It is .Co., the Swiss silk manufacturers fifty miles to (Jlenola, ami how who have their Aim-ricnn general the cat managed to find it way offices in New York City, is to! twice defeated for the Hame of- we wi'l leave to soniH one versed have a tnrg" extension built to it . fire, died on the 3rd, of heert .lis I):. Pe lls I'ine.Tin-IloiHV. Will hlenk up the Wolst cold .ind allay tin- tiiidiit ii-ii.iti"c. This I t It. til y (piii k ly can i s coughs col-is, grij pe, ;u,l tliio.it and bronchial trail hies. MYPEICES THE TOY BjTIOH ConHderinfrtho oualitv of Qooda offered for sale. Gro I'MMiieut of the siiinc ilumeilmtly. , ,. .. i. . , .,, . , . . . , TT , n riiisti.'t. or, p.io. ' .cenes ot all kinds widle kcit m stock; Hardware) of .ill j. ii-1'. cHbKcii, KM-cutor. luna3 from a sewing needle to a Turn Plow on hand, rso- itiuns, Dry Goods, Hats, Cap?, Shoes & etc., can be had ct Diarum caiuiot ii. (nri'ii. my place of business, I am headqrtertua for Clothing 1 reind,' yur attention to my line of SHOES I will have Theil. isoi.lv one lay 'to enre'Veld ' i The Crown line of Shoes on hand a factory line-from ness.Hmi tin.t is i.y -t.st i t t.t i. m.-ii the Smallest infant to the Lamest Adult, a lfne that can leniedi.-s IteMfni-ns eiuised hy mi in i , - , , . 1 ,1 .1. 1.1 -. 1 J..V),.;r-a lin out uc mui:sm;u m liih wuiiu, IUUK Uie UiaiKi uuuLucuitc ben' at the world's Fair at St. Louis Mo. In ccr.rh:?if.n 1 wh-h Hugh .1. (initit, who was twice mayor of N.-w York City, and in animnl nature, but Mr. Shaw fays it'u the same cat. The new fdiops ot the Carolina and North Western Kail Koad ivill it ittrririm nnf In., n t lli..L..- lail" horse wns no ridiculously ' . i.i"" .1 . . .... ; ry and tln-v ate to be coinn eted - 1 Jlllil IfiO.tv f.ir I ilii linuu In- ct ii.!n. iencebur, Indiana, that he be-in- 1. . ' i '. 1 . 1 . , . . . . J Hickory is to be coiigraiulated. Trading a mule for a ''shaved lil" horse vnn no ridiculously funny to II. Schrapp. of Lau- ri.'iii I .1. .. 1 ... .1... 1 r i,i'i in iiiiii, Ituu lit Hie t'llll 01 : an hoar, he st ill l.iughed. His! being alarmed, called n physi-1 l'i"t Sunday Itev. (.'. A (i cian, but he could do nothing to , Tlmmu, pastor ot the fiirst hap-htopthebiu-htHr When he I ad lst church of l-enoir, tendered laughed continuously for twelve,1"' r-Hiprnation to ncecpt the hours Schrat.i) was mxen nnelec. 'Htorate of the hirst church in rin whr.nL- .. -i.!..i. .....! i. ' Salisbury. ..iw '.i ik v.ijiv.i niijn.TV4 L li c laughing and caused bini to fall over exhausted. After a lew hours ease while entering hisown home. He was .V se ns old. Weuvei ville is to ha ve a huge saiiitiiriiiui for the treatment i f iiervous diseases by the coming of Hummer. Ihtnied c.indit ion ot the mucous in of the Knstiii'hiiui Tiil.e. W'h iii.siiini' is iiiiiMint'ii vim miveii r 11 111 i 1 .1 1 ,1 i t 1 f x 1 1 , , Mii. sound or impi'if.'i't heMiiii ami ! aRftin to thank t!ie many friends I have for the patroie ...i....;i : .1 .. .1 .1 i ... r " . ' . i i t i . - 1, is,-,,, -mimi,, I..- , ,s glveri me in me past ana 1 now soiicite your patror.aLe m the result. Mini nnk'ds tin- iiillamm.'i- Pi r- . i . , T .. .. J 1 tiouean he t:.k..., out ami this tithe, the iuture and think I can merit it, restorr-d to its normal e unlit ion, hear ! it T l-AA.n.. iiiwill he destroyed forever; nine iUU&t IvCJLLLi UI1. , eases out of ten n re caused hy Cut mill, nhieh is 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 hut an inKiil llll'd M II 111 i t ll 111 flttlll' llllleflll KITI-fllfH ' Wewill (;ive One Hundred Dollars Doone, N. C, Jan. Gth, 1910. foranyi-ase (if Jleafness (caused hy j cntarrli) T liar cannot lie cured ly Mali s Catarrh lire lars, free. F. J. CI1KNKY i CO., Toledo, O. S. ld hy ilrtit-ii-inte. Tic Take Hall" Family Fills for constipa tion M P BLACKBURN fend for cir.-u X, J,. M ast, Pres. W. C. Cofi-ky, V. T. U. V. IIauaman, Cash THE WATAUGA COUNT BANK. B00NEt N. C. The stockholders of this bank are among the best I. V. Mortrun hns rrivpn the. lie showed no ill eflects from the House of hishops of the Protest-1 '"nesH- long contiuuei laugh. jant Episcopal Church if 100,000 . las the nucleus of a Campaign Since July twenty-one convic- fund for the oi Ids conference on Kvcr body , reds a Rood s.ilve and I Jr. he!i aid'sip tic salve is the best. It is a cn-.imv, snow white oin'.mrnt ( iuaranti-cil for all t.kn diseases. Sold tvi-ry. where. Allan haniel Chnndler, twice (Jovernor of (ieorgia dad tec- ently in Atlauta after a lingering Betides having a Time-Lwk safe the bank carries j -NOT I OK. u'rofTI and each one is liable for Watauga Co . x. c, tins in to notify twice the amount of his stock. all icisoi! hayiiif claims against the I -H f J. t Ilf k.l 111 Ill.f.'il tt nvl.il.il .1 ' ' ' "I-I l" ' AIM.III llll-lll . . t. th- undcisio. d on or hefon. out. iui'giar insurance. x tidi or this noti..,. win i. plead in The Cashier i required to give bond. lair of ilo ir recovery. All persont, In . , , , , iiei.ted to Wli,i . stnt.. will , make 1 Money is loaned only on approved securityno spec- Immcdi.te p.iym..iit, Thin Oct. id, ulation. bdO. I rnu l 1. . l ii j :iL U me uaiiK is run siriciiy in accordance wiun mc oiatc banking laws. For Safety and Convenience handle your money through this bank. Interest paid on time deposits. Uko M. Ci.auk, Adm'r. tions for cruelty to animals have : church unity, resulted from the work of a po liceman employed by the Char lotte Humane Society, which is a great pleasure to u. We know of some people in thi(Jod-tavor-country of ourn who ouirht to be indicted for working aud not feeding their horses nutflcieutly, that is, the appearance ol the Ptoefc indicntes much work and hlind. Mrs. K'.lie Tiler, Kavena, Texan writes: I was blind as a bat. I used Sutherland's Kaic E;. e Salye and Dressed in Black and Yellow-' 11 "Cled like a charm. It cut the Not "Football Colors" but ,,e cum off my eyes and restored my color of the carton containing Fo. ley's Honey and Tar the best and safest couh remedy for all coughs and colds. Do not accept a substi tute but see that you get the genu ine Foley's Honey and Tar in a yeh low cation with black letters. Sold bv M H hlackburn. sight It is all vou claim and worth its weight in jjold. 2c a tube. KXTUY notici; 2,mi State of N. ('., Watauga county. fliie of Lntry Taker b,r h a i'd county. J O J Potter ,! j n Miller locates and enters 640 (J. creso! land in North l urk town, hip oii the head wnters of North 1-ork of N -w river. Pegintnngo,, iiunen oi iiini's in the .Miller Mef.uire line; then with wiM iei to the llorton line, then with the i norion line, to llorton' C. J. rAIII.IKK, IT 3, B. CIiAItKK, Vice Tre. O. M. KL'DDKRTH. Canll. BANK OF BLOWING ROCK, BLOWING ROCK, N. C. Capital: $10,300,00. UndcvKled Profits: $950.00. lit ile feed. A Hninan- Society for . JBTKRUSITS ElSLE EYE VV Watauga in a cryinjr need. ' Good for Nothing bvi i . POIEYSKDNEYPHIS Ton Bacmachc K.OMKVB AM 6iAOOa Five men were killed on the 4 th by m exp osion in the Yo binde niii). n at hirtniiiphntn, Ala-bniiM. .. ....... ,,.,f, ii, norTiiii H corner- i ... . n th n with the lines of W PThom- " " tnr incteiiBi d cnpital, we nre Iietter prepared to handle ns, II hrown and I) II Miller indi'VO,ir '""''"P businefs thnn eer before. Open mi nccount with us, oiheis and var'.ous courses i-oan i will extend to you every ndvuittiie consistaut with nafe and fn.tn 'the gm! Mw"'"'1' ''V-"1 M'"m,,'u"kill- We '"an you money at a reasonable rule eo Flk Ktiob" fl ndtheLiUio . J,,r "8 J "ur P rsonul renponHibility and bu lance will wnrrnnt. nnd public rnad, lending f r tn I "ol ,;0"veni,'"t tr cH in peiBon. write uh, and your letter! MentCnmp to Tiirn.naik Fu- 'ia'1 ,1H ve our pnunpt attention. te edS. pt. o ' ' j UEMtMIJKK WE PAY 4 VVM CKNT ON TIMK DFPOSIT, J hw.i .N, 1 i,t0 Tukur. 1 COMPOUNDED KVEItY TII llEEAIOXXiiS. .....ir..--ii..i.' iii iii ' ". 1 y i 1,1