1 til A-A I ! . . I ii. naiaudL'fclllUCicI JI";,,,,-ut",JMa- n"". IIH-CVl,if Cm- I ....l. , .......in, .-uiry couutv oi l( . ckis nuiil mutter. tiwcuhtio.s hatkk: fto mirv 7.w fix .u on ins j nrtt1 mom iis LOCAL NEWS. .'Nil. ...... " Kufriviat tw V.v . "."" county. It .r . ., r fcj.. v r; . ; mma yw curs ,1.1 . " n-u . . - m . ..u ritijii r r I. .. . - . . I ll.oi.l.... . v . ' I I II Vrt III f i f f ., H ..M )fr:irv,,,,:ir,1I,l,,,' "' Pt'"Mt mj.-ntv rule would I- Arming youieg lajfe. iir,1rn-and,.MIW -Wl I I ha iximi...: .. . "I the nt.lnmi I ... L....I. :. .i . ' lim'T - i i i , , "l "lowing-" ie woint of biolishnens i.i. .. . Ixx k. I..f l .i i., " u- ... "'iisnueMs. ni itinthfifi.i, wr KO l. M.'ii-.l,..! ... it ... . I... ..... . I,,,, l liny, H l- uii.i win ,,r,i,blv oim.,1 the entire it,t..r there." Ih-rt-H ''T'ngfor the good lad v m.M( Ht visit and wfe return ' friends and UV,H ,. fl "m ' w:i is mm over: the It w ,... . . i Now that tin. i-Wtioii irt vor let uxK'tileiJovii, t bu,in,'HNU- A little eon of Win. who lives ner town, j (,lck Wll,l lever. Mrs. John F. Ilanlin p,.ti,. i Tuesday from a visit of HHeml wi-eks to relatives in Tennean. e. I" loyd Tite. of n.i-..r.r. 14, .Maiean.In .ti,)!,, nd uti1(J' "-""-rwiiMy i politic, it j "t eiioill, to inniP,.,,.. i.... , .. p . ..i n: mim Wnip. Minnii.. nei-l.bor fr u iiitrle l.otir. Mi8 (Jabi k'lla Ulair, of Sky l ind Institute nt I'.I.Mviiif; itcick, fIH:it Sun lay at the home of her parents in I.oone. -Mrs. Alice M. Council, and grand-laughter, Miss Alice Hoy den, leave todiy lor Ilickorv, m-ie uiey w in sp, nd the winter. Mr. Kichar.l (ira f .,ut IJooiip, has been a very sii k man for hever.d days, aulisy,! una bin to be out. Shelton and Ailie IV n left Monday for Vilkohoro, where they went t meet their mother Mia. . L, Loffey on her return from Lynchburg, Va. For the past week the wind has been blowing almost an in- WHsant pale, and as a conse qtience coin sliurkiu;!; had to be BUSJMMldfd- U'e are sorry to learn from rue ilickorv IK'inoerat that Mr. K I. Xorris, a son of our towns, man, Mr. John Norris, has fever at hirt home in that town. T. ('. Xorris annoum-oa that there will be no grinding at his mm on .Mondays as the saw mill ...:n i. .. -Mrs. p.,.,8y A1jMOn o How ".iceK. pe,,UW . ,(),Ht woman in the count v ........ . (it HIT ". .xomiay afrernoon, and wasbunedatthe Mildi.-I g,Uve y 'uu near ibe hom,. ol K. J. Xor. l is yesterday at noon. Th. ro i . "o ren.r.1 of h,r age, but Iron, Mie b.st infoiniiitioii fll.f 1. it... 1. 1.. . . ' " ",l ,1B 1. ...... I . . '."li:, i reeK, moved Tuesday into thei, uovers right around the Morel.uilding of the late Judge I l(1 v,ar m uk (ireei.e in Iloone. " -The wife of Mr I i , . , , . ..11.1111111- llllS. Of l.lU'ltv Hill ..fi.. ... :,. "..-t mi ill ness of some tinip divat heyond on Wednesday cf asr wivk. D.-eensed, before her man ia-re. was a fi . . . .... .iiiuev. of Banner Mk-a good, . h. istian au.i one who will sorelv niisM.diath.M-o.nmiir.iiyinwhicii Miehve.1. The liii.s,,1 ,.a t ii in- Hj- Have thedeejiest, symHtliV of oil it. .... in meirsore oeren veinent. Mr. L. II. Micluii.l ;Q :.. , 'I " III the ( ciibus l)ei),irtmei.t,.t U n.i,. i'iton, came home to vnt ..,.,1 yesterday inorninsr. left u-iti. family for their new h.'in. at "eaverville.X. ( Watauga is sorry to lose sm-Ii i...,. i ..'.'. J'.-W7IC as thee, but a they are gone, we hone thev will I lit ti , ,u r i.l.v.i j anily situated in their nice home in eavervuie, purchased a few, mum IIM ago. It certainlv ii " DtMIII HUH ataujra is to ha Hill lUlllJ at last, il reports are to bo be Iwved, Madam Humor has it that more than two weeks ago a Hail I toad ( .... ... " 'uf- 'u i-.ii.aueniton, lenn . w i th i 00 men. t hive car loads of hen- yy sfeel rails, a full nntfih ,f i.viiiiiburu V.i Ii.im i .i . . i uuuia me "hoe Imkinom and foctori.wof the H'rge DeWiti Comjiunv and tur i-i'iimjnv Hill linir I.,..- on annual I n.in . ,. U4 (Ul. I . . ... ' ' , mm a uaily oufputof more t ! 71 tt 1". mill i pairs l KUoes JOHN W. HOIHiKS, r JS WI.NKl.kK i;he;ip Institutiunv fi.. . . . vwn.(j to nnme,,,-. ,3i ... 'ill popularity of Ur. Bell's 11.11 . I';..- Tiir.llonry tl.rrr are manv rhf... tmitHtation o.i the marttt Hiir Houndintf name, h.n can Mlwuyn-t the genuine )r look fr the U llon the iK.ttlo. J0H. W. HODGES & THE HOAinxjMONEl' SAV T -V -n. IiMjT - IVthaps Watau-a had the o dest voter at t he p,,ll Tuesday 'f any county in the Sr..t -f..' I5en..ie fulh r was the' man, lllld he celebrated liw I.....m.i.l! iirthlay several mouths ago. He was broiiL'ht tn ti. house in a btiiror... i.i and assisted to iim..n.i H.u...:. M corn ai unl he nftM tliun ..i.u .i. launched. ii iiirr ii ii i l- lone to the polls and deposit his ballot. As usual. aight Democratic ticket, and ..CT&ra" boasts hlllise f that, noi-.h ;.. l:r. ! ilrendej disea u,-. ii ji i.. ...... . l i - wir in n ii rn m ui ir. m t n . . " " 7 tt ballot, Helms that i. Catarrh. H-uT'h CaVarrrcu e Ktllllll firm ..: . . in tta ....I., .! swwru cure .,.. , llm roavictloiis1. .i J now known through a II t he, years, bn t I . f ".l"! C -tarr,',' ... ' I . . " ""- i minium UIMPHfU.. r V."" CUIIKtltUtlOUal trPHM.w.i.f J. C IhIh, of Urncn I W likes futility, u boy who enter eJ the State inirn contest, was awarded the flrst prize, $i0), nt the state Fair fur tl.li on ' .... .vw.ai.vmH ..ff i . ui corn aim bix Bialks with ears J. loo Bi-wrd.loo The rmdomof this paper will l .tunonaiiie ro suppose that the enddraethne ,r. He is poor m this world's croods. bur u l'Htmg ,-iches await hirn over yonder. The Elm-Moo ia Hatiiu(f. Owing to the remoteness ol some ol our townships and the time required to net in the re 1UI I In. IIII Tfi Tim limn l . I . our forms on We,.n" ,w 7 , " . I'',,:.- eond isnono.blenha,": Z'T' 1""., Hum- torn Mill, majorities, but, W,; Z 9. th.. ifu,..,i.i: .' . ' . 'I '"""'en, ienn. Konte2. I "II LJIIi:!LIIN 1 1 11 V a fill-mil .1... I mirnu wit; .... t .1 . ViMir. p """""luuouai treatiuont. Halt) Catarrh Cure in tuken inter- an h."" '"rCtly UI("1 the amliuucouHgnrlawH ot the nynteiu, t .reby d.troy.iK the foun.lHt.ou ,f faith m iu ;.i.r;.i ... . r..'"r" offer One Hundred DoIIhm or any PftHH t lint it f..il.. .. . . ' i.-ri iiuoillllli). J. CHUNKY & CO. Toledo, Ohio, th v.Minry iroin tile lowest to the niiiiiest, by small majorities, ex cept Itairail. illilenun 111 r rr . J. -f "iiioviiu UUlllJl" dat forSheriff, who it is thought. , , . J . maivy sreel rui s, a full outfit of will be , operation ou that day 'loo's etc bil'ed?, Z , in each week. L I . . . ' vast uu,nbe- """ru cross ties, struck a line. l lie very latest news we liave I "'-ced work, he,idd straight l'efi.re going to pre.-8 is that Dob I'oughtou is thought to be elec ted by a majority of from 1 000 to $1. ")(). Mr Duvid A lam-, now S- years of age, colled at our ollice Io;ig enough Tuesday to renew his t wo subscriptions to the Dem ocrat foe u year. Thanks, good old f. iend. Itev. T. . Weaver nsks us to announce that there will be services in the Methodist church . at Blowing Hock at 11, a. m., ' next Sunday, which will be the last for the conference year. Clerk of the Court Thomas Bingham was well enough to be at the polls and cast hi b illot on Tuesday, but a very short time. It is hon-d h; win tii no evil effects from the outing Owing t0 a Short a in. in l,t,,.,L. pnp'-r Ia-t week, we could not en- tln.il ..111 . . our list, and if you fail r" io get one, attribute it to mat fact. tor Uaiauga. Xo dou't that sound good to you. .Married at I he home of ex- 18 elected hv 11 tmir I. . ... .... . -j " "-'j ic oies. There are a great many flving reports from the district that Doughton is elected to but nothing on which we can ah solutely dcoend, thong), is j8 bo- H''ved that he is elected hv n jority of from one to two thou- n mi. At every Mollinir r,.,.PO . f county, so far - - - iviii if "d. good order prevailed, in the main. e are sorrv that. compelled to send out such a nif'ngre report, but it is the best we can do, and have no desire to FOIt SAI.K:A Farm nff.. nlllnLl 1 . I I .. w i rg ii illir till I ir 11 imu r eiiii mues irom Bristol, close to chu:ch. schools, store, mill and etc Has a nice house and barn on ir, ana is splendidly watered .r tu koiiu nine stone springs. mis 1-urin and improvements ui- uougni it taken at once lor fiJOOO. Address Box. 9 uoute 2 Emmett, Teun. Inrl rKet i. . son L,Au Zr. consumer. For this rea- V O harallo t Via fn,... rn a t t-. . of SHOPS whU ' "WK-TERR1 'CO. line ?nd rMlS , h n.no excelled in Mens, Womens Blu.. Tat.. k-,V w'-,n VV0men we have th Pat. and many othei-s ' tfee Wmans Walk,nr Sho the the best Cook Stove on xiorsebnoes. Nni? Pvi.o tt t : ,; "' vt. ! llues irn and lirass Bed stead Hal tprs wt J . Hardware, Bridles, Collers, nnrl nJ t i a n,ce Ilneo1 Dress Goods of allffrades and prices, Notions, andGroceries of all kinds. 673(163 Tf . . veryiruiy Yours, JOHN W. IIQDKKR & CO. ui . c u' ,x"v 1,111 ". '' "ave no desire to Sher.tl. ohu W.IIolges in K,st 'Hcud out cock and bull stories Hoone last Sund A (i 0 () I) I'osi TI O X Can be had by ambitious young men or ladies in the field of . ,rel8' orltailway telegraphy. Since the 8 hour system becume , nff. ...... . . '..i.ve, unu since the Wireless companies are establishing sta tions throughout the country there is a great shortage of tele graphers. Positions pay begin ncm from r0 t tf n tUl tll.rtl-l.. . . " TI " v' 1"-. ....111.11, With .1 . . . ' "o" niance of advance- went. The National Telegraph insntute operates six official in stitutions in America, under su pervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates Into miuii 1 ... r-' .vuo. ii, hiii pay you to write them lor full details at Jlemphfo, Teun., or Columbia, Hoone last Sunday nfierrm.ni Mr. Kill r McNeil to Mi.ss Belle I!yan, C. J. Cot! re 1, Km, ofH luuug. jsoili the hi- do n .1 groom have made their home 'ith the ex-Shei-ifl lor several years, and Mr. McNeil is now a meinoer ot the mercantile (Inn of Kller Si McNeill at, Itntli,.r-,w.,i The Democrat extends congrat- uiaiious to the popular couple. Mr. L. L. Taylor, of Bonne It. I'"- D. 1. who has been, for sev eral months, in New Mexico, re turned to his h lust Sunday. II,. was a caller a t, our olfice TupmI.-iv. im.l w . i IIIWIV inu ia the best of health. II esu i-a that a more healthful climate than than thai of W.i- i . -- etl .Ml l could scarcely be found, but inti- ... n ... . I . ii inaien mac vwitan-ra was imn, enoiign bn inn). "viii .-iiui 1 r because we belong to the Demo .'ratic party, arid then take it hack at our leisure. We give you this now. honifitr tit iri.-o something more encounigin 'next wcck. Beautiful Kvcs are ilesircd by everyone. If there is any inflammation the eves can't he beautiful. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve will remove the inflamma tioi and clear the eyes. NOTICE OF LAM) SALE, North Carolina, Watauga Coun ty. In the Superior Com t. C I) l".vlr, Oruver ! Tavlor and A ''J 'or.ov ncr guardi an, ( I) Taylor, against Wes- ioii i ayior, and Margaret Ta v or i,y their guardian Emma That's right,! I'nder an order of the Superior i t'Otirt of Wat a THIS SPACE BELONGS TO D.JiCottrell, Is It Hardware You Want? First rrinir.o IO a ig mat, we are all nrond nf Po pecially is this true with us in our line otfiL v - .. WU1 viituenne. we are not only the largest dealers, but are a so thpnmnD.i,j . ia.fest section. uu ware people of this Our Ken anv om 1 no , " " , v o maraec, DUt we took on v wbaf . , vo U1J "J1C marKec, even if thev did en?r than other goods. We believed and now know Tat Z best farmers are willinir to mv for r.J-Tat .e nerv. SnrrWb,, u.r " . 7. macn- Sla?.-4 ? time to be OK in every Z T Z m ngtnatliewill have no trouble hereafter in gettinfirrenairs. W0ujii. u. . . ."ereaicer m ers. rakes tpH" ucuormick line of Mow- . , .o, icapcia, oinaers and etc Tho ri umbus wagons, and Brown buggies. Co1" . . ""u ucc"io oi me above 1 ne; L0ND0N-ST0FFEL HARDWARE CO . V " "wucaALiK AND RETAIL.) Mountain f tr tv, ' WV cuocaisce. A. A Qicr motto is to keep what the people want. Dr. R, D, JENNINGS UESIDENTDEXTIST Banners Elk, N. C. Iivior, we are Llml uv.i. I urt of Wulaii'OL tumnt ,u c-iime yon ouck. 'vJ uuuB,"iiue.j tjecml pro vi,, . ceeiimn, iippoiutnitr the under i ue massive irramte nifiim-1 . , , , " wwiiiiiiiMsiDiKif i lv,i ol meat unloaded t mnr I the eom-r i.,.i.un .i,...- .. n 1 " . ..-..-v. ...Mil M I )( )!)!)(. two weeks a'o for fl ataima count v. i' n - - t.. Vl , " ' v t .'lUil the late Moses II Uay Pec. ., If) 10. nell to tlm . . . , v .. ...w "M " :"o,,,J ",e ! s S". i mountain and is lnmir m.f ;r. 1 .. ,w it- ... . ;". c."u" r.in i. . . 1 1 ' ' " "". tie ot . C..OII at in.-jM-uve on i iar. no ine wau-rs hi ivntnn.ia o: in ver, Place at the e-i-nv n l.'L.f T.... tin. unL,i ,.f 0 u.. .mi, -.....r. in i.ttiuutia uivei by expert workmen. Some sec- "OM" the land of Robert I I i ai'I..N .ml 1 ..I . 1' m uon-i ot r in mimiimmii .... ... "j."i unu ioia lav or i.o. l-avy that it required 12 yokeslK W I!' of oxen to the wagon, and the time consumed to make the dis- be "b i" i' i tue unestnuc Kn tract, atirl fiilUr :.. .1 . , , ut,uiucu mi me partition proceeding between the heirs at, Inu, l m.. .., . ... ..uujn invior. aeceaseU, and being the lots of tunceof a little more tlmn tun,., deceased, arid beir ty mil. s. was for days. ThiH!r?,?li',U,i!7t Taylor and U i f,... ..A 1...,. .kv'"V iM'ieieiice is by far the heaviest monument in the count v. and will -inr,t ii j - .11 uiiu lh rough the ages as a reminder tnat one of IVatnm.n. u imr. nit;. zens and staunthest Iricnds r sts oeneatn it. A Morning Reminder. v f I h ive arranged for the con- IfAllirtn... f . to be i Boone, ntukh,,, ' '" f a Patieflt PUREST ma t.rii..u ....... r.. JkMl Sothl' l .e REST No cl,an f., ' my. WOrk" . 1ricp reasonable. dela( bP informhig m7 o "2 ' d"!. Wi -,id cmingeither to llH,ne. or Ilnnnei KJk. I,r,,UBe WH Y WILL A S M A Ignore thp nn0I --i uroo you, or 10 accumulate an Inde pendence f or your own old age? A policy in the J E V V K Hov a i r,p.m. ",A'u Ur E INSURAXtJE from the lEFKERSO V . accompl.shcd, and agu.rantet the JLri.ERSOM,s as good as a United Statcs GovcrnmM.t Our STANDARD GUARANTY POLICY offers Uf E INSURANCE ENDOWMENT IN VESTM ENT CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS DISABILITY INSURANCE ACCIDENT INSURANCE ALL IV nvn' Write us for rates giving age at nearest birthday or itter still, see our nearest rennspntnfi -i , ' iaK6 Foiey's omoiaxauve P.ipmach Jovm and Constipation u ...... 6"'"sai nearest birthda . - 1 v m 1 1 iui 1 nri 1 1 1 i' " 'iiiue is ueivoy i " . wn a mean, najtr 1 , VWi "cox cat representative Who will tnl made to t he records of the Clerk mouth, which 'pleasure in giving you full information IL of the Superior Court ol said! yo ,at your.tomach i. in a bad I Men of inWr,t county for more ilcfinito o,..i I condition. It shmiM .1. . j ux '"tcgiay ana aDllltV wantpH ao "'"v'1 . " Qia ? j . , 'KJininsf o good I "j aiWttt"ve contracts to tne rie-ht men ITT HIAlinatiM . . inviic ui iiiiue aim particular description of said NIHiIh Tvrnu nl ant.. f . ouic, V'lie-KllU in .nun i... ....... .' 1 ,m . . ver..,, me iriiuiiiiuer on 0, jand 18 mouths time, with note nnd appn ven security. This Novem- ber 1 0 I II it 911UUJU aiso VOU that thw. .L: . (JimhM'l...l.Ci . . . . f ableuT ""'"wen ana Uver Tl.w j .1 . to r..tor. tur.l conditio d "r sonde in thair -;.... .L ... r S9 : - .u.iij. . ma ovem- . K i.iS .jriiern, auut iuk. ber 2, 1910. "! eoodition. d !!r7. ' Js- G- BROWN. p. D t very attractive contracts to the right men JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CO Home Office, Raleigh, N. C. S. G. BROWN. P n r.nm .0 GOLD, JR. HAS. W. Gor.n lt V. P. i o. M. Kecv. 1 J. E. & R. L BROWN Speoi! Agtt, . B.flSat., C. i .J

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