17 1.1 It'- M 'A H 1 Pa 5 n v; , UOOXi:. WATAlMi A COUNTY. THURSDAY. JANITAUY 1 1011. VOL XXII NO Hi. W Q 1 D I Oe 1 1 PO AID SAl. j ini: in-rs mice uvea ik il,u.,v I urn vr.s Ih and one as w--.. i ... ; ''JrJ'; : 1 " 1 wlm too crow wo ult crv: ull!.ttowiiktoniaketl.i:it;! '' . wlnl. lh woike.1, Sa.v t-till " woiiM i-rv. onl.nhat'a town!" but brut li-' blv enupu in court i.ror.N, mit i ".' are cl;...r' I !lR rrt-ul liriinnud , Khod,- 1-luti.l. for iu.-iuj to nc- j.ountr that are i,t of aveia trrl. in Nas,liviHf,lis.atrli. Ib r lius- i2 a etnj-rat. Of -hut nam- --t the fjifl of Nm ih rurolina 01 ipialiiy iif or mn to re- . . . .: . ,1, .l'tSlOI'v K leii lillieii o, uiitinn 1 .""" ' ' uhl do ii riirhi." S ail the! 'a.v heaul the tlick of lWher ay. liis one fact from none wus td: divays talked. Io a 1 w a y s id. l-'rederie A I my. L,ook For The Hoe Hive On the package when you buy w vley's lluney and Tar fur ctnish1 U c) l. .None genuine wmioui .e llec I live. Remember the ime, Foley's Honey and Ti:r und ject any substitute. M. 15, H'.ack. im. PROFESSIONAL IAT T. DULANEY, M. D., -SPEC I ALIST, ?ourthSt. Bristol Tcnn.-Va. I lye and Throat Diseases, infraction for Glasses. L, S). IME, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HANXKU ELK, N. C. CajrWiU practice in the courts Watauga, Mitchell and a-!ji"in Counties. 7 6-'to EDMUND JONES -LAWYER LKXU1K. N. WW I'ravtUncguhrly who to ,clloul uliJ !ip Courts of Wiittiugn, i-l io. F. A, L1NNEY, A TTORNliV AT LAW,- UHONE, n. c. Will Dractice in the courts of Ihe I'M) Judicial District in all iLiattcra of a civil nature. ' 0-11-1 910. J. C. FLETCHER, i Attorney At Law, - BOONE, N. C. (;Carefal attention jri von to f collwtiona. W.R LOVILL -ATTORNEY AT LAW, . llOONh, Ar. C. fc5rfpecial nttontinn iven W J ,.11 I......!.. , .r.li.nol.i1 til 1 lJMIi liUBOifnc 1 1 uonTta i" 7-0-'10. e. s. mm, -ATWItMCz .12 LAW,- COONE, N.C. Prompt attention pivon to flll tnnttors of a legal mi tore. P& Abstracting titles and rolfoction ol claims h special i tv. 1-1 '11. R. Ross Donelly. UNDERTAKER & EMBALM Ell SIIOU.VS, TenneBHce, Has Varnished and Glass White Coffins; Black Broad -loth and White Plush Caskets; Black and "White Metalic Caskets Robes, Shoes aud Finishings, Extra large Coffins and Cas kets always on hand. 'Phone or ders given epecial attention. H. liOSS DONNELLY. A Cumit I!id)'ii E-'-tate. ,'. -... Mr t iir:l M.irrit. n ie"iir-i cujt K:,lrV Wife," I.iih !;! I willi jw . 1 Hunt, deik ol the county i t.ui t, an inventory of her 1 n t e husband'. Chtatetli.it U proba-' .... i linujtjii j,ov ,1M,y , lIiU-r'w, IhI.o wnm-oininonlv liippox 1 to ,0 tie lvtl -(1:,-1r,t lli.!er" of tin? i . . .. in 1 1: it 1... t. .1. : o; ... I ...I., , . 'UIP!' Ul ' "" -- Cartersvilk. ia. on Sept. IS. ; The cuiity court clerk asked for j an inventory of his est. tie, and j Mrs. Hai ris bas written a letter i statin" that the major part of it watt 'iuvisted in Heavenly secu rities, the value of which h a v e been varion-ly declare I in this world and highly taxed by the various church s, but never real ized." She writes Mr. Hunt: '1 timi it i in possible to give you a complete and satisfactory invennorv of theestateof Lundy Harris. The prt that 1 give is so small that it is insignificant and misleading. At the time ol his death he had l.ar in his purse, $110 in the Fnion Hank and Trust Company of this city (Nashvill',) about 400 books and the coflin in which he was buried, which cost about $N.". "The major j.ait of his estate was invested in Heavenly securi ties, the values of which have been variously declared in this world and highly taxed by t h e churches, but never realized. He invested every year not less ( usu ally more) than ?l.'J0i) in chari ty, so secretly, so inoffensively tti no ti.incstl.v that he. w - i nev er suspected ol being a philan thrjpist, and never praised f o r his generosity, lie pensioned an outcast woman in Barron coun ty and an ol i soldier in Nash ville. He sent two little negro supported j for th re.' mars a family of five wlio coiild uut support them selves. "lie contributed nnonyiiioiii-ly to every charity in Nashville; ev en' old man interested in a 'be nevolent object' received his aid; every child he knew exacted and received p.-nny tolls from his en durntss. He supported ;he heart of eery man who contl led in liiin with encouragement and af fection. He literally did forgive his enemies, an I sutT. red tuartyr lum on Sept. 18 .11)10, after en- iloriug three years of persecu tion without complaint. He was ever recognized as one ol the lar gi st bondholder in Heaven. You can see how large his estate was and how difficult it would be to compute its value so far as to furtiisli you the inventory y o n require lor records on your books." Solves a Deep Mystery. "I w-n nt to thank you to the hot. toin of my heart," wrote C. !i. Ka ilcr. of L-jwiaburg W, t., "for the wonderful benefit I got from Elec tric Hitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my case as though made just for nie." For durprssia, indigestion, jaundice and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism, hdectrie Bitters has no equal. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satis, fy. 50c at all druggist. The healthy youngster will not desert the table so long as there is any dessert in sight. For LaGrippe Coughs and Stuffy Colds lake Foley's Honey. and tar. 1 gives q-iitk relief and expils the cold from your system. It con tains no opiates, is safe and sure. M. B' .Blackburn. ! Nn!ii:ie 1U I ... . . ....... , ..... t I li- u.u-ii - i'l .vn muikitl le.'uetio'.i of the lU-publii an i .uiuiiiy in that ,d' body. The I i'f-t Sen uewi-om-. K p.'sed of '-' I" ol h a tl that Jb - r 'M r-j il !.c i')" uil ''- , oir lis ill I -M ov-r .liU t 11 ' j next e.iiLr'. j. th .'JO seuti- .. . 1 1. I i-:, i-ti-.l I. - : 'lfiv term . I l - l t.. Vf .lt I'.il", -I be' - elected to IV 1 it pu'.bian and six to Micecd d -iiuwrais. Fifteen of tl se are to h el 'ct.-d j by l.-gislatu: - 1 vin-f i republU j can majority mil tit. ecu by dem- . oi-rntii' 'eii atuiT. 1'" several of ; the states 1 1 ere are party divis ions that i-idor the result of elections to a de;:ree uncertain, but. the likelihood is thit there will be no exception to the rule of elections by party majorities. It is already as.-uie 1 that demo crats will succeed republican Sen ator Hevcridge, of Indiana: Hale if Maine; Warner, of Missouri; Carter, ol Montana; Huik.tt, of Nebraska; Iv an, of New Jersey; IVpew. of Ne York, and Dick, of Ohio Oilier republicans, llur ro-AS, ol Michigan; lMes.of Wash ington, and Flint, ol California, will be replaced by ."progressive" republicans. Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, is a candidate tor re-elect ion, but althouga there is a ieputtlicti!i majority in tin? Massachusetts lgislattirtf a strong fight is made against him and there is mill doubt whether he will be returned to the senate. The prospect is that the republi can majority in the Massachu setts legislature, a suv.ng tight is made against him and there is stiil doubt whether lie wi 1 lie re turned to the senate. The pros pert is that tie; republican ma jority in the pres.-nt senate wid be reduced in ihu next senate to six or eight, which with the ''pro- gregsivc" republican element io that body wi 1 make its political complexion to a degree complex and susceptibl ' to soma interes ting complications. Saves Two Lives. "Nether my si-.ter nor myself might he Ihh.g today, if it had not been for Dr. Kings Now Discovery writes A. U. M '-Dn aid of Fayette, ville, N C. ll F. D. No, S, "for we hoih had frightful couglis that no e.:::cr remedy could help. We were told mv sister had consumption. She was very weak and ha I night sweats bul your Aon iei fuJ .n.'diciue completely cu-ed us both. It's the best I ever us.al or In ard of.'' Fc.r sore lungs c. lghs colds hemorrages lagr.ppe, astl ma, h . y fever, croup, hooping ..ugh, all bn iullial ir. ui'.e-. i's- suj . 1 Tn.d hot tie free, 50'; ai,.l 100. Guaran teed bv . 11 dn ..'gisi.s. Congt t-saiun C. 11. Cowle has introduced a bill m Cuugresa lor an npp opration lor a Public Huilding foi Uno'ir The bill lias been ref m red to the proper commit lee and in due time will be acted upon. It would be well, therefore, for the people of Le noir to eel busy iu the matter and see that the bill is not allow ed to die for any l;.,ck ol interest on th part of the people here. The post-offi e department lias already sent to our postmaster for information in regard to unv lots that muht be available for; the site, etc. Lenoir News. Constipation is the cause of many ailne.! ts and disorders that make life inisei able. Take Chamber lains Stomach l.nd L:vt-r Tahiti.-, keep your bowels regular and you j will avoid these diseases. For salel bv all dealers. 'TerniiloBi Actf It j i Charlotte N -. -A Mirm of i.; ;ln!ii Mept over the ItW-i'im'." 1 in . ijt cIkh Ma'e, wl.cn l!"r.-."'!itmif att tiitroiluiel a r. a !iitiua 'i tlianki;ir (i veni(ir l'othi.T, of i'itii.ia(el boii.b offcivl bv a New Vol k syii'Jicv.le of bom .-j e ; ulat ih. U.Mrc;riit;l! ivi ...v:l;-t in oi:eo! "i I he Haunch. -l le.itbliiniH i-! t lie jxtati'. lie i ihe r riu.'e.; b m'.er of the minority in thelegisbiture. He is one of those sin:-e;e g-ntle-, men and there are hundreds in the republican party who will not sa net ion political p-Hidy no j matter who may be the guilt V party. Ilia resolution embodied a-be-' rote denunciation of Marion Uut-j would be to the advantage of ler, and his conduct m liarrass- j both the consumer and the mow ing the state in the effort to col- cr. At the horticuliural iustitn lect, repudiated North Carolina j t.s, ln-ld in this s.-ctiou last (taper was denounced "Mrniciotis spring, it was impressed oa the and perfidious." The house up- j (.Towers that all that was rerpiir plaude itiie verdict ropubli.-aii led to grow good hero were the members and lVnncral ic mem-1 process of pruning and spraying bcrs joining alike in the open de-j both easily und simply done nunei ition of an unscrupulous and that is what the Oregon ap- politic il trickster's work. j llntlerisni .lid more, peilmjis, ! to ai l in the ovenvh -liii'.n x de f at .f the republican party in the recent, election than anything ilse. True there were other issues nf sio-nnl uiiDortaiice issues ol such moment as to plav a lead- jn.v ,-,,o in t Ic trenei al d-Meat of l republicanism the country over i such as tin tariff ipiest ion. Hut the one local i.sue which out shone all others was Marion Hut ler. Although the state chair in '.n p"rm!,tT,l hi'ii to occupy the cuter o the st ite, and al though the lending party paper supported him, after having re viled him in seven tongues prior to the selection of Moivhead, still this loyalty on the part ol a few holers a.i no; sulfi i"iit toturu 1 he anti-butler tiib th state o ver. aud many honest republi cans joined hands wi'li thnir democratic fellow - count rymeu now aro Ib'ed with small, knot ami helped to adaiinin'o r an e'er j ty Spitz'.ergens, most of th.-ni j nal ijuietus to the m iel patriot i with about as inu.'h flavor as a j who ha I once narterel a high trust accorded him by his native state. Tuns it com -8 to pass a repub lican is the first to enter the halls of our legislative assembly with a resolution publicly denouncing the political traitor whom the pei.ple publicly interied in Nov ember. Naturally the a.-tion of Judge Ewurt was applaud'-d. And thus cmieth the career of Marion Htttler the deadest poli tician in the gal ixy today ano ii'iitity whose verv existence is bemoaned by leading members, ol the p ir.y which he just now ! espouses. The resolution introduced in ll.e bouse yesterday 'bids hearty response in 1 h hearts of every ' lnie North Cirolini 111. wlieth n he style hiniselli. republican or democrat. Foley, Kidney I'ids Aie tonic in action. lick in re sults, A special medicine for all kidoev and blad 'er disorders. Miry C. Abb. ir, Wolfeboio, 11. N., says. was iifllicttd with a bad case of l heumatism, line to unc acid that mv kidney s fail". 1 t-i cb'ar out of my blood, I was so lame in my feet, j lints, ard back that it w;is ,-,,,,lv for mu l' h,el 1 "Hl'li Foley's K'dnev pills for three days wheii 1 was able lo yet up aud move about and the p-iiils were till nyre . Tqis great iliange io condition I owe l Foley Kidney Pills and ree nieni! them 'o anv one suffering as I have " M. I), Mlaekbui n. , U ' e . -r ( eil that a horse out villlJ eiiirriy commit teu su i.-ide It WHsprobiiblycltaririne I because it di l not have a vote to eell. Wellington Ilmild, ITt.iufi.uJ WrMris Ajl'lfu j A-tic-viile ii.i' tio New. 1 There tire burtvlH a ml barrel of jO - ipm nppb'H tdiipp il here ol a v ! ;Tae bir.o w hirli s.-Il (it Hie tent - ncli. IIh-ic me natron loads brought in lioin tin.' iiii-r on iti i-' jjt e i - o. - uici -1 f i I.i 1 1 . vbieli f-ll ' tor ten rent- a uWn The (o- :pm apph-s tire loo ejK,ie.i for :iln iivi'i-.-i-'i' 111 1:1 .-hi I tin 11:1 ! : v 1 - up.h' - , as n itiie, aiv not aso.d iis '., w.i :-i. far-; ) .-j ) up. jpl.s me no better than can i. raised here, ii as good, but they jure better than moat applesthat -are rai.M 1 here. An apple of the t-ameqimbty :i jtl.e O.ejroti apple, lai-ed lien, j could and possibly would be sold I r t u and u hall cent, which pie grov.tr does, regularly and systematically. It is possible that good apples grown here might re'ail for live cents, but I he money would be kept at home. It is said that it takes us much plant food for a small, hard, ap pie, as for a large, juicy oae; t hat - there are just as manv cells in a small one as m a large one but the cells are closer together and more diltictilt to separate. Of course this applies to apples of the same variety. " A prominent fruit man said the other day that the quality of ap ples is improving in this section, b it. not fast enough, that the people want goo I apples and ar i going to have th"in, and that it h high tun.' the gro.vers reeog- i:-z. 'hw. Th fall apples were really of n better grade than the winter wig-ins that come in , t unnp. As trees get older the apples be come smaller unless the tr es are pruned. This is no longer atluo--j rv ; and if they are not sprayed the fruit wi;l ,ikely be knotty. A R.diabie Cough Medicine Is a val.i-.ihle fa. nil v friend, Fol. ! ev s II niev and Tar fullills this con dition exact 1 v. .Mrs. Cin'i Ics Klin: , N. 8di St., Rastuii, Pa., statts; ''Several members ol my famih' have been cured of had roul s and colds by the use of I' .dev's Hoiu ar.d Tar and 1 am never whhout i botlle in the house It soothes and relieve.- the il i nal ion in the irro.it. and looens up the cold. I have:.!-: ,vav f nind it a rdiii'de cough cu e, ' ; M. 15. lilackbtan. The goveTatneii' printingoloce is in v turning out postal cm-Is . . . ... . i . i . i . . . . m -; . . . at. i ne ruie ri anout i nr. e mu iou u day wiiieli ju-t about supples1 the (leill lilil- Ad.llilonilpr - S.se.s ill soo i be put in s i as to in crease the oiituit to foil;- mill ions u d.ty, as it is evide.it that j number will soon be req lired. It. seems hardly possi ble t ha -1,000, -000 postal cards could be us. d in a day, but this is i. great coun try and th- cur I is a p.ipulnr in stitution. -Michigan Tradet uian Death In lloarieg Fire mav not .-esuit from the win); of! fire b.igs, l;n t often severe bur, is are caused that m;di; a ipiiek neid ! for I'uekle.i's Arnica Sa.ve, tiie (2 lickest, suriist cure for burns,' wounds, bruises, b, i'sj s )ies. Il subdues infl iinaticn. It kiiln p.ii . ,l 'bes and heals. Du&s . f. '' skil1 el "I'boiis, ul. ers of pile?. On J ly 25c at all druggists. 1 'he I'ui.n't j ' I rm t'r-.JiK s f.r 1910. The report ot Seerctarv of Acri- , ultute Wilson just luudc to the l're i.h-nt and ubiniited to Cou- jrr,.M ;H , ah i.l.il. .1 to i-jhmi tin ou ..f t it i c'li-nliohave m vc; v-fii -1. 7114r.ii li-l. of v ln-jit or 11 i.i.I.i'o ti:iti h. 1 1 'I'l.i' valii" of oii'Tioiiofcot a, j m;, ,u bi.ii-lif.1 imlli.in of ilollar v.ar. Siivt.nv Wi'MUi in ,, j,,,, t V rite-: ..... 1 . ! c ... 1. ,, .,1 ...1 .-11. ' ' " ' " "" 1 ion i--ol.it.H, ;i Hiiai siilli.-eiit to i-anrel the iut.-rest Ii.-.it inT d.'lit ol I In-l iiitcl Stal.'i, bay id' of thfj i'ld and silver lllllie.l III all ol the i-ountli'-s of the tailli i:i ID 10. and still have to the farm- !,ns a little poi ket nioney. I "The corn cit.pisairitionalas. 'set in more than one sense. It is not in .rely wealth in existence for t he t ime being but it is an as set of ei'K ttial recurrence. Year after year, throughout the ages, a stup. ndous amount of com wit n incredible value, can be pro duced. "The cotton ciop; including seed, is worth this year only three-fifths ol the value of the corn crop; the wheat crop only two-fifths the hay crop 'ess than one-half. All of the cereals, ex cept corn, are together worth only threee-fourthsas much. Tin gnat allied iron and steel indus tries bad in the latest census year for which results have been published, 11)01, a production. worth only (it) per cent, of the value of this years corn crop." 'Nothing short of omniscience can grasp the valu. of the farm products of this year. At no time in the world's history has a eo '.in try products within one year with a value reaching S.UG, 000 000, which is theyalueol the agricultural products of this country lor 1!)1(- This amount is larger than that of 1!)10 by jSMO.i.OOO ( 00, an ninounr cf in crease over the proccding year ; which is mu illiorthe.no etvceiiC years. ThetRiftVs" (prnpanion Lanier and 'Belter tbrjQll .-Sh.SSAK.' t"ft . k . Tht ConitntM of A New Departmmnit of 7A Companion include Fol JJovS t Esprit Advice on Football and l-iatctull; Hunting and I uhing; Handy Contiivancet for tin Young Mechanic. Supgcttiont for the Girl who i For - j QirIS HinU for Young Homekeepen; The Girl'i Wardrobe. For Ptadical Short Aniclea about tha kilclifn. the Pallor, the FatnllV -ar''!n ,rie Hennery every- thing that can be of help in making home more comfortable, more beautiful. GLORIOUS STORIES Inspiring Articles Current Event, Natura and Science, The Doctor's Weekly CounieL Send for Announcement far !91l and Samptt Copies of the Larger Companion Free. FREE The Companion's Art Calendar for 1911 Every New Subscriber who cuts out and tends this slip (or mentions this paper) with $1.75 for The Youth's Companion for 191 1 will receive Free The Companion's Art Calendar for 1911, lithographed in twelve colors and cold an extra copy being sent to every donor of a gift subscription. Then The Companion for the 52 weeks of 1911 a library of reading tiiat would cost $40 in book form. bH The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mat. New Subtcriptiont Received at thit Oice

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