f - J v-4 ?. a .. v-. T.I! -Vtu. I'll 1. Tbal I cw Cuuatj Souij ahire. r in tli-' history of Watau- pi. Nil far H We lilmW. Il;'. I !"T" bei-n : nrn-h imitation over o;; pies! urn, ns Mm' t-it s tivfr t !i" iriji t ( uur l l ived (mh;i; v licin divided. Daily tbro'iu; f peo; If come 1 1 . t. it.ipi iv itli. nit the prop Mti a mi 1 i-k f r a petition that llif.v in a v plve tlii'in elves (ill r :. 1 n i;aiiit t pt'; ned Hi I. And niiMiiall tho p wi !i :i v e BiH'ii, we v-i u it I'i'iii 1 I in t i who favors t Ii- f-i t i m . I'.e s;th's, w are :.'!iii'.ily inlonnod that in th' sti.) i rhit wmiM be affected, only a very Mimll per cent, n r f .ivorablo to Ih'iiilt cut off to a n-w ru'inty, while til" IllilssP" jiic bitterly pinsi' l to it. Nor to we wm'i !er t h a t our people are stirred, when we I consi l"r the "iT'i ts of sik'!i li-j vision of our int ere-l. w are! surpris-d to think any one coul 1 nit idly I iy and dream in as while sti' h tlir calamity t lire it ens us- ln 1 1:0 list -la?' it cuts us out of in 71 of actual taxes, de prives us of sj:ii'i,o.tl !'. in 1aa ble properly: rolis us of 2.2 mi in p i)ulatio!i and leaves our al ready overburdened tax-payers to shoulder a court liousi' doht ot lo.OOO. besides the actual ix pcrises of county anniin'stiation. Instead of t utting oll'a p u t of our county, we would liko to see our territory enlarged. Census Jinnies show that we have made only very small gains in popula tion during the past t"ii years, yet our county expenses Lave in creaed, hringiii! a correal uid inly heavier burden of taxes up on the people. Now, cut off of our people at one blow, and prorata the running expenses of rhe county and State ainonu the rest of us. whore will we be? Al ready our co mty claims are hard to dispose of Cut us out of tvn" ly !j?:2,."i00 in taxes and you plunge us d":p r in the i;vv These ar stern facts, and nut published to frighten th people intoMguiri'rptitioiis against the dangerous measure, but to get them to i-1 tidying what the result will be if the new county ol Avery is formed. This being done, there is scarcely a man in Watauga who would fail to enter lii- pro test ngainst it. We are in favor of a new county, for the people of Mitchell, lor their convenience, but we are oaposed, first, last and ad the time, to cutting off any part of Watauga tor the formal ion thereof. Long live Wa tauga and may her territory ex pand. One of the busiest railroads in the world is the lorty odd mill a il trackage of the Panama Kail road Company. This lino last yrar ntdteil the f inn of .l.')od, 777. Itexp- ds to do even more business after the canal is com pleted, for theroan no idea of u iiatidoiiit.g it. In ii'viewi'ig the report of the company, Tiie New York Journal ol C.oininercenut.Hi asan interentinlitiint that tntistj ail( -Ks abvavs invrntino; sonie d( the r.'i.lae.-tni-ut ami cnntriic-1 tfmio. lu net the ieole to bite tion work uow tlmie for the l'an- atj nnj i w-aiit to tell yon when iima Kailroad is no longer fi"i-j j-on bite at his honk he will et ply of a temporary eharacter, j vou 8ure. but looks toa continuaneeof tho j B. I). railroad a effieieney beyond the coini-letion of the canal's con struction. It is more generally recognized thna any increase in transportation facilities is al most invariably followed by en larged traffic demands upon them. Charlotte Chronicle. T. J, Robertson, founder and, for quite awhile editor of the Enterprise at South Hill, Va., has, says an exchange returned to North W ilkeeboro, w here he will establish the Advance, a Berai-weekly publication, thefirist i-ae of which w ill appe.ir early . in Feb. tin V Y ifa-l ; i' Oif; M r. I.-' ' : to I ; r ! ev "l .-.r :.-.v!-'' ; '.. hh -y. ar 11 I i-i i!li us uit'i a ' 1 1 i s ' v i'- i., '.ue us. th : r.---i ', :: . i1'. a d i h n a 'il ' I plan of e" -Hi ion. s'mh Id l thf .heu.e id every individual u i u;i: If all ihis sh :ll be proa , il'.-ti-1 upoa ur maids an I '.l:o mi -!dy eo.ap'i" 1 with, then as Christmas of this year np pro.vhrs with nil iis:i!!u;v i'ut 1 tak- it that if will b .'iff-r -nt. lv cl-luat.' 1 fr .hi tie- toiu.. r ! p'ati, wi ha vhi s l' "me I t ' "t i' -houhl be -i"g a.- ! d is in a no ! r.itivf of tli" great, -t w nt in ' the woi Id's h'storv -the IdrCl ot 'Christ. This should b ti." i.i st 1 sae cd or eoiiei-iat'-1 d :a vv j ving Him seriously, a new; j joyfully of tie entire y. a r Then ! t h" d.l, s follow ng ;iu I ill .-itl'itng I the New Y-ar. shnuld bk-wie be k' pt and in rvry s n.s abstaiu j ing Iriini frivo'ity m-t o .ly I w'll.l- HI His iufain-y. I! o'l-taia-all ui h, but Con'inU''d . couiM' throughout His! I'd fotli! ; the sun- tiit' re - a 1 1 h 'y evist' iec. and so l.nr a is possitt weakn-ss. bv t he in our human aid of Hun. w; shoiihl s-1 1 o. Sneaking of fiivoheis depol t Uie;,t. reiietlds me ot the most e.eniiuei pi 1-1 oi e-lebrai ion is t he ai Ii -ring nf VO'.'I ters u;i to. 1 iti-1 11 bug. an I th-ii a nu;n;vr of days sneceeilieg Christ 111. -.s, witli a lot td iittl h .olisi.uess. such as nprnii lieniliiiiigs. ra 11 Iy stews, i etc. Sam Jones onerasked "llnw wo :!d ( 'hi ist look in a. 1 heat re?' j and I he ne.it Sum lay Sain, ha-j ing been a cigar smoker, souie one asked "How (bust would: look with a eigar in his mouth."! niter wle.eli ;ii!ii Wii-t broken from the habit. Nov, today, we iniiiht .uppropriittely ask how lbs would look in one of lhe-'c so called iinrtuiess parties. Tell me, fat her ami mother, if. while Christ was here on earth, did he ever have one of those so iablcs? No, indeed. Now, mothers, 1 want to say to yon, I rain up your sweet little boy and girls in the way they .should go. Train them up to go to Simdnv Seho- a 11 d proa bin In liiiliiii: and not totle seapron 'ed on the home for ,iiid card partiis. The'dig lent M 1 nn an I'.i'ile tell i Hie ' (i I is not Iliock- ock- le 1. tor wiiii'soevei a man so.vs t hat w.ll he reap."' Pun-tit v,ill say, 'Oh, let the young I eo ile have their fun and i-ovv tii- ir wild oais' Yc-t, an 1 tli-devil will r-':i the harvest. Now let us try to do bett-r du ring the ii -x t year, and train up our children to love our blessed Mastrrwho .li d on the cross. Li-t ih work to that end and be J found working m liiJ service. L' t mo say here that we as church members, should be very eatvhilj ho.v we govern ourselves in those j s things We shoidd keep away from them and teach our chil dren to love 1 1 i i ii who said. "Suf fer little children to come unto nie and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of lieu veil." If the devil can gel the char di en list d in his s-i viee he p ri es to his chamber of da1 km as, goes to sleep ami if he should wnko up . .1 4 1.., . I.;.. .il.imra: , ' . j til nun. nun iiis iipron i.i-iiiiiih oniri-,' all tisrht, he jii.-t puts a hi' smile on bin f .nee a ml "'oes back tl) M,.0p He is a sharp nlJ conne, yagar (Jr0ve, X. C The Lower House of Congress will fittingly pay tribute to the. memory ot the great Republican Tennessee leader, W. V. Brown low, on Sunday, Feb. 15th. The House w ill assem bio at noon on that day to hear eulogies on the man who did so much for his con stituency during his long service in Congress, having secured for tiis district the XationalSoldh rs' Home at Johnson City, which cost the Government a vast a- mount of money. MYKlDNYi fom Back acm ilioNEAnoiiuDcw 1 1: i a id !; Si. . wl i th- m :: ' t ; i : . a v. h I " t . -' i to mum' iei:..(,,i'i . in to t v '.I Ny. ;!. in. .ri.it bad liar. Ca tfl I t hvoiii. 'e. 1'iVetiust the i achi rs in Wa t w ill b. ar this date n mind an I oil that day make as good a in.!! 'i - ion a i.lNtiou a iios.'.hle lor t!ii- la.i lab! -'lite p is . In ma ue; I a .lonn'io i y i not o dy l i ho i- j ur to lie- d'M I h'ltaoris! bat he'p' . i k :i i " 1 , i , , , in- at tie1 T(ipi'Aa.l .i-ii ksoii . . . . ..i i.l.t ! Ifl 11111. lit i 'i ll'.l I 'Till ! ' Tr.rnmg S,-hool at Coaeoid.- ( ,!. W. .!. II: i in'i-nd- cut o! t h x f ' r-1 I h phuti A-y-liini. di-'d on tl: : !tii iast. nt Ins I, e at i in asvbim. II- was a prominent m;in in t ne Mat. . an 1 iortiie past twelve t-TS liiifj br-'li Sept. of the ( . Klord ( ti pi 1. Hl age. Hi-" h 'iil'h hns been declin ing for some time. Col 1 1 irks urns a Virginian by I iith. I nt Ii oved to , ,,.!, Cum liua wleui a young man. The State llis'o-ira! si.'i:i-i ti 111 awuril d lite Patterson i-up to Mr. II. W. H Coimer of It il cigi'. lie wrote the li!e ot Corne lius II u tiett. wld h wasadju 'g-d to lie the bet literary woik pro dueed by a North Carolinian du ring the year 1 i 1 . The cup was presented by Attorney ("enerai I'.ieKt t', and Mr. Connei re-pond ed in a short speech a tire. id accept" I'nited St ilesiS. nator.Stcphen !'.. K'kins, of West Virginia, died at his Washington lnum niter an illness of many weeks on the Vli. I ea tli was due to 11 com plication of diseases. Senator Klkiiis was seveutv vetirs old, 1,1 111,1 ,l'"n lh'" hears his name in W. Ya. The (irand Lodge of .Masons re elected all 1 he old officers at its meeting hist week. The hand some mi in of Sd Sd.lo to b" u.s. 1 1 and in-th'-ir wid- O..S v.a.s contributed an 1 plcdg id. The '.vol kimr force of the Sou tlieiu Pacific has been battling! vi:li the snow n the lofty Si rn'i The worst mow storm knouu there for many yi ars snow eight lef t dec!) at soniB tihi os: and mail c;i, os, auj search has been ill)iiu om,tj Afireol inystcrious orig n m th- olh'ee ot the I'nited States P uui ,ii kviih-v ill lb" liMISli ll ,' M r ' u-. r, 1 . 1 1 1 i r i in i H 'f l i v M -'l l on the l.'lrh, des' roy-'ii tlious ands i f valuable doc imeuts and recur-Is. A deleg-ation of Indiiitis visited Pres. Tal't the Idth, inst, lend by their chief Magoodi, ami asked thenleas-of their nhiMves a bout 20 in number ho have K...... ti..l 1 r.j .i.ij(.r..i.: .il 11. IP 11 t. I .i..i's -i.ty. : f-.f I a .l-;g.i.-it ! a - !'. a- : i d da v in i he : . in-i il in i I Hi 'i n' m' i 1,1 ...i. ..,... i ii- ..... .. v.i. .... ... . . Fort Sill, Okla., for many years Cotton exports from tie1 IJni ted States in 15)10, in njiLM-egnti .f.i.'h) Oi MhOOO in vnlii exceed i; by .if()0,000,00i" th.; hih -st rec ord ever made before. i- 1 '.,.,. i, ;,,ct r.l,i nuv. 1,. .vi. ... .H.j.ini.v.iwc ed a verv surcessf ul meeting fit 1' ., :.. - ,1 !.... 11 i. .,..1,. Tl.om V l-ton 111 ( ahlwell I iait,t. . 1 heie were li) tin pt lseil ami rue coin - nnmity greatly revived. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA (len. Ferdinand C. Latrobe, 7 times mayor ol !altnnoie, died of pneumonia 011 the 13th,rtthe age of 77.- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA H. A. I)i til editor of the Wi ki t boro Chronicle has been appoin ted librarian of Hu- .Stale Sciiule. It iv i- K.khi- '.i s :J-i- I f i ti l th -VM va-.i-.--y bv ill. r '.' t :i d Tii . i ai " ! I. i i ii iii t o M uui .g. - d li . h. !! si i tl.tt-r ! . 1 e 1 -i. I VI -.' is in a K.fhia oa I .u'Sj it d uhiI-.t neat-ui-tit tor a seri ushait tro-i .1-. I! i.iut a'-au do. i ediiori tl o. k in t in! ur-' .ia i will h as - or sed hi paper. Hows IMII .- tl;, . ! iii.lr.'.! T ,,r I f -r i i. t 'i ' us lie nnv i (- f a: irrli lli;it li-.' l.-'l liv !l t!l s irrii f. .1. fa. v t i. T..I-.I.I Cur V( i V", r.i - ii-i . r-i i.ii-1. !i iv k i i i. .1 '1 io fy f .r il-- I if I .'.ir, jn-i.l l-vii vf I I it . !!. .5 t-'ti'irH'-li-j in :il ' lii'-i:ii'M t r.i -i.ii'i i'.a .-uui tin I .'in -i il'v ii'il" I irrx .'it! itny ntili 1' -i'. in t.?" !.y :ii .ir.ii I W v 1 1 a . : , K I A 'Mil vim, J 'i .!,-jil,' l'rii,'.'il. 'J'oVtl-i. O. ; II r!"f t 1 .itrili . un- i - : i,"'.,r I 1. ally, jiftin j i!;i-. f'lv iiji t. tl tilnt-tl 1111.; iiiiirtiiK- 'lrlu--i'fi i t Thr stt-m. -r . :..i f...... !..:..(.. - .......I t 1 4' l.lll'lli.llW- I' 1 . 1 " ip .,..r , ,., ,. .s ,m i,v- ru.-,'itj. 'i1 i' M.-vMV l-'.i in i! v I'i :k f r 1: tnsti p.il 1011. Iinopin- I ei -Ili-.iin-.. niii' th:it vvhoopii!! c-iiitli liiu-t 1 1111 it toin w, hut tin uc if I It-i 1 l'iiu.'i 1 Ib'iH'V ll.lS k lllullsll illl'il 1C Oinl lh illli! tlillt s.:c!l i imt the e;ie. It c:in he , ,,.. . ..,. ll.is ! csl'Cil V, Nathan Montague got speedy justice ie ( txford, uhiue he has been sentenced to die in the elec tric chair on the loth ot Feb. for the murder of Miss .Mattie San ders on the l'.tth ult. Dr. IV 11 Pi.,. Will hiciik up tin: Tiir-llouy worst told iind idliiv throiit iin il.ilioii. Tla-triiU'tly tpcklv cures coughs, (JoKls, (irippc :nid ill! ll.10.il :i nit hiunchi.il tum bles. ihiinl Mr-. Kljie Tiler, IhiveiKi, Tex:is, writes; 1 was ;is I'lini' ;is it h;it. 1 used Suthei hind's J';igle Kye Sitl ye and it ;uted like :t ch 11 111. It cut the scum elf my eyes and itstnred my si-ht. It is .ill you claim and worth it's weight in gold, rc a tube. bvcry Body Needs a -nod sal ye iiud Dr. Hell's Anti septic is the best, Il is a cieamy siiuw w kite ointment. Guaranteed far tdl skin discuses. 25c s-iitl every, w here. pull (JuliC 1 r any n' v I trouble Dr. P.ell's Anti P.im acts like niii-ie, leheves al- most i:.sit;ir.t Iy. extel'i.id pniiis. Also good for all Or Bell's Antiseptic !"'alve lK'iarante;'d fnrccz-maaltrhcuivi. tetter, ringworm, running soies, cijiipped h uids and bps, pimples on the lice, hl.uk beaks, bather itih, sun burn, insect bites, fever bore an 1 nasal catarrh 2c CEKIIFlrATF 0.-" Dl!SS0LUTI0i. To nil to Whom I Ucse Presents Rluy Cm mo Cretin: Wlic reus. It uppenrs to inv siitisfao t ion, liy duly iiuthenticateil retiorcl of t lie proeceilinKs for the vohuit.:ry dis m i! ii t i mi tliei-t"if l- tlis unaniliieus I'llllSI'lll Of lilt rill. Hloctv lll.l.lMrS. lifllllH itiil in my o('ii", that the vVatauia Supply ( .tdiiipany, n ocrpuratiiin bf I t r. is ia tt", wlmse principal olliee is situati' ! in tlietown of Unnnor's K I )i . County nt Watautra. Stao cf North iii'iiliiia. II. I., bovve. Srcf'-tiirv. Ivi: ill. tin. ...Ti.ttt 4lo en It. iit.il tl. l.i. P.ru uii'tviii, iipnn wiiii!i iii'iiri'is itniv of F. i vvil, Iuin ciinili.'.l vvnrli tlio (Ve. i..n'ini'iils of Cliuitcr -t, IlfviKiiU of i ltm'i. cutitliil 'C'irinf.itiiii.n," i.rtli- 1 (I'''it';,.l)f iViUl'lutioi!-1'" 'f ,l,iM (''rm'j ' t'l, lWnV.','i, .1 Hrvnn (ir.m.'s' Si'in-i tary ot St vt;- of tin- iSfiitc of ! that th -tiitl corporiitioii .ii-l. on the 5 .lay of Dic'iiilwr ItUO, 1 . in my (1I ... .1..!.. ... ,.,! I .I'llll. J l I - '! I 1111. -1" III I II' ..Tllll.l ' consent in writing to tin- iliKHolution v.iui'tiil, iiuijr rAr.uiiv.i 111.11 tiii..niv-. 111 til i.. niru .of8.lij,,.or,,oml,OI1) ,..v.0iit...l l.y all, the HtocklioluYrti tlit'tvof. wiiioti suiil coiiM'iit tunl t tie ret'oril of tliH pro ! weiUntH HlnmM are M(1W on riUl Ui ' my mid olllce tis provided liy law. In testimony Whereof, I have here to Fet ihy timid nnd uflleil my offi rial seal, nt Kaleiini, tins 5 day or Do eeiuber, A. 1). 1H. J. BKYAXORIMES), Secretary of State. A Morning Reminder. j You awake with a mean, nasty ! you that your stomach is in a bad condition. It should also remind you that there is nothing so good for a disordered' stomach as TabfetT They buiHuptUc.y.tem,a.1i!t nature In restore utitural conditiom, and ere o gentle in their action that cn i hardly real- j Hr a medicine vtu taken. '. 'is 'ioci Iain's iablttiC Jo tlJ i crj v.'I.ls;. . Pijcu5w Children Cry Tlic Kind Vim Have Ahvujtt l!onsht, and wM--: b:i been in uo for owr ill j":ir, lian lwirno tho hlni'taro cf - nn.l !in befii nimbi un-.b r I. in pcr sj&r-' ? , :i,!!'"1 fpcnl.il-m m::" its Infa-aor. taSy, ,COU 'v xwnvn no one t itoei-l ve ym tnt'-il'i. All CimnterfeltM, Imitatia? uad Ist..s-vox, arc but i:-ci laicnts t!iat lr"!o v!f!i and cmla!iKT l;eiill!i c( lufuutu and Chihln n IhvK i iou-o ngainst lkxiierbueiit. What (3 CASTORIA Castorla U a J.anuVs nilmC.iule fcr Castor Oil, Tare f,'irlet lros StMl:i; SyrrjiM. It It I'leiiMint. It roiitalim m'it!u-r 0;ili:m, X.:i ;)Iil..a nor tt'i-r Nareotlo Mi'istnncc. Il ace is its gaar.wifc'e. It ileslroj Vi'orim ami allajH IVvitIsIiii.s. It eurcs Diarrliua and AVli.'l Colli. I t n-lievoM IVi-t Jiiii!? Trcui.b'!", ecren Constipation and Flaiuli-uev. It a .s'ailtates UiO I'ihkI, re(ulaU-H tlu Stontm )i and Uowc'.-t, '. Iv.x l.eali:iy and naturul hlcc'ti. 'i'lm Cliildri n's i...iacea-Tlio lother'u l'riond. the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THt erriTnuii copmy. tt TO MY FRIENDS FOR THE YEAR 1911 The year 1910 having been numbered with the past, it is my pleasure to state to my customers and the general public that the year just ended has dealt with me as ten derly as any year since I have been in the mercantile busi ness, and I trust it has, to some extent, rivited your con vidence in the belief that I have delt with you fairly. With this understanding I have renewed energy and determina lion lo make the year 1811 JI33E 5t'C8SSFlL For both myself and customers through fair dealings and you may rely on the fact that you can get the very lest staple goods at my place of business at the lowest prices; they can be sold, for remember I claim to be no "Cheap John" but take pricb in dealing in the very best goods, knowing them to be cheapest for my customers in due course of time. Now, to concludj with, 1 wish to EM PHASIZE the fact that you can find anything usually kept in a first class store at my place of business and that I make a specialty of the Brown star 5 star Shoes knowing them to be the bczt on the market at the prices. Thank ing one and all for the patronage you have given me in the past, assuring you at the same time 1 will endeavor to merit it in the future. Most Respectfully, M B BLACKBURN Boone, N. C , Jan. 12, 1911. . ' y c j I'rf" ' ' ' A' THE WATAUGA COUNTf ML BOONE, N. C. This institution is owned nr.d controlled by the following stockho. ! . . II. Mast, 1. W. Ilorton.L. "-'"! iL.IU, iX) v. c. Cofby. N. L. M;'st,.I. M. M.iv, D. F. Hoi ton, . K. Slier wood. Dr. I,. 1-. liinb:im, A. X. Mast, llanman 4V fo. V is. Hai iiw.ti, W. It. I'.aiid, C. 1). Taylor. W- P'y. I' H. H. lVrry. J A. Voo.Iic,J. G.IIagaman, A.J. More, (i. C. (iri-i n, 1. M, Wi'llhurn, John W. Hodi-s, Dr. H. MeD. . . '"'e, I. .. reclun, luiitnr j ill Farthing. Miss Mallie (1. Curtis, K. " ' , . . i'"u,ni.r Wc especially invite the business of our county people, c. J. pa rt l.iKR, eres j. u. claukk, vice i-res. a. M. sudivkrth. cash. BANK OF BLOWING ROCK, BLOWING ROCK, N. C. Capital: $10,300,00. Unclevided Profits: $950.00. With our increased capital, we are better prepared to handle your banking business than ever before. Open an account with us, we will extend to .von every advuiitnge consistant with nafe and HOUtld l"klfi- e will loan yon j far as your personal responsibility and balance will warrant, ; If not convenient t: cull in person, write us, and your letters ! 8iai mxe our pIompt attention. IU-:MEMni:UVElAY4Ii:HCi:XTOXTIMI0DErOSIT COMPOUNDED EVERY THREE ilONTIIS. ! , . TIIE DEMOCRAT ONE for Fletcher's K2 i A STORIA ALWAYS Signature of muhrhv nittT, wtw Town cm. AND CUSTOMERS. YV. C. Coffey, V. V. U. P. Haiiamax, Cash A. Greene, T. V. Admns, W. L. isoii, .Miss I. Jennie t,oltcy, I . W. S. Coffey D. U. Dou'-hnty and B. 0 J ' money at a reasonable rate -so YEAR ONE DOLLAR." 4