' V 'fi" 4- -A - emocra ID. VOL XXII 1SOOXE. WA T A U It A CO U NT Y. TI I U It S I ) A Y . J A X U A 1 1 Y 2G 1911. NO. LM. .A I t XT' W A V V 4- Th famous Dr. T.vre York, ol Wilkes, has b-en nlmont forgot ten He U unkn jwii to tli'n gen eration, but was a live wire in public ahiir about '2 yenra njro. He is brought to mind by nconi m ii nidation in the Wilkenboro 1'iitriot in which he opoites in creaiw in tax, the matter of n road tax or a bond ieue lor rond being under rontnidf ration. 'Old York," an he Useltornll liitiiKetf, hmV8 hi motto is, ' No further taxation f-r any piirp-e un'ii the count j U out tf debt. JStatcsvilIf landmark. A Unliable Ci'iiy'i Medicine Is valuable bimiv ftirnd. Fob ey i H ney and Tnrfulfillsthis con dition exactly. Mrs. Chariot Kline, N. Sth St.," Easton, states; 'Several mem bent ol my family have been cured of had con 2 lis and colds hy the use of fVk-y's Honey and Tar and 1 a-n never without a bottle in the house It soothes and relieves the irritation in the threat . and loosen up the cold. I h;tvel wavi found it a reliable cough cure." M. B, Blackburn. PROFESSIONAL NAT T. DULANEY, mTdT, SPECIALIS T, Fourth St. Bristol Tenn.-Va. Eye and Throat Diseases. Refraction for Glasses. L, D. LOWE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNER ELK, N. C. a7VVill practice in the courts Watauga. Mitchell and adjoining Counties. 7 6-' 10 EDMUND JONES -LAWYER LKXOIU, n. ;,- ' Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of 11 ata uga, 6-1 '10. F. A. LINNEY, -ATTORN KV AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the 13th Judicial District in all matters of a civil nature. 6-11-1910. J. C. FLETCHER, Attornsy At Law, ; BOONE, N. C. (Careful attentiou Riven t collections. " W. R LOVILL ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOOM. N. C- kWSpecial attention given to all busineHP entrusted to h'.a care.St 7-9-10. E. S. COFFEY If ATWIMEl A 7 LAW, ftOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal, nature W Abstracting titles and ,-. collection ot claims a special t tv. 1-1 '11 R, Ross Bonelly. UNDERTAKER & EMBALM ER SHOUN'S, Tennessee, Has Varnished and GIehh White r Coffins; Black Broad loth and White Plush Caskets; Blnck and White Metalic Caskets Robes, Shoes and Finishings, Extra large Coffins and Cns , kets always on hand. 'Phone or rj.ders given npecial attention. ...fUROSS D0NN2LLY, BEaRISQOS SEW COlJU. Neva and Observer llh. The Ilouie aud S-nate Commit tent on t 'ou 11 1 les , Ci t io? a nd To w 11 a met in joint sermon In the Senate chnmber last night toconsidir the bill establishing the county of Avery, ('apt. K. F. Lovill, of Wntaugrt, and ex-Judge A. C. A very, of Morg inton, Iroth sp ke in lnvortf the bill, while Mr. John Mi-Bee, of Spruce I'im. ap peared in opposition, though he made no remark, exivpt to ask for 11 K)st'oncment. ('apt. Lovill discussed the ne- rtesity ol the new 00111113 oil ac count of the geographical sit ill- tion. He rend troin the published pt ttform of Mr. Nurinun, the Rep resentative of Mitchell, who, both in the primirie-t an 1 111 tin cam paign that ftdlowd. male the creation of mi-It county tin sol issue Cu.pt- L'lyill stated that he h th irotighly acquainted with the country, and lhac he knows the people of the east end are en titled to the pais ge of the bill. To require ihem to cross the no torious Cane Crtn-k Mountain, which is .r,()00 feet high, would b- to perpetrate upon t hem an intolerable nuisam-e. To r-ach IJukernville, th ounty seat f Mitchl, tht'v have to g i within two mid a half miles of tha Yan cey county line. The proposed county, as poin ted out, will contain about 143,- 000 acres ol land, valued for tax ation at 11,248,000. Its popula tion will be about 11 000 .lt will Ik? larger than any of the seven smallest counties in the State, and eight will have less property valuation, while eleven will con tain l')W!r people. Heargued that fMiii'lsiair to become a famous smnwr resort, for one can as cend half a mile above the dome of the Ca; itol and only be on a level with the rivers that fl o w thrcughjts borders. The proposition for such coun ty was first tprung eight, ytare ago. It Las Lccn renew ed ever sine, and iu the smsum of 1909 it passed the Senate, but dii-d in the House. Capt. Lovill closed with a reference to the move to perpetuate in its cica tinn the historic name of Avery. Judge Avery then spoke briefly in advocacy ol the measure. H" urged that not only the situa tion, which he explained in de tail, entitles tliHin to the county, but that the resoarces, scenery and piogivssive peopld renddr it imperative. He prophesied thai if set apart, the section will lv come the Adirondacks of the South. In proof ol the practical isolation with respect t'i B iker--ville, he cited the. experience of Governor Kitchen, who, iu the campaign ol two years ano, made appointments in Wata iga and in Mitchell, but who, on ac count of the road across Cane Cane Creek Mountain, did not reach Unkersville until late in the afternoon of the day he was to speak there at 11 o'clock in th morning. The committee on convening adopted a motion to bevote on ly an hour to Jjie hearing List night but to reconvene this af ternoon il lurther hearing was desired. At the conclusion ol t tie remarks of Capt, Lovill an I Judge Avery, Mr. McBee, a young at torney friuu Spruce Pine, and nn aialtnt Republican, it developed, asked for twenty, minutes in which to reply bnt he was fissur ed that he would be h'-ard later. Incidentally he remark t d that a postponement for ten days or t wo weeks was necessary in or- Ider that the opponents of the I irfit - 1. J.. . - i . 1. 1... inn uiav geu uun 11 10 iv iiein. 110 advocates, however. oljected to this on the ground that the op position were seeking thus to kill It by delay, as they haye done lieretofore. Tba frafrr-MtMal DiitrirU. New an Oliarrvr- A mutter that should of neces .at ter that shou d of rt 1 ..py the attei.tion of the .t session of ;.be General As, sity oc preset setubly is the einlizin-!, in so lar j as it in possible, thet-ii Co iii:re8- j iona' Pis l rit t if the Stutein the matter ol population, for as the dint nets are now inad. up there is agivat ineptality in the ntitn Iter of HHple represented by the differeiit memUrs from North Carolina. How wide is this ronueot lifT-r enceenn le seen by xntninini! the census fi 'Z 11 res'lor I he counties composing the Third Congress ional I Strict and those in the Fifth Cunuressiotial District. In tlu-nine counties ol tlie Third District the population is 17S, 805, wnile in the e'ewn counties of the Fifth District the popula tion is 3.10,-WO, a difT.T.Mice of 1 r 1 ,0ft I leteiMi these two Con gressional I) sricts. And while this is the extreme diff mia yet there is such a diff'te ice in other districts also that there is aneed for a readjustment, so as to bring the figures nearer together. One Congressman representing 330, 489 people and another tepres- enting 178, 80."i people is not a condition that should continue. The population of the various districts is as follows: First District 193,-2oO Second District l!).",40."i Third District 178,805 Fourth District 215 -109 Filth District 3:10.480 Sixth District 201 900 Seventh District 224,948 Eighth'District 220,813 Ninth District..- 249 495 Tenth District 202 22: An elimination of theso -nry-ing figures will at onceshow that there should he changes made, and that this should be done is 11 matter to which the members of theG 'neral Assembly shoul I give their most seriou s attcnt ion. It is possibla to tnakf such a re-ali-nni"nt that the Conres-anen from North Carolina will repre sent more nearly the snrae num ber of people an 1 action to do this should be taken. Raves TVo Live. "N'lther mv iter nor mvsell niij-ht he liyii g today, if it had not been for D'-. Vinsi N. w Discovery writes A. D. McDonald of Fayette, ville, N C. R. F. D. No, S, "for we both hai' frightful couglis that no other remedy could help. We were told mv sister had consumption. She was very weak and hail nijjht sweats hut your wondeifii! medicine completely cu-ed us both. It's the best I ever used or heard of.' Fi.r sore luns coughs colds hemorrages higrippo, asthma, hiy fever, croup, whooping cutigh, all hroncliial trotfhles its supreme. Trial hot. tie free. 50c and f 100. Guaran teed hv ;dl drut-giM. While many pe pl may not look upon Mr. Simmons ns a statesman, the man who goes 1111 auin t him be convinced that he is a politician. Durh i hi Herald. Solves 11 Deep. Mystery. "I usunt l.t tli ink inii tn tbt h it , , . ' . r u in turn of mv heurt, wrote L. H o" - tier of Lewisburg W, Vi. "for the wonderful benefit I got from Elec tric Hitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which 1 h id been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It -suited my case as thou'o made just for nie " For derpesia', indigestion, j uindice and to rid the system of kidnev poisons that cause rheumatism, hlectiic' Hitters has no equal Try them I Every bottle is guaranteed to satis f)'. 50c at all druggist. Chlldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST.ORIA A SCHOOL BOI SE A DAT Charlotte Olwrrver. No and ngaiu it is profitable 1 tak? )f wh-t ,w An order of P,ttnQHter Gvwr. accom,,iH,jinot fo.the pupp.'al Hitchcock, which went into ef of I(.ni oiirveM OHr fec on Jan. 1, 1911, has toru HvUwvt,uwnU but n, illwnti ve i to yet greater endeavors Mater-'and (in! for such st mk taking is to ! tound ubnn latitly in State - iintendent ol Klucati n J. Y. J.yiier'n r-cent biennial lepott, HUt III HO pari ol lilt IKS Uim-lll , wi'l lie hit livelhr sutisfiution t'mn in the reconl that htr the hist two nrs North Carolina has noiii.ta tied its boast of "a si'liool hous.' a day." In detail Mr. Joynt r's figures are 725 new buildings 504 'yhite mid 161 c I red erected at n cost ol mot e than $50U,000. The people of' North Carulina wnuld have tolte very cold blooded to repress a f-eling of intense gratification over this advance. There is pos sibly 110 other line of progress w bich will mean quite so much to the happiness and prosperity of the coming generation as this educational onsweep. School houses without pupils are of very little significance and it is necessary to examineunot ti er portion of the nport before the exa't situation catt be grasp, ed. "The increase in the school census during the years 1900 1910 was 19,452-13,102 white and 0,290 colored. The increase in the scho il enrollment was 22,. (138 and the total increase iu dai ly attendance was 22,347. This shows that the increase in enr 11 nientund avetage daily att n dance is more than keeping p ice w i t h the scho d popul ttiou." Siitiua the to apparently unre lated items of new school build ings and increased average at tendance, it will be found that both are primarily due to the same cause tlie tact that North Carolinians are nine to theneces sity ol rdttcntion ol all sorts ns never before, and what this spirit has accoaiplised in the past tie--cade is in no way comparable with what it bids fair to work iu the years that nre ahead. How to S op Him. er 1iu'es whs uotorous I. fo 1 i.is long win 'tod hps. Onon" occasion he had been spouting forth bin concluding argument for six hours, and the end was nowhere in sight, when Judge Dal a rd beckoned his brother Johunnd whispered: 'Can't .yon t'p him Jack?" 4'H stop him iu two minutes," John Ralhird re plied, eonfi lently. And he wrote 1 and passml to Liwyer Liwlms tlie following note: "My dear Colonel, as soon as you finish your niauniflcent, argument I woul I like you to join. in at the Revere House in a hum per of rive o'd Itourboii." Lawyer La vless, halting in the mid it of an imp is hioned period, put on his glasses and read the no e that ha I been h i tided htm, then h rem vel his trl a.-ses aidui, and, taking uph'M hat and bag, said: 'An I now, mny it pha e the court an I gen tlemen of the jury, I leave the case with x on." A minute la'er i he wa proeeedii g iii stately fasli . . .. . , , T. ion in the direction of the Rever House bar. Argonaut. Foley Kill ney Itlls ' Are tonic in action, quick in re sults. A SjM-ci.i! nteihc'ne for all kidney and bladder disorders. M n V. Abbott, Wolfeborii, II. N., says. I was iifllicltd with a bad case of lI.eumatiNin, due to uric acid that HI v k'dneys failed l clear out of my blood. I was so lame in my feet, i lints, ard back that it was Ugou. for mtt to s;ep I esiii j Folev's K'dnev pills for three days ' . I.m. T '.l,li. ti iTt.t iii.iiifl mni'i a'lont and tVie pains were all goic . Tuis great cli inge in condition I uwj to Foley Kidney Pills aud tee-1 omend them to any one suffering as I have." M. D, Rlack.Vurii. 1 Caai.f e ia Keritrr4 Sail Thai la I a-(polar. tvtlilurr 1'ot.t the postal department to pieces ! the post master; and postal M - lerks are Rll.-d ith rosterna- S-jtion. I he order mukes a com - i ll-te revolution in the bundling ' registered mail, the registered iiaiiiurn iiitaiucu,uu letters are Kent along iu the mail unprotected. A record is kept ol the letters the same as heretofore, but 111 handling them the envelops often become torn and the enclosures could easily lie extracted. There is really no way to trace the loss to any let ter should the contents beetoleti. Registered packages are sent 11- long pretty much the same nsthe! ordinary mail, no record even as to the number of the package be insr kept. The postalclerks' books show so many packages sent by the mail and nothing else. A worthless package could be sub- j stituted by a valuable one and it would be'iaipossible to trace it to the guilty party. Tlie present method of handliug the rtgister ed mail is entirely unsafe and is little or no better than sending money or valuables along in the ordinary mail. In fact, as it ap pears, the sender is practically wasting the amount of extra postage. This condition of affairs in the matter of registered mail is not generally known by the public, and the Post came upon it inci dentally. It is stated that every man in the postal service would like to. ret out ol the business, and ma ny if they had some other em ployment would do so at once. Death In Roaring Fire may not result from the woik of tire bugs, but often severe bur.is are caused that inako a quick need for Hucklen's Arnica Salve, the Quickest, surest cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores. It subdues bill imation. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off .'kin eruptions, nil ers 1 f pile-. On ly 2yC at all druggists. John Wagoner, was paiizht. Thursday night by the revenue officers, opT'rntinjr an il ict distil, e y near his home in 1? isin Creek section of walnut yrove township. thera wus a warrent outfor Wnir oiier for an ol I offens- and when : theom'jeis went to arrest him; they found him operating a new ! plant, and hard at it. There J were five or six oth-rs at thdis tilery when the olfic-rs arrived, rai her nnexp ctedly, nn I n tn;gh ty scatteration resulted. Those who were corralled were libened however, f r Wng uierclaima 1 1 ) ( !; the o vner and operatar ol ti e plant. He was makinir by the n w ol I fashio ied doubling pro cess an I lie remarked 'o the offi cers, t 'lat if he had been left alone t.uiliourjl mger he would have had some ot the l st ever tate l. Wagoner was brought toW'ilke-. boro a id in def.uilt of a bdn 1 was place J iu jail. a'ilkes Palri Fot. Old Soldier Tortured. 'For yei.rs 1 huffertd unspeakable t'irtuie from indi)isiion. iti'-stipat ation ami liver tiubh ," wrote A. K Smith, a w ar veti rau t Iv ic . P.i.( 'but Dr. King's New Life Pills fix. id u;e all iij.ht. Tbty'te siu.jl; gnat.' Try them for any stone ach. liver or k-diiev trouble. O11K 25c a all druggists. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A T Aa 014 Sua. We've walked the ways of life, " l Ve kepT voi P.ut you've I oia stioe, nd smooth together. you under foot 'tis true. U-en hntiett leather. You.ve not refused to take the dust. Your shining surface soiling; You've leeti 11 friend that 1 could trust, Iu pleasure or iu toiliusr. ou've hot ne the blunt of many a blow Itv foes for me intended; You've never kicked a fallen foe, Though me you've olt dt fend. You pinched me some when j-ou werene. F.re we had learned each otlier, Rut now you fit my foot, o 1 d shoe, As brother unto brother. Rut now you'r wrinkled, old and gray, Too shabby to be mended; I'll fiing you out beside the way That by your help I've wended. And then I wonder if some day. When 1 am old and faded. Like you 1 II thus be thrown away Hy these whom 1 have aided. Then let it be beside the route Of some divine endeavor, O'er which the feet that wore me out l'ass on and up loreter. Youth's Companion. For either acute or chronic kidney disorders, for annoying and painful urinary irregulars take Foley Kid ney Pills An honest and effective medicine for k'dnev and bladder disorders. M. 15. Blackburn. B00NE FURNITURE COMPANY. fio to the Roone Furniture Company for anything you want in th" line of House Furnishings. We have a new and up-to-date line of furniture, Red Springs, Mattresses, Comforts. IMankets, and various other articles need ed iu the home. Re sure and give us a call an I get prics b(o -e buying elsewhere. Store in Rank Riiil iing. Very respectfully, BOONE FURNITURE CO. Tfte Ruth's Companion Larger and defter tor 1911 .fs,'J MI Tfvf t y Th Cwit'Mi of I A Nmw Departmtntl f Th Companion inctudm , Expert Advice 00 Football nd Baicball; Hunting ud Fuhing; tSOVS Handy Contrivance fi tbt "komb Young Mechanic. I? Suggeitioni for the Ctrl who muS make her own .way; Gir'$ HinU lor Young Houiekeenen ; The Girl i Wardrobe. For Practical Short Article! about the Kitchen, the Park, the Family ZJ&TXX making home more comfortable, Bore beautiful. GLORIOUS STORIES Inspiring Articles Current Eventa, Nature) and Science), The Doctor's Weekly Counsel ' Send for 'Announcement for mi and SamM Cofirs of the Larger Companion Free. FREE The Companion's Art Calendar for 1911 ' Every Nw Subscriber who cuts oat end iiti tfau alip (or mntkiM thia ptHt wite $1.75 far The Youth'a CoiBioaert will receive Free Tne 'Cesipeeien'a Art Caleadar For 191 1, litkocrapne d twelve eelora aad oM-K erm copy being aeat to every donor of a girl aubacription. Then The Companion for tba S2 weeka el 191 1 a library of reading that would coat $0 in book form. SH Tea YeaUV. CaeapaaiaB, Beaten, fcW ' Now Smbttription RocoivoJ ml thil Of Horn. r Ini i"iiaiitrihii-iiriiTni J i -s d.i a. J