Th3 -Watauga Democrat hiitemiar me i oiure at Itoone, .V. C, hs second clnsf mail mutter. BUBHCRirTION KATES: One renr $1.00, Six Months Three months, .ou. Advert Mngrn tea furnished on application. LOCAL JEWS. !ad ponHU, tntionery Kan. ter post cards, & etc , just in ot L L. Cntcturs. Liwrence Ilorton of J. fTer don, X. C. in town on bunine this week. Dr. E. M. Madron was hi the village Monday and placed his professional card in these col umns. t I TA ....... .u anon KitnrtuV with his fara ly in Lenoir, return- a ing to his scuooi worn nere ou Monday. Full blood Rhode Island Hud chickens and eggs for sal". Trio $5.00; eggs 50, for 13. John S. Williams, Route 1, Boone, X. C. Miss Peail Gro8, daughter of Mr. I. S. Gross, Mt last week for High Point, when' she has procured employment for the next few months. Plasterers are now at work on the new Hchool building, and an effort will be made to get it complete by the the time the Summer Term of the A, T. S. opens. Sheriff Ragan left Monday morning for Gaston county, ta king with him Clarence Totter, who was sentenced to a. two year's term on the road of that county at the last term of court, Dr. R. K. Bingham returned from Atlanta, Ga, last Sunday alternoon, where he has spent the past mx week taking a post graduate c lurse. intone, of the bospituls of that city! Pastor J. II. Farthing, tho' vey hoarse, filled his regular ap pointments here at 11, a. in. and at niglif limt Sunday. He has a strong hold on the people here. His earnestness is very striking. Miss Matt ie Curtice has, re turned from South Carolina, where she spent the winter, and ia at tin home of her nephew, Mr. K. 8. Coffey. The many friends of Miss Muttie ure glad to pee her buck. Mr. Luther Thomns and fam ily, of Trade, Ten n., passed through the village last week on their way to Hickory, where t hey will remain a few weeks, af ter which Mr. Thomas speaks of moving to the State of Washing ton. . . Rev. W. I Dawson, of the Greensboro District, who has been here visiting his, daughter, Miss Blanche, who is one of the faculty of the A. T. 8., delivered one of his best sermons here on last Thursday night to a deligh ted audience. Mrs. D. C. Dupger, of Vilas, died at her home on Sunday mor ning last, and was buried the fol lowing afternoon. She bad been a great suflerer lor many years. A near neighbor said other Mon day: "She was n good woman," What more could be eaid? That covers the entire ground. Step Ito the Bank. And ask them to look up our ra ting for you. We have a capital ol over two million dollars, over two million customers and two thousand traveling salesmen on the road selling our eighty-five Household Remedies, Extracts, Toilet articles, Soaps, Perfumes, etc. We need a good young man right now to handle our business in Watauga countv. Address The J. R, Watkine Co., 113 South Gay St., Baltimore, Md. Estab lished 18G8. Capital over $2,000, 000. Plant contains. over 10 a cree floor space. Jefl r. Rol.bim made a bus Tkt Cklij Top J'lpf Orgai Somt lna trip to Lenoir the flrottf JUre. the week. In recnr inmie of, this. paper . , 'we publish little tory taken Ker. Mr.Saraee will prench ,.,,,-, 3 .. . from the Hicko'y De.nocrat con- and conduct haster n-mc in , . , . , . . . ... rrriilng the (himner Top Pijie the KuiHcopa church here at 11 m. , , , j ' " ' . Organ invented by Stuart Coffey o clock next Sunday. 3 . j of Boone, many years ago when Biihop Horner preached u the town was "in her i n f a n good sermon to a large congre- jt Wft, our intention, for the gation in Boone last Sunday af- j protection ol the veracity of the ternoon, and received Mioses Ma- editor of the Hickory Democrat, mie and Maudo Williams into not to give evidence in this mnt t lie church. The Binhop will ter, bi't as we havebeen called to preach at Valle'Ciiicirt next Sun-J the witness stand by the Char day a. m, and at St. Johns at 3 lotte News, we must tell the p. ni. whole truth, lest we be doubted. If tenort- be true a neat cot- Th- News says: tifnJ ttnnll ur- rounded by sturdy onkHandiho-: the story, but juct in order to dodendron. in the near suhurb ' quiet the incredulous wa are g -of the villaue, will be occupied , to ask the Watauga Demo wilhln the next few days as they jcrat to interview a few of the old- do say the wedding bell9 are ihiminn just now all the way fioin Boone to Wilkesboro. We are told that the Rev. Jaim-s H.aton. a commi.-i..ner,&et us a record lor the office pho in the new county of Avery, is stumping the Wotauga strip in favor of annexation at the May election. Dr. J. M. Hodges, ol Cranberry, who strongly oppo-. ses annexation ha, we li i- a r, been meeting him ou some occa sions. On Sat urnay night last the post office at Shull's Mills was broken into and a lot of stamps and a few dollars of Uncle Sam's currency taken therefrom. Tne office was in G. W. Bobbins' store but if anything wa; tnken from the stock, it had not leen missed early in the week. The store of Mr. Moore at Fosco a few miles farther up the river, was entered the nam night, but. we are not advised as to the amount of the loss. . We are told by members of our local bar, that for a number f years there has not been as much. business transacted atany single term of court as at that which: closed in Boone on Thurs day evening last. In fact, every case that stood ready for trial was dinposed of. The lawyers, .t he court officials and the public gen erally are foud in their praise of Judge Long, not only his great juH-ial abilty but for his fair ness and determination to clear the docket of the lare number of years. We need m re of the ser vices of such judges as he. Township Tax A-isi-org. Following is a list of the town Khip tax assessors (or Watauga county, who will act in conjunc tion with the county tax assess or in getting our property listed fur the year 1911; the same hav ing been appointed by the bar 1 of county commissioners at its meeting on the first Monday in April: Boone, J. C. Ra.v. Blue Ridge, J. T. Hampton Blowing Rock, Wm. Elrod. Beaver Dam, E. R. Eggars. Beech Mountain, J. S. Guy. Bald Mountain, Z. T. Watson. Cove Creek, G C. Greer. Elk, J. W. Haves. Laurel Creek, J. L. Glenn. Meat Camp, T, A. Greene. North Fork, M. R. Wilson. Shawneehaw, A, E. Norman. Stony Fork, J. M Yoance. . Watauga, G. W Robbina. With a county assessor, a town ship assessor, a board ol equal ization and the board ot county commissioners all looking after the assessments of the realty in the county, it will surely be list ed to suit the tastes of all. MEYSKiDHEYPlIiS Fob Bcc KidhmwiBubpu . FERTILIZERS. FARMERS! For high-grade Fertilizer and acids, call on W. C-L'-ntz, ,W. C. LENTZ, Blowihg Rock, N. C. Dr. E M. MADRON. - DENTIST. -Sugar Grove. North Carolina, "All work done under guar antee, aud best material used. 413-'ll. "Xot that we are doubting of! est iuliabitiints and get affida vits to the eff.-ct that this Wa tauga pijw organ pipes, just as Banks sayt it does If posiUe nograph, and a picture of the ( instrument as the Boreal waves flirt with its magic strings." Dr. Bank", we have no pover to help you in this, your dire ex tremify. The town council has leen called together; the records of the yillage searched; the old est inhabitants (playmates of Stuart Cuffey) interviewed, and not one vestige of evidence that such an instrument as invented or the stringH nwept by the Bore al winds, could be found. There is one consolation for you, just the same. At the North Carolina Press Association which meets in Lenoir in Juue, you can take a front seat and he ready to ac cept the mendacity medal that is sure to be awarded you lor this flight ol your fertile imagination. This is not sworn testimony, un derstand. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlains Liniment and bound on to t"..e affected part is superior to any plaster. When troubled, with lame back or pain? in the side or chest give it a trial and you are cer. tain to be more than pleased, with the p.'ompt relief which it affords. Sold by all dealers. Thirteen womeu wild hold mun icipal offices in Colorado as a re suit of the election reads a uews dispatch. HOW'S THIS! We ofTer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for anv case of Catarrh that caunct he cured by Hall s Tatarrh Cure. F. J. Chunky & Co. Toledo O We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the lust 15 years, and believe him perfectiy honorable in all husiness transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obli gations wade by his firm. Wauujjg. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure iR taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood ana mucous snnaces 01 uie )iew S'AbTS'i0' 3 or 4 dis ttnJ ever court eek-,,,vp ,ml to do "-v kind of Take Hall'B Family Pills for conBti Dental work. Ai.L woliK GuaranTEKd! Nothing but the BEST & pat ion. NOTICE Lund fo'r sale. One hundred and seventy-five acres cleared. A good house with six. rooms. A good roomy . bam, and good water, in one mile of Beech Creek post-office. It is now for sale. Come and buy if you want land. T. M. STANSBEURY, , ...Beech Creek. N. C. -! NOTICE. . An election will be held in the town of Boone, N. .C. on Tuesday after the 1st Monday in May '11 for the purpose ol electing town officers to wit: A mayor and 3 aldermen, the Registrar and judges to hold said election have , i i j i 1 1 it i been appointed by the Mavor and alderman of said town. Rig istrar 1). J. Cottrell. judges A. W Beach R. G. Gragg. This March 28, 1011. C. J. COTTRELL Mayor. NOTICE. The Registrars and judges for the election to be held in Shaw neehaw and Beech Mountain townsips on May 2, are as fol lows, the same having been ap pointed by. the Election Board: Beech Mountain Registrar, W. G. Reese; judges. Berry Norris and G. W. McGuire: Shawnee hw Registrar, F M. Kicharde; Judges: 11. L. Cook, and W. W. oiman. 4 -, liooT f r alcohol 3 tm t or Ac?et Me PrcparaiLm fcr Ai r.imiMliiirtihcrjo.lartlRitu'i Promotes Dilionflierrfii ncss and festlonfalns nriilw Ouium.Nornhux norMineral. Wot Narcotic, flr-tu SrrJ r J'frrmiit-h'a.'vy.-mi fenr. Apcrferl Remedy forCmRiip tion , sour aioniacii.uiaiww Wornufonvulsions.reYWish ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signaiiire of NEW YORK . Guaranle Exact Copy of Wrapper. p3?lT fcuaranleed under tnlF53aajl H MJI Jft B B I If H I We have been supplying the farmers of this section for nearly ten years and the majority of them now fully realize that we have been getting in a better position each yaar to supply their wants. In 1911 we still carry the staple lines, such as McCor mick Mowers, Finders, Rakes, Etc. ; Genuine and Wm. J. Oliver Plows and Repairs, Superior and Farmers Favo rite Grain Drills, Superior Mounted and International Disc Harrows, Superior Corn Drills, Columbus Wagons, Brown Buggies, American Woven Wire Fence, Elwood Yard and Garden Fence, Mastic Mixed Paint, High-grade Field Seed and Fertilizers, all of which have served their parts in ma ing our business a success. In addition to these well known lines, we are continu ally adding new lines and you can always depend on us for anything if its in the Hardware Lire. LCN DON-STOFFEL HARDWARE CO. - THE PIONEER HARDWARE PEOPLE. Mountain City, Tennessee. to he in Boone. (Blackburn Hotel) PUREST materials used in any of my work. Prices retisonable, No charge for examination.. Patient from a distance, will avoid dcla.x, by informing me beforehand, at what time they propose coming, either to Boon, or Banners Elk. N, L. Mast, Pres. W. 0. Cokkey, V. P. G. P. IIauaman, Cash THE WATAUGA COUNT f BANK. B00NE, N. C. . V This institution is owned ami controlled hy the following stockhol ders; J. II. Mast, 1. W. IIorton.L. A. Greene, T. P. Adams, W.- L. Hendrix, W. C. Coffey. N. L. Mart, J. M. May, D. F. llorton, V. F. Sherwood. Dr. E. F. Bingham, A. X. Mast, Hagaman & Co. V S, Harmon, V. B. Baird, C. 1). Taylor. W. E. Ship'ey, Dr H. D. Perry. J. A. W'oodicJ. G. Hagaman, A.J. Morcz. G. C; Green, J. JI. Wellborn, John W. Hodges, Dr. II. McD. Little, T. A. Critcher, Kimber Johnson, Miss f. Jennie Coffey, T. W. Farthing. Miss Muttie G. Curtis, E B Dougher . We especially invite the business c. J PABLIKR, pres J. b. clarkk, : BANK OF BLOWING ROCK, . BLOWING R0CK,N. C. Capital: $10,300,00. Undevided Profits: ......$950.00. Wilh our increasfd. capital, we are better prepared to . handle your banking business than ever before. Open an account with us, we will extend to you every advantage consistant with nafe and sound banking. We will loan you money at a reasonable rate bo far us your personal responsibility and balance will warrant.. If not convenient to cll in person, write us, and your letters shall have our prompt attention. REMEMBER WE PAY 4 PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSIT, COMPOUNDED EV ERY THREE MONTHS. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use r Y li II O I flJl 11 V n I 1 1 " wl Thirty Years Dr. R, P.JENNINGS RESIDE NT D E XT ST Banners Elk, N. C. 1 have arranged lor the con venience of many of my patients on the ' first ol every mouth" Coffey D. L) Dougherty and B. of our county people. vice Pres. G. M. SUDDERTH. cash. AW IF THE CINTAUH IOHNNT, MCW VORII CITT. NOTICE. The Mock-holder of theDooue JL lihminr I tck Turnpike will meet in annual eension in the court houne in I'.oonejon Mon day May the let. for the election of officer and the transit tion of othT Lupines. W. C. I.EXTC. 1'iw. L LCRITCHER -iHiALKIt IN NutiuiiM, (JriMtries, Station ery, Collins, Casket, and etc., Also agnt for t tie II ickory Steam Lnnndry. Kntry Nuliif Xo. S-VW. Stuto of Ncrtli Carolina. Watkiitra pounty, nii! of Kntry taker fur said county. J. M. Klrod liouto and enttra 10ter of land in Blue Hide townohip, on the waters of Middle Fork of New Hiver. HeginniiiK on a chestnut tree, Alexander Klrod't corner, tflen run uiiiK with Thomas (irccr's line to Jesce Rtorie's old line, then with said I Storie line to Thomas Triplett's old l"e, and with his line to his oak cor "er thence to Alexander Elrod'i old line and with Mr line to beeinninir so beginning i as to include all the vacant land. Kn tered March 6, lull. H, J. HARDIN, Entry Taker. Don't Fail to Call, I want you if you are coming to court next week to come and fee me. I have 'pome real nice bargain to show you. I am not asking you to come and buy. I will let you decide that when you huve looked at my goods and had my prices. II you are hungry I can give you something to eat, If thirsty can give you drink. Come lfts have a friendly chat if nothing else. Luncheshot drinks etc., served at all hours. Awaiting your call with pleas ure, I am, Yours very Truly, II. II. GREENE. Boone, N, C. March 23, 1011. Home Tanned Leather. I have just started up a tan nery at ShuUa Mills, and am now ready to put leather on the mar ket. I have harness, upper and kips, made by the old process. I use no acids or chemicals I want, all the hides in thecounty. Iam trying to make leather that will keep our feet warm and dry. Respectfully, W. V. CALAWAY, Shulls Mills, N. C TO THE PUBLIC Having bought out the mer. cantile business of D. J. Cottreil, I wish to say to the people that 1 will still conduct the business at. the Cottrell stand, and ask my friends, one and all, to give me as liberal patronage as pos sible. I will endeavor to sell you goods a cheap as you can buy them anywhere. I want your trade and will try to induce you to give it. to me by giving you honest, values for vour money. I will sell for PAY DOWN and by so doing I can sell you goods cheaper than if I sold on time. I now l ave on hand a new line of hhoes for men, women and chil dren at reasonable prices. 1 also carry a good line of Pawnbro kers Clothing, both new and sec ond hand, in which there are great bargains. The business will be managed by D. J. Cottrell, nnd any cour tesy show him will be greatly ap precited All good country produce ta ken in exchange for goods. Repectfully, W.P.Moody,

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