WfltaTI"", IlPmn'rn I Tln-Eu n ..-. I vou know, the m-re I I si.wtr ffcilfcj. 3 i'CiU' 'It i I o.eof the l.iwt lininliii-.r of intil.f- Ihe mouthing it iwiim While the nit ha uf..l mi I Piihli heHPvpt TVinr th-a" i n . n.M all .l 'VXirt" to ... I.mii eu-1-e-nfall.T hik- Hii.ia'.h'.ii.i.nal in in.i t. ruoiuncacvery i n jrsaay . ianmtt vft K uh ,, rontinu, ,., hapi-nr it l.a a h!a ne l ..M.r eat for 111.1- ,M-le ha its wn exns to te-' llow ;nany kinJ f f. xl 1 l mo. Wb H Blandrdt ' I ify, hiiI usually the tettim-iiiy not ne 1 nor corn. to iiiiii. th. :n: on't waste uimh time li tn- Mnroe Juurunl: ' i l.i.i.-tl ju favor of the on ho nim h cni'iom clo hiii:i. nor ng for tlie .pplMii--iostart; vou , .1 h year- ago the 'arniers of tha ,.,, ... in'H ,ir .m. tailor to mike it: how inaitv h i ve anv tront.l- lieariair . i? nheti it romM. In vie of tin lat that they thi-iounrr, lle-ed with bom.- . . In ,,1P ,.,,,... PM ,.0u tint I neve. r-,.... ami 1 i. teou- crop., could scan-ely 8e-; nw ,ria at rh lta tu rem hat are not worth whi'e. 1 '"u :7MM" ,,,r ,,,r,r "ur .rt haveieM.rltlntthedrink The faitiur I run the more 1 le i ,,. j,iH, iK,.t the man wh . .,..-ruiuneei ana c.oine ,M1on an jnpni.Mi-, like . a-tin- n.d- all nuch iml- ,IrjnU , iwU.nt of i,.r m.t th.-nation, to buy the bare tie- nlK pm,m.nt ..i.vHiriniw imente. le-t Hail to arrive at the , .11IH,rjr h,0,ii it. nrn,iura itmi iur nrummr u uh l,,,;., ,n ...orn flint IjiP Lril;ll ill til V IMHIHH VOT. 1 IlkPTO I nun n irmiijin (- nnom a ana i - - - - make on the fa run. Now the rrowded j;h)1,i tin- of the i-iti'S an I lowinriri scare it has 10 injuri.iii inndients think ol tin ol I ,l.ij inese noble. : and that chil lren m-ir drink it man I o i ire read about, who or- initli iiiiiiaiiitt'. lit-n the diK. Iiaun nted hi hoiw wit h u sinl" I.V ni .ke enough from their labor ,il.1!,nJllw u .,vman to vase at a time, it. nb- " ,,u. lwr "MJ" fiit'l..ti,ii,- . ,.... sorbin-its and pay their n uts. This is true l(jU , ,,(4W,, U,H, ,'):,vp a:d wh-u he tire J of it, ol those who have steady JoSs. i .,,.,.:,..:,,,,,.,,,.,, .. it with another. I won hi ol lieauty. 1 rrphi'e I if he while counties thousands, out ,,riniini, it TI... ,i, had he ri 'lit I wo with of oik half ol the time, drift tojrn""tp of ,ie tl(llllrv dot,s not so m my obj.Tts to ha-tr on our 1he alums ami to degradation. Srt,m to huvp i,.r..dWj to any , walls, place on o-r shelves mul Tet all the time the country aarmj,l;r extPnt n Uwitht ui- diaje our tloors. have n.istaken J has been producing plenty lor diz t(l fl(,t ,iat CO( ,, js H ' our course and placed our hearts nil lrrn tliiin u'.niiTti .- i t ! . , . . . . .1 u:. .1;. i,.a. , 1. ., v : universal ijrinK ami is us-u i , upon iw MMm.i u, . more than erouhclothinpfriMii1 ... n an . tl . ' the qualitv of our possess, u.s!- Puviu bnumui. thin any ("uncord Tribune. 1be fills; while the initiea and lornsts give up in ire is np.1 e-sary for wairuth and clothing. Ba.kwurd and f.rward the country seesaws Utweeu Hies hard conditions of city or coun try life. hat is the trouble? W ho has blundered? Where nr the weak points in our system? No one stvius to know. Stamlpat f taieinanhip says it lias ever ben thus and must go on. - Progressive, roust met i v.- state. Hiianship. says these t h i n p s' lire unnatural und Ul.Ileceiury, ' Sometimes we think there is it is our business to 1 ok for the ! o nineh parromncr done nny- Kil's Mmdertr. ; A ii'rrcilc-o in'iriierer i.i Appen ' with iranv victi'n, h"t Dr Ki:v- s Ni-w Life pill.s kill it hv pievcntiiMi. Tliev iftntlv stminlalt stomach, liver an J bovel, prcvtii., tin tiiat i l j.'jrii)i; that invites ap. j ' peivl.oti-. cures constipation, heacl i ache, IMiiiiMies, chills. 25c. at all dealers. I D ) 011 know thai of all the mi I nor ailments eld are hv fr the t iniist daii(;troii? It i not the did I ilelf that you need to fear, hut the Jseiious discuses it often leads to. M st of these are known as j;erir. ihseaes, I'.ieumoiii.i and i't) iMi np. tion arc anonjj them. Why not.(i)ohe. lake ( 'hamhci lain s('ouh lU'inedv, and cine your conh wHiile you can? For sale hv all dea'cs Kh" trouble a bout the mini I o never smokes or drinks is that he; devotes the tune thus yarned to talking about it. Another Ihinz which drives men to tin sa'eiy raMr is the playful pasiime t barlnTs ha ve of eookinj; customers with hoi towels. man w ho talks a jrood de-d about home cmkitii is one who! h.'s ni-iierallv nnde himsel' si k .itmp too iiitirh nt a restaurant. "What has ln-oine of the old fashioned woman who told her children that unless they washed more, weeds would sprom. 11 their ears?" ( ne of fashions lat-st foiM. s is the cocktail hat, but we gath.r horn the illu-itrations that it isn't nearly lare enotijrh for the eorktail head. Atchison (Ka:i.) 10 Tha tamt that Im mir "Amto graph" brand, IJJl-IJWil Ooodttar Wtll uwrd. Im Mr Collrtt Warn a 1 U'lllMi Sr. li 00 f J 40-14 00. II niuttlt the bttt custom Mit. LMk far th Bell The Right Combination Every manufacturer of ihoes knows that he can play up any one feature he cares to intf roducing a ihoe to sell. He can make it stylish or comfortable, or he can turn out a shoe so heavy and stocky it will never wear out. He also knows that a nicely balanced combination of these three shoe virtues is about the hardest problem in shoe making. The Southern Girl $2.00 Shoe $2.50 owes its reputation and its many friends to the fine sense of proportion of style, comfort and durability, each to each. You never saw better style a neater, snappier shoe. Your foot never knew greater comfort than The Southern Girl Shoe will give. Once you've worn a pair you'll say you never got better value in wearing qualitv. Look up our dealer in your town and let him show you the line. . CRADDOCK-TERRY CO. Lynchburg, Vs. cause and see wherein govern ment h responsible arvt what can be done to lemedy theiu. TIIK.TELKrHONKGIRL- way. Put after all it is a hard proposition, am it very often a d 'the i It tak to determine just what should be done. We are re minded rijrht here of a eonversa- Te telephone pirl sits in her i " whn h once took phi"e be chair and list, ns to voices from ' twren Poh Taylor, of Tenn. and errv where she hears all the news the late Sam .Jones. The latter she knows who is happy and who) a raking Taylor over the coals Ins the blues. j about pardoning so many p vi- She knows all our sorrows, she ' P,p. t() which the governor repli knows all our joys, she knows all 'pcJ: 'Well, Mr. Jones, ha I it not our troubles she knows of our , ; leen for tlie'jtardoniiigirrace of a strife, she knows eyrv man lm )llsl huil,,vmi would have been The honors of genius are eter- i mil. ! .Maddos are starting out ear ly, (hi' was killed in U'augh town, near Winston. Friday, al tcr biting nine dogs The doj; is not to blame. Forsyth's mem bers of the Legislatuie voted for the freedom of the dogs airninst the dog tax, and the dug was just enjoyim; his liberties Wil kesboro Chronicle. is cross to his w ife. She knows evry time when vou in a mighty warm country long ago." Put Mr. Jones with his are with "the boys-''she hears, ready wir, very successtully dc. the excuse each fellow employs, j funded himsel by answering that tdie knows evry woman who lias j "thediflereti.t is, Mr. Taylor. (!od a dark "imsi." A'niiiihty knows who to pardon She knows pry man who is in-'and yon don't". Ex clined to be ''fast" in fact there's ! a secret beneath each sauey curl A Cold, LaGrippe, then Pneumo- 01 that quite demurred looking telephone girl. If the telephone girl told all that she knows, it wou'd turn half our friends into bitterest foes, she could sow a small wind that would soon be a gale, and engulf U9 in trouble and hind us in jail. She could let go a story which gaining in force, woul causes ime of ycurwives to sue for a divorce she could get all our churches mixed up in a fit-lit, and turn all our days into sorrowing r.rght, j in fuel' he et'uld keep the whole Is too often the f;H;il sequence. Foley's Honey and Tor expels the cold, checks the Ligiifpt: and pre vents pneumonia It is and reliable couyh medicine that con. tains no ii.-o cxtics. It i as safe fur your children as for yourself. M. B. Blackburn. town in a stew if slv'd tell only a tenth part of the tilings sl'e knew Oh brother, now don't it mnke your head whirl when you think what you owe to that telephone' girl?- Es. j The Actor I say, you know I I'm getting awfully popular. I : ee some tob n co people have named a new cigar alter me. The Manager -Reoliy? Well, 1 hope it'll draw better than you j Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A TOR 4, OVER AS YEARS' VT' "EXPERIENCE 1" Trade Mark Design. Copyrights Ac nnl.'lOf ftjirwtalii our opinion fre. wlielher an itiTptillon i prohnhlf r'H.1'."!!0- .'omtiiunlm tlona niricOr iintleiitlal. HANDBOOK onl'aicuM lout froa. Olileiit Ktfenr7 for snrurlnii putpnlA. I'nUMiis tnkvu tiirmiirh Miinn Co. rlM fjwiiU notice, wllhout ctinrKO, 1.1 tlie Scientific Hmrlaw. A hnndsomclf IHnntriiLiI w klr. I re(nt dr. culnlioil of any BclenlMc jnurtial. Tormi. $3 fi-ir: four montln, $U 80IU b all n.wiilealera. MIINN & Co.S8,B"-d-- New York Branch unica. est Y Bt, Wuhlotlou. 1). t . , IILLTH-GOUGH ' AND CUDE THCLU SlCfi I The Fertile Northwest MISSESOTA, NO. DAKOTA, MONTANA IDAHO, WASHINGTON, OREGON .'Locate In this Land o" Fortune. Make a good livinii and a good pre fit as thousands are raising apples and other fruits, vegetables, grains, alfa'.fa, cattle, hogs, poultry. CReady market and high prices for all vou cm pruducc. Delightful climate, fer tile vnlleyi, irrigated land. Free Govern ment Land in choice localities open .to Homesteaders along the fmroRR trine S ...... sb a w tlE70iSCVIIY UGH l UgiCSl ice 50 a $1.00 AND ALLTHROATAND IDilG TROUBLES J GUAfiANfEED SATISFACTORY Off MONEY REFUNDED. The Secret of Youth Do you ever wonder how you can remain young, or why other women older than you, look younger than you do? The secret can be put in a few words: "Preserve your health, and you will preserve your youth." By "health" we mean not alone physical health, but nerve health, as, sometimes, magnificently strong-looking women are nervous wrecks. But whether you are weak physically or nervously, you need a tonic, and the best tonic for you is Cardui. It builds strength for the physical and nervous systems. It helps put flesh on your bones and vitality into your nerves. ARDUI He 'Woman's Tonic "My mother," writes Mrs. Z. L Adcock, of Smlth ville, Tenn., "is 44 years old rnd is passing through the change of life. She was irregular and bloated and suffered terribly. My father stepped over Jo the store and got her a bottle of Cardui, which she took according to directions and now she is up, able to do her housework and says she feels like a new. woman."- Try Cardui in ycur own case. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattannnia, Teatt., lor Srtcial Instructions, and 64-pagt book, "Home Treatment lor Women." acfl tree Take P J Foley Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You f ,....,; 11 .-.,,, Kt. u movements cannot extat Interna; They will cure your backache, derBnBcmer.., nvcai t:.em.elve. aoone: Strengthen VOUr kidneys, COr or later cn the surface. H .odathe, dar! I Northern Pacific Ry rect urinary irregularities, build Z3Si;r:; A foisome Woman Every woman may t.ot be hand, some, hot tvery woman should keep vith cao the good point j nature haa given her. No womar need have sallow ckin, dall era : bloUliy complexion, who pay proper attention to her health. Where constipation, I! vcrderangc merits, blood impurities and othe; irregularities e.ti3ts good complex a f . l t . 1 ion, bught eyes and spngntly We Ask You do. Cheerful rotr.pany shortens the iiiilen. A cak and n had ought to be broken. rostora John W . S-.cktlsmif h. Greens . ! ro. Pcnu.. h.i three chihiren. and like must chililren they frequentl) take cold. ''We have tried several kinds of coi.gli medicine," he say& "but never found any yet that did them as much good as Chamber lain'a C'ousrh Remedy.' for sale by nil dealers. A gentlr? hand may lead the el-i-phant with'a hair. No man can do nothing, and no man can do evrything. Where there are to manv cooks the eoup will be salt, Of money, wit and virtue, be lieve one fourth o t what you hear. Tommy Won't ye git sick? Willie Naw! I've smoked I er years. Me fodder smoked flfeh, me grandfathfr smoked hams, and I smoke evrything I git me hands on. Of two cowards, the one that attacks conquors the other. Rather check your appetite than get in debt, and though penniless be patient. If stomachs could upeak they would protest acinar nrnqoerity When yoa have riicuinatism in your feet or instep apply Chamber lain's Liniment and you will get quick relief. It costs but a quarter. ! March 10, 15)11 CVery low fares to the Northweat. Aak for free illustrated booklets, "Through the Fertile Northwest" folder, and full par ticulars. Tell us what locality you are Interested in. Write to J. C. EATON, Traveling Immigration Agent 40 . Fourth St., Cincinnati, O. M. J, COSTELLO, Traveling Passenger Agent IS N. Pryor St., Atlanta, Go. Up the worn OUt tissues, and "d dieesllve organ urc needing help arc ij:t v n n . correction. L.h. nibcrlain s.crr.ach erd eliminate the excess unc acid Uvcr Mets Rjve t..u ncCLtsarreIp. that causes rheumatisrn Pre They wrvih h nntw'i own w he? do net . . merely flush th bowrh Lt.t to u. -he Hvcr nd Vent Bright 3 DlSeaSe and Dia tomachlofuUi!!iheirpr pertt.nlwns. So mild and gentle do they rt th..t cr.e h'rdrr rcalizct batesf snd restore health an4 th ,hvv t,vc t medicine charabcrUin'i Bt7ic(t cm dc relief U(iun iu rrni vo viiHnnna-u, to take Cardui. for your female troubles, because vo are sure it vlll help you. Remember that this great female remedy Mil etrenfjth. Refuse SUbstitUtCSja ldietion, constipation atul diziliess. Sold has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try It 1 Sold In This City Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A jftTm&ti m raTTttdifcr.- . r-- :aagEXaaweMtsa... Sr : -Tl r'a I FOIIYSORINOlJOiJfflVE foal Stomach troubii mi msitimtiim . NOTICE. Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Finley Lnneford. dee'd., all rrsonswho are indebted to said intate are herehy notified to make immedi ate, and all persons havintt claims against said s tate are hereby notified to pre sent the same duly verified with in twelve months from the date herpof or this notice will be plea ded in bar of t heir recovery. Ihis THINK OF exican Mustang' Liniment AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. Relief from pain that miht otherwise cause you hours of agony. Tired out muscles eased. up and made ready for another day's work. Lamenes3 in the back and shoulders promptly cured and slilf joints limbered up. Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Mashes ren dered painless and quickly healed. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica robbed of their anguish and banished forever. Ulcers, Old Sores and Open Wounds healed promptly and permanently. The first application of Mexican Mus tang Liniment subdues the pain but it continues its work until every quivering nerve is soothed and quieted. The great penetrating - power of this famous remedy enables it to do this quickly and positively. In all cases of Sprains, Bruises or Lame ness. Mexican Mustang Liniment should be rubbed in persistently. The antiseptic qualities of this old relia ble household remedy make it safe and sure. Prices 25c, 50c., $1.00 per bottle. fj.w, v,. LYON MFG. CO. 41 to 45 So. 5th St, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Why suger? For sale by al dealers. M, T. EDMISTEN Adm'r

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