- AW V c3 VOL XXII liOOXK, WATAL'dA COUNTY. Till: irsDAY. AIMUL27. lull. NO. 42. FOIEYSOSIKOlAXATiVEi ro. stoh -n- -Zl j ItHl iiilvpatli. ticrtiiiitui.tran. BOONE FURNITURE Z r Go I w in own Wotld. II COMPANY. ,(,""s I" His own. and i h I is Hi own kinsfolk ke-p Hi in Go to the P.ooiie Fnrniture,Ht,,n',,'fcro,1,Ml''tl,e ,1,,(,r ''"'; f,m..n.nvfor imvthii.ir voti want ,n"-v l'o r i"'H:Kv at Him ' in the line of House Furnishings, tlinuirb the crick ivr il e lunges. Al pj .uj,,', v a H.orij. , wariio.g .M.iei.mery Act," tin- sadness and glaum lias settled j ncss which goes far to handicap W e h.ivo a new nn. 1 up-to-date ' ToknovGod rediy, irulv. is jTney wut upstair-, tin diet ''"' ;:ive- tics bill, was n t over the hones of many in thhi ! the enforcement of the prohibi line of furniture, lied Springs, ,,ie eg!nnieg of a normal life , was mad", and the f ithcr kissed j''"1 11 '" nlione.I i in ring the hit , vi;-i:-ity, lor to ni any it was like ! tion law and if this bill passed MuttreBsps. Cuiulortw. IUank- ts, , ninl rurioiiR other articles tie.d- el in the ho'iie. P.e Mire and L'ivetory. It was of a mm, a minis. us a cell an I iM prices In-lore , ter. who 'iv'd in a New Ivig'nn 1 bi, yiuir ui.ewlu-.e. Stor in Batik to.vn. I.e ll'i'f a so-', a'tjt four-'oit Huil ling. ery rcsp-ctfully, I teen years of ng'oingtosiOioot. BOONE FURNITURE CO (W nft-rnoon the boy's t. ncher PROFESSIONAL Ir. E M. MADRON. DENTIST. -Sugar drove. North rarolinn, -"All work done under guar an tee, and best inutenal used. 4 13-' 11. l)r. NAT T. DULANEY. SPECIALIST On 1st K it x A I. Me Dili n k and diseasesoftheEYK, Eah.sosE and Throat. Eyes examined for glasses. At Mt-untain City firt Mon day in ech month. 86 Fourth St. Bristol, Tenn. A.TTORNe( AT LAW, BANNER ELK, N. C. eVi!l practice in the courts Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining Counties. ' 7 6.' 10 , EDMUND JONES LAWYER LtiNOlit, N. W ill Practice Regularly i. cite Courts ol V.'atuug:i, 5-1 'io P. A. LINHEY, - T IHH'X!' V AT !. Vv- H)!M-:. x. r. Will practice in tlie conns ,he l;Uh Judicial iMsm.-i in ;i matters of a civil nature, d-ll 19U. f. C.'rLBTUlEir A.Uorney At Lew, ONR N. ( . if'e'liion illVe U'CTiOlis' ATTORNEY AT LAW.--. UOOSh, A'. C. S"Special attention given to all buBinens entrusted to his care.8 7-9-'10 E. S. CfJFFEY, -ATI OILS El Al LAW- BOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to all matters)! a legnl iifitnre. . BS Abstracting titles and collection ot claims a special tF. l-l 'll. Physicians Advise the use of a goodlaxative, to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undigested food from getrjnginto your system. The latest product of science is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentle, reliable and of a pleasant, aromatic taste. Velvo acts cn t!ie liver, as well as on the stomach and bowels, and Is of the greatest possible efficacy in constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, feverishness, colic.flatulence, etc. Try VP 1 BE 5 A I'l' TDKE OF GOn. (Pul.LluU I!y lt.-.ii-.t I Ono of the lest iretnn s of dud I ''f,r saw cam- to ine-m n mmpV 'called at the honv and asked for , the father mi l said: "Is your boy s'ck?'' "Xo. Why?" "He was not at school today." ' Is that so?-' "Xor yest'-rday." "Yon don't mean it!" ' Xor the day bclore." "We'll" "And I Ktipposfd he wa sick." "Xo. he's not sick." "Well, I thought I should tell you.'' And the father said, "Thank you." find the teacher left. And th" father sat thinkin. By and by he heard aclick at the rate, and knew th't boy wns coming, so he went to open the door. And the boy knew as he looked up that he knew a' out the three days. And t lie father said: "Come into the library, Bhil. And Phil went, and the door was shut. And the fat her said: 'Thil, your teacher has been here this afternoon. He tills me Mint you! were not at school today, nor yesterday nor4 the (Jay be I ore. Ainl we supposed you were. You let us think you were. And you do not know how badly I feel. ! have always trusted you. I have nhv ays said "I can tr.is1 mv boy Phil, nml vou've been a livmir lie fo-thr-e whole Hays.. And I can't t-ll yon h vv badlv I f"il about it.' Well, that was hard on Plyl to be talked to quiet l.v like, th ir. If his fusher iia. I spoken to h i tu roi'gh ly. or to t:.e ,mio ! ? ii si inier-. ie.v had eied . it i ked lion mil for a co.oideu oiii! i not- ha v b" a nearly si haM. i iiioiaent's pause, s'.-iii): "Phil, we'll ire' Th nl the fath r get" d iwn and tiling was tr I: pr.iv " And tint! ImMer 'or I'h.l a'i the t une. He didn't want toprav jastthe-. , And thev got down. At-1 Me f t - tner ponreii out i.i.-t tienrt m ier- - vrnt i.raveV And the i.ov knew as he listened how badlv hie fa- ther (el fr over his conduct. Some - how he saw himself in the mirror on his knees as he had mt be fore, It's queer about the minor of the knee ioiuts. It does show so many things. M any folks don't like it. And they got up. And the fa ther's eyes were wet. And Thil's eyes were no I dry Then the fa ther said: "My boy, there's a law of life Unit where there is si a there is suffering. You can't detatch those two things. Where there is suffering there has been sin some where. And where there, is sin theie.will be suffering. You can't get those two things aDart. Now, he went on, "vou have done wrong. And I am in this home LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP like G oil N in the world. So w- ill lo t his. Yoii go up to the nt ' tie. I'll ui 'Ve a p. i h't for ou here We II 'uk- oip' meals to iyou .it the r.-ju'ar times, anil star up th-re as l:i in vo'i h.-ive Imi-ii living lie-thr.-e.hiys nn, ,im. ..hr'it." his boy ami leit him alone with ,js thuinilits. Supper tune cam--, : the father and iiiotla-r sat -l"ve beretofoi-e v.ilu.il their mIowu to eat. Bat they cou'da't il,lV11 I'essonal property nn I m.nle lor tlnnkitg about the boy. i1"11'1 "I1"' the same was correct j The hinger they chewed upon the! 'illt lie nssessor will isit j foo 1 the big-j-r and dryer it got ''ou. home, inspect your hou - e - in ti'eir mo itiis. And swallo ving i it was clear out ol th" question. , Then they went into the sitting vour hogs, co vs, sheep and oth-lin distress, and ever ready to room for the evening. He picked jer iinimals and then place a val-'contributo to the wants ol the up tl'.D evening paper to read. u "i"t' them. It you have u; needy. S'ie had. loryears, be n n and plie sat down to see. Well, his 'watch he will have to examine! groat sufferer, and many times eyes weren't very good. He wore! sp what kind of movements j we thought In r n ardeath'sdoor glasses. And this evening he did. I it has and how mang jewels it; but the good Lord saw fit to re nt seem to see distinctly the glasses seemed binned. It must have been the ulases of course. S o he took th in off and '.deane I them very deliberately and then found lie had h-en h d Hng tin paper upside down An 1 she tried to sew. But the thread broke. and she couldn't se'in o get tin j needle threaded ayahi. You could I ser; they were both bothered.! IIo.v we do rexealoursidvcsintiit' details! By il'id by the clock struck nine, nnd then ten, their usu il hour for retiring. But thev m i le ' no move toward r-tiring. STi'e Laid; Aren't voiiiioing to bed?" And he said, "I think I'll not go vt a bit; you go." -Xo, I guess I'll wait awhile, too." And tbejits true money value. Xo honest clock struck rlevcti. and t he hamls workol aroaail toward twelve, Theu they arose, and locked up, and w.-nt to bed, but not to sleep Eii'di one m-nle pretend to j t o a.ilecp, and e u:!i ori" kne v the other was it . nA., p,e a ml bv i she said C women arc ehv.'n s th : keener) Why don't you .-ep?" I And he snid gently, ' :iii know I wasn't I! did le";.;ii:. j Why don't yc,e sleep?" j '' ell, i just ca::'t for thinking of ti e toy up in the attic." 'Th t's the '-other with me he re l;e I. And the e!oel; in the 'a. 11 strtieic t'.v; lve. ir.d one an 1 t. r Sti'l no sleep came. At last he h-anl. '-Mother, I can't stun tbisaav longer: I'm oin;; no -.tail's wit h Phil. nd h. tok his pillow ii nd wen t soft.- .Ivout of the room, and up tile 1 attic stiors, and messed I he latch 1 i ' key s it v, so as not ; to awnKe 1 ' 1 the bov if h.- were i.s'eeo. imi tin toed across the nttic !b)or to the ! corner bv the window, and look- e,;- ih -re Phil lay. wide awake, w ith something glistening ia his eves, and what looked like stains' 011 his cheeks. And the father got down between the sheets with his boy, and they got their arms a round each other's necks fort ley had always been the best of friends, father and boy, and their tears got mixed up on each oth er's cheeks. Then they slept. And the est night, when sleeping time came, the father said 'flood night, mother, I'm goitg up stairs with Phil." And the sec ond' night he slept in the attic with his boy. And the third night a-'-ain he snid, "Mother, goodnight. I'm going with the hovnuain." And the third night he blept in the place of punish ment with his son. You are not surprised to know that today that boy, a man grown, is telling the story of Je sus with tongue and life of flame 111 the heart of China. Do you know, I think that fa ther is the best picture of God I ever saw. 0 d coul 1 not take a wny sin. It's here. He could not take a v ay suBering out of kind ness to nW 11. Tor suffering ia.ner. Tli'TJ War orTax I.Ntinj. I:i t.-Tlti? Mi-mury nf M . D. C. Puifi Congressman Webb'i Bill. Uo.ii. ;.. .u n. i gvr. Cliar'.itte Sewn. Ili" V ;aIi r.v C id Tprse says: n.i S in lay in or ning, April 10, j Congressman Webb baa intro l..i i( -s in n !i .liss i!i-!.ii tiou the co.uuiun t v aroiin 1 Willow-; duce J a bill in Congress which ill ai ie from tin- ii.-.v pi n ,,f dale ,-s shocke I !in it became - would stop the shipment of liquor tax lis tag. Tim li m.t li. .,f known that Mrs. 1). C. Imager ! from wel sections into dry terri- listing has l.vii very i-'i I i.-.ly clianire.l ii'iil ih.it too will, o a t'',;,,!,-'i-'. it is naturally sar il'"' ' tie tax payers. xp iv suchtii furniture, go j w'tn .vo" t your pasture, count Louiains. I'- ssildy the people who i latin- lH'l !l''s b'gislatiou understand it, i mid are ready tor the change. but the gp'Ut majority of the P 'ople know nothing of it and iit" greatly embarntssed with sueli radical change without no- j tico. Brother M.-Xecly is, we tljiuk, mi-taken in his iew of this sub-! ill. an 1 from that moment, she jeut. The fact is that there is but I suffered intensely until about 2 one change from what the lawjo'dok Sunday morning, when h is been, an I that is in tavor of the tax-payer. That linage is J he simple r-ipireuidut til it the !it-taker will visit t'.ie p.'ople. in stead of the people iroinir to the libt taker. The law husalwnvs re- quired that nrope. ty h,i lists 1 at ; "liltl 'ill be put to any trouble whatever, as the law siill ie - q 'I ires him to ftirtdsh a list of his property i.s liuretoforc. ()( course wh Teaman dr-sires to conceal ; his property, h is !.. likely to succeed if the assessor is at his ' "1S"- "qu'io A. ('. .Jolino:i, ;i a old iist t.ier, i-avs t.ial llie oaly change he sees is that the tax as- .,t.--.)rs 'vill be pat to the trouble and e.vpeust) i.f making the visits thii a h ' vis Let'oie. f iou:se the M cciunery act -a - molded in this respect for 1 ; o;ii-pi)S' i if i't 1 1 i.i''- on thetaxlnv ixlalivs and friend who often : b e. :opert. that, h . . toioiv been on or i,ui been un- i has not ! lerviibifd, hut the honest- tax 1 1'".''''' shoiiel not plain at ! this siui-1 t lie ilishjucwi one has been getting a:i alvautagd that j he houlJ not Have lia.l. Anv uld not have had i . f rliw kiiel 1 hat is liie-un ; gro"" s,,olJ" le coimeum- if t t iciore 11 is tn-'d just bi 2a use it is a "liiuige. People should sup port a measure that is honestly intended as a betterment, till' the. e has been time to see whetii- er it is a good or a bad change. D.) you know that of all the mi nor ailments colds are by fyr the most dangi reus? It ia not the cold itself that you need to fear, but the serious diseases it often leads to. Most of these are known as germ ihseaes. Pneumonia and eonsump. j tion are a nong them. Why not take nhambi-i Iain's Cousjh Remedy, and cure yoi.r cough while you can? For sale bv all dealers sin's index fiuger, saying, "There j is something wrong here." So ! He came d)n in the person ol His Son. and lay do 11 alongside of man for three days and three nights. That's God our God. And beyond that He comes and puts His life alongside ot yours and mine, and makes us hate the bad and long to be pure. To be on intimate terms with Ilim, to live in the atmosphere of His presence, to spend the day with Ilim that is the true moral lif-. S. D. Gordon ia the Soul Wiu- lm.l pass-.l anay duri.i the pre- vious ni-ltt. Tiulv a cloud oil tlie itassii,'' aw.iv of a lister. 'Aunt Mji v" was ti womaa of sterling1 wotth, and purity of character. As a neighbor tdie was 'kind and obliging; as a friend, she was devote 1 anil true. Site 1 wjis ev.-r ready to lend a helping hand in time of tronle, and to do a-ivthin.' in her power lor tho-ie store her, But for the last two or thrre years her health had im- proved, and she was able to at- tend to her household duties, which she so much enjoyed. On the morning of the Oth, after liavhg (hushed her morning's w irk, she paid a short visit to a relative near by, and on her re- ! turn home was taken violently , her suffering ceased and her ji'eti- tie spirit winged its wav back to tin; (K'd who gave it. Her work u; earth is done; the toil and suffering are at m end, nnd we feel assured that she now dwells in the presence of her Sav- , ior, who redeemed her soul from dath, and kept her through the ' maav veavs ot her I . !iri9tian ltle She protessed icligioa and joined 1 the Brushy Fork Baptist church ! abojt .'W years ago. Later s!ie ' moved her membership to Cove I Creek eharch. and about two months ego, when the Willow- i!;iio eliure'h. so near her home. , w is l cisi it iKed, she wa-i one ol' j that number, and was the first jof that baud to pass from th? .church militant to t'ae church j ti i.i-:n;'!i;iiii. Her Inmie i.s left deso'ate, end will never be the sami to her ma- went therp, seekin; nn 1 iriendly counsel vote i husbiin 1 (.lie her ael vice To her le iiiht of this the sun has world has gane o it. sot to rise no more on this life "l.'ncle Dave" and "Aaat Mary" i were simply devoted toeacu otli ; er. Her last thoughts were for I 1 iiii t ins comiorr, wmie sue was ais j whole delight- Nothing can ever fill the vacant place in the heart of him who had so long walked by her side. Sad indeed is he who Ims been b"i'e!t of the dearest i f earth's treasures. All hearts go out in sympathy to the so'Viy bereaved husbaiH in this h i s greatest of earthly trials, and to the two sisters and broth -r win are left behind to mourn hersud den departure. She was in her r7th year. Weep not, dear fiiends, for while she can never come back to us, we can go to her for if we are faithful to Him in whom she trusted. We will sadly miss her pleasant face and kindly greet ing, as we uo through this life, but let us strive to be ready when the summons comes to us, and take comfort in the assur ance that she is happy in that home above, and will ever be looking this way, waiting for her loedonesto join her on that happy shore where pain a u d death can never come. A Friend. When yoa have rheumatism in your feet or instep apply Chamber lain's Liniment and you will get ejuick relief. It costs but a quarter. 'Why suger? For sale by all dealers. lory. 1 1 is the "acroMs the line" buni- this bindiance would be remo- Ved. But will it pass? The High Point Enterprise think9 f.ucb a law would be in direct opposition to the rub s governing interstate commerce. Then why not change those rules? It should not be the purpose of one law to make in operative anoCher? The "laws governing interstate commerce" which permit the flooding of dry teiritory with liquor, arpin open hostility to the expressed wish of the majority of voters in the dry territory who voted for prohibi tion, and this, too, in a demo cracy where majority rule ia the cardinal principle of government Is there not something radi cally wrong when federal la-va render largely (utile state laws? The Webb bill would permit dry sections to enforce their laws, but it will hardly pass lor Uncle Sam is in the liquor business him self, granting federal license to practically all applicants, no matter whether they tesi-'e inpio hibition or wet territory. Still this does not make his rules "regulating interstate com merce" either just or fair. Warning to railroad Men. Look out for severe and even dan gerous kidney and bladder troubles resulting from years of railroading. Geo. E. Bell, 639 Third St., Fort Wavne. Ind., was many years aeon duc'or on the Nickel Plate. He says: Twenty years of railroading left my kidneys in a terrible condition. TVere was a continual pain across . my back and hips and my kidneys t;av": me much distress, and the ac tion of mv bladder was freqeentnnd most painful, 1 got a supply of Fo ley Kidney Tills and the first bot tle made a wonderful improvement a ad four bottles cured me complete ly. Since being ciued I have recom mer.led Foley Kidney Pills to ma- ny c f my raiboad friends." M B Ulnckbnrn. How it does jolt a man when his long-Kiiffering wife fails to no tice one of his unusually bright remarks. A Fierce Night Alarm is the hoarse, startling cough of a child, suddenly attacted by croup. Often it aroused Lewis Chamblin of Manchester, 0., It. II. No. 2 for their four children were greatly Subject to croup. "Sometimes in seyere attacks," he wrote "'we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. K'cgs New Discovery, is, we have foar. We rely 011 it for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lung trouble." So da thousands of others. So m a y you. Asthma, Hay Fever, LaGrippe, Whooping Cough, Hemorrhages fly before it. 50c and $1,00 Trial bottle free. Sold by all drug-gist. People who are never in a hur ry to begin, believe in the the ory hat it is neyer too late to mend. Has Millions Of Friends. How would you like to number your friends by millions as Buck len's Arnica Salve does? Its as tounding cures in the past forty years made them. Its the best Salye in the woild or sores, ulsers, eczema, burns, boils, scalds, cuts, corns, soie eyes, sprains, swellings, bruises, cold sores. Has no equal piles. 25c at all druggists. rOLEYSKlDNEYPlIlS Te Backache Kidnev an Buowq