if I r ! -Mr. D. A. Tom, kin-, o! Char-j IirJrir I!.- J.yi. I'li. r j i-t .. , . -ra-?T-SgSB2S3S i .it- i. n i t l..tr ill u i. It ll t tv'iiil -I ill... T f I ntwhlt th I o,t oziVp i;:.-u,zU-..k lor the Kumnnr , the ,....;.,. ... ,.u- oC S;x tf'U'f ' ' . 1. .-. Cu(I.-. M lt. ... .. ' . ... , r . . ,.,, ... ; ,. . .,. ., A ,..,,,,,, ..M b.-. III H"- vn . i" , ' J m :ti,.l n.f. ! 1U;mU UfitltT 1IT 6 I w urn: An.fAx i:riM:.i i-nm.iv hirj.0 -io gteni !nirs and !m im'.iiiil I -it rds. w.stringili.luw. 1 lowirg IJ'H-I., N. C. on Hpjtlicntion. ""local nkws. . i .1... 1 1 ... !,.. n!.. liV Wl'lifUT nun n i-i .. I IlllSI'.sd 1V J'.ll insect. IlUt it Mt'lll! . : - - m-nreol Mr. ii.i?uiiuih. I ., ,, '. A.irorthinznttesi.nniMl Mr. i:u,irJ . Fi..V, '1 i-1 o I , ... ... . V.TV atllios iheT' WOllid II .1 0 North ilkUMO. iio w i in. wjih M((iiii .i( XVa ,,,,1 on t!., ..!. ..-t. I..M.M r ri. tt. Sn.oot. of Alex,....lr . .,; - ,kvh --r SiH-iit Satuniay uiin ai i . , , -raMvi.,arttl,nJuKet. !, M, au1 Mnl. a -Srvk-e in the TpWoval cill. o.i hw .v t"m.' ;" ' jmn .vh 1W ,.v,.r t h m I WI. in IJoouo at 11. a. in., ill', when, with hislitiih', '-r-1, , ( T it T(im, w a M,IVV i ,.xt Sun.Kv. cou'luete I l.y the al .My .a.i Mn s; .... , , ( pHHtnr, U'V. W U Savip'. II" . A. -Mrs. Dr. S,,, m "" i m,;ir rillltivt. at Aloxaa J.ia, ami Salem, linn tak-n boar.1 for the u rR.lt.nil,.r l I I f u 111'"'" ' summer ai .Mr. u. !..' K isl Uooue. All Vu?Uor!V!fs Ir llNlifiiim-iils Hi..! '.: :irr li t : . i. M' l,.v leefiv.d a inissn--; at I an ;' !;'' , . . ... .i . :n....J i I ''ill II is auiiuui'-u .' .'- ! vill'1, t t-l ' i VT ner U iihj inn. i Sorry to learn from th Ave- rv Vim that Mm. Dr. J. M. no i future honv at .North Wiil.esbo io early this ve k. On Smi'l ty inoniiiiir last Mr. i i :.. . . ;.l Illt'l'S' IO 'U-I IMnil.ll ui ii in r iiim tufurii'th a very r'n-h luirvot lor the tirel'"! little workers. nirtli laj Cel br-i'I-n. On last S in lav Mr. Iv'' M " WntauiT'i's he.-t- ,. " lie- -'.v-;-:t. It ):! i.. i x'.'cr .Virco'V ....'' , I i ii. i .'or".i; it -.!.v. ltair?ii a ss:.l .- ': i ...: J I'tntij'-l a li-s 'o :l. V.KUi.r. Ilia Ciiti'ri.t i 1.. r;. i kiirii'. lro; h u: ' : cunt in '.':. .r ( '.), uilili'Ti'-". IM !'.-. !' ". i.?m' :iit:i -i VcviTii '!--. CcM:: it r IV '- T- ' i-i.., .. .. i 1 1 , i it. ! S lr.iinuli i;l r.(iv-, l.o.iU'iy ii:.l liaitiri'.l blcty. i ui: sai.i:. I Mi roe .leiwy 'i-. Ii i h I V l.ir.l. UitiLi .i.n-i.i!i iils ol Ihor-otih-liM-'l aail hily ivji-t. i'-l in ihe Aiiierirau Imimk- Sviii- A -(i .lioii. I'uliettun.'.MifJ when .lsireil- I'ail o or a l lr.-s W. W.l'.l.At -ur.i'KX. j j p. 1, a"ll!ll look! l.i uk:: munioiL. I am now loialcl at Mowing Il.ick, X.f. (I'oll-y, Deal&tVs. ISioiv.) anl will I'av you eusli for voiir r.in-h Oil. See me before ousill. Vo.ns truly, .1. 11 JOllXhOX. DlowiiiK Hock, X. t'. )r. J. M. Iiu.i- p.r, K,,.,. nml rear-l . . "... '.. ... ....;, ainl' IXIIli.llli" " iliueA. o i LvJe 'm ata, ami liv.nl here , citiz .n,, popularly know,, MPUopt'iui nr, " ... ,:i .. i:.u n. t inui viiir ..... i i... : ni;ti1 ii little timre than a year -IVof. Hoy Taylor.a iironiinent air0i WHS kit.,.(( l)V a ho!S0 at A very 'dii.-ator of Ontrnl raruina, is j . . me iir (',.,,.., r.....ii dm i.ff... ts of whieh Hie .lictl in the i;;t'M-iiooii of the ... , I' ...I.. I imiiio foifc n i l iri'aii inn utp w..- in Wntmi i, hi native county Mies Nell. Hrown, one of l'low j Hi itso day. Mr. llruwn was well in-r Hook's most nffiit.le a n 1 'a-hani-jd in years, a 'o 1, qniet .... . i ... . i . . ...;n i.in. pop il ir youn holies lias i 'en ciiiz'mi, nnu ui oi-ulu visiting friends in Huoiih tmiee sorrow to many friends mid rel- Saturdav ht. lativ.s in his home county, which ... hp ciiose to leave neu mc iniw M. 15. ulackburn lsenclosmt! ,iet",,Lr1' . .. . ... ,, ,in ,., , , ....(.i, pr owsoiuie wen; uoin'o his beautiful yard with , a very 113 K1 III " " J tician ol no mean standing liondoni.i iron fenee, which adds materially to th appearance of hirt hotel property. The third Quarterly Confer ence for Boone circuit, will be held at Kutherwood church July 1st and 2nd. Official members take notice. A new 11 F. 1). carrier line nr rived nt the home ol Mr. anu S(ujm ,ni(1 irt o ti. opinion Mrs. Tyre Klrod. in Last Boone, ftre tbe and ' pap" is doubtless the hap-1 Senatorial possibiltW. i . . i . us "l m l" I."vi, c i 'orau'ii nm ninetieth birthday. I'ncl ' Levi ..it..i.,i.l F.iirvii-w ihuich in th" morning and invited a number of his friends tog" from there to his hunv for dinner. When th" ip'irty h id rtssi'inbled th y found a table loaded with an abundance of good things to tat onou'n, perhaps, to have giv.ai three such ciowds a sufficiently. L (pjully as notable as the dinner was the ueneral ae of the guests for the majority has already re usK2 CASTORS A always -T- V- C.'nh.ri -if North Carolina, came up from Statesville last week and epent a few hours in Boone Saturday talking over the Senatorial situ ation in-North Carolina with his fi i.-nds here. He espouse t h e ten. The lientleman pres-nc were: Mr (1. W. Norris, known to liis neighbors and Irien Isns ' lrn de Wash, "Mr .John Miller, Mr. Kphraim Miller, Mr. Isaae Wat .t. li I'itin Orubli. Mr. J. B. r-wn, n... . .... . j A I k Kind Ygsi Have Always BeugM In Use For Ovsr SU Years CAR LOAD OF BUGGIES. mm tBmMmmvm& L L CFJTCHER DLALLB IN .Notions, (iroceries, Station ery, Collins, Caskets, and etc., Also ngent for the Hickory Steam L.uitidrv. ICE-l'OLD DHI.KS. 0 o If this weuther gets too hot for you go to the Racket where you can get nn ice cold drink, shir- berts. ice cream, iee cream sodas nnd milk shakes. Flour, Bacon, lard and meal cheaper than elsewhere in town, ! also something good to eat iu piest of Uncle Sam's servants. Tndnv is the longest day of the year, being U hours and 28 minutes long, and is the begin ning of summer. After one week, the"dayswill gradually become shorter. r-The State Normal nnd Indus trial College at Ore nsboro, and Meredeth College, of Haleigli, each have an ad in this issue. They speak for themselves, and should be of great interest to ma ny of our people just now. Look them up. The local lodge of the Farm ers' Union organized in Boone some time ago, is growing nice Iv there being accessions at. ev ery meeting. It promises to soon outstrip all its sister looges m the county as to numbers iu the very near iut ure -Mrs. Edgar Shull, ofElfealietb . ton, Tenu., arrived in BooneS.it i urday afternoon and will sriejid some time here at the home of herpaients, Mr. and Mrs. John V llnrdni. Hermanvfriendshere are delighted to see her and glad that her visit will be of length. The town ordinances provide that hosr pens and other outbuil- diugs shall be kept in sanitary . condition under penalty. H you liave not done this, attend to it at once, as a health officer will inspect your jiremises on Satur day evening next by order of the mnyor. Cadies, cakes, and mnnyjrood . things to eat just iu at the Back- Wn Wn bit. nnlnitflo.d a solid Car Load of the celebra 1, V. 11U1 - J ' , ted BROWN Buggies. e liave seven dmereni sivicb Wi luiu.Ue8i omi dcst!rt9 etc. a ... T l. I .(..... T-... ...1.. nvwl l-im friTJi'DTiropft tfl hf PC- I . . . f n, sninv Senator Mr Xorr s, Mr. .1. A. .orns, .Mr. o. r. K'CCt ivom. i'tiy spu.c aim i fc,. . . u ,)U mirawure aim causeof our enioi dilator .mi. . ..,... ,,... ,, n n-i v uHer hufrmr no ... Ktaniiury, Jii.j"ni iio'ii'-,"-"" ona rovin iii'-ivoiy. iuuu j UUv..v. ...mj i staples kept in stock, iiorse matter what you pay. You cannot buy as good a Duggy Khoe naU 1() cts lb Iloi.gQ i i . i i.!. i:i..n flin wio wo ni'p onprinf'l anywnere eise at unyuiurg imc i - bioeii 5 eents PUch. boco Wp trivo a nostive guarantee on every buggy we 1 . sell. When buying from us you not only get the advanta ges of car prices, but also of car load freight rates, which both together, mean a saving 01 irom $iu vjio on a uuS- gy. We have a cample oi all styles in our samptu juum, ready for your inspection. LONDON-STOFFEL H ARDW AHb UU only two Senatorial possihiltW. That may be tw, but evidently in Watauga ex-Governor Ay cock has a verv strong follow. inT and if this hasany signih- cancf, it will certainly be a three cornered contest, at least Plans for the entertainment oi the North Carolina Press As sociation which will be irivea a free dinner on the campus of the A. T. S , at the expense ot uie to.vn and immediate surround ings, nre almost -complete, the Various committers having been annointed. and nre w o r k 1 11 g earnestly to make the occa sion a success, and one to be re membered by each and every par ticipant. Monday afternoon the Indies interested, or many of them, atFat, m t at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Councill, nnd discussed very enthusiasti cally the menu that is to be serv. ed to the North Carolina editors on next Thursday. The commit tees express deeu regret that they are unable to spread dinner! lor all who may attend, hut as it is entirely a local aflair, we in their behalf, announce that the dinner is intended exclusively for the editors and their guests. The President of the Association, Mr. M L. Shipman, has given it out that the attendance at -Lenoir will be unusually larg, and Ave confidently hope nn 1 expect each and every member to be present and purfnke ol the hospitalities of Boone, the best town of its size in North Carolina. Hew (J. M. Daniel. Uncle I.evi is very active yet, and his friends do not think of him as an old man. A number were heard to remark that the past ten years have made no noticable change, and they are expecting invitations to many m ;re birth day celebrations. The Statesville Landmark begs to enquire as to the whereabouts of thedirtdobber of yesteryear. This acquaintance of childhood days appears lo have quietly van ished from the face of the earl 11. Perhaps when they vanished from voulhey come ton better country, as we have no scarcity of them here. M 0 UC. AN IIORSE CO LT SHO W The farmers of Watauga coun ty who bred to my famous sor rel Morgan horse last year, are hereby notified to have them 111 Yours very Truly, ii. 1. (iilllllMv Boone, N, C. June, 13, 1911. THE PIONEER HARDWARE FEOrLE. Mountain City, Tennessee. Di-.R, D.JENNINGS N-iVt HElDKNTDKNTIST Pta tuners Elk, N. C. Hfyr.Yl I have arranged for the con 44U1 venienee ol many of my patients to be in Boone, (Blackburn IloteE on the ' first of every month" or a or i days, and every court week, prepared to do any kind I of Xothinir hut t no Ubh l , ... . IKMlTtll WOtlv. A'h Aim vi 1 oi.. . Boone on July 4, tor exhibit...,, NT material, US((1 in nnv l my work. Priees reasonable as the three best will cany oil, - limlt:mi Patients from a distance, will avoid nice cash prison that day the j- - illfonnill!r ine beforehand, at what time they propose coming, either to Boone, or Banners wk. Home Tanned Leather. 1 have just started up a tan nery at Shu'ls Mills, ami am now ready to put leather on the mar ket. I have harness, upper and kips, made by the old process. I use no acids or chemicals I wnnt all the hides in the county. I am trving to make'deather that will keep our feet warm and dry. Respectfully, W. V. CALAWAY, Sh tills Mills, X C ft. Dr. W. U. WAKEFIELD, of Charlotte, will be in Ssiu-w'on Friday, July 7; Banner Elk on Sat urday, July 8; ValkCrucis on Mon day, July 10; Boone on lucsdav, July 11, one day only. His practice is limited to the medical and surgi cal treatment of diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and Fitting Glasses. WANTED 200 men from 18 years old and up to learn the Granite Cutting Business in an Open Shop. - Wages $1 00 per day and up. Address 'Box 15, Kion, S. C. Railroad Station. Hockton.S.C. It The cotton crop is reported 5 per cent larger this year than last. There are over thirty five million asres in cotton thisjyenr. same to be paid by me. Those who owe me will please come pre pared to settle on that day. H. L. MA DKO.N, Shouns, Tenn. July 8. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and In dustrial College Maintained V,y the St.ite for the wo Hie.i of North Carolina. Fiye reg ular Courses lading to Degrees. Sii.-.-i:d Courses for teachers. 1'iee tuition to those whoauree to become i.. .. Iwr in Hie State. Fall session lu'o-ius September 1 3, 10 I- Eor catalogue and other uuoi inauoii un dress Jci-irs I. Fousr, Pres. Greensboro, N. C. N,l,.MT,IVs. W.C.I- :v, V. r. TO THE PUBLIC L. V. s. THE WATAUGA C0UHT7 BANK. BOONE, N. C. TI,U insiimfum is owned and controlled by the following stockhol- aers-Jj II. Mast. 1. W. IloMoe.L. A. Greene, T. P. A.hnns A Ilendris; W. C. Coffey. N. E M-b4. M- . F. '''"',,," ... i p I.- P.in.flvim. A. . Mast. Iranian A: Go. W ri) l utKi , 1 'I , . " i Harmon, W. B. P.aird, C. D.Tavlcr. W. K Shi'cy. 1). H. B. IVny. J. A. W'-lu-.J. G Il.aman J More.. G.V. Green, l.M.WcUhurn, John W. Ib'd.es. '"" , . T i ,.;,..,,,- k'imberl..h'vm. Mi-S I. Jennie Colfi V, 1. . Fail bin-;'. Miss Maliie'ti. Curtis. E. S. Coffey I). I) D jn-hcrty r.n.l B. H l)oii her . We e-peaallv invite the business of our county people. MEREDITH COLLEGE. c. s rAiu.iK.u. rren J. n. ci.AnKK, vi.-p rres. One of the few collies for women in the South that confere an A. B. QapHa uue ui i"" ' " , f .,,,in pnlleffe work aecordius to the, i decree represeiiiniB iuui n Stamtiird Colleges. M,: Diplomas awanled in tlie Schools of Elocution, Art and Mutic. Library facilities excellent. ' , . . . h Training i" rhydcal Kducation under Director. Courts for basket ball and tennis. , . Boardinp Club where, by about nan an ncuro. uuj ' students save from 152 to $r5 a year. students not olTe.ing the necessary units for entrance .nay prepare ,n "tSilie clun, e,t rollc- of its .radeii, the South. For catalog, Quartely Bulletin, or 1 Raleigh, North Carotin . m. smi'Kr.Tii. cash. BANK OF BLOWING ROCK, BLOWING R0CK,N. C. $10,300,00. 7 7-,i,-,W PiTfQ- WM.uu. :.....,.-! n.mitnl. wp nre better prepared to handle II Dili IIIIICT1CU v..(. .. - . before. Open an account with us, twe will extend to you every ml vantage consultant ith fe and sound banking. Wwill loan you money ai a rea-oua.ue iu,e bilitv and balance will warrant. Knot convenient ta cidl in person, write us, and your letters. 1.11 .-.nr i.i.imnt iittpntlDll. ' REMEMBER WE PAY i PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSIT, COMPOrXPEP EVERY THREE MONTHS. Having bought out the mer cantile business ol D. J- Cottreil, I wish to say to the people that 1 will still conduct the business nt the Cottreil stand, and ak my friends, one and nil, to give me its liberal patronage as pos sible. 1 will endeavor to sell yon goods as cheap as you can buy tl.pm anywhere. 1 want your trade and will try to induce you to give it tome by giving you honei-t values for your money. I will sell for PAY DOWN and by so doing I can sell you goods cheaper than if I sold on time. I now Lave on hand a new line ot shoes for men, women and chil- dren at reasonable prices. 1 also carry a. good line ot 1'awnoro kei's Clothing, both new and sec ond hand, in which there are ! great bargains. The business will be managed by D. J. Cottreil, nnd any cour tesy show him will be greatly ap precited All inod country produce ta ken in exchange for goods. Reectfully, W. P-Moody.