Tub Wataoja Oasraorat LnteiediU the lost uihi-e. at class m.iil mutter. SCBSCltlPTIOX KATES: One .re.ir. Six Months , Three months... f J. 00. SO. A 'irertfoinzrn tes famished on application. LOCAL NEWS. Many fine hogn have bctti killed in and around the villain fur t tie past few days. Sherwood'H auction halo on Nov. 2a. S-e ud in tlii.4 issue. It tuay nieaii much for ou Finest lot of stationery at tin Racket ever hon in Boone. 000 new books of intere-it just in. Mrs. Robbing and little chil dieu returned from a visit to relatives in Caldwell Monday. It depends, we have obn'i-eJ upou who it i that exiir.sses an opinion as to what effect it will have on Home people. Services at the Kjiscopa! cal church in Hooneatll, a. in., next Sunday, by th:-pastor, Rev. V. It. Havago Horn to Mr. and Mis. T. C. Norris, of Sundn, a lioun iuj fine pair of twian, which number nine aud tui in their family of children. Although the Home Milling Co's plant at lienoir, has been destroyed by fire, they are sti'l prepared to furnish you the b .st grades of flour. See ad in this paper. Mrs. J. V. Farthinfr has ex tended her visit to Pittaboro, this Slate, from Lenoir, and is spending some time with her nou, Dr. L. E. Farthing, of that town. Mr. and Mrs Mack Beach, alter a profitable sojourn ol two years in Spokane, Washington, urrived m Boone yesterday. All are glad to Hee them back, and , hope they will retuu in here per manently. Ladies, don't neglect lhat nice Christmas dress you con template buying, do to Black burn's nt ontM and select it from his nice new goods before they are all gone. They are Helling n-adily. Don. II. Phillips, our office help, went home last Saturday to spend Sunday with his pa rents, but, we are sorry to know he found his father so ill that he has not yet returned. We have been in the midst of veritable winter weather. Lat Sunday was the first snow fall of , the season, following a heavy rain storm. At night there was a considerable freeze, mercury reg istering in Boo:.e 12 above ze ro. The Pleasant Grove Baptist Church near Zions ville last wiek sent a wagon load of apples, potatoes and fanned vegetables to the Thomasville Orphanage. The load was taken to Lenoir by Mr. Allen J Perry and valued ut $10,00. Thauks to our old friend, Mr. David Adams, of Vilas, for a renewal of two subscriptions to the Democat that he has been carrying for a number of years. The good old man is now 83 years of age and is rather feeble, although he was a bio to attend . church last Sundaj' more than a mile from his home. Mrs. Martha Adams, widow of the late Zach. Adams, of Vilas, lias sold her (arm to Mr, Walter ; Hayes, of Limestone, Ti nn and j ...III If vdl g,ve poSS,8SIou at once. Mr. Hayrs is another VVotaugun re turning home. Truly the "Back Home" movement is working a considerable change for Wat m ga in returning many of her citi zens to their old homes. FOIEYSKIBNEYPHIS f0 BaCMACMC K.OfctANB BbOOS8 UK".iLi: ! . c 't u.hi.tb iir-1 n..:ii . ....... . . , , . uuiu, wuiviuinK 10 Keep you ........ I. ...... it ..aim lu. rctum il l.ll. -Dr. an.! Mrs. R. K. IIii.l..uu returned to Boone l'.iJav even- j " " '"' ;:""M ' ,,eir work intr. un-l at night the boys of the ' 1 our l"?"t. tOWIl treated (?) tlit.ni I fashi.H,ed.ii,pauSlireuid,.T.,orer' V :i',!e , . '' HMutt ll-.l lu.l ....iii.l.. .. . . ....... . home i the cottage next to tl.J'T r " ,,0'X,;'r " AntlimHic, I. L Cri-cher Htore in t !M.s,d the rod oflHenMy thr- H,r,o TI...H-. ..::i ; keep his ollioe at th-sanu plac - .. i i hji ill -l lj ii i , 1 ' j"11 ol""i. v. t we do ibt n ! tliat ; Harptt remains in Slatesville -'I he public school at lU.ckytlR. old ,i.ntei whose hair is'.f. II, llrendall g.e. to S.di.ury lo.nt wmclos,. next .Saturday, , -a lnt-,..l by the wim.-r- ol time, jeirfiit. W. T. Alb.i-ht -jivh to when a public eutertaiamcat will could h1,ov a H.irpri-tng ability Concord circuit. Kev.nonr Tav- i II. Ill: I" I tJI LI I 1 Ut'lliM I" inent iiient wi.l givetlieir enieitain at '2 o'clock in !the niter noon The iuterniediate and ad va'wed d' p.ii tinent exercises eon sitting of recitations, sotig.'dia logues and pi lys will begin at 7, I', m. Music by htnng baud. Ev erybody invited. B'-v. Harrison Farthing, de spite tiie fearful weather last Sunday, preached two sermons la the Baptist church. The time for which be was cal-ed expir ed so ae time auo, but hd has been flUing the appointm. ntsreg u 'arly ever since, waiting for a pastor to be called to succeed him. He is, we think, as good a man a-i we know, and would be highly please I to know that h. would be ret urned. Arthur Story, a young man from Watauga county came down here last week to get work in the mills. or manufacturing plants and while talking to the foreman at the Harper Furni ture Factory about a job he ac cidently put his hand on a ma chine near by and had three of his fingers cut off. He did not know it hud Rapidly revolving knives until his fingers came in contact with the knives. Lenoir News. James II. Taylor, Esq.. has sold his pretty farm on Meal Camp to Mr. Frank Carroll, a ttiugau, who has been "making good" in the State of Idaho for the past few years and is now in vesting Lis money n Watauga dirt, and will, a little later. on, move back to it. We are glad to know that Mr. Taylor will still retain his citizenship in Watau ga, making bis home among his children here, du iug the su n mer mouths, while the hardest of the winters wdl be pleasantly whited awav at tie home of his daughter, Mrs, Joseph Wardin, in Mackleaburg county. Care of Thauks. We take this method of ex pressing to our friends our grat itude and appreciation for the interest and kindness shown us during the illness, death and burial of our loved one, Mary Lillington. The kindness of our friends and the goodness of God have helped us to bear our sor rows. We trust that during the years that await us all, we will find sorrow lightened bv a belief in a final meeting where parting ih no more. John F. H vu'din and Wife. KlHi.Ut L. SlIl'M,. Children cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Auction Sale SHERWOOD'S ANNUAL AUG- j TI0N SALE! DON'T MISS IT. I will sell a big lot ol Clot hing. Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats Etc Goods at YOUR Price, not mine. Don't fail to attend. I will offer . . I y.)U nome bargams at private: sale thatiyou don t want to miss- Time of sale .WOV. .25 5 011. Commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m. Term9 made known on day of sale: W. F. SHERWOOD. Atnantha, N. C. Nov. 13. ., SitL.-la-, the i-l; i,:,t.J Ik . i i'i ii. i. it .. ........ i' v.... i. i ....... . . . .. iicriib,!!. rr.ii mavs em - ii-rui in lueciiiieiiH ..if I'l.iiM n . . . ..: . I " "c,r learners ! ' ' l,,ec,,u,sJ iiiiiiii wiiom was .Mr. I.. .v .Mil ler, a iiixi-in! ""'-.a ii ii- .'.i. iv ri'ii..r. ami n ' 1 -1 -p Ir" nS 't course nn- t 1 : " " ",a,je'"j I th" .rof.'s.sioii of teacliuu. n in iiR.il. .. i....... i. .. . i . IVim) T II (t 11 I I 1 it II Ii I 1 ill ' . t' I j.l tenclm.;. aiin. Tikmiiimv hou-s Senior 1 to ilender.vi.aiba sta- ! l(J sVv it tome bv -i in- ;,u of midnigl.t study by the li-ri.tof j tioa. I ,lon,t vah,,,s f tr ;.,;. (t'wy the tallow candle or the light-j e a -e not in a position to I will sell fr PY DOWN nr" wo .rl llame of the fire pl ace, im-wi.v what Ib-v. Mr. Daniel who bv so doing I can ll vu '.-oo l-pres-ed indflhbly np-. t heir hii v.d 'he Boone circuit so accep. clieape.- than if I so.! on time, 1 minds such tads as tliey learned ; tably a part of this year will do, now I ave on bond a nr v line ol and th- few book- that tle-y but v.e suppose he will goto Van-: l"'"M's lor ni,,n, oii.cn and cliil could get to study were learned deibilt I'ldversity, llo is u mem-1 'ri'n ts'risoaldt; fries. I also completely, . i ber of the North Carobn.-i Confer. c'"'r.v a -00'1 l'e of Pawnbro- nun the teacher s reports, if was l-an.ed that there are old pupils of school age in the nine districts. Oi these nearly four-, in much go.jj may come for t!ie hundred it re eiirollfd this yenr'en.s'iitig year. j wit h an average daily attend-! auee of halt the enrollment. l'roi. Dougherty gave an in structive tfdk to the teachers con cerning their work and advised with them about several items of school management; afterward talking for some timeoa themat ter of school house building, etc. This was more specially done for I re ,t bargains eer ofTerd In our eople here, than for the1?0,,ne rublier bIioi-h, meus nud teachers. I think. We need a new building. The one wo have is old and delapidated, and it is like some ol the old-time teachers nre classed by some people out of date, poorly equipped nnd never was a finished building, an v way. Fx. T." A Boy Well Oociipied. Lanoir Topic. Clarence Craig is a. remarkable boy. lie is now only ten years of age. blithe pos sesses qualifications which arc rare in boys ol this day. He is a Lenoir boy, being a sou of Mr. j Robert Craig. At the age of six years, Clarence began saving money which he earned himself and now has do in the Bank aud $10 loaned to an individual at interest. He is a pupil in Le noir Graded School and his eve nings and Saturdays are spent m profitable labor, not loafing on the streets and smoking cigar ettes. His mother finds in him a faithtul nnd efficient help to her in the numerous details of her household duties. How many boys can come up to this stan dard? This is a fine record indeed but the Demohiat believes his boy's record as good, almost, Robert C. Rivers, Jr., has just comple ted his 12th year and b-is made money enough to buy for him seif a Smith Premier No. 2 Type writer which he is able to use rapidly and accurately and has .flo. 00 on interest, b-'hide soar-! change he ih keeping, as he .ays "for Chrisi inns" Ho is in school now, but -during his vacations he does exc Heat work in the !Ki )- ck.yt idlice as typo. For two years he has put in typo almost all the ads. when out ol school. Mftj. N. P. Rankin has the lau rels for the finest jam ever rais ed in Macon county. It tipped the scales at pounds, and Ma jor suys this was not a good yea r lor potates. Franklin Press. Major llankinis known to many of the older people of Caldwell. He was the founder of Finley I High School nnd long time its LUtl klilJUlM ClltU lUllp ....... .u or,aiiizi.d a company of volunteers at the out break ol tha civil war and left here as its Captain. Hid old comrades will rejoice to hear of his continued srood health Lenoir News. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A I!i K. -ttaa-i t Cjafr. uo. The .:i!:ua! (i,f oaf r. u.v of the .-. ... ..... i . .,l ' u- iow iiii appointment t h a t I . . . Iliosl concern OUT POI)I; l'u iikci.oru District, M. Ii. Vestal Presiding Kl ler. I'.oone circuit, J. (. Hollowny and J. M Dow mi in. Preston ircuit, D.C. P.allard. L'lk Park t be nupidied J(ff,Mso:i,;. W. F.veretr. Watauga circuit, T. K. Wea ver t t . , . . '-'i""'! .spring-: Mr. .lohn-ou. Of our f.irincr iHi-tiir.4 It T Im-.. l' 1 t lew. While we regret his going, we welcome thus nssiene l tn.mr work and trust to them and to I r . r- - BARGAINS -() o- ! 1,oy" suits Boy's suitH lido. to$l..r0, Men'H BtiitK $!!)) to(;i)0. Childreu'H Hubbers 40o., Ladies' " 45 to (0c, : Men's " .15 to ?.m. About 8D0 doz 5 & 10n. art icles to Meet' from. Prices nre the loweht I Inive ever sold i;ood8 for. Good produce taken in exchange. It. Boone, N. C. Sept, 14, 1911. j TRCSTEE S SALE OF LAND ; state of North Carolina. Wataujja County. By virttte of the power and au thoi itv granted to the undersigned as trustee in a certain deed of trust executed to J M II unlet aud wife, Sarah Hamlet, dated May 1, 1911, registered in the office of the Hegis tei of Deeds of Watauga county in Book MP of mortgages, at page 137. and because of default made in the payment of the note or bond secur ed by said deed and in pursuance of demand made b the holder of the said bond, I w ill, on Saturday Dec. 2, 191 1, at the court house door of Watauga county, at Boone, N C.. expose to sale and sell the lauds conveyed bv the s'ud deed of trust lying and beinsj in the said county of Watauga, Blue Ridge township, and more particularly described as follows, yiz : Fist tract. ()u tVie head waters of the Yadkin River, Beginning on a chestnut oak on the bank of a branch on Ueiij.unin Green's heirs line, running N 25 poles to a stake; then s; r.,- t. .1 .!... is. P J -ry lw " "..iiy. . tin....-.- - x same ( p())es (f) ., hlluch o ;,.,. t)1;l,Cti K w:t, lhc j same j pules to the beginning, j continuing 2s "'ros. and bei nr the l.iiulj yranttd to J-ia;ic toric, Dec, 22, loS!, and hcint; the lands conveyed to fcai.l J M Hamlet by Lucy Ilaiu'et. Second liact. Adjoining the fore going and bounded e.i the north by t lie lands of S F Harper and Win. Foard; on the E by the said Win, Foard; cm the IS by the hinds of Win, Foai J, and on the west by the fore, going described tract, containing' 52 acres mors or less, and being tiie lands that were eonueyed to the said .1 M Hiirr.ict about iSoii. dad beinj recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Watauga coun ty, N C-, reference being hereby i lil ale to .be Siiid deed for a full and complete description hereof, as well as to the record of the said deed as full v as though the same were set forth herein, The said deeds being the only ones ever made to the said J M Il imlet and wife. Sarah Ilam ltt, by the said Lucy Hamlet. Side v ill be made to the hiiiest bidder ill public auction for cash. Hour of sale 12. M. Thi'i Nov. 6, 1911. T.S. COFFEY, Trustee. :TH!:i:MiKKi:i:ii:!;nijsTi:- ogi-aimer wiii has liit n in. iu'!i!a:iMt c,l Muuiiiiiiu S-n ' ploynient. Write todav fi.r G I J I pige CutalogUP. TO THE PiMIC. Having bought out th mer rnmile basin. ol D. J. ( ottreil. I wish to wiv t.) th" iteoo'e thai ; 1 will Mill conduct the biisincs at the ("ottreil i-tnnd. nnd n4 1 ..... r. i ii . . ,". n, io irivi . me n liUral iatronare im hos. i jHl-1". 1 1 wMl endeavor to t. vnn ' g'ods us dav.p as von can' bin ! t.'.cn. any where. want vou'i i ... 1 I .. Ml . kef Clothing, both new and sec ond hand, in which there an 1 P',il1 ' bai-f.nii i he business will be mnnnguj bv I). J. ( ott rel!, nnd any cour tesy show bim will be greatly up pivciled All good country produce ta ken in exchange lor goods. Repectfully, W. P.Hsody. CAR LOAD OF BUGGIES. Hifiii esADE. mmrn vmii. We have just unloaded a solid Car Load of the celebra ted BROWN Baggies. We have seven different styles to select from. Every spoke and rim guaranteed to be Sec ond Growth Hickory. You cannot buy a better buggy no matter what you pay. You cannot buy as good a buggy anywhere else at anything like the price we are offering these. We give a postive guarantee on every buggy we sell. When buying from us you not only get the advanta ges of car prices, but also of car load freight rates, which both together, mean a saving of from $10 to $15 on a bug gy. We have a sample of all styles in our sample room, ready for your inspection. LONDON-STOFFEL HARDWARE CO. THE PIONEER HARDWARE PEOPLE. Mountain City, Tennessee. to be in Boone, (Blackburn Hotel) on the "first ol every mouth" or 3 or 4 day, and every court week, prepared to do any kind of Dental work. Am, work Gl au.vxti'Kd! Nothing but the REST & PUREST materials used in any ol my work. Prices reasonable, No charge for examination. 1'atientn from a distance, will avoid dela, by informing me beforehand, at what lime they propose coming, either to Boone, or Banners Elk. N, L. Mast, Pres. W. C. Coi f k TUC 15 8 TIMOR BOONE, N. C. This institution is owned and controlled by the following stockhol-ders:-J. II. Mast, J, W. Ilorton, L. A. Greene, T. P. Adams, W. L. liendrix, W. C. Coffey, N. L. Mast,.!. M, May, 1). F. Morton, W. F. Sherwood. Dr. E. F. Bingham, A. N. Mast, llagaman it do. V S. Harmon, W . l. Uaird, C. D. Taylor. W. L Shipley. Dr II. K. Perry. J. A. Woodie.J. G.Hagamnn, A.J. Morcz. G. C. Green, J. .M. Wellborn, John W. Hodges, Dr. II. McD. Little, T. A. ditcher, Kim her Johnson, Miss L Jennii Coffey, . W. Farthing, Miss Mattie G. Curtis, E. S. Coffey D. I). Dougherty and B. B Dougliery. We especndly invite the business of our county people. C. 3. PAH UK It, rres J. B. CLARKK, Vice Pies, G. M. SVDDKKTU. Cush. BANK OF BLOWING ROCK. BLOWING R0CK,1. C. Capital: $10,300,00. Undcvided Profits: $U50. 00. With our incrcas' d capital, we nre better prepared to handh your banking business than ever bofoie. Open an account with us, we will extend to ,vou every advantage consistant- with t-afc ai.d sound banking. We will loan you motley at a reasonable rate so far as your personal responsibility and balance will wuiraat. If not ronvecient tr call in person, write us, and your letiero shall have our promtit attention. REMEMBER WE PAY 4 PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSIT, COMPOUNDED EVERY THREE MONTHS. The II. .11 C i I rink v. ill ml J ri-. ill-Si at Tea-li m' As.-cin- ,. l.'ir I. Mill wnj , I Tt7- reader ."i'i. Thai, .-giving Day, : 1 1. . i'.. i. ; .i. . ... i it. Wl.en cu l.jvt a bd cold you ai.l Hie brt mcd-cine outafnabJa as to cure it wiih as I ttle ilflar .is p.-sililc. Here is a druggist o pinion; ''I have sold Chn.berl.iii. Cough trincd- for fiftefn ytari," 's IOno Koll.ir t.f Sara'o ja, IaJ md I e .nsidor it the lust 0:1 the i:ail.ct." Fr a!e by all dcalcr. MILLER-REINS CO. .Momma tits, TiibN ts; any size, hape, orcolor. Bring your date Ahen in town. se. and know what n'U are aelting. Patroui;:e home ndnstry and Kae money -Luca ltd near the i pot in Inoir an 1 Ninth Wilkesboru. We satbly you or 110 pay, mi"lli:r.ri;insco By Claude V. Mil er. g Co, im:ai,i:i! in- PRODUCE FLOUR & FEED I (,' 1. X000 "OUOOOIJ' IOOOOO; OOOOtK0 We bad the iiiisforlunc to loce oi'.r mill by Urn, but viil eontinii to licii (!l some jiroihe-o. We !i:ivu tftki'ii t;.e .ey for Wnsabuni 'rosby J'il li!iC., l.oui.villf Kv. The largest illii.f.' (.'0. in tbe IT.S. ami kep in Ibis e. It'bra'.tnl (iotd Medal Flour. Coiue and etuiip wiib us, sta ble and wood free T. F SEEH0RN, Mgr. LENOIR, X. C. Dr. R, D, JENNINGS RESIDENT DENTIST Banners Elk, N. C. I have arranged lor the con venience of many of my patients v, V. P. U. P. IIaoaman, Cash : ? i -'"i i 4

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