1 ViU 151 Dean Tt. Published Every TLvrvlar ire epic ,..-- - T. l- - - - - m-.m. I n I Mr. -I.p- i V !-.)! ! .- i : f t". : ;.f II I .1 : i . A i ii .' 'i'. . '-; .i - . ' i t t ' ii '. U' V Dr. U. C. Uf i i.u ... T"liiii-i" Y luili.i k. Dr. !;.Uit i". blei. ', h.i.i li'ii i:i Wbl' health f ir 'vei.il liuill' IlK. .I.i'd nt hi li.iti.e I r Sliouns lat IVi.l.iy ni'it, nM 7 J t-a .-. I 'r. Uit;i n is itiic if t hi r nin-t I'l'iiinuit-iit and iisi-:'i! ps'iz !!. I'm- ma :iv "M he i .i :ivj hi pint !..u Ma in t'ii i ;i ;i--;r v lit' an stl(ve.4ul an I hit kiihliT p'i. iciaii ever iuiiiTt-l lo tin J'llXIc.l tlMlN llf III!' pf'lpl'l.l t hi-, m'c' t han In'. ti mi active win iv u a li ret i! i".! ji'ivsi.-iiiii a li'.v year. .;; i. I;-. Ulna iii I inoiv i'i attract ni: nu ll nl m-ii.t i In lii s s -ctiuri i who .uroliaf.l larjif 1, i' f iif liiiiieriil ami tiiniii'fl i ui N.-.t mi:v il nl the i.iv tur t'oiisumaie liuinv lai'ri ilfaln in tlii count vi t , i .-.,...:.. i ; i. i ..i i ... i. ' r" 1 ""-'M"""- '";, iianOleu luucli valuable irnHTt v for himw?lf. lie did not bcloiiL: to that chiHH of individuals who live lor t.elf, hut hU active lii,? prove 1 a Weaning to those who turroun iled him. The deceased was a kind. Pinooth temticred man and lad a lar.re circle of fri-mR Me, Is nurvivpij hv hi.s mx .l.-.nu'h ' terw and three pons. The i!uu:!i are: Mis. Mr Joe S. oti"i !!v of Shonns; Mm Dr. ('. M. Ihilaney of I'riftol; Mi..'S Margaret, Fan- lilt?, Nell and Cnroline. The roiih 8'vmuel R , Chan, and Ir. P.rure Khea. The childen were till prea ent at the funeral t xeept Mis f"nnnip, who is in Memphis, and SniuH R , who is in Arizona and Charles who is in Vit-frina. Ir. Khea was a man who whs Tery rirh devoted to his family awd children who have the sym pathy of tunny friends on account of the low twfltainfd by tVdoath of an excellent husband and fath er- A largo concourse of people from the surrounding countrv s'onihled ntthe family residence Sunday mornirifrntlO o'clock to attend the funeral service which wnrehouse of the Home Milling was conducted by the deroaee l's f'o. on Wi-st Main street was !e pastor. Rev. V. F. P.ailey. of t tie ! st roved by tire this morning at M. F church, south. This was ' an cat lv hour. Tin- alarm was an impecssive and touching ser vice. The concluding service was pifom--! by the M ison-c fratein ; ity of which Ir. Ilheah.i 1 beenan honored member for about -to! years- Fi'ty Masons were pres ent at the funeral V. I). Don nelly served as Master of the cere mony which he had committed to memory nnd in his usual nnd Hplendid manner delivered. With the passing of Dr. Rhea this section of the country loses an excellent citizen, one m whose memory we join the bereaved in cherishing. Better a girl who can sing nnd won't than one vlo can't sing and will. Did you ever know a woman to make a call and not drop her handkerchief? Kvery time a woman throws n rone at an old heushepunctures the Hcenerv. The reasan a woman has a good temper is so her husband can think he has it. Is the World Growing Better? Many things prove that it is. The way thousand are trying to help other ;s proof. Among them is Mrs. W. W. Gould, of Pittbtreld, N. H. Finding y;ood health by ta king Electric Bitters, she now ad vises other sullercr?, everywhere, to take them. "For years I suffer ed with stomach and kidney trou ble, she writes. "Every medicine I used failed till I took Electric Bitters. But this great remedy help ed me wonderfully." They'll help ny woman. They're the best tonic and finest kidney and liver remedy that's made. Try thein. You'll see. 50c. at all druggists. 1 hAC...A'ri. .i.'NT; in? ! ' ' ! 1 1 ' . ; -i -.. S..f il :- ; 111. ill i 1.' -t i ! fi a t.: t i i! u;i Sin l.iy a:i-l it i i n t'e- I l ',:' f ., r.i-.n.i IM ' u.iik;!ii; a li.ru .- i. i t t :!! .1 II. i I'UV.l ll!i ! iiut p'u'w : Im n if. ! t ; -. 1 1 1 . who i hi f. iriv if 1 iiis n-a 1 .,,, I'l l!ie. li ;.. Hi;- ;n. II. gr th" m nl f t J'i i" t v i!' aa 1 v n n crown 1 1' t-t-T .Mc. i!i- iln !l.)t . m !!uv -ii 1 ! iv Im! j. it i ii a t p n"! ..:i la-li-v.'l jiaii almiil J J t'ft, !' ;',' I.ilrlv t' im::;it i:l ll.' ; I- o ;t 111,' ii 1 lit !! il-i. .Ml". li.HH .s.ill j,,.,,.!.! ,,. ,,f K uith dim I? ty. wlluwls'i sn.l with a n0 ,,j a, -x ,,' ,.,, it. Mr. Mr. KIil!i'tii:u; duis not ii.-n-L t !iis il.iwn uitli s'h.-iiii r..ll- .rt.li.it tis.-suvli... H. rai..'. ti i l i Hi-r.'ljn, H sinoiillis it out. If it hIiouII go into hole, he vvoul.l fill in ami scraj it over nain. Tlii.s ma. iloi's not cost over $2. ver mile afrT the rmiliiir is ilolie. The fanners -live tilt' -oil nm none of it hart to 1h lamUil over half n mile. Mr. ILo'iinon thinks this is th-- tii!;: Tor the lli.-korv an-1 Urookfonl roa.l. lie will be over this wtc!. lo juj- if he can locat? the top siiil near en-j onirh for use, and if he c..n do so. work will bejrin at once. He docp ! not use an expensive stockade pn-me Court Ihih cut down the for his convicts bnt niruply ft ti:iie allowed f.r argument. This shack 18 by oO. Fach man isUhi-nhi be d-ue in the Superior chined to a long iron rod at i Courts. The overage l twycr uses night. He feeds and clothF-t his j 22 to 75 per cent. More time and men well, nnd then works then more words than ar necessary for all that is i-i tiif ni. TVehnin i to'arrue a case, often llounder gaiig, he says, tied not be made ing about, playing to the puller an p.j)i;sive ir.stitution. (la?to!i jP!. and using "vain re titions county people sny their r o a d j iH the heathens do." If time was work would have to stop if tt 'limited for the a-guni.'iit. It were not Hickory. for the Recorder in Homo Millhiir Ci3ipanj'i Plant De stroyed by Fir. Lenoir Topic, the Sth. Th" roller mill and aioinin;r turned in about the hour of ." o'clock, nn I the respon-e of the tireni' n was prompt, but the fire had ma le such headway that it fib impoNMb'e to extinguish tin stubborn flames until the work of desl ruction was practically complete. Yesterday afternoon fire broke out in the wareroom of the mill mid destroyed some baled hay, but the main damape to the building and stock was done bv water. Fvery sp n kle of fire in sight was put out yesterday ev ening an I it was a eivat shock and surprise for the town to be aroused at ui early hour this morning by lire in the same plant The blaze yesterday after noon origin 'it'll in some baled hay in iht? ware house and must have started in some way in the main part of the roller mill. The iriRumnee on the building and machinery is ,'5,(0() which will likely cover half the loss. The rtcck is valued at oOO on which there was no insurance. Mr. T. F. Seehorn is sicetary and treasure of the plant aud is principal stockholder. J. W. Copeand, of D.iyton, Ohio purchased a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and before tli hot tie was all used the boy's cold was gone. Is that not better than to pay a five dollar ductor's bill ? For sale by all dealers. Successful men seldom hand ftheir Iriends the brand of advice they use themselves. The wife of a man who knows It all gets buck at him occassion ally by saying "I told you so!" Children Cry FOJl FLETCHER'S CA3TORIA I I: .. I -,f ' 'I III I :i: 'r :i '.( I'..lt ,1 11 I X. i -!.ri.-. Ill ..ii ) .i .1:1.1.' r. r ,:1 i l 'l T - k.'i r i . . 1 1. ; .. I' itiiit .11' ;ii"! !..!'? t . . m :l i.t-.i r -hi..- ! ti l l ii If iij.t r'i I 1:' .l niiil t. 'I I i ii - 1 1 y 'ii :i r .u' in 1 1 r ji.'i.; ;r v Ml l:i i T It-tt if -ii liii'.'-l -li" t'.i- -t 1 1 1. ii iiu'it im .nut ton t ' it i- yi'iir nwii juii t, I . . i! i-.!i i.i :iu :ii--.i-: . -i: ' I i I v '" lilt i,.-i-" r;i-.n-' I iili.-ml an.! i n't t'i,i t-i iXjlilli i'. r .i- . I.- .11 l i U a t iir.-n !-::irt y uiir i t ur i-M t-i"'.: n 1 your ilfin-. : .mi. i- .l i i !:: i.l l.-ki in ' "I tin", Tl.. i! tii it i it I. it 1 1 i' tlm .ni i-.m't piiy y.nir y, iilil ilnti'l ttrt i-'. l!i . Ht Ii iti-vr t ln-y lllli I'. r I" " li ili tali.. Ii ii .ii-. I . r tin- V in if ah- i in tin- fahi -ii ilnii't tliii W f..'in'' II ri it ii-;-.- th-.'ii ill a fur il:!fr'tit 'iii-, i.l -i ur t! i-:i!i. i'f ur i 1 s rf uiiju'...l. 1 Vi ill 'li ll -i t.i---- :llul ki'i'p .-tilU'llt. x 1 1 rait. I -ii t mi For jm-hoI,' a iiI tiilk. Tin vil t-iik fli :B lirfure vein, hut tll'Mi ;it yiiur luii'k, lif Vfiimii a-nl i t lin-rV nfvf r ;i lark. 11. kin. 1 aii'l jmliii in all tlt.it they say. Hut bitter h i:iili wiit-n ynu're out of tlie wy, F.ir ppujili' will tuik. UimhI frifuils tfke my nilvice, atul d hb y u .'U'liiii', Koi yoii-iiiiikI it yiiii liHVo uiii. will tlien bo nt etifv, Tbroiiu'li life you will ims-t with all twrt of abuse, Hut ib n't think to ftop f'r 'tw ill be of io ne. I'or lufiiulers will t.iik. Cut it Out: I; !tati.vilV Lai.dui.irk. . In order lo get along with the bn.jin.-sH and lelievetiie co-ijestcd j docket, the Fnited States Su-j would not only mean expedition of the business nnd a paying of time and money, but the lawyers would learn to present their ar gument in fewer words nnd w uld thus mnke them mote concise and more forceful. The day ol long speeches, long sermons and long editorials lias pns.-ed lorce;-. Amen. Gives Aid to Strikers. Sometnvii s liver, kidneys and bowels stem t i ;.jo on a strike and refuse to work li'1 t. Then von need those plnisae.t littlo stiike bl'P ikcrs Dr. King's New Life Pii'.s to ;;ive them natural aid and gontlv cotnpel proper action. Fx-ct-llent health soon follows. Try them. 25.1. rt all dniRgUts. Altera man has et en married about a tear he begins to wond er why ht3 friends didn't eet a move on and lock him up before he did it. Foley's Kidney Pills. Supply j.ist the ingredients needed to build up. strengthen and restore the natural action of the kidneys and bl.uliler. Specially pre pared for backache, bcad.ich headache, nervousness, rheuma tism and all kidney, bladder, and urinary irregularities, Sold by all druggists. The average woman isn't sat isfied unless her husband quits loving her long enough to make love to her occasionally. Here is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long exoerience, viz., Mrs. P. H, Bro gan, of Wilson, Penn-, who says "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Coujrh Kemec'y is far superior to any other. 1-or croup there is nothing that excels it." For sale by all dealers. A womun may not be able to make a fool uf every uiao she meets, but fihe can make some thing just as good. After exposure, and when you feel a cold coming on, take Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound. It checks and relieves. Use no substi lute. '1 he genuine in a yellow pack - . - i:ii I. ! : I ! c..i. ' vi.: m -.t Hi it y..n n- i-Ii!-li iii.il lini' ". I in- i'.a . I ' Mit'.lW.II .H . .. .1. i t .. I'f In-art. T k Mm Fsrnior TE'IIK present duy farni t er is a business man. hy cert linly farming is a business, and n good business, but here is one thii g you, Mr. Farmer, over look, I'tni thai wyou fail to use printed tnattf-r in your business. You rieed letter heads, envel opes, bill heads state ments, circulars, and oth er Tinted matter in your bo.'incss. If you bvi pure bred stock or poul try, run a store or anv other business in connec tion with your farm you need still more'jirinling in your business in order to tie up-to-date, ami in ke p ing with your progre.-et oth'T wise; Drop into our ofh( wlcn in 1 own nnd 1 1 us give you prices. If yon enritt come just mail us your wants and we wjll serve you to the best of our ability. We use cuts of pure-brer! stock nnd poul try, to suit your bred free of i-haiec. ' 'Horrors, louii! We h:ive"fi! (iff and left the cat and the par rot with nothing to eat." "W ell, I wouldn't worry. These things generally adjust themselves May be the cat will cut the parrot.'' Sick headache is enured by a dis ordered stomach. Take Chandler. Iain's Tablets and correct ih. t and the headache will disappear, For sale by all dealers. Little Nephew-Auntie, did you marry on Indian? Aunt Why do vou nsk sill It sillv uuestions. Freddie? Utile Neohew-v .1, 1 saw some scalps on your dress ing tables. 100 Reward. $100. The renders of this puper will be ideused to learn that there is at least one dreaded diaeaso that fceieuce has been ablo to cure In all Its stamen, aud that is Catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Cure is the only postiva cure row know n to the iucdieal fraternity: Catarrh beit. a constitutional disease, require a constitutional treatmen. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and muc ous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the strength by building np the constitution aud assisting na ture in doing its work. The propriet 01 s have so much faith in its curative powesrsthat they effer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure- biend for list of testimonials. Address F, J. CH ENEY a CO., Tole do, O. fold by all DruggistR. 75o. Take Pall's Family Pill for consti patlon. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind Ycu llais Always Bought Slgaatui-e of , v.-. I : -i. m I'M '..'.Vrrerxr'-y,f.-i ..tVK!CiI.xv:;ji-ca; J..xjii5xlkwi ft ncssau' i v-CcaliirsiKHiVr Oputra.Vi.irpM; c par Mar. I.or .A.tCOTZC. Xi '-.v:vs.'is?nzr."zi A - V..' f r-rmnl -.tie !. -Zdr tip I Vt... M'V V-r. Ar-Cei "'. Hcr.icily fi.rriTifa t !.f ! . Si 1; ." :-c.utrn. I ; uhti ' 1 y.jrn.Ciinv'Jis',aj'.s,rrTi"isli Exact Cop of Wrapper, 'V'Ustiit i ' ;:! nriv tears wp I m m PtSI urn My Doctor Said ' "Try Cardul." rriizs A!m Z. V. Sped, of Kayna, Ml C " I was In a very tow stale oi be up and find to mj dvic&, began to feel better. I got Ha to fc cp aad help do my housewk. 1 continued to take fce Bicdicinc, and bow I am ah!e to Jo r.y housework and to caro for njr c Jdren, and 1 feel as though I ccu'd never prjtt C&rdui anough for tho benefits 1 hav received," Cardul Is successful, because It Is made espedBTty tor women, anc acts speciSicall on tl.c wo.nanly constitution. Cardui doer one thing, and docs It well. That explains the great success which it has had, during the .Htst 50 years, In halnin.7 thousands of wjik and aitinff women hack in irt hi-ilth and hanniness. M If you are a woman, feel tired, dull, and arc nervous, M cross and Irritable, it's because you need a tonic Why not I. y it-iuui r .diuui I'unua, siiciikiie:i!A, iuoiuu -a, tiiiu acts in evtrv wy as a soecial, tonic remedy for women. Test tJ it for yourself. Your drussici Writ! ttt. for SpecM Instra iuns, and (4-phji: boo. ? rTTCT TVtat 7h?y VilH Do ;-.. Ycti Theywi:i cure jcv- backache, strengthen your kiinsys, ccr rect urinary Irretnilaritien, bu'ld 1 up the worn our tissues, and! eliminate the excess uric acid i that causes rheumatism. Pre ia.l mil? vent Bright's D?seas3 and Dia. bates, and restore health a strength. Refuse uubstuutea, .-. M. 15. HFACKBFKN '- -ll V.iV -." i - J '-! ' '' ; -v t n Fi , 1 fc'-'ti Ui il ? Fuccevi ua e-yt.T,tiii;; eUe fiUb. over a ir ill X Iv tea . Skj f.l3i r& 'j h M5J fc"Jfi9j.'iA f-.r. 1 11x6.7 n r -L a -. ... ii i i . v; 1 ie . 3 it i k. ....... S J0'i t:::.tii eye siid 8iRhtIy TS3 Kind You Have Always Baisghi fi Bears tho Signature TNKrMTMi tcunuiv, new tom orrr. hct&h, u.i was not &bk to &j I ikl try Cardul, tad tooc Pii Woman'iTonk 1 stlls Cartlui. Ark hira. !orac ittounnt lor Worn a, sent tree J 55 ,irt.' .1 .cifci'-i n it mM, la S Very knm j , 5 It is a very ooriou riatitr to nsJc ft) 1 nna mf'i'icina mid have tlio ti v.'ong- one given you. For thifi I soaocn v.-o xzzo you jn Duymg io gi be careful to Uie ttauiae II The reputation of this old, rella- ViB i-ii-aiiinu, Lr t-Ji-Xlptuoa, digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicine?. It is better than others, or it woidd not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all otbca combined. -o-v TO nw-Ami m xks-rr- 8oiVi, h it cv-.--y h:u!J 1 kc; V v1 point I need have aalioiv w.us. dull eve. j btotchy compJcrion, w! pay tcvel tuiieivc- soovar ;. .tbi&cu. Ilcail ci.e, di!t ri..f; j trxnj t.rr cyo;, ;r.i 0-7 e!::in, a ran. ilar.i f-.,iinj w-.i tIS tie litrr tud oi f :Liv or.;.n-io ari.v:in help ami entree! ww. Csi.-b'iriaij' oK.in.ich nnd v-r ' V.-'. i,.--c .1, ctx;sar7 riir'.r-. llArcltf ... liw. Ubut tt, lirpr..J Kl innch In hih!l llioir p,r r e.tii. ,.i. Si. ;! O.i w.fl- -lo :).--- ,.- il,.,t rwKi lAr.lly r.-J.i' in-.l ll.. I...n .- WE WANT YOUU jr s-or Over H 'i ii:'. .1 age ahvtivs. So'd by all 3 cv? no,yev n.tiHi'.rf. r: JOB WORK-