A rv S-H H H 4j f N H h Q H c? r itw Sl.L OA n huz II ff q n $ U i f-1 1- VL r- VOL. XXIII Chlldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Furniture II 1 1 in;: vli:s I nil I lie Mo k in tin- f tin Iloone Vur- ,,jt tf '.. I am prepared to sell iiii ;i n vt tr in in v lino at a ew ov.s. amble ligure. Pt-tsM'iN. itiTs mi-. hairn. I.e. I Steads. Ihd fyl'ill.-S. M ll I r.'SSi-S, etc. Give i,n' a i ail when in noid of nti.v n.ii.u iii 'i'"' f fin nil uri1. f. S'drc in Wntnua Comity j; iii r.iiiMitij. .ctf.il y, JESSE F. R0BBIN3. FK 0 F CSS ION A L YET QUINARY SURG FRY. 1 liivc liri'ii putting itiu-!i utmly on tnis nunji'fi; ivivhi'ii my dip! hi! i, imii "in iiw well t'lptippril for I'll' iinitic;' of Vetori ii;y Sur p'rv in h!l Us l'r:inclit's, jiml am thu oiil ' in' in t he cimiity. t'nll on or aJilr. s mo hi iU. T. U. V. U. 1. (i. H. llAYLS, W'tcruiiiry Sttrooii. 17 'li. Ir. E. II. MADRON. - DKNTIST. -S'i;.ai drove. Nnrth Carolina, K;;'"AU work iloinmnilurfiuar antee, ami best material useii. 1.13-" 11. Dr. X ATT. DULANEY. -SPKCIALIST On I.stkunal MKHtcisKnrid diecuKofth.' Eye, Kak, nok and TiiifOAT. Kyi'H exainineJ for h;!aiS!'S. 'M Fourth St. Bristol, Tcnn. LAW Y Eii H ;' I'rni-th'o Hoa-tiIn.Hr in w Courts oi M'utnu&i, 'ii. I ATTORNEY AT LAW, I1ANNEU ELK, N. C. fcifAVill pmctice in the courts Vi .-itiiiijja, Mitchell and iiJjoir.ipjj kioii'.itics. 7-6.1 1 F, A. LINNEY, -ATT.UIIXKV AT LAW j'.mom:, n. c. Will practk'O in llio courts of phe Kith .hidi 'i:.l District in al Pimtrra of a. civil nature. o-n -inn. J. a FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, -wjoxf, x. r. t'ar.'fnl uttciition. uivcn 1" J!''ct;.ms. W. II. LOVILL -ATTOilXFY AT LAW,- UOONh, s. c. c-'5rtppoial. attention "Jvpii jto all ijBwitKjss patrusted to h.' I' li'ii -xTi-& 7-0.'10. I S. COFFEY -vnoiihEi Al LAW, BOONE, N. 0. '"nint. intention civen to i5" mnnerH of n.lpjrn! nature. Abstroctinz titles and counetion oi claims h Mit cinl tv. 1-1 '11. COUNTY EXIII1UT. (Continued from last tvk.) J I' rmu -.rand juror li I Wiii'OX J i: Hon!' 4 v. Tlmtiias tr.ivis inr r J J II MlI'llIH'l ' I w it iiarliia ' ' A tt 'ttsnll ' H S I'nX ' ' !s i rant.-r 4 .", 'JiC J To - 7 i II ri:l.Mi!l 4 It t. Aiiilrcws 4 ' r ( coflVy ' 4 I M Mi !'! 7. 4 4 il i: cc tTt y 4 4 n j rotti t il .1 siniilt 1 ' l s Katran 4 4 .... j(;n' c M im.vii ' 'Id i;i it h walls ' 10 10 i m ' !' r ' 10 10 i: s willi, mm ' 4 10 ,'$:) M II Nurris ' 4 10 Oi) j w it ii!'.iu' ' 10 10 M I" I'.'i 'tfi t ' ' S."i J K I.TltM' 4 4 0 . 0 W Y 1'' t r'v ' 4 0 so P.rCrcono ' 4 0 00 Jl, DTCSt'T ' 4 10 10 I Thomas-Triplet ' 4 it 5o I.ee l'i i -snell ' 4 1-) 00 it l- Miller ' ' 1 0 !.o l. w fart hint; day juror, 1 00 it A Thomas ' ' 1 o c a Taylor 4 4 1 (i0 A A ferry ' ' 1 (id M a joh'ison ' ' 1 (50 j it Isaacs, ' ' 1 )0 w m nair 1 ' 4 1 CO .j v ltrowii ' ' 1 (50 j c Mast ' ' 1 (50 n ly-jfi! s ' ' 1 (50 A areer ' ' 1 j ! (ireer ' ' " 1 0 II Men l.ii lie ' ' 1 (!() itohy i'ar;r ' ' 1 0 i: Moretz ' 4 1 (50 I' U notifies ' ' 1 (50 w s earn dl ' ' 1 (50 .t w iiodyvs ' 4 1 Oo A crit' lier ' ' 1 00 .1 m smith 1 ' 1 00 11 n orris ' ' 1 00 w Peimell ' ' 1 00 w c i-yotis ' ' 1 (0 j if i -of fey 4 ' 1 (50 ,1 i, storio 4 ' 3 10 'v m iiodea ' ' 1 (50 a w siiiitli ' ' 1 (50 w i: crafr-r ' ' 1 00 A li lihiir ' ' 1 00 j v Harrison ' 1 1 '50 J H t!:iy"R ' 1 t'O I. J 'I'Mif'viitt ' ' 1 (0 j s c NorrU ' ' 1 00 ( w i. ia own ' ' 1 00 ' (i C (iie'il ' ' 1 00 ir c -I iw-lii-r f-t vh win nalihv'a .'5 00; j Tenrtie st vs win n ild in 1 10; m a .i -ilmson st. vs win nald win 1 DO; w i! i:dn;insten st vs W nahiwin 2 10; J V Allele st vs w iiald'.vin .)': it K Hartley st vs w itillwin 1 7."; xpwton i:dinin sttnst vs w ii.d.luiu 1 10, w c vamioy st vs w na'd via 1 10; J v nol hins st vs w a i hi n in 1 10; (' a h nolslioir-ea st vs w lialdwin 1 10; 'r tim e st vs w Baldwin 1 -10: M Foster st vs w na'du in 1 10 n to c i ft y si vs w iialdwin 1 10; ti M sndiierth st vs w nahiwin 1 -OH; n shns st vs 1 05: n ii-inman st vs :i i'i-i'S!'(l! 1 JO; ii iiannanst vs ii rresin-11 1 1": n naginiian si vh ii nesnell 1 l."i; Y T I'tr-d St vs l Hicks and V Watson 200 (Jeo Tliiitntis St vs .1 Hicks nnd 15 Yatsoii 2 10; I F Mid'uire, SI vs I! (irecr nnd I) l-Ntcp 2 1 "; M(i n St vs 15 diver nn l I H-tcp '.! 1.; A Y McH'tirn St vs 15 (licer and IMep 2 l.; (i L StOii' Si vs Ii (ireer and 1) Kstch 2 1T; John Wilson St vs M S Miliar 2 "0; .1 C Non is St vs M S Miller 2 ,50; S SXi-rrisSt . vs M S Miller 2 a(); N Watson St H A Norris 2 03; W Trivet t 2 05; J Culver St vs II & FFiumor 1 SO; J U Wil'son St vs U & F Farmer 1 SO; E F YineB St vs M Keller 1 S3; I J Palmer St vs M Keller 1 S5: C Chappell St vs G Wntsdi) 25: J P. Ward St V- G Watson 1 55; M McGnin St vb G Watson a 55; L Welch Stvs G YVnts.oi .25; G Shook St vs U Shall 1 20; I) A Shook St ys R j Shall 1 20; S M Greene ft vs I P.i.nl, a ,V- (' IsttflCH ((): (r 1' bintr ham Si vs T Combs & 0 Isaacs 1-j 50; F Mathcson St vs. T Combs & Can dis Isaacs 3 10; T J Mathe vu"""'" - ' . son St vs T Combs nnd C tsa-'ics' 3 JO; J Heiison St vs T Combs .x IJOOXK. VA TACCi A COUNTY, TIIUKSDAY. DKCKMlStii: lit li! 1. Cue fn trie (.Iris. k.) j "'..lL-.ttiini t.,ni l. kw-.r.! o!i S lO-Jf-uw in your flight. ..id "iveiH ti mm- m.iiU,l I. . s dn-e. jir:.Tii i. right. 7 ij.i. , ... . , m? a:.- wary switches and N ..: , ,,, . , , tats, l.nly I.arke (hivtes ntii I ...... P"a'h h it-!. A als (if j-i!!' liair in a 1 !. pi:., st i ke l d:i thi'ir ln nU tu lh" h-'i-jht of a til 1 .1. NOIIil thill' lir iu tir. .inr 111- tear, invp as i .' i i nut HI l:l X 111 v 'j Ki 'he "iN they u i.'l to app'ar 1 li" lioi ti? I!;it ho 'inich i ! tav 2 50 : GiM' tlx the piils w on - e knew of ; self a ti I ten-liny; ti V.i' pa perl iy 2 '! 1 1 yore, wl-oe carls lii ia't e-ittif ; sjieakinu: a roui! wo-. I for ii i . i. . ....... r...... .... r.. . . - . !f'"'n the hair dres-iar star". MaidetH who s...,l wjiii t) SP l(Cih!e vio'.v, and just n lame Xa - .'oO i t ure intended t! em to. Give as i iiir! with th.' Iiarn her own", ind f.ishhino 1 divinelv hv nature a on . I eia Tiiep srvies tieTttn-; tier -er each year, oh jrive ui the -iris as tley use) to appear o,'jiH'ver drop him a line about; fi maeh of Sati:h ''hm.-i. is n ,t oMhw 't.vi'ity ii.- v.-ir a.ri them. .:,vV as lie w cot ulmiohty ; U- .ma'.:.! to snpnlv '!ieiaert'( kiad. Xo wonder the men of -hat "i'i'' ia ail places at the !,.,,',.,..., (is y;.ir ft i my M'ii 1 1 aiiMpaiei tno whoso fair tresses were I'tionuh, wiiliout theaddiiimi of inn!adeli.'vst.:f''. Give us the days wh-a the hats wo, aen wore were not the reason Christian imn swore. ( ) r our way Ntn-h a rare in hdeii steer yes, give, us the girls as they us ed to appear." Exchange. S -iv cd Mnay Fiom Death. W. L. Mock, o M ick, Atk., hc iievis .v hits saved manv lives ii: his 25 yciirs I'spcricnce in the druj; bus. iu':-s. l''!iat I a'.vavs like to do,'' h.c writes 4 'is to locmii mcml pr. Kin;j;s New Discovery for weak, sore limits, haul colds, hoarseness, uhinati: coughs, la grippe, ci""iip, asthama or other bronchial affec. tion, for I feci sure that a number 'f my neighbors arc alive and well today because they took my advice to use it, I honestly believe itst'ec best throat and huuj medicine that's U) ule.'' Easv to prove he's ri'hl , Get a tiiiil bottle free, or rt-guhr 50c 01 vi,oo bottle. Guaranteed by ;d! Drneoit.v "Are yon willin;? to live with tu,? in a co't i;-e?" ''Yes, dear, provi led it is a cute !i! 1 le cot te.:;e with a, iozp'i rooms, tliree baths, Ftcaia lent, a butler, 000'.;. diai'.ijr room and up stairs -id. An Alarm at.Xie;ht That strikes terror to the entire household is th:: loud, lionise and iictallie cout;h of cr.mp. No mi.-ta-kinir it, and fortunate then the lucky parents that keep Fole 'r. Honey and Tar ( 'ompound on hand. 11. W. Cassleuian. Canton, X. Y., says; "It is worth its weight in gold. Our little children are troubled wi ll croup and hoarseness, and al we o-iye them is 'Foiev's Ho.iev and Tar compound. I ahvavs hacc a bottle of it in the house." For sale by all dcale.is. C Isaacs ' 00; J E Keiiey St vs X L Harrison 2 SO: A Hampton St s X L Harrison 2 00; J Ha nip ton Si vr X I. Harrison 2 00: G W Tfh ctt St vs T Glenn ct ill 1 - 20; Y HarmanSl vs T Glenn et ,d 1 20: 1! Tom 1 or Si vs T (l(.,m et al 2 40; G P Piiframan St vs E M Madron 1 10;. LC Gross St vs It E Long 2 80; W M Hodges St vs H E Long 3 37; J W I lodg es St, vs It E Long 1 05; G P Hair- iirimit St vs J P Wilkinson 1 20; s',.phIi ll,i,l, ou Sit vs XI Lewis y.'.: St vs L E Eiler -It 00; 0 Grntrg St vsi 3 80: C V, (Irene St" ys Li L Filer 3 SO: C C (Irene St ys L Eller 2 35; U G Iteece St vsT Guy 4 f)0; W II ShuH St vs T Guy 4 I on. W T....rlall Sr. va ' Cnrrrdll. o 1Q; E H Simnioiis St vs Noali j rarrun 05; G C Wheeler St vs X j Carroll 2 00. J Vt Hodges St vs; 1 v. " '""'" " - yy ror(,l 2 -SO.; (('ontinucd 011 third pai4J) H Watson St, ys M Lewis 1 75: I luV w -in f U th t he V,m'd I m"'y U" . Mmya"!m tt"X"' Cook St vs M Lew is 1 75; J John 1 ', ; b er s 1 1 y ',,,nr will come into th, market k soo'SKS,,dco.satoncc j, ar. St vs M L-wis 1 SO: J Carlton 1,, ; '. V . .V,.:,.,i.l,,Vi;J to supply nny (leffcit, but towhnt trTmTWm St vs H Kendal 2 85; E Yarber ! loi i the 1 md itnd ma'v his evtent that country will be drawn Lot . f Cim ctrj E-!itcr Hard. j l- il.r J.!m I. Galvb. p-s!.r; ,. , '... .f the Christian i-l.ur. I. ,t IVir- '' 'ttt'lt?!r, 1 m i I ... . , i I our !I t lllllil! I II" 'lil' T0'l . hM. li. . m a series J i.uii'.ini , . , ,, . ' , . .. i ; I 1 1 ;i itio'i !!i the wor I is s :r, on th-d .tV.-r. at t.aisand -j.1, , , , ... , , I" : 't li. -t i'ilV With f' tdllt I )'l Mr-in .;i ,,i,', recently .),; v.-r. I , i ,, . . ,' , , ,, illlil T . 1 3 ; ".II i!ssi:it !11M lull till! a for::i i mi "Til X -Aji i;j?r." Atnon Hi' im i-iy piu 1 t!ii:., hi. ! sai l, vi : ', "Ik Ii it nn 1 t.tiM v f I I. :..!- . i. i i ! ti.-vci- I hav a i-hane, ',,!- ; jiow much of my persona in i Iht 'tn-e can tselitur d.-ji -a I up j ! )a'.' Maeli, or is it verv lit'le? !l! I o;i(,.v n i,'. tu pahli-.'i ' Ca i 'iiae I want lata ; ., nit I Illav he i i i i in it i -eai oi n-ws ;i , at i "i iter p.-op't's f.i'.tha-re.s nnd I nhu- nine, way not, n.-ip 'mil toi i '".ike news lor las paaer? It ratb"T a tneiin thine' to t.i!;.. ov i ry thine; and to -ice nothing hock b ;t f iultdiudin:.'. If we nev er loci! (tie ca. v how cita we ex pect any milk, and t in we blame bo wy tf si;e kicks t he milker mid liie bucket ? All in all I Hud Hint our county papers are doinu; their very I. for thn county even a hundred times moic than itiiy ol the lai'ojo city niji-i-s can p-i.ssihly do. "The city daily or wkly can not deal with those, to them, Hiii ; 11 items which intcre.il liosc aeiuhbofs. Hut tll"cau:ity papers I"!! tfi al! abou I hem 11 a. keea thoui posted in ah iiotii ' in 1 tiers; fi 0111 the first bvhy down to 'ar d.'ti truck, and t ii" visit of Mrs. liow eouiei so made at Pilch Fork Creek. ''In fact, thn raae'ic of the coun try paper tiets far off neighbors iiiclo-o go'-'sipiny; eoniaid just a mil fence bet ween. And wherecau tlio jiroaclier (ln-1 u mare willing aent tlatii this same country newspaper? It. ejves him free adu for his sernuuis, lectures, etc. "And how many lime;; its pull has inflated Lie cash balance ol the t hiirch soci-d? And he has to pav for his ice creum find cake besides4- 'Talk about mn working1 for yiory? Why half U10 editors oftlio country jiapers oa'y shara of "hi ry is like that' of the man who saw the father nfhis nation afar off, there being1 a frulf fixed be tweeii the two places. Y s, his illory is like some of those weird jiii't ures of Dore. And alter lm has spent an hour or so jiarch i 1 1 o' up I he i-jicllino; and pnticl na. tion of some hasty brother s ar ticle or letter so as to make de cent reading out of it, he feels like h" had a mouthful of mustard iv.id sou;' dock when said brother e'oes iirouicl ti-liimx every one how the nuid edilo:' h i'l ruined his beautiful "effusion. Job had bods to contend wit h but I c c unit l'v edit or has to t r v nnd 1 ' Sll'bsl.v mm and woimm mil cleH I wit h 11 n clor'-ii ted dose ,f a t wis- 1 ted coii.rii. Jidi prnw-d I hat us enemy mieht write n book, but il I could ever pray lor the '.mic tion o! a man I didn't lik.- I'd yray h- might, bean editor of a country pape. I; would keep him hot throuoii the day Mil lie j wouldn't have uin -h sleep at ! nbhi. So 111V heart ''."es out to shadow never grow less, and, if we can. lot's send him congress." we can. lot h send mm congress. 1 v -v. r', ,tl, ,i,..,..rkfs f.. ' hl )t,;lk v,eU o Ch.,,n;,eI, . . .. , . r... , . 1 urn's I ouyh ramei v. 1 nev kiiow f'nj.n lo,," es (M.ii;'n(,c 5ii ha't , 1 c,?0,. ,lf 'cvhl and colds" dem-nded upon -a 1 ihat h po hi. I 4- .1 , . .1 1 I , , II 1 I , . T I I 1 . t . . I 1 . 1 - ,1 . ! pleasant and safe to tak. by all dealers. F. 1 I'or Old C'dna. and p diii - il dissent ma bat fata tae is " i.j-iai r.-a4 dil re.-s in Noitli i liii'.i. wlr-iv tli.- !aili;r of i ... i in.' vnu.a t:i; over air " i i- ta ve ho a , ill jed .c a lime u I,,.. lice eri m a a re alt nf ihuxls ia K'Vrral portions . . - . .. i i l -:i:r;sT. v.. N:.2!ii.ir '"" SiM.il.ircoi.dira.i hav result -d from f! )i- and to'-in -hi' -a ti ir Fo ho, Aaioy, S s .miw, a- 1 ot tier oa-! ports, and n a il IS kllO : a I ha t I liiTM h.-is l.oon a similar laii.nv in iii.nv p ir- t ii ms ol l K ,va i ( :.n nr. i-i in... j Ki. which Inn In ' the eea'cr i,! en si ri'ia I ii i:i m1' serious short ii e as r. e;irds its own p iptilaii.'ii, Tii failure of the civips ia China has been 1 ar nli. led by a faihav of I he crop in Siam. Wdiil" reports from Indo china are o- 'iicraliy re i-sarin, there has been nome trouble with droti. aii t t ln-ro iiad it is jios sibh; that th' yen's output in the country will be curtailed. Mir ks in t h" l'iiilippines are mi derstood to be about the aver-tii-'e, ib-aej Koier haciim' hioped rice to t he vahteol 1 d.;5l ."iol 1 dariiie; (he lirst half o! 'he cur. rent year as co.npared wi'.hship nicnts uhle.l at AdilO.Sdd ia the same period of iH 10- Theeatire rice sit nation, how ever, is B"l'io'!:4 at best. Hone Kon'.s leadia;.; philant hi oii;,ts me titkin;; action toward buyiivj; tip a lai-ere stork ol the e-riin to sell to the poor at cost and thus prevert a ' corner" in the sup ply. Similar ad hm is beiuo' ta ken at various points in Ku an-tan:.'.-province. Xe irly every pro vincial L'overnur nt in south and co ista! China, has taken action alone similar lines tor the pro-t- ctioii of the ; eople. The lirst r sail of such a situ ation its ! hat pres.m'ed in t h e ri-'e market of China, is inereased (temairi lor .xaiencati Hour. rr yea of 1 0()7, wiii'ti impo: ts into Uono Koiier and China from fill countries readied a, total of al most 12.000,000 bags. Flour brokers in ilonu; Komi' rep rt that the vYiishington and Or - con mitts nave ootva ait the oi dc am a I lrmii tar eiisr Has heen taken up On ling thai time. Tli-' amount of Hour to be expiated from the l'nit"d States this year will 1 rob ably reach t he reeord of vo'aa e and would if PuiVi't Sound mills nnd tic fnoo-ht liics from t h -i I pai t of t' e FhiO'd Slates could hn ndl" more busiu 'ss. It is probabl" that consid'a-a hie flour will h:) imported fro-., San Francisco and other ports south of Paget Sound, Ciou-rli in , recent years the shipments to this part of the world have been almost entirely from the north ern American ports. It is al- I upon during the season is uucer I tajn. The volume of imports o t!lin 'pi,P volume of imports of i Pour, aside from the limits of -sup ply and of t rnnspor ation iit.li-a - ! tA um! I i , ; :i ,.-o .,11 1-irs.lv linn;, !i ;t j price. If flour can be lital fit a ii j reasonable price, the dem.,ntl fot i," be immense a,s a r; - r.H of -r the fail ae of t he rice ;uojuc. li the price of flour advances mate- eut indications are that .thn sa. U 'i?HJ'X of Ameneaii Hour in Clutia wili i 'ity&VT:' j n ach the highest point ever f- P"v17 taitied. not f-x-epting the famine :'. Hj- t ".5 ;''-'j RK.N id January and taut all avail ry. V n H . , s K .le In.Mi.ht" space in sieameis :Ull,.iAXK4t m Paget Sound ports to ilir Bfgtlfl- NO. it) iex h:ucio hovomkiil roa Km. .wile T'-ini.. D-c. 2. Tri al of tic fiit ton yea r-oM boy vei- thai I with itiuril.T in knx .iiiinty wjm yesterday mo! a ai the eity hull ia the i a h' i iitirt lief. -.'.Judire Chan dl r. 'i "n .h I'.-ad nit was Jacob L'-o, t!i I.' .olio. r lad. who a few days iiro rhot and kiilk'.J Jam. 4 il-'ft :i:'e 1 li vu yi ars. Fiilhi'viiio; tiic tragedy nr. tiling a . i . - . 'V1 ,,"WLUU,,!- nit'u"rv wao si v las , ay mate, uuc cni zeas i ; Ehi'iitZ'T, after talkitiji over ' ... allair, deciped the boy 011. I to be punished in some ma e. They came to Knox-i!h-aal consulted with At tor si e; (ieiicral Mynatt. (Jen. My. n it .-Hid Judo-e Ciiundler consul-t'-l .- ti'is ipieutlv a: I it waM a-e-fi -I'd to pi, tee a muni"!' charge against the l id in the juvenile com t. The parents of the boy were dincted loLiyehini in juvenilo court at nine o'clock t'8terdoy moiTiiuej. j Starts Much Trouble. j If ill! people knew that nt'olcctof j constipation .. ould result in suvtae ir, !i;;csti() !, yellow jaundice or yie ld nt liver ti uible tlicy would soon ia. c Hi. -.sling's .New Life I'il's, and end it. Its the only safe way. 1 5; st for biliousness, luadache, dys. ;--a;d 1. chills and debility, : 5c at ; 1! drueefists. ri.'idy, the volume of imports will be curtailed for the simple rea son that the Chinese consumer I can nor purchase Hour at a price much above' thn present quota tions, whether there is riceornot For ihe time beiny; advance con tra"! s will probably prevent any increase in price to shut off the volume ot imports coming to Honir Kemp; arid some of the cen tral china ports, but, it is under stood that northern China anil Man .''iuriu.ii p irts are largely .vb hie it fut are contracts, aatl are su' jeet. to market ilUct.UaHollS. uo. iu.i .:-, j. . ir ji. tin. ':;:;;;;::: ;.::r: i:;::r: ! , Ai ,'t :i t :!' :i.O'.i "i.; ,;:-;. ttm -i 1 . 1 1. 1: t . 1 ... Ji 1 iv. T;i v.'ilH i iic i"iii:."i."it ir.-f'i stum fjiv." ij. -A .V.' 1 iv. TC. v.'ilH ti hi A ii'i,'i;1!..'ih: ff. tt-.Y..-'. a -day 'mi! i 1 ii: I thi:i uutv or T.i:i i. '. ltu.4.u'n, t.--.vb. rn, Ti.C. .vri't : : I.. ,l- ii--'1 ..: o.-.ci ? e." : ..n;( i. !'i- , '..., iliiT. iviu B.i.n..!t nml l,:nv l 'le it ' I' M :; . :u. ,.' ti:.',' n V & !. ..lly !..;.. I.y-lev .-.I lint your i .11 Mi.T. a .'.r t- '-fCi.':..- ' 1 il c, 1. 1 1-, ' .1 l.'.t. ir..:.-. (it t,UU'!i." u '-.f. J'.ni: :ltlf i.l this iCft '!.;;, 'Tit F "V-- .-.0" , . .UM''-.: I." ifwyn-.j..-. :'Ksirl.--?J!l CURES SWINNEY. t S.SheUon, Ki!!. N.C.. writeat i a vci -y ViilKiitiic norso lur sxvituu'y ntui it 3 etircil" it. Liiwnys kep it in my st-'tlilf nnd E? thiukitt'HMvst i:iiimc!u iiirriihS'iiiiipaiia fc-tJ N t'x 6 ri mivj a p.m iKr; Mr. W. V. Clifton, Raleigh, N. C, wrJte: r "l l'.ffp a nottie ot jviexicpn ttiiu--.:nnR fi T,:.i "Tii'tit :n mv lnuiFe (.vnlirtiilty tor gvn .j crlv.c. ItvM'.ic thir.jj i;i t!ie world W for Cuts, Ilurns and Bruises." .HV I.-. :"c V.'.'lS t'i'fi:! Ltfly 1 curcti- it .- ; i;:v in rrij it jjh niij ut-iu. p. - p,n r s fit f.-i.j H rCMLO'-'Ni'TbTiXCS. tj I i I t It amitiins no alcohol ana so cannot iVJ sting in lhm.i of open wounds or burns. E n( Soo'ihcsMd cools at once- Just try it I 25c. 50c. $1 a bottle at Drua &. Gen. Storct i .......

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