ill) VOL. XXIV liOONE. WATAUGA COUNTY. TIIUKSDAY. AUGUST 15 1012. NO.l. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTQR1 A Furniture Having purchased all thestock in the business of tin Boone Fur niture Co., I am prepared to fell you anything in my line tit a very reasonable figure. Dressers, Bureaus, Chairs. Red Steads, Bed Springs, Matrresses, etc. Give ine a fall when in ned of any thing in the line of furniture. SStorein Watauga County Bank Building. Resictfnliv, JESSE F. BOBBINS. PROFESSIONAL VETERINARY SURGERY. I have tiren putting uuch study on this subject: have received my diploma, and aiu now well equipped (or the praotine of Veterinary Sur gery in nil Its brandies, and am the only one in the county, all 011 or address me at Vilas, N. . K. F. 1). 1. G. H. HAYES, Veterinary Surgeon. 6-17-'ll. Ir. E M. MADRON. DENTIST. Sugar (irove. North Carolina, A11 work done under guar antee, and best mutenal used. 4-13-'ll. E. S. COFFEY, ATlORSEi Al LA 11', BOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to ill matters of a legal nature. VS Abstracting titles and collection of claims a special l-l'll. Dr. Nat. T. Dua r e. SPECIALIST - EYK, KAR; HOSK. THROAT AMD CHKBT EYK9 BXAMIHKD FOR GLASSES FOURTH STREET Eristol, Tenn.-Va. EDMUND JONES LA1 YEK -LENOIR. N. C- Will Practice Regularly in the Courts oi Watauga, 6.1 Mi. "7 L, D. LOWfj ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNER ELK, N. C. Will practice in the courts Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining Counties. 7-6.'u F. A, LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the 13th Judicial District hi al matters of a civil nature. 6-11-1911. 7C. FLETCHER" Attorney At Law, BOONE, N. C. Careful attention riven to oiieetions. E. F. Lovill. W. R. Lovill. Lovill & Lovill Attorneys At Law -BOONE, N. . Special attention given to all business entrusted to their care. . 7-0-'10. Bt-ltmontU Failure. Afhevilie Citizen. "Bryan nominated Woodrow Wilson" is an expression one of ten hears on the afreets and tn public place, and it in a tate ment that has not been denied, for the pimple reason that it is th plain, unvarnished tnih. It is an old torv m.w, hut t ill one that w ill lear rejei i tion . that M r. Bryan himself w as a strong pre, identinl posKibilitv at Haiti more until the eventful hour when he threw d' flanj-e in the teeth of the Rysn-Belmont -Murphy inter ests. Since the echoes of the Bnlti more convention have died awav 6ome interesting light has been shed on the attitude of the si nia ter inHienees we have mentioned Belmont testifying at Washing ton th other day admitted that he had cien $2."0,000 to the Al ton B. Parker campaign fund in 1 904. Let ns he frank and Pay that a man of Beltmont's influ ence and standing did not give a quarter of a million dollars for nothing. Heexpectpd something from the laird of Esopus and he would doubt long have gotten it, bad not Parker been the worst defeated candidate of the present generation So ithappened that when Judge Parker defeated Bry an for the temporary chairman ship at Baltimore last June thp Bellmont Rvan-Murphy crowd was controlling the convention, Bryan saw that fact about as quicklv as did anybody else, nnd perhaps more quickly. He saw that such influences, if allowed to rnn on unchecked, would mean another defeat for the Democratic party, especially in view of the fact that the shadow of Roose velt ns a presidential candidate was looming heavilv on the hori zon. With the choice of the inter i srs victorious then. Roosvplt's election was more than a possi bility. ftrvrtrt. hoinc en lionet Pto. rrnr. and do'rons of party suc cess, ha' no other alternative than to throw his own chances into the fire hr chnmpionip"' the cnne f another. He "os thn. perhnno tho rr9t annsntionnl fi nr-p that omr held fho ettention of a ratio- al coi'venfion and throw down the gauntlet. TT-" nomod th nnhlv powers thnt held thp contortion in theirhnnds TJron, Belmont and Mnrphv. All throe "-pro dploratns and wore pointed out bv the Nebrnskon. Thpv wcro thee representing the selfish intorests. monor. corpor ations, overcnnitnlizntinn nnd evev ot'opr evil connpetpd w'th orfranizod prpod nndpr which the country hns suffered so long. At snob a crisis thp most avail nble men wn Woodrow Wtlson nnd rn him Rrvnn centered all of h;j oTPnr, i flpnce Not onlv wa th pw .Terepv governor, as he is tonv. free from all obliga tion to the interests whirh Tlrvan fought, bnt bp "as. and is bitter ly opnosed bv thpm. Thov had lonnht as thov are ptill fighting W'leon at everv turn; theircrent wealth hns been ponrod out n nn measured strpams to bead off the nomina tion of their bittprost.pne mv. To Wilson Bryan pinned his faith. The resf ol the storv is known throughout the worl '. D. C. Bybee, teaming contractor living at 669 Keeling Tourf, Can, ton 111., is now wjII rid of a severe and annoying case of kidney tou ble- His back pained and he wis bothered with headaches and diz zy spells. ''1 took Foley Kidney Pills just as directed and in a few days 1 felt much better. My life and strength seemed to come back, and I sleep well. I t?m now all oy er my trouble and glaH to raccomend Foley Kidney Pills." Try ihem. For sale by all dealers. Vrijo?d Heart With Guld Wire. New York Iiint-h, 2nd. An aneurism op-ration w a s lerforniel lnie Wpdnesd.iy after' noon in lit Heme Ilosjutaj by Ir. William C. Lusk, in which ,'tGj fe-t of pold wire was wrapped nrimnfl tbia nurftl n.,,1 i I sent through the wire, whit h re-i lured the sweJIinj; of the artery sufficiently to allow it to tor form its natural functions. The operation was in IheCrane room nnd wm wit m-sied by the medical family of Bellevne and about ."() of the leadingBiirjjeons of New York No anesthetic was used during the operation, the incision, which was madp in the back of the patient, lietween the h'fih and sixth ribs, beinir "pray e.J wirh cocaine leaving the pati ent conscious. At the end of the operation, whirh lasted about 4 hours, Dr. Lusk expressed him self as satisfied, and while the op eration is not looked upon as a life saver it is expected to pro lonir the life ol the putient. The patipnt who underwent the operation is 0-car Nielson, 50 years old, a rabinet maker, who was taken from the IVnnslvania Hotel, Thirty-fifth street and Eightavroue, on July 16. He was examined by several surgeon who said the chse was hopeless. Dr. Lunk was called in and after an examination decided there was a possible chance. The pa tient was found to be suffering from a swelling of the aorlo, which had gi own to such an ex tent that it was only a question of a short time when the. vessel would break causing death. The patient was told of the risk of an oeration, but readily con sented. He was taken into the operating room on a stretcher, weak and suffering. An exami nation was made by Dr. Lusk, who announced that the admin istering of an anasthetic such as erher or chloroform would be a a needless risk, and he decided to substitute cocam. The gold wire, attahpd to a can ula needle was run through nnd wrapper around the aorta, the swelling of which had increas ed it to five or nix inches in diam eter. The wire used by Dr. Lusk was thinner than a human hair, and pftor it had been wound around the artery like aspring, the end in the needle was taken out and attached to an electrical machine the current of which was t urned on and sent through the wire. The electricity hardened the ar tery and in a short time the fruits of the operation were wit nessed by, those present. The blood started to circulate freely through the aorta, which was be ing strengthened by the wire and electricity reducing the swelling and at the same time allowing the heart to perform its func tions. The patient was under observa tion for a period after which the wound was closed. The wire will act as a sort of artifical wall and will hold the curreut for an inde. finate length of time. This is the the second operation of its kind performed in this country. Indian Killed On Track. Near Rochelle, 111., an Indian went ti sleep on a railroad train and was killed by the fast express He paid oi his carelessness with his life. Often its that way when people neglect cony lis and colds, don't risk your life when prompt use of Dr. King's New Discovery will cure them and so prevent a dan gerous throat or lung trouble. "I completely cured ine, in a short lime, or a terrible cough that fol-j lowed a severe attack of Grip,'' i wiites J. R. Watts, lloydale 'lex., ' nnd I gained 15 pounds in weight that I had lost." Quick, safe, relia ble and guaranteed. 30. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at nil druggists. UomeTelt's I'Utfurm. Chariot t OWrver. In Win "rontefc-Mon ol faith,'" as he rails ir, Mr. Kuosevelt takes n pretty ra ik view ulnorae of the economic questions ol the day, being in part rankiy populii-tic and agrtin in part rather social- tic. Having lieen whipped out in Chicago, the Colonel very frauk-J ly says that He can look lor 110 help from thd Republican pni ty or, machine as be puts it. Nat urally he could expert none from the Democratic party, so it was to have been exacted that he would kick these hiiks aside and invite the people to walk up to a feast of the real thing acorns. Rut. while Mr. Roosevelt would go to extremes in some things, he is Houud on some questions. He would have effectiveand com plete regulation of the trusts by like powers exercised over the railroads by Hie Interstate Com merce Commission and over the national banks by the Compt roller of the Currency. To this end. he advocates the creation of a Nationl Industrial Commission butitBeernstousthepresent pow ers could be extended in influence to reach the desired objects. He is strongly in favor of the recall of judge, which he thinks is nei ther a doctrine of anarchy or socialism, but rather a correc tive of both. He wants Federal co-operation in the important matter o) enlarging our foreign commerce and we take it tliHt by his recommendation of the Euro pean system that he favors lib eral government subsidies. He would have publicity applied to wage scales and other labor data and would have wage commis sion to take complete charge of the business of the factories aud shops and industries ol the coun try. He would, in short, have governmental control of al! in duH'rial business, a species of socialism for which he ofiers no qualifying cause. The Colonel would have, the breath of life blown into his de fence t Country LifeCoinniission, whose death, besays, was a great blow to the people. If we recollect aright, the killingof this commis sion marked the bf ginning of the between Roosevelt and Tuft. As to the cost of high living, The' Colonel says the Republican rem edial promise is not worth the paper it is printed upon the party is such a liar and it is hopeless to turn to the Democrats for relief To reach the seat of trouble, r he would have fearless intelligent and searching inquiry, followed by effective legislation. All the people could adopt Roosevelt's plank on conserva tion, but there is no necessity for that, as it is promised by both the older parties. Roosevelt affirms that he is not a theorist, hut that his con victions on the troubles of tha country have been arrived at after much careful study and ex perience and t hat there was never a fight better worth makingthan the one which he hasmnppedout and which he is to lead. Flying Men Fall yictims to stomach, liver and kid ney troubles just like other people, with like results in loss of appetite, backache, nervousness, headache, and tired, listless, run down feeling. But therere's no need to feel like that as T. D. Peebles, Ilenrv. Ten. proved. "Six bottles of Electric Bitters" he writes, "did more to give me new strength and good ap petite than all other stomach reme dies I used." So they help every body. Its folly to suffer when this great remedy will help you from the first dosa. Try it Only 50 cents at Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA From tbe Tea ef Agvi Citura. Mr. Kin-roil: The two ereat parties of the nation have held their conventions, udopied plat funus and rhohoii their leaders, and they are iow saving to the people We will give 3011 relief " It appear from tho iiewxpnpers from every part of these I'njted States are, ami have been, de ceived and imposed upon by the legislation of the htatea and na tion by fhe corporations, trusts linff fnmiiiv nriiiilk'niiu iliatr are restljHH and discontented and are calling lor aud demand ing relief from the powers. No wonder the laboring claswes of j the nation have become so , WTIUrht 11 n tn kpo the crimes, crookedneH9 and frauds of the oes higher up the Governors of theSt.ntes, Con gressmen and judges of the Cui tod States. If the President or ex- President of t he United Sttits are either guilty of the crimes that they have charged each oth er with, both ought to be in some lonely prison or banished from civilization. 1 suppose that the new third that was launched in Chicago on Aug. 5, adopted a platform that will promise the people temporal relief, ut least. The United States Senate has taken from Senator Lorrimer. of 111., bis Senatorial toga, and I would tie nurprised if some one who sit in judgment ugainst him, if the light could be turned on, was not as guiltv as he was. From reading the State pa pers and talking with the people, I find that there is an idea am ong them that there is some need ed additional leginlation, and changes in some of our State laws, an well as in ihe manage ment of oitie of our county af fairs. Some say one thing and some say another, and Ihavede cided to submit a plan to the people of W ataug county that I think would be thethink would be the thing to get Buch amend ments made. Iet the voters in each township, irrespetive of po litical affiliations, convene in n mass meeting in their respective townships and agree upon such things as they want or need, and foiinnlate a platform in writing, and let. each township appoint a committee say 4, (5 or 8. equal ly divided between Democrats and Republicans, to a county meeting at Boone, and t here let thedeligates from the various townships draft a county plat form. Then let each party sub mit it to their respective candi dates to sigu and pledge them selves to make an honest effort to get them enacted into law. So, uow, if the people of the county think the plan a wise one, let us hear from them in short articles in the Democrat. Very respectfully, W. W. PRKSNELL. Hay fever and asthma make Au gust a month of intense suffering to many people. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound gives pi orapt case and relief, and is soothing and heal ing to the inflamed membranes. Wm. M. Merethew, N. Searsport, Me., says: "A few doses of Foley's Hon ey and Tar Cotrmound relieved me of a severe attack of asthma and less than a bottle caused a complete cure. Refuse substitutes. For sale by all dealers. Some folks who boast of having "sand" haven't enough t o sand their tracks when they feel them selves slipping. Robert VV. Herter, Lawrencevi'le Mo., who had been bothered with kidney trouble for two years, says; "I tried three different kinds of kid ney piUs but with no relief. Mv neighbor told me to use Folev Kid ney Pills. 1 took three bottles of them, and got a permanent cure. I reccomend them to everybody." For sale bv all dealers. The Switxerlnl f Auerie. H jrryiripli, in Lenuir Topir. People who have never visited the beautiful Blowing Rock coun try do not know what a storage battery of health, recuporHtion and real natural enjoyment m here in this wonderful country of sublim e grandeur. It mutt be seen to be fully ap predated. Tbe scenery is ol awe-inspiring beau ty. The Master hand ha sprin kled loveliness upon every moun tain arid hill top. It is here in the workshop of the clouds that tbe Divine artUt fashions the va por as to Hiin. cmethbect;iuU the clouds with prismatic colore; loads them with their cargo of jeweled rain drojw; and whisper the breezes into blowing lann that starts and moves them in their journey down the moun tains mto th. yalleys and across the face of the earth. With the thermometer frisking in the UO'e nnd fo'n; the breezes blowiug like they came across the sea m their refreshing coolness; air -as exhiieratingne if breathing cham pagne; crystal water as coll a ice, from mountain spriugs; sleep ing under blankets, and reposing in restful recreation these are some of the delights in the Swit serlarid of America; the grand and wonderlul Blowing Rock country; and some of fehe advan tages of Green Park Hotel which now has a charming circle of gu sts and more comiugin every day. Mr. Henry Williams, of t h j Richland nection, some ten milt's down the mountain, was at the Green Park today and telle me that on Thursday last that see tion waa visited by a hail storm the like of which he haa never seen before in his whole life, and he is now sixty years old. The area covered by the storm ww about four miles wide and eight miles in length. They were uot ordinary huil stones, but were in sheets nearly as large as your hund and in crystals of all shnpefl, from "frog's feet to stars," iethe way he expressed it. It trimmed off vegetation as if cut, off with a knife. Window lights were broken in many houses, and in some in stances shingles were torn from the houses. The fruit suflered greatly. The damage can hardly be estimated Rest a While. You are wearing out the vital forces faster than there is any need, and in this way subtract ing years from the sum total of your life. The ruah and worry, day after day, this restlase anxi ety lor somothi ug you have mt got, is like pebble stones inmach inery they grate tvnd grind tbe life out of you. You have use less burdens throw them oif. You have a great deal of useless care dump it. Pull in the strings; take time for thought, of better things. Go out into the air and let God's aun shine down upon your busy head. Stop grumbling nt adverse providen ces. You will probably never ea much better times in this doom ed world; and your most oppor. tune season is. now, your hup piestdav is today. Calmly k your duly and let Uod take care of his ow 11 world. He is HtiH a live and is the King. Do not im agine that things will go to ev erlastmg smash when you dissa petir from the mortal 9tage. Da not fancy that the curse of heav en, in the shape of the vain task ol righting up a disjointed wth is imposed upon you. Cee U fret and fume; cease to jump and worry early and late. Theooif time is coming, but you can nev. er bring it. God can and wiH; take a breath, sit down and rest and take a long hreath. Then go ralmty to the task of life, and do your own work well. Uani'a Horn. FOLEY'S OmOlMBE

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