rtis Watauga Dsn) serai it ')', .V. ( ;ts smtri'l Willi 111.it tor. slTHsriM'TlOX KATES: t)nr- yi'.ir UtO. s'n Months ,'o. 'Lnf months .i'.T. . 1 it rortiAiwrrn tos tiirmshwl on nnplic.it ion. LOCAL NEWS. Horn to Mr. and M--8. Y. Graga baly girl. The Fail Term of the A T. S. will oen on Tuesday, August 20. Littt "Ted" Ha nan N some what letter, but 19 still a vrry sick child. State Hank Examiner Hub bard, of KehNville. inspected Ihw IuchI banks the first of the week. Meat Camp is having an epi demic of whooping cough just now. Itev. W. U. Savage announc es that he will preach in thr Epis copal church in Boone next Suu day at 11 o'clock, The corpse of engineers on the Virginia-Carolina Railroad speut Sunday night at tin; Crit cher Hotel. Miss Sullie Hay left Sunday for Vale, Avery county, where she began school Monday morn ing. Carpenters are now at work putting quite an addition to the residence of Mr. L. L. Critcher in East lkione. J. B. Horton and wife, of El kin, have been at the home of Mr. J. C. Horton on New River for the past few day. Mrs. llollowav has not been quite ao well for a few days, but she is again improving, ami with no further relapse, she will soon be up again. Mr. and Mis. S. L. Holler and family, of North Wilkesboro, passed through town Tuesday on their return from a visit to relatives on Cove Creek. William Gragg aud family lelt yesterday for Bristol nndoth r points n Tenn. and Virginia, where they will spend a short while with relatives and frinds. Glad to know that Julius C. Blair, who has been ill of fever in the Fool Hills Sanitorium in Le noir for some time is improving right along now. Mr. Theodore Moretzof Meat Camp township, took his wife to a Bristol hospital Monday for treasment. Hope to hear that the good lady has received per manent relief. -Friend Ed. Shull, of Hicko ry, came up Saturday to meet his wife and cuildren who have been with relatives at Suther land, leaving for their home ear ly Monday morning. Don't forget that yon are in vited to be present attheMason ie picnic on the 30th, with a bas ket of lunch. The singing class of orphans from the Oxford Or phanage will add to the pleasure of the occasion. Dr. C- J. I'arlier, of Blowing Hook, passed through Lenoir lust Sunday ou his way to Charlotte for treatuieut. He was accompanied by Dr. Alfred Mordecai to Charlotte aud to this place by his brother, Mr. Elisha Par leir and mother of Wilkesboro. Dr. Parlier't health is uot improving as fast as his friends would wUh. Le noir Mews. HUE JOB WOEK At The Vim Printshcp ELK PARK. N. C. Prices reasonable. Workguar anteed. Service prompt. Give us a trial. FOIXY'S OMOiAXATOE ' Mm. W. !:. liv;:i I mrn.-n-J ltv.i .1 f.v ! i'a W,.X to J.tr mii'luT, !rv M;iry SmiM-ila.-.d, in A-he count r. j Tin iiKMiiti-TH of iho Maxorsie fraternity nn requested to l j pn s iit at the picnic ground on ; Sntmday morning iii'xr pr.par--d to l;ilp in cleaning nfft he grounds preparatory to holding I tlie picnic nu tin 'Mth. Mis- Mi lire Rowland, of Char j lotte, who lias .(tent a week wi:lt her mint. Mrs. .Inine Winkler jlefi Sunday for her In an-. She will go at once to Atlanta, (ia., to rMini" h r millinerv woik iu ' that ci t v. Editor Rice, of the .ver- . Vim, was iu town yesterday so j liciting job work, lie is certainly turning out a nice line of work, and you will do well to iuvesti- gate his prices tor anything iu the job-print line. A biuull ad- iu this isue. Ir. H. K. Boer, Missionary i Secretary for the Western North Carolina Conference, will pnacii in the MetiHHlist church in Boone on the night ot Aug. 22, and at Henon"s Cliuppel m the 2lth ami 2oth. Dr. Boyer will he ac c anpanied by the Rmv. M. II. Vea tal. Presiding Elder ot the North Wilkesboro Dist. on his visit to the mountains. Mr. Lester Sengraves. of Ashe county, w as married on Sun day, the 4th lust, to Miss Lillie Combs, of Amatitha.thiscouuty. The couple lelt Monday morning lor Ashe where they will make their future home. The groom is a spleudid young man and for a long while a student at the A. T, S., and is to be congratulated on securing for his bride one of Wa tauga's fairest and most popu lar young ladies. Prof. Rugau, of Tulane Uni versity, New Orleans, who, with his wife and daughter is spending the summer at the home of Mr, J. M. Shull at Valle Cruris,, was in town u few hour." Tuesday. The committee has bean lortu n ite enough to engage him as one of the speakers at the Mason ic dicnic iu Boone ou the 30th inst. A great educator and a Ma son high up in the Order. His speech will doubtless be a litera ry feast. Messrs. It. B- I'harr, editor of the North Wilkesboro Hust- iler, W. and Claudius Miliar, and Misses Jeanie aud Nettie Sinoak, mid Kate Cm nor, all of the Wilkeshoros, spent Sunday night in town, en route to Blowing Rook, Liuville and Grandfather moutain. A .happy, jolly compa ny ir was. Miss Jessie moak will he ri-memhere by many of our people, as she taught here in the summer term ol t he A. T. S. in 1910 For some time we have been expecting tin accident as a re sult of chaffeurs 'speeding' their machines over our fine roads and on last Sunday afternoon our fears were realized. As a machine was spinning down the 'pike at a two-forty gate, it ran down, crushed and mangled almost be yund recognition sa I to tell a hay rooster. And the parting with a 23 cent coin by the afore said auroinobihst as damages im mediately followed, as a toll for his wreckless driving. It is indeed gratifying to know that all our best people (of course the little kickers are in evidence) are much interested iu our couuty fair, and are chip ping in their means right lively to make VV atauga's first fair a success. The Secretary is receiv ing tnauy encouraging letters, with cash enclosed. L"t others who intend to contribute do so at once, as the time is uot far dis tant when all of the finances should be in the hands of the Treasurer. Let the members of the Executive Committee in the various townships of county get busy and stay busy until the sue cess of the fair is acertainty. On ly about six weeks now remain in which to work und there it a great deal of it to he done. V.'orl i, i: l-iua I-uc onj th Sum 'ut'nt! l-.r '.' !Vhilj !;.xiti- i ii.Mii. :. "H i jr iiiiMjr, j W. I.. I'.rv.iii. , went to -al I ! Crmi lat (i Iviiti l un-lias"l j H'-MTllI UlIiS III I t. Il. lit I incKl to hj-ihI in iti roust rurt ion, and tla same are Umii mad this vfk. Mr. iSrymi uks tli.it all t 'ins v!io have Mij'iscriln'ii tot he I hind send it in at ono.-. an I ear in-s'ly rpi. sts fnrrher help, n ' nun h of th iiivded amount is ma yei iu tis;in ami no wiiiies ioi rouiplete it just es soon ns pos-j sihle. John K. II oil ire I'anrt. On Vilui Kday evening ot lat week, alter a prolonged iilnes, John R- Hodges, oueol the most aged citizer.H in thecounty. pass ed to the Great Beyond almost instantly at his home iu Elk towndiip, ha vhig rounded out a little more than 10 years. He was, in many resp-cN a most wonderful man. Possessing fine natural s -ue, he iiccinnira'ed good estate, aud though looking well to his own interest in mat ters, yet he was t he soul of Ims pitally at his bountiful home, as no wayfaring man was ever re fused food und shelter when he sought it of him, whether high or low, rich or poor. lie wns a good thinker and always took a lively interest in all public mat ters that looked to the better ment of his cuanty or State, un til the itilirmaties of ol I age for bade, lie was a great friend, and in some instances was almost un unrelenting foe. 'Sipiire Hodges was possibly the oldest memoer of Watauga Lodge, -21 'A. A. F. &. A. and the remains were laid to rest with Masonic honors near the old hoim; on Friday, Watauga and Aslar lodges joining in the ceremonies, a large eoueour.se ol sorrowing Irind and relatives he inu present. Indeed a good, qui et, Inoffensive citizen has passed to his teward. Per8onatg from Aumntha Co ye ('reek high school opened Monday with a large attendance Mr. and Mrs. George Uingham have returned from Lenoir. Miss Mary Sitt is visiting rel atives at New M uket, Tenn. Miss lUaueliK Dawxon is visit ing at the home of Mrs. X. L. Mast I his week, and Miss Marga ret le ( omhsat Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs Tom Williams en tertained the "."00" Club last Thursday night. Mr. Sol Holler a nd family, ol Wilkesboro, who have been vis if in iu this section have return ed home. MA RULE Mr. R. J Clarke, of the Miller-Reins Marble Co , of Lenoir, will be in I'.oone during the first week of court and will be pleased to see all who are in need of anything in the marble line. The prices he will make will be below competition. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Voters of Watauga Couutv Two yenrt) ayo 1 stated to many, and at various times and places, that 1 would not be a candidate for Bher- iff again, that I thought two terms enough, however after beingsolicited by many of the very best cituens iu thin Couuty of both political parties, in every township, I have at last con sented to make the race for Sheriff again, this step has not been hastily taken on my part, after recieving the faithlull support of the majority of the voters cf Watauga Couuty here tofore, 1 feel that 1 should not be unmindful of their wishes now, and it is for the splendid support I liuve heretofore ree.ieved, that! bow to the wishes of my friends, in both politi cal parties, I have tried the very best I knew to serve the people faithfully without regard to any mans polities, and if elected will do the same to the end, only having in view the very best service within luy power to all the people all the time. Aug 13 11)12. D. C UAGAN. FARM FOR SALE. Containing 2'2 acres. lying on Brushy Fork, near church, store, school, etc (iood dwelling and outhouses of all kinds; fine young orchard f 50 trees and one of the best springs in the county ( ..uonwirWo Toi-ma rf srIp fin. I sy. If you are on the market tor an ideal mountain home, call on or address F. C. WARD. AI'PAl.A- :n.N "i ii A I M N i ! M'lini,! i A Mi-i.-t! r. . r- f.ir l.uMlf f'lionl ti .-Hit If ;;:i li iliiiil a e.nli trim A l-Mir j r:tr i- Mir t:i-n in lit hil:i-r l-raiia-lii lu-f ruim-i 1:1 tici-ii- i- I mi -M !j mi i JliTl.-iM-.-il inn ! r. A I'liiiif! IM i itiTt'Tf !. Ii..-lni tn ii jil I.,-ii in iaiu tintf ' H ! ii Iu;ii- rn:l t-"!ir. in I itiit-Fiii ;ruc u,i,.r mi i-i ' I J l-ai-h r. I l-'ull liii u.i..T I 'iv An.. I Kn-li ir- tl.-i utit-il on the liiif lr ei-il:iU.V. Ai!.ri-h; SKCKKTAUV UK FA I I.TY. Farms for Sale. I have it l.irjje list of f.'iinis lor mile in Grassy Vh I nml in vicinity of Coiii'oril, 'IV i Hi Ninil in this m ii.li ImrhiMxl is -trotii;. lay well u'nl in well whTpiviI. Send your nd lren to me nml 1 will uiiii! to you free 11 jirint etl lint ileM-rilniitf lurins with jirices on e.-.cli. Ti.i seel ion is well sii'ilieii w ith jirmleil I'liKViilriini..' .1 roiuU, sell, nils 11 iiil -!iiir'lies. ('lit tliismit lor yon nmy w itiit I lie ndaresn later mi. J. e!iiJ Hrown. )'. O. Ho So. I ill. one rl. 1 Jii!i. i kl .lm:ie i.. AT FHE RACKE1 Y mi can get the following g a ids at the lowest pr.re ever goods ere sold in Doone: 8 jt. Dish 1'an 10c ." liucket 10c J (Jallon Cup 7c Patty Pans Masons Blacking ile (J inch liK s Tic S " " for j:v 12 " " 'J " -J."c lOmery Scythe Stones ."ic Local View l'ot Cards 1c Numerous other useful articles at as low prices as quoted above Come to see me when in town. My lunch table is ready lor you if you arp hungry. Kesiiectfullv, K.'m. GItEKNE. KOKSALE: Four dandy good work mules; a yoke of work c it tie hi line shape; three good milk cow s; some harness and two wag ons. Will give good time with se cured paper. M. E. I'UOFFIT, Banner Elk, X. C. ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 hereby announce mywdf a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds of Watauga county; subject to the action of the Dem ocratic County Convention. If nominated and elei-ted I will cer tainly do uiv best to make the people an efficient officer. Oux G. Win kha ntiF.it. THE NORTH CAROLINA State formal and IndustrialCoNege Maintained by the State lor the women of North Carolina- Five regular courses lending to (ie- agrees . Special courses forteach- ei'S- r ree tuition to those wim agree to become teachers in the state. Fall session begins Sep tember 1M, 1912. 1-orcatalogue and other information, address, Julius I. Foust. Pres. Greensboro. N. C Entry Notice No. 2T1 1. State of North Carolina Watau ga County. Office of Entry Ta ker for said county. L. G. Maxwell locate" and enters ten (10) acres of land on "the wa ters of Mi ado Creek in Stony Fork township. Reirinning on a maple tree Elzy Phillips corner then west with said Phillips line to the line of th Ilnlcher mill , tract t hen S with the Hnh-her line I to stake on side ot a hill, near! wher Thomas Jackson now lives , then various courses to L. G. Max 1 stoves, found in this section, and at prices that can uot be dupli wells line then with said line tocatej tli;v where. We invite von r investigation Ve lieginning. UitereU .i uiv 1012. II. J. Hakoin' Entry Taker. NOTICE North Carolina, Watauga County, In the Superior Court, Fall Term, l'Jl'J, Franklin L. Roiuinger vs. Sarah Koiuinger. The (letVniliiiit above named will take notice that an action entith.'l as above lias been I'-oiuiiieiHwrt in the Superior Court of Watauga County for the purpose of dissolving: the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and defendant in this action: And the defendant Sarah Roiuiner will fur tuci Hint, ii ui . . n.iv o v. j .. . v v t0 appear at the next term ot the Su perior Court of Watauga County, U ther take notice that she is required be held on tho first Monday in Sep. teuiber, 1912. at the court house of jor demur to the complaint in said 'action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded iu said complaint. This 30 day of May. I Idli. VALLE niKlS VALLE CIIUCIS, N. C. Manufacturers of V.'ACONS, GENLUAL KKI'AIIIING MATCHING li::ii:i:i: A.- ktc, V'u have ju-t comiiktt'ii a lot c f wr.ons which are ui-t.p-ihte in all the desiraldv i':ulitKs of a f'rst class vu2rn. Come, let us sell you on and le t-orvh-ced. WARNERS RUST m ( mi Full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Dress Goods etc. in stock that are going at money-saving prices. We carry the best line of shoes to be found in the village, -as our many pleased customers will attest, and the prices are almost below competition. If you need anything in the line of good, General Merchandise don't fail to give us a call. Hardware in the greatest abundance. All kinds of good produce taken at highest market prices. Verv truly Yours, JOHN W. .TIODGES & GO. Think Before Acting. If you will only do so the undersigned is confident you will investigate his line of general merchandise before sen ding your orders to the catalogue houses. I can supply your needs. My entire stock of goods will be sold at such close margins that you cannot afford to pay the postage and run the risk of getting your goods soiled and possibly lost. You can find a great many things in my stock I will sell you for less than the wholesale prices of today; a great many articles will remain the same as the cut prices made during my sale days. The Cut Prices Will Remain On a large assortment of clothing Dress goods Hats Shoes and etc. All new goods just received from the wholesale dealers will be sold so close that you will think you are buying them at the wholesale prices. I will not multiply words further at this time; All I ask is a fair trial I cordi ally invite one and all to come and see for yourselves. Than king you for past favors I assure you I will appreciate your business. Most Respectfully, 31. K. BLACKBIM. W. R. STOFFEL HARDWARE CO. INCORPORATED MOUNTAIN CITY, TENN. HARDWARE Farming Impliisients of Every Kind MILL SUPPLIES, WAGONS, BFGGIFS, HARNESS, SADDLES, PAINTS & OILS. ALL KINDS OF GRASS SEED. ALL GRADES OF FERTILIZER, AND LAND PLASTER. AMERICAN WOVEN AND RAIlliED WIRE, NAILS, WINDOWS, DOORS, CULTIVAT. 0RS, A COMPLETE LINE OF PLOWS AND REPAIRS. We have a large stock of the ahove items, and can save you money on same. We also carry the line of Steel runges and cook N. L, Mast, Pies. G. P. IIag.vman, Cash W. C. Coffky, V. P. J. M. May, Ass't.Cush WATAUGA COUNTY BANK B00NE, N. C. Capital $12,000.00 Surplus $5,000.00 This institution is owik-d and controlled by the following stockhol ders: J. II. Mast, J. W. Horton, L. A. Greene, T. P. Adams, W L. Hendrix, W. C. Coffey, N. L.,Mast,.I. M. May, D. F. Horton, W. F. Sherwood, Dr. E. F. JJinghamA. N. Mast, Hagaman & Go. W 8 Harmon, W. B. ihiird, C. D. Taylor. W. E. Shipley, Dr.H. 15. Perry.E. S. Coffey, J G.Hagataui, A. J Moretz. G. C. Green, J. M. WtUbo'rn, John W. Hodfcres, Dr. U. McD Little, T. A. Critcher, Kimber Johnson, Miss J. Jennie Coffey, J. W. Farthing. Miss Mattie G. Curtib. D. I) Donyherty a.id B.1J Dougher. WE ESPECIALLY INVITE COUNTY WACOX SHOP PROOF CORSET We cany a nice line of V.'anitrs Kust Proof Cor sets. Every one guanji tced. Ranging in price from 50 cents to $1.50 each You will do well to exam ine them lefore you buy. The.e are tie best, as well as most healthful corsets on the market, and are -lire to please you. Noth ing to compare with them ir. town. THE BUSINESS OF OUR PEOPLE. Viliis, N. C. VV T). f ARTHGS'O! C l