I :! 11 1 i Published Every Thursday MllhCMJlUt. Speak! T1m ft nt:tutiuiislaHi ndii.t-nt which diff niiitt:Mi iii- rsi t coln'i-.l r.'fr. and '! po-h fi.il inn Uw of North Ctrol ua hnve loth j.ri.vru :). ir tiM-!u!it m- in lvtteriiit: - i. li tiou in this -tt. B f'r thf auuir! in lit whs Ji;im-! the inborn:. t nt ro in ';;ti- vs. .uc t the t;r--ilt't mens'-" t pnfc irnvf rmiifiit. Thf oi.lv wnv. it fffim'i! iu mrn-jiuf tfifi!ain.'fn w-1 -.iuut ii.iu out t io But iff.r uimi m.! ivcr thf tatf tfi-t ir.i! ..I 'lvi.,-t.....'r.,ilI.v..,, uvor.-Mif tji'r v..tcr at.vi thf .inifiKiiiifi.t Wiin:n . .. ;"i""-J TliftHllHUt AcikW V.ut ti. UI..1 . ; that thf !iiii"i,!iir'vt w:i Uv. :ilva j , ... . ,r . .i ! i.ut do for white men to teach their I children to Miiuitut frail. I at the balj.MoOM nlwn h can ie wi'h him it lot lini, veu ill !.'lrlie of i)d pov erniuent. tliat tin re nnn hctti rway Kreat m-jority. and the ignnnuic ne J Tl... .... u...l l.v a uro wh liutout of jHilities. It wa j the only honest way to retain thiti h j a wiiite mans i"untry. nut i.mie . jjoo.l. ns out of n .leire to prev folk who lfarne,! to -oant the iiero I nt lisi.lirf w!,j,.,, . ,.()IJ1(1 spp wasJ out imi'K tiicrf, nave trieu to woik the i.'iiue thinir on the white people. That proves th Imd influence of try ing to riikiit a wroin; with another wrong. The prohibition law 1ms greatly re duced the ninouot of whiiskev on i nuuied in the tate and, in addition, has outlawed the drink evil. Since the law wns puvcd, it ha become a dif.j;ni.u in the eyes of nil good men for even a 'prominent' man to he ecu muler t tie influence of Whiskey. If saloons were placed in Wadeshoro today, not a third of those who visit ed them in former days would dare now to euter their doors iu broad day light. Both tile amendment and the pro hibition law were ratified by the peo pie in no uncertaiu vote, hig major! ties were roiled up (or both, hut in jpite of all this mid the fact that these reforms have proven their use fulucsB, some of the men who oppoo ed then and no doubt oppose them now, are seeking office without com uiitting themselves on these vital nuegtioott. They admit opposing both these measures, why do they refuse to tell the people where they stand to day? Are you, Mr. Voter, in favor of undoing these two pieces of useful legislation? If not, yon had better find out where the men you vote for stand on these important questions. Remember: "Eternal vigilence is the price of liberty.' Wadesboro Aliso nian. Kffng a Mother. To be a mother, to hp nonie man's inspiration, to live in the heart of the chihJren. to bt- the center about which cluster life's holiest associations, nurely this is the greatest 1 leasing heaven can give, the greatest honor earth can bestow. When the sor rows and sacrifices, thelovesaud jovs, dreams, hopes, ambitions and prerogatives of motherhood aw thine, woman, thou hast come to thy kingdom. Kialls Banner. It is true. Being a mother is about the biggest business wo man can engape in. It t a k e s about all of hertiiueandeugHges her be&t talents. It fills her days with useful labor and, often, her nights with flc-eplessness and dread. It demands of her sacri fices such as only woman are brave and good enough to gladly make. It putR lines in her fore bead and steals the pink from her cheeks. It brushes the curves from her figure aud cheapens her raiment. It opprHsses her in her eager young yen rs. But it puts a song iu her heart, it puts pridft into her intelligence, it, links her th eternity, and when the gray hairs come and age draws on apace it breathes solace into her spirit and sweetens the long af ternoon of her life. The rnotoer with worthy eons and daugters has been endowed hy nature with companionship for her declining years, with a spiritual bread th and understanding that com passes the heights and depths is worth while Dallas (Texas) News. There is no real need of anyone hcin? troubled with constipation Chamberlains Tablets will cause an agreeable movement of the bowels w ithout any unpleasant effect Give them a trial. For sale by alldealers I'l'l .1 . I i. '. ll -s ,v;.--' i ; :.. Sfvpial writers huv that MivorCronrMdliTnMwVr;j.-w- ! Roosevelt's tik.il ot a hero, the tR : , j one greit exponent of tl.nt"pr - foral ni' whif'i frtis tS jo'- ntnbith n of tit' I -i ? IH-t.T It ir. ipiiini';-tl it ; it n: th:it in u.ny ! lrc II'v-fM-lr lowly r 'eH.'i.. tW V. t:lih batcher, h"?i- : IV .n m-!i" and w)in--a!niiti.nm kne . iir-nrl;!y bound. limiN'i-f; ei;oiif i. al " prfii.'ii-. ins im-il i i ii.i i in iihh HvU a,,p, j, te,l of the Lon3 to Ml.j HiioH Inun The whv ! "l'""' Bin! hw f witfoii t. 1. I. M I, .i.n. .1 ft tt Hill i:;t-ii-tii i ii i.-in- .n. . .tiimu the t ii'.'i oi T!. i. iu Aiii'-s,-. IJjJ ,,s no.vly !ip to th ChiI'I- Wul "ilail'iaiil ll hf wnll. 1 i!es-ir'. ..... . .... .. ., In 5 he I'le oi ('.er I rou.wnl. -1 Uok which, it 1! U I I i lis reeoniiil that t'romwi-l' ail to " Ttnrhatnr-nt: ' 1 jhu a tnin rtilllilll-a "in the pla.v I t-m If.; wliiih pl ice I unueituok not iiiHcll out t)f hope of tloilijC ativ ' imminent.' Isn't that the Moosi r all over? Again in tin- book we bav quoted from one liiid' are fi'ient'e to t lie "nation eryiugout for a master hand.". Has not the Lion Hunter, putting himself in Cromwell's nitons, (he could not wear the Lord Protector's hat) imagined that Hip eniire Ameri can iiiition has ri n up in its despair and ligged him (Mon sieur Moose; to save it from perdition? We have more than once subs- eribpd to the oft-repeated allega tion that Theodore Itnoseyeli is subject to hallucination, an it is quite within the bouuds of human crcdulitv that the Strenuous One really regards hitnsrlf a? t lu Olvcr Cromwell of his time. Hence we fiud him atl'hicagotoday federa ting his disregard for constitu tion and laws, overriding a 1 1 traditions and precepts, in his mad desire to rule or rum. The first da.v's work of the free dispensaries for the eradication of the hookworm disease was done at Granite Falls yesterday Ir. Oiivinoton and his associate were in tow n yesterday afternoon aiul they report that, out of the forty cases examined, sixtoen were infected with kokwortus nnd tour with dwarf tapeworms. The youngest id'ei'ted with hook worms was four yearsofag", old est, sixty years. The doctors will neoociorswiif ti"nt. is abso- lg advertise- ot this paper i nformatiou.- be in Lenoir Satur intition and tri-af.m lutely free. The bi merit on last page ot this paper I gives interesting irnformation Lenoir Topic. ' I EOW'S TH1S1 I We offer One Hundred Doilari Reward for anv case of catarrh than : cannot ht cured by Hal's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CIIF.N'EV ,t CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. I. Chenev for the last i; veins. and believe him perfectly heno; ahe ! in all business transactions and fin-j ancialk abie to cany out any obli gations made V-v his firm, . ! NATIONAL HANK OK COM M IiI!CE,1 Ttledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh ("ure is taken in ternally, itct;n; (linctly upon the Hood and lTU'.cous sin faces ef the S37stcrn. T"?stiniori hils sent free. 7 5 cents per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. A sprained ankle may as a rule be cured in from three to four days by applying Chamberlain's Lini ment and observing the directions with each bottle. For sale by all dealers All the medicines in creation are not worth a farthing to a man who is constantly and ha bitually violating the laws of hi own nature. Children Cry j FOR FLETCHER'S C A ST ORIA One may purify the blood more in a simile day by breuthinfrpure air than by taking sai Hiipanll a or uuy blood purifier a year. "I" . ; I tw r - , , i.. ' ru i. ! c i i ' ;, :; ,, :,i;.: j :. ' vtr-r r v . jyri: nr. tt-lm.u i". ' s'-t'e 'i:';? !!.! ; -v. ; . I ! . .: 'liit.; ... j i;jj.-k:hi to ihfui r tti a . i t,f f 1. ,t. mi, ul t!l ami IIUIUMJMIHJ .TO!! ,lrv i.!mi''eO into the miUst OF j their txittif m-e, while vour own ' ilieM throtlit-.l in vur th'nmt. AihI ! . j you are lomil to the uttitu.l- of j ii- t ai!r.ip)Ui!iii: aau unwiiinis; iiHtet't r. with all vour km lieu t uh:i tho niomeiit wlifnyoii can rr;n a t he tlirnuj of your on narrative So u'tivernal Iristhmi nii'l ho,l t .till that tvlull Mr.' !'"f v,n i; r o- , r! o. .! ii.'i ill ; ;, 1!). I'. 111. V. I . i . Vol! i'.O-Ml i i f; rin ; - Ml i i.a.i . ;-; v,i,i );v,.i!h i-oisi pri'!) urtm :.tl:; v ,1 ; tticir ni'CK'ty hat e.,abi;sl,wl ! a-1 :. m M r.tcj tat ion forcli'verr.' " ':ei a re- j nlir v flu. v t, ii ii i ' el ii v "I. r . .n l an opporuuin ul ilng di-vcr It is surprising that more iH-ople do not realize the advantage of listening well, for the charm that it posst.iiises is undisputed. It would make a novel and attrac tive course in schools. I'ludeu titled. Gnstonia Uaiette: A storm of cy clonic propoifiotu. swept over the town ot Clover Twelve miles south of Hastiinfa Saturday afternoon about 4:R!' ii'cli ci; le:iv'!i m-t :.t ;li si; ncrii n I ii: 'U W.-lkc Tb'.'.VL-1! it lu.-t.-d less tnail live mili'.r.' S il il'il 'UHiuii.e 10 the tiiwti of I'l'ii'iT Mild .i! The fcti. n of country it, c'ereii . iiiservnt i i ! esti:iiat'-d nt ;"("','"'". T: wifd i twined a v-i'icity oi i m T."i in i.K'i 1 ui! es mi h'-nr i.-.it hm! ia ii t"n if lie torrent. The h:ii! :.- weren't mi usuiliy larire bin teli sci-h force and volume ns to b"(it the t' ton and eoni tieldsliteruliy in'.o j'Ulp A. S. Jones, of the Let Thar macv, C iico, Cal , who has han dled Foley fc Co's medicines for many years, says: "I consider that Foley's Ilonev and Tar Compound has no equal, an is the one cough medicine 1 tan reccomend as con tain'ui no narcotics or other harm ful properties." The genuine in a yellow package. For sale by all dealers. A woman doesn't use the lines in her face in fishing for compli meats. fi !$4K : m. l',r ..-.i lixo 1? fy'rrr 1 V r 'r;V-. :"V 4-1 ' ' ? :vV;'''' :- 1 "g y -rt'! ' ptll 'lUi$j' ,M WJ.'Hl CURED A BAD SPAV;M Ntf B. H. Iv.jj, Marlon, N C. vtH " My horse had .1 very bad ct' oi rnavin ina notmnur uu ny good until itrirO Tour Mu8trnff Liniment. 1 rubbed the wpnvin freaucntlv with the liniment. and non saw an improTement. . I did this thr or four times a day and ray horse waa complctelv ! :uied., It is urc to cure if properly oard.' I FOR HORNET STINGS. H : , Mr. S. J. riudftor- Nonrlycrn. fi.C. '; $ ' m.-iitl'iir .iiO.r. ir. ui'iih .is r.' ri 'ki '.-ui:. jl it nn rxi.-lli-nt. i-ii,.i:.-' i.. A: t -.-. inv mf.rc Wi'l PHdly Hy ril ui '.: livn'tr... :.u ....j; jmi M 1 ly c.iu-J hvr. : r .-' .mi ifl 1 ni'nc-nt rnu. CURES SWINNEY. Mr. R. 3. Sk.Uoi. HH N.C. wrilMt " I nird Mexlesn Mustang Liniment on a rerf valuable horse for swinm.-y and it cured It. I always keep It in my stable anl tLinkitthebestlinimt-nt lor rubs and galls" It contains no alcohol and to cannot sting ia casts of open wound or bam$. Soothes mod cooia at once. Jiut try it. For BURNS and BRUISES. Mr. W.V.Clifton, Raleigh, N. C, writes : 'I keep a bottle of Mexican M'.tstn'i i LiHinicnt m mv Lc u.sc cwninnuiliv f -r t't cral u:x. It is tin fim-t tariff iu ; world 8 Mt IIICUUCU 1L III I M . ii VII, " J 'I inrn, 4 t I I n i g 2Sc.C.)i..5I?ijflC.Scit LV. i'.ie-.'ISloi-.-,); JilliKe 111 thm hie IS to tip C ii it. si ! lfi - ;: .i : f .-i . ' ii t' -t ii..-. i;.-v'i'it M-akiT. i.r .! i.HjH.-inf . j i u.ns Mi-i-:;,;i ! !f . i.'.ii, , P f f liffI !hmi'.1 I'm v km! t oiVr ..' v. 1.1 r 'hi. I v hii ii tll 'V oil Itl ! I..-. .. Ill Ml. Ml. fi;ln.- Hi :.ii IIu-m- nlct. hf j !... I n!.ii: i n M li w im . w 1 M iMai.irl fur -..nr LiiillM i'llV lir'll :n. iiu,ii..oi miMberowumaln?-'1. i "Protor.'MrwliHl a tiiiu, Hero- i!T ce from the uiiiMlf it thf u- tlit'"H' "kJnl 'uterruiit you uiiu. i.tr' , - "I'd like to k you a ijueMioii.r "I nhall l very glad to anewe r it if 1 aui at'lf," mill th njH-rt. "Well, air, continued the thin vi ice lulv and folrimily. "how the thun l.T klu l iK-impiii raise her cv u I'lulef wiifii nil lur j.ickH.sM-u are ni I '-y ;i.iMirt '--i.'oi.iitry -ientle ('r.w'nivc" Party l !.c iii.lnuiu:;.. ii'.i'.n or woman. v. ;...nsi- I'uiey Kideey Pii! for ku -kudu- r'HUin;itisic, weak h:irk :,,u,'!,ncr K'tlno-v !":,! ,,i', "'t;r 'ntS- iii.iru.t s. I' oicy Kuiuey 1 His, are h'V Kidney I'HIS, hcaiin, stien'iicnui. tonic, and ipiick t; produce- hi nelKi.il tesults. f. oi.t.iiti no tmrnifiil drugs. Jfevcr sold in hulk. Put tip in two sizes in sealed bottles. The geruine in yellow package. For 4le by all dealers. A half-grown thicken pocked its way into the heart" of a water inellon in a Jones county barn yard this week and smothered to death. M. 1. Joupp, a wellkuown farmer, declares that the chicken had gone so deenh intothemell on that only its . t were stiik ii.g o!:t. .i ws Mini Observer. W in n voi.r eiiild has whooping '.i-ii 1 -e taief:1! to keep the cough i)-e i:ni i xpt ctir;i(in easv hy giv :tg i .-hamhei Iain's Cuiigh Remedy .1- ii'.tv he required. This remedy w ill a'so liquify the tough mucus Mini make it easier to expcctoiate, !t has been used successfully in ma nv e pule mics rnd is safe and sure. For sale bv all dealers. 'Doesn't yonr ebolr sing at the prison anv more?" 'No, several of the prisoners ob ectedon theground that it wasn't included in their sentences." Boston Transcript. It is now well known that not more than one case of rheumatism in ten requires anv intertill treats ment whatevc, All that is needed is m fn.' anplieitiou of Chamber--!.io' I.i.iiuieiit and pin waging the p- rt.-. a! each a pplication. Try it :'inl ; e hew quicklv it will relieve 1 h- p.; in u..,l .- ""'psrh ' 1 '-"'"d be -o th" District A soreness. Sold by all i-.lsi-law & Triphtt, 1 -or. 1 1 ;ii't vi-s; of Lenoir have se cured the eon' ract for buildinr t h" ! )i t riot .Mel hodist rirsonaae at Statesvire, Thev extiect to bpojn work on the huildino; next wei k, which will be a modern convenient residence c o s t i n g about f 4,5tXX Lenoir News, v, -L- ' ' Are Ever At war. There aretwothings eyerlasinf.ly at war, jov and piles. But Buckleti's Arnica Save will banish plies It anon subdues the itching, irritation, iiitiamiiiaiion or swelling. It gives ccinfoi t, in vile joy. Greatest healed f bin mi. boils, cuts, hi uises, eczema, 2 cts at All Ih'tlg'Mst mistnke you can on tm u- oue. "l urn a traveling salesman " writes E. E. Youngs, E. Berkshire Vt., 'and war nften troubled with constipatiu'i and indigestion till I bean to use Dr. King's Naw Life l'ii is, which l have found an excel lent remed." For ail stomach, liver or kidney troubU there is nothing bptter. Only 25 cents at AH Drug, gists. Do you want to hold your job? WHI, look afer your halh. When your health is jroiue your job is gone. CASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Children. ThB Kind Yen HJVS AlwaVS BtMht : ' o '" if :"lrirKr"l","""u Ber.r3 tha Signature of f-7i3 i f j C i - . It. 3i ted . jLi-oaob 1 1 en c i. :r A:;c,b,A-IVi7.'Wiin'x.s rrimiiCi'rtidai! 14 Pc!csDiJsfiflrfffi ; n.'ss and P?t.Con!iii nciln vipiiCLMcrphiru: .uriliutraL Not Narcotic, I'J lit. I '(TTf. r- - ' i' r :5ci iVnwdy firC(tn'V nod . 5Mr Stoic-u.t)irrnn Voir.sJl itwiti tcti.rrvTtisS rasauidLossOFSUkP. lacSiniilt Siintmcr KC'V YORK. T'J ui.vanuwlw"i'FoiM Exf ct Ccy of Wrapper. 3ZEE2S Don't mm " I fcad been troubled, a little, for nearly 7 years, wrffc, Airs. L Flncher, tn a letter from Peavy, Ala., "but I was not taken down, ur.til. March, when I went to bed and bad M to havo a doctor. x He did all better. 1 hurt all over, end I could not rest At last, I tried Cardul, and soon I began to Improve. Now I am ia rery good health, and able to do ail my bousewo.-k." CTAKE tlq AROUIVomanVTonic You may wonder why Cardui is so successful, after 1 other remedies have failed. The answer ia that Cardul te successful, because it ti composed of scientific ingredients, that act curatlvely on the womanly system. It is a medicine for women, and for women only. It builds, strengthens, id' restores weak and ailing women, to hetlth and happiness. If you suffer like Mrs. Flncher did, tak Cardul It will surely do for you, what it did for her. At all druggists. 1 .A- AfMnrr DeoL. for S:rtai iVumrtto, and book. f r 50$! 00 s TOM. BOPlt RtE !DAllTHiOATAN) WWTWfi.5l5Sj 3 GiAlArD SATSFACTORY OP Mower rftttoeo. BaBW4isaaasBianat)sBCiaaBs n nn ran vt Succe i-d when everihing else falls. In nervctis prostroiion or. ! female wakneHscs thu, are the supreme ren..ody, as thousands have tcsuf.ed. FOR KIONEY,LfVCR AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the test medjeina ever sold over a druggis'V counter. .; i4 mi m 1 Fol Vr'hat TIsiy WU1 Do tor Yon Tliey will cvsQ ycat baci ache, strengthen your kidneys), cor rect urinary irregtdariti-js, LuilJ ir up the worn out tissues, and inate the excess uric acid that cause3 rheumatism. Pre vcrt Sright's Disease and Dia- v. . -. . batt;s, and restore Lealth and I xaHsasiiOTlziJWAffiwvwikwr-r.w- i i i For Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Kave Always Bought Bears Signature Suffer! he could for me, but 1 got no Chatuinooaa Mewclne Co tUnooga, TeoiL. Houi. TrtiUiadt ior W o," Kt dee. K tch ae of our lives h.is its j v Old people should be hnpoy, an they will be if Chamberlain's Tab lets are taken to strengthen the di gestion and keep the bowels regu! ar These tablets n o mild and gentle in theiir action and especially suitable for people of middle age and older. For sale bv all dealers. Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive! Scott; Dr. C. U. Ellsworth, Dentist, 16 Baldwin St., Rochester, N. Y.,says Foley Kidney Fills gave him imme diate relief and strengthened him wonderfully, t have been bother ed with weak kidneys and bladder trouble and suffered much pain. Foley Kidney Pills gave me imme dine relief and strengthened me wondet fully. I am pleased to rec commend their use," For sale by all dealers, if wp murmur or complain or are sad we are simply selfish; that's all. II-; in a v;ry oeriou3 matte to ssk for one medicine and have the wcinjr one given you. For this j reason wa urge you in buying to ' be careful to get tbe genuine THEDFORD'S Hi kmr ti'mh 'iVvk Si ' liver Medicine 1 he reputation of C.iu old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, h firm ly established. It dors pet imitate ether medicines. It i uuiter luan fi vorite liver powder, with s Jargev . J For Over Thirty Years twt otftYAun iohmht. new vm rrr. SSCiSAiZiUiWiHiaHiaiiiiiiiB gv sold m v:vry 2rc.&c.$lalottic ct Dru 3c. Gen'. Si.-r -c f Vf ALL DK.VUilW . Ft 1 7 r BsJft47SstJstWls for Cu, Burns and iiruics.''