Watauga 4. ft S .V? T VOL. XXIV UOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, TIUJKSOAY, SEPTEMHEK -r lOlii. NO. 1. unildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1 A Furniture Haying purchased nil the stock n tin business of the Hoone Fur niture Co., I n,m prepared to sell you anything in my line ut a very reasonable figure. Dressers, Iturenus, Chairs, lied Steads, lied Spring, Mattress-s, etc. (iivp me a call when in need of any thing in the line of furniture. Store in Watauga Connty Bunk Building. Resjiectfully, JESSE F. ROBBINS. PROFESSIONAL VETERINARY SURGERY. I have been putting' much study on this subject; have received my diploma, and am now well equipped for the practice of Veterinary Sur gery in all Its branches, and am the only or e iu the couuty. all on or address me at Vilas, N. . K. F. D. 1. O. H. HAYES,, Veterinary Surgeon. 5-17-'ll. Dr. E M. MADRON. DENTIST. -Sugar Grove. North Carolina, tfAll work done under guar antee, and best material used. 4-13-'ll. E. S. COFFEY, ATlOIMEfAl LA II', flOONE, N. C. Prompt Attention given to all matters of a legal nature. t& Abstracting titles and CQwetioD oi claims a special tr. l-l-'ll. Dr. Nat. T. Duarey . SPECIALIST - KYK, KAH; HOSK. THROAT AM) CHKST K YES EIAMIXKI) KOU GLA9BKS FOURTH STREET Eristol, Tenn.-Va. EDMUND JONES LAW YElt -LENOIU. N. C,- Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of Watauga, 6.1 'it. L, D. LOWE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNER ELK, N. C. Will practice in the courts Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties. 7.6.' n F. A. LINNEY, -ATTORN EST AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the 13th Judicial District in al matters of a civil nature. 6-11-1911. J. C. FLETCHER" Attorney At Law, BOONE, N. C. Careful attention given to collections. E. F. Lovill. W. R. Lovill. Lovill & Lovill Attorneys At Law -BOONE, N. . Special attention given to all business entrusted to their care. . .. . . 7-9-'10. Slant&s a R?tl Leader of Senate, (H. E, C- Bryaut.) Wrthingtou Aug. During the present session of Congress Sen ator Simmons has been appoint ed conferee on more bill than any other Senator. He wan mi nority conferee 011 the river and harbor bill, the wool, the metal, the excise and the sugar tariff bills; the Pnnama bill, and, if the cotton bill had gone to confer entv, he would have represented (he minority ou thfit Occasion nI SO. The bills mentioned here are seven of the most import ant bills that passed Congress at this ses sion. The position of conferee is one ofgreut. importance. Take the river and harbor bill, for in stance, the houses disagreed on more than l."0 amendments, which went to conference for ad justment. The three conferees, representing each house had pow er to retuin or reject ail amend uients, or to retain them w i t h amendment ol their own. It ofteu happens iu the exer cise of thdir large power that the conferees almost rewrite the bill, and the two houses yote to agree or disagree In their report. This is just what happened in t he con ference on the cansl bill. The conferees on the part of the part of the house were t wo Dem ocrats undone Republican and on the part of the Senate two Re publicans and one Democrats. Senators Brandegee, regular Re publican, Bristow, insurgent Re publican, and Simmoms, Demo crat were tb" Senate con fereI Senators Simmons and Bris tow were both iu favor of e;c erupting our coastwi&e vessels from tolls and admitting ship building free of duty and prohib iting railroad control and owner ship of competing water car riers through the canal or else where. So they got together and united with t he two House Dtm- cr.its nnd re-wrote the bill in these important respects and put ull water carriers under the con trol of the Interstate Commerce Commission in a w :y to mnke monopoly of water transporta tion impossible. This was stunning blow to the railroads and their plans and they raided a great howl, which, some believe, was heard at t h e White House. The lourconferees, three Democrats and one Repub lican. srood firm and put their re port through both the Houe and Senate, the Senate adopt ing it over the protest of the chairman, Senator Brandasree, by a vote of 48 to IS. Senator Bristow ral ied the insurgent ol the Senate for the report and sen ator Simmons rallied the Demo crats, so that on this great mens ure there was brought about through Senators Simmons and Bristow the same alliance and co-operation between the Demo cr.itsand iusurgon' as existed between them on the tariff meas ure: The power of the conferee com. tnittee is very great it frequent ly hnpnetis that the real legisla tion is framed in the co ference room n was done in the case of the canal bill. Disposing the Panama Rill with me the other day Senator Bn tow said: ' The bill, as reported from our conference committee. 1 think is the most important piece of legislation nassed lv Con gress this session. The conference will be a nrpat improvement over either the House or the Senate measure. I am very much grati fied at thepart Senator Simmons took in getting in the biMprovis- I ions that mean so much to the people of the people of the Uni ted Stfites. The North Curoliia Kail Road ProgrMsieg. Irnoir New. Col W. I Oilson, locating en gineer of the Yadkin Va'ley It iil wny, spent a day in town this week, having saddled in from E'kviuV where his party is in camp, on the south bank of tin river Col. (Jilson has mil'1" t' " final survey from North Wilkrsi lioro, to a point about 3 miles down the river from Klkville and xpe-ts to rench the 'Jrim lin Mill site within the next few j diys, fiom there the engineering j party will proceed with the loca tion of the road np Elk creek to the toot of Blue Midge, the pre liminary line having been run last winter nnd spring. Col. Oil. son also made a preliminary sur vey from the Cook's (lap on ton of the Blue Ridg to the foot of the mountain on Elk Creek, and succeeded in finding not only n possible line, but a practicable one, although the attempt had been made three times within the lat thirty yens and the idea a bandoned, owing to the extreme roughness ol the country. After the location has been made as far as the foot f the mountain, Col Gilson will again take h i s party into the mountains for the purpose of perfecting the line run last spring and to make the final location after which he wdl pro ceed across the mountains and down the Watauga river into Tennessee. It is expected that a fourth large construction force will be organized within the next ten days and the construction 1 under the 8upecvis:on of Major it. u Lianuon, cniet engineer, win proceed with nil possible haste. The Yadkin River Railroad fol lowing up the Yadkin from Wilkesboro to Elk Creek then up that stream to the Blue Ridge and across the mountains into Tennessee, wi Ibe without ques tion one of the most beautiful roads. Irom a scenic yiew point, east of the Rocky mountains and the promoters and engineers are deserving the hearty encourage ment and unstinted praise of the entiie comminunitv. Indian Killed On Track. Near Rochelle, 111., an Indian went to sleep on a railroad train and was killed Dy the fast express He paid oi his carelessness with his life. Often its that way when people neglect coughs and colds, don't risk your life when prompt use of Dr. King's New Discovery will cure them and so prevent a dan gerous throat or lung trouble. "I completely cured me, in a short time, or a terrible cough that fol lowed a severe attack of (J rip," wiites J. R, Watts, Floydale Tex., 'and I gained 15 pounds in weight 'that I had lost." Quick, safe, reha hie and guaranteed. 50c, and $1.00. Trial bottles free at all druggists. Did you ever notice that some people when the collection buc ket is being passed begin to ad mire the stained glass windows or look to see if there is a crack in the ceiling of the church? Ex. Senator, who knows how and when to tight, stood with nie faithfully, making possible the great victory won." Discussing this legislation Sen ator Simmons said: "I regard the provisions of the conference report which makes railroad con trol of water transportation im possible as the most valuable piece of legislation passed in (lie last quarter of a cenfury. If the Panama bill, aa it left the confer ence, becomes a law, unless the President vetoes it, our water ways will become of great value, both in reducing water rates and ngulhting railroad rates. The opportunity which came to me as a conferee to accomplish this great result I regard as one of the greatest of my life. LlteAni Spertkrr Of Governor Ay cock. An important wry ice to the State Iihs been rendered by Messrs. R. D . Connor nnd Clarence Pop in the preparation of their book entitled "The Life! and See-hes uf Charles B. Ay !." The volume In's pin? come from tin; pressed oi Don- bleday, Page nnd Company, f 1 New York, and i peaks for itself j , .. . In reading the bo iic ono is con-' stantly impnssed with the sue- cess si trained py 1 ne wri'ers in their expressed purpose to t-; form their task not in the spirit 1 of eulogy or partisanship but iu such a way as to poitray (iov- enior Avcock " as he really was." So here in this look we Lave tie fore us the story in entertaining stle ol the things which sur rounded and impressed him in his jhildhood and boyhood, and youth, nnd of the developement of his strong but always attrac tive native character under their i (luetices All this is given as seen or told by intimate Iri 'nds. his splendid political career is a romance of itself, and should be read by every aspiringschool boy in the land The speeches inclu ded in the book fnrm the history of an era, and will be welcomed by thousands who heard and gladly followed their clarion call to the duties and responsibilities of a new day. The volume is an attractive one of nearly -t(M) pages in dark green binding stamped in gold. There are three portraits ol Gov ernor Aycock, and five other ill ustrations. This binding is sent postpaid for f I 50; a finer bind ing iu leather is sent for f 2,50 postpaid. Orders should be sent to the Tar Heel Company, Ral eigh, N. C. D. C. Bybee, teaming contractor liying at 669 Keeling Court, Can, ton III., is now well rid of a severe and annoying case of kidney trou hie. His back pained and he was bothered with head-iches and diz y.v spells. ''I took Foley Kidney 1 il j e t as directed and in a few days I felt much better. My life nid strength seemed to come back, and I sleep well. I i:m now all oy er my trouble and glad to rnccomend Foley Kic'ney Pills." Try them. For sale by all dealers. From the melon wugoiiB t De seen on our streets during this and last week, it seems that Cald well farmers are all successful mellon growers. We do not re member a time within years when large melons were so plentiful. One remarkable feature about them is most ot them all have excellent flavor and are very sweet The prices are not pro hibitory and the citizens of the town do not seem to vant to wait until the tariff is revised downward before making invest ments in this luscious fruit. Le noir Topic. The "Progiesne" Pat ty Is the indn idual, man or woman, who uses Foley Kidney Pills for backache rheumatism, weak back and other kidney and bladder irreg ularities. Foley Kidney Pills, are healing, sti engtheiiing, tonic, and epiick to produce benelicial results. Contain no harmful drugs. Never sold in bulk. Put up in two sizes in sealed bottles. The genuine in a yellow package. For sale by all dealers. The automobile may be the novel gasoline machine, but love ly womau holds the distinction for being the unique gassing ma chine. Robert W. Hurler, Lawrcncevi'Ie Mo., who had been bothered wuh kidney trouble for two years, says; "I tried three different kinds of kid ney pil's b'.u with no relief. Mv neighbor told me to use Foley Kid ney Pills, i look three bottles of llieni, and got a permanent cure. 1 reccomend them to eveisborU.' For sale bv all dealers, The Hookworm Campaign. Ij noir ". The campaign now lieing con ducted in this county for the emd icatiou ol the hookworm disinse is proving to butt, vi: ry great lwn.'fit to our people. Alr-adv then is much talk t the bene- fts J.."..: :-r,..Ti t.ikiug the treatment, up to hist S.itu there was a total of J,l8s turdiv pie examined and of this number ... , . d. pr cent liare beeii found to 1 illfecled ; During the past wet k the fol- lowing examinations have been made at the live dispeiisary ! points: f Irani to Falls -1S2 exumined, i .". infected. t uttersonlti examined, l.'.o I infected. j (olletsyille luM examined, NO 1 mlccted. King's ( ret k 157 examined, 15 infected. Lenoir. 441) examined, infected. I - ' J , I Have vou and the members of i ' your family been examined? inoniliup tlint- tl.iu ,.i..wnt ,; " " ' " lor 1 ne ieopie in iaiaweu lasts but one more week. The Old Time Way. One of ourexchangessays that when pa was young, people soak ed their feet in hot water nnd took ix few drops of catnip and got well. Now they have la gi ippe take quinine and feel sick all sum mer. Then they had sore throat wrapped a piece ol bacon in an old wool stocking tied it around their neck at night and went to work i'.iti next daf. Now they have tonsilitis, a surgical oper ation and two weeks in a hos pital. Then they had stomach trouble and took castor oil and recovered. Now they have appen dicitis, a week in the hospital and six feet due east and West and six feet perpindicular. In those days they wore undf rclothes. Now they wear lingerie. Then they went to a restaurant; now they go to a cafe. Then broke leg; now they fracture a limb. Then peop! went crazy; now thev have brain storms or are born crazy we don't know which. Politicians then paid good hard cash for support; now they send government garden seed instead. Yes, times have changed and we all change with the times. That's progress. Ex. I lay fever and asthma make Au gust a month of intense suffering to many people. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound gives piompt ease ' and relief, and is soothing and hea. ing to the inrlamed membranes. Wm. M. Merethew, N. Searsport. Me., says; "A few doses of Foley's Hon ey and Tar Compound relieved me of a severe attack of asthma and less than a bottle caused a complete cure. Refuse substitutes. For sale by all dealers. Yet the road to ruin issuilicien tly marked by red tings for no thinking person to make a mis take. Caught a Mad Cold. "Iist winter my son caught nj very bad cold and the way b e couched was something dreadful,'' wiites Mrs, Sarah E. Duncan, of ' Tipton, Iowa. "We thought sure! he was going intoconsumptlon. We j bought just one bottle of Chamber- i lam's Cough Remedy and that one1 bottle stopped bis cough anil cured his cold completely " For sal'.- by All Dealers. Dancing would be awfully tire some i it come under the head of work. The targot is never lacking if m man has monev to bum. fly failing to do things yVu don't like to do you wili neve,r 'accom plish much. i. : !' O li i rdrre"nD r V FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR 1 A ,1 Iu- Lee Ph.ir w i ti H i : .m- i urn v, C . C-i! MKd F.i'i v A IY r".rd:c::ies for ys: "I ffiisi.ter 1h.1t j j 0jc ev s lt'Uifv aixl 1 .1 r lnr.nonnT t r, m J h.i no .fiiil, ' is the one .-u;.h ; r t. iric I t.m 1. 1 :,i.. ed cjh. ''-' ro n-';o; :,f tU'r hTt0' f lrt)P"r s 1 i'r , F.r 1 111.1:11. in a vde 5-v all 1 'CM.' ' '''"'-t tu l ! y vlr'n,. ..f .. .wcr A V:"!.1 i"iitn iiit-ii 1:1 i tiiiti inirti:air0 : vl( .:t,-,! to w. I.. -(!;. t.y w- w- "" I'.'U. t- f eiiri' p:i m-i.t of t he cum c? tJ due M.iy, .!.'. :;:. ,f;iUit havinj: l eeu iiimIi' hi the ei.v mi nt ! the same m 101V ji.o t tli.-ri'oi ,r the interest m n," moh.-, ! w-ui T. r 1 ti '!!! fate to tile -1 :. r ivi-ii hi ;ie tn..ii", '. ',. on j". 1! i'i, I rt aveu i-k n. in. am! i.'.vii.r ikhfriliecl IM'ltl IX" M.-t .: iy. O.e hour: !.. r m (Si-pi- ii.Ii.T ; of 10 iV r il .-t.ce i-.inu' m..! N-n in l-ik T..V-' si.ip . v. ut-it, ., . :. sii.uic U:. ci ,n..i oti.irs liounueii as inilows, v:.; I'irst Ti-iict: Heinniiij; 011 a hick ory rmiii'iiiT west tl poles to a laire white !ik, thi iK-e wmth !!i poles to a. stake, Hit Hi".- i-.!-r polfi. to a stake, lle iiif N ! ;..cstc; a -takf, thenee N '.Ml polr to it h iekt't v xiid li-'-tnit; tiii-i' Vv '..11 jolt-s to the lii't'imiiiik', I "1'.- t' ! , tll.'l.l t t'l ! iioolar, tlit'liic; tdliiee N !. V 25 l I.'.- To a niii r; il.ein- : W -r, i-s u ttn- I hence K t- ih lie(.-i:ini:.,i; Tliird t rart lM'ririti:nti- on a ( ii.e, ruiiiiitiK rotrii lo ''nniji hi.unlint the Mouth ct iiMii.i!i iliiiin to n lua ple Mtuidii'ir on the at side of naid imiiiil , thence a M'lith-cni-t 'Oii:s with the ( nter of the ridf,''- to Ihe top of mill rnle, tl tne a wuth course w ith the top cl t-nid dividing rid;e between tik and Luurel 'cik. thetiee an euft courfe to a chestnut tree, 1 miner b eorn.r; thence 21 poles to a black Wahmt in a hollow; thenee K ton line of the old Sim mon tract, thence with said lino toa white oak, William Sinminionr old enaneJ: thence N with said line to a nipple, his corner; thence S 34 polev to the boioimin-- - Forth Tract Bef?inninp her own corner on a blask walnut! thenne S 21 poles to a chestnut tie ou top of said ridge; thence a north east course with the fence that is standiDa; ou the lini; thence W to the beginning, all containing 80 acres mora or less. Said sale will be made to satisfy said debt and interest and costs and deed in fee simple will be made to the purchasers with such warranties as I, the said mortgagee, am warranted in making under the power o! a!e contained in the mortgag. Keferenct is hereby made to book IV of mort gages, page 224 in the office ol the Register of Deeds of Wataucn county where the said mortgage is recorded. This A.:g. 2i), l!tlv. W. U HEX UK IX. Ifoi-tiraeop. I mil ntthin(; ni:y tV-iiuTLiy with the lini:if-.f mu) '.ititi sn impr-Dv tnent. I nri if. ti'rc- or iri.-r f i rur-d. It is sure r.'.if it" projv lj a?tl " (fcj I titiifs ti any niici mv I'. i a otkiiicu it M t?P RvftpJ h H tT"l y FOR HORNET STINGS. Mr. S. J. liudton, No.-!k, N C nitntl'nr ditK-i. it :t.:(f .tv f.iurd it uti t' vIU-ii t lii. A 1 o:t ' t'tut iiy mr.tvw.is PiJ'y s' imp 1 iv M til' t t't:t ym.r I.tuttu tit 'Mip k'y t ii:,1 'nT. 1 1 ,.vc rcct.:..- CURES SWINNEY. Mr.R.S.Shchon, Hill, N.C.. writ: 'I 1 Mrvionn Mu?tfinf Unimrut on a vt iy ii!tiiile Iiotm' for f winnty anl it rutvd it. i always luvp it iu my stanic und think it the ln'sl hninu-ii t f.r ruhsfiii aUV it en nt am im ttLohoI anJ so cannot FtinffMCHws at tfxn wounds vr narus Uvuttws una axils m once juai irj iw A. S. r. J CURED A HAD S?AVi?i. S V i.f ..Til! 1:1 1 tr ti ;. i , : liplSllll dm Si 1 a:';jHj,jHs.,cr -ir.il 1.1 V' I.W r.' t". V. 1 . 1 f i J For BURNS and BRUISES. 1 i Mr. W. V. Clifton. Raleich. N. C, writ M jr! "I T-:tp a bftile of M iv-ai, Mustang W M crul us It is the tin thiny; in the world 2K K for Cuts, Hums and L ists." a Q 25r e.S1 brtttlcatDm?frr.enVStore B