tllteie'lat the OA ofHce it Boone, S. C, as second- l&Sf mall matter. 8CB8CfcIPTION RATES: Ins. rear. $1.00. ix Months 50. hree months 25. d verthing ra tes furnished o application. Town and County. Attornev Jobn P. Arthur, of Asbeville, baa takeb board at the Blair Hotel, and will remain here a few wevkat least. Mrs. K. a River left for Tar nerburg, Iredell county, to vis it her sick sister, ilri L. T. Stimpon. Sue 1 expected to re tarn tue latter part ol next week. The Federal Court for thra division is in session at Wilkes boru this week. Watauga's mem ber of the grand iurj are C. D. Tiivlor, of Valle Cruets, W. U. Hardin, of Blowing Rock, and Ilarrison Byfd, of Shull's Mills. Dr. Ronda Hardin, after a short visit td his parents near the village, returned toCharlotte last week where be will engage in hospital practice during t he sum mer. Next year wilt be his fourth and last at the North Carolina Medical College. Miss Mattie Curtice, after Bending the winter with ber nephew, Mr. T. F. Coffey, at Man ning, S. C, returned to Boone Sunday afternoon - and will re-1 mainbereduringthesummer. Her man; friends htre are delighted to see hf r hack. On Friday last the little dau ghter of Mr. and Mr. Mr. Fink ne.v Hodge, of Adams, by an un fortunate fall broke one of her arms between the wrist and el how. A nurtreon was summoned, the limb net, and the little suffer er is doing as well as could be ex- itctsf . i --The Lenoir Hardware and Furniture Co., one of the largest xnd mot progrensjve establish mentM of its kind in the Western part of the State, has taken ad vertising space in these col urns, and your attention is called to the first entailment of their work in this issue. - Rev, Mr. Carpenter pf Sands, the new Lutheran minister on thin work, was a business but very pleasant caller at our office list week. He is said to be an ex ceptionally fine preacher, and ao ideal pastor. He is thribly wel come in our midst, and we tr ust ' his labors here will be most fruit ful ' Rev. J H, Farthing has been "let-tod to the pastorate of the Middle Fork Baptist church, but as be was for some reason una ble to attend, bis pulpit was fill ed on Saturday and Sunday last by the Rev. L. W. Farthing. Ser vice will be conducted there on the second Saturday and Sun day in each month instead of on the fourth, as heretofore. Onlast Wednesday Mrs. J. L. Winkler fell from a chair on which she was standing arrang ing a curtain, and dislocated an einow, irom wnicn she has since suffered very much. She is now, however, improving nicely, and the many friends of the splendid lady hope that ere long she will i permanently recover, from her jpfortunate hccidenti. Rey. H. A. Dobbin and fami ly, of Valle Cruris, : nave moved to Palmyra, in Caldwell county, where Mr. Dobbin will take charge of the Patterson School for boys at Lagerwood. For the past 13 years Prof. Dobbin baa labored with the Mission School at Val le Cruris, aa "minister, farmer and adviser for that entire com munity" and a more, useful and loyal citizen did not live in the county. We are indeed . loth to give up the splendid gentleman and his popular family, but thus it is. Blackburn t. Call and . That toek of non at Black " torpa- anything in tt county. Any .tyl. any price, any Mr. Gay Gmndin, of the WtUa g & Yadkin Hirer Railroad. waa iu the Tillage atthort while Ifonday at ternoon. -Mr. Pink Hodge and hotly and Mr. A. B. Foster, left forOrandin ! thin moraiug where both of the gen Uemen will engage In carpenter work A number of wagons are now en gaged In hauling stone to the crush er, preparatory to doing more mac adam work on and out from the cam pus of the Training School. W. H. Msst. Esq., ol Valla Cru els, was in town last Monday, and in formed the Democrat that the organ ization or the Valle Crucis Bank had been perfected, the capital stock all taken, and that as soon as they could decide on the location, work will be gin on a modern Banking House, which will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. -Mrs. Don. H. Pblll'ps and. baby boy have bee spending Jthe week with relatives on Cove Creek. As this Is the first visit ol the little tot to his grandpa ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Phillips, we know the timeepnt there is being much enjoyed by both mother and son. Don't overlook the fact that the officials of the Watauga County Fair Association are rilled to meet in Boone on next Monday, and the Sec retary is anxious that as many as possible, not only the official, but representative citizens throughout the county, be on hand, for upon this meeting depends the success or failure of the Fair that was so beau tifully iuaugurated last year. A little more than four weeks ago Mrs. I. P. Wilkerson, of Zionvllle, R. F. D., passed te her reward, leaving as a heritage to heirs a life insurance policy in the old reliable Jefferson Standard, of Greensboro. Yesterday morning the administrator, Mr. A. A. Perry, deposited to the credit of her beneficiaries, in the Watauga Coun ty Bank, the Company's oheck for $1,000. Another strong argument for insurance, and that with a Company so prompt to settle. Bide your time in peace, good people. Work has begun on Main Street, under the supervision of Mr. M. B Blackburn, and the work will be executed as rapidly as possible. Mr, . Joe Cook . hag charge of a good squad of hands in East Boone, and wiil rush the work. The intention of the administration is to have one of the the cleanest and most inviting little towns to be found, but toae coniplisb this it needs and must have the hearty cooperation of ail our peo pie. On Wednesday of last week Mr. Z. T. Watson was a caller at oir of floe on his return from Jonesboro, Tenn., where he had been visiting his sick brother-in-law, Mr. Oordie McNeill. Be says the gentleman, although yet a very sick man, is steadily Improving. Mr. Watson is much impressed with that section of Tennessee, aud tells us that he has an option on a fine farm there, and may purchase it and take poxsession this fall. Here's hoping that Watson may decide to remain with us, as he is one of our most useful and pro gressive citizens and bis services are needed here. --The funeral conducted over the remains of -'Little Jack" Ciitcher by pastor W. C. Jones on last Thursday was most im pressive. The pall bearers were lour small boys-James and Tra cy Councill aud James and Rob ert Rivers who bore the little body to the town cemetery where under a little mound, literally banked with the choicest flowers, pluced there by the hands of lov ed Ones and Iriends, it deeps the eternal sleep. After many months of in tense suffering, that splendid cit izen and braye ex-Confederate veteran, Mr. Azor Hartley, died at bis home east of Boone last Friday, and the funeral was con ducted from the home on Satur day by his pastor, the Rev. J. M. Payne; the remains were laid to rest in the family burying ground near by, Mr. Hartley, it can be truthfully said, was a model cit izen in ' every bense of the word. A devoted christian, kind, inof fensive, and no one ever had a more loyal friend than be. Re trod the path ol life, with all its vicissitudes for 74 years, and we feel that the ideal citizen and brave Confederate soldier baa en tered life eternal. The Caobier of The Watauga County Bank i having th books of the bank audited bv expert accountants, Msrs MrKinnev and FJkina, of Raleigh prepara tory to issuing new stock. We understand that the stock boa! all been subscribed for. . i The Democrat is indebted to the good people ol Lenjir for many courtexies extened to its editor during his few hours stay in that most charming litt'ecity last Saturday afternoon. Tbej man who goes to Lenoir either on business or for pleasure, and does not have a yearning ever after to again visit it busy marts and mingle with ita splen did citizenship, is certainly a yery strangely constructed piece of humanity. , Mrs. Rachel Gragg wife of Rev. E.M-Gragg of Liberty Hill met with quite a pleasant sur prise on her Co birtbbay, when Ireinds numbering some 200, came laden with baskets of good things, and opread a mottt ele gant dinner in theorchar.l under the shade of the trees, to which Mr. Gragi; and his wile were in vital out to dine with their many freinds, and given the seat ot honor at the table. "AH went merry aa a marriage bell" All en joyed it and left happy. We ex. tend congratulations to this splendid lady aud wish ber the return of many more happy days like this. Watauga County's Inheritance Tax. Clerk of the Court, W. D. Far thing, informs the Democrat that he has colleetd $1,097.53 inheri tance taxes during the months of April and May of this year. This, to our mind, is certainly a splen did showing for our county: We doubt if very many counties of the State can show a better col lection for; the same length of time. While the inheritance tax law has been in force for six years, prior to the meeting of our last General Assembly it has not been generally enforced, ma 4ny counties of, the state abso lutely ignoring it. It is claimed by men who ought to know that a proper enforcement ol this law would, with other sources of reve- nue now in operation, place the State out of debt within od of ten years. a pen- Summer Term of the Appalachian Train ing School. The summer term of the Appa lachian Training School will be gin next Tuesday June 3. The regular faculty will do a greater partof the teaching. Miss Maude Harrie the first teacher ever em ployed by the school will have cbargeof the model primary room Miss Harris is now at Cary, N. C. The teacher of vocal music has not been secured. Miss Jean Witherspooo of Cbicora College, Greenville S. C. and Miss Beulah Bradford ot Mecklenburg County will be the only recruits unless extra work develops. Prof. Sams ol Raleigh, Supt. of Teacher Trai ning, Prof. V. L. Jones, ol Sweet BriarCollege, Va.. Dr. T. C Amick ol Eton College and perhaps oth ers will spend a few days and de liver lectures. The teaching will bedirected Be long the line of special drills on important parts of the different subject 'No attempt will be made to coverall the branches by any student. Mrs. Battle who bad charge of a boys' home at Elou College is here and will take charge of New land Hall. Miss Parnell tor five years a matron at the Thomas ville Orphanage will arrive Fri day and act as matron of Lovill Home. The following makes one feci that they would like to change the mountains for the seashore for a while at least. '"The fields in the truck belt around VV1 mington are red with strawber ries." The price has dropped to $1.50 and $1.00 per crate. The truckers cannot afford to gather the crop at the prices, consequen tly this most luscious ol all fruits gos to waute. Great Summer Offerings at the "BIG STORE" 0 -0 0 0 I have now io stock the largest and best assortment of mer- cbandise I have ever carried, in all departments, and feel sura that 1 can ""PP'j Your every need, il you will come to my etore and call ont. me gooas are ail Doug tit ced that .annuel defy compet ition, NO NEED OF THE MAILORDER HOUSE While my tton? is iu reach. I am safe in saying that my notion de partment surpasses anything in the county, and lean adl tbemtoo at an great largn ins, every expense considered, aa you can buy them for by Parcel Tout. 1 only ak au honest investigation and you may bo the judge. IS IT SHOES YOU WANT? I am headquarters fur the leading makes: the Brown Ave Star; the Seltz, the Skreemer, any many other makes for all sizes of leet, and at prices that will please you. A Beautiful Line of Clothing! FOR men and boya of the choicest weaves and fabrics. None bet ter or moie stylish in the county, and I can and will save you mon ey on any thing you need in this line. "The Best'' in clothing is my motto, and I pride myself that my will bear me out in this assertion. FOR THE LADIES: I am headquarters for dress goods and other niceties sought by you. bilks, batins, Liuens, Corduroys, Ginghams, Percales, Trim mings, etc. etc., and you are cordially invited to call and examine them and a thousand an 1 one other articles that I canuot mention here, and buy the lest barirain of Call lor what you want as my Watch this space lor the best store Of Course the Railroad Is Coming, , But while you wait the best place to buy your goods is at Sherwoods. Now if you clothes come to my store and let me show you my clothing It does not cost anything to look and but very little to buy Over two hundred suits to select from, all up to date in style make and finish. Come womens and childrens shoes this line. Just opened up my spring line of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS as handsome a lot of dress be found in the county. You can always find a fresh up to date line of heavy and fancy groceries on hand. Try our "Hotel Special" coffee the kind that puts a smile on your face and makes you get up 1 A satisfied customer is my produce bought and and sold at highest market prices, Yours for Business, Atnantha, North Carolina. GRASS SEED! GRASS SLED!! -THAT WILL DO We have just unloaded a car load of the highest grade of clover, timothy, red top, Orchard grass, and blue grass that money can buy. As the market has advanced since this was bought, we are in position to give you bargains in the best seed on the market. Write for prices. W R. STOFFEL HARDWARE CO INCORPORATED MOUNTAIN CITY, TENN. N. L. MAST, Pres. G, P. HAGAMAN, Cash The Bank That Appreciates and Protects its Customers, Capital, Surplus, Profits and Stockholders, Liability :: ;-: :: $35,000.01 It has been the policy ot this batik to render the greatest service possible to the citizuns ol Watauga county. We appreciate the confidence the people have shown in us, and the success they have helped us to achieve in building up a Btrong banking institution. With our improved equipment we are better than ever prepared to serve them. v The Watauga County Bank BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. BEST I have just received a nice line of framed picture mir rois, family photo frames and rugs.' PRICES JUST RIGHT Fresh candies, peanuts, and a nice line of 5 and 10 cent notions. Prices too low to. mention. Call and be con vinced. . Most Respectfully, R. M. GREENE, uu ine Dear markets, ana ar pri the quality and grades considered. hundreds of satisfied customers Gents' furnishings a specialty. your life. Stock occupies several rooms. news. Must Respectfully yours, M. II. BLACKBURN are going to buy a suit of and see. A big line of men's and oxfords. Can suit you in ginghams to select from as can - 2 hour earlier every morning. motto. All kinds of country W, F SHERWOOD TO SOW. W. C. COFFEY, ViceTres. J. T. MILLER, ADH'tCash. YET! Boone, N. C, WANTKD. Lahorrm in our logging camps at Froctor, Swain County N.t. Wngew from 1 f0 to 1. H. per da v. ten hours. . M. Hitter Lumber Co. NOTICE. I will not berepousillefurauY debt contracted by my wife, Sa rah or by her children. Jamhs I. Teagce. Blowing Rock, N. C May 22. NOTICE, This is to notify all persona that my wife Susan E. I'resnell, has left me and that I will not be responsible lor an v debts she may contract. This May 13, O. J. I'RESNELL. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 1 have on band some 15 or 20 Jersey heifers that I will sell or exchange (or beef cattle. Call at the Milton Coffey place on Meat Camp to see them. Ilarrison Baker, Sands, N. C. WANTED 3 or 4 nice gills to wcrk in Hotel, who have had some experience waiting on ta ble and attending to rooms. Will pay from f8 to f 10 per mouth, room and board. Call on or write, Dr R. D. JENNINGS, Proprietor, "KlonteHka" Inn, Bauners Elk. N. C. Give refer ence and experience. NOTICE. To whom it may concoru: llus is to certify that my wife, Mira Cheek, has abuudout-d me aud refuses to live with me, and this is to uotily all parties that deal with her that I will not be responsible for ber debts, ob ligations or contracts of auy kind which she may make without my conseut. This May 7, 10M. J. D. CHEEK Silas M. Greene, JEWELER SlLVKltSTONE, X. C. All kinds of repair work done under a punitive guar antee. Wheu iu need of any thing in my line give me a call and get honest work at honest prices. Watch. Repairing A Specialty, Notice of Administration. Having qualified aa Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Clersie Wilker Bon, late of Watauga County, North Carolina, this in to notify all perfcoiiH having eialinn againat said estate to preHent thein to the andertiiff led ou or before the 22nd day ot May, 1914, duly authenticated, or this nofioe will be plead in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate will please make immediateettlemeut. This May 23, 1913. A. A. PEKRY, Administrator. JOHN E, BROWN, Atty. ENTRY NOTICE NO. 2518. State of North Carolina Watau ga county, office of Entry Ta ker for aaid county. W. A. Hoffman locates and en ters (4) lour acres of land in Bea ver Dam township on the waters of Bea yer Dam Creek. Beginning iu Albert Cowle's line on a pine tree, then north to DaveLetbcos line; then with said Lethco's hue and various courses to the be ginning. Eutered Apr. 21, 19151. HJ. HARDIN, Entry-Taker. Bank of Blowing Rock, Blowing Rock, N. C. WREATHE THE SPLENDID MOTTO. as abo-je. It should adorn ev ery home, be spelt by childish lips ?onned by Vrrowitl CDiltlreu ani imprinted uum tBe niiuds ol the young men, maidens. Con stant pilgritaatfts to the doors of a j v SAVINGS BANK means that old age will wreathe each bead rifcfi b laurels of In dependence, Fri'wd ships, Repope. Start to rave .vwl The Bank of Blowing; ltock welcomes your smallest thinnings.

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