Z)t UIataurja JDfmorrat. R. C. Rivers, Proprietor. Thu.simv, Sy. 17, ll'lil. H AND ABOUT BLOWING ROCK. IVoplt nr bcguming to tut corn, mid the crop i tpb-ndkl, in mil Utter t hati it ia iu noun? other tt:lious of the rouutv. Mr. Lewis A. MaveJaud little daughter, ure riht sick with fo vi r. Imt under the cure of lr II. l'. lVrv, are retting alout; spleii A Mingi of MCSf Penciled and Prints that Pertain to the Coun try ef Continual Breezes. Wt vja Inti.in Ulowiuii Rock. .V '., Sppt 17.-t'ol. Tomll.t'of fey. of the Uatautta luu. has join ed tli0ini!kuiau uuiou. It is wot h milt? to si e him milk the rows. He can da it, too, m a fi-hkin tint mil make 6ome ui-lktmiii turu a greenish cast euvv. I'i iday he donned a suit if -Uld Hickory" overalls, that tit him like a glove, aud wtnt forth to toy with the boviue's udder aud entice the wbit6 fluid fioin the mammary glands. The four cows looked at him with the same astonishment that charac terises the gaze of a female sew ing society wheu a stranger drops iu aud does not bling hei sewing. Their large and express ive eges rolled arouud like a brown-baked apple iu a saucer of milk. They viewed his overall attire with silent adiuiratiou You could tell this by the way they eyed him, auJ not a moo did a single one utter. lie co quoted with the first oue, and she gae him the "turkev trot" fora i A Pretty Hone Wedding. Mas Dots. On Imt TuesJay, at a. m.. iat the pn-tty home of Mr. and Mrs. L I. I'ntcln rin K ist Itooue. Mr. TuriitT lleiidrix, ofStotiv I I'uik, led to the in a mage altar Mies Uoyxttr. the onlv ihildif the fond parent. I he ceiemotiv was pn formed m a must iiupie didly, and all aie hoping that sivenav bv theftev. I. V. Miller, "' notice up ugaiii ! in the presence of a few invited quests. 'Ihe bride a haiiJsomely gowued iu a Hue traveling suit, aud immediately alter tin sol emn wold weie spoken that made two happy heai ts beat as oue. the bride aud groom left for a visit tn lllowiiu. i:, k m.d I in- Hie Vila bull team rrosHid ville. Thev will teturu tothelleu Mr. Thos. II. ltiiiham, ex l leik of the Superior court ol W utauya county, has beeti tpitte sick lor several dats, but the wishes of all are that he may soou Iu II v recover and enjoy the beat of In al ih lor many Venn Iu (me. tor there are nobettci iimii than I inle Turn. hats with the Willow lUile uim start. The uext one gave him ' tauo' step; but I'ol. Tom wa out to milk, aud thev all finallv agreed it was "no use" and sub nutted must gracefully, lie sep era ted them from their milk, ami secured two large buckets tull, as rich as any housekeeper would wih, and tiow the prowess of a successful milkman rests on his brow, and he says he'll "be diu ed if hecaies whether tliemilkei co nes or gets 6ick." That.s just like ioiu L'offey. When he makes up his mind, aud starts out dj a thing, he does it. Then t to, he bus the greatest abun dance of the "milk of humai kindness'' in his makeup. Silvio, a little son of Mr. and Mrs. Caesar 1'oud, on the Cone est ite, will hereafter go throug life maimed iu the left hand- Fri diy he was working at the apple packing house of the Cone or ciards, and unfortunately got his left hand caught in the cog wheels of Ihe elevator- The lit tie finger was cut off entirely; the t'lird finger was so ba.dly man g'ed that it had to be amputa taJ; the other two fingers wil popably be saved. Dr J. ! Brooks rendered prompt mediral aid aud the little fellow bore up u.ider the sttaiu heroically. He is now getting on nicely, tiood news comes from the meeting of the stockholders of t're Blowing Jtuck and Lenoii T :!.... i . lurnpiKe company, wnicu was held in Lenoir on Thursday last .Not much of the business thev transacted is given out, but w hat is eouuds good. They resol ved to have a better road next ye,r. L. I'. Henkel. James Har. per and T. II. Coffey were appoin ttfij on a committee to haye this woik in chaiue aud build a good road, the Idea now is to woik the road in the fall aud spring, and during the summer months to use a drag and keep it iu a smooth condition. The only draw back Blowing Rock has from be iig a greatly isited section in tie summer is the condition of the r tads, at times; and the grumb ling about getting up and down the mountaius. If these could be eliminated, it would be great, aad would leave a better, more pleasing and lasting impression among those whocome up here and would really like to come a gaia but for the trouble they ex perience, which seems t o linger with them. This should not be allowed to exist. The scenery is grand. None more magnificeut in America. A little two-year-old ch il d of Matt Hodge, living near the Til age, was very badly scalded Fri day by turning oyer upon itself a kettle of boiling water. Just bow tin l:it Sii I nt'ilik v mill nunia mil drix home next .Saturday, where vktoiious ly a ecore of 2tu 10. a reception will be giveu iu their ! .. M . , ,, , , 1 I Our emeu ut Rural carrier, Mr. onor- tieorge A. Trivett, has resumed The groom is a prosperous ; his duthmitter taking his auuu- young merchant and stock-deal- al rest of fifteen uavs. i car. k iianks Bufirmeg. Wafrons. Steel Encrefi Sf rw We hereby tender our most " & ' t3 diuere thauks to our neighbor and friends for their kin dne, ir.l .i.. r.v- II.l ,,.. AT1.: in Inln and nccommodat ions in ourl . ,. md bervuveiuent iu t be death vlm nvvxi a Puuu "PPJ wnpuu, ur iiurnms sadd uur dear mju and biotbcr, Joe land r!c. Steel ranees rook ftoves Windows, Do . I'n em ll. und we oo nope audi .:n t..:i:, I : jp. n Mieve that the irood lxrd ill u"" "Ti'""' ' 1 vm reward aud llesn each aud eyery HARDW ARE OF ANY KIND. Write, phone or call on us for pi W R. :STOFFEL HARDWARE C IX""ORroW ATEHl MOUNTAIN CITY, TENN. one of thuu. W. W. pHKSNtlX, Ronr. J. PlIKSM LI. Hank f Bloning Rock, HunUMi Rii'K, X. C. erflu all-round geutlemau and good citizen, aud he is to be con gratulated upon wiuuiug lor his bride one of the choicest gills of our village. The best wishes of all follow them. At The Training School. tu'ite a uiimberof newstudcuts have been enrolled during the last week. The enrollment is now about l.'U. und more coining in a'ruost every day. The Literary Societies have el ected the following to represent the Societies at the Annual Re uuiou September I'O. Miys l'au sy Kincaid, of the Culiopian; Miss Lucy Hardin, of the Lutei piau; Clay iUon, ol the Watau ga; aud Shelton I'euu, of the A p. palnchian. Rev. L. C. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson were here hint week to see tlieir daughter, Mius Lola, who his been sick for a few days Miss Lola i much better we are glad to know. Most of the students seem t" be earnestly at woik, and (hat is what pays in the end. The 3rd year class is one of the largest as well aa one of the beet we have ever had. "Keep off the grass," sny the authorities ".V word to the wise is sufficient." Mrs. 1 aimer was here on Sat urday to see her daughter Kdith. The young ladies from t he Lov ill Home had an open air suppei r nday afternoon on one ol the beautiful knollw in Ea?t Buone. We are glad to see Mr. L. 13 Alexander back shaking hands with his many friends at the School. He seems loth to leave Boone. He will locate iu Lenoir. Work" seems to be the watch word of all the teachers, and stu dents begin to believe that they actually mean what they sny. Why, those teachers really ex- pact you to get every word of ev ery lesson, every day. and you'd just better do it. A croquet ground aud tennis court have been made for the young ladies These games will bea healthful recreation for them, aud all should avail themselves of these advantages. The louuy Indies' Societies gave a reception to their new membeis on Sutuida y night. Cirutx. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Watauga County. I'uder hiiJ by virtue of a power ol sale eontrtined in a eertain uiortKngP deed executed to me ly George Mc loiiieou March 2M. I!i4. to uncure the lH yuiHiit ol the um of JJUiidue and payable mi Cctol'ei S3. 1W04. with iu terVht from date, no part of which hah been paid. I will on Monday the :uth day of October, P.U3, at the couit house door iu Boone. . C, sell to the highest bidder for rash the following described iraet or parcel of laud. Viz: that tract or parcel of laud lying and bennj iu Watauga tjouuty. Cove C'eek Township, aud known and designated as lollows, VO.: aud bounded by the lauds of C, C. Adaius, May; Mciiiiire aud Ueo. M. MeCiuire known as the laud bought by Joseph H. M'Miuire of Smu Kine and deeded by Joeph H. Meliuire liy Geo. W. siuil h, afterward trausterred to (teo M. Mc'iuiie b Mag Meliuire I Joseph U. Mdiuire'a liee'd. widow' contain int live acres more or less. Said sale will Iij made to satisfy said mortgage and interest and costs of gale, and dt-ed in lee executed to the purchaser Said uioitgae recorded in book "J'' iiages f c on June loth, PJ(H. For a toiler aud more complete deserip I i tier to Said record. This lth, dav of September, ll'lli. MAG M.tjnKi;, Mortgagee. mas. r a CHARTERED la Call at my Store For anything you want in my line, and if I do not si V Ml 1 you some money, 1 win make some otner merchant do Everything in stock is a bargain, and a call will convi you that this is true. llflllTril. All A 1- - 1 ..11 1 1 The successful business mau him.-am uuuer, wuckwis, eggs ana Oti cannot ruu his business without good produce I can get. Will pay the highest mar! having bankiug facilities. A bank price. Call at the M. P. Critcher old stand. Yours truly, D. J. Cottrel. i & .we cress: :ess as necessary as I account is just money itself. Ihe llrst step on tre road to success lor many u business mau wus taketi, nhen he opened a buuk account. Open au uccouut with us. We ofl'er every facility toeither large or small depositors. IK) IT TO-DAY. BLAIR H OTEL. HOCSE, NORTH CAROLINA. Family And TormsT Hotkl. Open all the Year. TERMS REASONABLE. REDUCED RATES TO PERMA RENT BOARDERS. GEO. F. BLAIR, Prop. TRINITY COLLEGE An institution of education intensely devoted to developing men. Its graduates are everywhere successful aud fill important positions In all lines of work. I hey occupy places of honorand dignity In church and state, and ably aud prominently represent their state In the natioual goveruiueut. A college supplied with ample resources to provide the best education. More than a million dollars recently added to Its endowment. A wtdo range of courses. Ntcessary expenses of the student moderate. No Increase in tui tion charges within 25 yeare. For catalogue and Illustrated booklet address R. L. FLOWERS Secretary to the Corporation. Durham. X. C. Hardware, Furniture & Undertakers' Supplic Our immense three-story building now contains the largee and best assorted Hue ol Hardware that we bare ever carried and we want at least a sharo of tho trade from Watauga. I matters not what you waut in this line, we have it, from a pe knife to a gasoliue engine or Disk Harrow. A Full Line of F urniture of all kiuds that is being sold at bottom prices. Bed spring Mattresses, pillows, etc., always in stock and at as low a flgur as such goods can be sold. When in Lenoir call and examin our goods, and if it is hardware or furniture you want, we ar sure to trade Home. Uiidertkers' Supplies. Remember we carry a full line of coffins and caskets, from : a yeiy handsome metallic one down, and always keep the ver; best undertakers' supplies on hand. Give us a call. mjniq UABnwADc Aun cmdmtiidc nn cluuiu iiniiunmiL hiiui uiiiii I uuu uu LENOIK, : : : : :: :-: :: NORTH CAROL! TRINITY PARK SCHOOL ft Monuments, Tablets & Headstones. W ESTABLISHED 1898. Location excellent Equipment first class. Well trained Faoulty nf successful experience. Special care of the health of students. An instructor in each dormitory to supervise living conditions of boys under his care. Excellent library and gymnasium facilities. Large athletic fields. Fall Term opens September 10. FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ADDRESS. V. PEELE, Hkadmasier, - - - Durham, North Carolina. X KILN-DRIED LUMBER. Having erected a first class dry kiln and added some new machinery to our mill we are now prepared to furnish all kinds of finishing material for buildings, such as: Ceil ing, flooring, weather boarding, Window and Door Frames, Base Boards, All kinds of mouldings and other finished material necessary to complete a building. bend us a list of your wants and we will be glad to fur nish you prices. CHETOLA MILL, .... BLOWING ROCK, N.C ALL SIZES, SHAPES AND COLORS, IN Marble and Granite of the very best I terial. PRICES ARE RIGHT, come and see our work, or write for Prices and Designs. yours very truly, MOUNTAIN CITY MARBLE COMPANY, Mountain City, - - - Tennesse Prosperity Implements the accident occurred has not bet-n earned, but thelast account from its Ledside is that it is getting on as well as could be expected. The first Blowing Rock frost to make people get up and take notice appeared on the morning of the 11th. It was like a white mantel over the tops ol houes, but it didn't bite things to any perceptible degree, so far as known. .V ere'all medicines as meritori. ous as Chamberlain's, Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the world would be much better off and the percentage of suffeiinor greailj de creased," writes Lmdaay Scott, of Temple, ind. For sale by all deal-ers. Children Crv FOR FLETCHER'S " OASTOPiA BARGAINS IN Clothing Hats Shoes Dry Goods and Notions. If you are looking for the store where you can buy the ucst isuiu ui uiuwiea, uie uesu iiat anu Dest pair 01 snoes or slippers for the least money, let us invite you to our store, where all ot these can be found. We carry the Famous Geo. D. Witts shoes and oxfords, for men women and children. Guarantee every pair to give satisfaction. HATS:-We have just received from the New York mar ket a complete line of men's ladies' and children's hat nnr? can ht any head. LLJlHlJb:-We carry the famous C. T. C. clothing So if you want to be well dressed at a small cost don't f afl to see our line. Uver 6W suits to select from. HARDWARE: We have at all times a full line of Hard ware, Undertakers Supplies, Cook Stoves, Sewing Mach ines, mowing machine repairs. In fact we have every thing that an up-to-date store sells. Call for what you want. We have it. Yours very respectfully, Stony Fork, N.C. Hendrix Brothers. We have just unloaded a Car of these famous Chatto nooga Plows. We have: Disc Plows Chilled Plows Hillside Plows Subsoil Plows ' I or anything else you may need in a earthturning Implemen Get The Best BERNHART-SEAGLE CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. LENOIR, ........ NORTH CAROLINA i rrrr.r$Yi

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