Zht (HLIataucra Democrat. A 'rnur trhi,u"1 ,lt th A aml ' .M. College, a scientific fanner, r Li- ir j jelonrcd SltMMUor hi emplovcr uuamcu every i nursuay , ,.,8t veiir u. Hlint? A Sketch of the Lift of 1 I. Harris Seventy year ago ou Friday, S-,it. .". was boru the sub- pel of lli is sketch: After spend ieg the first eightetu years of hie lift- rolickiug and frolicking o'er lull and plain, enjoy in; h!I the pleasures tbat a lad could.be left home to join the Confederate army- He enlisted at Johnson City Tenu . on July 42, 1!S(J2, where seveial days were spent by be,3- ft llil Ilia rittiru 1 0.1 i in i-nl, . "ill V v l U l vit I Lt UJ a I V U 1 1 1 nnd drilling. Ou Sept. li and 20, 1SG3, they met their f.'ep at Chicatuauga ('reek, and it hub there the l'n ion forces were driven from the Silas M. (ironic, JEWKLKi: Sn. Lirro.L, .. C. All kinds of repair woik done uuder a pot-it ie ".u.ir autee. When in med of any thing in inv line give me a call and net houett woik at honest prices. W An ii Hi i'aikim; A Srnni.Tv Tenn.Fann For Sfle! 1 au ptTeritirf lur tale inv line Ihiiii near Hutler. Tcnii. '-nlaiiiin; l.'ti- acre. Hood tiinlwr; tn-.e uim-i-niiti dwelling, good Hter limped into t lie i house; two good barun: htieded i-rilio. niii ttma In tti .... - Ia n u.idli.iiiuu mi.l field. He was in several other bat j otlier OHt builjm,s; -y) ai.r J; ties without any WOUIlds, UUtil ! fruit trees of all kiuds. Fine place to the time came for the terrible , sell goods. I will eel' . tnim SHAKE IT OFF Rid Yourself of Dnnessecary Burdens. 1'on't l-nr uuuei-eary Imnleun. WnnleiiB of a lml bark are biavy. ii t ril of llu'Ui I Man kidney Fill are for bnj kid in ys t or lauie. weak aul ai-hlti backs. I -ols of cratrful elidurarweut to pro e tlieir worth. K. M. C rouse. Airlelloir. N. Cuayr "For two year I wan a victim of kid ney complaint. There wan a dull pa Id hi the muhII of luv back and when ttoopitiK or liltniK, I wied by lmip twinici-o throuli my lin. My back ached vircly at iiiht ainl lu the tuoi inn; I viy lauieaud (ore I bfi-auie t ired eadly and was often in-iMiii-- 1 he khliity aeereliona were too Irci'lfiit in prikhrtice and I did lint tfkt well. I al Ion I ii b-arned of Iiomu'o Kiiluv Pill nnd altliotiKh 1 did not take more than half a hoi, I h (jtfHtly relieved." For c.ile bv all dealem. Vriee iic. Foster MilM'Ui n C . Buffalo. '. Y.. in 'It- aeiit.- for the Fliited Mate. Kiiiiciu'-i r the name Donu'ti aud take no other struggle struggle ol Missionary Kidee, where he and his com rades bad taken refuge ou the north side of the ridge. It was here that be received a painful gun shot wound through the left arm, breaking one bone. This was on Nov. 2!, 1N3. lu August, 1SG4, be was knock ed down by a cannon ball tbat etruck a rail near bv. Later be was knocked down by the burst ing ol a shell, aud was bit in the ing ciops together, IT acrea in corn. My price paid dow n is i4,iiK. t'ome aud see or write ful f urthe pai t icukits. i F. COITLY. Butler, Teuu. '1 he new iy appointed Ambas sador to Austria, Frederick l'en rield, an ived at Vienna the Stb iust. lie succeeds Kicliar Kerens. John S, Mercer, tf ("harlot te, has pldnned a $10,0(K) home Kr women who have erred. The in. htitution is to lie bat'-d in t bar lotto. 1 he city will lernll 1 up on to liuau'-e the proi rt. Wot t F..M. m. Ice, l'.ikint.i, I'.d'f., " 'It j;ivr uniyet.il .itif.utii!i .mil I use only I'oli' v'i lloiu y ,i-ul I ,.i Coiupouiid f"t my iIiiKIuiti." L.i'. Rhodes, Mithlleioii, t i i., iiti-: I lljj .1 I HI klll llHppC tonsil ,l!l' lin.ily j;ol rcliif l.ikin;; l"ot lluuey and Tai loinpou- -I."' I -no other in onr f.m.ily .nl nd-i Miltitutcj. Foi .i!c I .i'.l Ji.'lii' j M .- f r ia r iAirrrr Mysore State, India, has a pop ulatiou ol r,S0ll, !;., of whoin 3,34,021 are mules. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GREAT WILKES COUNTY FAIR. In el by a spent ball on August ' si, ou sept. 24 1804, he Tucwlav, cdiRIav and Thursday, was shot through both hips, the ball pussiust uuder the back bone, MIMlvMHKIJ U.'in!, 2 I ill ami 25th, 1913. which was a terrible wouud. Af ter several days of suffering with untold agony, he was taken back to his home aud was never able to return to the army a gain while the struggle between the Noith aud South lasted. Ou Jau. 22, 1801), he was uuittd iu marriage to to miss Mary Nor ris. To them were born five chil dren, four of whom are still ing. lie joined the Baptist ihunh mi Meat Cimp in Dee. 1881, and h is siuco lived a devoted chris tian life, true to his God every day; always present at bis regu lar titncHuf worship, uuless prov ideutially hindered always ma king friends wherever he weut. His doors are always open to every one who wishes to enter and is kiud and patriotic to all with whom he comes in contact. Wishing him many more years of happiness and enjoyment, I am a grandson of hie, 11. C. TR1VETT. North Wilkesboro, N. C. The Great Animal limit f Xorth- Western North Caro Una for Wilkes and at! Adjoin imj Counties. Origin at in every detail. Nothing like it on earth. The Tan- this year will exceed all previous efforts in exhibits, attractions and attendance. This Fair is the iv-j great annual Home Coming, acquaintance-renewing event oi this seceion. the great gala season, when worry and restraints are thrown aside, when friends and neighbors mingie in nappy good lellowship, reviewing the progress and advancement which this mountain section has made during the past twelve months. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re w trd fy any case of atarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY CO.. ToU-Jci. Ohio. We. tin- ii!nlt-rifrnei1 have known F.J. Chenev tor rlu hist 15 yeiirs an.l believe him perfectly !' iniiruMe in all Inisinerti tninsiicttous anil finan cially uble to carry out aiiv obligations made by his Bnu. -NATIONAL BANK OF COMMFRCE TOLEUO, OHIO, Hall' Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood & mu cous surfaces of the system. Testiuion ials sent free. Price T5 cts. per bottle Sold by all Druists. Take Hatl'e Family Pills far 3on supation. The Aer oplane. ..Jm Exhibition given by Thos. Brady of New York, Licen sed Aviator, and Pilot, Frank J. Terrill, flying in his new 30-horse power Tractor Type Passenger Carrying Bi-Plane, average speed of 75 miles an hour, guaranteeing two sue cessful flights daily, covering a period of ten minutes du ration or longer. Altitude flights from one thousand to five thousand feet. This wonder alone will be well worth your trip to the Fair. Seven Big Shows On the 9th inst. the New York Flyer, St. Louis, on the Pennsyl vania Kailroud, wrecked four miles out from Madison, Ohio, injuring tiT) persons, three fatal Are liver At ar. There are two things everlasting, ly at war, joy nd piles, But Buck, leu's Arnica Sa've will banish the piles. It soon subdues the itching irritation, inflammation orsweiling. It gives comfort, invites joy. Grea eest healer of burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises, eczema, scalds, pim ples, Jk in eruptions. Only 25c. at "U druggists. The first bale of uew cotton was brought to Gastonia last Satur day by Mr. J, G. Jenkins. 'Were all medicines as merttori. ous as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the world would be much better off and the percentage of suffeiing greatlj de. creased," writes Lindsay Scott, of Temple, md. For sale by all deal, ers. The management has been successful in securing a very desirable attraction in Adams' Greater Amusement Company, with its seven big shows. Ferris Wheel, Mer ry-Go-Around, Moving Picture Show, Five-In-One-Show, and a Band that pla;,s ideal music. Horse Racing Realizingthat no Fair can reach its highest pinnacle of success without high class racing to encourage and stimulate the breeding of fast and fancy horses. The purses are bigger than ever before. Mule and Sleer Races Cool judgment keeps a person from getting into hot water. Free to all. Nothing like it on earth. Original in every detail. PREMIUM LIST: The Premium l!ist includes prizes for all things made and produced in factory, farm and household; it is the largest and best of any previous Fair Write the Secretary today to send you a copy of the Premi um List and Catalogue. Catch thp spirit, come and bring your exhibit and give yourseif and family that long-wish-ed-for and much deserved holiday by coming to the Fair. Remember carefully the dates for the Great Annual Event, September 23, 24 and 25 Tuesday, Wednesday ana 1 nursaay, iyd. r or catalogue, premium list and oth er information, see or write JOHN R. JONES, Sec. and Treas NORTH W1LKESB0R0, - N. C. Mr W, S. Gunsaliis, .1 f.i'u.ti Iivinir near Fleminu. I'.i.. s. i i ha used ('hambci Iain's Colic, L'lc'l eta and Di.m hoca Itcincdv hi hi family for fourteen years, and that he has found it to be an t'Mi lVni remedy, and takes p'.e.iMiic in uc ommeiding it. Foi sale by all deal ers. George A. Paikir, a negro em ployee of Col. Theodore House velt, bad been lodged iu jud hi stealing $1,01)0 worth of jewilry from the lioosevelt family. Tin jewelry was recovered. The Tiials of a Traveller. "1 am a traveling salesman wiitis E. K. Youngs, E. Berkshire, Vt.. and was often tumbled wiih con stipation and indigestion till I be gan the use ot Er. King's .New Ldi I'ills, which I haye fouu 1 an cnccI. lent remedy." For all stomach, liv er and ktdney troubL-s there ii null ing better Only :5c. al ad diug-gists. on -:.::i'-!a-'.i ' ' I'.l i'. ..U.1-.U cur. ' ;.-'" .V f. rrrilM . '"'"iO; h.i-O ;: 1L0 :;eri'LUi'. For Tnfnnts nnd Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ...... -u: .-rj(J t c. In Use For Over Thirty Years Dm mm ... .Jn t- XJ occsc :sooooooooooooooo During the first six months 1 15113, North Carolina had 1 .; : fires, says reports to Stale In; u ranee Department. Kidney Troubles IJegiu Willi a Lame Hack. J. L. Hackl. 8-5 Eighth St.. Ln -coin, 111., was recently cured of ;. b id case of kidney trouble thai staited with a lame back, and says; "I am certainly thankful in yetiing a cure ot my kidney trouble bv ii' ing Foley Kidney pills. Try them yourself. For sale by ail dealeis. APPALACHIAN TKAINLNG SCHOOL. The fall opeuiug -of the Aiimlaehhni Training school will be August 2h The school has exteinlcd its eoiirsc of study and the requirements for en trance and has added a good lJusincss Department. Public schoul teachei are given free tuition. A catalogue tells more. Write to the Superintendent, Hoone, N. C. WATCHES ACCURATE LY IiEFAIKFD. There are more watches, entire ly ruined by incompetent woik men than in any otlier way. Come to the Boone Repair Simp lor tine Watch Repuiriug. Even job is carefully done aud limed before leaving my shop. Uritigui vour work and it shull have oui best attention. J. W. BRYAN, i'lioi- ft Sa Girl's Life "I y.u;1 I.) k!I you what wonderful benefit I have re cclvc.l Fi.Kn the ire of Thcdford's Black-Draught," writes Mis. Nyiv.;!ii,i W'o.n.!:;, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly Ii,:d no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver ,t;id stomach troubles. 1 firmly believe Black-Draught sued my IMa phi's life. When she had the measles, thy v.vi.t i.i on her, but one good dose of Thedford's F'.ac!. Di.ui.-.ht made lhein break out, and she has had no iuujc 1; cubic. I shall never be without o o o o o o 8 o o o o 1' J r-s'-TO: x r i 3 Mi 3 HfOi II III n m in. ncss, home." ror constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi- P liulaiia, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar S.o , ' ailments, Tlicdfurd's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, 1 rchalic, gentle and valuable remedy. If you Fidiu- fiom any of these complaints, try Black Drai:"Iit. It is a medicine of known merit Seventv-five ycais of r-plendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. r ii o o o o o o o o D V .. ,. l tm 1 LHl. COOK'S CERTAIN CURE flrrnt Hnnd.-rof ihc ate. For external sad Internal u U all It will cost you only posts! cord. If your dealer 2 Consfipa n "i or many years 1 was troubled, in spite of all so-called remedies I used. At last I found quick relief and cure in those mild, yet thorough and really wonderful DR. KING'S NovLife Pills Adolph Schingeck, Buffalo, N. Y. B CENTS PER BOTTLE T ALL DRUGGISTS. OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE vl M a VSAT r t'H ' '! re. T. I. COOK HtOldHt C , WimIm-UIm. I. C AgMt" h.l" wilt" M . 1- OIL Rlicnin.il. . m, uciii.tluia. bead, tooth, and earache; sprains and nrui.es lame back and stiff joints. Swelling of a'l kinds, cramp colic, -utsand bun;,, bites and stiuys i-f in,iets; kidney and liver troubble, la ispie, colds and cuii,;lis, .litlusic and sure throat, croup, cholera mor hiis, colics. di.i!iiio.-a'and llux. nleuiisv- nu. .r.;.. estion, cures colic in horses. u.de weakness ami ii.di Winston Saiom Mr. T. I.. Cool., .S.-tlim, N. C. 1 li-ar -.it ; I tin, I y,,nr ('.(',( -de rctiK-dv lot K lienni.itisni, and all KcMM-rlf iillv. R ,! REYiNULD.S, pre,. R,J, R.Tob. Co JN. C. April, 2, 190 J'r. Cook's Certain Cure, a valua. pains. The Mountain Scout tells of a Spiiuish oak near the Robert Car oii old home in Alexander coun ty, that measuies thirty -fo u r feet 111 circuinfereue? one loot a bove the ground. ' tiki. 11 foa Siomach Trouble and Constipation Trade Marks Designs An Tone tendfnff ft dketrh And floHcrhitfToi mli qnlottly ascertoin onr itiiuii dee okihrr hlTe'ltlon nrohahlr t;ilPittnH OAr.iniiint.-. iinnsmrictiycoiiiiaontitii. in riU'J 't I oni rreo. umiosi aenry tor ui u Patents taken tliroiiL-h Kiunti A $pecial notict, without ohflree, Intba I l'll.''lll out free. OMeat aenry fur hi ui ug iati"i: (. rnteniB utneii inruimn piuillt to. tt-culyi tfcuuno(tc. wltnoutohflree, intba Scientific limni A h&ndaomelr lllnirinitrd pcl:lr. I,,rt-o,t rh cnlaUon of anr fii'ientltlc jnuni.tl. 'I'ci ui- ; . your: tour montka, IL Sold by all nenoih -iior MUNN ft Co.8,Bm- New Ycrl Branch Office, S2S 7 Bt Waabiuiiiuii. 1). C. Wa'tWe'n ff-yuaps3aay. man im ! Ara Voo a Woman ? I The Vfeifs Tcnic rca SALE Li ALL DiiaSGISIS Fire tit Hot Springs, Ark., last week cuused reat damage. Th loss was estimated at nix mill ions of dollars and 2,55)0 people were made homeless. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA My Mamma Says - Its bafe for Children" CONTAINS NO OPIATES mm j "A' tit

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