Z)t (Ulatauga Democrat. A. C. Hi vers, Proprietor. Tut i:mi.h, Ut. 10, una. j Blowinz Rock Items. j lr. aiiil Mm. TIuhii.h II. lof f v, popular cit nf tliis low ii, have rrtiirii.il from a delightful viit to Knox vi!h iin the Fair. Mr. Mt-rntt Curtis, brotbes in- law ol Mrs. V. P. Peulev of this! pliuv, is victim: fruJs anJ rela tive in ( aldrtt ll hikI Watauga. Mr. furl is prominent in Wash ington StMte. where ;i number Ol Tar Heels have pine :mi1 made I, hut ). Watauga can hard Iv spare any of iier sons just now as she is forums to the front a- lining the wide awake counties, ot tins grand sectii.n the Old North Stale. Mr, John Siundors. of tilohe. was recently a visitor in thiscom ni'initv where his fjiends are numerous. Travelling Salesmen are busy making- their rouuds b fore going into w inter quurter, many bavins; recently stopped over at Watau- "a Inn, a justlv popular tillvear round hotel kept hy a man named Coffey, whom everybody culls "Tom, " a big- hearted brotherol till who ate in need of a friend 'A friend indeed." Itev. Mr. Savage attended the opening exercises of t he I ndusf rial School at alle Crucison the Nth instt., the Principal, Miss Horner under whose guilance the school Ins grown numbers and inflnen.ee much encouraged ly the hopeful outlook for the present session, a large enrollment of students nm a strong facu'ty in iications of o year of unusul prosperity. Mr. and Mrs Herman Deal avt greatly missed in church and so cial circles as well as in our com inercial centre, but what is oui loss may betheirgaiu.forwehear that the Heals are enjoving farm life in Alexander, where 'Herman' Tbe 133rd Annivsrsary ol the Battle at King's Mountain. Today King's Mountain has celebrated the l,'l.'!rJ anniversary of its historical battle with as grand an occumoii, as kill, pat riotism, and intelligence roii'd Hon. I. V. Webb, sail iniutro- dming Win. .1, Hryan. that - OHO ieople were on'ihegroumN, j wagiins :n patriotic regalia, ami hearing scores olsihool child ren, were one beautiful teat are ot the day. The 17th l S. Infantrv band. just from Fort M. Person. Flicit el thunderous cheers, when they struck the first notes of Pixie, in the grand stand. I was offered a seat in the stand, but I chose in jut feience. a po-i-tion feet in front of the speak er I wanted to see tbe powder Hash behind the budets. The four front row s of seats were reserved foi the old soldiejs, and 1 w as on the fifth. Mr, I'.ryan's picture would show bis lips to be thin, which, from a phrenological point of vie.v, indi cates a cold reseved nature. Cut when vou see him speak, you find that bis lips are thick, and h e has a heavy back head, or cyra- liellum, aud the two proves him to be a warm hearted man. 1 1 is hair, beneath his baldness, i s black and curley, and verv b e- coiiMtitr. His teat ures a re asser ted as if Michael Ange!o had hiseled his ideal of a man, out of t'jrean Marble. He is one of the boys- the complete absence of all tilings repulsive and you know that ou could approach him as cleavei ly a-Nou could your near est and best neighbor His hands are large, and he gives you a tfann hearty grip, w ith a smile, a a id or a kind word. t theend of the speech, the peop'e made a rush to s h a ke hau ls, but theoflicer of the day told them they would have to -vait till after dinner when there wouM be a reception at Moun tain V iew Hotel; but they nave lumuoheed. Neither did they give A DOUBLE WEDDING. Two beautiful marriages were solemnized in t'.e Methodist Church in Poone on last Thurs day morning when Miss (!abrie'a Clair iMi iine the bride of Mr. Hit hard Taylor nftSlasgow Mont and Miss Mattie llarnby of Ilor ton the bride of Mr. leo. Itlair of lioone, the ring ceremony Ie. ing used by llev. Civil Jones, in his inimitable stile. The church m beautifully de corated with autumn leaves aud a profusion of cut flowers. The conti acting parties entered the church with their attendants w h i 1 e Meudelsshon' wedding ' march was being rendered by Mrs. F. A. Finney who continued to play soft sweet strains t hrough the entire ceremony. The ladies were dressed in haudsome travil ing suits of blue with bats aud gloves to match, and carried handsome boquets of roses. Immediately after theceremony the couples left, nniid the con gratulations tf friends, -Mr. and Mrs Taylor for their western home and -Mr. and Mrs. Pdair for different points in Tennessee. Mr. Taylor is a young man of sterling character, and has made a success financially in the west. Mrs. Taylor is one of our choicest girls who leaves behind her a host ol friends all ol whom wish her all the happiness in her far oil home. Mr. Blair is a popular young hot elist of Boone, who is to be congratulated upon having won ' tioir cooking cKiss Tuesday eve. itiniM lurmiai "r. m., .J . TTT rll T)a. HLa.. The lollowmg.-the menu: Corn UP 16 5, VY ttPODS, QlWl AU?3 -)WY(35 soup, crackers; need potato; chicken served on rosettas; cheese straws; apple sauce. Jeeert: cher Ilrailmiartrnt fur Hartlwari anil Mat'Iiincrv. Wlin i i . rv d u in ill in i;s with cherry sauce; in iiffil nf a liiinr- m;imiii. or hariir nllla ii 1 1. ..i .. II. i . r . .... . ' iucu,i, .tuiiii nuurr, turn '011(1 tens; Miss Nola 'irider, waitress; Miss Annie Sherwood, cook. Profs. B-B. Pougherty and I. (!, tireer went to Cove Creek Fri day to an educational rally. The girls of Lovill Home with a number of the teachers enjoyed a chestnut hunt Monday. A short but very interesting programme whs rendered on Sat urday ol last week by the young ladies' societies as follows: Miss Iluby l.wis rendered in a most pleasing manner variations of "Lead Kifldly Light. "Miss Edith Farmer gave a reading, "Count ing Fggs," which was much en joyed. PiofcHsor B. B. Dougherty has recently beeu In Laurel Creek Township visiting the schools He reports them good, but says mat two new scuool houses are needed, one in Rominger District and the other in Windy Gap. He would not discuss the Institute held there. Prof. Downum's people visitel him on Sunday. They took din ner at Lovill Home. There were four generations came in the auto, which were: Mrs. S. C. Ivimboroiigh, Mrs. Dow n 11 ins mother. Mrs. Downum Mrs. Foard, and her little non Master A.(J. Foard andMissSa mill r pp,' C - - "-"l etc., Slet'l ranges cook tlmrs Wimlonw, DoGrs, supplies, Fertilizer, Lime, Hooding, & Cement. IIAKDW AIM OF ANY KIND. Write, phone or call on us for prices W R." STOFFEL HARDWARE CO INCORPORATED MOUNTAIN CITY, TENN. Call at my Store For anything you want in my line, and if I do not save you some money, I will make some other merchant do it, Everything in stock is a bargain, and a call will convince you that this is true. WANTED: All the nice butter, chickens, eggs and other good produce I can get. Will pay the highest market price, tall at the M. P. Critcher old stand. ' Yours truly, D. J. Coltrcl. the heart and hand of pretty, die Downum with the aboye made winsome Mattie llnmbv Their many friends extend con gratulations, and wish th-m much happiness and prosperity May their cups of conjugal bliss be full to overflowing. and 'Miss Fola' hasnlready gatb ered ubout her a bevy of friendi a id admirers. In the Fnion Sunday School here, if possible, more than anv- wheie else, Mr. Deal is misse l, bin he has two btjong men assucce-. eors m that goo 1 work. Messrs Jefferson Brown and Millaru Ilodge who with a fine corns n tachers are making the school n continued success and a nowei for good in this community ol many murcbes but few Sunda Schools. As at other Summer JJesortsof like high standing the 4Gay Sea- son nana demoralized effect upon this community, but as always ni uie Degmning of the Wintei Sea on so now conditions a re nnr inal and tbe much neglected rplio ious side of our life assuming it? usual standard which I fear is not as high as it should be rnnM.f ing the fact that the vast mninr ity ot our citizens belong to some oranch of Christians, vet t h i piietude and reversion to on, naturally simple life, when left to ourselves is more conducive to right living, it seems, than tbe say and lively sfason when the town belongs to the Strangers-Among-Us. The aboye remarks referring only to the "Snmmer butterflies" who care mnm for themselves than for our people o. iuis gionous country amopg theclonds, for wa have nrnnno the cottage owners and the hotel guests who annually abide with us awhile the cream of theCouqt- i?, norm and south, socially, educationally and morally, aDd to these real friends of the Land ol the Sky aud of tbe noble Hitri, landers of the Appalachians "i s due the credit, yea, the honor ol brmging to outside notice this greatest of all American Hicrh- lauds. justly termed theSwitizer- land of America. ... ii. 1,1, when he tried to reconcile them to postponement. Juntas Mr. Bryan would have descended thesteps the only steps the unrelenting crowd completely blocked the way. The band having withdrawn from the sland at once left some rojm in tlfft rear. Thepeopleclim- ed over the banisters to fill this. The Secretary was a prisoner, submitting nicely to his fate aud the price of his release was shak'- ia hands. One lady looked up from the ground and said to me; Can I get up there?'' 1 said: 'Gi ve me your hands." I landed her somewhat like landing a big mountain trout-shesaid: 'Thank you,' and went toward tbe goal. It was a grand dav, and Mr. Bry,n made the most brilliant speech that I have heard since I beard Henry Watersnn. S. M. I)i c, vaUi. Work to be Resumed Soon. Mr. W. J. Grand in, Pres. of the Watauga and Yadkin liiver Rail roid. and Grandin Lumber Co.; Mr. II. C. Landon, general mana ger of the Railroad, and Mr. Jno r. Henderson, assistant to the presideut of the Grandin Lumber o., took a party of officials of the W. & Y. K. R. R. and South. era Railway up to Grandin aud the head ol the road on Elk on a special traia yesterday afternoon ve were unable to learn the full import of the visit of these offi. cials, but have been assured that the prospects of an early resump tion of work, both by tho Gran- Jin Runiber Co. and the V. & Y K. R. R. Co. is very irood. The track will be laid as far as Dar by, we understand, before wintpr sets in. ilkis Patriot. A Gentle aud Effective Laxative. A mHd, srentle and effective lax ative is what people what neonle demand i i when suffering from constitution Thousands swear by Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Hugh Tall man of San Antonio, Tex., writes: 'They are. Peyoud .question, the i.utf mils jn v wife tfni I have ever taken." They never cause pain. Price ."c at druggists, or by mail, II. E. Huekien & Co. Phil adelphia or St. Louis. At The Training School. Mr J. L. Vest, an artist who has been spending some time in the mountains, has been taking views of the buildings and of the school. This is a good opportu nity for anyone to secure good photographs. Profs. Brown, Greer and Mrs. Brown took supper with the se- up the party. Ol course Prof. Downum was happy. Editor Entry Notice No. 2525. State of North Carolina, Watauga County Ofli';e of Fntry Taker for sum county. A. W. Rav and T. F. Kto)irirn Innnto. am! enters (100) one hundred acres of land, on uie waters or liurkeye Creek on Heeeh Mt. in Laurel Creek town ship. Beginning on a stake in the Beech road S E of Huckeve creek in A. I). Handles line, thence with said lineS W course to J. W. Whiteheads lifiH. theiic.M wifh unirflina N V. nnnrsil to the school land Hinduiands line tlience with said line to D Handlers iino i.., wjU, said Iin to beeinnin Entered Oct 2, 1013. H, J. HARDIN, Entry Taker BLAIR HOTEL. Hardware, Furniture & Undertakers' Supplies Oiif I tn mnn on tliPDA ( am. ltniljlinrv twin- m m t n i m n 4I1A 1iiiva( and liest assorted line ol ifardwnre that we have ever carried, and we want at least a share of the trade from Watauga. It matters not what you want in this line we have it, from a pen knile to a gasoline engine or Disk Harrow. A Full Line of F urniture of all kinds that is being sold at bottom prices. Bed springs, Mattresses, pillows, etc., always in stock and at as low a figure as such goods can be sold. When in Lenoir call and examine our goods, and if it is hardwara or furniture vou want, we are sure to trade 8ome. Undertkers' Supplies. Remember we carry a full line of coflins and caskets, fr nn : a very handsome metallic one down, and always keep the . n best undertakers' supplies on hand. Give us a call. LENOIR HARDWARE AND FURNITURE GO, LENOIR, :: :: : : :-: : :' NORTH (ROLI A Monuments, Tablets & Headstones. " ALL SIZES, SHAPES AND COLORS, 1 ir BOCNE, NORTH CAROLINA Family And Touhist Hotel. Open all the Year. TERMS REASONABLE. Hil-M. reduced rates to PERMA. LfScfeB Marble and Granite of the very best ma rent boarders. terial. PRICES ARE RIGHT, come and see our work, or write us GEO. F. BLAIR, Prop, for Prices and Designs. KILN-DRIED LUMBER. Having erected a first class dry kiln and added some new 1 ' J ! . macninery to our mill we are now prepared to furnish all kinds of finishing material for buildings, such as: Ceil ing, Flooring, Weather Boarding, Window and Door Frames, Base Boards, All kinds of mouldings and other nnisnea material necessary to complete a building. Send us a list of your wants and we will be glad to fur-j nisn you prices. CHETOLA MILL, - - - . BLOWING ROCK, N. C. yours very truly, MOUNTAIN CITY MARBLE COMPANY Mountain City, Tennessee. Prosperity Implements. BARGAINS IN Clothing Hats Shoes Dry Goods and Notions. "I was cured of diarrhoea by one uusc ox namoeriain's (Jolic, Choi auu uiarriioea remedy," writes M. E. Gebhardt, Oriole, Pa. There is nothing better. Foi sale by all (jcaisis. You who require the best and purest medicine, see that vou get Foley's Honev and Tar C oil") rimi rwl in preference to anv other fr.r all coughs, colds, croup, asthma, hoarse 'ess, tickling throat and other throat and lung Iroubles. It is a -.trictly high graue family-medicine, and only aoDrovrd drnV r.f quality are used in its niaimfaclure: 11 gives the best results and contains no opiam. For uie by all dealers. Tf vrm nrp InnVinor f ny ffca cf-. i i . 1 . v. , - o ovuic wiicic vuuuaii uuy me , -uw tiuu (Miu UCOb uau (JX siiuco or R innorc fny f Via lnnof mnrATt 1 : Ii- x- w.u itaot, iiiuncjr, ici, us lavxit! you 10 our score, where all of these can be found. We carry the Famous vjcu. iLLa aiiues aim xrnrns Tni man wnman m. ... J-" iiivn it unicii aim uiiiuren. uuaraniee every pair to give satisfaction. HATS: We have -insi rerpivoA fr u Tr v 1 1 4. i Z 1 . . " " a is. mar ket a complete line of men's ladies' and children's hats and can fit any head. CL0THING:-We carry the famous e. T. C. clothing So if you want to be well dressed at a small cost don't fail t n COQ rail" lin-i n.i. OAA ..Ii J 1 1 r uv-uux uiic. uvei ouu suns 10 select irom. HARDWARE:-Wo h U VP nf nil tirviQc. o full 1J tT I ware, Undertakers' Supplies, Cook Stoves, Sewing Mach ines, mowing machine repairs. In fact we have every thing that an un-to-date store sells. Pnll want. We have it. , a u Yours very respectfully, ' Hendrix Brothers,! Stony Fork, N.C. We have just unloaded a Car of these famous Chatta nooga Plows. We have: Disc Plows Chilled Plows Hillside Plows Subsoil Plows or anything else you may need in a earthturning Implement Get The Best. BERNHART-SEAGLE CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. LENOIR, - - - NORTH CAROLINA

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