Cfje (Ulatauga Democrat. Published Every Thursday New Tariff law. Wah:ntoii Iii. an il I'r.-sulent Wilson s nigninir of th" ruJtrwooil-SliutuotiH bilw I'l itifxs into i ttfi t one of the most f ir n aL'hiny; r vicious ol taiifi ratw anj revenue la enact d tor many vearn. A new ii.t-oiiif ta, applying di rectly to the incomes of citizens: theaholiti.'ii of till tat iff on icorif of Heirs hi immense importunce to American industry anj Ame;i I llll ll'IIUIlll I i illlli II Ull 1 ITUUV tn.n of tariff rate, on most of tl e ii li hi iiikMinui'ii niiil ik linn ii in.tii. article: m nernl ue in It. n tnlj country are it's chief lea tu res. i hi; kit r.viai r iikihti ion. While c!t tin portion of ti e new law do not take ehvet at!,,,,,!,,,, ,,.,. ,, . once, most of it provisions ami almost an tne airect tanii reduc-lc!jiI(1.en: , jt ,rue t1;lt in ()Ur tl,ms tJo- .:ood state it is necessarv that At evry port coll. ctors of cu.--1 we work ,noie chlJreiI , proi,or toms, appra!sers of merchandise j tion U) our workiug ,U)plation and hundreds of other employes . than any nth(.r state, ex.-ept one? of the Treasury department w ill VVowo tLan iensvlvuniji. worse plunge at once into the task of , thfin j,,,, IsJili;, mn m.Klv c .Ilect mg the nation s revenue SQ ns v . m)t haIf ;o a new basts, ami with hundred ROoJ n? Tonne!i,et, i.ivin. t,n tIie ol uew class.heat.on and 1 ,abor o ,1,,, j,,,,, buillJllir mills p-ovis.onsoflaw to complicate ulJf ()f t1l viteI1(i, t,anieJ in fact tir activities. bv children. Ihel ederal government has ' l'UOr old State-the home ol a b eu spend..,- a tulhon dollars a 8troiJ ract. (,r ,oU,(,lHi y ar and the new tariff law w. 1 ! h(r homw whpu fo(,s ns;uU r use less than one third of thUthl.r women mm,(J hpr c,liKlrpn sum. .xperts.n (0119 pn- whe du,)ds h met inai me rmes win rain' .sjni.utiit.iuiu avenr: and that tin' income and eornorations tax es will raise ?flL'2,MM) dUO. Tie r.'iiiaiiidir of the (lovernment's ".Teat income is made up princi pa'ly ol internal revenue taxes a id postal receipts. I V o 1: TAX IM I'l lUTAXT 1 T.-VTl HTi The income tax will probably b-'ingtlie new taril'flaw most foi c.bly lo the attention of the citi zens. 1'iesident Wilson and Dein iv.'ratic leaders in I'onprcss be 1 eve, however, that the reduc tion of duties on clothing, food stuffs and other necessaries if li e, and the complete removal i f t ie duty from many like arth le, will eveutuallv brina a redi c , . ' . ,. ., . , t on in the 'cost 01 i yinn- H r h " " o it materially a fleeting businiB prospity. Republican Sold His Cotton for 10 Cents. Says a Dunn, N. C, Iiispatch: While other farmers were n -ceivin 1-i cents for cotton tc day, Albert Searles, a prominent li -publican who predicted disas ter after Woodrow Wilson's elec tion last year, was selling his for JO cents. .Mr. Searles was of tho honesl Uepublica type who believe in tht irrepressible affinity between Deir ocracy and disaster, and he free ly predicted that Wilson's elec tion meant 7-cent cotton. A mil itant Democrat who had heard this immortal folly called hirr. 'T will give 10 cents a pour.d for all the cotton that you raUe" t le Democrat said, and the Ib p iblican had it nominated iu tl e b jhd. He was so sure, despite the fact that history had falsified e.-ery Kepublicau dogma, that cotton would decline that he signed the contract and thought he had done well. The compact is in writing and the Democrat is making the big gest profit on cottou of all the dealers from, from the bulls and bears on down to the mild-eytd Seuesambian who grows it and picks it, Todaay Mr. Seat les was selling his crop for teu cents, while farm ers everywhere are getting 14, with a promise of higher prices still. Mr. Searles is a very sick man, but cannot jump the con tract, one which he made w illing ly and with the belief that he was doing well. A medical journal tells us how to lie wbtnjasleep. Lots of people neea no instructions when-they MLEYSKroNEYPHLS fim Backachc Kidnsisand Buioou j Tbe Property of The State. 1 ". H. Swift, in tirwh-lioro Xf- Tour ulJ North Curtlin;i! I low 'nhftinit stru-rli' v it li the iihiv making of fool uikI ilotli! Tin railroa.N iret thcim, 1 he iuMir- !Ua-t oompanii ir- t thur-, ami liirintTs uie I'ciuiiiu iu i fi miert hat of theirs. I'letitv t iu(l Ian I, iilniiiil iiiet' nt wat r p iiver, timber not vet omitcd, a climate that cuul I not be better . 11 - . . ' . ,ii - n. i i tan tin ' ii . .. . i i pure Aii-lo.Mx,m race. Kail roiJsare running in ail ilinv- ,: i , .. tionsamJ tonus -to m .v.r- where" iri.l fiil tin i mi' i.t -all t I i.-w.i n i .. i .. .. m.i .. . . Ami vet null ail this we are so - """T' T.l "l" R1"n Ull'llllllll HI 111 III- Hill J .7 , . iHia;iiis. is me so nat'il 11 mi 111 1 that men an. I ivoin. n e intuit sum!"1' t"' l uited States : c ljs tl)e fruit t a !aii,. w, n : ,,e (l,r,inzt.j , v tl)(. ,jv,s , t,.,ltl r and now in peace and iu prosper ity she cannot sav, 'III crate the child." Shame on a State that will not flee its childhood from the mill. Shame, double shame, a deep, lasting shame on men of money who liht lur rights to work a child. We never yet saw a self made man sufier bum remorse. Ihiukin- "ood health to your friends wont give it to von. Women Who (Jut Dizzy. Every woman who is tioul.liil with f:iintmj and dizy spell, hack ache, headache, weakness, debility, conslipation or ki Incy trouhlls 1 vn"U1 ),ct , ,ilters- Tlit'-V ' U've lelief When nelhmur else will, u,nnin. , .... , c,cw"' impt o i -s tin 'l! alt h, aililin" strenctli ! and vitror fnm the first dos,. Tis Laura (iaines, (if Avoca, Ji.,svays; "i'our doctors had iven me up and my children and all my friends were looking for me to d'ie, w hen my son insisted thtt 1 use Eleetric Hit ters. I did so, and they have done tne a world of good.'' J ust trv them. 50c. and Si. 00, at al', druggists or by mail. II. K. Huck'.en & (V. Philadelphia or St Louis, Bank of Blowing Rock, Hl.OWIMI Hock, . C. The successful business man cannot run his business without having banking facilities. A lank account is just as necessary as money itself. Tbe first step on tte road to success lor many a business man was taken, when he opened a bank account. Open an account with us. We offer every facility to either laroe or small depositors. DO IT TO-DAY, Enlry Notice, No 7,522. State of North C,nliina w.i. Couuty. Office of Entry taker ol saiiI coiiiit.- I -' ' maui-'n 1 j . M V Kavan.1.1 O .T Pr.ft v i.. " fc-v4 luiairr : , . ' iui iiuuuifu ucres or! land on head waters of North Fork of xiew ruver in iMortli Fork Towribhip begtnningon a biroh in Lenoir's line then W with same to top of Snake Mt; then a South course w ith top of Mttoa rock marked with 4 hacks J ply'Grjs "uu iuouue an feast course down a ngde to John Winebargers ' corner; then with hisline to his W I corner; then E 50 Poles; then N 73 pole tostake, then to beginning. En-' tered Sept, 0 1913. H.J.HiK0I.v.EM,,I.u SHAKE IT OFF Rid Yourself of Unnessecary Burdens. Iiii"t lir-ir uiiiivwary liunlriis. Kurdt-u f a hrtil bark arc btavy. lift lll of tllftll- (auV Kidney Are for IxtJ ki.l i-. l or l ime. wi-itkmul aoliin tutfks. I.t nt KDiti'lul i-iiilon-f iiif ut to pro r t lu-ir wort h. K. M. Croiisf. Airlwllowd. N. Penya: l'l'iip tan ifHth I w nit a vii't im tif k ill iit-v i'iinl.oiit. Tin-rv wan h dull pit in in t he mikiII of uiv bark hidI when kfiuiiiiiii'iii' I i ft i I &-na t. i fuil li v 1 III till- -mini i'l ill, .'it, it null Mlirii i hi . . harii Iwni'ff through luv loin. My ( u.u t U,-,ir, y ut tiint and iu tli inorniiu 1 wa vfiy latneand jfe 1 lifcaiua lireil r.isilv and wan oftrn ,,... Ihe kll1ll;v ,,.,.rHloI1. ww , ton Iri'iiui'iit in iHMidte and I did not ri'-t wi-.l. 1 at li-titftn li-arneil ho ; . Kj( j.,,,,,,, ailoUlf i , I."..........!... . ailicu rc than half a boi, I ' ,, . , .. . . ! tor Mil.-Iiy all dealers. Vnce 50e. 1 Foster Milll.tirn Co . Kuffalo. . V., Ki'iiifinlier tin uauie- lWn'a and like no ot her A c orrespondent says that a coo l lawyer is only the watch for a client. 'On the watch" is good. It refers to a 'hunting ease. uiiildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S nA.qTORIA To find out what's in a name, put it on the back of a note. IIoh's This? We ofTer Oiip Hundred Dollars Re ward for anv o.-ixe of nturrh i hut no... - --- - .111.1 V (111 not le cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. K. .1. HFAKY A CO.. Ohio. We. tin- iitnl.TMi.-n!'.l have knmm F. J. Chrnev ;..r lli.- la.i I.", u ars hii.1 u-lieve him iK-rhrtlv . mi l-.i h i- in ii 1 I111.111..W ttin..!. .....1 1: i !aU utile In cam out anv (ililiifiitiinis inn. I., lu lu till!! . N.U loS AI. BANK OF COMMKRCK, TuLhl.O, OHIO. Hall' t'tttarrli Cnrp is tkpn intor.,nii.. aetinn directly upon the biooil & tnu cons stiifiices of the system. Testinion ials sent free. Price 73 cts. per bottle Sold liy nil DmsristB. Juke llittl s Family Pills far ;on stiiiation. WATAUGA & YADKIN RIVER RAILROAD. The W. & Y.R. Railway is now run. niiif,' regular daily trains, two trains eucli way on Saturday's. Note the following schedule now effective. WKST BOUND. Xo. 1, Daily except Sunday, Leave North Wilkesboroli III uimita at i rand in S:45 a. ni. No. 3, Saturday's only, leaves North ilkesboro 'J 4.1 n. in ami urrinn. o i- miii.vo cm (itamliti 4. (10 p. in. -m?- T.' Sun,,y'8only, leaves North V ilkesboro 1 'J.T n. Ill aillt Drri.-on o f (irandiu 2:4(1 p. iu. KASTBOUND. No 2. Daily except Saturday and Sunday's Heaves (irnn.lin n ... and arrives at North Wilkesboro'4.15 1 1. HI. No. 4, Saturday's niiKv T.o r o U rand in 0 00 a. in. and nrrivpa nf North Wilkesboro 10:30 a. iu. No. (i, Saturday and Sunday ouly, leaves (irmulin i is r ... ...i North V ilkesboro 615 p. m. H. C. LANDON, General Manager. NEW RIVER FARM FOR SALE! On account of my brother's health failing so he cannot lock after my farm, I have decided to sell it, Tom E rod will how you oyer it or you can write to mat North Wilkesboro and Iwillsenr! full description, photographs, prices, ets. H. W. HORTON, Sila M.Grea JEWELER SlLVKHSTOXK, X. C. A'.l kinds of repair work done unfit-r a positive guar a ii tee. When in need of any thing in my line give me a call and get honest work at honest prices. Watch Repaiwxg A Specialty. Entry Notice No. 2523. State of North Carolina Watauga Co. Office of entrv talro,. fn...u . W. R. Lovi'l lo tT'U'V"1! a - - - "v tu i era auu our hundred) aeresof land in Laurel ereek townshit. mi .ooo . ... V Cyo creek. Beginning on a hemlock t ree S V corner of grant no. Bill to Joseph I lannery in the line of the W A. Leo.r 1280acre grant no. 145, at or near Buckeye creek, then E with the uoui niesaiu t lannery grant 200 poles to a stake, said Flannery's cor- iipp llion S in ... .-. V J veil" r-' " "'no me west tip of urn nt n I1J7 i ,. n..ji... , r'.,uv to a KtHk 'n. La . .artniuf? jne of said tract; then E with 8aid Htm in n ni.. i i "tiu earn - dq i cj r h i i ii inir a w .. v t.a.c al lue corner of crani No. 0(35, toll A PreKr.Bll n.ti?..?"' . . , t uiii u IJUIIla: west corner of o-ra lit iu" , oLaii, me north J Farthing, thence west to' stake in the Eeuoiror school land line- and with the north line ol a grant to Klin i 11 j 111 lu llne cf the fcchool land north to the corner fo the same, then W with the line of the ,- "JCU w,lI tne line of the 'ne olbe sa,ne stake in Lenoir's llne at or near the falls of Buckeve "e; then north with the line of I1 je.Le DOlr 1280 efant No, 145 to the f'!1". tered this September H:.,.IIAEm.N.EntrjTaker Old Mei Kail Cool lohu Wesley, the preacher, ltv ed to be eighty-eight years old ArnolJ, the theologian and nage, translated Josejihus iu his eigb tietb year. In den, in bis ti.ty i:litl vear. rommenceJ the translation of Iliad. Dr. Cary, the founder of inis-ions, acquired many nf the di.ile. ts of India nf-t-r be was ipiite ndvaneed in life. Michael Angelo was still painting his giant canvasses at eighty nine years of age. Titian, at nine ty, painted with th vigor of youth, and kipt vn painting un til be was ninety-nine. Franklin did not commence his philosoph ical 'pursuits until be was fifty. Newton, at eighty-three, worked as bar.l ns he did iu middle life. An oi l lady was running over the catalogue of her ailments to her physician, and he replied: 'What would you have, oiad am?I cannot make you young again." "I know that, doctor, what I want you to do is to help me grow old a little longer;" she replied, The Christian Herald. Sometimes the symptoms of kid ney and bladder trouble aie so plain no one can mistake them. Back ache, weak and lame back with soreness over the kidneys, sharp pains, rhenmatism, dull headache, and histurbed sleep, are all indica tions of a trouble that Foley Kid ney Pills will relieve quickly and permanently. Try them. For sale by all dealers. A lost fortune grows in pro portion to the passage ol time. A vast amount of ill health isdue to impaired digestion. Whe.i the stomach fuils to perform its func tions properly the whole tystem be comes deranged. A few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets is all you need. They will strengthen your digestion, invigorate your I i y e r. and regulate your bowels, entirely doing away with that miserable feel ing due to faulty digestion Try it Many others have been permanent y cured-why not you? For saleby an ueaiers. It is as wicked to kill time as to kill anything else. FOIEY'S OMOIAXATM Fo Stomach Tboublc and Constipation Some men are so cautious that they w ouldn't pay a compliment without taking a receipt for it. APPALACHIAN TRAINING SCHOOL. The fall opening of the Appalachian Training school will be August 20. The school has extended its course of study and the requirements for en trance and has added a good Business Department. Public school teachers are given free tuition. A catalogue tells more. Write to the Superintendent, Boone, N. C. WATCHES ACCURATE LY REPAIRED. There are more watches entire- ly ruined by incompetent work men than in any other wav Come to the Boone Repair Shop lor fine Watch Repairing. Every ion- iscaretully done and timpd before leaving my shop. Rrimrus vour work and it shall have our best attention. J. W. BRYAN, Titop 82-19. Constipation ?r ian,y yeara 1 waa troubled, ia B?ll? so-called remedies I used. At last I found quick relief and cure reailyTondeif'ul " DR. KING'S NovLifoPills ,aJfn wngeck, Buffalo, N. T. 28 CENTS PER BOTTLE T ALL ORU0OI8T5. OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks designs CaevmnuT. A . . Ton feinting t sketch and description may qntck t ucertam our opinion Ires nhailier u iirenilon Is probably iwiemabln. rnn, ,JiAn 1 olftei"dH,,,!,,-.HNPB00K on Patenu i&.IZh ;Fen(-y JI -nrlng patents, ements 1 taken tliroueh Uluno cSTrecelya tpectal nolle, without ehirga, la the Scientific -Rmcricair. A handsomely lllnstrateil weekly. I.raest rlr cnlatlon of any MlontlUo J.uirnal. Verms t j . MllNN&Co.88'B'-. New York Children Cry The Kind You Have Ahviiys ISotiht, ami whtclt lias boon In use for over M jears, lias ItoriK tli5 signature of f iiml lias Imm-ii made under liis M'r 7 y47:" foiial Miperv !!! since it Infancy. MSy, JCCCUl XHow lio tti (it deceive . vnu in thl.. All Counterfeits, Imitations n;l '.lust-as-yoiKl" uro but Kxporliucnts that trifle Willi n:::l ii!augi-r the lienlth of lufuiiU and Children r.-vperieiiii? r.gaiust llvperluieut. What is CASTORIA Cnstoria Is a harmless substitute) fur Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops mid Sootliing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 3Ior;iMiio imr i.thcr Nareotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrlm-a and Wii.d Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Const lpatiou and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tbe Stomach mid ISowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauacca Tho .Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS lBear3 the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TMt CCNTAUK COMNY, TT MUHT THtT. NTW YORK CITV. STOMACH TROUBLE FOR FIVE YEARS Majority of Friends Thought Mr. Hughes Would Die, But One Helped Him to Recovery. Pomeroyton, Ky. In interesting ad vices from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes writes as follows: "I was down with stomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have sick headache so bad, at times, that I thought surely I would die. I tried different treatments, but they did not seem to do me any good. I got so bad, 1 could not eat or sleep, and all my friends, except one, thought I would die. He advised me to try Thedford's Black-Draught, and quit DR. COOK'S d5?,H:!l"le,?.f,l,f.,'e- o i.,.k... j ..w.mmm, . .. NAME FOR Rheumatism llmraloi.j hu.1,1 . 1 Hum, muni iiuti r,ii acne: i i .. oruues lame back and stiff cutsand burns, bites and stings of r.H1, turns anu coughs, phthisic and s ire throat croup Vi,.!;-..! m . bus colics diarrhoea and flux, pleurisy, pneumonia, fever and ..true, f male weakness and indigestion, cures colic in horses. Winston Salem, .. C. April, 2, 19- Mr. T. L. Cook, Salem, N. C. Dear sir: I find vour P P f' 1r r....i . ...... n - ....... 11 , , ... j ' ble remedy for Rheumatism, and all 1 A Xew York preacher recently I iptnroH -n .n,.ni (1 1 1 1 lectured on '-Gosnel fJ unnprir " He probably took bis text from 'he e pistols. FOlIYSOMNOlAXATIVf w "'.nra ii.uu.kfc ailU CONSTIPATION I I - My Mamma Says- c.vtf . I Ii Safe fop JM Are You a Woman ? ! ChiId! CONTAINS C k-s. ITI13 Woman's Tooic I r ra sale a m. twm I for Fletcher's Signature of taking other medicines. I decided to take his advice, allhough I did not have any confidence in it. I have now been taking Black-Draughl for three months, and it has cured me haven't had those awful sick headaches since I began using it. I am so thankful for what Black Draught has done for me." Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine for de rangements of the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and should be kept in every family chest. Get a package today. Only a quarter. jjg CERTAIN ClIltR Inurn.l uie in ll you ouiy po.i.l ..rd. If your dealer mniK-iim, li. Anemi einitd. wrni Mf-V M THIS rAFEK OBOBaManrfr t 1 1 . - insects; kidney and liver tr nibble, U "1 in, v,uuS s i.maiii i.urc. a vaiiic- pains. Respectfully, R 4. REYNOLDS Prev P.T. R.To' . "0. 'ie ,nnil,l of charity mn 1 1 it iidu covers a multitude of sins, but it nppearg to be cut off a hobble skirt pat teni. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA

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