Zi)t (Klatauga Dtmcrrat. R. C. Rivers, Proprietor. Tim itsiiAY, ihr. :to, 101 a. BOONE'S HISTORIC OAT. Ih nu immense thronjjfrom ev pry part of Watauga county, on Thurs J iiv, Oct. -'.trd. lll.l. the LMward Buncombe ('h.j'tT P. A. - It., of Asbeville, unveiled the stone andiron marker which ti x s this to a n iih one of the points parsed ly laniel Loone on hit prt-iiMiit journey from North Caioliua to Kentucky in May, 17'i'J. The most irntifviuirleatureof thisoc casion whs the pood order aid patriotic ruthusiasm whichchar mterized every individual iu at .temiauee. Mrs. W . X. Reynold?, State Repent, Mis. Theodore S. Morrison, lb'geut Ldward Ituu rombe chapter, and Mrs. Liudsny I'iitterson wereloudin theirprais s not only of their reception nnd entertainment duting the) few hours they were able to re main iu the village, but of the rood order, entusiastn and ar rangement of every detail that ehnracterizfd the occasion. Lv ery thing went on likeelork-work, without confusion ore ongestiou anywhere. The gallery of the court room was reserved for the faculty nnc students ol the A. T. S., and th space within the bar for the Con federate veterans and those ta king part in the exercises, while the first three rows of seats in the auditorium were used for the Masonic fraternity. The foilow ingjirbane and courteous stu dents actid ns ushers: Grant Donnelly, Lester lirowu, Robert Pulliam, Rex Cox, Roone King nnd Rovd Kirbv, every one of whom has a Revolutionary an- estry. The music was in charge of I'ruf. I. (J. Greer nnd was most effectively rendered from the gal lery by a large number of excel lent singers from the A.T. S. aud the town of Boone. The following songs were sung with fine effect America, Star Spangled Banner, Old North State, The North Car- o'ina Hills, Doxology and Auld Lmsr Syne, the latter on the ground around the marker in front of the court boue. Capt. Edward F. Lovill presided with dignity and courtesy. Prof Dow nutn made the Invocation and pronounced the benediction, Rev Mr. Sherwood not being in at tendance. Solicitor Frank A. Lin uey also could not be present buthis place was most admira bly fill, d by Atty. E. S. Coffey, whose short address was one of the gems of the occasion. The exercises in the court room were not only interesting but yery impressive, for the D. A. R, Del egates gave their Ritual, consist ing of most beautiful passages and responses. Capt Lovill in an el quent and forceful oration gave an outline of the history and work of the D. A. R's, and emphasized the fa.'t that this pa triotic society of patriotic ladles were making as well as preserv ing history. 11 then introduced Mr. John I. Arthur, who had h carefully prepared address on "The Trail of Daniel Boone." Prof, B. B. Dougherty responded in a most graceful and apprecia tive speech in which he spoke of the importance of preserving his- tory, and charactet ize.i the con duct of the mountaineers at King's Mountain as equal to or batter than that ol the heroes of Therrnopolae ot Waterloo. Mr. Co gey 'a remarks won a grateful resognition of the Daniel Boone monument which was erected by the efforts of Col. W. L. Bryan ia the fall of 1912; and a rising vote of thanks was given the lat ter geutleman by the large and representative audience which tilled eyery seat in the court room and gallery, wuile scores and scores were forced to stand. At the conclusion of these exerci ses, at the suggestion of Capt. Loyill, the audience in the court room remained standing until those in the gallery withdrew, thus avoiding congestion in the lobby and on the stairs. The studeut body then for med A man who lived out his days a semi-cirle around the markr, in a county and does not put while the wugers King Auld Lang tort h u strong etiort for the up. Syne, and the Walnut Grove building of the same in helping Band played mo-t Uautif.illy to build public roads, school that pnul-Mirriiig war soicjPixie. huu s and hurthes. in mj opin- Little Margaret Linney audCath-, ion is a very undesirable citizen. er ns Miller, nieces ol Mr. Lm l- and the community in which a say Patterson, nnd Margaret Lin man without public spirit lives, nev. AlieH'oui.ull. Lucv Moretz ' will not 1m made iinv better bv and Nellie Col'f.y pull'd tlieionls rea-on of his sojourn there. 1 aud unveiled the marker amid think 1 have as great an interest the applause of the large mn- in the young men ol my county rourse of people assembled ar- a any man. becausethey are the ouud the canopied monument. jhoje of our Nation, the hope of whieh is to stand a" a perpetual . our St ate, the hope of our Coun reminder of Daniel Booiieaud his ty. as well as the hope the pussage through tins touu 111 cdureh depends upon the young years ago last M iy. men an J young women of each The lady delegates were too conimi.nitv, As the busy men, tired to attend the Masmiic pn-j who have been the bone and sin nic, as they ha 1 been, up since ." ew of nur country, start down o'clock in the morning and were the steeps of time, they lie down due to attend auoiher unveiling but to dream of the futurpgreat 1'astof the Blue Ridge the day j i"' of our country; only to wake following; but they eaeh sent a ; to cast ubout to find some no- substantial contribution to the ble-hearted and public-spirited rause of the Oxford Orphanage, Lvoung man that he may softly and after a rest at the hosnita My the mantle be ha9 so nobly ble home of Mr. mid Mrs. 15. J carried, upon this young man's j which are good road days seta Couucill, left lor Ltnoir, with the shoulders. J part by cur Governor Every good wishes of all who sawn; then, young nien, as there is -body is invited to be present with mei mem. j ?u muiu uewruus upon you, watte Cool loads Days November 5tk ni Stl Having been appointed by cbairmau Watson of the Board of County Commissioners as gen eral manager for Watauga Co., o! the good roads movement on the days Bet opart by Governor Craig. I request, that all the ovemnrs of public roads warn out their bands and together with all the volunteer help they can command they work and Ira- prove their respective roads on those days. I fut her suggest that the ladies living along such roads prepare and verve dinner to the hands working roads. Let every one, old and young, male and female, take hold of this work iu earnest and make it a success. Respectfully L. X. Perkins. Buggies, Wagons, Steel Ranges Stoves Headmiarters for Hardware am! .Maelihu'rv. When 1 - . ' ia nml of a good buppy, wagon, or liarttos parities, and etc., Steel ranges eook Moves Windows, Doors, mill puppies, Fertilizer, Lime, Hooding, & Cement, HAUDN ARE OF ANY KIND. Write, phone or call on us f..r prii-ra W R. STOFFEL HARDWARE CO (IXCOBPORATF.DJ MOUNTAIN CITY. TENN. NOTICE To the overseers o f Boone Township: you are requested to beat an appointed place on your section of road in 6aid township on November the 5th aud 6th READ icauisi jjiuno auu cu, nuit Just nfter the marker a nu- up aud aspire to lofty positions ltwo jay9 on the roads- Let addressed theaudieuce upou the efforts that the Society haJ made to discover this tra l aad to mark it with appropriate ruou- umi'Uts trom its beginning i:; North Carolina to l.oonsbor- ough iu Kentuekv. It is a j;igan- ticundertakiug, but the D. A. will persist until it is accomplish ed. Mrs. Thos. S. Morrison, who had previously pinned D. A R. badges upou thelittle girls wt;o were to unveil the marker, in u few impressive words, beir.l them always to remember, that they were North Carolinians an J children of the Old North State Mrs. W". X. Reynolds then rend a short and appropriate poem with trreat dramatic oower and ef lect. All the ladies were generous ly applauded. Ex Sheriff Hayes Writes Interestingly. Eiiitoh Democuat: I desire to address a few remarks to the pa triotic citizens of Watauga coun ty. Our Governorthe lion. Locke Craig, has issued his proclama tion calling upon every patriot- if citizen of North Carolina to devote two days, the ,"th and 6th of Xoy., to working the public roads in each and every county io the Stale. To my mind, this is a patriot ic call, for the purpose of arous- iug every public-minded citizen in North Carolina to( the great necessity of good roads. This movement first started with the Governor of Missouri, una our Governor caught the spirit. 1 suggest that every citizen of Watauga respond to the call bv our Goyernor. Let'sshoulder our shovels, picks and mattocks aud march out on the days designa ted, and do two good, old-time honest days work. Lpr, man work on the section of road nearest to him. I further suggest that we work under the direc tion of our respective overseers, or some one else having good road sense, so that the work done may be a permanent im provement to the roads- I be lieve Watauga county has as many patrioiic and public-spirited citizens within her borders as any other county :n the State, her population considered. Then let's prove it by rtspoudinir to the call of ourCuief Kxecutive. As for me and my household, if not providentially hindered, there will be one man that will cheer fully donate two day's work on the Councill Gap road under the supervision of Mr. Frank Ilorton overseer, without any great out burst or demonstration. Lettach and every citizen, rich or poor. old and young, march out in one gre&t army of honest, -work ing men, and put in motion a movement that will install in the young men a public spirit that will arouse each of them within the borders of the grand old county of Watauga to the must divest yourself of selfish uess aud accord to other men the rights you demand for your selves. Then come out on the oth and of No vetuber and put in two hocest days work on the public roads, aud help to make Watauga blossom as J. L. UWES, dear clj rt. ruee. V;i.is, y ( Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A STO R I A everybody come out, both o.'d and voung, and put the roads in the best condition they have ever been in Boone Township, so we can have better roads to travel. Let's put RooueTownshipat the head ot the list, lours lor Det- ter roads, T. L. Critter. Chairman of Board of Road Super visors, Ikione township. "1 was cured of diarrhoea by one dose of Chamberlain s Cope, Choi era and Ciarrhoea remedy, writes M. E. Gebhardt, Chiole, PaThere is nothing better. Foijalebyall dealers. Taxes! Taxes! I will be at the following places on the dates named for the pur pose of receiving taxes for the year 1913, viz: Cove Creek, Sherwood's store forenoon " Nov. 14, 1913 " " W. M. Reece's store afternoon " " " North Fork, . N. Thomas store Meat Camp, Moretz store forenoon " " Will Norris store afternoon Raid Mountain, votiDg place Stony Fork, Hendrix store forenoon " " Virgil afternoon Elk, L. M. Hodges store Rlue Ridge, G. L. Story's store Plowing Roek, Holshousers store Watauga, Shulls Mills forenoon " Valle Crucis afternoon Shawneehaw, Abner Baird's store Laurel Creek, John Ward's store Reaver Dam, Sweet water Boone, court bouse 17 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 24 24 25 26 27 29 ii i u. ii i ii ii ii ii ii E. R. EGGERS, Sheriff. KILN-DRIED LUMBER. Having erected a first class dry kiln and added some new machinery to our mill we are now prepared to furnish all kinds of finishing material for buildings, such as: Ceil ing, Flooring, Weather Boarding Window and Dnnr Frames, Base Boards, All kinds of mouldings and other unisnea material necessary to complete a building. Send us a list of your wants and we will be glad to fur nish you prices. CHETOCA MILL, - - - - BLOWING ROCK, N. C. BARGAINS . m Clothing Hats Shoes Dry Goods anil notions. If you are looking for the store where you can buy the best suit of clothes, the best hat and best pair of shoes or slippers for the least money, let us invite you to our store, where all of these can be found. We carry the Famous Geo. D. Witts shoes and oxfords, for men women and children. Guarantee every pair to give satisfaction. HATS:We have just received, from the New York mar ket a complete line of men's ladi es' and children's hats and can fit any head. CLOTHING:-We carry the famous C. T. C. clothing bo if vou want to hp waII H rocc Hi-I of a ctviqII rcf rtn'f foil to see our line. Over 300 suits tr saW. from HARDWARE:-We have at all times a full line of Hard ware, Undertakers' Sunnlips Cm v SfnvM fiwinr Maoii. mes, mowing machine repairs. In fact we have every thing that an UD-to-date Store ra. Us. f!nl1 for wfiaf von want. We have it. Yours very respe ctfully, T1,j nri h at. great responsibility thev area. c-i. n T ' - Ibout to assume. ouuiiy rorK, in.u IPTTTQ Hack to my I JllO Old Stand. I have moved back to my old stand and have just op en ed up a nice new line of staples, dress goods, serges, panamas and various other kinds which will be sold at the right price. Many of them will be sold for less money than you can buy elsewhere. Befoie vou order that new dress pattern examine my line and see if I cannot save you money. I also have a nice line of ladies sweaters, avia tion caps alpine hats &c. Underwear for men, women and children. I will make a special price on shoes for the next thirty days. Remember that it takes cash or its equivalent to get these goods at knocked down prices. Come one, come all. D. J. COTTRELL. Hardware, Furni ture & Undertakers' Supplies Our Immense three-story building now contains the larget and best assorted line ol Hardware that we li ive ever carried, and we want at least a share ol the trade from Watauga It matters not what you want in this line we have it, from a pen kuile to a gasoline engine or Disk Harrow. A Full Line of Furniture of all kinds that is being sold at bottom prices. IW, springs. Mattresses, pillows, etc., always in stock nnd at as low a fiirure as such goods can be sold. When in Lenoir call nnd pxamu. . our goods, and if it is hardware or furniture you want. .. nu sure to trade some. Undertkers' Supplies. Remember we carry a full line of coflins and caskets, from a a yery handsome metallic one down, and always keep th very best undertakers' supplies on hand. (Jive us a call. LENOIR HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO., LENOIR, :: :: :-: ... : : NORTH CAROLINA Monuments, Tablets & Headstones. ALL SIZES SHAPES AND COLORS, IX-(-Marble and Granite of the very best ma terial. PRICES ARE RIGHT, come and see our work, or write us :or .prices and Designs. yours very truly, MOUNTAIN CITY MARBLE COMPAQ. Mountain City, Tennessee. Your Old House will look like New er painting it with STAG semi-paste PAINT . T1 rt?$ al1 .of cheerfulness and comfort about a tastefully painted house. The surroundings seem more pleasant and the home looks more inviting. Its really wonderful how small the cost of painting your house Is, compared to the satisfaction it means. Take a good paint like the Stag brand, with its brilliant t colors and rich gloss, and your home will always look EfS a"S CMU 111818 because the colors are durable and won't fade. "ONE GALLON MAKES TWO" flIRSHBEJ3HNDE!Uri BAfflMORt J 11 MQ. U S. A.Vi; BERNHAHT-SEAGLE CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. XEN0IR, NORTH CAROLINA

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