VOL. XXV WOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, TIIUKSDAY, M)V. 20, 1913 NO. 13. A MoOeri Sisjphns. Kihtok Democrat: In the Sur rey of Ot 11. I'jn. pnsrp 4S, there is a picture drawn by Her brt Joliimon, coDjriphti-d ly The I-if Publisbinji Company. hidi 1 w'inb every person in our State could Hep. It is the old sto ry ot Sisrplni", rolling up th" hill gjj-pfit t'on In this picture tli it. mo an enormous bag of mon pv, nd across the fa of it is written dividends. Sisiaphus is a i. i ..:ii:.... i man "j im "piij'uiiis i-b, and across Ins back is marked Child Lulior." . As I looked At this nictine nnd tii.. i) ooke l at it aain, it began to row upon m. It came to me that we had in our modern life, a'tnost an exact repetition of thw ancient legeno. In our own Stat" r is little boys and cirla t t!i int. tiil th strength of ei- t ;er mn or women who day by dav sft 'h- ir shnlderiand strain t fir mu :les- m mder to roll up t bill this 2eat hair of dii d :1s. I tMnlc thr it wool I he im ro:'"- to have these children thai exrt thnir strength aHin9t 1 1 -itone on the" incline, even if the ah-iuM .ft thpirshar- of the dividen. 1- at the top, but they do not S1 rain the rms, leas nnd b ek h vevr much they may, nh h v can hi fr is bare i-l-ith"' in I little f od. a though it tnv- Uie strain th back anl wrakeniuir of the mu-cles and flip (1.-st ruction of that wluh , ..tt - i t niD-r lv lv in child- Ihf w.y is l ne Somehow, as I l.i.ik"' a th ho.v Ntraininjr hims If t- roll his load. I wanted to see hnu jump aside and let the ST ir -HtoiiMjo rolling down the hi I. On of the joys of a boy ;e t roll r fk-i down'hills. It t the ! Hi ie nin and women to push the loat up the hill, and in no '-aBe should the chiuirpn b' -t io strain their young mus cles aijai'ist the load which nrN and women whouM curry. I can not believe that it is a pood Staie in which young children mint thus strain themselves, nor can 1 belive thHt it is the bet buniness in which young children are tbu called upon to contrib ute bo much in rolling the stone Let us suppose that a farmer ebouid set his children from the age of 12, and in some case younger, pushing a heavily lond ed wagon up a steep hill, that he should get them at the job at (5 o'clock in the morning; that he should keep them pushing until 12 o'clock; that be should let them have au hour to get dinner, that he should stun them again at 1 o'clock; that be should keep them pushing, boys and girls, un til 6 o'clock; that he should keep pushing them through thp spring, summer, lall nnd winter, and ytar. What kind ol taudmg do . you think the farmer would have in his own community, ami what esteem would be be held in by his own neighbors? iNothiuh.ltbiuk. And yet, men and women of North Carolina, this is exuctlv what is being done in certain classes of business in our State. Childhood at work. Children ae wage-earners and young boys am., girls us toilers, and vet we ay that our St.ite is moving a long well. It is not moving along well. No farmer, who would do what I have suggested abore would be considered as doing well, or as being a high type of man. The same rule should applv in the manufacturing industry of our coanfry. as common sense ap plies to our farmeis. There is no Heed to work thes0 children in North Carolina and it oujiht to be stopped, W. H.SWIFT Greensboro, N. U. STATE AND GENERAL NEWS. The overalls in which Govern or Craig worked the roads on the 5th and Gib, were a present from the Hickory Overall Facto. A buHinrss block is being built in Salisbury on the site of a num b-r of, small houses in the "Red Liuht" district. ( Jo vertior Craig has appointed Michael Schenck, of Henderson county, bolicitor of the Eigh teenth Judicial District to suc ceed A. Hall Johnson resigned; Mrs. Nellie Wakefield, of New Haven, Conn., is to be hanged March 4, unlens her sentence is commuted. She killed her hus band last June for allege! cruel- A lumber barge from Jackson ville, Florida, to New York, was dHshed ashore on Cape Lokout Beach, near Beaufort, during the evere storm a fewdnyseince, but fortunately her crew was saved. One of the three story brick buildings of the Leonard Medi cal School of the Shaw Universi ty for negroes at Raleigh, was damaged to the extent of $4,060 by fire, but the loss was covered by insurance. Mr. T. 11. Vanderford, of Salis bury, succeeds Revenue Agent R. B. Sams, and has taken charge ol the office. He is, of course, in charge fcf the district composed of North and South Carolina, and headquarters maybe moved from Asbeville to Salisbury. . William F. McCombs, of New York, Chairman of the Democrat ic National Committee, and Miss Dorathy Williams, daughter of UofTand Mrs. John It. Williams, of Washington, D. C, were mar ried on the 8th, in a Roman Catholic church in London. Mis Clara Query, ol Charlotte, a nurse in the Maryland Hospital in Baltimore, entered an eleva tor in the building and tried to operate it. She pulled the wrong rope, the elevator shot up and she was crushed and her neck broken. Fire which is suppostd to have originated from an X-ray ma chine in a nest of electrical wires, broke out in the administration buildinc of the University ol North Carolina on the night of the 8th, damaging the building onsiderablv. Miss Jessie Wilson's wedding cake was baked in New York on the lit ti. Ic weighs 135 pounds, and is two and a half feet tall. It cost $500. There are 2,000 white boxes tied with satin ribbon in which the cake will be distribu ted, the boxes being small en ough to go under pillows to be dreamed upon. A pendant made up of one Ca nary diamond weighing six and oue-half carats, surrounded by eighty-five smaller diamonds ar ranged in pear shape and attach ed to a chain in which smaller diamonds are set, will be the gift of the House of Representatives to Miss Jesie Wilson when she is mnrned -on the 25th inst. Its cost was more than $2,000, The Times-Mercury, published in Hickory, with Mr. J. F. Click as editor, has been sold to the Messrs. Flagler, and the paper, wbich has been republican, will hereafter be independent, and the new owners contemplate making it a semi-weekly in the near fu ture. Mr. Click will probably re suine the publication of the 'Nut Shell." which was suspended sev eral years ago. He has been with the Mercury practically all the Mmn ninCP it, W&S established 22 yeas ago. Hbi ti Obsinrt Tlanksrvinj. Lenoir Topic. J When the rorld was younger and times were harder, people had better appreciation of the trood things that came to them, frogress, modem invention, and better enligbtment along oertaio lines have increased the number of bright days and nhortened those of suffering but good times in the old days were net taken so much as a matter of fact and and people at certain times made it a practice to render thanks for tbegood things that came their way. Then it was no mere per functory observance. Thanks giving was a term that had real significance. The day is almost here which the almanac tells us is the time for observance of the annual proc lamation calling for a day of thanbskiying. As is U3ual. cer tain grimes, certain annual hunt ing parties, and certain other plans for pleasure, not to omit th hapless turkey have been long looked torward to in keen anti cipation by tens of thousands of us in connection with that date but how many will remember the real significance of the institu tion o f thanksgiving? How many of us hae preserved the original spirit that prompts the observance and how many ol us are preparing to make real ex pression of thanks on Thanks giving day? ;. The usual pleasures are n itur al results ol a year of prosperity, but this is not all. Every man who has prospered and is con scientious in bis intentions to properly observe the occassion can't well do so without express ion ol sympathy for the unfortu nate and the numberless needy. These classes are found under many circumstances and, this year of all years, when prosperity has been almost rampant, tbey ought to receive a much increas ed material support. The or phanages of the state, these in stitutions that exist for the sole object of fathering the homeless children, that fit them for the higher duties of life, ought to find as tender spots in the hearts of the prosperous public as any cause. It is good to contem plate how many children are sent out in life from them well equip ped to meet the exigences, but it is sad to contemplate how many of them might have been dere licts if tbey had not been well cared for and sheltered in their more tender years. No cause is more appealing and it is to be hoped that more peo- pie will mingle a little ol the spir it of giving with the spirit of thanksgiving and make Thanks giving worthy of its name. The Family Cough Medicine In everv home there should be a hottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, ready for immediate use when any member of the tamtly contracts a cold or cough. Prompt use will stop the spread of sickness. S. A. Still, of Mason, Mich., writes; My wnole family depends upon Dr. King s New Discovery as tne nest cougn medicine in the world, i wc 50c bottles cured me of pneumonia ' Thousands of other families have bren equally benefitted and depend entirely upon Dr. King's New Dis. coverv to cure their coughs, colds, throat and lungtroables. Every dose helps. Price ;oc. ano" $1. All drug H. E. Bucklen & Co., Phila delphia or St. Leuis. Much disaster was wrought by the fearful blizzard last week Especially did the Great Lakes suffer. It is probable, say the ciis patches, that it will never be known how many sailors 1 o s their lives. Cleveland, Ohio, los many millions in property, while the loss in Pennsalyania, Mary land, and many other States is terrible. Fine Watacei Cattle. j Mr. . K. Shipley, of Valle Cru-1 cie, paxsed through town lastlhouse on last Friday night by Friday with a beautiful bunch of the colored children of the pub- "top" tw-yiur fleers, tnkiigjli school in Boone, was mo-t them to bin brother's farm on Icndiinble in every respect, and New River, where they will Ik? fed during the winter. Mr. Shipley is currying over" IJOtdeers, the average weight of Htiich is 770 pouuds, and he tells the i'. iuo- crat that the herd is made up of the very best cattle he could buy, and is of the opinion that this is the choice bunch to be found in Watauga or udjoiuing counties. Mr. Shipley has a thirty-ton silo which he filled this vear from a ittle more than four acres of corn, and says next year he will build another with a capacity of 00 tons, giving him lo0 tonsol nselege upon which he will feed through thewiuter, on his own arm, 150 head of steers. He bus found that it takes an acre of New River meadow to winter a steer, while a ton'of ensilage and a bag of cotton seed meal will bring one through in better con- ition than tte hay from an acre of ground. From his hilo he cai feed six head per acre, with the cottou meel udded, and have the benefit of the manure for the next crop. Of course the better he yield of corn per acre, the more cattle it will feed Mr. Ship- y's silo now full of corn that av eraged about 80 bushels to the acriTAU of his cotton seed meal is shipped to Elk Park, and ic hauled by wagons to his farm. Be has made a study of th? cat- le business, and is making mon y as a result. Let Us Hope So. Jonobnl Times. Better clothing, and cheaper too, is the joylul prospect for Americans j'us a direct and early result of the new tariff law, More real, tangible reductions of the "high cost of liying" as a re- suit of tariff legislation will be effected by the reduced duties on clotes and wearing apparel of all kinds than any other commodi ty. Many Republicans, as well as Democrats, concede that cloth- ng will be both better and cheap er because of tariff nlashing. It is estimated that the actual sa- viug will be as much as f GO a year to the average lamily 01 n ve persons- Retail prices ou wearing apparel however, can hardly be expected to drop before next spring, although wholesalers and retailers may decide to 'unload present stocks at'burgain prices' in some instances, in anticipa tion of the inevitable. "If you have a grievance or a groucli as to the wording of an article appearing in this paper dou't take it to "the devil for an adjustment or an airing. But we line near remarking that you could 'go to the deyil with it if that would suic vou better than taking hall the pains that we do to iret things straight. Some have remarked that editor (like lawyers) are liars. We caim to tell the truth as we understand it, but it would not be good poli cy for us to tell the whole truth at all times, any more thun the minister does iu Ins luneral bit- ruous, in which case there would probably soon be empty pulpits and editorial chairs in plenty. Eczema and Itching Cured. The soothing, healihg medication in Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment nrnctrates everv tinv pore of the skin, clears it of all impurities stous itching instantly. Dr, Ilob son's Eczema Ointment is guaran teed to speedily heal eczema, rash es( ringworm, tetter and other un sightly eruptions. Eczema Oint ment is a doctor's prescr.ption, not an experiment. All drugsiats or hy mail 50c. i'feiffer Chemtcal Co. Philadelphia and M. Louis. Tki Colon! Concert The roncer given at the c urt rvflected much credit upon both pupils and teacher. Rev. J. Baxter, who has work id mi arduously for the spiritual uplift of bis people here during the conference year just closing, has the school in charge, and all who attended the concert are now convinced that their mental training has not been neglected by their devoted pastor and tea cher. The minister, before the opening of the concert, made a very timely talk, rather apolo getic in its trend for the efforts of his pupils that were to follow, and the Rey. W. C. Jones, pastor olthe Boone circuit, M. E. Church South, Dronounced the invoca tion, after which the programme of the eveuing was taken up. The songs, recitations dia logues, declamations, etc,, were fine, all of which brought forth rouud after round of applause from the appreciative audience. Oue gentleman who is a compe tent jude, was beard to say that the rendition of "Old Black Joe" was the finest he had ever heard, aud he bad heard it olten: An admittenee fee of 15 cents was charged, and the proceeds, amounting to $16.00, will beep plied to repairs on their church building, and they are very thankful to the white people foi their patronage. At the close ol the exercises Prof. Roy M. Brown made avery timely little talk in which he con gratulated both teacher and pu pils for their splendid efforts, all of which met with the hearty ap proval of all present. Mr W. S.' Gunsalus, a farmer liying near Fleming, Pa., says he has nsed Chamberlain'sColic, Choi, era and Diarrhoea Remedy in his family for fourteen years, and that he has found, it to be an excellent remedy, and takes pleasure in rec ommending it. For sale by all deal ers. NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga county. In the Superior Court before the Clerk. In tho matter of 8 J Price; A A Perry. Adiu. of Riley Eifgers deed., -and Annie Eggew, widow, vs. VV M Eggrs, Polly Eggers, wife Of Joel Etrgers, G W Eggers, Lucinda Storie, wife oflLee Storie, Nancy Will iams. wife of David Williams, Auge line Ward, wife of Ward, Sa rah Loyd. and the following miner heirs of Rebecca Hodges, deed., viz: Robert Hodges. Jacob Hodges, Chas: Hodges. Lafayette Hodges aud ecia Hodges, heirs at law of Riley Eggers, deceased The defendants above named, via. Nancv Williams. David Williams, An ieline Ward and Sarah Loyd will take notice that a summons in ine aoove eutitled action agatiiKt the defend Hiits on the 11th day of Oct., 118, by W D Farthiuir. Clurk of the Superior court ot Wataujra county, requiring nid defendants to appear at the onlce of the Clerk of tho Superior Court of Watauga county on the 3rd day or Dep.. 1U1H. and the Hiierin. Ei. ,. log gers, hns returned the same eudorsed us to Nancv Williams, David Will iaius, Augelme Ward ana aaran uoya 'not to be found iu the Watauga county" and affidavit haying been made hv A A i'erry, aaminisiraior ot Riley Bggers, deceased, one of th e olaintiffs in thisaotion, that said de fendents cannot after due diligence, hi? found within the State of JNorth Carolina, and it further appearing that said defendants are proper par ties to said action being entitled Price and others vs W M Eggers and others, wherein a petition is filed nrnv inur for t he sale of certain real es tate belonging to the said Riley Eg gers, at the time of his death, for par titiou and 'o make assets to pay the debts of the deceased. We therefore the defendants above named, viz Nancv Williams, Dayid Williams Anireline Ward and Sarah Loyd, will take notice that they are required to be ami appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior conn tor wa tauga co at his office in the court house in the towu 01 noone, it. u, on the 12th day of December 1913, when and where the petitions will be heard and answer or demur to the complaint of petitions, aud let the said defend auts take notice that upon their fail ure to appear, answer or demur as duty are required to do, the relief de uianded, and asked in said petition will be eranted. This Hth day of Nov. 1913, W, D. FARTHING-, C. 8. 0. One of the mot common ad mend that hard working people are afllictcd with is Ijme back. Apply Chamberlain's Liniment twice a day and massage the part thorou ghly at each application and you will get quick rolief. For sale by all dealers. PROFESSIONAL, T. E. Bingham, Lawyer BOONE, N.c W Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature Collections a specialty. Office with Solicitor F. A. Lin ney 1-29, ly. pd. T. A. Lovk, James C.Cusk. LOVE & CLINE, Attorneys-at-Law -NEWLAND, - - N.C. Will practice regularly la the coun tieaof Avery and all adjoining couu ties. The collection of claims a specialty. 2 27.'13 1 j r. VETERINARY SURGERY. I bare been putting much study on this subject; have received my diploma, and am now well equipped for the practice of Veterinary Sur ery in all its branches, aud am the only one In the county, all on or address me at Vilas, N. . R. F. D. 1. G. H. HAYES, Veterinary Surgeon. V17-'ll. Dr. . m. MADRON. - DENTIST. Sugar Grove, North Carolina, &"At work done under guar an tee, and best material used. 4-13-'ll. E. S. COFFEY -AT70RAEY Al LA V, BOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. Abstracting titles and wuection ot claims a special er. l-l-'ll. Dr. Nat. T. Dulaney SPECIALIST KTK, EAR; NOBE, THROAT AND CHEST BYES EXAMINED FOR GLASSES FOURTH STREET Eristol, Tenn.-Va. EDMUND JONES LAWYER -LENOIU, N.'C, Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of Watauga, 6-1 'it. L, I). U)m, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNER ELK, N.C. WWill practice in the courts Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties. 7.6.' 11 F. A. LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOONE, n. c. Will practice in the courts of the 13th Judicial District in all matters of a civil nature. 6-11-1911. E. F. Loviil. W. R. Lovlll Lovill &: Loviil -Attorneys At Law -BOONE, N. C Special attention given to all business entrusted to their care. .. .. .. .'.