X ft i I I" Cfje Watauga Dtnrorrat. R. C. Rivers, Proprietor. Thikm.ay, Em. 1011. letter traa Bet Edjar Tafts. EhlToll lKMi. HAT: Blow'ug Ra:k Items. The r'ial in tl.e IS.iptiM himh tlod Lot Sunday n in lit . and, ctnidei in;r t!i- - vt.' xxe i iher. tin intfiii- l-ot'.i MH'itiiiiZ ami niplit wmv attended, luurli inteivMe I iaaiiiii'Mt-1 and jtiif thmvhe ivxixel under tin leadership ami a r 11 e t It isri t of- 'al.l i en that you wen letter from a pivarhinsr u Hey. J. M. I'a.xn. 1-JU1...11U.11. i ii m m hi u i jmi nianv If tva kinir mi i nn :i, M.vt and I storms, even the jnllu- sihool closinir during tlif In Mir fur from tin' mountains, fur the mountain jteople seldo:n havV to to such a Uiv. If I had had the jroKl fortune of beinjr a na tive -loin. jiei haps I would not haw had the misfortune to ! in a sanitorium. 1'iit 'while I.aiunot a native of the inoutains. I have lone everythiitjr I could since I have leen old enough to know a jrood t liiujr when 1 see it. to show-nix- love for and faith in t he moun t tin ole. Ihaveiiotonlvadoj. ted the mountains as my home, hut I jiei-suadeil a lady in Vir ginia to do the same. We have never lvjrretted the choke, and there are now in our home three a- iiinjr. sturdv mountaineers xvho love their native heath next to their jmivnts. My heart throhs withjov inun- ticipntion of j:t t ini -hack to Hau lier Elk about the 1st ol March, a it did with sorrow last No vember when the doctors told me that I would have to leave for a few months. Many a time during these months of quiet rest and recuierntion in this de lightful retreat for the sick, have I looked ii) at the great Iteech Mountain and wondered what t'ie people in Watauga and Ave ry wore doing. My heart has Keen touched more than once by let ters of love and sympathy. It has bvn worth getting sick to find h w many and how true our friends are. A number of letters have come from other places liejrjrinsr nie on account of health, to leavethe mountains. I have felt like reply- l igto them that I would rathei live four years in the mountains than live aimvhere- else. Then h ive been reminded of the seven teen years that I have lived in the moutains. filling from two to three appointments e-ery Sun day without missing a single oik account of personal ill health, in til this breakdown occurred, and I hax-e wondered how much bet ter I could havedonein some oth er climate. Hut I did not mean to w rite so much about myself. I wanted to tell of the Orphan's Home that we are going to build nt Hnnnei Elk for the mountain children. We were starting this at the time that I was taken sick. I belie that this is a work that will ap peal to everybody. Perhaps in no part of our coun try are there more orphans ii proportion to the population than there are in the mountains. The reason for this isnotbecaust the country is unhealthy for pa rents, but Itecause of the nuinbei of children that a re usually found ia ex-ery home. And perhaps nr where do orphan children have a haruer tune. 1 lie reason for thi is partly because the houses o! those w ho would take them hum u ;unHy small and full enough ol their own. an I partly because o !i ;i my -!;,- .if the people 1 'lion of this Jlome xvil I"-" i wii.it is known as the Ly- - b.ooi f.ii-m. The house is beiup cid ti;v',i in a building of sixteen rooms. Water works and elec- tnV lights will he installed as a matter of conx-enience and econo my. A portion of the farm and the outbuildings will be used for the liOUK Until a better name is suggest- e 1 it will be called the Grandfa ther Orphan Home, in honor of the givnt urandfathermountain. whose rugged upturned face would suggest the pleadings of a lather s blessings upon the or phan children, xvho will be cared for in the valley below. It is our purpose to have the Home ready by the middleof Au gust. In the mean time an ap peal to the friends of the father Jess in the mountains andelse-whei-e, to help with their Drifts -ot only money leith. E-IMinaier I IJoyllol linger. Spiire Thomas II. foffey. and Mr. Hngiiiaii Miller ico-titly x Uited thf iiftroMili hi Watau ga county. tvjMiit bas it that these gent lemon a:. oah s-king tin vacant to.totllvhci. mean while we note that clerk (!oorge ("of fey is nmning the office xvith comiaeiidable faithfulness, un doubted skill mid to the satisfae- while preaching - eadi moniing. an teachers and scholars attending the services, iiuh-ed. it is a gener al custom throughout this region for the schools to close lurinr the revival nieetinirs. so eai-er ai-e the N'.iple to have their chil dren tret spiritual as well as worldly w isdom. On Monday after the Kexival. a congii'gational nieeiing was held for the annual election of a pastor for the ltaptist church here, the congregation almost to a man voting lor Mr. Payne to succeed himself, the c .lllliitmit v rejoicing in the result of tie- elec tion. Mr. Norman ('. Cordon, a pop ular travelling salesman for a Richmond Va., paint and oil house, returned home last Satur day after a long absence, and plans spending a week xvith his family xvho are wintering hen': and in honor of his return and her mother's birthday an nix-erst ry. Mrs. Cordon gave a charm ing dining on Sunday last, a :nong the guests present the fol lowing: Mrs. and Miss llaugh t.m mother and sister of Mrs. Cordon. Master Norman Cordon :ind Miss KHse Weed on. Mrs. Sallie Reeves and Mi. i ii . . i'iia reiurnoii msi weeii iroiu a visit to Miss Ruth in Richmond Va. their litanv friends and gooi n 'iglinors rejoicing to see again a light in the window and smoki fro in the chiinbnev of the oli Ii line closed for a month. Mr. N. C. (ireeii xvhohasagood job on the new Government building in Hickory" is sueiidin" this xveek with his family, and 1 11 . ! raiivs oi moving to iitckorv in the autumn, highly praising both town and climate, yet. Plowing Rock will be the looser, for "Newt" is much thought of here, and Mrs. Greoene. daughter of our good townsman. "Tni-le .un tz" Holshouser, is one anion"- our most highly honored young married women. Mr. Colliss Greene and Miss Iav" Lentz were married last Sunday at the hoineof thebride's naivnts. Mr. and Mrs. Wilev C. Lentz among our most substan tial citizens living on theR. F. I).. Rev. .1. M. Payne performing the c uvinonv. Mrs. Green, beloved wife of our lighly valued citizen. Benjamin Green, Ksi.. is at this w-i-itino- r" uite ill, but, with her sister, Mrs Mm I 'end ley as dex-oted nurse a;id our Doctor Brooks as skill- el physician, the nianv friends a M is. Green fell that she has a rood chance of soon b 'ing well e -tough to resume her household duties. Mrs. W. P. Peiidley, to the de light of her friends, last Saturday left her room after an illness oi three xveeks, the w hole household feeling that they could not have had a "Valentine" more sincerilv appreciate 1 than the recovery of this good lady who is one among iiuif i in .itin.r wind lion of the general public. nl.lie ..l,..l ,ul''1 imiil-canier P-rnard Can- noii and deputv ('. i Winkler j tiv sustaining aueiiviable reputa : ... i : .... I t..:..(..i in ii ioi -nn iciii mm litiiiiiui sci- x ic', Mr. Cannon the successor of Mr. Stephen Coffey who. as the tirst R. F. P. man fitun thisortici1 A damage suit ha- Uvn insti- IXJ 1-Ur U'nitrtiaitC nt lAf ClTClll - tut.-il a-ainsT. P. Gore, the Mind Senator from Oklahoma, by one Mis. Bond, who claims she xxns attack.-l by the S-nator in a Washington hotel. A WINTER COIX. II. A stubborn, annoying. depress-j utg oougli nangs on. nicks me body, weakens the lungs, and f ton leads to serious resu'.ts. The tii-st dose of r. King's New Dis oovery gives ivlh'f. Ifeiiry D. Sun ders. ufCavendish. Vt..xx:athreu tonel with consumption after having pneumonia. He writes: Ir. King's New- Discovery ought to lie in every family: it is eor tainlv the U'st ofnllmwlicinesfor coughs, colds or lung trouble." i .- ..i. a i....' .....I... f. r&sr I I m ur .i. ii IK I i ga County: IZ1 rirMrB(nrr m iriruj'iuiu ii --i it. i . i-. in. in iiviii i !-. iiiv v COUgllS. COIUS Or lUlli llVUiilt', for a numlN'i'of years traversed i Good for children's coughs, Mon i he lonesome I M..H (how lonesome '.v k if not.satisfieil. Prioeollc. none but an R. P. I. man knows) '' At X?S- l" ra ving daneeis from storm and ' ' I'l''l'a r .1 i i i i t 1 Louis. lloo. anl enduring hardships! Fountain Pen Free. which few In-side the lliell of tile! 1 coast guard service exM'rieiuej surely both classes of men a re he roes of a class bv themselves de serving of more consideration and greater remuneration. The Cannon MannfacturingCo. of Kaunapolis. N. ('..has received a contract from the Paymaster General of the Navy for I.O.noo Turkish bath towels, at $1.."1 Hr hundred. Then xvere twvlve other bidders for the contract. We arc giving awav absolute ly FREE to all who will send 2."otsfor a years subsi-ription to The Sledge Hammer a ".lim Handv" self-filling Fountain Pen. After vou ivtvixe it, if you are not satisfied return it and we will refund your money and send the paper free. Sam ple copies five for stamp. THE SLEDGE HAMMER. Yuma. N. P. f A. A Ft -T1 1 V 1 V- ' 9 4 rc Ho . $ ? i. t o X C S-' 3 5' 3 2 2 5? Hill . r. 3 s 3 w " o - ? 3 5 5 5 P Z 2 sit 2 ? - 2 2- ? t s - -e 5 - 2 P M L. D. LOWE, PrtHiJent. L. U. FARTHINU, CashitT. The Valle li H. . PERRY. Vlce-Preiident Crucis Bank. We solicit the accounts if all persons in this new Bank, and wo will do our best to accommodate the p-ople and render the greatest service consistent w ith sound banking. SHERWOOD'S February Bargain Sale 1 am offering the following goods at the ..mnitest l.ntoi,, l ' f 7 ----'.v-. Mllli.Ul I'll cos ever li.'ard ol m this county. Feb. onlv. Lo(ik nt tl.e followimr li ices on cioiniiig: A1I$:0.()0 suits now H5.7." 1S.0II in.no li'.r.o 10-00 s.,-,0 (l.oO r.oo l r..:: 10.00 s.oo (.."0 4.7.', .00 m . iiese prices win noiii gooi.i through Feb. or until the present - n. t j-,, ,M,, , i, ,. f ... ,.1, ,,., 4 1. , I. . . . v"' -"uinc IU LHI SUCH CIO- tiling as I am otfenug in this sale at the above n, ;,-u m,i ti.;.,... Over joo Hints m stock, all winter underwear will Win! A . ... - - "i '--i. u nner over shu ts si no iwnf sio m o . ,. , ,w" -"'Miiu.-io .xucancoes g.u . ess est or kmd at .0., per yd. All Flannelette dress goods the -10 kind at .1 and .OS ner vd. A bio- w .i,, 4i.f ... . . -r -1 ini-n mill COM will not be cons.don,! when I price them to you. Many othergoods - um i i i nave not room to jirice her. Complete line of (rt'iU'0-i;w oln-,. 1.. 1 I i . 1 .i . . ......, ou im.m. you naven t been getting the kind of once that satisfies you I have tl.e kind you want and thekind that gives you sa t.sfact ion: Full line of John B. Stetson hats alwavs in stock, (ome and see these special prices. All good produce ta ken on them. No goods ehaig.id to anyone nt tlu-se sSl prices it takes the pay to move them. Come and we. 1 1 W. F. Sherwood, tllKVVUUU, ' N. C. Dr. R. D.JENNINGS BESIDE N'T DENTIST Banners Elk, N. C. GOOD DIPLEMENTS and right here is where xve g't in the gtm . We h ive the larirest and best line of earth working implements in Western North Caro lina. We know the needs of this mountain section and have pre pared accordingly, S e or write us about your wants. Xo order too large for us and none too small to receive our prompt and care ful attention. HERNIIATIDT-SEAGLE CO. WH0LESAL AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. LENQIR- NORTH CAROLINA To Our Customers. Dear customers please accept our best wishes for a hap py and prosperous New Year. We you with a neat up to date line of Merchandise. Ever icauy uo auena io your wants. When in town don't fail to give us a call. With hearty good wishes, we are Yours very truly, Cook Bros. & Co. The Famous Frick Company "Eclipse" Machinery. loiters, Saw Mills, Cosines ml Threshers. Best prices, best terine, best machinery. If you are using "Eclipse1' machinery send your orders for repair! to ute. If you are fltfurlnK on OUyg m chinery cull on me or write to me and I will be pleased to call oa you. F. M. RICHARDS, Jr., sk me for catalog. Factory 1 lepresen ta t i-e. Banner Elk, N. C. DONT GET CAUGHT COLD. Cold weather is coming and those who do not prepare for it will suffer. Mow Is the time to get your I have arranged lor the con- to Ite in Boone , ,.... . OI m PBDtP the most popular hotelists in the ' or 3 or ,ar, UvlZ 37", ' " V m0D" fanion, niowi,lff Kock countrv. ! ! nta. work! Au, vv(lHK Gcabaxt TtM . . 'Vi'SL? A little srandson f Mr. Tolli- 'HEST material, used inViTmr wffieaS.f ver(ireeneof I'.ailey (', llW ! for examinatioa. fctienU i'flfSKl ITS last Saturday, and xvas buried I .VmL'.. . !'.vn?,n me beiorahanl, nt what lim, taZ: next day: thf family ha via,- tli. ' .one. or Banner Elk. sympathy of the whole neighborhood. Because Ex-Mayor 0. M. Sud- jBuagies, Wagons, Steel Ganges" Stoves HEATING STOVES ready. We sell a varie y ol styles at pri cestosutt 11 Come in and see otr stocJr. Splendid line of OIL HEATERS for m V H your room or ffioe comfortable these cool nights and mornings. LENOIR HARDWARE AND FURNITURE ML LENOlfl, NORTH CAROLINA and stock and poultry and cloth injrxviil le needed but furniture i ?fSTT!li0rdwil MWy. When It us do for the orphan chil - etc S ipJ t Z uuon- or harness gaddes, drenxvhat friends are doinp for1 ?teeIran.f k 8toves, Window8, Doors the orphans in other nlaces an,l ! mi11 SUPPie8' Fertlllzer, Ume, Rcoffillff. & Cmn what we would wish others to dn -- -r-- write to REV. ED3AR TUFTS, Banner Elk, X. C. W R. i STOFFEL HARDWARE CO INCORPORATED MOUNTAIN CITY, ?ENN. ' - x I : II lir-rfl Monuments, Tablets & Headstones. ALL SIZES, SHAPES AND COLORS, IX . Marble and Granite of the very best ma us terial. PRICES ARE RIGHT, come and see our work, or write TT T T-v iur r rices ana Designs. yours very truly, KOUHTAIN CITY MARBLE COMPANf Mountain City, - Tennessee. f

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