Cfjt Watauga JDnnocrat. Town and County. The weather continues extre iwlydry ami gmwiiigvegvtatioii in nuffering on a result. Mrs. T Jzz'k Mt-fJW ha mov ft into her iivtty new rot tap on the "(Jreeu Height." Mm. J. C. Flether returned on Sat unlay from a visit to her sister, Mrs, l-ouncill, at Margo Torrnce, AshvilK Dr. tJ. V. lUby, Rkming rttH-k"K jiopular druggist, vnn a business caller at this office! ties day. . The Iiooii visitors to tlK 20 of Mnv.tefcbia.Uou at Charlotte. returned U'fim dark on the si 1st after a most enjoyable trip. Iiev. Harrison Farthings'ient Monday night with hi daughter Mrs. J. M. Moretz in Boone, en route to Lenoir. The latest news is that there is every prosrxt of a full and sat isfaetory settlement of the entire Mexican situation, including: the agrarian f atures of the case. Judge AW B. Councill and three sons.' of Hickory, came to the CriUlu-r house Sunday after noon, and returned Tuesday mor ning. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Robbins came from Blowing Rock to Boone last Saturday, and after Kjiending a short time in town, returned to the Rock the same afternoon. Jas. W. McGhee is ''grand pap" again. A letter from the home of his daughter Mrs. Chas. Fletcher at Cid, Davidson county announces the arrival of a baby boy. Ami Jim is still a young man in ways. AA'agner Reese, . our efficient help, who has been rather indis. posed for several days left for his home at Reese Monday, aud his place is being filled most ac ceptably by Thomas Beach. We hope the good boy will soon be himself again. Mr. Rufus Maltby a Univer sity student arrived at his home near town Tuesday afternoon, and will spend his vacation here. The young man has made good in his collegiate course will grad uate next session, nnd doubtless has a bright career before him. (ilad to see him again. Next Saturday is the day set apart for the county singing at Oak Grove school house just west of town. Tht good people there are making ample preparations for the event and a pleasant day is ex pec ted. We are asked to say that no nils-conduct will be tol erated, and that all the goodpeo pie are invited to attend. The Democrat has never had a "blow horn" attachment, but has gone on in its quiet way, through a quarter of a century, making the best of conditions. The people have stood by it beau tifully; are still standing, and will continue to stand, unless all signs fail. Continue to send your Subs, and ads. and watch the "Old Reliable" grow. Mrs, X. A. Bingham,' mother of Dr. R. K. Bingham of Boone whose serious illness we have mentioned from time to time, died at the home of herdaughter Mrs. X. R. Sherman in Wilkes boro on the 21st and was taken t j her home town of Statesville for burial. Mrs. Bingham was 72 years old, a good woman, and her many relatives and friends in Watauga will be grieved to hear of her death. . . "DENTISTRY Dr. Oscar L. Moore, Dentist, of Lenoir, will be at Blowing Rock a few days the first of June for the practice of his profession. , If in need, of any. work in his . line call on him at the Watauga Inn. Children Cry.. FOR FLETCHER'S C A3XORI A TIm Summer tnu of the A. T. S. will ojien ou next TiMnlay. Mis. XlaryC. Blair, th pleas ant hostess of the Bluir Hotel, has ben quite ill for several days. Mis (leinmie Took returned Sunday from a visit of wvernl days nmoiiir frieude nnd ivlaiiv on Stony Fork. Mis Blanche Blair haa re turned after sending some time with her sister, Mrs. (. M. Sud derth at Blowing Hock. -John Smith, of Vila,with Wa tauga's other Federal jurors, left for Wilkesboro Sunday, where thev will serve the court in sessi on there this week. To th exclusion of matter of u local nature, we have given Mr. John I. Arnhnr the right of way 'on out last pages fora most splen did article on 'Our President and Mexico." It is well worth the space aud the tiiuv it will take to read it. Mrs. John Stanbury and son Jeff, attended commencement at Greensboro this week, returning yesterday afternoon. They were accompanied home by Misses Es ther and Annie, the former a pu pil at the 0, F. C, and the latter a teacher in the Oxford Orphan age. Rev. Mr. McSwain, pastor of of West Hickory Methodist church, was married yesterday morning to Miss Margret t ombs at her home on Cove Creek. The rroom is a minister of power, and is to be congratulated upon winning the heart and hand of one of Watauga's choicest and most cultured young ladies. Levi Morphiw. Another good citizen and brave soldier has answered the last long roll call. Levi Morphew, was born near the mouth of Laxton'scn-ek Watauga Co. June 18, 1821, and died at the same place May 24, VMi. He was buried there also, with full masonic honors and cer emonial, May 25th. He was the son of John Morphew and his wife, Sarah Blackburn. He was a good farmer, trader fruit- grafter and etc, and had the res pect of all. He never married. He vounteered in the 1st X. C. Cavalry in June, 1961, and sur rendered in April, 1865, having served honorably throughout the entire war, during which he had but one furlough. He was for a long time deputy sheriff, and for a time was a constable. His will was filed in the clerk's office for probate May 26, and the probi ty disposed of thereby isestimat- ed to be worth about $1,006. Cvrus A. Grubb and James M. Morphew, two of his nephews, were appointed executors of the will. A Horrible Death. Mr. Editor: On last Monday evening May 18, Mr. Frank Trip lets the youngest son of Mr. F. S. Triplett, while out squirrel hunting dropped his gun causing it to fire, the shot taking effect in the breast and setting his clothes on tire and before any one reached the place the dear boy was dead and burned nearly up. Frank was a poor mother less boy, his mother having died when he was very young. He leaves a heart broken father and brother with a host of sorrowing friends and relatives to mourn his sad death but we hope when Jesus comes we will meet Frank in the kingdom of our blessed Saviour. C. E. CHURCH. Penley, X. C. Executors Notice. Having qualified at Executors ot Levi Morphew, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present theiu duly authenticated witbiu 13 mouths from the date hereof or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of their recovery, aud all persons due the said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment. This May 26 1914. ! C. A. Grubb, SL hit lappeBisp. St. Johus (luiirh has Ix-mi given severn r-ou fx of nliittuiiit and looks vry pretty priatein its setting of N-nutifulI trven on tht bluff. opMite Fx hhenff Wm. Uiiird's Mr. Gujiyv Binj.' hum i-pn'iin;; ip h moMory d-vfllingttii.JpMi'v hoi4 ntnibiiH"!. nii('nf r"-k. near the Simon old stand. Mr. Joe Ward is building a han some residence, on his line pi-f f piojifriy, i,tr hi old ,iiiii-mii Cove Creek, not fnr from whre it joins Watauga river. Mr. S. S. Moore, who for a year post has been with the Watauga Railroad in Wilkescounty, is put ting up a store near Johnson's Kchool huse. Mr. I B. Tester, who has Urn disabled by a fall fi-om u scaffold is at work again, his friends will be glad to learn. ! Miss Myrtle Thomas is visiting' her sister, Mrs J. Lee Tester at Valle Crucis, while Miss Wilma Thomas is on a visit to her pa rents here, her sister, Miss Aller- ta Thomas, who taught last in- ter in a school at Covington, Vir- ginia, is at home for a short va-1 cation before joining the Summer , school at Boone. Mr. Thomas Hopkins and wife visited their sister, Mrs. James W. Thomas, who has made a visit to her daughter, Mrs John W Dyer of Mountain City. Mr. George Thomas, whosjient the winter near Covington, Va. is at home on a visit, bringing with him Mr. Stephen Brizendine, who returned to Virginia taking with him Messrs. John Ward and Finley Watson, two of promising young men. Mr. Hardy Thomas is reported very ill at Elizabeth ton, his moth er, Mrs. Alexander Thomas and uncle, Mr. Joe Thomas promptly responded to the summons, as yet no news from the sick one. A larger acreage of corn, than you generally see in the river bot toms has been planted this year, ' much grass land broken up for. that purpose and a big crop ex-1 pected. ' The farmers on Watauga River are wide-awake, and are improv ing their places, a good sign of prosperity. Miss Mary Blair has returned from school at Valle Crucis, spen-' ding her vacation with herfather Mr. Joseph Baird near the Wil liam Winkler farm. j The Episcopal church contem plates reviving the work at "Mac edonia" a neighborhood where it owns a covi le of acres of land I near Green's school house, the' people of the community more' than ever favoring the work of . all Christians so long as they have ' the good of the people at heart, a school to be organized, a cha- LENOIR WEST MAIN STREET, HOLMAN BIBLES. More than 200 varieties of Bibles and Testaments from which to select, biudin;, paper, illustrations and size of type differ; hut the quality of prin ting is the same in all--the very best. A sum 1 1 Holiuau with flue print rs more easily read than many ether makes of laixe Bibles with course print. Why? The print is eo much better. Get any priced Holman you may wish OTHER BOOKS. It is a perfect delight to any book lover to look over our large assortment of popular fiotioD, illustrated Juvenile t:ft books, books fnr youngest rend era, toy and board books, standard classics, new and popular poetry, novelty gift books, bride's books, books of travel, history and biography, miscella neous subjects. WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS. A 1600.00 stock to select from. We we e so often asked "is it as good as the Waterman1!" that we have decided to give the Waterman's ideal our sola attention: But if you do not wish to invest bat $1-00 get the Lenoir Book Company's speoi&I, STATIONERY. Almost every style and quality of paper and envelopes. Box paper with envelopes from 10c to $1 per box. paper with envelopes of every grade Pen and pencil tablets, note books, record books, time books, all kinds of blank books, and many grades of pencils, pens, ink stands, stamp and finger moisteners, fountain pens and other novelties to suit all of the people. Who needs envelopes for mailing photographs? Yon will find them here. , SCHOOL SUPPLIES. This department has already attracted great attention. It is equipped with every article used in the cit y or rural schools. There is no necessity for sending off to the large cities for many little articles that add chariu and comfort to teacherand pupil. MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT. This department shall receive very careful attention Orders from Ashe Alleghany, Watauga, or Mitchell can be filled the same day they are received W shall make every effort to make effort to make this department prove a blessing to the people of this section ot the state. , All goods delivered to you free of postage. WATCH all advertising mediums for whats going on at LENOIR -l built, and a lady uirk-r t Ih- I .,--. I ,,.v H Ih-H lliolllit j pn iMiiJilf. f f iLi ! giH; p1lplcil tdi.4 Mttixll will Ix' ' to li'jirn ih thiy nrvji pngiv-iv ltibaiiiing tlx-iii f TiivHt-. " l!".ii-i. l'i-i-. ;i.tiiis. -. Fn riliin". Bingham. fU-s. ' Waph. r.M!,r. Jiih:i4ifis, Moo n- si nd ot li t who u-om a; lud school ay n Mgn of Mm for-' wnrd :i'jv lu'-rit of a f ommuui'y ' which 1 1.- lov- nnd in v.huh ihfy li.ii a-i tlit ii lot, tio on in that i oianiiiiiiiy standing in the way of progivs n-gardWs of oliti: and dfiioininational lines, for in this day the man who opposes any effort for the got si of tin jieople in his little comer is looked upm as a buck number and a clog to advance ment which is the tinier of the day in our time, for we feel we must move forward and not stand still which is next to going backward, surely. STOCKHOLDERS MEET. The stockholders' annual meet ing of the Boone and Blowing Rock Turnpike Co. was held in the court house on Monday, May 25th, in Boone. The former di rectors were retained and they reelected all the old officers. Col. Stringfellow of Blowing Rock im pressed upon those present the importance of placing the road iu the finest condition possible, as the travel over it this summer promises to lie heavier than ever before provided the road is in projer condition. He urged the necessity nnd expediency of mak ing the road first class in every particular, as, he pointed out if the road is inviting every auto and every vehicle that comes to Blowing Rock this summer will visit Boone frequently; whereas if it is in bad fix, few will come, and then only when compelled to do so. A resolution was adopt ed to spend all the money left in the treasury, after paying a divi dend of 7 per cent, and to borrow whatever may be necessary to re pair the road for the summer trav el. Mr. Stringfellow offered to loan $1,000 if necessary, to put the road in proper condition. Many of the stockholders were present, among whom were Mr. Finley Mast, of Sugar Grove: Judge W. B. Councill, of Hickory, Messrs. T. H. Coffey, VV. W. Stringfellow, B. J. Green and Wi ley I'iitz, of Blowing Rock, and others, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature BOOK CO. LEXOIR, N. C. BOOK CO. Town Property For Sale. I am offering for sale rr.y entire sUick of goods with house and lot; one 12 room brick ollice building with 1-2 acre lot on main street, one boundary of land lying on north side of main street in East Boone, containing 7 1-2 acres' and very suitable for hotel sites and resident lots, this boundary containing 1 acre in fruit trees of the very best varieties; one 11 room dwelling house and acre lot on main street leading to Training School, no better place in town to live; 1 nice lot on main street in the "Hardin edition" to Boone. If you are interested in any of the a liove named property come to see, or write I). J. Cottrell. If You don't See Exactly what you wish on the counters of my main store just tell me whet it is, and out of the 4 other store rooms containing my mammoth stock of first class goods, wares and merchandise I guarantee to produce it. What You want to do is to make your wishes known to me or my clerks, and you will find thatjon experience of nearly a quarter of a century has enayled me to anticipate and provide for the reasonable wants of everybody. At M. B. Blackburn's You are certain to find the BEST and only the best of every kind of materials from a baby's bibb to hydraulic cement. It is impossible to make a disDlav of all that I keep constantly on hand, but lentiy arranged lor your inspection Department Stores in ttie north and west boast that they can furnish any thing that anybody can possibly need. I do not call my store a department store but it has 5 departments one in each of five large store rooms. Ask For It. and you will find that it is ready and waiting for you; that it came from the best houses in the country, and that it will be sold cheap, for cash to as many as will let me know what they want. Alfred W. Dula, Graduate Jeweler, watchmaker and Optometrist. We can and will save you money in all your Jewelry and Optical work. DTTT A THE UL,A? JEWELER Dula Bldg., .... Lenoir, North Carolina N. L. MAST, Pres. G. P. HAGAMAN, Cash. The Bank That Appreciates and Protects itsCustome Capital, Surplus, Profits and Stockholders, Liability Ux2:-: J:-: 35,000.00. It has bnen the policy of this bank to render the greatest Rervice posHible to the citizens o( Watauga county. We appreciate the confidence the people have shown in us, ana the success they Lava bellied us to achieve in building up a strong banking institution. With our improved equipment we are better than everprepared to serve thpm. The Watauga County Bank BOON E, NORTH CAROLINA. Elegant Foot-wear. The Solid Leather Line. I pride myself in the fact that FOR MEN Gentlemen can be supplied with anything required for neat dress, from an up-to-date suit down, and I nm well pivpaivd to furnish the ladios with any thing they need for their ward robes. Don't fail to call on me for groceries, fancy and staple. I am prepared to save you money tht'i-eoli. J. S. Winkler. Successor to Johu W. Hodges & Co. it is all on hand and conven- W. C.COFFEY, Vice Pres. J. T. MILLER, Ass'tCash. I am carrying the best line of shoes on the market. I want you to examine them, and when you have been .Itted, let me Bhow you through ray general line of merchandise, anything you want at a big bargain. SHOE FOR WOMEN m m mm sm mtmmw '' J, M Mprpbew, GzepQtpn. . Y.-D; M00RE. Mgr. LEXOIR, X. C

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