rr rr I A. Ml VOI- XXVI UOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, THURSDAY, (XT. 22, 191 1, NO. 13. ''It tip The Anglo-Saxon Race. Continual from lat w-k. Frum nil economic viiv-ioiiit, t... I - . . fv . t. aione, w wviMiiiun- ui .orui i inronna hianuu tuui n siruifr- ent law ngainst degenerating marriages. A large iereentage of. II. VY. H. Connor tells about her those under treatment fn the in hf book. "Makers of North State Hospital are the result of Carolina History.'7 Capt. John inurriages that ought to have son Blakely was during the war been prohibited by statutes, j of 1812 commander of the Wasp Trace back the streaks of insani-, a vessel that did, great destruc ty in families; trace back the j tion to the English Vessels, des-.weak-eved and cripples, and the j troying 13 British merchant ves one who has leen so nervous sels and sinking two men of war from birth that it has taken the within (X) days. Before the war constant watchfulness ol a faith- of 112 Capt. Blakely won great ful attendant to keep him from ; reputation fighting pirates on going to pieces I suy trace them j the Mediterauean Sea. While back and see if they are not the offspring of parents who were closely related by blood. Our State Legislators, when in session, are often spoken of as ''Our Solons.'" Have thev merit- ed the name? Who was Solon? ! He was the chiefest of the wise men of Greece. It was he who told Croesus. King of Lydia, that Tvllus, a poor man, who died leaving valuable children to his country, was a happier man than he (Croesus) with ull of his gold and sumptuous furniture. Have "Our Solons" ever displayed such grit as that? Xo they have cre ated ft statute forbidding a man to marry Ins niece, but permit ting him to marry his tirst cous in, or cousin German. I rejteat that a man's niece is the same blood kin to him as his first cou sin, but only half as much as his cousin German, and that the cousin German is the same kin as his sister, or the two parental brothers, may take hack after different branches of the family. But that does not letter it. be causeiirthe - second generation, the; red haired sister's children will take after the dark haired sister, and vise versa, showing that notwithstanding the differ ence in complexion, the blood is the same. But ',OurSolons"have never yet found it wise to stop men from marrying women why are the equivalent of their sisters. Four years ago a high class member of the General Assembly introduced a bill to stop cousins from marrying, but other mem bers gentlemen, of course, by their positions ridiculed the bill until it died in its infancy. One of these . members must have been a bachelor who had a rich cousin sweetheart; and a nother was unquestionably' n father, whose son was courting a wealthy cousin, or his daughter was being wooed by one, and of course a few web-footed and crazy, children was nothing in the eyes of two modern Solons, when compared with thousands of dol lars to come in from the other sides of the two families. The next time such a bill is op posed in the legislature, just take it for granted that each member opposing it, is' either from a cousin town, or he is pre paring to start a new one of his own. Gov, Craig has put up a figUt for better liglit for better freight rutes. better roads, and better . prices for cotton will he not es pouse the cause of better chil dren? Will he champion the passage of a law to stop degen eracy among his people and help them to tend towards the per fect man? or w ill he and his suc cessors continue to strain the re sources of the State for tax mo ney to support hospitals for that unfortunate class, that, result from imprudent marriages. 'Plutarch, that most beautiful of ancient writers, tells us. that one of the characteristic things that made Alexander great, w as his attention to little things. Take care of the dimes and the dollars will take care of thcm- A State Adopted Child. I'i'l vim knolhnl North Car- .olina omv a. lopt.il ncliild? Not I e - I . - . . . I many i mt coi of .North I r-1 onna know tiltour that adooted-f .daughter of .North Carolina. Dr waiting for the Wasp to be built at Portsmouth, X. H.,, Captain Blukely was married. lie sailed away after the vessel which he commanded was completed and and after displaying wonderful bravery and winning fame by tha victories his ship had won on the high seas, his vessel was lost .and no one knows the fate of Captain Johnson Blakely of Wilmington. his ship nor any of the 173 men composing the crew of.the Wasp. A daughter -was born 'to Captain Blakely while every one wts guess ing his fate. Her name was Ud- ney Maria Blakely. As Captain Johnsoa.Blakely did not return to receive the honors the Legis lature of 1814 decided to make a gift to hi.s daughter. The Gov ernor was asked to send to Mrs. Blakely a handsome tea set to be kept by her and presented to the infant daughter of Johnson Blakely at the age of 15 years. At the same time the Legislature determined to adopt the little irl as the daughter of North Carolina, and to have her educa ted at the expense of the State. I as soon as Udney Maria was old enough she was placed in school in Philadelphia and twice every year, until 1828, the Governor of North Carolina sent to her guardian the money to pay her expenses. Five years after Capt. Blakely's death Mrs. Blakely was married again and moved to the island of St Croix in the West Indies. Whon she finished school Udney Maria joined her mother and she died on the is land of St Croix in 1842. She was the only child ever adopted by the State of North Carolina. -Ex. A Faithful Representative. There is not a member-of -Congress who is more loyal and faith ful to his constituency than the representative from the eighth district, Hon. R. L. Doughton. His efficiency and work have pla ced him on important coirimit-b-es in' the House where he is in a posit ion to render his jieople and the couutry at large valuable service. Being himself a farmer and a man of practical ideas, he can do more just now for the far mers and agricultural interests of the south than any new man we can put'up, and especially a new man who belongs to. the party in the minority. The voters of the Eighth are not going Xq. swap horses in the -middle of the stream.' Lenoir. Topic, ,. T. "'.' selves.' Take, care of- the. ;blod' of the State aniftne' pedple will take care of themselves. But with contiuued neglect in North Carolina, finally one half of the people will have to take care of the other half. I have written these articles to benefit the people who have no more weaknesses than -I, but who have at least one that I do not posess. Thanking the edi tor for publishing the same, and hoping they will be seed sown in good ground, I am Very sincerely yours, Shepherd M. Di gger. MEANS A L0N6 WAR. York Hup. The iiwliat valm of 'Ant . . , . . - , . Tp to me if riuaiis is loiiini m lUe lact ,Iinr establishes their, jHJsiuoniaueigiumsouuiy.Mitu. - erto with the Scheldt fortress in the hands of the Belgium the . ? 1 fit r..i uer.nans no veoeen in a position :ori tasts iikt, wnir n)jlk ailJ of an assailing fon-e .wliich ban like a kunk. carried the outer works of a for-j Xlim remnrkablel.everng.Msex. tress, but U still outside the eita-, meted from ft plant, or a -41' icies of cactus, known ns the inn- Just as long as the Belgians) pll,.r j,,ant- This plant attains a held Antwerp the Germans had height of six to eight feet, with no safe line of defense north and j the same width. It resembles verv wesionne .weuseanu me am- Rre. They were couioelled to hold this line, based on the fortresses of Liege and Namur and Mau beuge, in great strength loth to protect their lines of communica tion and to assure their position in Belgium, which remained the one available gate to France. In case of an eventful retreat from the Aisne the Germans were confronted with the possibility of an attack from the north, the west and the south at the same time, and their defensive line would have to follow the outline of a huge V with the points on Liege and Metz. Such a tremen dous extension of lines would re quire immense forces to hold them, and the advantage of num bers was bound to be ugainst them. Antwerp taken, the whole Ger man line shortens up autoinati- cully and follows the Scheldt south from Antwerp by Ghent in a broad curve to the French frontier. Three-quarters of Bel gium is now solidly held. All dan ger of attack from the north, or raids upon the line of communi cation vanishes. Save for the lit tle block of territory between the the Scheldt and the North Sea the whole of King Albert's king dom, with whatever resources it still retains, is in German pos session. First of all, then, the Germans havecompletely established them selves in Belgium, and the task of driving them out will be long and tedious, even if the Allies present ly succeed along the Aisne. Weeks and months of persistent fighting must, in the most opto mistic view of Allied prospects, precede any arrival of French and British armies on the Belgo German frontier. In addition Germanv will all the time hold the Belgian gates to France and if : successful against Russia can presently concentrate her mass es for a new drive at Paris. Your Fall Cold Needs Attention No use to fuss and try to wear it out. It will wear j ou out in stead. Take Dr. King's New Dis- eoverv. relief follows uuicklv. It uhetks your cold aud soothes vunrcougb aav. Pleasant, an tiseptic and healing. Children like it; Get a 50 cent bottle ol King's New Discovery and keep it in the house, "Our family Cousin and Cold Doctor," writes Louis Chain berlain. Manchester, Ohio- Mou ey back it not satisfied, but it nearty always helps. unildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S : The Butler Drug Store NEW AND UP-TO-DATE Prescriptions Filled Headquarters for the best Stationery and Candies; Toilet Articles and Rubber Goods Mail us Your Orders. The Best and latest fountain dnnks, , Call on us at the old Post, Office Building. E. S. STALLINGS, Manager Kexici's National Beverage. ; J i ih natioiml lvr-j nj" of Mfi (i, luit is -oiisaniHr nluitst tx lusiv.-lv lv tli lov.-r sseiv une or two miarts ol it win vou H capital jov, It 11 retail'from ll, to 2 vent a1 qviart. It i,lH a whitish grav col- j dosely n giant artichok. Its leaves are frequently ten feet long, a foot and a half wide and ten inches thick. How is that for a leaf? The juice (pulque) is ex tracted in much the. same way that you tap a maple tree: The plant has to grow for sev en years before it gives a n y pulque, then it is tapped and it continues to give an average of 1 1-2 gallons every day for three months; then it dies. When the plant is dead its great value then begins. From the the stems of the lower leaves two other drinks are made tequila and inn zeal. These are very intoxicating. as clear as water, are drunk from small whiskey glasses and sell at from 2 to four cents a drink, a bout half an ounce. With the leaves of the plant they fatten cattle, thatch houses, makerope, li,ruomS) sewing thread, needles, j paFr vjlu,gar, molasses, eaves, tmuriis and manv other useful things; and beside these the Li lians extract a woim from the leaves, which they cook, eat and consider a great delicacy. The pulqeurias that is, the shop where pulque' is sold are merely filthy stink pots, patron ized only by the lower element of both sexes. A sober man or wo man is seldom seen to enter or lea ve these joints. They are drunk when ilhev go in and drunker when they come out. Ex. Enforcing the Cigareette Law. Lexington Dispatch. The Dispatch has called atten tion several times to the fact tliat . minors are buying cigar ettes in liexinaton and it isgrati fying to note that the officers are making an effort to find out who is doing the sellina'. Wedns- day a small boy was brought in to court and efforts- were made to induce him to tell who sold him the cigarettes. lie refused to tell and was sentenced to jail. To save the boy from jail an appeal was taken in his case and he was released on bond. It is not onl.v against the law to sell cigarettes to persons under IS years of age. but it is against the law to give cigarettes to such persons and every good citizen should do all he can to help the officers locate the guilty person who is carry ing on the illegal traffic. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA The hint Debate. The joint debute in I he ourl i.ou. last Minninr ""ikh.ii , between our present Congress-' iiutn, lion. R. L Doughton aud Hon. F. A. Linney, the Republi can nominee for Congress from this district, attracted a large number of voters from different parts of the county. The court room was packed and many could not find even standing room. Mr. Doughton was introduced y Ex. Lieutenant-Governor V. C. Newland and in a forceful ear nest pjeech of one hour, he gave an account of his services to the people of his district, defended he policies of the national Dem ocratic administration, showing hat they are carrying out the ledgs of reform, having enact ed the rnderwood-Simmons tar iff law, the bank ing currency law, etc., and gave the people the par- el post which saves them mill ions of dollars annualiv in ex- uvss charges. President Wil son's foreign policy, at jieaee w ith Mexico and all foreign nations. is praised by everybody of all laities. Mr. Linney, introduced by Mr, F. Wakefield, followed in a speech of one hour, and his wit and resourcefulness brought con siderable enthusiasm on the part of his political friends. Hecharg ed the Democrats with the high ost of living, with the recent mdden jump in the price of su gar and other matters which are learly influenced by the war in Europe. Each sjeaker had a short rejoinder, w hich was used well. Iienoir Topic. Hopeless Lung Trouble Cured. Many recoveries from lung troubles are due to Dr. Bell's I'ine-Tar-Hone. It strengthens the lungs, checks the cough and gives relief at once Mr. W. 8 Wilkins, (Jates. N. C, writes: "1 used Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey in a case given up as hopeless and it effected a permanent cure. Gnt a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-lloney. If your cough is dry and hackiutr, let it trickle down the throat, vou will surely get re ief. Only 2uc at your druggnst. NOTICE OF SAL E. North Carolina, Watauga Coun ty, In theSupenorCourt before the Clerk, beorge K. Clark, Ad ministrator of J. B. Clarke, G. R. Clarke and ri. M. Clarke, vs. Lula Clarke, widow, Eugene Clarke. Fred Davis, Nellie Da vis, Robert Clarke. Jos. Clarke, Jay Cla rke. Susan Clarke, Fran cis Clarke, Maggie Clarke, Er mine Clarke, Susan Moore and husband, Thos. Moore, Nellie Moore and husband, W. M. Moore, Clarke Steel. Stuart Steele. John Steele, N a n c v Steele! John R. Steele, Mary Ann Steele and Frank a Lin ney, guardian Ad Litem, ruder an order of the Superior Court made in the above enti tled proceeding, the undersigned commissioner will on the Satur day, November 7, 11)14, between the hours of 10, a. in., and 4, p. in., ut the postottiee in the town of Blowing Rock, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, situate at and near the said town of Blowing Rock: Lot No. 14 the J. B. Clarke lands, be' imr the lot bid off bv A. J. Rowe at a former sale made by the un dersigned, and all right, title and interest held by the said J B. Clarke, in a tract of land, ad joining the lands 13. J. Greene Dr. H Hson and ot ners and Known as the A. D. Blair 50-acre tract. This Oct, 3, 15)14. GEO. R. CLARKE, Com. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature R 0 FESSIONAL. J .:. t k-U her Joliu H. Hlnirhaiu r-, . , o D; . lOlunci IX Ulllglium. ATTUKNEVS AT LAW. BOONE, NORTH CARO. Will prtitlc Id tb court of W Uuga atid adjolnlog couatl. Cur f&l aud prompt attention glrea to all matter eutrutd tout, t 120. 13 Dr. G. M. Peavler, Treats Disease of th Eye, Ear Nose and Throat BRISTOL TENN., 115'Hly, T. E. Bingham,. Lawyer BOONE, . . N. C WPromptattention given to nil matters of a legal nature Collections a specialty. Office with Solicitor F. A. Lin ney 129. ly. pd. Silas M. Greene, JEWELER Mabel, N. C. All kinds of repair work done undf r a positive guar antee. When in need of any thiuginmy line give me a call and get honest work at honest prices. Watch Rpaikixo'A Speciai.tvb VETERINARY SURGERY. SI have been putting much tuir on this subject; have received' my diploma, aud am now well equipped . (or the practice of Veterinary 8ar ifery in all its branches, and am the only one in the county, all on or address me at Vilas, N. . R. P. D.l . G.H.HAYES, Veterinary Surgeon. J-17-'ll. E. S. COFFEh" -A Tl OIMEi A 1 LA W,- BOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to ill matters of a legal nature. WF Abstract ing titles and ',onection ot claims a special ll-'ll. Dr. Nat. T. Dulaney . SPECIALIST -SXK, KAIt; NOSK, THROAT AND CHKST KTKS EXAMINED FOIl GLASSES FOURTH STREET Eristol, Tenn.-Va. EDMUND JONES LAWYER LENOIR, N. C,- Yill Practice Regularly in he Courts ol U atpvpa, 1 Mi.- L, D. 1-OWE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Banner Elk, N. C, Practice in the courts of Avery and surrounding counties. Care ful attention given to all matters of a legal nat ire. 7-6-12. F. A. LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW,- BOONE, N..C. Will practice in the courts of ohe 13th Judicial District mall natters of a civil nature. -n-mi. E. F. Lovill. W. R. Lovill Lovill & Lovill -Attorneys At Law -BOONE, N. C Special attention given to all business entrusted to cheircare. .. .'. .'.