Cfct S&atauga Democrat Town ami County. h now as pretty n public m-Ium building nhii.t itHcau Im found 1 111 '' ouiitv. It is a rl s,.. tun. ami tlw propVrty owners there are thoroughly convinced l!f'istr. "' lart. S. that ynir fi M-nl is regis- Our ipi.-indmii fri'iid. tnil. I .ii n. of tloving Ito. k. after an -The weath.r is r t It m m .1. " 1 -' f iwn 1 fif f-n y.n rn in MM.i.ks imu. h .f iipimKi.-l.-i' ,H,,,M0, aMiiiKton. ,s at nig wiinr. Pr sal: Fin' IVi kliin Sv Noah Winkler, four milfs vwst of Hoone. New Store, New goods, New Prices! Attorneys E. S. Coffey, F. A". Linnev ui.d W. K. Ixnill niv at tending Avery county court this : has Urn living ever sine he has The Farmer Is working for a living, and know. that both time and lalxjr !are saved Ly using the best r.nJ most Improved tools and implements. The place to get Rood fr,od.' ar.d save money i; the THE MAN WHO FEEDS place to buy. An investigation of our prices on Hour, su-'the world as everybody knows, and as the old song goes, home , his fan,,.,., r jj. j. 'gar, coJTee and all staple groceries will convince vou that keep abreast of the most advanced thought and methods n.' in his tm i v.- town, n ' it is to your interest to trade with us. " of work. him in to h-ii Monday, and w WIlV rO I il nki'oOl(' I THE WORLD w'i jrlad to leant that he in ma- . f1 is moving onward rapidly, and old-fachioned tools and king good in Washington, lie is i while our stock of shoes and rubber rrook ; rnnmlpto am ureetices must irive tilace to the most aoDrovec annlinaf es i.,.rti r- ... . , - ... . f luiuimni en uiiiiiuu, uere ue week. Finally, bivthren. unless yon register on or ttefore next Sat urday, you cannot vote in t h e coming election. Fruit-gathering is practical ly over, and what to do with the vast yield is a question with ma ny of our people. Messrs Cook Ac Carlton, the new merchants of Iloone have a nice ad in this issue. He sure and look it up. Miss Jennie Coffey, of P.oone, and Mr. and Mre. D. F. .Mast, of Valle Ctucis, are off for the State Fair at Raleigh tliis week. Mrs. II. C. Rivers is rather in disposed this week, and Mr. M. I Critcher is attending to her duties in the post office. This paper has been gotten up under most trying conditions and we hoie its short comings will be overlooked bv our rend ers. The campaign in the county from all reports, seems to be pro gressing nicely; no bitterness ap pearing on the hustings. Miss Salina Wheeling, a middle-aged maiden lady, died of fe ver at her home in Flk township on Tuesday morning, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. L. W. Mcd'liro. sends in another "big apple" weighing L'-'t ounces, for w hich he has our thanks. If you can beat the L. D. Lowrance 2S ounce specimen, let us know at once. Dr. Robert K. Bingham, of Boone, left for Statesville Mon day morning, taking with him Mr. P. G. Carroll, one of his pa tients, who w ill undergo an op eration for appendicitis in Dr. Long's- Sanatorium. "Little Jim" Rivers en loute to school last Monday morning, had a w reck with 1ms wheel and as a result, sustained some rath er painful cuts and bruises, but fortunately no bones were, bro ken. He is up and going, but will be forced to remain out. of school for a few days. Right on the crest of t h e Rich Mountain Mr. A. 7 Miller planted this year one quart of seed corn on of an acre of land, and as a result of his labors he shucked and measured therefrom 28 bushels of corn. This a won derful vield for anv land, much less that at such great altitude. The paint brush is still get ting in its work of beauty in Fast Rooue. The pretty residence of Mr. John Lew is has been given its finishing touches and the res idence of Dr. Bingham is now un dergoing the great change that a good painter can make on a good building with a three-coat job. Friend Job W. Blair of Vilas, passi d tlr 'i;li liVitii yestenliiy en route to Caldwell with "Rig Ben," the prize winning black stallion at a number of county fairs, and owihmIJvv Mr. Walter Hayes.. Mr. Blair is negotiating a trade with a joint stock com pany in Caldwell for the sale of "Ben," and if they get him they will own the best horse of his kind that Watauga can furnish. It is indeed pleasing to see the improvement that is steadi ly going on ia the Middle Fork section between Boone and BLoav. ing hock; new and pretty cotta ges are springing up in every direction, and right near their pretty, new Baptist church there Urn in the eit. We hope his stay among former friends in Watauga may be most pleasant. We are sorry to make the statement, but evidently some of our merchants in Watauga are flagrantly violating the law per taining to the sale of cigarettes to boys under 18 years of age. It is a common sight in Boone to see boye of tender years, ma ny of them in school, pulling a way at eigaretes the same as if then was no law on the statutes for their protection against the us- of the obnoxious little "cof fin tacks.' The law strictly for bids their sale to any boy under 1 N years of agv, and those who sell them should bear this in mind, when handing them out to the bo vs. Beaver Dam Doings. The weather has Urn cool and rainv for the past week. Mrs. Filer has returned home from a visit to her son, William Filer. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hagaman are visiting her father and moth er Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hagaman this week. Mrs. Roy Fggers is visiting her father, Mr. J. B. Williams this week. ("has. Dougherty who has had typhoid fever for the past 2 or 3 weeks is improving fine under the efficient treatment of Dr. 1L- B. Perry. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ha gaman of Beaver Dam Oct. 15, 1914, a bouncing boy. Roy is steppingaround in the store high er than ever when he is not sing ing the hilly-byes. Training School Items. The Domestic Science Cooking Class on Tuesday afternoon en tertained Mrs. Reitzel and Mis ses Stan bury and Dodson at tea. Miss .Nannie Woodruff was the hostess and of course enjoyed the occasion. At the faculty club on Satur day night Miss Bridge gave each members of the faculty a practical lesson in the domestic science kit chen. Strange as it may seem all very much enjoyed the results of their efforts later. So much for follow ing the recipes of an ex pert. All the literary societies sewn to be doing most excellent work. We hope to give something defi nite from each society in a few weeks. The school has no more effi cient employee than Mr.C. J. Cot t roll the farmer. He is improv ing the farm land, making the meadows more productive, clear ing up waste places and building several new fences. The apple crop on the farm is immense. He U m;ikiiig ample prepumtionsto c in' for it so that we may have fruit all the year- He has taken much interest in improving the stock. We are .disposing of in ferior cows and keeping only the best. Arrangements are being made to secure a flue Holstein male. . "'Notice. This is to notify all parties that I have, sold my entire stock of merchandise at Silver Stone, to Smith and Smith.. They are. to assume all debts' due on said stock of merchandise. Very truly, ' R. P. Robinson. pnees in reach of all? We carry an up to date line of dry I now known. gooas, notions, hats, ladies and gents furnishings, winter uyderwear and hosiery, blankets, bed spieads and table linen. Examine our line of Hardware And Feed Supplies Visit our store examine our line of goods and let us prove that it is to your advantage to trade with us. Come buy a shot gun for your winter sports, Yours -for business, COOK & CARTLON, Bank Building - - - ... Boone, N. C. DR. R. D. JENNINGS Resident Dentist, BANNER ELK, - - -JV. cT I have arranged for the convenience of my jiiitients to be in Boone Blackburn's Hotel n the first of every month for three or four days, and every court week, piepiiii-d to do a ly Wind of Den tal work. Ai.i. woiiK (iiwHAXTKKi'. Nothing but theBFSTnniiTFK FST materials used in anv of mv work. Prices reasonable No oh urges forexamination. Patients from a distance will avoid ilelnv by informing me beforehad. at what time they propose coming ei ther to Boone or Banner Flk. L, D. LOWE, President. H. I?. PKRR Vice-President. L. LI. FARTHING. Oashinr. The Valle We solicit the accounts of all persons in this new Bank, and we will do our best to accommodate the people am render the greatest service consistent with sound banking. WE DR. COOK'S CERTAIN CURE h (real wonder of the ate, - 'or external aad asternal ue . ndt of diieaaea. It will coat you only a poetal card. If your dealer a mercnant doe. not keep it, tend bit nan ana addrcea and 1 el a. iple free. 1. 1. COOK MEDICINE CO., Wieitoe-Ulta. N. C. Iftili WinUi. Willi nnnnnnnnnnnnnjnnnjnnBNAMe THIS r m njennnnnnnnannnani tn all 1 1 lealer 1 1 et a II lillim.J Special Liberal Offer. Mail us 7 cents in F. 0. money order or stamps andjwe will send you all charges paid .i bottles ('. V. C. and if you do not find it the greatest family medicine you have ever used we will refund every cent of your money. Address T, L. COOK MEDICIXK CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. Monuments, Tablets & Headstones. - i ALL SIZES, SHAPES AND COLORS, IN Marble and Granite of he very best ma terial. PRICES RE RIGHT, come and see our work, or write us for Prices and Designs. vours very truly, MOUNTAIN CITY MARBIEEGOMPANY ' Mountain City, ---------- Tennessee. THE "METZ" CAR Price $175. F. M, RICHARDS, Banner Elk, NC. PROVIDED HE USES the machinery, tools, implements and general luirdware which we keep constantly on hand, he must and will suc ceed in all cases. THE FARMING IMPLEMENTS kept by us are sold at the smallest profit compatible with good business. We solicit your custom. Everything we keed is SOLD HY us either wholesale or retail. If the farmers would only study their own interests as we do, they would trade with BERNHA RDT-SEAGLE CO WHOLE SAL AND REA JLT- HARDWARE AND FURNITURE LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA TAX NOTICE. I will be at the following place9 on the dates mimed for the pur pose of receiving taxes for the year 11)l'4: Cove Creek, Mabel Thursday Oct. 15, 1 11-1. North Fork, W. X. Thomas store Friday " 1(5, " Men t Cam , Soda Hill Satui day " 17, Hnld Mountain, voting place Tuesday ' 20, " Stony Fork voting plaee Wednesday " 21, " Flk, voting place, Thursday " 22, " lilue Kidne, (1. h. StorieH store Friday " 2'-, Blowing Uock W. L. Holshouserz store Sat " 24, " Watauga, Shulls Mills Tuesday 27, " Shawneehaw, Build's store Wednesday " 28, " Laurel Creek, . I no. WardH Thursday 2!), " Beaver Dams, voting place Friday " J50, " Boone, court house Saturday " Ml, " Everybody come out. pay your taxes, hear the candidates speak and have an old fashioued hand shake. ' Most respectfully, E. R. Eggers, Sheriff. N.L. MAST, Pres. G, P. HAGAMAN, Cash. W. C.COFFEY, ViosPreg. J.T. MILLER, Atw'tCash. The Bank That Appreciates and Protects its Custom e Capital, Surplus, Profits and Stockholders, Liability :-: :: :-: $35,000.00. It has been the policy of this bank to render the greatest service possible to the citizens of Watauga county. We appreciate the confidence the people, have shown in us, and the success they hava helped us to achieve in building up a strong banking institution. With our improved equipment we are better thau ever prepared to 6erve them. The Watauga County Bank BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. Seasonable Goods in HARDWARE. If the pen is mightier than the When a man 8Peaks forfcimself he is doing all the Lord inteuded sword it must be taking a snooze. i10 lioulvl do. Steel ranges, Cook stoves, Mowing Scythes, Grain Cradles, Rowing Machines, Rakes, Tedders, Screen doors Windows, Wire cloth, Buggies, Harness, Wagon', Thresh mg machines, Gasoline and Oil Pull Engines, Woven wire Fence Cement, Windows, Doors, roofing, Fruit Jars, Cul tivators, Hoes, Harrows, Grass Seed and Fertiliser, write or call on us for prices, "the quality of our goods remain long after the price is forgotten." W. R. STOFFEL HARDWARE CO INCORPORATED MOUNTAIN CITY, TENN. (Headquarterslfor all Farming Implements.)

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