Drmccrat. f-blihcil Every Thurs u j Oat limillm Pmibil'tlrs. It r.k.- I 'il-- t m.ike .1 .( !. i,..t , I'. ... 1 it. ,ii !, 1 I., 1 . I" ! t If' -11 1 11 1- 1 - ' 1 I.Ml . t'lllll n - 1 Moit:a:t Iale of Land. I : 1 Man,i'.'ii'i' li '".l i toMM'tv 1 1 ft I 1 m 1 m m 1 f Kccrutors Notre !!- ii.V'im iii: 1 ;! .md .: .I'l l .t.!ii i" 1 li'jl !"1 '- .11!. 1 ' k. i' p':!'!! .!!'! hl.-Ul Ili'!!-lrt!-llH t-'l!l'l ill 1 ' ! 1 1 '. t j wi, li ,1- 1 1 i!'-re U known to i!H!i llt-r f ,.. . ;l .1 f , .J) ,) I ,f . 1 i ii'iii (!!! t'.il- .ii.'l en J I 1 ! . liv-l " ,!- null n t ! ! - ! . tt I I H !lt!l V .1 f- 11 ; - i" fi'-tr ! ' h !! t' t i'! !-" " M Hoik .1 !! 1 thf .' cf H i'l!l-l!-.l !!.'!!- J. ! J .....j ,x H,j; j,. J,,.,,. I U )s, I llW l I , t j. j , . ii .! i'i"'i ft nil th miH :;i i !i .) o i!i , ' 1 1 i'.i!inii ; . Yrt!i!,-'U"- ;.!! 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 - I'M tt.l t ! A '. K H! t In "I nil t- 1 ''l! 1 In it st'iiii!v -k fir o-mi rt'l,Mn--t!,tV!r it 1 lit1 e v pt-n-rt nt wrtniti,; 11 :i ?!!!. tli"-v ,in dm itiir u out inc 'hj "nrl'l tf H'l-s tt i-.ue t"t 'l ! !-. N nit- iiii -il to --p "fll afiaii t'. .;:." in !!- ir.d ami t-om. Il - :; ' " !! 1. v ?A 1 i !- 1. J j .r . ii.i 2 1 .1 1 1 n . 't i ii ' !"!!:'--. ri rll r i '.-li i. V.Vt rit :1 1". It Hi! .III! t" MHtJ' mi It iiit-.,u tint iii tii-' '! "t '!i..t,llt fniM'i.- n Ml .1 - tlie tlivt. riiilu li(u k 1 if I'Httl 1 That ti tini'.t ;i.t in- fiV't'MV p!'.l.'t.- -i,t tl.t- jiffiN 1 if mat! v tuilli' ni u l,n u j )i tni;.!w.l f,( IkmL; to !i 1 11 1 thtN-ih'.n. It ni,iii that we inu-t h'p to .it raiohtcn our thf- finance of nian v lan.ls w h IH. I !o Ikivu Lt'.Ttofoie (.lepvii'W up on K'ir.1 j, and thnr-o!iit-iitiHt.. i!i o'li -i.;i 1 cuiitrv oiM jnHn ei-finu f'tinix-irti jionvr. '.vtv man 111 thi coiipt rv i!i M , .I't ,1 . V -1'- 'f : I !:. k - - t! a'i-l ll -!! ,.ti i .' T.. . , tni 1! !' r-:"i ;t . t'. tl! ' l 'M '! ! il rr !! ! i K 1 I 1 1 - ! ! 1 .1 ' ! I -I fttttr lir.t; . Hit!!- l:it ' !f i: . Nil H H. F.r I HIVti t nt 1 N-tttli i I'Iiin, Walanpa count T l- 1 hi u .. -!(. iu rl1 t!'-'.1 . .i-nt.-l 1. Hi. ni... i ;iir d J A I l. r. ft al uii.U t .Ulc .f .nut I.. ! : ith 1... 1 . 1 11, ti,,. iuu ,.t ti, l'i ..1. I j l ! 1 trlil-r IT. I''! I. i'l M nit-1 ! titxttl I I .1. 11 li i,.t 1 nrl 1 1 pit lie r I It? ('r u tt.tlt t I. list nij; li M I I I ' ' "'. ill ffrr lor I IN'M ltd. t Klt'l rtiTi 1 . '! fi -j ti. i. I t.'-tttf ! 111 lh 1 , f t -ti l ! ' ' 't! rt'.Kt.f .t i r-U of t. . 1 1 i.t i"'!1 i. .... 1 miirfgUfc. . 1 ' ' 1 " . k - 1 4.. :v. .. t. i.icbMt 1 1 ' ' t' :n M ,;. , 1 r , , rM (.fj .J, ,.r ! 1 ! r ' !i 'i' I , W st4iit i t tit at 1.' I ,, , . , , .. , V' 1 "1 . M ' IH. t ' , . . 1 l-i..'. ! . in, il. r 1 1 tl fot.J " " " 1 -VI !, tv tl.- U tl R I, VknM ' i-i--!t. tinkflMi. iiiiii't 4 I lie (tli.1 nttir. 1 . I 1. u r r 'n'HIU tl 4 lilt link o ..rth Children Cry for Fletcher's ii' 1. v ji yj 1 n u l n m r 1 k 1 1 v 111 2 lAn Ptrtif! pf 0ntrrtrn(5 for Catarth That Tentim Mm ut y F I r' A. W.lhihi. 01) 1 t:k 1 f r !ni l iitiii-li. I'huiiini' ' 1 1 1- re - ":iii.lt ,M mI !.i 4 r !: tl!,,t H, L V Kiir luif. ti'-!:i !(. iiika a in.rti iiair t!i t f : i-"tiilit i.'tiwl I Hit- ai Iri'ir !!' '' nn re 111 !. t.. t liwt 11'it . 1 ! k.,., ),, n ritftrint 'ink. !!i-"i e J- (olfo .. a hlni'kiHM. O.i,. w.i 4 ,, B Ma ok ii in , t''iii t 4 ) I m mil Ii ..oiiriif 4 ilf , ii.-i m It I,- m link . HI til Lank I 1 ii' li.- 1, 4 I A A Kller fornr. t llM . .1 w I. -41,1 ,..il M till A H ' in in.. 4.1 j.., mi. iv ,11 to a IU ill l.,r I.I4H. Ii tin In f '.wti tti.. in, Mi.Jri. i( ati liraiit'h "li A A I Mwi-. Mi.t I4'l il iimra .r I- . t.i I lit- (' au'ii. r'lit4Miitiw I"" n.'-'f mi lie in,.iijM(irit aimxa. I,4!:if t). llHX l'i l, fvird tliell- on. j i:it!i iu' !t aili in ml to '-iTa '!'"'i' t I UiiiU; there ltmp four, i.iiittjif miiiI l4i:tH 4' therein cun 1 m-uI. Tli t. Ni Ii. mu. ' 1 i i Tr H. Mortaa.ff. H C f .W 1KSS. Ativ a. 1 in ivma 1 ri iiarfi Aiwti.Tt Uouybt, ana vnicn nas oeen In np for otrr ft jen, has borne the nlgnatur of -Jf M hn bren modf under his per- 'uunr Allor no on to dfrrlv you In tbln. All (ounfrrfplfa, ImltHtlon and Just-ns-gKKl" are but FHrlmnt tht trine with antl endanger the health of lufants ami Children Kiperlrnco aalnxt Kxpcrlniont, What is CASTOR I A C'aMorU U a liarmli'a uhi(ttute for CaMor Oil, Pare Krio, Iri and hMthIui; Kyruin. It In ritunant. It eoiitnln-. m-lthiT Opium, 3lorililno nor other Xnrcotlo iilMiiiio. II aire I It guarantee. It destroys VYorni ami hIIiiv IVverlnline!.. If. rure I)Lrrhua atnl Wli.d olio. It rHirvt'S TrHlilnir Troutilea, cure a Con ct I pat Ion and Flatiili'tH'r. It nKsltiilliite the FimmI, re(fiilata the Mtirnut h ami How. I., glvlnif lionlthy and natural sleep. The ( hlldren'a I'nnacca -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature I i I 1 ' H I - ( 1 Ul N I TI 1 I.I,. 1 v ill v. t' 1 Tt! t I! - t ,- In ll pt j, hI oil,, V I, I It t, ,r 1 1 I l:a P !l! i : 1 1 of opM'-'il in-ti'i! f !a 1 111 an. v y ' h ihm hi v lit' l'K-l'H O-il to 't 1.1 not. I - i i 'li . I .1. A .Ml 1 si'l.clAl. Nn iii ;. Ml.) fjl'lll I'f ,.. L3L0CKADED. (veiy Household in Boom Should Know How to Resist It. If vi.ir li.n.k h.'Iif lieii Hie lo.l. Il' 111 III. 1, U H )) . Ml llilii ll,'ll I llH kl,1PV n, I lit-ir wot k. D tn - lv'.liinv Pill, are eiermllv !!' D,lk ki.llliis ll.m o.i.l.l 1.'.. ' '1'iuriiiirii t-that I fit 1 tli'MUMii.li. - lieifs te(iim:iy Itmu 1 ill-- it-" 1111 y. 1 M. M; rlniaif-ss. I.enoir mt '! suit, ie.l 4 r.Ht ileal fiom kifli'M i tri .-ul'le fur niiinlier ol vearn The kniie a,-ti,,H jr eUUiar audthe kklupv eiietitnKtiitMioil ediiDont 1 'i'l Imr-lly strHiuliten alter I Moo' I'Pil 4lnl 111 I'Hl'k l ullieil niin.,.,1,. all Hie time. FniHiiy I nse.l Ii.ihiiV III V ' : I.iu- ,ni. 'I: I li.l lll.llli' MM-! 1 .", x .-ill 1-, I :i tiiitJ -ft a in! 1 i! ': l- aii'l I tt-t-. or The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years Tt crwr.ue eewe.wr. tt Mutmr itwit, new to crrr. - COULD SCARCELY WALK ABOUT i " II- !. ki.M!tv I'l'ln mii-1 they tfti lied the 1 t -fi j 1 1 1 i." 1 ;4,.m, ., 'hiii'4'1,1 niiole my ki.li.ej- imriiml sal-aia l.aiii... ., Itorf,,,, !'i '.i.-.V''' .'I" !!' l'nhU I'iiI -''H iai-ii Hum Kohii- ki.iiiPi Pill MMiur .On -it i n L I i i .. i i , , ilU- ! 1 1 i 1 !',iiHiHi I !L 1 1 ..A - .. I I 1 . I . - .. . . -lll'l 1 nir n.-.ni iiii;tfri. I Otl t I 111 '!i Mi" 1lirnfi:!-.Mo,l'l tioiii V;ill" 'u' fur a kiilnev remedy (fet !!; to K!k Taik 1 inlv vh '!' H" ' Ki'1'"1'" 1'iHa -il.e Mine timt niW in 11.1 llol,, Mr. lliilOre,, had. KoMr Mill.urn v ami lamer oni.,,1 tin.j. Tr Tv ?VMil!l1111 at , i G. Proi..,'Huffalo. V. ,;a ;,, , ' . !!- room 11-.-. -.i iini'n win navu a lu'MO'il lll'llUt lor it.i iiMtmit i jt . t . . . . r ... 1 ... nun t-t-r iiHiii-iiv 111 thlamj -01 i -,oiif i-hiuhihi. l i-iitv ii) i1'li'-r riiiimi! I''llmo. .ill, (,ln v , ,f ,,,,) j,,,,,. a uooii liKif ,',.11iii.,. 1.' 'k i;p atnl t Iip -nil ri. "War is Hell." B-iltitnore Aiurricau. The Kuiopean ar. hop?1 li'mM tlip iletail otit-iainaH'- atroi-it-;s. jv,,,,,,, trailit ion- ,,) tli a'i.M'ioiii 1 1 1 1 1 i i'-nt ai-i-iNa'ion,,,) iiiatriali-ii, a ii i-o!mi!iviali,-iii. aiu a hutv. it ilw -arntli- ,,f tima ;1U if. i..t - ii, ......... . 1 .... . 1 1. . null 1 1 hi 1 . hiiiiih .'.-IIHIH Ti 111? n-Hr will I.h akin to iIhio alM Oil l.:l..H tf sal.' ran ! ma."! hi-! .. .,hi "ill l.'.oM ,1! ii hamaiii. -o ,io tint ilia v -M-iho- nil. at on. . I 'or !U1 tiiHl- ii,!'ol lli;ltiol imII , ,,,, 1 v. 1 i ' f. I!. I.. Hi !h;i;;. Boi.!'-ri K'k. X. r. Auction Sale. M'Tii'i:. Tiriti.-e 1 hHtul.y ijivpi,, Hull H II .(. I'll' Htll.ll . jl ;H (nei-Hlltt il I,, h, 1 i-1 t'I'll"! I il N.il'th l'ui.,1,,,.. ...I W "ill oICt for siil n n u r l.li i' a I I t in oc on ( let. ' 1 ;i 1 1 '.the follow iiiy iiijimul jit.isniial propiTtv. to wit; 17 sta, ks of ha v. , Ptai'ks of corn fo,lJpr,250 . I'liifl" of rom, l.'iU IhisIipIs of I'M. kuht-at. 1 liroo.l ion, U11P g.J v.ai-oil sH.l.llo tn.ir., 1 ljidins; -aihllf. on,- fanii iinpliinonts. 11 "'"tMi.!i li .M i.nl. v S;,, , ...I '"""1" "I.T IHlHMUl.i h.'IV lUk"., v SiihIh,. .e ...,m, (1 I liiiiruv ami lninin.s.M. aiKlnllnur -iiii ..i 1 ii,. (! i-Di . iiihii r in tiif si.iih i,,.,, iii 1 , , fiK-i, liMvn.r I.... , hni-.iolil flin kltf mil fiirnitiiro that tliH mot suiuvnw liroiin i u-l1.-."" cf' r H Spn,,s' "r ' ; !iU,t " ,,,-itl pronii.tlv at ani eiiduram-e of hi-.tur- ha he 4,11 "( August mu. 1 1 t ciook. a. m. b-'i dmoii-tratH on t!i-l,attlf I 1 1 w 1 71 1 1 Temis of All a mounts un ft-Ms ot tin.- tv,Hir;,tl, ,.... J,,"wi e of iaml : .W io.oo. cash on dv nf Rin "orkUar. But tltH, a ul( Vf h "rr ! "Ver hiH on x months rnliioaifal HAiilaiiHtioii fortht-un M'"'i."--i m v.n t t ti,P iHllt ,.,,, ,' ; """" -'l bankablp notes. miH-iiina: i.h,-,,,, ith ,u,,l.l!:,n,;;::,''n';n:Tr:'V,p,!,, t't1''11: j. u. proffitt. kai For Three Sammen Mrt. Vin cent Wu Unable to Attend to Any of Her Homework, Pleasant Hill, N. C.-"I suffered for hree summers," writes Mrs. Walter Vincent, of this town, "and the third and last time, was my worst. I had dreadful nervous headaches and prostration, and was scarcely able to walk about. Could not do any of my housework. 1 also had dreadful pains in my back and sides and when one of those weak, linking spells would come on me, 1 would have to give up and lie down, until it wore off. 1 was certainly In a dreadful state of health, when 1 finally decided to try Cardui. the woman's tonic, and I firmly believe I would have died if I hadn't taken it. After I began faking Cardui, I was greatly helped, and all three bottles re lieved me entirely. 1 fattened up, and grew so much stronger In three months, 1 felt like an other person altogether." Cardoi is purely vegetable and gentle- acting. Its Ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on the worrfanly constitution. Cardui makes for increased strength, improves the appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than a million weak women, during the past 50 years. It will surely do for you, what ft has done for them. Try Cardui today. 1Trtt Ounosa Mtdlrifw Co.. UAw' Ad vlwry DP., Chattanoofi, Tfim., for 5lxool In ttrwtiimt on your fas. and 64-paf, book. "Horn Treatiiwnl for Womtn." Mitt la slaia wrapper. J-tiS JSHlf ,J. ,V M S I nl II Ui,.l fc !.... tilt- Ullllt-oiiillHil H Illllllj(,,,p,. pt'lntH,! I,y ,.,,,., U hi 'H aurtioii f,.rfHli. ilietn,,j,; ,,. I -1 . .. --ii iniiu mr pHiriuiiii ainonfct P j A Fine Farm For Sale. rmpo-itf million maivli hh day. calmly but with pHitVct rp. alizntion of thf nutcijnje. into the iatvs of death. To The warrior T' irta tr U, :..iJ - R.r..r. natevu! !a.Jf,v. an ; rlomint.rl ! 2L' to J' Rcreain ..cultivation u , . nut- 01 i iie luu niiar mo nw n uu in ain iarm. rjro- tf one- iinsi-arrnjg stocial idi ,:f!i't: rhM.ee,t win, n,e i,e ducinjr 4 ti r,0 b'.ishfls of corn dth: 5;vi?.-iv. ffloriouslr. n! IVd lXZ ,"a timber. Good ,.rd l-i. iiii.ith.i.iv,.'..,! I.h rtiritirf in Pvorv flW 1 ..,.1; B'&'innV and twenty-flve -oner a i,a i- .,1 i. 01 . i.. . , flClfS. 1 I n HlTPU in nnltirnfinn uh d trended b ... niei.'e nnriii with t he i - ' -"-'J niMits H.en' linfthea8jd M.indav trac t ?nu ,,r,ie, .f 'lMnr 111 Pvei'3- field, Lovalieat - ti, n..r " t,i)a '""timt thH,,,,,-,!, ,.,,,,. jli niie in Fast TenneHsee. - Two ' i.h iTHor-i O: -fl'.l lfa,l- rli,-,...u , -. . cl.,i. : J.t - . . , A 't j.bvvjcal surferina. t'i ' X:.;latiun. i.ri-umi inn n-M in fM fin iirr I 'imr 111 iMi i eimeHSpe. - Two aSTHTir Of a'.1 ttfiif : tliiMii-H Hj.t ? 1 -, ....i....lstin-vm.fl.t i..i,.,0 . , '4!d hue iVarh t wiutoak, ,, I itcheii iinop rX Htreanis of 1 Mt-r Ol S lid I )a,,,,pM u. Lr t ....... .l! 1 HI1IV tlHH.StOIIP U olup l,,,n.,t . . ' 'iith 1,1 4 WllllfOHK, Cut , "HfnUIB III It is in the lnvs of nonmn am i '"T ' "atmeMHik tr4,-t. tiien.e i "llv tiee.stone water burst out '.iMitii.nhostjvat home andiE.VEM a streara that runs a vdit. throuffh kmo- v.Q.. nWali.nnVV.;;;;,; h.n nnn:matll,le and forms a . . ' 1 r Ina .Ml nn.. i. i'f-f-v.a lunar, .Hiu au of enforced inaction, vho exner ie.ioenone of the glory of war And al! of its anguish, i-hat real Tra.-Hiy is. evident. It han ben corner. tbuce Eat with irtid Wall line 42 pol to a ct tetnnt. Walls eor ner; thence "oath with the .uje 12 pole to blitck nui. Wall con.er rhetjp- ef wit h ilm ,i,si.) ..i,. ..v. , JUlfP i II 1 e lioTp.l tlit l-,Q acraKem the lie of the Mnndav. ii1.""- 1 most SUltab P loca- ; ! J'1 be,Hu of ti e Jones tract. Ti,au-e ,oU.h ,ti, tiiaTfion for summer reeort and a lili r Hcitli o ; ins ot sh i traor is io ... ...... .i . .. ouu nuu fish pond stocked withCalifornia uuut. une gooa store house. i ine location for goodabusinepe. J.argre barn 45 x 65 ft with hav fork, and all other necessary out nouses. I he most suitable loca daily death of aggregate thou- ' !'nfu 0t ail1 tract 15 p ie t a take ads the Furupean war must cf j necessity end soon, and when it h over the greatest economic ir .bktu the world has evr-r tract: thence west with tai,l line no poles to a stake, corner of aid trad thence poLi,h 40 poles to a stake in the line of James Hillinjr tiact. thrnce wept with the linn of .Uhl tru.,1 .... I., tot-riiiui. itriifr 01 eanl irart knoMnv.ill be presented in t1 , ITheX Ji. WL"',' countless hordes of Europe's n.i tra',t 10 l",lpii f in ii.iu.ir no, ,!, fi.,.. u . 1 .... j 1 .! :,d.t.rct- ,hp"l'e W't with the same , t -r-'" 0011. nuufiiiuiess i noies to a (.fake Kli Billiniis crner fotv,,.i 1 ....i .i rii,... o o ,f ....... .r fatherless and without means of subsistance, The Palace of Feace would serve as an excellent asylum for the widow s and orphans, says an exchange. ... ' X. r,u i,iiiniun i:uriier. IhenceSTT0 w u-iti. ci.i mm - ".II. c., iiiiinip line o the betrinninir. Containing 83 f rps more or Itus. Sale at the court house door in Boone. X C. on A! on ay the 2nd day of November 1914. J. K. FISHER, Com. Some women are afraid of an- tamobilesbecausi' their husbands cannot afford them. lairv lai ni in tho imnm. . rim ui t he state. ithin one mile fmm the beautiful Watauga River ond two miles from the town of Uutler, on the V. & K. n rjy where a city high Pchool and a collpge are in a flourish io; con dition With two goodchurvhw t'"i u uninn xt'nfini n ithm l n ., . . ""-Hill 1 -ai mile from this farm. Reason for iuv ueaitn is feeble, my wife is dead and children are all fn,?i 7liia far-m is "orth 20,- OOO hut t.hfi nrino ie at-,' 0D0. 3.000 rfleV, Ko L1'. good terms. H. Lineback, Butler, Tenn. AN OUNCE " of uiedicina from our brand nw stock of drdt, just opaned in Blowing frrfJ ttaDpr,Ut,Vet.,fr,Vh c",nP8;eti.factloD,aaItU all ab.olutely fresh in i.?no b ? il ! wi"'aoturiUg oheiai.te. People cannot get sick to. HlowmRook Imt bouib are siok when they arri va and need our remedit OF PREVENTION all maladies are, however, btter than first eatehing and then enring them. Keep well therefure, by patronizing our new, up to date soda fountain- at winch all the most fetching aud delicious beverages are dispensed. AT MORPHEW'S DRUG STORE A hox of our delicioui candy will bring both health and happiness to your self or anyoneelae. and is warranted to deserve "a bushel and a peck (of love) wid a hug around the neck" frouYyour best girl provided she is not too lan?e. A bgj of writing paper is WORTIKA ponxn of happiness to anyoue and will insure n answer from him" or "her" eve ry time If you buy enough of it and write frequently, the -proposal" or the fatal "yes" is warranted In every instance if usedaSording'Xc tl Our new rare and useful fancy aitlcle. cannot ba surpass. Our Undard drugs and reuses with Blowing Rock Breere. are better than ions OF CURE ELSEWHERE for Miey bring health which abide.. All ohean for ea.h hed atMorpliew aw Bl.wlni Rink Dru' .St'Pa qBe8ti0D' nhat.Vouuif. IU- l.uiu.ir jgut to man in lWMii.vntr.iorI truibnuvshi iutt:iiivi,u,'i, ry. Tlm.iu. th i Applj Slonue Krei ly rJTT our nttnek ol I.iin, nco , not ueurljr i-o hi.p.BH n, fr Mriu. Vnu t an n lu if tUm w. ....... I I U li- uiimi iiininiiui v H Hl.i,. plicaliuti of Sloan'a l.iiniIM.. lh back and l.iina. LumJJ a lorm of rlifiiiiiHtism.Hnilvyj, readily to Sloan', vl.kli'n, trHtef uickly nil in through tu nore. ti iuler musclpSt limia,,, the Lack on.l tnnkpa ir fl f J (Set a bottle. .f Slnahi Linimr t for cents of nny drngiiiat aad have it in the Imuse-ntraimt fold, sore and awollen join,,' rlieiinmtism. neuraliu, at-imii and likeaiimeiiN. Vour mmM back if n t aniil. n, but it due, if alinont instant rehet. FARM FOR SALiT" I am offering for sale mv farm of Ho acres lying on Mi-nt ( ainp. and then is no mon tlfsirabk) ocation to lw found. (Jood room paintiil dwelling. two splen. llillllH rns, otherout-house s irnoil oii-hanls ett. The farm in Wen watenil, well fenced and has some 1H acres virgin forest, and con tains a fine, vein of asbestos For full particulars call on or write W. W. BLACKBURN, Saxus R. F. D. ' ' - wam nil tV eJEWELRY KEPAJi mm door at this shop under a punitive guarantee &, all material used ig guaranteed to be genuine. Estimatei furnished on all mail orders. Salii. faction guaranteed in every respect ou all railroad watches. Office nearthr Watauga Co. Bank. J. W. UK VAN Oraduate Jeweler and Watchmaker BOON E. X. 0. Bank of Blowing Rock, Ri.owixo Rock, X. C. LEVEL-HEADED MEN realize the imporunce of stnrtinir a Bank account. The safest nos. sible thing to Io with vour mo ney or valuables is to deposit tnem m some RELIABLE BANK Money deposited with iisisnssf as the Pyramids of Effvpt. We aim to treat our customers with the greatest courtesy andcoosid-eration. Lumber for Sale! We now have our stea m sa w mill located about one milo above Winkler's mill, andean fill bills on short notice. Lum ber delivered if wanted. W. L. HAYNES & BR0. BLAIR H OTEL. BOCNE, NORTH CAROLIX . Family A.vd Tolhist Hotel. Open all the Year. TERMS REASONABLE. REDUCED RATES TO PERM. FEXT BOARDERS. GEO. F. BLAIR, Prop. When it comes to running down others some women never fail to urea tne speed laws. 7S1BBBBBB II I I Are You a Woman? Tha Vqmanfs Toaic WATWGA & YADKIN RVER RAILROAD. The W. & Y.R.Railway is now run. oing regular daily trains, two trains each way on Saturday's. Note the following schedulrnow effective. WESTBOUND. . .. .. u.t.Ta. ol. arrive hi Oraudin 8:45 a. m. No. 8. Saturday's only, leaves North Wilkesboro 3.45 p. m. aud arrives at Otaudiu 4.00 p. in. .J?' 7: Sui'day'sonly, leaves North Wilkesboro 1 25 p. m. aud arrives at Oraudin 2:40 p. m. EASTBOUND. No. 8. Daily except Saturday and Sunday a Leaves Wrandln 2.45 p. m. and arrives at North Wilkesboro 4.1 p. U). No. 4, Saturday's only, Le a v e SrH?1dl" ? 00 ni, and arrives at North Wilkesboro 10:80 a. in. No. 6, Saturday and Sunday only, v Ryu8,S.rSndl" i u- aud arrives North Wilkesboro 6.15 p. m. H. C. LAKDON, 'ieneral Uauage Cuts. Burns. n.-:.-. ' 7 .," li i. , ' osinda and Pile Moner Back If It Faib. rluial and Gaauiaa. Bucklen's Arnica Salve FCS SALE AT ALL CECC3TJ tlAaila .1 XT AM Pntftla, and nl 2Sc

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