sri 22Jatat:ca Democrat, j Town an:! County. T1." a h' Tti-. 1 v. InUn t . .1 i ki c .Ti'ia.. tliia U....L: j, ; ,ll .M .... , ,. IV WIU U It t(l b.H .l-f't " ,v:,',"r- ; ''-" thf N hM, ,.lnf. removed tt. !l.i til.' bi'JT lot Kl. Mt ,'' """''i"" 'ff..UI..l.uht..wt wlV T(MI,i , .u tli.- IV Pig nl in this:'1 ''"'"'tutv by doing r1,.r i s,, "s ,lw' wrk tm in nil hli- 1 ir.- itt withstand Mifh tin imuifiise tut vii nurds of ni., -r.ui ri. . if , , . . , L- si .mi .,,.1. ... ""'""r.ll.vjt.l.HMth.uJy U1"V " :hh1ii... ,f it,,,,, i. ,.ollllrte,i l;!a, "1"i:" "livii tliv watvr i normal. i ljri-tni.i" approaches and! Mr. C. M. Criuhr, who? th.- litTb folks n iv hilarious own 't.ii of otfW t-xpirvd lust .Mou the .i"-l"' ts wvii this far in nd-jday. was in to w us. and ensu- vuniv S-imv to Ivarn that Mr. I'vu- h,.n;r.t'n.'f Stony Folk, is n vet v mi-'k man. 1 Iv N suffering frtnn n st v. tv attack of pneumonia. 1. Jon-s Cottivll. is adverti sing a big th-anuice salv of his stock f merchandise in this issue. Maiiv bargains there. little amount you owe: the iS'iiiovrat woiiM (tmie iiMiitvj lv just now. ns the holidays are i ajijin a fiinr. -R.-sn-inber that new and s. a-1 soiiahle goods are arriving twice a week, (.'oaie in. Examine them, feck A: Cailton. Mr. K. M. Uiven. Librarian. Kflvsthat llieie are quite a num ber of books missing from his shelves, and most earnestly re quests that they be returned at once. -We doff our rap to a goodly ! number of out- patrons who so kimlly settled their accounts on Monthly and to others win) join eil the artny of Ilcuiocrnt renti ers. The war is not so bad in some respects ns it has been. Ar- but klf's coffee, othergrain coff t I as well as " round, can be bought mil- 1 i.. . i nt P.hiekbum s at JO cents per: ' ; jiouiul lor cash. It i entirely out of the com mon fur I'.ooiie, but there is some! jn'tty stealing going on here and the pel " -t rators aw going to be cauii-ht upwith and th?U s'poed. ily. if they don't abstain. Mr. Charles ,J:Iodgos. jiost master at Sands, has gone to Union county, this State, where he will teach during the winter, his assistant, Mrs. Hodgcsv act ing as jiost master during' his absence. It is not long until Christ mas. and if you are intending to buy that new suit of clothes at Blackburn's at cost ju ice or be low, it will not do to delay much longer. You can find something nice, all right. ; -('apt. K. F. LoviH left Mon day tin a business trip to lial eigh. H. goes before the (invent or in In-half of the Snyder boys who nr- serving a term in the St-it. jTi in for the killing of tliei, lat ii-r, W'illburn Snyder. From -our belated Mowing Rock correspondent, we learn that Mr. W. II. Weedon, the ven- eruhle proprietor of the Weedon House (Grand View) at Mowing nock, tiled nt his home on lues, i Ja.v of last week. Ciur sjileiitlid news letterfrom iMouiug It,,.,;, which makes its Wtvidy appearance in these col umns, caine' in on Wednesday luorniiig, too late for insertion, a mI sorry we are of it, for it is al wiiys interesting." I. M. May. our former Rvgis-. t i tif Dee-ls, now of Tra.lo II. F. I'-, "as in the village Monday, shaking hands with his many fi-Mids hero. Jake hasentiivly re gaineil his former good health, oud is looking Us well as we have ever seen him. -The newly elected Hoard of county commissioners Messrs. L-A. Green. Uov Hoilinger nnd L. Glenn, who took hohl of tlii' reins of county government ast Mondav,st'entstoireside with dignity, and as thev are all men of f.,,0,1 natural abilitv, wc p'lio reason why we hhal'l not nave a clt-.-m. economical admin Juration ,,f the countv nffairsfoi -i--t v to th."-Ko. "I'liiii n ..I .v K,v,.rf wit, pr.wp,-,tnf jt rniiti much li i-lt.-r. tli.. uiirkiiifii on th mi. .l;itn Mng built l.y th Stat.-f.rth.purpo ,,f pra- titur ..I ..: . . . ally remarked: -I have iimde inv final svttI'Miiviit with all parties !'"'" - '"""L the Board of Educa- tion iiwhJ inv evntsand lhnve thvir voucher for it. I am even w ith th.- county un.'l have my tax in my pocket. Hut what jilvasvtl tat? best of h11 wa whin thv Hoard of Education told me that our business rela- t ions during my term of ottice had been most ileasnnt." Mr. Cntchvr has served his countv well in the'ivsj.onsible ottice- and f-r,,"s t with the best.of feel ms lor his fellow-jfHciaLs and the jxtjjjle renerally. Why is it that, after all thi'jiictty weather we have had this full, the Hjijjroaches to the steel bridp on New River huve not btt-u conijleted so that- the structure might beutlized? The bridge across the Watauga has lvn in use several wwk, -and in its absence tin wl would have been juactn ally cut oft m that direction ns it liasbtt'iim the .New Iliver section ior the jmst several days, owing to high water. It seems then- is a lack of duty somewhere. If hands have been assigned to the task they should do the work," and if not thecoun- ', , , - , i . shouM assign a force sufficient , " , , . .. to coiuiilete the work at the ear- 1 1 i 'i .tii in wen itDfc it uouiiio t n nu liest date jiossihle. Ray-Kerley. A beautiful home wedding took jjlacc. at the home of Mr. Ed. ICer ley of mowing Hock Dee. 3. Thf brhle was Miss Eva Kerley and the groom was Mr. J. G. Hay of Ilorton. Hev. I).;F. Waters pastor ofthe Methodist church at Hoone otticiating. The ceremony was witnessed bv onlv a few of the friends and ivlatives of the bride and groom. Immediately after the wedding thev left for Tennessee where they will visit for a few days. The bride ami groom are both jiojiu lar and have many friends in this conununitv. A Good Woman Passes. " On Thursday evening last, af ter an illness of only a few hours, Mrs. Wilson, the beloved wife of Rev. L. C. Wilson of H p.a-v w r Dams, fell on sleep that knows no waking this side the grave, and loved ones mourn. Mrs. Wilson was a daughter of the late Rev.' A. C. Farthing, and her whole life has been one wor thy of emulation. Truly a loving ;lI1d helpful comjianion: a devo- mother, an obliging neigh bor and. best of all. a consecra ted, christian lady, has "been joined to the great majority." Mrs. Wilson lias reared li family of several children, nll'-grown now,' and Watauga can boast of no letter jeople than they, Two s ins, Rev. Arthur . llson and Mr. Cih'y Wilson,' now reside" in Missouri, the reniainder living nn- .l..n tin. tin nn tal roof and in oth- er narts of their native county The Democrat, in behalf of their many friends in Watanga, ex- temls'to those who are crushed by this heavv blow, its deejest and most unselfish sympathy in this, the darkes ienod through which anv family is called to jiass. For Sale! Vtwohundivd (i200)norefarm on the top of the Hlue Uidge, known as the Long farm. Loca ted :V.i miles from (Jiwn 1'iirk; well timbered ami g'-od water. v rite to J. W. LOMi, Le-noiu, X C. ranners Onioa Mteu'nj. Th v Fidon wi!Ii.,.,.tat Todd. .. C., iS;il. u.uay.,,. Ill, l!U . Ml J0 cloth. Jhv iiiis.tinjr W1j i,,. ..j.4t thw,:aU,j,u. ... jliva.ioi,,,.. ,.,.., & ltaiJroa., f.- a ,,., .,, j,.., , and the I niou is,lu.1Ill;r;, .,; HiU' ti.v;. r.ivtluvn, thUUth,. i,Kt i.n-l-ortai.t nuvii,,-,,, ,,.x,Ml. u. wnwlu haw ,..,,. t-d. 1 M. II. NulxiS. I'i. s. H.Vivj Aht of CiitAi .si usrirfM s theet duysol keen t- ll 14 mi, .,....... ., lit tfotl lie aiioulu LllU see tliuL I ht-i ..nt t ueriul n'wCuugt, leiueOy'uiiil le.i lake bubst luit-s bun, lurli,.-ske Lilotil I I,. ui extra t-ouult lieiueoy bus MouU i li e tesi una Let-u uppiond r Ull)ie 1 It II I f t'u . J k 1 1 tliau try h Lere, Furm Fo Sale, Extra bartra in in VtnlLi.i IS.-.., Farm, ut Goshen Station, on the Watauga Railway. Twent v-liw acres of bottomnml m.lmi.1' l'....t location for farm.storeand town Mieax lavoramy located tlejiot in State. SiM-i'mllviwl ii.t;.,! general ami truck 'farming. Al- .-...-.- t-iit i outer iarms ior salt on favorable terms. Our clients are forced to sell. So if interested w rue ior niiortnaUon to, Finley & Hcndrcn, Ally's. Wilkesboro, N. ( '. Children Cry ' FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A 50 Business idencc Located on Main St. Near Depot. Desirable Lots. ATT This property is located on the main street nearthedepot. Todd is the terminal of the Virginia Carolina Railroad, where prop erty will always increase in val ue. If you buy lots at this sale Tuesday Dec. loth, you will feel proud that you had a part in ma king and building of this modern city, and thereby hay-jug pros pered njid grown rich by the en hancement of its value.. ' This property is nicely located and will be a chance of a lifetime .to buy.lots at your own price a they are going to change hands. Property at Todd will increase in value and the town will grofl as North Wilkesboro did. for it is the terminal of the V. C. R. R,. and has a goodlack count ry to draw from. This is the best pro perty in Ashe County ever ol'i'e; ed for.snle at auction. ' ' nil T T 71 CZ "I DECEMBER 11:00 A. j&Sl. Band Concert, Valuable Prises Free! $5.00 In gold Bringing the of People to TERMS:-'., CASH, I'ALANCL- LAKY PAYMENTS. ENGLAND REA Books For All Ages, I i n::l tastes abound on our shelves. There are l ooks for the yo'inprsters, book for the loving young wo man, and books for the ser ious inmd.s of old age. Here are jut a tew titles and ptiit s: Win. .1. l'.ryans comjilete works y-'J; l'.rvan's l'rinccof eace value of an ideal. Price of u Soul. Man. The boy Scout Jc Aunt la lies N.-ii-es S-iies (jiic. Tin? I'o ny Ili h-r Hoys & Tom Swift Se ries lo.-: Frank Mt-rriweH's Hooks "iOc: Helen's I'.abies 4-Me: Graus fark. I 'oily of the Circus. Sheji her.l of t he 1 1 ills: Sherh ck Holmes ami .Tim lieckoiiing ."ic: Fin-lv U-nius 7-"c; Fm le I, emus Toe; Cn tie De'iiiHs' Songs and Sayings The CI. 1 1 ion Sl The Lyes ol the uoild s-l.'.j and hundreds ot others.' We can furnish you with any book that is published on receipt of list price. Write or ccme and see us for youi Christmas books- Picture framing a specialty. Very truly yours, Lenoir Book Co. LENOIR, - N. C anil Res lots Todd. "TUFqrHIvNCITYol TIM: MOUNTAINS," the hub ol Ashe county, the center of com mercial Industries, the commer cial center of that section ol North Carolina, the Gateway ol the many millions of dollars in natural resources, the town with a future. Where fori une awaits you. the town of opportunity Watch Todd Grow. A building site will be donated to the school: also lots will be re served for a Rank and Hotel. i:i:li:MIii:U-This property it in the center of town, surround ing the depot, and the most val uable. . Tii is property has been consigned to us to be soltFto tin highest bidder, and your prict is ours. ' The President of the V. C R. II says the road will be completed to. Todd, just as fast as the con tractors get to it. V r given to Person largest Number Sale in Wagon 0 as!-; & 'HUb ur n nn Sewing Iachine Free. To the family trading the largtt amount in uiy sttnv during tin nrmth of ht 1014 I w ill give frw of t !.argt, one Honey Moon Sew. lug Machiiivuith free M-t of attachment Guaranteed For Ten Years. All merchandise will lie SOLD AT CASH PKHT.S, ami a correct a rount kept of each purchase. Machine will l dvlivetvtj toowner on Jan. 1st. 101",. Contest trade tickets w ill be furnished to ?acb customer showing amount of purchase. Respectfully. L. Greer, - - - - Zionville, N. C. GREAT Of General BEGINNING Monday November 2nd, 1914, AND CONTINUING FOR GO DAYS I hate decided to ofier my entire stock of general merchundi6 jxcepting groceries, for sale at actual coat. I have 8n up to-date stock of goods, consisting of nearly everything you can think of. Worth from $10,000 to $12,000. Never was auoh a stock of val ues offered for cash iu wattiuga county. Women's Shoes. 1,."00 to 2,000 pnirs of Ladies Shoes to go at cost, and a great many pairs to go at 10 to 2"t per ceut less than the wholesale price lust think of this as the howling winter winds begin to blow, and don't fail to take advantage of the same. Ladies dress goods. Thousands of yards of goods tor the ladies' consisting of Silk . Woolen Goods, Cot ton Goods etc The very nicest goods for win ter suits. Just think of all these goods at the beginning of winter oing at cost. No reason for any one doing without a new suit. MENS Just as the price of woolen goods is advancing, 2Z0 to 300 real nice woolen suits of clothing ar offered to you at the wholsesnle prices, aud a great many can be bought from 20 to 30 per cent be low cost. These are not old shelf worn gooda but are new and up todate. You canuot buy the equal of these goods anywhere else at such prices, so don't delay but buy a suit now A larye stock of Underwear for men, women and children can be found in this great bargnin sale. Hardware, plows, repairs, axes, notions of every description; in fact everything kept in a first-class store can be bought at cost. No goods to be Sold on Credit. Just think of saving from 25 to 40 per cent on your winter supplies. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity, even if you haye to come for miles. Don't take chances on waiting until the last days of the sale as olten the best bargains go first. Most respectfully M. B. Blackburn, BOONE, - N. C. . New Store, New The place to get good goods and save money is the place to buy. An investigation 6f our prices on flour, su jar, coffee and all staple groceries will convince you that it is to your interest to trade with us. Why go Barefooted while our stock of shoes and rubber goods is complete and prices in reach of all? We carry an up to date line of dry goods, notions, hats, ladies and gents furnishings, winter uyderwear and hosiery, blankets, bed spieads and table -linen. Examine our line of Hardware And Feed Supplies Visit our store examine our line of goods and let us prove that it is to your advantage to trade with us. Come buy a shot gun for your winter sports, Yours for business, COOK & CARLTON, Br.nk Building - - Boone, N. C,' Merchandise SUITS New goods, Prices! i lie next two years, and we con- MiEExarioi!", No. i'au. litlent y exjx-ct it.