arm""'- -. Watauga Democrat. Thursday, J it V 8, tl)15. BLOWING ROCK BREEZES Ilev. Dr. Turnbull, a clergy man of the J'l-esbj'N'Hau Church in Maryland, and Mrs. Turnbull are guests at LaRada, the charming home of Col. aud Mrs. Ogden E. Edwards, a also are Mrs. Brown and Miss Cornelia, sister and ueice of Mrs. Edwards, lately ar rived from Vaughn, X. C, Mrs. Edwards by the way, having re cently had serious trouble with her left eye, the Colonel taking her to Charlotte last week to con sult specialists who pronounced the trouble serious but not nec essarily permanent. It is to be hoped that the good lady w ill re cover her eyesight as Mrs. Ed wards is "instant in season and out of season" in benefitting hu manity iu this her chosen abiding place for the pleasantest portion of the year, the Colonel and his good lady having been coming to this beautiful place for many j pars past; Dr. Turnbull a broth er of the late Xesbitt Turnbull, Esq., a devoted Iriend of the Ed wards' and a frequent visitor at La Rada in the palmy days of "Auld lang syne." The new drug store at the Raby and Carter old stand is owned by Messrs. Mengies and Buchanan of Hickory and Thus. II. Coffey of this place, with Mr. Hayes, a pleasant and obliging gentleman from Granite Falls as manager. The concert given by the class from the Odd Fellows Orphanage at Goldsboro last Monday week was a success, the proceeds net ting a neat sum of money for BANK STATEMENT, Following is the report of the condition of the Watuuga County Hank at lioone, N. C, in the State of Nortli Carolina, at the close of business .Inn 23, 1915, UKSOl'KCES. Loans and discounts $184,692.95 Overdrafts 19,72 Banking house 2,000.00 Furniture and fixtures 1,000.00 Due from banks and ban- keis 19,192.51 Cash'iteim 75-00 Gold coin, 39.5 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 2,495.85 .Valional bank notes and other U. S. no'es 2,651.00 Total.. $215,216.53 LIABILITIES Capital stock t 7.000.00 ijiurpius fuuil, 14,000.00 Undivided profits. less cur- rent expenses aud tax paid 3,775.22 Hills payable 15,000.00 I ime certificates of dep., 95,593.10 Deposits .subject to check )S 36.6 1 Cashier's c'ks. outstanding 1,482,60 Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats GROCERIES I keep constantly in stock a complete line of Fancy Ginghams Crepes Percales White linens HARDWARE DOMESTICS, SHEETINGS, ETC Also a niVft line of Ladies ftpndv-t.n-WAftr Hats anrl a ereat many other things too tedious to mention. 1 1 am closing out my entire line oi snoes at a very mucn reduced price, Most Respectfully, D. J. COTTRELL I always try to supply the wants of all in Fresh Groceries. Plenty of Hardware always kept in stock to supply the average farmer. N. L. MAST, Prw. Q, P. HAGAMAN, Cash. W. O.COFFEY, Vice Pre. J. T. MILLER, AtrtCuh. . Total $215.2 16.53 State of North Carolina, Watauga county, ss: 1. l. P. llauaman Cashier of the above named iank, :1o solemnly swear the above statement is iniH to the best of m) knowledge and belief. G. P. Hauamax, Cashier. ConiH't Attest: N. L. Mast. ) L. A. Ghkk.nk, Directors. W. C. Co K FEY Subscribed ami sworn to before me tins 6th davot Jiny. IKlo. V. D. Fahthims, C. S. C. Mr. liul Mai tin und Mr. and and Mrs. J. K. Todd, children o Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. M'irtiii have been visiting their pa rents, whose handsome cottage is the rendez vous of satisfied guests. iiecentlv a young bear was 'seen and chased" hv some nf that worthy cause, the cause of ! our truthful citizens on Flat Ton .L. ... - ... , . . .1 . " " iu orpuaii, iiKe tne "cry of thfi1 among them ijmre Kilby Hart orpnan appeahnsr to everr ten. i lev who "could swear it, nna n der heart in the land ; but corres-1 bear," but there has been no bear ponaenc made a mistake m re- meat for sale m the market, so porting the concert as criven in the Baptist church, for the Pres byterians kindly loaned their splendid stone building for the occasion, and it is right to take turn about, for the Baptist church h is, on several occasions, been liindly loaned to both Odd Pel lo w and Masonic classes, thiscor rection at the request of Mr. C. C. Winkler, a prominent member of the Order of the Three Links. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Finley and daughter of Aorth Wilkesboro spent the week-end ns welcome guests of the manager of Wa tauga Inn. Mr. Frank Clinard, our valued friend from the Han nv Vullev o the Yadkin, was a couple of days in our midst an ever welcome vis itor to our little town, where in the old days he often visited as agent for important insurance companies. Mrs. Wra. II. Hardin and fam il.T of Salisbury have rented for the season the Pinckney cottage at May iev, Air. William an! Miss Marie among Salisbury's most popular young people, al ready on the mountain, their father, the Arch Deacon, to join his family in August. Mr. and Mrs. Hardin, be it remembered, were the first principals in charge of the Valle Cruris Industrial School after its restoration to something of its former glory, this school the oldest for moun tain boys and girls, having been organized by Bishop Ives in 1842, at that time, however, as a school for young men. Mrs. Hugh A. Dobbin, and the Misses Mary LipDard and Emm Marsh, her charming little daugh ters, alter a delightful visit to relatives m watanga, among tnem airs. Dobbin's mother, wid. ow of the late J onathan Miller, fcsq., and sister of the late Hon Spencer Blackburn, last week passed through this town en route i r r aimyra m Caldwell county 1 . If T. , . . . . J waerojar. uocbin is the honored principal of the Samuel Leger wood School for boys, Mr. Wes ton Miller, nephew of Mrs. Dob bin, fronvTodd. aecohmanvinir- them, and while in town the party en tne guests oi their aunt, Mrs. Minnie Miller, on North Main street, bruin is enjoyinghis freedom yet. 1 he young people, led by Miss Louise Xorvell, a popular young lady of this place, gave a lawn party last Saturday evening and a grand ball at night, the object to raise money for a worthy cause in this place, quite a neat sum realized, considering the ver inclement weather. On Saturday afternoon a num ber of patriotic citizens met at the public school house to cele brate the glorious Fourth in a safe and sane manner, amongthe speakers Rev. Dr. Vardell and Mayor Sudderth, but, as this cel eb ra t ion wa s go t ten u p h u rried ly , little preparation had been made and the majority of the citizens of our patriotic little town knew nothing of it until the band played tne national airs, and l hey did well, giving us reason for Dride iu the fact that we have as eoorl a ban d as any and a better band than many. The family of Judce Gnrrp nf Chester have opened their at tractive summer home at Lake V lew, the Judge to come ud later no summer residents more wl. come than the Gages who never fan to visit this Blue IUdirecoin try each year, and sins its nr'n'ioo on ineir return home. Mr. Weston Tavlor. DAn ot the late James Tavlor En of Valle Crucis and at one time popular manager of Bio wine xvuck notei, is helping the Moore crotners at that olde st hotel on the mountain, Weston for mvi sessions of the State legislature cmei oi tne pages The Bank - That Appreciates and Protects itsCustome Capital, Surplus, Profits and Stockholders, Liability :: :: $35,000.00. It has been the policy of this bank f o render the reatest service UUBB1UIH U1J LI1H CILIZHIIM III W H.TJ1 II IT A nnntir.V U' innNvdnfA 4-h confluence the people have shown in us, and the success they Lava ueiueii ui tu ouuievH iu uuiiuing up a strong Dankiog institution. With our improved equipment we are better than ever prepared The Watauga County Bank BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. A Dollar A Minute For Your Time. Devote a minute of your time to this ad and save a dollar. We sell more dry goods than anv other store in this town. We have more customers who remain with us than nnv nthor store in this town. We have more sat isfied customers than anv other stor in thla LUH U. These are broad and sweeping statements, BUT TRUE. Men's Hats and Caps In great variety of styles and prices. In addition to the usual brands kept in stock by dry goods merchants I also handle the famous Stetson hats. Dry Goods Notions This department is never overlooked but always kept up to its usual high standard. In this de partment of my store you can find an assortment of pretty much everything usually carried by all up-to-date stores doing a general mercantile bus iness, and at prices you will find hard to beat I also keep constantly in stock a good line of Cloth ing for Men and Boys in all.the latest styles. Shoes a Specialty WHY Because we make good on every promise we make. Because we guarantee everv artirln wn b11 Because we have the facilities for buvinc fmm h m 1 0 w vmv ujUUUiUtUlCl , av we luuesb uuuunaoip price. Because we give our customers the benfit, of thi nyWinn - wu M V MU (I IU fir8tcost. . Because we can and do sell a hurh crade a.rthU inr thn some rieople charge for inferior crooda. It has taken about a minute of your time to read thU adi Keep .u ... ..iiiiu auu it nm ue worm ar lara to vnn mhon vn a ,,...uvi. ivuiu vuu n uujuui ouuiug., a miDuce weu spent. J.S.Winkler, I make a special effort to always keep in stock a line of the leading brands of shoes among which will be found the Brown Shoe Co's Star 5 Star line. If you want shoes be sure and see me, or if you want anything else usually kept in a first class retail establishment Blackburn's is the place M. B. Blackburn, BOONE, - N. C. Farming Tools Successor to John W. Hodges 4 Co. -FQRTHE- NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, Watauga County. Hard Ward vg. LllJie Ward. Notice of fervlce by publication. The (Wsnriiint i . i.1.7" .. b named if a net .aid 7ehol T& viriK ui inn nnnontAa t -ni tauea conni; rSXZ? .l"."" 01 Wa and"appearat the'suS DM J? anactiSnfor-d'.vorw'and hT J3 and an .u SSSZ. 1" court plaint which will be filed in ff? 5? of the clerk VhT ? lD the ffloe the plaintiff will ffijS trr in taid comnlaint e"ef Mked J bit July 8nd. 1915. W,B.FARTHIKG,o..o. Our stock of Farming Utensils is the largest and most complete in this part of the State. We Lead All Others In Quantity Quality Price TO THE BOOK. STORE sPike Harrows Disc Harrows Weeders Riding Cultivators Cbrn Planters Also Grass and Grain Blades and Hoes And the thousand and one items needed on the farm. Come in and look over our stock. No obligation for you to buy. We just want to show you Get The Best BERNHARDT -SE AGLE CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE LENOIR, - : . , NORTH CAROLINA DR. R. D. JENNINGS, Resident Dentist, BANNER ELK, - N.C. I hare arransred for tha rnnvanianra nf Boone Blackburn's Hotel on the first of every jnonth for three or four days, and every court week, prepared to dojany kind of Den. tal work. All work (Jttara mttftj Vnttiincr Vmt fhanvaTanj vim EST materials used in any of my work. Prides reasonable. No charges forexamination. Patinnfo fmm n. tiafa.n, n nu haUv by informing me beforehad, at what time iey propose coming ei ther to Boone or Banner Elk. MOST POPULAR BOOKS More fa Three Hundred Titles to select from , at the LOW PRICE OF 55 Cents a Copy When you come to our CHAUTAUQUA, JULY 2nd to 8th, stop m The Book Store and get a good book. We have the best books ever published, Magazines, Daily .. Papers, Stationery, Popular Music, Post Cards,iManicure Sets. i . Sincerely, ' Lenoir Book Co. LENOXB, N. C. The Butler Drug Store NEW AND UP-TO-DATE Prescriptions Filled Headquarters for1 the best Stationery and Candies; To ilet Articles and Robber Goods Mail us Your Orders. The Bost and latest fountain drinks ttill on us at the old Post Office Building. E. S. SHILLINGS, Manager L, D. LOWE, Pretldent. H. B. PBRRT. Vla.PMtldii(. L. U. FARTHING, Ouhltr. . e Tt, ir-.ll Cruris VcUlC .'to Bank. We Solicit the acconnts'of all immoiib In fhU now lUs? "nl we will do our best to accommodate the people and render tits greatest service consistent with sound banking.

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