t&jt Ottauga Jtottotwt Town and County. Buy your grass seed from the Elkland Supply Co. The George E. Nissen wagons for sale, by the Elkland Supply Company. Regular Communication of Daniel Boone Chapter, No. 47, 0. E. S., at the Masonic Hall at 2:30 p. m. Friday. The matron solicits a full attendance. Mr. W. R. Maltby, one of the graduating class at Wake Forest, of 1915, is at his home near the village for the summer. Be has made a long, strong and deter mined fight for an education and has succeeded handsomely. Con gratulations, good boy. Miss Elizabeth Bridge, the popular and much esteemed Do mestic Science teacher at the Training School was called to her home in Chicago last Friday on account of the serious illness, of her father. We hope to hear of his early recovery, and that Miss Bridge may soon return to her work for which she is so eminently fitted. -4ust twenty-six (26) years ago last Sunday this pencil push er worked off his first edition of The Democrat, by aid of his part ner in business, the late, lamented D. B. Dougherty, Esq. To say the least, this has taken the best part out of a man's life. Much pleasure and many things not so pleasant has been our experience through all these years. Attorney J. F. Spahlhour, of Morganton, with his wife.daugh. ter, and Miss Gean Witherspoon, of South Carolina, a former teacher here,' spent Monday at the home of Attorney E. S. Cof fey in Boone,- leaving with the young ladies for home Tuesday morning, going by way of Lin ville. Mrs. Spainhour will re maih with her sisterMrs. Coffey; forsa' 'few weeks.1 - .' ,-apt. E. F. Lovill left Tues day horning for a fevFdays' visit to relatives ,in Surry county. This is the first real visit the splendid gentleman has had in njanyr years, and we trust that after his years of arduous toil, practically without renumera tio'n, as chairman of the Board of Trustees of the A.T. S.,hemay have all the pleasure possible, for he certainly deserves it, and rich ly, too,, Ex-Sheriff E. K. Eggers tells the Democrat that he is succeed ing nicely in collecting the taxes for 1913.' He says, in his opin ion, there is less money due on the books than there has been on July 8th for the past 15 years. The State and School taxes have all been collected, and the bridge money, in the main, has been paid into' the hands of the treasurer. The ex-Sheriff has been hustling of late and the results have been good. Mr. L. A. Greene, flbairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners,' who has been on a visit to Golden City, Mo., for several weeks, has returned and reports a most pleasant outing. Mr, Greene has considerable money invested in Missouri lands, and tells the Democrat that it has enhanced in value more than 100 per cent since the purchases were made a few years ago, but still he refuses to sell, Good invest ment, that, and we are glad a Wataugan made it ...-..' Mr Alfred Bowles, of Route 1, who lived near Rutherwood died, supposedly, suddenly on Thurs day morning last. He worked hard the previous day, but com plained dL headache. He arose early in the morning And left for his cows. Staying over time, search was made and the body was found prone upon the ground dead, heart 'failure being the cause. Mr. Bowles was a good, honest, upright citizen,; and his death Is much, 'deplored. His wife and family have ovir deepest sympathy in their great distrese. Miss Alma Moret is attend ing the Chautauqua in Lenoir tins week. Barbed wirefor saleat Black burn's. A good line of hardware always on hand at right prices. Avery court is in session this week. F. A. Linney is the only one of oq r lawyers in attendance, so far as we know. After a week of almoBt inces sant rain the pretty sunny weath er is with us again, and the farm ers are busy with their crops, hay-making, etc. The Board of Education was in session Mouday and Tijesday. Much business looking to' jhe in terest of the schools was trans acted, committeemen foVfthk va rious districts appointed et?. The ice cream supper ''served by the ladies of the Missionary Society of the M.E. Church, South on Friday evening last, was rujht well patronized, the gross receipts being nearly $30.00. Prof. B. B. Dougherty has been very much indisposed for several days, but we are glad to note that he is convalescent, and without complications, he will be again at his post of duty within the next few days. You can buy May Flour and other full patent flour for $1.00 per quarter or $4.00 per hundred lbs. This is 20 cents per 100 lbs.' lens than it has been and can be bad at Blackburn's while the present stock lasts. For the next 10 days Black burn will sell you Granulated Su gar for 7 1-2 cents per lb. for cash. The market doesn't justify this but having a few barrels on hand will give customers advant age of this price for the time men tioned. Mail will be put on the V. & C. road from West Jefferson to Elkland the latter part of this week and will greatly facilitate our mail service, giving us mail through from Abingdon, Bristol, and many other points in Ten nessee and Virginia in one day. Mrs. Amelia Cowles, widow of the late Arthur D. Cowles, so well known and much loved by many Wataugans, died at her home at Clover Dale, in Caldwell county, on Sunday last after a very brief illness. She was a most estima ble lady, and the news of her death will bring sadness to the hearts of her many friends in this, as well as surrounding counties. -Col. Fred A. Olds, of Raleigh, easily one of the most distin guished writers in North Caroli na, is here for a month, making the walk over from Darby on Tuesday. He will do much writ ing for the State press from this point and promises some contri butions to our columns, which will be much enjoyed by our read ers. After a delay of several weeks on account of cement, work has again been resumed on the power house at the electric plant, on New River, and, the weather per mitting, the work will be finished and the machinery put in place in the near future. Mr. David Shearer, the electrician, tells us that after all the property of the school and residences of the town have been ' supplied, both for lights and commercial purposes, he will be using only about forty 1 cent 0j tne power they have at their disposal. The plant will be one of the very best to be found Depot Agent Griever, of Elk- land, and Road Master Dovel, ol the Virginia-Carolina, of Abing don, Va., were in the village sev eral hours last Sunday. They expressed themselves as being hichlv pleased with our town and pommunitv. t and many kodak pictures of points of interest were taken by Blrj Griever, and he be insr voung, handsome and single, says that when the road is ex- tended to Boone he suggests mat the rtnnnfc belDlaced lUBlOPP'Jbll the A. T. 8. for reasons obvious, v , , - : . In this event he says he would enjoy work therein J gentlemen; Come again, Miss Annie Stanbury, teacher at the Oxford Orphanage, is at her home in Boone for the sum mer. Services next Sunday at St. wike s church m Boone at 11 a, m-hvhorw t nZ Atlci ' Owig to the unusually cool weathefof late the corn in Wa tauga ifcnot looking as well as : -4- . I uBuai af.tnitf season. Last iFri&ay, the 2nd, marked the 77th jbirthday of our esteem ed frienrjand worthy citizen, Mr. Martin Warren, of Mabel. A bountiful dinner was Bpread in honor of the event, which was partaken of by all his children and many of his, grand children, the number present being 47. The venerable gentleman enjoyed the occasion greatly, it being a surprise to him, as each of his children- contributed to the re past and he knerf nothing of it until it was ready to serve. May the good man live to see the hap py return ot many more events of the kind, js. our wish. Tnlniii School Items On Tuesday Mrs. Harris gave a most excellent talk on the prin ciples of social life. Dr. Randolph lectured on Wednesday. Thurs day Mr. J. E. Ray, Superintend ent of the Institute for the Blind at Raleigh, addressed the school with reference to his work. Miss Bridge, our Domestic Science teacher, was called home last week on account of the se rious illness of her father at his home in Chicago. We truly hope that she may find him much im proved. Prof. Greene visited his home from Friday until Sunday. Professors Brown and Greer left last week for Columbia Uni versity, New York City, where they will enter the summer school of this noted institution. They will return in time for the open ing of the fall term. Superintendent B. B. Dpugher- tv has been sick for a few days but is improving and expects to be out at nis work soon. . .... . .-vi,., 3 . V Miss Mendchal, of High Point, has been here for some days and has assisted in the work of the school, taking the place of some of the absent ones. On Saturday at chapel exercises Capt Lovill delivered a most ex cellent address to the student body on "Knighthood and Man hood." . The lessons that he pre sented to the young men especi ally would be worth more to them if put into practice than many lessons from books. In conclud ing we might say that these last remarks would apply equally well to Mrs. Harris' talk, as well as others. The enrollment of the school this summer is the largest in its history, about 300, and the work is moving on in a very satisfac tory manner. The examinat ions are to begin the latter part of this week. NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CARLINA, Wtuiui uoanty. Kadr Ward and others va. Ida Soutbetal. On th. first Monday la August. IBIS, at toe court nonas in tne town of Boone, at the hour of 12 m., I will, as eommiuloner appointed by the ooart, offer or tale to the higheit bidder for oath, .all tne rigbt, title and Interest of Ida 8outh, and the other heira of This. South, deceased, Id and to the Bfcnry South landt. owned by Thomas South at the date of bis death This land lies in Nortii Fork township, adjoining the lands or J. u. Qoutuana otners, ana oeinj a one sixth undivided Interest In said Henry South lands. This 6th day of July, 1915. T " JOHN. H. BINGHAM. "J" ' Commissioner. '' - a - $ - NOTICE The last report of the grand jury in regard to theoondltionsof the county home, state that they are reliably in formed by outside parties Jiving near the borne, that the inmates are not as well eared for as they should be, esDeelally as to wood and clothing. and with not tne proper kind of food when stek and unsanitary bed oloth ius;. Tne said parties, or any one having snob Information-are request d to meet with the board of oountv . I - .L. a 1 W 1 . ,n Anguit, ms, 0A give snob infor 1 maiiou raf..n7 u iu reKru to same in order that proper steps may betaken toremeay.au snon detects, By order of county eomuriesionrs jniy wn. - W. B. GRAGG, Clerk to Board Btowtag VtVUUUi nvia Jll L11Y7 i-UUI) -J.WI.tIy and 17th of July. Mrs. Chas. H. Fletcher, of At- 'ianta,i,a.,isvisitingattue home Pf be father, Mr. J. W. McGhee, near the village. FOR SALE . Good buggy and harness, same as-new. Apply at this office. SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES At 1 o'clock on Monday, Aug. 2, 1915, at the court house door in Boone, N. C.,I will sell at pub lic outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to the laws of North Carolina, all the lands in watauga county on which taxes for the years 1913 and 1914 have not been paid, a list of which lands to be sold, and the amount of taxes due thereon, with costs added, as required by Sec. 2883, Revisal 1905, is as follows: Beavek Dam Township, 1914 Lethcoe, G. T.,. 92 acres $4.55 Horton & Banner, 80 acres 3.65 North Fork Township, 1914 Maine, C. R., 40 acres 5.41 Worth & Co.. 135 acres ; 10.95 Laurel Creek Township Y 1913-'14 Flanery Mining Co., No. acres not given 20.95 Bli e Ridge Township, 1914 Ashley, S. P., 12 acres 1.13 Hernhardt, J. M.. lOo acres 8.05 Benson, J. P., 20 acres 2.31 Grandin, W. J., & Hart, 900 acres 40.55 Harrison, S. L.,50 acres 1.96 4.40 1.37 1.25 1.21 4.55 Stewart, Mrs. E. R., 175 acres Elk Township, 1914 Carlton, C C, 23 acres Greer, Sarah, 23 acres Miller, E. B., 13 acres Randall, W. W., 76 acres Wheeling, Selina, 23 acres ng, senna, 23 acres 2.28 Wilson, W. L., 122 acres 16.89 Winebarger, Miles, 4 acres 1.63 This the 3d day of July, 1915. E. R. Eggers, Ex-Sheriff. BANK STATEMENT. Following is a report of the con. dition of the hank of Blowing Rock at Blotting Rock iu the state of North Carolina, at thp'close of busi. ness June 73d, loK; : 1, hkhuukceh: Loans and discounts $47 204 01 20.82 4.'7 3,750.00 Overdrafts secured Overdrafts unsecured Banking house and lot Furniture and fixtures 1,263 10 9.643 83 1,640,00 Due from b'ks and b'krs Gold coin Silver coin, including all mi nor con currency 1,422.80 National bank notes and other U. S. notes S.oo Building Fund 178.54 Totafr... $64,717.32 LIABILITIES Capital stock $16,000.00 Surplus Fund 90 1 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 40?.oq Bills Payable 5.500.00 Timecertificates of deposit 23,710.64 Deposits subject to check 18,1408s (Jashier c ks outstanding 70.74 Total ...64,727.32 State of North Carolina, Watauga county, ss,.: I, (J. M. Sudderth, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge rnd belief (i. M. Sudderth, Cashier. Correct Attest : W. 0. Lentz, A. Lentz, W. L. Holshouser Di, rec'ors. Subscribed and sworn to. before me this 2nd day of July 1915. I. H.GREEN, J. P. Bank of Blowing Rock DRA.W YOUR CHECKS ON US and let uspayyourbills. There's safety in this method. It gives ypu a receipt every tiice. A Bank Account will simplify ybur bookvkeeping and add to your business repu tation. . ; ; Open an account with us. Your check book is ready. Always Up to Date Store It's a Pleasure to Show You Our Line See Our "Patriot" and "Pilgrim" SHOES FOR MEN SOCIETY -& MAYFLOWER HflCQ CnD WnMCItJ Ther are "STAR BRAND" which in OnULu rUll H Ullir.il sures their wearing qualities and they have ;that Style and Snap which well dressed people want. We also Carry a complete line of well selected Merchandise and the 1 Prices As Low As Can Be Found Anywhere Todd Mercantile Co. TODD, NORTH CAROLINA COMING TO TODD? If so, don't stop until you reach our store, where you will find a well selected stock of General Merchandise, especially such lines as Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Etc. Which we are selling at rock-bottom prices. We are on the market for TAN BARK, PULP WOOD, LUMBER, Etc. We pay cash for Chickens, Eggs, Butter and country produce. Be sure and give us a call when here before making your purchases, and get our prices. McCUIRE BROS. & COMPANY TODD, NORTH CAROLINA am wrgec . 1 . - 1 The IftortM .11 . (prick mechaniun and atroni.ufahr eon. taSoMStMlToppratactomarftt mi erf Injury Jrom itlaedneutMtm. from hll. a tmt. lMSMEfectioa thtewi(lMiJttwar u.. up kjuh juui uom of sifai. ( n M thsH. .22 loni and .22 hetW, urtrldiM, ins Uw ho low-pomt auntont cwtridw. Accural to 200 yucU. un for rabbit!. (ouumU. bawlu. crow.. tc . 28ar&A .22 tspeatm tlto mac!i witK Itnr Ktioni a Willow St, NwHTen.Conn. PRODUCE We pay you cash for your Butter, Eggs, Chick ens, or anything you have to sell. We keep ; Flour, Meal, Feed . Stuff, Salt, Etc. We are lo-1 cated in the building just back of the depot. Always get prices before buying or selling W. S. MILLER & CO. TODD, NORTH CAFOUNA Get Your Supplies , From Elkland Supply Co. j TODD, N. C. GRAIN FLOUR PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE Fertilizers, Etc. THE TRADE OF WATAUGA PEOPLE INVITED I Masonic Building, Todd, N. C. Ford THE NEW MODELS ARE i ELECTRIC LIGHTS, NEW STYLE BODY, WITH THE COWL DASH, SPEEDOMETER, Touring Car -Roadster - - j Delivered Complete at Lenoir, N. C. Remember FORD profit sharincr dan. Mv shoD is headquarters for FORD and 11 1 samp, as wen as general auiomoDue supplies, tires, etc. 'Your business is appreciated. 4 ', L . Rufus L. Gwyn. LENOIR, N, C. . Wclcomo at Our Foritswonderfdaccuracy.itsWetyanJcon. venience. and its effectivenmia (nr small snooting, you would buy .. . , . . t-" uk in WANTED! Cars. HERE. ' $530. $480. The 17 Nfv Reoeatinst RiflM V Model. u illiwttetl 24. Inch octagon barn, 13 or Wiiv 25 shots. Sit JO. .. I !"-V Model29.23.fncl.- lo lha aide- 24 '.r I -"V 19 shots, : pcUf for complota cat. UvTl u aiul abotfaiu, aaaasfaa)aaalBSBkmS RE0 cars and spare parts for I!. 1!.. i

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