Watauga Democrat Pblished Every Thursday. Japanese pxport-urf raw silk up to April 10 of the present season are officially reported by that government as 12.",2(H) bales, of which 8(5 per cent came to this country. Beneiitrd by Chamberlain's Li ii i incut "List winter I used (Miumbei Iain's Lminieut for rheumatic pains, etifl'uoss aud soieness ol the knees, and chu conscientious Ir way that I never used auythinp that did me so much good.'' Edward L'ruft, Elba, X. 1. Ob taiuable everywhere. Only 8.4 per cent of the surface of Norway is cultivated. Beauty More Thau Skiu Ieep A beautiful woman always has good digpstion. If ymir digs tiou is faulty, Chamberlain's tab lets vill do you ood. Obtaina ble everywhere. NOTICE All persons are forbidden to huut, trap, fish or trespass in any way on the lands of the under sign?'!. This April 10th, li'lo. AMOS STAXBPRY. Downing street, London, was named after a uative American. HOW'S THIS Wo offer oue hundred dollars .u wai d for auvcaoe of cp.turih tlint i-h not UecurJ by Hull's Catarrh Curt P. J. CilkSEY & CU. Toledo, O We, the umlerslcned, have known F. J. Cheney for the Inst 15 years aud belipve ti tin perfectly honorable iu all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by bis llriu, Hatiokal Bask Of Commerck Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter ually aoting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 etc per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Halls Family Pills for consti pation. There are 170 packs of fox hounds in England and Wales. Lumber ior Sale! We nowhaveourstoaiu saw null located about one mile above Winkler's mill, andean fill bills on short notice. Lum ber delivered if Svanted. W. L. HAYXES & BRO. WANTED We want 200 cords of Chestnut Oak Bark delivered at Riverside, N.C., and 200 cords of pulp wood. such as I'oplar, ( uciiinlier, lSlmk and Sivent (iuin, nil delivered lit Riverside, X. C. Tor prices uni specifications those wishing to take contract will do well to cal on us or writeusat McGuire, X. C WILCOX & K RIDER Farm lor bale. ft'e have decided to sell ou farm which lies on th Sotitt; Fork of New River, just l!j mile from Todd, the terminus ot ih new railroad now being eoruple ted. There are about 20 arm cleared, the remainder in timber some of which is tine, merchant able stuff. 1 he land is rich and - covey aud will make a splendid grass farm. W will sell at a bar- gain and make reasonable terms For further particulars call on or address, ALFRED W. GROoS Adams, X. C. 2-18. t ! SOLDIERS IN EUROPE BECOME SICK WITH KIDNEY DISEASES Dou'i Kidney Pill Are Beinf Snpplie J Free to The Suffering Met. Aiy ef far Readers Can Try Tnii Ft- ou Kenedy Whheut Expense. . Jut Send For t Trial Box. , ...iucuiub exposure in tne cold, weti trenches U crippling: thousands of warring European soldiers with kidney troubles and rheumatism. The foreign offices of Doan's Kidney W Is are doing a good deed in giving this famous remedy free to every sold ier who wants a box. PosUr-Milburn Co. of Buffalo, N. Y.. nakers of Doan's, state that they will bs glad to send a trial of their medicine S!f w,der ' is paper who will writ them for it. v J . .. Tired, Aching Musi-les Relieved Hard work, over-exertion, mea p stiff, sore muscles. SIohu's Lini ment lightly applied, a lit tie quiet midyour sorenessdisHppeurslike magic. "Nothing ever helped !ikn vmir Sloan's Liuiiiient. I cau never thank you enough," writes one grateful user, Mops mflerinff, aches and paius. An excellent counter-irritaut, better and cleaner than tuusttird. All Druggists, 23c. Get a bottle to day. Penetrates without rub tang. The newest refrigerator is built on the "knock-down" principle. It inav be taken entirely upurt for cleansing and then' reassem bled without the use of a tool. Au Easy, I'leusunt Laxative. One or two ol Br King's Xew Life Iills with a tumbler of wHter at night. Xo bad, uauecatiug taete; uo belchiug gns. do right to bed. Wake up iu the morning, enjoy a tree, easy bowel move ment, and Inel fine nil uuy. it King's New Lite Bills are sold by ill Drusmsts, 30 in an onsmiai oarkage. for 2"ic. Get a bottle today enjoy this easy pleasant laxative. Fifteen per cent of the earth's .Must is composed .of aluminum. A Cough Remedy That Relieves It's prepared from the heuling Fine Ualsam, Tar and Honey- all tuixed in a plensaut. soothing Cough Syrup cmleil lr. nell s Fme-TarHoney. ibousands have benefited by its use uo need of your euduring that nnnoving Cough or risking a dangerous cold. Cio to your dealer, ask for a 2or oriiiinal bottle of Mr Hell's Fine Tar-llouev. start u-ing at once and get rid of your cough and cold. The full title of Los Angeles was, in Spanish times, Pueblo de Xeustra Senora la Reina de los Angeles, or "City ol Our Lady the 2ueen of the Angels." A Good Household Salve Ordinary ailments and injuries are notof themselves serious, but infection or low vitality may make them dangerous. Don't neglect a cut, Bore, bruise or hurt beuaui-e it's small. Rlood 1'oisou has resulted from a piu-prick or scratch. For all such ailments Bucklen's Arnica -Salve is excel lent. It protects and heals cLe hurt: is antiseptic, kills infection aud prevents dangerous coinpli catious. Good for till Skin Blem ishes. FiuipleB. Salt Rheum. Ec zema. Get; au original 2-ouuce 23c box Irom your druggist. A large industry in Christiana, Norway, has leased its idle land at a cheap rate toils employes, who will erect theieon individual suburban homos of thejr own. T ruveling Man's Experience "In thesumuierol 18SS 1 had a ver severe attack of cholera morbus. Two pay sieiaus woi ked over me fioin lour a. m. to 15 p. in. without tdviug me any rebel and then told me they did not exptct me to live: that I had best telegraph for my family. Instead of doing so, I gave the hotel por. tjr ."0 cents aud told linn to buy 'lie a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Dimilmpn Remedy, ana take uo substitute. I took a double dose aenordinu to the directions and went to sleep Hfter the second dose. At Rye o'clock the next morniug 1 was called by my order and took a tiain for my next stopping noint. a well man but fpplinu rather shaky from the severity of me attack," writes H. W. Ire land. Louisville, Ky. Obtaina ble everywhere. Russia has forbidden theexport .1... ii . . - oi poultry, aeaa or alive. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured "About two years ago 1 had a severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted for oyer a week," writes W. (J. Jones, Buford, N. D. "1 became eo weak that 1 could not stand upright. A druggist rep. oratnended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhopn RpihhHv The first dose relieved tne and within two days I wa. as well as ever." Obtainable everywhere. mil CAU!17 !lcre8 cf anJ rUnOHLLiOGe mile west of Boone on main County road. A nice young orchard, a good new three room cottage and a barn. Price reasonable. Any oae interested call on or write P. H. HODGES, B00NE, . . . N.c. Climati it the Fair The arrival in San Francisco of thousands of women bent on see ing tlieexposition in shimmering silks and gowns, whose gossamer thinness was1 designed for hot tropical suns, rather than the sudden changes of a tempera mental climate, has inspired rail road officials to issue a warning as to the true climaticcouditious prevailing on the Taciflc Coast. "Mring plenty of warm cloth ing," they say, adding that the real significance of the coast as a summer resort has been misinter preted bv many who came clad in Fill m Beach attire, only to be surprised mi stepping" from the train by a blastof early morning wind loaded with icicles and as searching as a department store detective. Xot only the morn ings, but the nights, too, chill the thermometers into a numb slumber and drive tourists in doors for warm wraps. "If you are a woman and are contemplating a trip to the Pa- nama-Facitlc, Exposition, the uotiee published by one of the large Eastern trunk lines reads, "don't get the idea that you are going to a tropical or somi-trop- ical country and take nothing but thelikhtest sort of sumre r clot lies with you. San Francisco has a climate all its own, and women cau count on being able to wear their suits of cloth or silk frocks the whole time.'' Phil adelphia ledger. .NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, Watauga County. Iu the Superior Court. Dounelly H seaman vs. O. T. Lett). ooe. Notice ot sule under execution. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Watauga couuty In the above eutitled action, 1 tf ill on Monday, the 2ud day of August, 1015, at 13 o'olock noon, at the court house door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for csrrlo satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest whloh the said ti. T. Lethcoe, the defendant, has iu the lollowiDg described real estate, to-wit: One tract of land situate iu the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Lee Swift, L, E. Stout and others, being a part of the Calvin Moody tract of laud; for a more complete and particular description, reference is hereby made to the dead of con veyance fioiu D. M. Lethcoe and wife to ti, T. Lethcoe, dated June 22nd, 11)12, and rteistered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga couuty in book of deeds No. 10, at page Still; the same being levied upon uuder warrant of attachment on 84th day of April, 1915. by the undersigned sheriff of said county, the said lew being docketed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wa tauga county. This the 28th day or June, 1015. W. P. MOODY, Sheriff, Two months is the average life of a horse at the front. NOTICE Under and ha; virtue of a power of taie contained in a certain mortgage deed executed to the undersigned mortgagee by J. R. Ray to secure the payment of the sum of seveuiy.flve dollars with interest thereon from October 2J. 1813. no part of which has been paid, either oi principal or in terest, Mid mortgage deed having been executed on October 23. 1918. 1 will offer for sale aVpublio outcry at the court house door Iu Boone, N ( on August 2, 1915, the same being the first Monday in said month, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. in , for cash the following piece or parcel of land lylcg and be iugtn the town cf Boone, Watauga county, N. !.. aud known and desig uaieu as iouowb, viz: - , Being lot Ne 2 in the plot sold by Southwest Land Com Dan v. beg-in uiug on a stone on the north sde of nowara street, soutnwest corner of lot No 21 and rone north 2 1-2 degrees east with the western , boundary line ui tun v ii, iqv leci to iioue, norm west corner of lot No 21 on the south side ot a 12 foot allev. then weat with the south side of the alley 50 feet about north 87 degrees west to a stone on the south side of alley and the northwest cornsr of lot No 28,. then about south Sit degrees .west 180 feet with the east boundary line of lot N0 28, then south 87 degrees east with north side of Hqward street Ml feet to the 'beginning. Said tnort gage being recorded In book U dt mortgages In the office of the Register ui ueeas oi waiauga county. Bald sale win oe niae to pay said debt and Interest and costs of sale, aud deed In fee simple will be made to purchaser. iuis juiy i, mo. E. S. COFFEY. v Mortgagee. TO THE PUBLIC. Mr. R. E. Loner has our nnto endorsed by the undersigned, for wiree nunareu V?3UU) dollars, given Feb. 9. 191k. and t,h checks he crave for nntA won, in protest, and this notice will he plead at the bar 'in defense of payment oi said note. J. L. WATTS, CO., By J, L. Watts. J. A. Woodie, . v r.hiMren Crv w- - w The Itlnd You Have Always In use for ovep 30 years, 1 ana nns Deen mwe imu "a yV-J- Bonal supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. ii n i ia TmUniinm Experiments that triHe ulth and ondanser the health ol Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee, it destroys Wotou and allays Feverishness. It euros Dlarrhosa and Wltd Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It Assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Be Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THI eCWTU COMWItV. TT STOMACH TROUBLE Majority of Friends Thought Mr. Hughes Would Die, Bat One Helped Him to Recovery. Pomeroyton, Ky. In Interesting ad vices Irom this place, Mr. A. . Hughes writes as follows : "1 was down with stomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have sick headache so bad, at times, that I thought surely I would die. I tried different treatments, -ut they did not seem to do me any good. I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, and all my friends, except one, thought I would die. He advised me to. try Thedford's Black-Draught, - and quit For Business or Pleasure The Emblem Motorcycle IS THE MOTORCYCLE THAT WILL SATISFY YOU FAST, STRONG, POWERFUL EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD FOR SIDE CAR SERVICE Catahgue Free. Good Agents Wanted, Emblem 11 Co,, Angola, New York, .Monuments, Tablets & Headstones. ALL SIZES, SHAPES AND COLORS, f tl J '"V I Marble and erial. PUCES ME IIJBT, come and see our work, or write us for Prices and Designs. ' MOUMTAitl CITY 'Mountain City, - - - - for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been has borno the tentur nml .Tustfts-irood" are but Signature of MUWW.Y tmiCT, WCW YO CtTT. FOR FIVE YEARS taking other medicines. I decided to take his advice, although 1 did not have any confidence In it. I have now been taking Black-Draught for three months, and it has cured me haven't had those awful sick headaches since I began atag it. I am so tfMnkful for what Black' Draught has done for me." Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine lor de rangements ot the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and should be kept in every family chest Cet a package today. Only a quarter. im IN ' Granite of the very best ma yours very truly, MARBLE COMPANY - - . - - - Tennesse FOR SALE CHEAP One rood Mead fiicvcla with coaster brake and complete set of tools. For further particularm and price apply at Democrat of. nee. Farms for Sale One farm containing 85 acres one mile from Elizabethton, Tenn. Fine place for poulty and dairy, ing. Good bouse, 3 barns, 8 poiil. try houses, plenty of water, and all in grass except 20 acres in corn, etc. Price 4,000. Tract No. 2-160 acres, all level land, 25 acres in timber, 2 houses, 2 barns, good orchardseveral fine springs, creek running thru the place, 2 1-2 miles from good town, railroad station at place, 60 acres of meadow, 40 acres in corn, 30 acres in wheat, all level Write for particulars. Price, - 115,000 Jett Brothers, Elizabethton, Tennessee, A. W. Dula, O D eyesight specialist. Home Office, Lenoir, N. 1 will in the future devote my" entire time to fitting glasses and optical work, which I have made a specialty for the past 15 years I have just purchased a fine set of optical instruments that I car ry with me every trip and I will be prepared to examine eyes and . fit glasses whether advertised or not. ' CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Till You HaYt Atarsys Bossbt Bears the Signature of Cuts, Burns BrabM, Son, Worn mi Nn mioklr wftk AmIm 8ht. U prwTMta laf actio k tlwidi, ootkiBt, hMttni. Try k mm, Moatr Bmk If It Pafl. Tb OrlglMl Md TTimhi, Bucklen'o Arnica Solve Heela the Hart mTCH AND eJEWELRY done at lone at th Ii shop vCL nndr positive TfeLT " undar gakrantee t ah matorUI usod It gaaranteed to be gvoain. EitlokUt furnished on all mall ordan. Satis faction guaranteed In mrr rMpret ou all railroad watehet. Office near tbf Watauga Co. Bank. J. W. BRYAN Graduate Jeweler and Watchmaker. BOONE.N.U. CAESAR Mir TCr.rU'. XBnAaf Jwk it J II vim V II viuvi w.. aronHinrv of mv afahla ihlfl YCflfe Season for live colt foaled $7.00. rartiee breeding mares are aponsible for season if mares are traded. O.H.BLAIR, April 15L1915 -Boons, N.C. An Ya a Ken? J. 5 L

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