-Q--- ' 7 .; . . ' , - . - " - - " t: ' . - ' ' - : . ' ' - MMMMMWMiPWWMMMWMgMM",'BIPM'' -. . . , " ' " 1 -.11. . . fWJn GVoo A A Mntn tlJ J?fl M 1 IT LP ( Jf': TwsapAY, July 22, 1915. . ! H.0W1N3 ROCK REUES C.) DuringJlthe sarious illness of Chief o! Police Clemens, Mr. J odd ' ng. serwdlas policeman, but . Mr. demote now . on the force agaihrnfo usual fine Irish hu- , .mor and in bis capacity as town 'I ! ofiial cliiarJly.be surpassed, haying;; already ; caused quite a litif among tairaVoiders as he does not hesitate to take an pi : fender by the collar and ' say in tonea that have a professional I ; v ring to them: Pay that fine or go to jaU acknowledgmg that never before nave we naa a 4: policeman as little in sympathy with offenders; but it takes cour ace, both mental and moral, to be a real, true "guardian of the peace ;. Mrs.Thos. Hv Caffey, who re turned with the Finlays for a ' visit to her many friends in - Wilkeeboro, is at home again, Mrs. Will Palmer and her charm ing daughter, Miss ralmer,kind iy bringing Mrs. Coffey over the ' mountain in their elegant car, ' " and while here were the honored .guests of the genial proprietors of .Watauga Inn, that ever more and, more justly popular hotel, which opes the year 'round shel , terf more distinguished people in a decade than most of the ' mountain resorts, though our other hostelries have, each and every one, made a reputation for housing and delighting tht tray diner nubile cenarallv. - f Mrs. Springs and Miss Springs, " beloved mother and sister of Mrs Wade Harris, wife of t&e gifted editor of that splendid paper, the Charlotte Daily Observer, have , " opened their cOstf cottage ifof the season, no more welcome gdeste pan they. ; -V Thghotelsandboardinghouses are gradually filling up, slowly i i y. . . i i 3 it:.' . dui sureiy, ouuaing up on ineir past reputation for catering to the best class of tourists in the South, " The splendid management o Green Park Hotel, last Saturday week gave a big dance in honor - of the guests whp came up for the opening of the season. ' Mr.' and Mrs. Norman Cordon, preceded by their sister, Miss Jii- lia Haughton, are settled in their attractive cottage, Master or. man Cordon, Jr., having finished a delightful month's visit to Mas ter Thomas Coffey, Jr., is with her parents. A pleasant party of A.. T. S. . .students, pilotted by Mr. Jake Andrews, formerly of this town but of Boone during the recen Successful summer school, spen a Sunday here recently and prov el by their deportment to be la dies and gentlemen. . Comeagain and of ten, young people. ' Congressman Webb, Mrs. Webb .and their interesting trio 61 . youngsters, spent a few days at watauga Inn. ;'. i v The ''family ot Mr. Fritz New . land have opened their charming summer home here and will spend a'good part of the season among . us, finding the air anq water o: this unrivalled resort to their liking, which is the best, adver- usement we could have. ; Bay. Dr. SImi, a Baptist minis- ter ol Virginia; was called to the . church in Lenoir, and while hav. v a log the call under consideration t-; spent a day and night here, per lactly charmed with this beauti ful region.: ti.j.) j ,Tba many ; automobiles ithat ' daily arrive in' our little , moun tain towjo .bring joyous parties IM, oi youxa people wno tro away 'perfectly crazy" about this , ( h . tbuntry m the clouds. :,.i::- ;.. !C-.;';ll;A;:A.:'Joseph,:'the Misses ; cad several friends of ''Sr :rot-aw cetily settled in .rtiisn'scottagenearSky. Yttii they hate rented for , --teticja their :x:S&u:9 rThe Appalachian draining School closed its summer term on Friday,' July iGth, with appro priate commencement exercises. On Thursday evening at 8 o'clock the four graduates in piano gave their recital which was of a very high order, and revealed- talent and efficiency in teacher aud pu pil Friday at 11 o'clock the annual address was delivered by Dr. C. G. Vardell, president of Floral MacDonald , College, Red Springs, N, C. .His subject was "America and the World Idea, and he discussed it in a most able manner, . bringing ,'6ut' the fact that America's idea was one of world federation and. peace. At 2 . o'clock in the afternoon the Seniors gave; their graduating exercises, which were very highly enjoyed ' by the large audience that filled to its utmost capacity the large auditorium of the school. The graduates were 17 in. number. ; At 8:30 the Alumni gave their annual banquet, at which quite a number of interest ing speeches were made. Thus closed the very best sum mer term the school hasever had, the nsrnber enrolled, being 301 and the work of the very highest order. The large girls' dormitory is nearing completion, and it is safe to say that it will be one of the best equipped school buildings in the State or anywhere. It will have all modern improvements including electric apparatus. The powerhouse that is to furnish the electricity is one of the most com plete, and in some respects the most complete, anywhere to be found, the machine being so reg ulated by a governor that only a few moments of a man's time are required each day, the flow of .the water being regulated au tomatically, and if anything goes wrong it gives warning by gong. ' , . Cirj tianJ Triplitt Rin!:i a Following is the program for the reunion of Camp N lmrod Trip lett, No. 1273, of Watauga coun ty, to be held in Boone, N. C. August 5 and 6, 1915. 1 Called to order at 10 a. m. 2 Devotional exercises by chap- Iain. Music by fife and drum band 3 Call the roll. 4 Address of welcome by C. J CottrelL Music. 5 Appoint a memorial com mittee. 6 Address by E. M. Gragg. 7 Adjourn for dinner. 8 Meet at 1:30 p. m. 9 f 10 Fridaymeet at 9 a. m. 11 Devotional exercises by chap lain. Music) 12 Report Memorial Com mit tee and. exercises conducted by Rev. Carpenter. " . 13 Adjourn for dinner. Meet at 1:30p.m. - : . 14 Election of company officers for next year. 15 Address by J. M. Payne at 2 p. m. , ; Everybody invited to come, and especially the old soldiers and comrades. Come and let us have a good social time. We are expecting addresses by persons not mentioned, especially by Col. Olds of Raleigh. Do not think because the name sounds old that he will not have some thing new to tell us, (or I think he Is one of the finest talkers in the State on any subject, so all come. I There will be a march each day u tne weather is good by as many of the old comrades as are able. E. J. Nobris, Captain. 1 Per W. W. Presnell, Adjt, , July 19th, 1915. v : $25.00 Reward Wul be paid for the arrest and conviction of the thief who en. . .. L . .- . , ... tered my milhon the. night of Fri day, July 16th, and removed and carrwa away nve oeits irom mya planer, two of the , belts nearlv neW, other three old but good Blowing Bock. N. C. ' I keep constantly in stodc a complete line bi Fancj Gissbns Crc;:s DOMESTICS, SHEETINGS, ; ETCc ; , m Also a nice line of Ladies Ready-to-Wear Hats and a great many other things too tedious to mention! -am closing out my eniire line 01 onoes ai H. L MAST, Fret. 0, P. HAGAMAN, Ch. The Bank That Appreciates and Protects ItsCnslme' It has been the policy of this bank to render the greatest service Dossible to the cituwns of Watauea coontr. We appreciate tht confidence the people have shown Helped m to acnieve in Duuding op a strong oanwng lnswtucioe. -With our improved equipment we are better than ever prepared to eerve tnem. the Watauga County Bank BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. ' Your Trade Wai I am now carrying the largest and best assorted stock of goods I have ever nandled, and am anx ious for you to call when in. town and look it over if there is anything in the line of General Mer chandise you wish ,to buy. Sometimes it is not best to nike your purchases too quickly, and to see mvgock before buying might be a good money mer tor you. General 1 erchandiso of Be Dry Gooes, Notions, Groceries, Provisions, Etc, alwa ays oh hand at prices just as reasonable as Fossioie. 11 in need 01 snoes don't tan to call ior have them to fit any foot from the daintiest to the heavy, more serviceable shoes for workmen. A large Stock of llardwaro Alviays on Hand Heavy and Shelf Hardware always kept in stock, ;. also a large stock of Fruit Jars. Don't fail to give me a call, let me serve you, and I will try to make it to your interest. Remember, I am always ; on the market for good country produce, chickens butter, eggs, grains, etc. Thanking you forpast patronage! solicit a continuance of same. Truly J. S- WINK L Lft Successor to John W. Hodges A Co. TO THE BOOK STORE -FOR MOST POPULAR BOOKS More than Three Hundred LOW PRICE OF 55 Cents When you come to our CHAUTAUQUA, JULY 2nd to 8th, stop in The Book Store and get a good book. We have the best boob ever published, Magazines, Daily .Papers, Stationery, Popular Music, -" Post Cards, Manicure Sets. Sincerely, . v , , Lenoir LENOIR, N. C. The Butler Drag Store ' .'. - . new and up-to-date x j Headquarters for the best Toilet Articles and Rubber Mml 11s Yoiir Orders J The Best and latest fountain drinks t Call onus at the old Post Oljoe 3uflding J " v.; UUUiA; UIWt;AWVMUnT M UU- jll'J II II II II 'li It - V - - Pcrisd:3 Vtito li:::3 a very mucn reauceu pritc. Most Respectfully, ' w. o. oomri xt vm. J. T: MliiUa, lfc'ioiihi in us, and the success they have A THE- Titles to select from at the a Copy Stationery and Candies; ted Quality Book Co -'.. - ' ' ".'.'.;''tV-'--w.-'"''' ' I always try to supply the wants of all ra Fresh Groceries. Plenty of Hardware always kept In stock to supply the average farmer f r T IT i Hats me ns and Caps In great variety of styles and trices. In addition to the usual brands kept In stock by dry goods merchants I also handle the famous Stetson hits. Dry, Goods Notions .This department is never overlooked but always kept up to its usual high standard. . . In; this pifrtment of my store you cart find an bortment of pretty much everything usually carried by all . up-to-date stores doing a general mercahtih bus- iness, and at prices you will find hard to beat I also keep constantly in stock a good line of Cloth ihg for Men and Boys in all the latest styles. - Shoes a Specialty I majce a special effort to always keep jn stock a line oithe leading brands of shoes among whfeh . will M found the Browii Sho Co's Star 5 Star line. I If you want shoes be sure and see me,, or if you want anything else usually kept inra first class retail establishment Blacum's is the place M, B. Blackburii, BOONE, - N.C. arming Tools 7 v 0ur stock of Farming Utensils is the largest ? ' and most complete in this part of the State, We Lead All Othero Quantity Quality Price Opike Harrows Disc Harrow? Weeders Riding Cultivatorc Corn Planters Also Grass and Grain Blades and Hoes . ' And the thousand and one items needed on the farm. Come in and look over our stock. No obligation for you to buy. We just want to show y ou Get The Best BERNHARDT -SEAGfLE CO ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE LENOIR, - - . . - NORTH CAROLINA'1 DR. H D. JENNINGS, ; -5 BANNER EUC, I hare arranged for the convenience of my patients to be m Boone Blackburn's Hotel on the first of every month for three or tour days, and every court week; prepared to do any kind of Da tal wort All work Guibantfed, Nothing but the BEST tad FUR EST materials need in any of my work. Prices reasonable. No charges forexamlnation. Patients from a distance will avoid delay by informing me beforehad, at what time they propose coming, ei ther to Boone or Banner Elk. - " ; L, D, LOWE, FmidMit. L. U. FARTHING, Caibtor.. e v,:,:v; .- . . ',. We solicit the accounts all persons in this new Cask, as4 u we will do our best to accommodate the people and wa&sr tis! redte8t service consistant with sound banhig. , ', Resident Pentity - - 2V. a H. B. PEBJIT, Vtee-rrtfldfBt. BanL alle 0 Q v ; .a.:

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