ursdiyj -Wataoga County . Hard -Wart Va. UHlf.Ward.Kl' -'iV Kotlee of terViee by publication. Th finfitndaSit .hAM named will vir- -iV',. 1 ; -i.'-ii j ,v tae notice that summons in sot Inst said defendant on toe Zd day NOTICE HOSTHtfAJKJUSA. A scientist says the. people J aft countries get nutty every 25 V ysirk: t?hite they; are nutty f ;,tbey will do mostany thing.; They I p: eeem , to RBt ' nutty : by group! winetimefl. Sobaethreeyeareago a group of men got it into , their thea3s that fney were 'Wanding f ' at Armageddon" and kept 04 V; thinking they were ; rightf there :v nu xney cau w uu Biipnu . away; Wilmington Star. ;; $1 ; B8nfltd by Cbamberlahft ;--' :' . ..- Liniment, ' .' :' ? "Lst Rioter I used Cbamb er : lain' Lmiment, for .rheumatic nains. tiiuQesB ana soreness 01 the knees, and can conscientious iy ay that I never used anything ward Craft, Elba; & li " Ob tamable every whfSV- .- itecf Mt Clerk of the Baperlor Conrt of Va taoa ooantjr, North Carolina, to I and appear at the Superior conrt of WaUaira oounW at fall term. 1915. in an action for dtyoroe, an4 the tald defendant will take notice that it she fall to be and appear at Mild court and' anawer 'or demur to the com plaint jah'oh will be filed ialbe office of the clerk of the' eaidlftbrt then the plaintiff will move for relief. aiked ttm li inU'iiAmnUInf Tbia 'Jnly Sod. 1918. W. D. FARTHING, q. 8. c. r f Ona of'our proraiatattsd usu ally Wideawake dtisana was' re cently caught nappmg,f by ;a range peddler, who showed'-him some scraps of iron; and "soft soaped" him into subscribing for sixty-nine dollars' worth. When he awoke and -realUed how com pletely the hide had been taken off him, he paid said peddler ten dollars to get out of it - Then he went to Burgie's to see some sure enougn - ranges ana nougbt a '.Kinp," paying only a little more than half as much and getting a better one. "Iiis to laugh," but not at this "prominent citizen' but at: the hundred or more bth ers , who; af rer finding they were 150 CENTRAL K EN T U C K Y grinned alive, did-not havsithe ; ? F A R M S F 0 R : judgment to do at hedid.-Avery 5 ; , ; ; T7.;i Herald, " ne uave new ianniiaviaBtoyu wnteiorii itisiree. v r : -aiivrTPi! fv qat t? OX-THOMPSON, - j ' a arm Broiters. north CARUNA. .mvnesburir. Kv.. R."F. DaNo.1 Watauga yonnty. 3 HoxfiO .. .1 Kenedyward and othere y. ' . - 1 INonthat&l. Ida On the nret fiondav jn Ausn 1915. at the oonrt tiotue In tho w The United Stated of 'America U by far the greatest steel pro neiner eountrv oh earth. Ger- , c . - - , many comes next, with Great Britain third. ' .''; . Beauty More Than Skin Deep A beautiful woman al wave has good digtatkn. If your digs- tion is faulty, Chamberlain 'stab lets wilt do you Kood. Obtaina ble evtry where. , TO THE PUBLIC - Mr. R. E. Loner has our note. endorsed by the undersigned, for three : Hundred ifdW) dollars, given Feb. 9, 1915, and the checks be cave for Jiote went to protest, and this notice will be plead at the bar in defense of payment of said note. J. L. Wattb Co., By J. L. Watts. J. A. WoopiE, for Sale , The undersigned has for said 33 young mules, live of them being three years old past, and 28 two years old past. "They are yry fine mules, and some of them bro ken to harness. This is a gopd chance to get agood pair of good mules in your own county. - Harbison Baker 7-15-15. Bands, N.C. - ' " Vm. A ' ;- Diarrhoea Qoickly Cured "About two years ago 1 had a severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted for over a week," writes W. C. Jones, Buford, N. D. "1 - became so weak that 1 could not etaud upright. A druggist rec oro mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The first dose ' re ieyed me and within two days I whh a well as ever. ' Ubtaiuable everywhere. , 1 Lumber ior Sale! We nowhaveoursteam saw . mill located about one mile ' above Winkler's mill, and can fill bills on short notice. Lum ber delivered if wanted. ' " W: L. HAYNES k BR0. irn vbiiuh iu.au o uiyviivu 1B15 tnt oonrt nooas In the town "In the summer ol 1888 1 bad Boone, at the hoiit of 11 m.. I will, a very severe attack of cholera Lm2"1? KS.iZJ! morbus, TwopbystriaTrsQrked bidder, f or aab. aa.s fljjht; title over me from four s, m. to 6 p. land interest' of Ida Boath, and the . ft: rrj-J - .t r. farm which' lies bn tbs ;Boot3 Fock bt New Ritcr, ztt l mlka from Todd, the terminus ; ot t&9 new railroad now being cQmpla ted. There are about 23 teres clenred. the rsmainde4a tiotsr, some of which Is floe qerc bait able etoff. The land is rich and covey and will make a tplradid gram (arm. Bre will clMtor gain and make reaaorW.rc tot further particulars call on or address, ,. l ": ALFRED XJSOSS, v Adams, n. , - j . i . , , i iiLaa.ii- Li1 l m. without Uirmjr me any relief otnerneiraor iM.tjwaasoeaeea, mi ttMtmM i cot j,wskdbyTsss,21SysSS; exoect me to live: 4 hat I had best hi. deth. Thuimad tU in north Heuraph for my family. ' I nstead Fork towwhtp, adjdut(n the Undt of doipg so, I gave the hotel por-of J. M. South and lotheri, Mbeliw tsf 50 cen s and to.d h.m to buy nrVsoath toads? me a hottle of Chamberlain el Thia 5th day. of ja Colic, Cholera-and. Diarrhoea Remedy., and take no substitute. I took a double dose according to the directions-and went to sleep after the second dose. "At a one sixth undivided intsreat in said V. of Jaly. ISIS. JOHN H. B1HQH4M, " i ' " ; i' ommiuioner The Good5AW -Saimrtier Time i Has iCoiniiUAiinie v And it behoove y'ti ;v; Furniture, StoViW Ranges, ';jpjatjjj - Rugs, Drugjgets, Wall Papei, Craskets ChiggawgoQr any otHei place cian't 'r.pj--. . do better. Come 'onto yours truly,; ;. Elk Park, K C; TR '.'DO ITNOW'- '. - . r a-: Btwleeai .Bone NOTICE 0F&ALE flye o'clock the next morning 1 N2?TH J?0"?1' was palled by my ordnr and took In lrlorCoWt. ' a tram for my next stopping , Donnelly Hamah vt. O. T. Leth. point, . a well man but feelinjf eoe. Notice of sale dnder eieootldn. rather shaky from t be se verit y of , Bt virtoe of an eiintioa directed the attack." writes H. W. Ire- to the underef(ned frbhi the Superior land, Ixpiv ills, Ky. Obtaina- ourtol WataogaeottoWthe above hi. --VrKr ' J ' entitled action. 1 wlUon Monday; the w.0 v.v.j isoddavor Anffait.iai.atuoreioK noon, at the eoort bonee door of aaid In 10 3 ears, Barry, one of the eoonty, tell to the hljhMt bidder (or dogs of the St. Bernard hospice, rigDt, tm, intemt which the saved no less than 40 lives. "d t. itnooe, tnt aetendant, nat in aw touowing qvwiova nuaww, fin. M( nt hn4 dtn.f. In A Uood Household naive the count? of WaUojta. State of - Ordinary.ailment, and injuries No'ti SSS are not ol thsmsnives serious, our ii"" m3 ih. r.in u. infection or low, vitality, may tract of Und; for a caora eempleta make them dangerous, uon t and particular aetcrifuon, reference neglect a cut, sors, bruise or hurt u'd? & JlJJwde,d V .n' u!..u--JL.-ii ' ta u;n.. keyajjee from D.M. Lhcoe and wife u l.u'DUU to G. T. Letbcoa, dated June SSnd, hasrvsnlted from a pin-prick or hoia and rtctstered is) the offloa of scratch. For all such ailments the Register of Deeda; for Watauga Bucklen's Arnica Salve is excel- ay w.ui5f ent. .It protects and beals the MnrataBTO by toe undersigned intyfcthe aaid lew ?atio. Good for all Skin B om. oeing docketed in tna onioa pr tne shPS, Pimples. Salt Rheum, Ec- e.wl sema. Uet an original bounce This the 88th day ot June, 1915. 2oe box from your druprgist. J I;, : v ' , . Ht ' ' 'e '1 I WArjTED We want 200 cords of Chestnut Oak Bark delivered at Riverside, N.C., and 200 cords of pulp wood such as Poplar, Cucumber, Black and csweet ium, all delivered a Riverside, N. C. For prices and specifications those wishing to t3.se contract will do well . to call on us or write us at McGuire, N. C WILCOX & KRIDER Carinr Qualified sa exseutor of the win of J Burner, dacaased, this Is to tioury au persons having claims afalait said estate-to rtrnent them on neiore the 10th day of Jona. UIS; orthto notice will be plead in ; rar ox taair ngnu. ah persona ow in) aaid estate ili please come for wra ana mace settlement at once. tttts 8th day of June. 1815. 1 ; ' ? v J 4W. 9. K1LLBB, Executor. j tr'AETSDHustling young man ' di cscisss8 ability to represent Fir? Insurance in the counties :-:.v cftitrand Caldwell. Good 10 c:yJOrAtman.ddis t ustx dox wewiand, jn. c NOTICE-; naw.torbidden-to ' 7, or trirpatsin any ri ct tia tinder. In the human being the left! ung is rather smaller than that on the right side. , Tired. Acbinir Muscles Relieved Hard work, overexertion, mean WM with interest thnob from stiff, sore muscles. Sloan s Lim-1 October 23, 1918. no part of which has meiit llithtly appliod, a little quiet been paid, either of principal or in- been executed on October S3, 1918, NOTICE Under and by virtue oi a uower of sale oontalned in a certain mortgage deed -executed to . the undersigned mortgagee by J. R. Ray to secure thai payment oi tne anm oi anveniy DTe and your sorenss disappearslike L"?' "i JJA !L f magic. "iNotbiug ever helped wIn offer for sale at public outcry at like your Sloan s - Liniment. I the court house door in Boone; w v., inn nvpr thnnk von 0imnch''lon Augusta. 1915, the same being the writes one grateful u.. Stops irSi nuflering, aches and pains. An o'clock p. m , tor cash the following excellent counter-irritant, better piece or parcel of land lying and be a6d cleaner than mustard. All ingtnthe town cf Boone, watauga Druggists, 25c, Get a bottle to. , i-r own 'na day. Penetrates without rub Being lot No M in the" plot sold by binir. South west Land Com panr. begin tiing on a stone on the north side of Tt J A A. ll For every British horse sacri- lot No81 and rinpnortb s 12 deirrees flced in the war the Germans have ewt with the western boundary line lOBblOUr. vmI Hbrniir nf lnt Na 21 n th innth side ot a 12 foot alley, then weat with v... DiAn.n.. i line soum siaa oi tne auey ou icet uoBj, wowuu xoatiww. .bot north 87 decree, west to a tone -V A TV Tf T . a . m . s w . ... uue or two oi or Kine s ew on tne south side oi auey and the f .ifo Pills with pl tnmhWnf trutr northwest eOroer of lot No 88. then at. nio-ht. N.i'hnd nttiiapatinir doo "" aegrees wes iw at nighty Wo. bad, nauseating reetwlth the east boundary line of taete; no belching gas. Go right lot n0 28, then south 87 degraes east toped. Wage up in toe morning, with north side of Howard street M) enjoy a iree, easy bowel move fee to ,th beginning. Bald mort ment. and fwl Bne bll day. Dr King's liew Lite Pills are sold by Lf Deeds of Watauga county. Said all Druggists, 86 in an original I sale will be made to pay said debt and rjacksire. for 2Bc Gat a hottla interest and colts of sale, and dasd in W a - 1 mmm m. . t laxative. odaynjoy thls ?asy pleasant wTh5SdyWl?ma! pttr New Zealandlias an island near-1 ly, three, miles in ' circumference which is'almost entirely compos-1 . B. COFFEY. llortgagea. NOTICE The last report of the grand jury in K1 You Need a Tonic There are times fn every woman's life when she ' needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to :-you, you know what tonic : : to take Cardui, the woman's tonic Cardul is com- V posed of purely vegetable irigredients,,whicb act , gentlk yet surelyOil the weakened womanly origans, : and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands nd thousands 'of weakr ailing women in its past half, century of wpnderhu - success, and It will do .the same for you. . ', " You can't make a mistake in taking ." . : MissAmelia Wilson; R. P. D. Na 4, Alma, Ark., says: VI think Cajtiui Is the greatest medicine on earth, .for women. , Before 1 began: to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, .and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite.! Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did. andean eat most anything." , Begin taking Cardui today. ' Sold by all dealers. Hnn Hfilned ThhiiRnndn. fmUUf Malad wtA AnUm galea. itfwcreata istfeeoaa. is eootUag. Issallai. Try ll Moaey Bmmk UUWm The Orijfhul- sosl . nL. At. r k. .J , Alt Draggleta sal Deahra. 2. ) .- Farms for Sale . ; One farm containing -85 facres V one mile from ElizabetbtnfTenn Fine place ior poulty and dairy ; ing.' Good house; 3 barns, 3 poul try houses, plenty of waterand. :' air in grass except 20 acrs In -cdrn.etc. PricV$4,000." : ,:' Tract No. 2-160 aeres;ll level v ; land , 25 acres in timber, 2 houses, " r 2 barns, gpc4offchem:.wtarid flhe springs, creek .runningrtSirl,..Vr the place, 2 12 miles from jJOd . v,,. town, railroad station at piaBe, -60 acres of meadow, 40, acres in corn, 3U acres in wheat, ail Jeveb . . write for pscj, . :- , . - Jett Bbotbees, 1 Elirabethton. ; ' MTennessBe. A. GMa, EYESIGHT SPimLIST5 ,. Home Office, . tjJtsm "V I wiU.inthe; future.d?vc ; jay sntireimetp fltttag gla and, opticalwork, whicb.IJiayf madq speojaty for tbeMust. 1 jeftsy I have jujst purchaesd a jtlne, of optical instrumeAtslhaVi car ry with me every trip and J,.W11I be prepared to examine fit glasses Whether not. For Business or, Pleasure . The llmblem Motorcycle IS THE MOTORCYCLE THAT WILL SATISFY YOU t FAST. t STRONGi' powerful EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD FOR SIDE CAR 8ERV'lCE . ; Catalogue Free. . Good jfyento Wanted, EmUea; H'fg, Co., iogoioj .York. ed ol .alptarmliedwlthgypsuni. WfiSaSaS8:Sa5 v A borne, state that thsj are reliably in , It's prepared from the healing as well eared for. as tfaey should be, P4ne Balsamj.Tar and Honey- esMteiaily Si i to wood sad V eiothin, all niixedln a Pl,ssant..oothng SSSUS beofeloth i;ouen evrup , causa ur. neirs iu The a&id iiartietf at i -t mm Pide-Tar-Honey. ' Thousands having snoh information arereqoeat have.beneflfced by iU Use-no need ed to meet with thavbordsOf 't tity of your enduring that annofini K?a?sriw aSSll Cough or risking dangerous figl& cold. Go to your, dealer, ask for same In order that artper sup i , a 25c;original bottle of Mr- Bell's b taken to remedy af sach ej v Pine-TarTponevi; start mii.g at thS ft" U 1 'J Monuments, Tablets & Headstones. fir' 3b ip and I,.wlll mmeeyaod . ; , 'r a4verthteSfb? :-yil VfVaTCHvto' CJfcAVELEIV i2E done at this shop ' under a posltiT guarantee m all material nsed it guaranteed to be genuine. JQrtlnwtta furnished on all mall orders. (Sails-' faction guaranteed In every ratpeet1 op all railroad watebee. OSleaaeartae' Watauga Co. Bank. ; . : r Graduate Jeweler sad Watchmaker. GAEGAR i ,"My World's' Wonder 'Jfack k standing at my stable this year. Seasoh forgive colt foaled.7.00. ; Parties breeding, mares are re sponsible for season if maros are traded. ; : " G, H. BLAIR, April 15, 1915 nBooneyN. a ALL SIZES, ' SHAPES AND COLORS, : : : ?1 Marble and Orianite 'of the very best ma ' l.AM.AMA .AH .1...' :1.;J t.?A ' enai. fticu uttui, come ana Bee ova wotk, or US 'or Prices and Dcsiis. j; yours very trulyj noo:Tf.!:iciTYUAr:iEGo::PAiiY TV i MsjaBntta ' r-i di - in IK- UAf :: .t ti 4.7 nf' N,.- - . "TV Ym -.1 m ' ..-. '.. - i.-.v .i-v rtJ-.,!.,..yf P.-V y A.":-'-f.wv. r: :V;,n- if J: . kxSMj0tt