Wot 3&atauga democrat. Published Every Thursday Two Girls Run a Farm Wearing mens clothes, except Gates Biliousness and Coustipation It is certainly surprising that an; woman will endure the mis erable feelings caused by bilious ness and constipation,' when re lief is so easily had and at so lit tle for bloomers in place of trouwrs, year aro I used two bottles of turn fVnntn m.l- n.v. mntii,,, UiamwriaiU laOUTB aUQ mej t i eured mp of biliousnesu and con 7(5-acse farm a mile south of Brookside. Thev are the Misses Polly Powell and Sadie Bundy. Theirs is an Ada miens Eden, and they are happy in it. .No male help for them. They do all their own work on the farm, employ ins a woman, a sister of Miss Bundy, to keep house, while they jjjeout and till the soil, do the plowing, dragging and seeding, as well as the haying and har vesting. Tlx'V whistle, talk farm and stock just like men. and kii v they are thoroughly enjoying themselves. $25.00 Reward Will be paid for tbe arrest and conviction of the thief who en tered my mill on the night of Fri- expers'. ' Mrs. Chns Peck,, day, July lGth.and removed and pa N. 1 a-nron- "A'imir. n . planer, two of the belts nearly new, other three old but good. W. W. Sthixgfellow, 7-22-"l 5 Blowing Rock. N. C etipaticn. where. Obtainable every Fewer people under 20 and more people over i" aiv now etu- plyed in vunous industries than was the case 10 years ago. Tothel'ublic "I feel that I owe the tnannfac turers oi Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera Hiid Diarrhoea Remedy n word of oTiititmip." writes Mrs. T. X. ithernll. (iowmxlii, X. Y. "When I been ii taking this med icine 1 wns iu great pain and feel ing terribly sick, due to au at- ! tui-lr nf klinilnar mini f ilfl i n f- if. "He are perfectly independent) ter taking a dose of it 1 hud nut and making a good living." Miss lng to wait for relief as it bene Powell said. "We wouldn't l.ej firp,i almost immediately." bothered with a man under any ,0btai"ab'g every where. circumstances. He would onlv Tlia u ni f . , i . , ... , I I ne edibie birds nests oi the be m the war. Ne are free to do'Pi . . Chinese are worth twice their insi as w incase, ami niere is tin i , . . , .... . . ' ' , ,. weight m silver, the tnier variety one to boss us. The land is own ed by Miss Bundvand her twoj sisters and mvself. and we do all the work ourselves." The farm is one of thp finest in the eounty. Oconto (Wis.) Dis patch BARGAIN Special Offer For Ten Days Farm of 381 acres, 81 acres of vary best soil, 100 acres of tim ber of which there is estimated to be 1,000 cords of extract, worth $4.00 percord on siding at farm. This farm produces all kinds of grains and grasses, well watered. The highest grade of lime rock in this section, guaranteed analysis of 98 1-2 per ctnt. lime. Esti mated value of all crjps including increase on value of live stock for last year $1."j00. Improvements consist of an at trative six room cottage situa ted in abeautifulgrove.twogood tenant houses, splendid Saw Mill and Corn Jfcll operated by water power, good work shop. Pike road soon to built right by this property. Price fo Ten Days 87,000 1,000 nish, balance one urn two years. Apply to C. 11. White, Exclusive Ilepresen tative of tiie 0SB0RNB LAND COMPANY, Elizabethton, Tenn. selling a high as ..! a pound. Worth Their Weight in Hold 'I have useaChauibf-laiu's Tab lets and found them to be just as represented, a quick relief for headaches, dizzvsnejk aud other symptoms deuotiug a torpid liver anu auieoraereo condition oi tue digestive organs. They are worth their weight in gold, " writes Miss (. lara A. lriggs, Elba. N. Y. Ob tamable everywhere. By the "United Kingdom" is meant England. Wales, Scotland and Ireland not the British em- pi re. Virginia & Carolina Railway Schedule-No. 56 Effective May 12, 1915 Sir Edward Givv is the first British foreign minister to sit in the house of commons since the day of Palinerston. None Equal to Chamberlain's "I have tried most all nf the cough cures and find that there is none that enuii ( hum herlnii.'u Lougn uenieay. it has never tailed to give me prompt relief," "intra n. . Ilaruer. ALOIIt ItPIIPlV Ind. When vou have nrnlrl o-ivp this remedy a trial and see for yourself what a splendid medicine it is. untamable everywhere. Experiments have shown that the automobile is most efficient and economical when driven at a rate of 20 miles an hour. i Every Home .Weds a Faithful Cough and Cold Remedy When seasonschangeand colds appear wneu ynu Hist detect a cold after sit t ing next to one who has sneezed, then it. is that a tri d and tested remedy should be faithfully lined. "1 never wrote U testimuuv before, hut. I positively 'that for myself and lamuy, i;r. King s .New Discovery is the best cough remedy we ever ued and we have tried I'hem all " 50c. and $1.00. Bank of Blowing Rock D1UW YOUR CHECKS ON US andletuspayyourbills. There's safety in this method. It gives you a receipt every time. A Bank Account will simplify your book-keeping and add to your business repu tation. Open an account with us. Your check book is ready. Of British peers 117areorhave been serving in his Majestys forces Health and Happiness Depend Upon lour Liver. That sluggish liver with its biggish flow of bile is what makes the world look so dark at times. Dr. King's New Life Pills aro straight to the root of the dpcolty by waking up tbe ac tion of the liver and Inrrpoainrr fci bile. Dr. Kino-'a V Mi. VPUll causa the bowelntnmr freely and drive away those. The heaviest rains occur in equatorial regions, and thesmall- est quantities full in the desert districts of Asia and Africa. The Next Best Thing to the Pine Forest for Colds Is Dr. Hell's Pine Tar Honey which goes to the very root of cold troubles. It clears the throat and gi es relief from that clogged and stuffed feeling. The pines have ever been the friend of man in driving away colds. More over, the piue-honey qualities are peculiarly effective in fighting children's colds. Remember that a cold broken at the start greatly removes the possibility of com plicationc. 2."c. 150 Cintril Kentucky Fin far Sail A farm of 136 acres, level and gently rolling land, 100 acres cleared and in cultivation, grass, clover and alfalfa. The alfalfa has been cut twice this season can be cut twice more. Cottage house of 4 rooms, large stock barn, all necessary outbuildings, well watered hv niiro narat fail - - i r1"1-) 'vi iuu I ing water, good orchard, apples, , peaches, pears, plums and grapes, ujuoo w buiooi, cnurcn and store, in eood neiehborhnnH W - o ' 'UU nave to be seen to be appreciate ed. Price $30 per acre. Write usiorour new book. 1 GCINN & THOMPSON Farmers and Farm Brokers Waynesburg, Ky. R. 3, box 90 50 GOOD CALVES WANTED Work That Tells The Kind Boone Readers Appreciate To thoroughly know the virtue of uiruiriue ;uu mum mveBiigaie lis work. Dor ii ' Klduev Pllli nUml thio teat, ami nlentv of nrnof oiluta riclit here iu this locality. People wno lesuneu years ago to relief iroiu haekaehe. kidnov Burl nrinarv illanr ders. uow eire ponflriiiMl (sathnmir dfolnre the results hare lasted. Can any Hooue sufferer longer doubt the V L Lafonp Kiahth Hiekorr. N. Cmve "1 uffunxl Imm severe pains in niv back aud was on. iiuyeu oy irretruiar passages of tne Mimey secretions. Jjoan H.taney Pills lielned inn in trrr r " Bnn went given February 17, 1911. Over three voar laUr Mr fornix said: "My kidneys have not bothered tue for some time and I attrfhnt the r healthy condition totheose ot Doan's rvinney mis. ' Price 50o at all dealers. Don't tini ply ask for a kidnev remeJv net Doan's Kidnev Pil'a tha ma ht air iimfta nad. Foster-Milburn Co.. rroprs, cunaio, Si i FOR SALE Farm in Globe Valley, 8 acres bottom besides upland. Good fi:ht room dwelling, nearly new, barn and other out buildings good spring near house. Also a good team of mules and wagon nearly new, for sale. T. A. Greene, Globe, N. C FOK SALE The undersigned has for raIa aa young mules, five of them being iuictj ettis uiu hurt, ann t.wn years old Dast. Thev fine mules, and some of thembro- Ken to narness. This is a good chance to get agood pairof good mines iu juur own county. Harrison Baker -lo-'15. Sands, N. C, Lumber lor Sale! We now have our steam saw mill located about one mile above Winkler's mill, andean fill bills on short notice. Lum ber delivered if wanted. W. L. HAYNES & BR0. FOR SALE Farm of 105 aran. lnr-oto,! nn uie oouinern railway, at Telford, Tennessee, Washington county. Alert nn tkn 1 1. f A . .v. iv- . "icuipuis to onsto iiiKHway, a miles Irom Wnino. ton Colleere. Farm in npan4iaiL tj 'wuuiLaut evel, well watered, and has a fine uouse on it. anon t in omo timber. Deal riiropt.nrith Address Dr. E. T. Wtwt.. Tr.t,nonn .ii... m .. iuuWU cny, ienn. 9-2-'lS NOTICE All persons owinc u of quesiea to settle their accounts before October 1st. eitiopin o.k . notes with good swurity. for aiic. tun oi ucuioer we will DUt all account in ha t a lawyer for collection, with fa- oi.uviiuub iajoubu necessary no goods sold on open accountafter September 1st. Vira 0k,v- means evervbodv. anri . . . . .7,r"""" ncuit jruu iu tune u mat way. iuure iruiy, H. C. Haves & Co. A Missouri girl named Romania " MVUW Y. Zyx has changed all that to uurue. She found marriage short cut. I will pay f2o per head for 50 good calves. Don't sell befor 'mood? day"' 25c a botUe. . jyou see me. , T. 8. Watson. A Wonderful Antieentfo Germs andlnfnptlnn aniueuui aua reiara Healing Stop that iutectlon atonce. Klli the germ, and get rid of tbe poi- sons, r or tnis pnrpose a single application ol Btoan'M Liniment not only kills tbe pain bat de stroys tbe serins. Thia izes infection and gives nature assistance by overcoming conge. tion and trivet a ehsmM in. u. free and normal flow of tbe blood. Sloan Liniment It nemereeneir doctor and should be kept con. 1.00 sIm contains six timet at SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND STATIONS Daily Ex Daily Ex. Sunday Eastam Standard Tim. Sunday Bint-Class First-Class A. M. " I P. id. 1 20 Lv. ABtNGPON Ar. 6 16 I 20 " WATAl'QA " 6 00 7 5 " BARRON " 45 12 " DAMASCUS " . 4 20 8 39 " TATLOR'8 VALLET " 01 t Ar. CREEK JUNCTION Lv. 3 48 A. M. I P. M. 9 27 I Lv. CREEK JUNCTION Ar. 1 3 It 9 42 GREEN COVE "I 3 01 10 27 1 " TUCKERDALE ' 2 It II 03 " WE8T JEFFERSON " 1 40 11 39 1 " BOWIE " 1 10 2 0? I Ar. ELK LAND Lv. 12 40 No. 5 No. 3 KONNAROCK BRANCH No. 4 No. t P. M IA. M.l , P. M A. M. Lv. CREEK JUNCTION Ar. 8 47 2t 6 32 19 10 1 I Ar. KONNAROCK Lv. 3 33 9 11 1 tf wm ' The Good Old Summer Time Has Come, Gentle Annie And it behooves you to get a move upon yourself and go straight to Burgie's for Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Carpeting, Matting Rugs, Druggets, Wall Paper, Coffins, Caskets "Chiggawgo" or any other place can't do better. Come on to yours truly, Elk Park, N. C. T. R. BURGIE Elk Park, N. C. "DO IT NOW." COULD SCARCELY WALK ABOUT lad For Time Summers Mrs. Yin cent Wu Unable to Attend to Any of Her Homework. Pleusnf Hill, N. C.-"I suffered for Jwee summers," writes Mrs. Walter Vincent, of this town, "arid the third and last time, was my wont 1 had dreadful nervous headaches and prostration, and wu scarcely able to walk about Could not do any ol my housework. I also had dreadful pains In my back and sides and when one of those weak, linking spells would come on me, 1 would have to give up and lie down, until it wore off. 1 wa certainly in a dreadful state of health, when 1 finally decided to try CarduL the woman's tonic, and I firmly believe I would have died if I taadal taken ft. After I began taking Carduf, I was greatly helped, and all three bottles re lieved me entirely. I fattened up, and grew so much stronger in three months, 1 felt like an other person altogether." Card'jl is purely vegetable and eentle acting, jts ingredients have a mUd, tonic eneci, on ue womanly constitution. Cardui makes for increased strength. improves the appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than s million weak women, during the past SO years. It win surely do for you, what ft has done for them. Try Cardui today. WW fw ChMUMssa Msfldss Ce.. UsUt- u. vhwv.Dtpt. ChMUnaota, T... SteHlli rtrvtioni on wwf cass ana 64-p took. "Hot 7rMtmt for Womb." mm la aUtavnKMr. j3 For Business or Pleasure The Emblem Motorcycle IS THE MOTORCYCLE THAT WILL SATISFY YOU AbT, STRONG. POWERFUL ' EXCEPTION ALLY GOOD FOR SIDE CAR SERVICE Catakgue Free. Good Agents Wanted. m ITfe Angela, Hw;Tork, Wo offsr oos bondred dolla wai d for aa j imm of eatarrh 4 not be oared by Ball's Catarrh n P.J. CHB&EICO.T We, tbe andarslgiMd. hava P. J. Cheney for MmuJ be Here him oarfiwfl. hnnJc7n.i bosloess traosaetlons aud flnanl1S able to carry out My obllAv& made by bis firm, 1 ""'Wle nTioai. jiaiiov Cogxiin Toledo, o. Hall's CftUrrh Core Is taken Inw nally acting dlreetlj npon the bl2S and inaooasetirfaees ol tbe snu? Tsktlmoniala aant ( D..'.,JLVi. per bottle. Sold by all Dranisti Teke HalU PamUy Pills foroonitt. patioo. w For Sale A farm of 65 acna. Wot ..j rolling, on county road two 3 oueuan raiiesoimiiroadsUtloa 50 acres cleared. ISO class timber, one-half mile (J i iiuivu unu Hcaooi, 14 miie Mwjre aim putJiornce, on telephope line. Good orchard. never railing water for stock.eot. tae bouse of 5 rooms, tenaa house. 3 barns and all outbuildings. Red clay land aud a bargain for 11,700 on eajy terms. Remember I have 300 other farms for sale, ranriae frnm :iOO fn tfi Kniloa.l. - T"iv " mu, V.UU)f and see our4 country while the cropsaregrowing. Theytalklbf themselves. Write tor price list it is free. ' Roy L. Johxbox, Farm Broker Science Hill, Ly. Burns, eoonums. aaW. Try H afM, Bucklen'o Arnica Salve Hmi Um ff. aii uraggMca (at Farms for Sale One farm cnntiiiirinor H.r aiM one mile from Elizabethton, Tenn. t me place for poultry and dairy. ing. Good house, 3 bams, 3 poul. try houses, plenty of water, and all in grass except 20 acres in corn, etc. Price $4,000. Tract No. 2-1 60 acres, all level land, 25 acres in timber, 2 houses. 2 hams. crnciA nrchturA. MvareJ fine springs, creek running thru the place, 2 1-2 miles from good town, railroad atatlon at tiIam. GO acres of meadow, 40 acres in corn, 30 acres in wheat, all level w rite tor part iculars. Price, . . $15,000 Jett Brothers, Elizabethton, Tennessee, A. W.Dula,0D EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. Home Office, Lenoir, N.C I will in the future devote my v entire time to fitting glasses and optical work, which I have madt a specialty for the past 15 yean I have just purchased a one sit of orjtical instrument that I ear ry with me every trip and I will be prepared to examine eyes and fit glasses whether advertised or not. done at this shop under positive snaeaneaai sV .1. mstAp1sl nsial I. W" tsnvw sej guaranteed to be gsoulni.1 BstlSMtM furnished on all mall orders. Batls faction o-aaranUl In averv reSMOt on all railroad watehes. Offlee near the Watauga Co. Bank, .T.W.RRVAV Graduate Jeweler and Watebmsksr BOONK.N.O. to Yti a Wa? 0 cm I - SM SB m .'V,-. it!

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