in n : Tl IN Watauga Stmorrat H ft G River, Proprietor. ,'e-r ;4 Thursday, May 18, 1916. BLOVING I0CX BREEZES. poi-ti you I The only services in town last befuSunday were those o! tbeEpisco men'pal Church, in the public library jpwJwell attended by all denomina- owe pchoolu out in full force, Baptist . . . . 1 iL pivoafternoon. ding Anions the new arrivals at rhrh'Wntauga Inn are the following: oiinMisu Wharton and niece, Miss for tsh.ivpi- of SRlmburv.Mr. and Mrs. glorj. W. Cannon of Concord, Mr. 1 Cand Mrs. J. W. Cannon, Jr., Mr. dutjjj. C. Triplett of Lenoir, who to dbrought three skilled mechanics in;; 'with him to help J. Lee Hayes ensiigct tht; Green Park Hotel annex pi'l'Jrtuidy for the season, (Mr. Trip p ''H'lett and party stopping at the in tlliiu. running back and forth in Htorthvir car for meals and lodging;) n.-rnMi anJ Mrs. E. H. Haines of wniHJiiieago, Mr. Haines connected out 'with the weather bureau, making 'v atuuga Inn headquartern. and "PI'bi.fside the foregoing, the follow I ' inghave been recent guests at i ' the ever more ami more popular fo rn in a: Mr. John Andrews and Mr. a "and Mm. Mebane uf Boston, Mr. bec(E. M. Wilbert of Washington, tl.,i :.!... n t a.. I :n pidroute for Valle Crucis, Miss Flem ''ing of Boston, with Miss Wilis tlie nant, trained uurse of M organ ic Ston, Dr. Terry and Mr. Ed Ship jley of Vu lie Cruris, Mr. Bert Johu i'son of Hickory, these and others to too numerous to mention, some J""only running in for a delicious 0,nit'ul euch as the lun knows how an J to serve. one Tracey Councill, son of our friends. Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Coun- tai c''1 ' oone ave u8 a pleasant - call last week when returning ifrom Lenoir. j Mr. v. (i. Randall, widow of I North Carolina's greatest artist "c 'who was among Chapel II ill V '9, most devoted alumni, is a guest 8.uf at La Iiada, the attractive home "of her sister Mrs. Ogden E. Ed ,no!wiird8, Mrs. Rogers, daughter io'i and Miss Edwards, grand daugh l!terof the Colonel also visiting I'M there. di'l Mrs. Bessie Patterson is spend . ' of ! ing th- week ati hetola, the beau tiful home of the Btringfellows. tl1'. The modern restaurant in the ! Miller Building, kept by Mr. and 8U,1 Mrs. Wenley Hartley is doing n 1 ' good ItiiNiiiess, the travelling HCl public knowing where to find a w,) good meal at a reasonable price, wil Two vpars nim. n, kind lnrlv - - o-' - , ,e' friend of our boys bought and ; loaned to each member of tl; plc Boy Scout Camp a handsome nei pair of skates, these skates to be lle! returned each upring uti'l gotten coi lai f01. t,e winter, but, though ve! t i, ...... ,.,... 4 iiii-nui."inui l ill ft) MlllieiB uue ""j iie ltvd since then, only two pairs ,m. of skates have been returned. Hoys, hunt up those skates, ia "shine" them and take them to li Clu'tola and tell your kind friend that you "honestly forgot." ! vn oaim now. it' r . s. Houck and family at. f tended the Lutheran synod lust Kz nuiL' nonr IIwbrrir 1 Messrs Finley and Russel Hod- I ges returned Saturday from a hunting and sight-seeing trip to Elk Knob. They report a nice trip with plenty of game. i Mr. and Mrs. D. W.Cook spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cook II on Stony Fork VMrs. Smith of Butler, Tenn., . and Mrs. R. H. Butler of Mt. City n have been spending the week with their father who is still very 11 sick. Rev. N. Y lount of Hickory Is spending thesummerin themoun j t uns assisting Kev. ai. l. tai ! penter in his ministerial work. : The condition of our friend Mr. J. L Green remains unimproved. A Mr. Turns'' of Lincoln coun- ty was in this community a few UKSEYPH081JL We thought that we had struck the limit in the way of Republi can claims and expectations for the forthcomingelection in North Carolina in the statement issued from the headquarters of Elihu Root, candidate for the Republi can nomination for President, but we had only started. The Root publicity man held that there were prospects of car rying three Congressional Dis tricts in North Carolina by the Republicans. That was a whop per of a hope, but along comes an interview given out in Wash ington by Republican State Chair man and candidate for Governor Frank A. Linney whose "think" is that the Republicans can car ry six of the ten Congressional Districts of the State I ! Whoo pee 1 ! I laying that "The prospects of being successful in the coming' e lection are good," the Republi can State Chairman, &c, contin ued: "I think we can carry six out of the ten Congressional Dis tricts, the tenth, ninth, eighth, seventh, fifth, and third, with a possible chance of one other." Cun the responsibility of being Republican State Chairman and Candidate for Governor have dazed the man? As asked in a more or less noted case, "Who's looney now?" This Linney "think" is a cor ker. It took a trip to Washing ton to pull any such stuff. North Carolina is entirely too small to hold the "think" of State Chair- man, &c. He must -be allowed to expand. But as for the vote in North Cui-olia getting any where in the vicinity of the Lin ney "think," why Mr. Linney has a number of more "thinks" com ing to him. It is such stuff as handed out in Washington by Mr. Linney which go to make the Republi can party of North Carolina more than ridiculous, but Republicans learn little sense. Linne.v knows that his party hasn't got the ghost of a show in "six or possi bly seven districts," and that it is going to be put to it to carry the tenth, which now has a lie- publican Representative in w ash ington, for the outlook is that it will this year return to the Democratic column, giving North Carolina a solid Democratic del egation in Congress. The News and Observer. Mrs. Ada Michael. A very sad funeral service was held at Mt. Pleasant Lutheran church on Inst Wednesday", May 10. when Mrs. Ada Michael, wife of Mr. Arthur Michael, and dau ghter of Mr. Alfred Moretz, was buried. Sad, because she was so suddenly taken away by the cold h ind of death from her little son, her loving husband and many relatives and friends Shewascut down in the very prime of life, be. ing only about 30 years of age. About six years ago she was married to Mr. Arthur Michael, to which union was born one lit tle son, now about three years old, not old enough to realize his great loss. A few years ago she and her husband moved to Ta- coma, Washington, where they resided until her death. Her bus band and little son came all that long distance alone to this place, to have her buried, a very long, sad and lonely trip. She was baptised in infancy, was instructed and confirmed in the doctrines of the Evangelic Lutheran church, in which faith she lived a consistent life until the end came. She rests in the sure hope of the resurrection to eternal life. Let us not sorrow as' those who have no hope. I commend her husband and child, and all her relatives to Him who doeth all things well. The funeral service wnsconduc t id on the day of her burial by the undersigned. M. L. CARPENTER. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASJJLORIA Snail Pu it Ziearillt. There are quite a number of cases of small pox in this and neighboring vicinity. Shadrach Potter who lives near the gap of Rich Mountain has a severe case, ti n j i i :i t : iuuu urceu ttuu uio luuiiiv ui tu or seven all have the malady, Lon Green's wife has it, Joe Wood ring who lives on the bead waters of Meat Camp and his family have the ailment and it is thought that Charles Thomas of Trade, Tenn., is taking it as he is sick and has been exposed to small pox. There are a great many people who have been ex posed to the disease. The disease was brought here by one Tom Green who contracted it at or about Wilson's Creek. C. M. TR1VETT, Zionville, N. C. Mr. W. N. Thomas Nat i Candidati for Sheriff. To the Republicans of Watauga County: Forfearof a misunderstanding, take this method of announc ing to the people that I am not an aspirant before the Republican Convention which is to be held in June for the office of Sheriff of said county. . If the people of the county ow ed me anything, they have paid me by electing me twice to the of fice of Treasurer without any op position, for which 1 thank one and all very much. Very Respectfully, W. N. THOMAS. Tracy, N. C. (Adv.) Pains and Aches Caused by Kidneys Many women attrlbuts allmenti and suffering to some disease pecu liar to their sex, when often the pain and misery is caused by weak or deranged kidneys. Housework, office work or factory work may start the trouble, and dizzy spells, pufTiness undor eyes, tore muscles, stiff Joints, discolored or scanty urine, sleep disturbing bladder ailments, rheumatism or diabetes may result When the kidneys are strong and healthy they Alter out from the blood the poisonous waste matter. When they are sluggish or overworked they weed a medicine to clean them out and Invigorate action. Foley Kidney Fills are prepared expressly for the ptirpose of dissolving all poisonous substances and urlo acid that lodgo It the Joints and muscles and to cleanse and strengthen stopped-up, Inactive kidneys. Thousands of men and women In all parts of the county testify to the wonderfully satisfac tory results they have had from tak ing Foley. Kidney Jrtua, Information for Women. Housework is trying on health nnd strength. Women are as in clined lo kidney and bladder trouble as men. Aching back, ntiff, sore joints and muscles. blurred vision, puftiness under pyes, should be givpn prompt at tention, roley Kidney Film re store healthy action to irritated kidneys and bladder. LOSING MONEY. The man who carries currency around in his pocket to pay bills with is apt to lose it. Better pay by check, it will make you economical and meth odical. Bank of Blowing Rock has a place for your account in its books, and a check book is ready for you. Do It Now. Are You a Woman? i Mui Tb Voie's Tonic fa su a ucat y Taken With Croup. " "A few nights ago one of my patrons bad a child taken with croup," writes M T Davis, mer chant Bearsville, West Va. 'A bout midnight be came to my store and bought a bottle of Fo ley and Tar Compound. Before morning tne child was entirely re covered." ImanvKucb letters have been written. M B Blackburn. Merchants and Farmers! You are especially invited to come to Riverside to sup ply your needs in Groceries Flour, Corn, Oats, Salt, To bacco, Hardware, Spach Wa gons, Corn Drills and other Farming Implements, Ferti lizers, Acid Phosphate and Rock Lime. We keep these constantly on hand, and at attractive prices, and by trading with us you save money for your own pockets When you once give us a trial, we claim you as a reg ular customer. Bring us your produce, we pay highest price. Wealso handle Cross Ties, Tan Bark and Lumber. Yates Bros., RIVERSIDE, N. C. "Attention, Merchants & Farmers! When you have anything in the produce line to sell don't forget that I buy all kinds of produce at highest prices and pay SPOT CASH. I always keep in touch with the best markets, thus ena bling me to pay you good prices all the .time. When you have any produce to sell of any kind it will pay you to see or write me before sell ing. I am located in the de pot at Riverside and keep Flour, grain, feed stuff, and fertilizer at lowest prices. So when you come to River side don't forget to give me a call. My Motto: "A sqare deal to all, all the time." N. G PARSONb. Notict tl Sail. North Carolina, Watauga Coun ty, J. 0. Culver, etal, vs Will tteese, et ai. I, U. J. Cottrell, having been ap- puiiireu us commissioner to sell the following described land in Cove Creek Township Watauga county North Carolina and ad joining the lands of J. 0. Culver, James Isaacs and a land known as the McGuire mill property, and contains 2 acres more or less. In compliance with the or der of the superior court appoint ing me, the undersigned. I will on the first Monday in June 1916 it being the R day of I une 1916, sell to the highest bidderforcash the land aoove described at 1 o' clock p. m. at the' court house door in Boone, This t he 22 day .11. A oi Apru xv io. C. J. COTTRELL, Com., Do Your Spring and Do It Chattanooga. THE CHATTANOOGA Is Especially Made For This Mountain Section, and will do Better Work At Less Cost for Repairs THAN ANY OTHER. Get The BERNHARDT -SEAGLE CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE LENOIR, - NORTH CAROLINA, Ho! For 1916. This Space Always for What You Need. The year 1915 having past, and the undersigned hav ing been fairly successful in business, is therefore stimu lated to renewed energies. So I announce to the ner&l public that when you are in dise you can do no better than call on me. A full line of fresh groceries always on hand and at the right price. A Complete Line of Hardware always kept on hand. Hardware is indispensable. You can find it at my place of business to your liking. You will find my line of farming implements most complete. Farmer's Friend and Oliver Chilled Plows and repairs al ways on hand. Men's Hats and Caps. kept in stock in great variety and prices. Dry Goods and Notions are something that everyone must have, so this department is very strong. Lowest possible prices. SHOES! Shoes have been worn in some form or othersince the creation of man to the present, and I feel sure that I keep the best assortment handled in all this section, so it is to your interest to come to me for your footwear. It is not necessary to multiply words, a thorough trial purchase should suffice. H B, BLACBURN, BOONE, - N. C. Uid You Enow That I am prepared to save you money on every purchase you make from me? My line of goods is complete, and nothing more than a reasonable pnee is ever charged. Call, investigate, and see if this im t true. I can supply your wants in dry goods of all kinds, Groceries, Foot-wear, (the best on the markets,) Hardware, etc. etc. If you are not one of my customers I want you to begin now. J 6 Your Produce Wanted. We pay the highest market prices for your but ter, chickens, eggs, corn, hams and other good county produce. . ?ont f ail l? me for plows and plow repairs. A large supply kept constantly on hand. Plowing Wow With a Best. need of anything in merchan j ;ays buying produce. . ' iiajsjii'-TiiV-f'" i -f' li mi' '-ti''iV'iiiihi'iIl ;i:fcniwm.iiu