s Qftt Oatauga SDemotrat Town and County. i , , r A nice suit of clothes, did you MAMI DlanlrKnm Vaa if arA of eaj, x.o-.u.o the right price, too. T if 41a Mlaa TCI iva hath VlniT I M Hickory, is a visitor at the tome of her uncle, Mr. J. u. Mor- etz, in Boone. Mr. H. Neal Blair, of Route 1, had the misfortune to lose one of his fine black driving horses as a result of colic ou Monday night, During the dry weather the brick-makers have been making splendid time, the first kiln now being put up. George A. Bryan has taken a position in the office of his brother-in-law. Title Inspector, J. C. Fletcher who now has headquar ters at Asheville. Little Louise, the precocious little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 0. Farthing, was right un well several days last week, but is now much improved. Nice fresh groceries always on hand at Blackburn's. Canned goods, evaporated peaches, etc., just opened. Your money works while you sleep if you have it in the Sav ings Department of the Watauga County Bank. Interest compoun ded quarterly. Better open an ac count today. - A pie party will be given by the Woman's Club at Valle Cru cis public school building on Sat urday night May 20, at 8 o'clock Proceeds to be used in behalf of the M. E. Church. The extremely dry weather of late has; interfered materially with plowing $nd . as a result much corn ia yeVunplauted. And it seems that the end of the long protracted drought is not yet in sight. -Rev. M. A.'dams, the newly gg - electea pasjor "Tf churches in Boone, Blowing pock U and Cove Creek, with his family, and Cove Creek, with his family, arrived here Tuesday and is now nncrivftnanoncedin the Baptist parsonage, Mm. Payne and fam- ily having moved to the Day nmnprtv near the school. r;-ri i Our aired friend, Mr. John C. Brown, of Bristol, Tenn., arrived at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. L. Bingham, on Monday afternoon, and will spend some time here, hoping to regain his somewhat run down health, and we trust his hopes will be realiz ed to the fullest Attorney John E. Brown, re cently moving to Boone, will bang out his professional shin gle here, with office with Lovill & Lovill. The young man has spent much time and means in prepar ing for his profession, is well e quipped, and we bespeak for him splendid success here. The North' Carolina Confer ence of the Tennessee Synod de cided at its last meeting, held in Catawba county, to hold its next regular meeting at Mt. Pleasant church, noar Sands, this county, beginning on Thursday before the 5th Sunday in July and con tinuing through Sunday. MesdamesW. C. Coffey and R. C. Rivers attended the com mencement exercises at Daven port College in Lenoir the first of the week, Mrs. Coffey and daugh ter, Miss Henry, going on to "Wilkesboro for a few day's visit to relatives, Mrs. Rivers and daughter Velma, returning to their home yesterday afternoon. . Another beautiful line of Ox fords for men, women and chil dren just in at Blackburn's. A Ctri if Thinks. To our friends: We wish to thank you for your kindness at the funeral of our daughter and Mr and Mrs. A. J. Moretz, Arthur Mikel ' . The grass crop promises to be extremely short owing to the continued dry weather. If in need of automoblew- F r n nt a 1 3 A huo i ouj Kina write or see Banner & Ricbards at Banner lK mey also conduct a gener- al repair business. TU ai ri. t tt tel is progressing nicely, and the building when completed will be one of the best appointed host- lenes in the mountains. Sunday services at St. Luke's church: Morning prayer and Ho ly communion at 9 a. m; preach ing services'at 11a. m; children's service 3 p. m; evening prayer, 5 p. m; preaching service 7:30 p. m. Mr. Thomas L. Criteher, of Bamboo, one of our most enter prising and public-spirited citi zens, with a goodly number of enthusiastic citizens of the Cook's Gap section of the county, are now engaged in the preliminaries necessary to the construction of a well graded road from there to the foot of the mountain, or, pos sibly on to Darby. Some time ago we stated that ex-Sheriff J. L. Hayes had gone west, but our informant was nev er worse misinformed in all his life. He only made a short visit to Johnson City, and just now he is chasing a political bee with considerable energy in fact he is a candidate for the Republican nomination for sheriff, and really it seems now that he will be the winner. On last Friday morning At torney Frani A. Linney received a telegram calling him to Wash ington, D. C, and at 11 o'clock he left in his car for Hickory and reached the Capitol city that night. He spent the day there, Saturday, leaving for home at 7, p. m., and arriving here at 2, p. m., on Sunday. This, beyond any question, is the best time ever made from our village in t h e mountains to Washington, the automobile, of course, being re sponsible for the same, it almost el bating the distance between u e be and the railroad. Two negroes, man and wife' hailina from Alabama, but just now from the new rail road near Foscoe, were lodged in jail here on Sunday last, in default of the , - , . required uouu lur weir npiivar- ance at the next term of court. The two negroes became involv ed in a difficulty, and "hubby" stabbed "wifey" in the right breast, and inflicted an ugly wound in her shoulder. In return for this conduct, which the wo man took as insulting, the devo ted wife knocked her assailent down with a rock. They were ar rested, given a preliminary hear ing and bound to court. And all this over a little family row! One M?. Ellison, of Arkansas, but later a construction boss on the Whiting railroad, who has served a twenty-days sentence in Boone jail for line and costs for an affray, threats, etc., will now have to serve a term of 6 months longer as he has failed to fill the peace bond required by the jus tice before whom he was tried. Ellison claims to be a veteran of the Snanish-American war, and came to Watauga from the Sol diers' Home at Johnson City, Tenn. He says he was a "Rough Rider," and exhibits many scars onhisperdon from wounds re ceived in the memorable battle of San Juan Bill. He is a very in- terestine talker and is sadly be moaning the hard luck which has overtaken him. FOR SALE! Thorough bred and registered Short Horn Dur ham bull. One year old ana weighs 600 pounds. Price reason able. G. C. Winkler, Boone, IS. t. King Spears. Thtt pfilebrated saddle stallion, King Spears, will be in Watauga acain this Spring, and will make the circuit irora tne ruuey raxm on Meat Camp. HARRISON BAKER. Shiriff Kilty in tie Stills. Up to date, our worthy Sheriff, W. P. Moody, during his short term of office, extending over a period of only 18 months, has captured and turned over to the board of county commissioners eleven blockade distilleries, cap tured within the borders of our county. With this number to his credit, it was thought here that this vigilant official was through with his work of destruction on these plants of damnation, but not so. On last Friday he receiv ed word that one other illicit plant was in operation near the county line in Elk township. He, on receiving the word, immedi ately left in search of the plant, and by noon on Saturday, he de posited in the county lail the best one yet captured. Tbe still, when found, was yet full of slop, but the men who operated it had made good their escape, but if they are are successful in esca ping the argus eyes of Pres Moo dy and his efficient deputies, they are, indeed pass-masters in the art of evading officers. At this dispenser of the ardent, Sheriff Moody and his deputies over turned more than 400 gallons of beer, destroyed many bushels of meal, malt, etc., together with a lot of backings' and a keg of the real product, which was found near the site where the still was captured. The still, worm and cap are of pure copper, and, from appearances one could easily de cide that it has seen long service. All this to show what a very effi cient and tireless worker we have in the person of Sheriff Moody, and to let the people know that he can always be depended upon to run down law breakers and see that they get their just de serts. It is indeed doubtful if the State of North Carolina could produce another sheriff who has done as much work along this line as Sheriff- Moody, and all of our people, without regard to past political affiliations, should praise him for the noble work he has accomplished. BANK STATEMENT, Following is the report of the condition of the Watauga County Bank at Boone. N. (J., in the Stair of North Carolina, at the close of business May 1th, 1916, KESOURCE9. Loans and discounts $188,048.91 Overdrafts 93.51 Bunking houBe 2,000.00 Furniture and fixtures 1,000.00 Due from Nat. banks 13,988 73 Dui fiom State Bmks and Bankers 10,941.40 Cash Items 620.00 Gold coin, 4,317.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 1,339.16 National hank notes and other U. S. notes 4,218.00 Total $326,366.71 LIABtLtTCBi Capital Stock paid in 17,000.00 Surplus fuud, 15,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur. rent expenses and tax paid 4.302.36 Bills payable 22,500.00 Deposits subject to check 64.316.43 Time certificates of dep , 100,234.3 1 Cashier's cks. outstanding 1,0115.70 Savings Deposits 1 ,997 9 Total $216,366.71 State of North Carolina, Watauga county, ss: 1, G. P. Ilagaman Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear tbe above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. G. P. Hauaman, Cashier. CorrectAttest; N. L. Mast, W. C. Coffey, L. A. Greene, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this May 15, 1916. W. D. Farthing, C. S. C. L, D. LOWE, President. . H. B. PERRY, Vice-President L. U. FARTHING, Cashier. The Valle X We solicit the accounts of all persons'in this new Bank, and we will do our best to accommodate the people and render the greatest service consistent with sound banking. As the time draws nearer for a vote the people should not lose sight of the constitution amend ments proposed, and particular ly the one that will take from out of the grasp of the Legisla ture the making of local laws. This will not only give the Leg islature more time for the con sideration of State-wide propo sitions and less incentive to make "swaps," but really give to the counties a better brand of local s e 1 f-government. Wilmington Dispatch. NOTICE. Robert Greer is appointed the Judge of Election in Elk Town ship ia the place of Joel W. Hayes resigned. J. M. MORETZ, Chm. Co. Board of Elections. NOTICE. North Carolino, Watauga Coun ty. The undersigned, having been appointed and duly quali fied as administrator of the es tate of Thos. Coffey, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to exhib it tbe same before him on or be fore the 6th day of April, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 4th day of April,' 1916. JOHN W. HODGES, Adni'r. NOTICE. Tbe undersigned baring been ap poluted and duly qualified as admin istratorot the estate of Landrine Eg gers, deceased all persons having any claims against said estate are no tilled to exhibit tbe same before him ou or before May 1, 1917 or this notioe will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 87th day of April 1110. E. R. EGGERS, Adm'r of Landrine Egger. FOR SALE. Farm containing 80 acres in Carter county, saw and grist mill, good dwelling, good bam and all kinds of out otuldings. Land is practicallj- level creek bottom. Will sell for $5,000, a part down and balance on easy terms. For furthur information call on or write LEE COFFEY, Watauga Valley, Tenn. Ti the Voters of Elk Township: It is ordered by the Board of Elections that the voting place be changed from the present site to the Mt. Ephriatn school house. Done by order of the Board of Elections April 9, 191G. J. M. Moretz, Chm., John W. Hodges, Sec. May 30-JoIy 7 July 11-Autist 18 The Appalachian Training School will offer special ad vantages to public school teachers during the two Hum mer school terms. There will be more courses in iiibtruc tionand more lectures than ever before. A platform ad dress every day will be u pop ular feature. Write for book ' let to B. B. Dooghtrty, C03D0, N. C. The Jack with the reputation is the jack to breed to. The famous "Blair jack" is standing at lilairs. Sea son 7.00. H. NEAL BLAIR. Cruris Bank. BYNUM B. BANNER F. M RICHARDS, Jr. Automobile Passenger Service Any time after May 1st, our passenger cars will meet pass engers at Elk Park, N. C, or any other points on the East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad for trans portation to any points in Avery or Watauga Counties. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. Telegraph: Elk Park, N. C. Telephone: Banners Elk, N. O We especially solicit the commercial traveler's business. New Cars Good Drivers Reasonable Rate Automobile Repairing We will maintain a public garage at Banners Elk, N. C, espec ially equipped for repairing all makes of cars rebnil ding, repainting and general overhauling. A full line of parts for Ford Cars will be kept in stock at all times and a special mechanic for this particular car will be ready to serve you both day and night. State Regulated Gasoline Station will be maintained. Polorine Oil, trans mission oils and greases kept in stock. The famous Dia mond Tires will be in stock for you at all times. BANNER & RICHARDS :: :: Banners Elk, N. C. Ford Cars, Reo Cars, Hudson Cars. The Ford is especially recommended to the people of Watauga County. There is no oth er machine that will give you as much in the mountains per dollar invested, A Complete Line of Automobile Supplies. I solicit your business on any of the above lines. Please see Mr. John W. Hodges at once and place your order for a Ford Car with him. RUFUS L. GWYN, LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA. PRODUCE WANTED! We pay you cash for your Butter, Eggs, Chick ens, or anything you have to sell. We keep Flour, Meal, Feed Stuff, Salt, Etc. We are lo cated in the building just back of the depot. Always get prices before buying or selling W. S. MILLER & CO. TODD, NORTH CAROLINA N. L. MAST, Pres. G, P. HAG AM AN, Cash. The Bank That Appreciates and Protects its Customs Capital, Surplus, Profits and Stockholders, Liability :: :: :: J50.000.S0. It has been the policy of this bank to render tbe greatest service possible to the citizens of Watauga county . We appreciate tbe confidence tbe people hare shown in us, and the success they Lave helped us to achieve in building up a strong banking institution. With our improved equipment we are better than ever prepared to serve them. The Watauga County Bank BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. Get Your Supplies From Elkland Supply Co. TODD, N. C. GRAIN FLOUR PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE Fertilizers, Etc. THE TRADE OF WATAUGA PEOPLE INVITED New Building near Todd Mercantile Co., Todd, N. C. COMING TO TODD? If so, don't stop until you reach our store, where you will find a well selected stock of General Merchandise, especially such lines as Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Etc. Which we are selling at rock-bottom prices. We are on the market for TAN BARK, PULP WOOD, LUMBER, Etc. We pay cash for Chickens, Eggs, Butter and country produce. Be sure and give us a call when here before making your purchases, and get our prices. T.lcCUIRE BROS. & COMPANY TODD. NORTH CAROLINA W. O. COFFEY, Vice Prei. J. T. MILLER, Ass'tCasb. tJ ' V iff '

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