f ft' ft f- X . " )' . It. ! t I ' ;l t i I,; ? I h a o 0 J t I; !.: . I: i) t 8 lj n it li P 1 a t " t! . u 1' ' . W W I i . 8 n 1 a ' : u: 1 t . ' 8. ; I s: ti a i Mataug democrat V Published Every Thursday Ashville's bank deposits aggre gate $6,036,100.29. This shows the growth and increasing pros perity of the "City among the hills." Pick's 111 Boy. George Peck is dead; and o'er his head, they'll place a slab ol granite, on which I'd write, M01d f riend, good night! You filled with glee thib planet." How oft with joy your wicked boy in bygone days has filled mcl How oft 1 bleHi, that imp possessed, while laughter nearly killed me! Old Comrade Peck, you were on deck, in after days as speaker, did so ber deeds, wrote heavy screeds, for lofty fame a seeker. You gov erned well, so people tell, the province of Wisconsin; as magis trate you hit a gait that doubt less was entrawncin'. But no one cries, 'How nobly wise was Peck, the statesman, thinker; on states manship he had a grip, he surely wiw a clinker!' But by your bier wg slfed a tear; and draw our sackcloth closer, and say, "Good nnrhtl Old ' friend, sleep tight, V. TtaA Ttntr ani t.hn HwiPM!'' Willi uau wwj ww . - - - - - ; Walt Mason, in News and Ob server. Watch Child's Cough. Colds running of nose, contin ued irritation of the mucous mem braue if nevleted mny mean ca tarrhluter. Dou't take the chance do something for your child! Children will not take every med iciue, but thny will take Dr. Kiii'i'h New Discovery nnd with- out bribing or teusinjr. It's a sweet, uleasaut Tar syrup ana so effective. Juntlaxative enough to eliminate the wante poisonn. Almost the first dose helps. Al ways prepared.no mixing or fus sing. Just ask your druggist tor Dr. lung h New LMccovery. it win safeguard your child against se rious ailments resulting front colds. Fret Rule of Good Health: All Hchools of medicine agree th. it it is necessary to keep the bnv.ldopen and regular if one wi-ii' H lo eniov good neaitu. in di.HKiiou puioiiH tin e.vstpinnm) im-itfi'-iiM-a". ' mtiiuni' TtiOlets clean' the Itowels with nut-, uiiiniiir ur'naunea. bamsl Uotitiug, Bweeten the stomticli and invigorate the liver. M. B. Hi .ckburn. The strawberry crop in eastern Gold is being mined at a depth North Carolina hasbeen cut short of more than five thousand feet bv continuous drought in Africa, ROWS THIS. The Acbetf Ol House Cleaning. Wo offer one hundred dollars re m. . . waid for any case of oatarrh that san The pain and soreness caused not be curedby Hairs Catarrh .Care by bruises, over exertions and f. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, o. straining bouse cleaning time are we, the undersigned, have known soothed away by SIOUO S Lini- p. J. Cheney for t he In it 15 yean and ment. No need to suffer the ago- belieTe him perfectly honorable in all ny. Jo-t apply Sloan's Liniment fflTsJBSffi to the sore spots, rab only a lit- mRde by blB nrni) . tie. Id a short time the pain .national Bank Of Commbrcb leaves, you rest comfortably and Toledo, o. enjoy a refreshing sleep. One Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter grateful user writes: "Sloan's Lin- nally acting directly upon the blood imentis worth itsweiuhtiugold' PrtcVCT. keep a bottle 6n band, use it a- pot,!,,. gold by all Druggists, gainst all Boreuess, neuralgia and Take Halu Famuy -ptt forconstl- twuises. Kills pain, zoc as your patlon. Druggist. Terrible Croup Attach Quickly Repulsed By Old Reliable Remedy The Wilkes County Republican convention has been called to meet May 29th. At that time it will nominate a co,unty ticket. There is now talk of peace in Europe, Protect School Children. Measels, scarlet fever and wboo ping cough are prevalent among school children in mauy cities. A common cola should never oe neglected as it weakens the sys tern so that it is not in conation to throw off more serious dineaH e. Foley Honey und Tar is pleas inf to take, acis quickly, con aing no opiate. M B Blackburn Wireless s'ations are to be er ected by U. IS. navy in Hawaii and the Philippines having a ,700 mile radius. Wilkes Patriot: Something clow akin to a young war broke louse t" Darby Sunday, upon the m aMoti of th" firnt special traif I '. j i' 1 ( ninif twti. -1' Safe Medicine Icr Children. "Is it sak?" is the first ques tion to be couHidered wben tuv ng cough medicine for children hamberlaiirslougn Kemedy nan ng beeu a fuvoi ite with inoih r- of young ciiildieri as it con . - n i nth i i.i Iihi naico i I iMUXitlliUI M n lv.S, In i' ! il Iff II V selected VO- ' Hi nines a' sail I i -.r.i:( t HVeii, though i' IV llJ(KIII(.'d 10 l)H KOI I ni.i'ueM, fl'st to .i.ne nidi ', t h..c; ml the line i . lJOt. St pl'otlOUUCI'' lit; iniullt weJl Huppose. - -"ai fur Livei. iiW:uiiH f h'y contain the, II v- ii" uiiil'i'V 10 u-niiii: foi th coating hnles th K "ti'rt Nrt Life ri!i ::..,) i. ntn thai I'lii th li . tayte. D CO ii Ii . n k i iir iiu'Vi' i in1 bosveit frt'iv. . '" !ii:iv''i ii" .niusia, an digen'i ii. Jui' "y a boti:eoi Di K'"i x Lre nii-un i ik i 1 t" r .mi fed 'V T! v I5.ii.unn Orplinim' Ilonn five miles from Statesville, iseret i,ir i m v hailding to cost $15, O0'. i.-au.i MM WU OF DISSOLUTION OF Corporatic To all to whom thsie presots way come uromiDg; Whereas, It appears to my satlsfac tlou, by duly authenticated reoordol ttiM uroceedinsrs for ths volautarrv dlMolution thereof by ths unanimous consent or all tne stooKnoiders, de incited in my office, that the Snulk Willi Mercantile Company, a corpora tiou of this State, whose prinoipa olliue Is kituated in the town of Shulli Mills, county of Watauga, State ol North Carolina, J. A. Vvoodie being the airent t Derein ana in enarge then of, upon wnom process may bs oerv ed, has complied wun tne requin meuts of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1915. entitled "Corporations," prellniinan to the isooiug of this Certificate ol Dissolution. Mow. Therefore. I, J. Bryan Grimes Secretary of the State of North Cam Una, do hereby certify that the said roruoration did, on the 27th (lav ol March, 1916. file in my offloe a duly ex routed nnd!atteted consent in wrl tlu to the dissolution of said corpo latlon, execuieu oy an tne stocKhoid era thereof, which said consent and the records of the proceeding nfute suld tte now on file in my said office us provided by law,' In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my band and amxed my oflloial Hal at Rulelirli. this 87tU day of March, A. D. 1910. ' JJBRYAN MQRIES, ir' Secretary of State. rOLEY CaTflMOIC TjuSi. .1 I C 1,1 ll H 1 1 mi Ii. , n iu oin g e nl- ll ii iiiu-i t Ih i", eo ii- Lum iSuiiduy vu mothers day ilnny places observed the day ith uppi opi iale exercises. Wl kmn GorU rtor keepwham 1 cm aad colib for hi uuiir ' too wUb Felar' Hmt and Tr Compound. The minute that lioa-.ee terrlfyln? crovipy couch 1 htr.rd lu tl.u homo o( T. J. Barber, of Jefforuon, Oa., out comes Foley's Honey and Tar Com poundthere's always a bottle ready. Here's whu, he says: "I'v.o o( rny children, one bey and a girl, agcl eight and six years respectively, had terrible attacks ot croup last vlntsr and I completely ured them wita Foley'i Honey R-id Tar Compound. I have ten In family and for yearn I've used Foluy's liouey and Tar Cooipouod end it never falls.'! BBnlsh1 vorry and save dnclor btlla keep Foley's Honey and Tar Coiu- Sound always on hand, in your home, ne bottle lam a lcnn tim-U ki iW 'nnd ,afe and the Inct doo Is ua B-ood aa ths first tiot the k-onuina. Editor II. B. Varner ol Lexing ton is a candidate for congress in the 7th district Why Canstipation Injares. The bowels are the natural saw erane aystcm of the body. When they become obstructed by con ntjpation a part olthepoiHonous matter which they should Scarry oQ is absorbed iuto the system making you feel dull and stupid, aud interfering with the diges tion and assimilation of food. This condition is quickly relieved by Chumtierlaiu's Tablets. Ob tainable everywhere. HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE TESTED AND PROVEN Then is i Hiap if Solace in Betof Able to Depend Upon i Well Earitl Reputation ?or raonthn Boone readers have seen the constant expression of praise for Doan's Kidney nils and read about the good work tney nave aone in mis locaoiy. What other remedy ever produ ced such convincing proof of mer it? W. ti. Urews, railroad con ductor, North Wilkesboro, N. C, nays: "l navetaxen uoan s jvio After Four Tears of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Mock Gave Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky. In an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows: "I suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during nev Fills off on for the past three this time. I could onlv sit uo for a little years and nave always iouna tnem benenciat. wnenever my back aches or feels stiff a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills a good trial. 1 know from ex perience tnat mere ran t any thing equal to tnem ana i al ways keep a box ou hand." Price 50 cents at all dealers. while, and could not walk anywhere at an. At times, I would have severe pains In my leftside The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was soon confined to my bed again. After Don't simply ask for a kidney nothing seemed to do me any good. remedy get Doan s Kidney fills theHatuethatMr. W. U. Crews limi. Fust r Milburu Co. Props., iuttulo, New loik. On. May the 9th T. E. Dale, of Morganton, a student of Trinity College, was arrested and locked up for passing worthless checks. Insomnia. In J igest ion nearly always dis turbs the sleep more or less, and in often the cause of insomnia. Eat a light supper, with little if any meat, and no milk; also take one oi Chamberlain's Tablets im-. mediately alter supper, and nee if .you do not rest much better. Ob tainable everywhere. , 1 had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up In despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle ot Cardul, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking it From the very first dose, I could ten it was helping me. 1 can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are aU run down from womanly troubles, don't give up In despair. Try traui, tne woman's tonic unasneipea donoattbls shop more than a million women, in its 50 ond" a positive w" ' ' matirial used surely help you, too. Your druggist has guaranteed to be genuine. Estimates (uriilsned on all until orders. Hans WATGH AND cJEWELRYc REPAIi is w ' . ' sold Cardul for years. He knows what it wfll do. Ask him. He win recom mend it Begin taking Cardul today. Write to: ChttUnoosa Medlclnt Co., Udlw Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga, Tenn., for Social Instructions on your cat and 64-page book, ' Homi TraatBMnl far Women," ami In plain wrapper. J -61 (action guaranteed In every respedt ou all rai:roaa watches, umoe near in Watauga Go. Bank, J. W. BRYAN Graduate Jeweler and WatcUmaksr. BOONE. N, 0. NOTICE. Worth Carolina, Watauga county, 1 li uudursiKUed baviuir been duly quai!ik',l aa aduiiuiatralor of the e ate ui A. C. l5o wies deceased ail pt 1 oiiii liaviiiK ulaiuiH RKainst said tstalt ru uutitied to exhioit tlieiu before me 011 or before May 1, ID 17 or thii- uot ce will be. plead lu bar ot tlieli recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleare make luutedi ate payment. 1 Ills April 27, llu. II. L. Bingham, Adm'r. of A. C. Bowles deo'd. 11 if A,c Ir Auiuot IllLU. "I hu) 52 years old and have ten noul.iitj with k'utievs an .oUdtii tor u feowil many years." iiiten Arthur Jonef, Allen, Ku.iih. Sly ug is ugitiiiBi me to ever 1 ciiitu. lint F le Kutney Pills ui, ihoie (;), , u liiuU iny I Uill Have ll'ieil. iuieuu,ailMii, ucli UUtk, hllOOli'i pUIUH, H 1 1 h ,1.111m, ui filial anion, ull nave iteii itlievM. ii ii U.aikbuin. dUrt, R, D, JENNINGS t "ltEiJIDENT DENTIST 3,Bannei8 Elk, N. C. ZZZ J-At Boone on first Monday jt every mouth for -t or 5 days uid every court week. Uuiee at tbe Blackburn Hotel. tL Sals of Land For Taxes. By request of the heirs ot J. M. Brewer, deceased, I will sell at public auction, atthe court house .Joor in Boone, N. C , on the 5th duvot June 1910, it being the first Monday, the following real estate, to wit: About 76 acres of land in Shaw- ueehaw Township, on the watei of Dutch Creek, known as the J. M. Brewer s heirs land. Suid sale will be made for the tuxes for the years 1914 aud 9lo. and cost ol sale, lnis May 3, 1910. W. P. MOODY, Sheriff Watauga County. a&affaxvt-rart Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing GencU the limment tinglbg tluouch the flesh and quickly Stops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The best rubbing liniment is LIMIMT Good for the Ailments of Hoi-ses, Mulca Cattle, Etc Good for your oton Aches, Pains, Rheama'Jsoi, Sprains, Cuts, Btjirru, Etc 23c 50c $1. At all Dealers. NOTICE. Bv virtue ol the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersign ed trustee on the on the 13tb dav oi Nov.. 1915, by George C. Vaugnan and wile L u vaugnan, to secure certain creditors men tioned in said deed of trust, I, the undersigned trustee, will sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash at the court house in Rnnnn V C. nn trio 22nri day of May. l6l6, at the hour of 12 o'clock, M., the following de scribed tract of land, to-wit,a tract of land fully described in a deed from John Ray and others to Joseph T. Ray, by deed da ted 29 day ot May 1905, and re corded in'deed book No. 3, tpage 502, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Watauga county and containing 118 acres more or less and known as tneiiay lanas. This April 17, 1910. F. A. LINNEY, Trustee, CASTOR IA For Infftnts and Children In Use For Over 30 Yan Alwajrs bears the SI Signature of Entry Notice No. 2535. State of North Carolina, Watauira Connty, offloe of l?ntry Taker lor said oounty. Koby Pendley, enters and locates 50 nnrps of land ou the waters of Joes Fork, Blue Rldfre Townshn. adjoin iiiu th lauds of the Grandin Lumber r.v. (4. L. Btorie and others. Beeiu ning on aohestnut, the said Lumber Co's corner and Mortti 46 west with said 20 poles west with said lines to 0 L. Storie s, Thence various conr ses so as to.eover all vaeaut land In said bound ry. Entered April 18, 1010 fl. J, HARDIN, E. T. at home in any company The $695 Overland is a beautiful tar. It asks no odds of any car at any price either in power or appear ance ft is at home in any company. The remarkable power of its 35 horsepower en bloc motor is apparent at a touch of the throttle a smooth, quiet flow of power that responds instantly. It has convenience of electric con trol the control buttons are on the steering column. This arrangement is found only on the Overland and very few much hither priced cars. Deep, inviting divan upholstery, long underslunft rear springs, and four-inch tires provide real riding comfort And furthermore it Is finely finished in a rich, deep Brewster green, striped with pure ivory white,' and set off in pleasing contrast by. black enameled radiator and fenders.! You cannot get all the advantages of the $695 Overland in any other car' selling at anywhere near this price.' You get the benefit of the Overland factory's economics in building hun dreds of cars a day their enormous output makes it possible to give you more value for your money. Now is the time to order your car, for either immediate or Jater delivery. See us at once. HODGES AND CARLTON, AGENTS FOR WATAUGA COUNTY, B cone, North Carolina. fi8HDo?UGHTVRlTl