L. ' - - VOL. XXVII BOONE WATAUGA COUNTY, THURSDAY JUNE 1, 1916. NO. 41. v.. . 1 ! SiMtyts Oi lilsoa. Charlotte Observer. President Wilson's Charlotte speech is the subject of quite gen erai comment oy ne papers 80me eight miles beyond Blowing the country. In the mam the t., "l. r. Stalls Mills May li Great tillmi Center for Moootiii Section. The village of Shulls Mills, out tae country, in tne mam tne Rocfc . i vein, though there is natural thatsection of tne te. The 1 disposition on part of some pa- T , . n perstodifferwithhim TheNew read JuildinK theiroai into Ij'.flV P69!?' the village This is a certainty. to the President's assumption Theyareorki on their b5 I that a dead-lock exists inEu- i L. . A L.. ... .... luuiuer piuaD ana win oave Kgu rope and that Peace negotiations .. thfl nfiap future - . j may be possible. . "Of Mr. Wil li son's desire to be of service to the warring powers," says The World, "there can be no doubt, i but he can do little on his own motion. Unless it can carry out the purpose for which it brought ing in the near future. The de pot will be built just below the Shulls Mills Mercantile Com pany's store. It is not the fact the Whiting Lumber Company's road is be ing built into the town at the present time that is causing the r- r - urcoenii uiuc iuui is cauBiug mm 4U: Hint iLtimtonv caoama I uuiuWuuMW urJ excitement. This has been as- to be the jation wnicn man tan gured for 80me monthg Tne bi counsel. In such peace hints t .. h t . . t . have come from Berlin, concess- f. Qlllfltiona on . vls.t of M, ion rather than counsel is con- t, , . . f . a Woano.0 , .7 - , n. t;. ljanaon oi tne vvatauga a templated." The New Orleans Yadkin River Railroad, and Mr niliM.M.DtAnininA tiAAfl 1 ft TrA MlHlD . . ident's speech "a beautiful vis ion," but the dream,' "as old as society, has never yet come true, and there is too much reason to fear that the present war may Fletcher, of the Carolina & North Western Railroad. These gen tlemen, says a man from Shulls Mills, spent several days in that section and it was freely talked that the object of their visit was . jjm pujecii oi bueir visit woe bring others quite as terrible in Shuna Mills as an objective point ta train. Thfl Charleston Post . ite train. The Charleston Post thinks the speech "significantly in harmony with .the .murmur ings of peace that are heard above the awful crash of war." The address. The Post thinks, "is certain to attract attention to Europe and is doubtlass being studied in the chancelleries. It may furnish the material for a for their railroads It is a well known fact that the W atauga & Yadkin River Rail road is pushing their line on through the mountains as fast as they possibly can, and no one knows just what or where their objective point is. It is also a fact that the Ritter Lumber Com pany furnishes the Carolina & Pany luniiButJU me piatioraupowmcnreaia scu North Westem wkh a reater ion of peace may begin, ine cent of tfae bu8ine,8 than the Birmingham Age-Herald sees no railroad from tne E(gemont 8ec. encouragement for peace calling tton and 8ince thl9 iumber com the suggestion of the President wai800n finish cutting their in that direction "a vain hope. 8tanding tim5eP on thia 8id8 of The war will go on, that paper the divide, the railroad company says, "and the last chapter will wffl baye to look int3 anewfleid. .besadderUian the first. The xhi8 mu8t mean that their line Pbiladelphvai Ledger was mainly wm pU8hed on acr088 tbe struck with that portion of the mountaH1) through Coffey's Gap speech that touched upon the BaV8 the Bhun8 Mills report. A TEST. A professor in the University of Chicaeo told his pupils that he should consider them educated in the best sense of the word, when thev would say yes to every one of fourteen questions he should put to them. It may be oi inter est to you to read the questions Here they are: Has vour education given sym pathv with all good causes and made vou espouse them? Has It made you public-spiri ted? Has it made you a brother to the weak? Have you learned how to make friends and keep them? ... Do you know what it is to be a friend yourself? Can vou look an honest man or a Dure woman straight in tne eve? e Do you see anything to love in a little child? Will a lonely dog follow you in the street? Can vou be high-minded and happy in the meaner drudgeries of life? Do vou think washing dishes and hoeing corn just as compu table with high thinking as piano playing or golf? Are you good for anything to yourself? Can vou be happy, alone? Can you look out on the world and see anything except dollars and cents? Can you look into a mud pud die by the wayside and see any thing in the puddle but mudV Can you look into the sky at night and see beyond the stars? Can your bou! claim relationship with the Creator? Selected. says the Shulls Mills report. This whole matter is being very freely talked in the section around Shulls Mills and Valle Crucis and the people of that section look for something to materialize at an early date, Lenoir News. racial aspects of the United States and it regards it fortunate that "Woodrow Wilson isnolongerin the possession of Portean citizen- shin." Mr. Wilson's tribute to the citizenship of Pennsylvania, The Ledger declares, "will go far tnarn rd mo kino" nn for the slur ... r ----- n...ti..n-o. about our Declaration and at the uoou r or vo.ua. same time fixes him as a Middle Honey, Piue-Pine Tar and States man. It is for the future Glycerine are rfcognized cold rem to say if he is a middling states- -e p n . r. y man." H is just about the Meek- k; mp,Hi iii in a DleaRant lenburg Declaration of Indepen- gyrup. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Hon- dence at Philadelphia," The Led- ey quickly stops your cougn, nL.i a - -..W I'lmrkx vonr nold. Booths irrita Her Bays oetmjBuwiuuvu ui hud ,--, w 6 . J . v . . hi. J t on o the throat Excellent, for professional Bouuieruer. in , , d d u,80ne Asheville utizen comes to n 0f tbe best cough syrups mde. nnnoliiRinn that the oftener vou bottle. You . i . - . . read President Wilson's speech know just what you aretaicing ..... . I mm A mim A rirt Irnniva ita trrft in Charlotte the more you see in uuv-"r' r ...... . . ; n- I for f ontrhn and coldn. Insist on It" in tne opinion oi br. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey, Only ingaam xbwb, tuoowcvu, vuuuf,- 25Ci at Uruggists. DntHi was nu cAaibcu oppctti w nlmtions of thehour.'! His words Through pure oversight, doubt- . . . . I Innn nina nl f hau nrArihoi'loa n .... t-mYioA t,fh t.ha an lomni. icoo, uuut w - tyottheiimee.and are of deep Verduo's early fall has been coun- significance," when peace rumors "J - appear likewhitethreadsthrougn "M""'utw; iV Mil- An f rtAIFO I The Aches ol House Cleaning. The rain and soreness caused hv hrniHflH. over exertions and straining bouse cleaning time are soothed away by moan s uni- mnnt. No need to sutler tne ago ny. Just apply Sloan's Liuiment fcn t,hn nora Boots, rab onl V a lit- . r . . . .i . i tin. in a sbort rime tne p a i u iPAva. vou rest comfortably and . '-... . - enjoy a relresbing sleep, une orrntefnl nnnr writes: "Sloan's Lin iment is worth its weigbtingold.' Keep a bottle on nana, use it a gaiust all Horenes8,neuralgiuand bruises. Kills pain. 25c at your Druggist. folds, running of nose, contin- i : - . r:.. ued irritation of tne mucous mem hrann if npuleted niav mean Ca tarrhlater. Don't take the chance I do something for your child from the war zones." The New York Sun contents itself with criticising the President's gram matlcal style and suggesting a loan twniinnt uHfl of adiecti v68 and VWH - "yy guur vuiuij ivi jvui vmhwi an 'insistence upon his own ear- Children will not take every med- nMtness. ine rniioueiuuia. iwx-ncine. ous mey win uiv vr. nrd illuminated its first puge with King's New Discovery and with Pharlntta nictures. but evidently Innt .hhliincr or tessing. It's hainn nnftrrpl with the Presi- aimwt. nlPRsant Tar Svruu and dent over the' "minor" Declara- B0 effective. Justlaxative enough tinn. to p iminata the waste ooiBons. ihl. L..i innniinnln. llmnaf fho flrtll doiW hpmB. Al- ' I 1 1U iwhl Hlllllllim V. Ill Ulll WIM-I www h-uw 1 t ... 4.kn jtHin hv thfl uir. uAva nnnflrnd. no mixing or fus , iuu, v"7."" I J I 1 , , ... , mingham paper last quoted trora sing. -ustasK, your uruguiBi i to the effect that "commemora- Dr. King's New Discovery. It wiH ting tbe anniversary of the Meek- safeguard your child against se- v lenbunr Declaration, tne rresi- noun auuieuuj rwuiMug uj '- nr hi hnnrora that the United v. VI MW ' Haoa ! a Natmn of Deace. and tiat it has no wish to enter this war, as some fire-eating bypnen- ates hinted just now. . v Tki Fntan 01 The South BrihL Lexington Dispatoh. A few days ago a very eminent artist who visited Lexington made this remark. "I have been through every country in Europe and I lived for fifteen months in the northern part of the United States. I have only been in the South for a few months, but I have seen enough of its wonderful climate, its matchless beauty and th gentility of its people to make me love this section more than any place in the world. There is so much hope in the fa ces and hearts of your people. You have lost the stohdnesstliat characterized the fifty years fol lowing the war between the eta tea. You have set vour faces now toward the future, without forgetting any of the finer things of the old South. The average (Southerners has a whole lot of art in his being, and I am sure that the best field in the world for the musicians is here in the South. Your people should re ligiously cultivate and guard all thebeautitul sentiment and by all means avoid becoming com mercialized. Do not let a dollar get between you and your love for the beautiiul and make your souls small and your ideals nar row.' Just a year ago Dr. Walter Damrosch said in Raleigh: "1 am sure that the hour has come when America shall take the same commanding lead in art tbatshe has in business and finance over the nations of Europe, and I re gard the South as the best field (or music in this nation." Since then Dr. Damrosch has shown his faith in his prediction by con necting himself with the largest musical enterprise in America to be located at Black Mountain. Many other noted musicians are each year coming to the South to make their homes. The great stars are beginning to visit this section. Just a few weeks ago Raleigh paid $10,000 to opera singers and the venture was a success. People from all sections of North Carolina we"nt there. Ihe new day that we are "entering upofl ought to be indeed glor ious Always MakiocOver. What interests my thought more than anything else about the Uuited States is that it has always been in process of being made over ever since that little beginning and there have always been the same elements in the process. At the outset there was at the heart of the men who led tne movement for independence a very high and handsome pas sion for human liberty and free institutions. And yet there lay before them a great continent which it was necessary to Bub due to the uses of civilization it they were going to build upon it a great state among the family of nations. I heard a preacher once point out the very interest ing circumstance that our Lord's prayer begins with the petition for "Our daily bread" from which lie drew the inference that it is very difficult to worrhip God on an empty stomach, and that the material foundations of our life are the first foundations. Whatl want to call your attention to is that this country ever since that time has devoted practically all of its attention, perhays too much of its attention, to the ma terial foundations of its life; to subduing this continent to the uses of the nation and the build ing up of a great body oi wealth and material power. I find some men who when they think of A raerica do not think of anything else but that. But, my friends, there have been other nations iubt as rich and just as powerful in comparison with the other nations of the world as the Uni j ted States is, and it is a great deal more important that we we are going to do with our pow er than that we possess it Pres ident Wilson in Charlotte Ad dress. 1 18 '14 ly, T. . Bingham, Lawyer BOONE, N.C I0l'rompt attention given to nil matters of a legal nature Collections a specialty. Office with Solicitor F. A Llo ney 1-29, ly. pd. The peace between Italy and Germany is a peace that passeth all understanding. Philadelphia inquirer. ..Fret Rule of Good Health: All nchoola of medicine agree tbot it is necessary to keep the hntvula ftnnn and rpirnlar if one wishes to enjoy good health. In- rtlfrPBMnn D01IOD8 IDCITSlCIUauu . . . n . 11-.I 1 invitee disease, roiej lamaruc Tnhlptu olAanm tha bowels with out crimng or nausea, banish hlnntino- awmten tne stomHcn and invigorate the liver. M. B. Blackburn. Children Cry, FOR FLETCHER'S CASXORIA University of North Carolina. CHAPEL HILL Ni C. Maximum Serrlee to the People of the State. , The Summer School fcr Teachers-June 13July 28 (Write for complete announcement.) Able Faculty Complete Curriculum . Moderate Rates Credit Courses . . Delightful Environment Excursion Rate Tickets The Summer Law School Jnne 15- August25 Regular Session Opens Sept. 14. Stadenta wfyo eipfet to enter for tbe flrtttlve should complete their Arrangements aa early M ponlble. Piact-Makinc Under Difficulties. People who think it is the Pres ident's official and religiousduty to approach the Luropean bel ligerents every day or two on the subject of peace should note the fate of the remnant of the i'oru expedition. It has now reorgan ized as a Neutral Conference lor Continuous Mediation, and its latest achievement has been the employment of George Brandes to write an essay. Mediation is not undertaken except at the request or the in timation ot a power at war. inis need not be public but it must be unmistakable. To interfere with out invitation would be to speak for none of the parties in inter est and to subject the Govern ment so acting to grave stispi- cions. The conflict in Europe is nearing a deadlock involving sac rifices that are worse than use less. If that is the case a hint from one ot the nations concern ed would justify the President in extending his good offices So long as no move in tnisairection is made, he must assume that in terference on his part wouia oe unwelcome in some circumstan ces it might be regarded as a menace. N. x. worm. The Dignity of Labor. In the home there must be dis cioline. training, ideals, ambi tion and intelligent activity. When the family must leave home to find occupation or recreation, iherecanbe no genuine happi neBsfand no healthful growth To prove the essentials for indus try and happiness requires at least a reasonable degree oin nancial indedendence. There must bo at least one bread-win ner able to make the modest ex penditures for home equipment, and who has the spirit of sacri fies in order to indnce him to do PROPESSIONA L E. Glenn Salmons, Resident Dentist. BOONE, N. C. Office at Critcher Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 to 13 a. m; 1:00 to 4:00 p. m. Dr. G. M. Peavler, Treat! DieeaBee of the :ye, Ear Nose and Throat BRISTOL. TENN., Silas M. Greene, JEWELER Mabel, N. C. All kinds of repair work done under a positive guar antes. When in need of any thing in my line give me a call and get honest work at honest prices. Watch Rpairino A. Specialty VETERINARY SURGERY I have been putting much ktfldr on thia aubjeet; have received nr diploma, and am now well equipped for the praotloe of Veterinary Sor erv in all Iti branohea, and am th only one In the county, all oa or addreei me at Vilas, . . R. F. D.l . G. H. HATES, Veterinary Surgeoa. 5-17-'ll. E, S. COFFEY. -ATiORtiEx' Al LA.W, LIJONE, N.C.. rrotDpt attention given to til matters of a legal nature. IS" Abstracting titles and wuection oi claims a special 17. ll-'ll. I. D. LOWE Banner Klk, N. C. Insomnia. TnHicrPAtinn nearly always dis turbs tbe sleep more or les, and in of ton tbe cause of insomnia. tot alight BUpjier, with little U any meat, and no milk; alsotuke mediately alter supper, and eeil mi del not rest much better. Ob- jtainttble everywhere. so. The habit of industry and love of work are essential for success in any vocation to make a well' rounded life. Unnfortunate is the boy or girl who has been reared in luxury and idleness, and who has not been impressed with the dignity of labor. I think it was President Eliot of Harvard Uni versity who stated in a notable address, that it was necessary for every child I o have perforin ed m youth a certain proportion of manual labor. They must have experienced the weariness of tDil and thrill which comes from the completion of a physical task well performed. Such children receive not only the training, but they acquire a sympathetic interest in the man whose daily life is one.o toil. Besides, there is a harmoni ous connection between the brain I and the body, so that intelligent labor makes easy the raenta task. Fortunate are ihe grown men and women who under wise discipline have learned to labor with their hands. They are bet ter fortified against the enerya ting temptations of life and bet ter equipped for their vocation. Hon. John II. Small in Elizabeth City Independent. LOWE & LOVE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. PrarticA in tha courts of Averv and surrounding counties. Care ful attention given to all matters of a legal nature. 7-6-12. T. A LOV FlMole, X. C. F. A. LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOONE, n. c. Will practice in the courts of the 18th Judicial District in all matters of a civil nature. 6-11-1911. B. F. &vlll. W. R. Lor!l Lovill & Lovill -Attorneys At Law -BOONE, N. C Special attention given to all business entrusted to their care. . ,'. .'. FOUYCmMpcpBI Sea taaoca Swccl -LncrAcuve-ikiweb Keuta Dr. Nat. T. Dulaney SPECIALIST BTK, IAR; S08, THROAT ABD OUST ITKS KXAUIHID VOn SLASBKS FOURTH STREET , Bristol, Tenn.-Va. EDMUND JONEtt LAWYER. LENOIR, N. Ct- ; Will Practice Regularly in tbe Courts ot Mutjfuh. Y i . v ;,.iv? 1 .:;'..' .:-V .'. 1 i.i'.y i .-v '5 .