WT""" r 'PW HVf Town and County. -State primary on next Sat urday. The board of county commis sioners will be in session next Monday. Mr. Tracy Councill has re turned from a few day's visit to friends in North Wilkesboro. Parson D. P. Waters was right severely pounded on 1 a s t Friday night, very much to his delight -Miss Lucy Hardin entertain ed quite a number of her friends at a delightful rook party on last Monday night. Mrs. Edith Hayes Greene, of Upton, Caldwell county, is visit ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes, who reside near town. Come to the Methodist church in Boone, Junethe4th., one hour till noon. I've something I should like to say, to all the people on that day. D. P. Waters, Pastor. -Prof. Will Scott, of the Jef ferson School, is in town this week on business (?) we suppose somewhat foreign to the irksome duties of the school room. Their many friends in Wa tauga will be delighted to know that Dr. and Mrs. E. E.Bandolpr of Elon College, are in Boone for a few weeks, the Dr. having a po sition in the faculty of the A. T. S. Miss Bettie Stephenson, mem ber of the faculty of the A. T. S., is entertaining for a few weeks, two of her sisters from Alabama. The town welcomes them and hopes their stay here will be most pleasant. Electrical Engineer David R. Shearer, who visited New York, Pittsburg and other centers last week in quest of electrical ma chinery for the Whiting pecpleat Shulls Mills, returned to the vil lage Monday afternoon. Messrs. Fred Farthing and Bam Horton, students at t h e University and Wake Forest Col lege, respectively, are at their homes in Watauga, where they will spend a part, at least, of their vacation. As a result of the feariul hail storm on last Sunday, many of the farmers in the devastated ter ritory have turned theiijrye fields into pasture lands; in some in stances there being hardly a stalk of grain left in an entire bounda ry. The Judge Councill old home, which has recently .been thor oughly gone over and perfectly repaired, is now being painted bv Messrs Foster & Lane, and when completed, will present a very pretty appearance as it is located one of the most ideal sites in the town. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cook, of Bluff Citv. Tenn., who have been visiting friends on Route lfor the past two weeks, left for their home early in theweeK. Tins was Mrs. Cook's first visit to Watau- ea. and she was so delighted that they are now considering buying property in or near the village A Mr. Parsons, of Alleghany countv. oassed through town Monday, altera wool-gathering tour in Watauga, the price paid being 36 cts. cash per pound and no Questions asked, wondenui, is it. that wool should take such a ''bounce" underthe Demo cratic tariff law? Oh, no, only a natural result Among the many visitors in town the first of the week, were Mr. Robinson, of Burnesville, t with Miss Alma Hodges, of Cran- i ii berry. Alma is a graduate oi tne A. T. S., and no young lady who tin avnr been here was more pop ular or won for herself more friends than she. and her visits ata nnt, onlv much! emoved by the ''young set" but by the old er people as welL County Supt. Smith Haga- nian and wife, of Vilas, R. F. D., are in the village for a few weeks. Since the late refreshing rains the meadows have taken on new ife, and now the prospects for a 'airly good crop are right encou raging. Rev. M. A. Adams filled his regular appointments at the Bap tist church inBoone on last Sun day, and, as usual, edified his hearers with a splendid sermon both morning and night. The Appalachian Training School had a very good opening on Tuesday morning. There are orty or more men at Newland Hall and a hundred women at the new Dormitory. The old 'acuity is increased by the follow ing new teachers: Dr. E. E. Ran- dolph and Miss Mamie Randolph of Elon College, Prof. Van Dusen of t'arson-Newson College, Miss Okla Dees of Greensboro, and Miss Belle West of Banner Elk. The Savings Department of the Watauga County Bank was opened for business on Feb. 17, 1916, and today it has 78 de positors with a capital of $2,- 521 38. To be sure this isa splen did showing, and fortunate are those, who are laying up at least a small amount of their earn ings for the "rainy day" which is 6ure to come hrthe lives of many of them. Better start an account now. On Sunday evening last the Bamboo and Cook's Gap sec tions of the county were visited by the most terrific rain and and hail storm ever witnessed in that section, so say the oldest in habitants there. Many of the armers sustained great loss in their crops, either by being beat en down by the hail or washed away by the unprecented down pour of rain. Mr. W. H. Brown, carrier on Route 1, says that on Monday, he encountered drifts of hail, viuch of which was washed from the surrounding hills, that actually reached up to the bod ies of bisihores. The scope of country in the path of the hail only covered a few square miles, but a good rain was pretty gen eral throughout the county. Farmers' Union Rally. A public rally of Mabel Local No. 1919 of the Farmers Educa tional and Cooperative Union, June 17, 1916, beginning at 1 m. All are invited. All paid- up and delinquent members in the county are urged to be pres ent. PROGRAM. 1. Song. 2. Prayer by the county chaplain, E. J. Norris. Address of Welcome. 4. Ad dress by President M. H. Norris. 5. Speech by James Jackson, Lecturer and organizer of John son county, Tenn., 6. Fifteen minutes social. 7. Lecture by President Rhodes of the Farmers Union of Tennpssee. 8. Speech on education by Charles Culver. Talks expected of J. J. T. Rpese H. II. Greene, Newton How ell, T. P. Adams, ArlieG. Wilson. 10. Closing exercises by chap lain. UAMTCH 200wnite laborers II All IbU for new aluminum lanr. Wages jl.TO per eight i-ii Aav auvon rlflvn nop tviwlr Excellent chances for advance ment to good men. Houses with electric light and bath at lowest rates. Pure Altered water. We can also use brick layer, carpen ters and machinists. Apply at once to the Employment Bureau, Tallassce Power Company, Whit ney, N. C. 3t. SPECIAL NOTICE!! The Registrars and voters of the county will please understand that no vote is required in the primary election Saturday only when there are two or more can didates for the same political party. I have supplied the dif ferent registrars with all neces sary tickets. J. M. MORETZ, Com., ' That dollar you owe would be very acceptable at this office just now. Information for Women. Housework is trying on health and strength. Women are as in clined to kidney and bladder trouble as men. Aching back, stiff, sore joint? and muscles, blurred vision, puffiness under eyes, should be given prompt at tention, toley Kidney r ills re store healthy action to irritated kidneys and bladder DON'T TAKE k CHANCE. Boone People Should Act ii Time. If you suffer from backache; If you have headaches, dizzy spells; if the kidney secretions are ir regular, Don't delay likely your kid neys are sick. Thousands reccomend Doan's Kidney Pills. And hundreds reside right in this locality. Read the statement of this nearby resident: Mrs. L. M. Thomas, 729 Tenth Ave., Hickory, N. C, says: Some time ago 1 was down with back ache, brought on, I believe by kidney trouble. The pain both ered me particularly in the morn ing. After I got up and around for awhile, the trouble wore off, but appeared again the next moving. My ankles also be came swollen. I heard Doan's Kidney Pills highly spoken of and I got some. They gave me relief from the first and two box es removed the trouble." Price 50 cents at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pill's the same that Mrs. Thomas had. FosterMilburn Co. Props., Buffalo, New York. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con talned In n certain trust deed, execu ted to the undersigned trustee by B. C. ftreer on the 1st day of May 1911, and recorded in book U at Page 108 to secure tbe payment of $230 to A, J. Moreti I will on THE 3RD DAY OF JULY 1916 AT tbe court bouse door In Boone, N. O. at the bour of 1 o'clock p. m. sell to the highest bidder for cash the fol. lowing described tracts of lands in the county of Watauga North Carolina aud on the head waters of Yadkin Elk adjoining tbe lands of W. H. Blackburn, Filraore Watseo, J. T. Clawion and others and bounded as follows, vis: 1st tract: Beginning on a Spanish oak on the top of Blue Ridge at the east margin nf the Boone and Deep Gap road, and running with said road N 65 E 14 poles to a stake; then N 29 E 25 poles to a Spanish oak; then S 63 13 pole to a chestnut, Bartlett Brown's corner; then S. 85 E with Said line 94 poles to a Spanish oak; then S 23 poles to a incar tree, A Wil sonls corner; then S 45 W with said Wilson's line 11 poles to a Spanish oak on top of a ridge; then 8 88 W 80 noles to a water oak In J T (Mawion's line; then N 40 W with said line 30 I poles to the beginning, contalog 12 acres more or less. 2nd Tract: Beginning on a stake, L W Carroll's corner, and runs N 18 W 88 pole4 to a Spanash oak. Lot F Green's corner; then 8 68 W with road and W. H. Blackburn's line 28 poles to a locust sprout in tbe old road; tben a southeast course 14 poles to a dogwood on a rock oliff ; then the vame oourse down a hollow and branch 88 Doles to a stake in L W Carroll's line; then N 18 E with bis line to the beginning, containing S acre more or less. This May 80, 1916. V. L. MORETZ, Trustee. FOLEY KIDNEY PHIS TOR BACKACHl KI0NIYS AND BUD Oil Virginia & Carolina Railway Schedule No. 56 Effective May 12, 1915 SOUTHBOUND ! NORTHBOUND : STATIONS Dally Ex. Daily E. Sunday Eastirn Standard Tims. Sunday Flrst-Claw Flrst-Class i i, - I p. m. 7 20 Lv. ABINGDON Ar. '5 15 7 20 " WATAUGA " 6 00 7 45 " BARRON , " 4 45 t 12 " DAMASCUS " 4 20 ( it " TAYLOR'S VALLEY " 4 02 M4 I Ar. CREEK JUNCTION Lv. 8 48 A. m71 I I P. M. 1 27 Lr. CREEK JUNCTION Ar. 8 U 9 42 " GREEN COVE "I I 8 01 10 27 " TUCKERDALB " 2 IS 11 08 " WEST JEFFERSON " 1 40 11 2 " BOWIE 1 10 12 05 Ar. ELKLAND Lv. 12 40 No. 5 No. 2 KONNARC5CK BRANCH No. 4 No.6 P. M. JA. M.I 1 IP. M.lA. M. 8 17 8 85 Lv. CREEK JUNCTION Ar. 3 47 9 26 6 82 10 ( Ar. KONNAROCK Lv. U 33 9 11 mmmmmmmmmmmummmammnmasaBrs'V'-m-B-? .....ui . L, D. LOWE, President. H. B. PERRY. Vice-President L.U. FARTHING, Cashier. TheValle We solicit the accounts of all persons' in this new Bank, and we will do our best to accommodate the people and reuder the greatest seryica consistent with so" ntd lauking. Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles by using HAGANS Magnolia Balm. Acts inrfranrlv. CAm t- U..: Gears vour complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how good it is until you try it. Thous ands of women say it is beftof all beautifiers and heals Sunburn Quickest. Don't be without it a aay longer. Uet a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail diredt. 75 tents for either color, White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. tYON MFC CO., 40 So. St St. Brooklyn. N.Y. Dr. Oscar L. Moore of Lenoir, will be in Blowing Rock on the 1, 4 and 3rd of June for the prac tice of dentistry. 2t. FOR SALE! A cood lotofshin- gles three miles from Boone and a short distance from Sam Aus tin's saw mill. See P. M. Wiukler. FOR SALE ! Thorough bred and registered Short Horn Dur ham bull. One year old and weighs COO pounds. Price reason able. 0. C. Winkler, Boone, N. C. FOR SALE. Farm containing RO nrrpa in Carter countv. un w nnd oriut mill good dwelling, good barn andali Kinas oi out Duildings. Land is practically level creek bottom. Will sell for 5 000. n nnrr. rW-n and balance on easy terms. For mrinur miormation cull on or write LEE COFFEY, Watauga Valley, Tenn. May 30-luly 7 July 11-Augost 18 The Appalachian Training School will offer special ad vantages to public school teachers during the two sum mer school terms. There will be more courses in instruc tion and more lectures than ever before. A platform ad dress every day will be a pop ular feature. Write for book let to B. B. Dougherty, Boone, N. C. The Jck with the reputation is the jack to breed to. The famous "Blair jack" is standing at LHuirs. Sea son $7.00. II. NEAL BLAIR. Crucis Bank. BTNUM B. BANNER - f. M RICHJUtSS, Jr. Automobile Passenger Service Any time after May 1st, our passenger cars will meet pass engers at Elk Tarr, N. C, or any other points on the East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad for trans portation to any points in Avery or Watauga Counties. DAY AND NIGHT 8ERVICE. Telegraph: Elk Park, N. C. Telephone: Banners Elk, N. O- We especially solicit the commercial traveler's business. New Care Good Drivers Reasonable Rates Automobile Repairing We will maintain a public garage at Banners Elk, N. C, espec ially equipped for repairing all makesof cars rebuil ding, repainting and general overhauling. A full line oi parts for Ford Cars will be kept in stock at all times and a special mechanic for this particular car will be ready to serve you both day and night. State Regulated Gasoliue Station will be maintained. Polorine Oil, trans mission oils and greases kept in stock. "The famous Dia mond Tires will be in stock for you at all times. BANNER & RICHARDS :: :: Banners Elk, N. G Ford Cars, Reo Oars, Hudson Oars. The Ford is especially recommended to the people of Watauga County. There is no oth er machine that will give you as much in the mountains per dollar invested, A Complete Line of Automobile Supplies. , I solicit your business on any of the above -lines. Please see Mr. John W. Hodges at once and place your order for a Ford Car with him. RUFUS L. GWYN, LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA. PRODUCE We pay you cash for ens, or anything you you Flour, Meal, Feed Stuff, A -1 il V 1 1! . cated in the building just Always get prices before buying or selling W. S. MILLER & CO. fODD, NORTH CAROLINA N. L. MAST, Pres. G, P. HAGAMAN, Cash. The Bank That Appreciates and Protects its Customs Capital, Surplus. Profits and Stockholders. t has been the policy oi this bank possible to the citizens of Watauga county. We appreciate the confidence the people have shown in ub, and 'the success (hey Lave neiped us to acnieve in building up With obr improved equipment to serve them. The Watauga County Bank BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. Get Your From Elkland Supply Co. TODD.N.C. GRAIN FLOUR PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE Fertilizers, Etc. THE TRADE OF WATAUGA PEOPLE INVITED New Building near Todd Mercantile Co., Todd, N. C. COMING TO TODD? If so, don't stop until you reach our store, where you will find a well selected stock of General Merchandise, especially such line3 as Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Etc. Which we are selling at rock-bottom prices. We are oh the market for TAN BARK, PULP WOOD, LUMBER, Etc. We pay cash for Chickens, Eggs, Butter and country produce. Be sure and give us a call when here before making your purchases, and get our prices. McCUIRE BROS. & COMPANY 1 TODD, NORTH CAROLINA WANTED! your Butter. Eggs, Chick have to sell, we have to sell, we keep . Salt, Etc. We are lo- I 1 .1 back of the depot. W. G. COFFEY, Vice Pres. J. T. MILLER, Ait' t Cash, Liability :: :: :: $50,000.01 to render the greatest aervie a strong bankiuK institution. we are better than everprepard Supplies

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