tadrajfli Democrat Published Every Thursday What is i Farmer? Colonel Green of the State Far mers' Union has been having somewhat of a discusaibn in the papers as to what is a farmer, the discussion revolving around the clains of a number of candi dates for public office who have been appealing to the farmer vote. Colonel Green is disposed to the belief that there is not a simon-pure farmer in the bunch. It might be of interest to him to know that the Workman's Com pensation Board of the State of Pennsylvania has been seriously engaged in an argument over the same question that has been un officially engaging the attention of North Carolina. It is the Penn sylvania board's duty to render a definition as to "What is a Fanner?" A court decision had failed to exempt from the pro visions of the law those engaged in Ifruit-growing, poultry and stock raising, dairying and hor ticulture as a business and not merely incidental to general far ming. The board has given up the attempt to define just who is a farmer and will let courts set tle the matter. The point around which the question revolved was whether an employee on a farm whs engaged in casual employ ment or in the general business of fanning. It was stated that, if ainan repaired hwliarn in the general business .of farming, then he came under the exemption, but, if he followed the business of repairing barns or worked on barns not his own, then he was not exem.vt froni the provisions of i he cDinpensaiion act, or, in other words, not a farmer. In North Carolina it is 'contended. and perhaps properly, that the mre ownership of land does not constitute the owner a farmer, li is the man who gets up before day, feeds the stock, milks the cowmhiki puts in motion nil the raachiuery for, the day's work passes muster as the genuine ar ticle, Charlotte Observer. Work Is Health. Work is not the curse nor the affliction that some people think it is. When taken in proper do ses, it is the best of medicine. It is now being perscribed for many forms of invylidism such as heart disease, Briaht's disease, nerv ousness, and particularly for in sanity. The lack of work is ofteu the cause of many chronic mala dies and it is a wise physician who can determine when one needs work instead of rest and iti prescribing the remedy produces no ungleasant situation. About the most unhealth.ul person, as well as the most unhappy and useless, is the person with noth ing to do. Work is a dispeller of fears. It is the exercise that is essential to the body and mind as are food and air. It is only when work is carries to excess that it becomes injurious, as in the case with food rest and all good things. The ideal of a healthy, happy life ib no longer a world where work is not necessary add life is one grand sweet song of idleness. Life is activity; in tbe broad sense it is work work that pro daces and entails sacrifice. It is not less work that we need,' but work in the right proportions and under the right conditions. Such work is health. Ex. This new list of Republicans who are calling for the Colonel's Domination is chiefly interesting as a catalogue of those who were so quiet or dobtful in their party allegiencein 1912 that their present inclinations cause no sur prise and disappoint no expecta tions whatever. N. I, World. Til ED. When I was working oh t h e farm, and brandished, with my strong right arm, the muzzle loading hoe, I said, "I'm tired of such a grind; some softer snap I'll have to find, and to the town I'll go." . I got a job in Stucker's store, and there I worked three months or more, and still was short of bliss, and so I muttered, with a sob, "I'll have to hunt an other job, there is no fun in this.' I wrote insurance for a while, and and, as I walked mile alter mile; to rope some "prospect" in, I said, "I'm weary of this stunt; some other graft I'll have to hunt at which a man may win." I got a job of grooming swine, and found it wasn't very fine nor what I had desired, and so I raised ray voice and swore, as I had otensworn before, "This la bor makes me tired." I never found a job I liked, from every form of toil I hiked, until Ibroke ray tugs; that's why they're tak ing me today out to the poor- house, far away, where paupers swat the bugs. Walt Mason in Winston Salera Journal. . Spring. Spring is looked upon by many as tbe most delightful season of the vear, but this cannot be said of the rheumatic. The cold and damp weather briiips on rheu matic pains which are anything but pleasant. They can be reliev ed, however, by applying Cham berlain's Liniment. Obtainable verywhere. It is said that Armenians are now eating grass. The surpris ing fact about the Armenians is that any of them are left to eat anything. Baltimore American. Pills Best for Liver. Uecause they contain the best liver medicineH, no matter bow bitter and nauseating for the sweet sugar coating hides the taste. Dr. King s iew Lite nils contain ingredients that put the liver working, move the bowels freely. No tiripe, no nausea, aid JigHHtion. Just try a bottle of Dr. K.ing s iSew Hie rill and no i i e how much better you feel, 25c. at druggists. It is said that wire tapping is impossible in this city because there is a State law against it, H'm. Are State laws held inviol able to that extent. Philadel phia Inquirer. With universal military train ing this couniry will not have to depend upon the vagaries of a lot of potbellied Congressmen. Chicago News. A correspondent writing from Paris says the French people will forgive their German foes. After they have defeated them, of course. Washington Herald. - European hotel proprietors op timistically figure that the en tire cost of the war will be paid promptly as the regular annual American tourist season opens. Boston Transcript. The G. 0. P. leaders think it would be a splendid compromise if Roosevelt woul write an Amer icanism platform and then 1 e t them nominate Burton on it- Kansas City Star. Cut This Out-It's Worth Money Don't miss this: Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c. to Foley & Co., Chicago, 11,, writing your name and address clearly, lou will receive in return a trial pack ate containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for bronchi al coinrhn, i-oliis aud rroup; Fo ley Kidney Pills and Foley Ca thartic tablets. Al li blackbum It is just as well to pa rade your intelligence, especially if you want to escape jury duty. Ilis Age Is Against Him. "I am 52 years old and have 'een troubled with kidneys and bladder for a good many years.'' writes Arthur Jones, Allen, Kans. "My age is against me to ever get cured, but teles Kidney fills do me more good than anything 1 nave tried. "Kheumatism, acn ing back, shooting pains, s t i 3 joints, irregular action, all have been relieved." M B Blackburn.; The fellow who sows his wild oats doesn't reap any cerial as a breakfast food. DR. R. D, JENNINGS RESIDENT DENTIST Bankers Elk, N. C. JWAt Boone on first Monday of every month for 4 or 5 days and every court week. urnce at the Blackburn Hotel. CASTOR I A . For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean the Signature of : ' .t. Protect School Children. Measels, scarlet fever and whoo pine couch are prevalent among school children in many cities. A common cold should never be neglected as it weakens the sys tem so that it is not in condition to throw off more serious diseas es. Foley Honey and Tar is pleas ant to take, acts quickly, con tains no opiate. M B Blackburn. The Governor of Kansas has had a pumpkin named after him. To lovers of pumpkin pie that seems honor enough for one man. Toledo Blade. Safe Medicine Icr Cbfldren. "Is it safe?" is the first ques tion to be considered when buy ing cough medicine for children Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has long been a favorite with moth er of young children as It con tains no opium or other narco'ic and may be fliven to a child at confidently as to an adult. It is plentaot totahe, too, which is of great importance when a medi cine must be given to young chil dren. This remedy Ih most effi cient in relieving coughs, colds, and croup. Obtainable everywhere. Architects predict a new style of architecture after the war. Churches, we presume, will be bumb-proof. Detroit Free Press. Why Canstipation Injures. The bowels are the natural pew erajde system of tbe body. When they hecome obstructed by con stipation a part oltbepoiwonoun matter wbieh they should Scarry off is absorbed iuto the system making you feel dull and stupid, aud interfering with the diges tion aud aHsimilation of food This condition is quickly relieved by Chamberlain's Tablets. Ob tainable everywhere. THE Greensboro Daily News. (Member of the A. B. O. Is published every day in the year iu the center of North Carolina, mid way between Washington and At lanta. With its elaborate and efficient news gathering force it brings the news of the State, tbe nation and tbe world to your home early in the day, strong editorial force and an aim to treat iairly all factions in our news columns has been a large factor in our tapid growth. Our circulation now eiceods-10,000 daily and 12,000 Sunday. The News has special staff repre sentativesat Washington and Ral eigh, a double leased wire service, in cluding full Associated Press reports special news feature services, togeth er with the finest comio and woman's fashion sections printed in colors on our own color press. 8UB80RIPTION PRICE FOR A WHOLE TEAR IS ONLY $7. NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga county. The undersigned having been duly qualified as administrator of the es tate of A. C. Bowles deceased all per sons having claim against said estate are notified to exhibit them before me on or before May 1, 1917 or this notloe will be plead in bar of their reoovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pieate mane immeai ate payment. This April 87, 1816. R. L. Bingham, . Adm'r. of A. 0. Bowles deo'd. NOTICE. North Carolino, Watauga Coun ty. The undersigned, having been appointed and duly quali- neu as uumiuiBwtiujr oi ine es tate of Thos. Coffey, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to exniD it the same before him on or be fore the 6th day of April, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This tbe 4th day of April, 1916. JOHN W. HODGES, Adm'r. I ROWS THIS. Wo offer one hundred dollars rt wai d for any case of catarrh that ean not be cured by HaU'sJCatarrh .Cure F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions aud financially able to carry out any obligations made by bis firm, Natiokaji Bam Of Cokmxrcb Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces oi the system. resiimouiais sent rree. f rice 73 cts per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Halls Family Pills for consti pation. Children Ory - FOR FLETCHER'S , CAS TO R I A v2 and Aches, Reused by Kidney -.-ciiii-a I'.trlr-tito ailments ' v u foui disease pecu v. ii.n ot'ten the .rv Is relied by wealc ;. Id. '. -i. Housework, "i- fut-ii.ry work may W,o. uii ril.zy ipells, cy:-. pens muscles, c.rUif i or scanty urine, i li'r.c'Jcr ailments, i r'ji tcs may result in . c- l:'lnc;'f) are strong and !.;. '.l.'.y l:.ir out from the blood r . u.w. us .'44fi matter. When 7i; o.- overworked they ts clean them out :.! i.'-'U. i. Foley Kidney .- '.nJ expressly for the ' -i ".'! all poisonous :::.. s t ".it-i acid that lodge jr:j muscles and to str.-ncthen Stopped-up, y Thousands of men hi .nits of the county ieetlfy ;o the v mderfully satlsfac .ory : ::uiu u.ey uave Had Ifoul UK -ij taw Ki&aey fills. 'ri -t:vi I ;.in .iu wor '..I I HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE After Four Tears of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bollock Gave Up in Despair.' Husband Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky. In an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows : "I suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, I could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at an. At times, I would have severe pains In my left sido The doctor was called In, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but 1 was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and 1 com menced taking IL From the very first dose, 1 could tell it was helping me. 1 can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are alt run down from womanly troubles, don't give tip In despair. Try Cardui, toe woman's tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in its 50 yean of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it win do. Ask him. He win reconi" mend it. Begin taking Cardui today. Writ tot Chtttnooea MeflchM Co.. Udtof Advisory .Dept., Chattanooga. Tenn.. for peeuu InttntcUont en youf qjm tni 64-pu book, Homi Treatatnt fir Wn,"nt la pUla wrapper. J -6s A man does not need to be a high flyer to look down upon bis neighbors. Sale of L. Fir Tubs. By request of tbe heirs of J. M. Bruwer, deceased, 1 will sell at public auction, at thecourtbouse uoor in Boone, JN. U , on tbe fitta day of June 1911, it being the tirot Monday, tbe following real estate, to wit: About 76 acres oflandinSbaw neebaw Township, on tbe waters of Dutch Creek, kuowu as the J. M. Brewer's heirs' land. Said sale will be made for the taxes for the years 1914 and 1915, and cost of salt. Tbis May a, iyio. VV. P. MOODY, Sheriff Watauga County, Entry Kotict No. 2535. County, office of Entry Taksr tor, said oounty. Roby Pendlev. entsra and In tea KA acres of laud on the waters of Joes Fork, Blue Ridge Township, adjoin lug tbe lands of the Grandin Lumber Co., (i. L titorle and others. ' Begin nlujr on a chestnut, the said Lumber Co's corner and Worth 45s west witb said 20 poles west with said' lines to (1 L. Htorla'a. Thenna varlnna itttnm ses so as to cover all vacant land in 4iu vuMuuijr. iiiubenru April AO, ialu H. J. HARDIN, B. T. emtrvrmmmm WATCH AND .eJEWELKY KEPAlk San&L!LKI done at this shop under a positive guarantee & al material used is guaranteed to be genuine. Estimates furnished on all mail orders. Satis faction guaranteed in every respect ou all railroad watches. Office near the Watauga Co. Bank. . J. TV. BRYAN Graduate Jeweler and Watoamaker, BOONE, N. O. The $695 Ovcrbn i . car. ItaskonoodU . ; : .. any price either In p" nee it is ct or. The rcincr!.; '. horsepower ea l::.-: at a touch of th; t.i v . : 1 quiet flow of power n Instant'. It has convenience of cki-tric trol the control buttons oro cii . steering column. This arrange mi 1s found only oa the Ovefhiai ery few much higher priced c.'g. Deep, Inviting divan upholstery, ' long underslung rear springs, aud four-Inch tires provide real riding contforU -7 company ?.:rthsrmore It Is finely I in a rirh, deep Brewster r':-id with puia ivory white, - i'i phasing contrast by ! ;d radl Hor and fenders.! iot j;ot till the advantages ,x .:: Cvcriand in any other car ut cnyn-hcre near this pries.' t the benefit of the Overland . .-Li :,, 'i ccononucsin building hun ;."Ci';I i.vna day their enormous ;trput makes it possible to give you core vduo for your money. Now is the time to order your cor, for either immediate or Jatsr delivery. See us at once. HODCES AND CARLTON, AGENTS FOR WATAUGA. COUNTY, Boone, North C iraUm. i i 7 ' .( rf :. ""Vimliri.