CTfee datauga democrat .B. C. River 8, Proprietor. louiei" Thursday, June 8, 1916. BL0X1K5 I0CK BREEZES. There were two churches the it! Sunday,", the Baptist and tbefcl Episcopal, both in the morning . and at night the former only, the beeii pastor, Rev. M. A. Adams preach vote exceen sermons to large to th?conSreKat'on8 his appointments 8jmC,i here as follows: The first Sun It rai mornmS and night in each know monn' aD( tne t'r Sundav night, the Episcopal church open Ppjjq, very Sunday morning from May 1 to October by order of the Bishop. same tt' Hayes, exPer cornet mt 1st has returned from college and 0j c is practicing with the Band Boys lVfl 'or some 00 mwic this season. A Friend Dasher, telephone line a Q i ti.-.i i i . man oi muKury ua ueeu up re- Alleghany county will vote on an additional $60,000 bond is sue on the 10th, which will make a total of f 100.00Q to the stock of the Elkin and Alleghany Hail road. As we understand the prop! osition, if the bonds carry, it is a guarantee that the road will be built through the county within four years. We can only hop6 that the good people of Allegha ny county will vote this issue by a good strong majority as it will give us a southern outlet by way of the Virginia-Carolina, in the event that a connect ion is made with this road, and we know that our Ashe county friends will offer sufficient inducements to get the connection when the road reach es the county line. Watauga county has never failed to carry a railroad isue by a large ma jority when asked to do so, and we hope that the good people of Alleghany will do likewise. Faro hi vislo numeroUrt f ''WInI' here as he hap in Iff B0 out n'rt 'Otert sts in this state BtocV an soon move to Los Ange ' .tUj:lec, Cal., Carolina the poorer, ' California the richer, for Dasher . mere . , , . minn wide-awake buBuietts .man, ;:4l(,' genial host and warm hearted afar tie tl Among the out-of-town visi- whie ors 'asfc Saturday were r8 , v Holafield, the cordial toll gate . i keeper at Kelsey, her son Wiley, ; town tax collector ana prospec- f in 've CDe' Pl'ce tQi8 "wild" ; mountain town, where we never i have a fight (of any consequence) I L.f J no house-breaking, no drinking or carousing ever occurring now rer aay8 an ne children keep off the atreeta without the ringing of not i cutew De' 80 WQat do we t i,! want with a -policeman? To . Xk make an impression on strangers OVIJr , . , i. i tt.i.oi j ...;n , inai is an, inu rioianeiu win ..ji make a Eood one. Under the skilled leadership of Ex-Chief cons n C'ure a orce men has , 1 been doing wonders lor our L streets, grauing auu uuierniw improving them for the visitors; we "natives" of course, can get day,L coV'i along any old way. jjTjg Mr. W. H. Akeis has opened a is... 5 well equipped watch and clock repairing sh p in the old H. C, Hayes store building. vv Messrs Emmanuel ISoIick and aro7' G. M. Hartley of Johns River ' have joined the village Improve "i l ineht Associatibn.. 18 n John, son of John Saunders o! ,0 Globe, is decidedly better, his d'80'. friends will be glad to know, but omr he has been very ill with fever. Baal pPnf (Yklrnr niwl fnmilr have 14 . . ino:! openpd their pleasantly situated i? dk'f cottase near the Methodist Church. neet Miss Mildred Patterson, who i P spent last year at Salem College i: uo has joined her mother at Hidden i me watepf their lovely cottage near t h the village. :! U8J Mr. Will Craig has opened an up-to-date meat shop in a neat jj: ". building put up for the purpose V nextH. U. Hayes & Lo s store x . the shop centrally located and ft: well equipped. I JaV Mr. G. 8. Watts, popularly B6 ' i known an "Judge," is "pegging V W8J. away" at liia old stand. h possessor of the whole outfit, a 1 pass-master at his trade and n I W0 Hly good fellow too "to boot;" i oa. when not at home or down town . the Judge is on the bench. Be? Mrs.. Hardy Taylor of Valle T. Crucis was a guest at Watauga Pt : nV Inn on Sunday night tL , w9? Dr. Oscar Moore expert dentist I . a of Lenoir opened office here last !' ,n week and did a good deal of work I pi for our citizens who are not sat VtfJ kfled until they get rid of the ii teeth nature gave them and can 0 eport a "beautiful" set of artifl :h itifcial onesl V- i As MiwiMvrtleC'audill. who with c-- - . Cove Creek Items. Mies TTattie Bingham is expec- ei lioini1 soon from Carson-New man College. Miss iiaud Mast, who has been teaching at Crouse, N. C, Un- coln county, is now at home for sumaier vacation and a full fledged old maid school rn arm- so she says. Miss Bess Johnson has been very sick but is now mucn im proved and able to be out on Sunday afternoon. It is announced that a young man of the community wanted to know of his lady love, whicn she prefferred for an engagement present, a diamond ring or an an toraobile. Please aid in the decis ion! On Saturday, June 3rd, a par ty of young folks consisting of Messrs James, Sam and Will Hor- ton, Tom, Jones aud Hoy Mast and Will W'ilson, with Misses Urace Sherwood, Lizzie Taylor, Ethel Wilson, Inez and Maud Mast, with Mrs. N, L. Mast as chaperone, met at the home of Mr, N. L. Mast and from thpre wended their way to the "Tater Hill." They had well-filled lunch boxes which were fully enjoyed After lunch a visit was made to the "Biis Bald" and all were re paid for the work. Thpy returned late in the afternoon, feeling they had had a perfect day. Aliss Lizzie Taylor Spent Sat urday night with Miss Inez Mast Prayer meeting at Cove Creek on J Wednesday night aud Hen son's Chapel Saturday night, ev ery week, Eoth are progressing nicely. Everybody invited to at tend. Kev. Mr. Adams is very much liked as pastor of Cove Creek Baptist church. Our beloved pastorof the Meth. odist church, Rev. Mr. W. M Bagby, jias had i,to give up his work on account of ill health and is now taking a much needed rest at his borne at Montezuma. Rev. Guy Hamilton, a Trinity Cnllege graduate, will take his place and will begin work soon. Quarterly meeting will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 10 and ,11th, at Mabel, N. C, with Presiding Elder T. E. Wagg officiating. Let every one come. DON'T TAKE A CHANCE. Boom People Should Act ii Tine. If vou suffer from backache; If you have headaches, dizzy i spells; If the kidney secretions are ir regular, Don't delay likely your kid neys are sick. Thousands reccomend Doan'e Kidney Pills. And hundreds reside right in this locality. Read the statement of this nearby resident: Mrs. L. M. Thomas, 729 Tenth Ave., Hickory, N. C, says: Some j fit. i i nine ago i was uowa wjiu duck ache, brought on, I believe by kidney trouble. The pain both ered me particularly in the morn ing. After 1 got up and around for awhile, the trouble wore off, but appeared again the next morning. My ankles also be came swollen. I heard Doan's Kidney Pills highly spoken of and I got some. They gave me relief from the first and two box es removed the trouble." Price 50 cents at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ffet Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. '1 nomas had. Foster Milburn Co. Props., Buffalo, New York. FOR SALE! A good lot of shin-1 gles three miles from Boone and , a short distance from Sam Aus- j tin's saw mill. See P. M. Winkler. Eitry Notiei No. 2S36. Stat of North Carolina Watauga eo. office of entry taker tor laid county Willie W. Miller locate and enter twenty Dye (25) acres of laud In Meat Cam p to wnsh I p on tb e water of Meat Cainp creek. .Beginning oua chestnut at a stake corner of a tract known as the Hannah Campbell land In Caleb WineliAwers line, r unning VV with her line to Franklin Miller's Hue cross ing a branch, then N W witn said Miller's line to Woodring'a line and various courses for compliment so as to include all vacant laud adjoining said named tract and other adjoining tracts. Entered May 2U. 1810. H. J. HARDIN, Entry Taker. McCormick Mowers and Reapers 1 C. M. Crifcber Not a Candidate for the Nomination of Sheriff. To the Republicans of Watauga: I wish to state that I am not a candidate for the office of sher iff of Watauga county, or any other office and could not accept' the nomination if tendered me Thanking the people for their past support and hoping to be able to serve them at some tima in the future, I am Yours very truly, C. M. CRITCHER. LOSING MOiNEY. The man who carries currency around in his pocket to pay bills with is apt to lose it. Better pay by check, it will make you economical and meth odical. Bank of Blowing Rock has a place for your account in its DOOK8. and a cneck book is ready for you. Do It Now. Too Miibty Haaj Shows. Wherever the Mighty Haag Shows have exhibited press and public have been a unit in praising the exceeding ly large number of young and hand some women performers. Bevies of the fair sex are represented among the riders, aerialists, contortionists, jugglers, high wire artists, gymnasts bicyclists, clowns, animal trainers, chariot drivers and in fast among the ring masters. As may naturally be expected keen rivalry exists between the lady and gentleman artist, a fact which greatly enhances their perfor mances, The lengthy program pre sented this year by these shows con tains only the best and most modern features that money aud labor can procure, aud in suoh quantity aud variety as to satiate every arenlo taste and fancy; lack of space pre vents enumeiationof all the different acts, many of which must be seen to be appreciated. There is an extended list, the last of which does not by any means end the pleasures which the Mighty Haag Shows provide patrons on JUNE 9 afternoon and evening in BOONE. There are sports of anolent Rome, aud modern fete day races and con teets. then the big menagerie forms a zoological displiy without a peer in all the world. Thus it will be seen that there is a royal holiday feast in store for all who attend. Merchants and Farmers! ll f 1her atoter, last session success. 19- ... I i rv . l hkm a w. limn MAlnnaH n. f fiat, IS IlUn a vwucu uicuitni ui HM faculty I Indoatrial School at Penland ou I of the Appalachian theC. C. &0. Ry. this excellent W x;hool under tne supervision oi :f -Youcangetallkindsofgrass fcaDDiirterm the man of the eed Brain cradles, fruit jars and v tquftslas in his District . nails at W. S. Miller & Go's. UAMTCR 200 white laborers Iff AR I HU for new aluminum Elanr. Wages $1.70 per eight our day seven days per wtek. Excellent chances for advance ment to good men. Houses with electric light and bath at lowest rates. Pure filtered water. We can also use brick layer, carpen- J l. i - 4 i iers ana iuucuiiwsus. nyviy ai once to the Employment Bureau, Tallassee Power Company, Whit nej, N. C. St. NOTICE. This is to give notice to all concerned that I have sold my entire capital stock in the Sands Mercantile Co. toD. C. Coffey and J. A. Norris and that I will not be responsible for any debts due by said co. or any debts due said co. unless presented before the ex. piration of this notice 30 days from date of same. May 29, 1916 T. M. MORE'IZ, Sands, N. C. FOR SALE. Farm containing 80 acres in Carter county, saw and grist mill, good dwelling, good barn and all kinds of out Diuldings. Land is practically level creek bottom. Will sell for $5,000, a part down and balance on easy terms, t or furtuur information can on or write LEE COFFEY, Watauga Valley, Tenn. Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles by using HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm. Acts intently. Stops the burning. Clean vour complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how good it is until you try it. Thous ands of women say it is beft of all beaut ifiers and heals Sunburn Juickest. Don't be without it a ay longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail direct 75 cents for either color, White. Pink, Rose-Red. 4 SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFC CO. 40 S SO. St, BrMkly X.Y. You are especially invited to come to Riverside to sup ply your needs in Groceries Flour, Corn, Oats, Salt, To bacco, Hardware, Spach Wa gons, Corn Drills and other Farming Implements, Ferti lizers, Acid Phosphate and Rock Lime. We keep these constantly on hand, and at attractive prices, and bv trading with us you save money for your own pockets When you once give us trial, we claim you as a reg ular customer. Bring us your produce, we pay highest price. We also handle Cross Ties, Tan Bark and Lumber. Yates Bros., RIVERSIDE, N. C. The Jack with the reputation is the jack to breed to. The famous "Blair jack" is standing at Blairs. Sea son $7.00, H. NEAL BLAIR. We have a car load of Mc Cormick Mowers and Bind ers at last years prices. All Agricultural Machinery is bound to go higher so if you contemplate buying a mow er DO IT NOW. Get The Best. BERNHARDT -SEAGLE CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE LENOIR, - - NORTH CAROLINA, Ho! For 1916. This Space Always for What You Need. a The year 1915 having past, and the undersigned hav ing been fairly successful in business, is therefore stimu lated to renewed energies. So I announce to the general public that when you are in need of anything in merchan dise you can do no better than call on me. A full line of fresh groceries always on hand and at the right price. A Complete Line of Hardware always kept on hand. Hardware is indispensable. You can find it at my place of business to your liking. You will find my line of farming implements most complete. Farmer's nend and Oliver Chilled Plows and repairs al ways on hand. Men's Hats and Caps. kept in stock in great variety and prices. Dry Goods and Notions are something that everyone must have, so this department is very strong. Lowest possible prices. SHOES! Shoes have been worn in some form or othcrsince the creation of man to the present, and I feel sure that I keep the best assortment handled in all this section, so it is to your interest to come to me for your footwear. It is not necessary to multiply words, a thorough trial purchase should suffice. K B, BLACBURU, BOONE, - N. C. Did You Know That I am prepared to save you money on every purchase you make from me? My line of goods is complete, and nothing more than a reasonable price is ever charged. Call, investigate, and see if this isn't true. I can supply your wants in dry goods of all kinds, Groceries, Foot-wear, (the best on the markets,) Hardware, etc. etc. If you are not one of my customers I want you to begin now. Your Produce Wanted. We pay the highest market prices for your but ter, chickens, eggs, corn, hams and other good county produce. Dont fail to see me for plows and plow repairs. A large supply kept constantly on hand. J- & WIN KL E ft